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Realistic or Modern Novel Comics: Cinematic Universe (Timeline 1)

Novel's Metapowers! - Issue #1, The Problem With Having Russian Vampires and Greek Gods in an RPN Roleplay...


K.i.D Player 10
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All RPNation rules apply. Also, please check the Characters thread before posting; Some characters (usually personas) may only be controlled by their creator, while all others may be controlled by anyone who has an idea for the plot they need an NPC to enable. Thank you, and please enjoy reading/playing Novel Comic's primary IP, Metapowers!

Novel's Metapowers! Issue #1: The Problem With Having Russian Vampires and Greek Gods in an RPN Roleplay...

Hades Under World Resort Olympus
April 23, 2023

"Hades! I'm back from the dead!" said a young voice in a falsetto tone to convey the speech of the doll resembling a motherly housewife in his left hand. "I thought I'd never see you again! I'm so glad you're back for oddly unexplained reasons and not secretly a clone made by that demonic jerk, Iblis!" the Prince of the Underworld said in his own, eternal child voice while purposefully pulling double-duty as both the boy playing with the toys and the animate action figure in his right palm. "I made you Lotus Flower Cookies, your favorite!" he said in the falsetto voice, and made a tiny plate of equally tiny blue plastic cookies appear in the doll's arms. "Wow, thanks, Persephone! You're the best step-mom ever!" his action figure said as he controlled it as if it was a second body.

"Aw... You really miss her, don't you?" Hermes spoke to his adorable scamp of an Uncle, having entered the room via the electronic lock that would never be immune to his control over messages of any and all types. Despite being the nephew, Hermes had actually been born "before" Hades, with Hades being the "youngest" of Zeus' siblings and Hermes being the oldest of Zeus' sons.

It should be noted that pantheistic gods of all cultures are beings of concepts created by their worshippers' mythologies, not biological beings. It should also be noted that Zeus was an infamous pervert who married his sister Hera like the divine trailer trash he secretly was, and that even among the Greek pantheon incest was completely avoided by most gods and only indulged rarely - usually before waking up to a hangover of cataclysmic proportions and instant regret upon seeing who was beside them - by the few who hadn't; of course, this meant that even Zeus couldn't compare to Dionysus when it came to inducing the feeling of horror and disgust known - surprisingly, for a very NOT sexually appealing emotion - as "squick" in the 21st Century.

That said, Hermes tried to never think of that part of his family's past, if only in respect for the dead. The only reason it came to mind to him was because Hades would always be fairly innocent, and had been naive enough that he hadn't realized how odd it was to beg his niece to adopt him as her stepson.

It wasn't that Hades had started out that way. He had originally been the oldest son of Cronus, and had grown to be equivalent to an adult himself, what you would imagine someone days away from turning 18 would be. Of course, as the god of death he wasn't exactly ever capable of having offspring, and that was before Cronus was caught in a vengeful prophesy by the Titan's own father Ouranos.

Cronus was desperate to escape being usurped by one of his own children, and being a power-mad jerk who had been convinced by his mother Gaia to... well, just read up on Greek mythology. Ouranos lived but he was not happy with his mistress or his son, and so he swore revenge on Cronus for hurting the basically innocent sky primordial that had basically been blackmailed by Gaia into- well, yeah, read the awful mythology.

Anyway, since Cronus was a power-mad titan who would gladly snap half the universe out of existence to rule the rest forever, he swallowed his own kids whole - at the insistence of his queen Rhea, who knew that because he was the Titan of Time, the worst her beloved children would suffer was temporary timey-wimeyness rather than instantly being reduced to the sands of time by Cronus' crushing teeth.

After she gave birth to Zeus and tricked Cronus into swallowing a baby-sized statue of a baby (the Greeks actually painted statues, it's just that natural dye-based paints don't stick around for several millennia) that she had wrapped in an actual blanket, so that he wouldn't look for where she had hidden their youngest son.

Zeus was told when he became the equivalent of 18 years old that he was the son of the Titan of Time who ruled all of Europe and the Mediterranean sea, and that said Titan was a literally power-hungry monster who had eaten his siblings and planned to eat him too, but that Zeus' destiny was "to overthrow Cronus, save his siblings from his father's belly, then rule the sky from his luxurious mountain chateau atop a volcano of bishonen-level beauty and a badass total height, while spending his time watching women dance on poles and living sexily ever after... at least until mortals discovered how to control lightning, as if that could ever happen!" which of course immediately motivated the arrogant jock who only became interested in sports because he accidentally founded the Olympics as a baby.

