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Realistic or Modern [ᴄʟøᴠᴇʀғɪᴇʟᴅ ☆ REMASTERED] - Open now!


Le photographe est mort


What's happening?

You awaken, somewhere in New York City. The year is 2017. Panic seems to soak through the city and you have no idea why. Quickly, you make your way to the nearest newsfeed. It happens. Again. The military has tried what worked the last time, but this... these new creatures. They seem almost unstoppable. Is there hope? Maybe not in the longrun, but for now, self-preservation kicks in. All you want to do is survive, evacuate your friends, loved ones, yourself. Time is essential. How are you dealing with what seems to be the end of New York, if not the world?


This Roleplay is highly inspired by the movie Cloverfield. The film is being told in an amateur-camera style, with shaky recordings, scenes usually change because the batteries died or something of similar nature. A creature of unknown origin, that also happens to spawn minions of sorts when attacked, towers above the city, destroying everything. While the military tries to end the attack, most everyone is concerned with escaping or hiding. You're one of New York's citizen, desperately trying to escape. You're gonna bump into other citizens, the players, and group up with them to survivie. Somehow.


This roleplay is going to be detailed, though I highly view quality over content. If you think you can provide a great post in two paragraphs, then that's fine, in my opinion. Just make it pretty and interesting. Absolutely no one-liners. I don't really want to tolerate less than two paragraphs. Everyone can dish out six-eight sentences.

The Plot

The group has to survive. Whether this is by fighting off the monsters or by hiding, maybe even getting access to a military group and aiding in the fight, it's entirely open to the players how they approach this. Please consider that, if you are not reasonable and decide to play the hero, you
will die. You cannot take on a Twin by yourself and even the Pawns are an extreme challenge. A normal human will not be able to deal with more than one or two (if weakened) on their own, if even that. Are you strong enough to survive? No? Better hope your friends are...

The Threat


The creatures refered to as "The Twins" in global Media and military strategies. Standing at around 50 feet when fully upright, these losely humanoid monsters have a rather plump build and incredible strength. Their skin seems to be of uneven, leathery nature. Their facial expression never changes from its distressed, sad frown. Able to crush buildings with ease, the two seem to stay together, never straying from one another. They can cough up "Pawns".


The Pawns are a four-eyed, two-mouthed and four-legged species. They can run extremely fast and hunt in groups of fours or higher. They have sharp claws and some sort of hardened, external organ that can harden and pierce through flesh and other softer materials. The creatures seem to suck out the insides of their prey, not actually devouring them with one of their mouths. Able to stand on their hindlegs for a brief amount of time, they can grab deceptingly far up. Their size is about 5'8" when upright and about 4'5" when on all fours.


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