His grandmother Gaia actually had nothing to do with making Cronus vomit up Zeus' siblings and couldn't have cared less. However, Ouranos was never going to stop with just a prophesy to bind Cronus' fate, and it was bad enough that the son he was forced to provide to Gaia had taken his, um... yeah... as well, but at least he was just an old primordial god who could have defended himself if he hadn't been stupid enough to be distracted by Gaia. He had never physically hurt, let alone killed, his son for what Cronus did to him or for any other reason, but Cronus eating his own kids was worse than anything Gaia had ever done to him. Ouranos had brought the monsterous Titan into the world and he would damn well help take him out of it!

So Ouranos, long past caring about his own continued existence, confronted Gaia, did something that would have been unspeakable - if Gaia wasn't such a selfish bitch - with his hands, to retrieve a "magical herb" from "within her" to give to the goddess Metis, a diplomat who worked for the Alliance of Ocean Gods which existed at the time. She was also an expert alchemist, and mixed the "herb" with yeast and sugar. She then met with Zeus and told him of the plan to overthrow Cronus which she and Ouranos had been concocting for a very long time. Since Zeus was already too strong to be hurt from being inside a simple baking oven, he allowed himself to be wrapped in the sourdough she had made with the poisoned starter, which she then baked into a loaf of sourdough bread.

Presenting the loaf to Cronus as "literally Zeus in a giant sourdough bun" on an actual silver platter, Cronus took a sniff, smelling only Zeus and the sweetness of the sugar, and swallowed it whole. After just a few seconds, Cronus felt horribly ill, like he'd eaten something no man would want to eat, and vomited up everything in his stomach that was still intact in reverse chronological order.

First was Zeus, who went from an 18 year old "demi-god" to 25 year old "literal god of lightning" in less than 60 seconds. Then the statue of Zeus as a baby, which had turned into a stone version of Zeus' current appearance, and which would be placed at Mount Parnassus because Zeus was a vain son of a bastard. Then his siblings, of whom Hades was the last to be coughed up. As a result, the "older" siblings had each de-aged to a form roughly equivalent to the amount of time that Zeus had taken to save them plus the 7 years he gained after being freed first, leaving the now-immortal Hades as a truly innocent and once naive child-god who looked to be around 12 years old.

Of course, Hermes had only seen the second half of that story first-hand. The first half was recounted to him by Hades when they first met. It was for that reason and many others that the two of them were good friends, especially now that they and Charon - a living boat, capable of taking the form of any watercraft needed for the number of souls which needed to be transported, who was also a god... somehow... and whom Hermes worked with as the psychopomps of the Greek Under World - were the last of the Greek gods. Which was why the news he had would hurt both of them so much for Hermes to have to tell...

"You look sad and angry?" Hades asked, treating the Messenger of the Gods, who was technically the boy's employee, as the "older brother" figure he'd always been to Hades. Zeus and all of Hades' other siblings, retaining their status as Olympians while gaining seniority over Hades, turned into infamous bullies towards him and to mortals for centuries, before most of them died with the fall of the Roman Empire. Zeus had finally mellowed out and apologized to Hades - who was surprisingly forgiving, though that may have been due to Zeus dying a "first death" after sacrificing himself which permanently trapped him in the Underworld and realizing he owed Hades his life just for allowing the other gods to have one "extra life" in the Underworld - when he realized he only survived within the Underworld after the fall of the original Rome and of the newer Eastern Roman Empire ruled from Byzantium because a planet was given his Roman name of "Jupiter", and finally died for real at some point in the 19th century when the new empire of "America" figured out how to generate and use electricity in ways Zeus had only dreamed of, bringing about an understanding of what lightning - real lightning - was actually made with and removing any remaining belief in the power of a god to smite via a lightning strike.

"I've got some bad news..." Hermes said, looking depressed. It really did take the Greek Gods far longer to realize they weren't supposed to abuse their privileges if they wanted to continue being worshipped, so it made the two of them stressed whenever mortals and even non-divine immortals - "mortalborns" as the mortals had dubbed them, but these days the term was practically meaningless now that everyone had access to Ambrose and other, newer immortality treatments - seemed to forget what it was like to be called "little piss-ants" by Ouranos way back whenever it rained (yeah, Greek mythology was usually really gross).

"How bad?" Hades asked, looking scared.

"14,000 dead children killed a few hours ago, and their parents who were brought here last week, bad. Charon and I just arrived with the kid souls from eastern Ukraine. Also 500 dead soldiers who refused to kill the kids when the remaining majority of their army were all too happy to follow their twisted orders." Hermes explained, staring at his own feet.

"...I need to see them, they'll be scared and they need to know it'll be okay from now on. Also, go to each of their parents' hotel rooms to let them know their girls and boys are here now, they were probably worried sick." Hades said with tears in his eyes.

"Right away, Uncle." Hermes responded.

"Wait! One more thing." Hades temporarily stopped him. "Who exactly are fighting this war? It's been over 30 years since the end of the Cold War, and the Soviet Union fell shortly after the tensions ended, didn't it?"

"It turns out that, despite everyone's best hopes, it wasn't quite the obvious-looking happy ending it seemed to be." Hermes responded, explaining the real story of the Russian Federation's history. The Kompromat project, the rise of the Mafia State in 1990s' Russia, and the election of Vladimir Rasputin at the turn of the millennium.

"Who the Hades is Vladimir Rasputin?!" Hades angrily took his own name in vain.

"Aside from now officially being a War Criminal?" Hermes shrugged, and used his powers to find out. "Former KGB Agent.... Fabricated newer identity of Grigori Putin, the former advisor to the Tsarina of pre-Soviet Russia... One of the Arch-Vampire Lords of the Sanguine Masquerade?!"

Hades had a look on his face that Hermes had seen before. "How did the kids and disobedient soldiers die?"

"Prince Hades, I know that look. Don't do anything you'll regret-"


"Blood Cider." was all Hermes could say, both of them feeling like vomiting from what he'd just said.

"It didn't used to be like this..." Hades fumed. "It used to be that supervillains and monsters could be counted on to make stupid mistakes like monologues and wanting to conquer the world with their evil legions as willing cannon fodder. Now all these bullies want to do is get elected so they can conquer the world with their own citizens as cannon fodder, willing or unwilling! And suddenly it's so bad that the freaking vampires are getting in on it?!"

"Kid, I know. It's awful, but trust me. There's still hope. These youngsters are already being saved and given justice by your actions, even if they're not in the world of the living anymore! You know more than anyone that if anyone can say the forces of good will win, it's me. Or E'l, but E'l doesn't exactly get involved in mortal affairs anymore." Hermes explained.

"Alright, I won't do anything I regret. Just promise me, Hermes... Please do something, anything, you won't regret because it means I didn't do it. You always say you have plenty of blood on your hands and that I should try not to be like you were once. So please, I'm begging you... Stop these overgrown flying wolves from doing this again. Each and every bloody bare hands genocide is bad enough, I can't take another Holocaust!" he whined in legitimate pain, referring to the fact that the Holocaust was slow, painful deaths on an industrial-scale rather than implying the more "manual labor"-style killings in genocides hadn't been larger than the Holocaust (they had been, unfortunately) on many occasions.

"I'm way ahead of you, Uncle. This never sat well with me either..." Hermes responded.

Subject: Russo-Ukraine War of 2014

Sender: hermes@olympian.god

dear good sir,

my name is hermes, messenger of the greek god hades. due to unforseen complications, your account have been credited with an agreeable amount of euros by my client, the fresh prince of the underworld hades, as a show of good faith. to retrieve the moneys from your account, please find and destroy the s4ngu1n3 m4squ3r4d3 before they start turning juicy grapes and perfectly good but overharvested grape vines into BL00D C1D3R!!!

Hermes, the Greek Messenger of the Gods

High Desert State Prison, Nevada, United States of America
April 22, 2023 (Mountain Standard Time)

"Mayday! Mayday! This is High Desert State Prison in Nevada! We're under attack! I repeat, we are under-" the warden shouted through the emergency radio, only to realize when the radio antenna had been destroyed just before he stopped talking that the broadcast light had blinked out. "Oh shit."

Their assailant had never been seen before according to police records of supervillain-related activity, a small figure - about 4'2" in height - cloaked in shadow by a metapower ability that was neither magic, psionics or technology but some sort of mix of all three.

As he heard light but steady footsteps approach the entrance of the room, the warden turned to the door, expecting the attacker that had knocked out or even seriously injured most of his security staff to enter the locked room to get through the door and kill him. None of the other security measures had stopped the being, not even the anti-aircraft cannons or naval artillery turrets that would have killed most metapowers who tried to fly in like this one had. Hell, even Florida Man - had he turned evil - or most Kaiju would have gone down with the amount of ammunition they'd wasted on the invader. The thing literally just let them shoot it until they completely ran out of bullets and shells, then made its move. The only beings he'd ever heard of that could take that kind of punishment were high-ranking angels, the Deadly Seven, and...

The small but dread-inducing steps got closer and then arrived in front of the 6-inch steel plate door that kept the emergency radio room safe in this kind of situation. The warden was sweating as he realized it already knew he was there. A hissing sound was heard, and the man prepared for the door to be blown off, when a bright red point of light was seen tracing along the edges between the door and its frame. Was it trying to cut its way in?

But no, the continuing burning of the solid steel didn't result in structural compromise, but a thick and quickly-cooling line of molten steel globiness. "You're sealing me in, you little gremlin?! Do you have any idea what Earthly nation you just attacked, space demon?!" the warden shouted.

"The United States of America, the only nation on the planet that allows private prisons? Especially to hold former leaders who committed countless acts of treason and are known for fraud and bribery?" said the being, their speech disguised by a voice changer. "Or do you mean your so-called nation, this specific privately-owned prison you run as Warden and are the CEO of the High Desert State Prison Corporation, LLC that profits off of it... Mr. Beauregard?"

"None of that ain't legal!" Beauregard shouted in his southern accent.

"Oh? How about this then?" the being asked.

At that moment, the emergency power was replaced by full electrical support again. Somehow the dedicated solar plant and external power grid connections had been brought offline before the attack had even begun, without any visible signs of damage, and the staff hadn't been able to get it back online during the firefight. The same happened to the telecommunications links as well, making cyberportation backup and any sort of call for help impossible save for the emergency radio which was still offline, and it didn't look like any of the other phone or metaverse connections had returned to normal despite the computer terminal in the radio room turning on and playing an audio file...

Ward. Stonewall Beauregard's Telephone Log (date_unknown) said:
"We'd like a covert transfer of King Card to our agents on April 23rd at 3 AM, Mountain Standard Time." a Russian voice was heard saying. "We are prepared to pay handsomely for this arrangement."

"You got a deal. My men will be waiting for your guys." Warden Beauregard told the mysterious contact.

"How the **** did you get that?!" the warden demanded to know.

"With a warrant." the being said as the door was finished being sealed. "I broke in a few days ago, just after that call, and left a stash of emergency rations in the lockers to your left. I'll let the FBI know you're in here once I'm done."

The already quiet footsteps that began quickly faded into silence.

A few minutes later, after ensuring that no remaining staff would be in physical condition to stop him, the being re-enabled the telecom links and the security system that he'd disabled before the alarms could go off, allowing the authorities to have security camera footage of what was about to happen.

The being disabled the cloaking system, revealing himself as a childlike being wearing an odd ensemble of an outfit...


He approached a door labelled "Cell 16", then summoned up a digital skeleton key he'd looted from a defeated guard with his Dream Specks goggles, using the strange blue digital object to open the physical door.

"Finally admitting I'm the real prez, eh pigs- Who in the world are you supposed to be?!" King Card complained.

"Unlike you, I don't see a reason to spread myself around in plain sight like some sort of obnoxious brand. I'm more of a blink and you'll miss it kind of person." the boy said. He tapped a pair of seemingly sewn-on buttons on the poindex finger of his Toon gloves, and suddenly a pair of large plastic Ratling guns that emerged from the child's backpack were pointed at Card. "Who did you hire to get you out of here tomorrow, Reginald?!" the boy loudly demanded to know.

"Tomorrow? You've got some badly infotelligence, runt." Card spat back. "Do you have any thoughtability to who I am, you little shit?! Get the f-"

The Ratlings seemingly retreated, just as a yo-yo struck the former President Evil in the face so hard that it actually cracked one of Card's cheekbones, before retreating into the boy's glove. The Ratling guns almost instantly returned to point menacingly at Card.

The recording played to Warden Beauregard just moments earlier was heard over the PA system speakers in Cellblock 6. Card's orange-stained face turned pale. "No... That bastard promised... I'll kill you, Vladimir!"

"No you won't. He's on my hitlist, and you aren't going to be alive in 120 seconds if you don't open your stupid mouth!" the boy said. He knew he was crossing a line, but he didn't care. Some would say murdering a man, even one who had tried to nuke the world into extinction among many other crimes, was a start of darkness. To Gadg8eer, a person who had discovered that, one way or another, he was 10 years old and always would be, what good is a kid hero who will never die or age if they don't protect and avenge civilian children who can die far more easily and only have one chance to enjoy their childhoods if they do survive?

"Who the hell are you?!" Card demanded to know, preparing to try and escape the cell he'd spent over 2 years in by diving around the boy or even charging into the diminutive figure.

"Don't count on it, monster man. You're so obsessed with winning and having power over others as a form of feeding your sick addiction to getting attention, that you feel like everyone is obligated to know who you are!" the boy responded, and then summoned a pair of large, floating robot hands from his backpack. "Me? I don't think you understand. You're not even worthy of knowing who I am. You never were, and considering how completely insignificant my efforts have been to the world until now, that says a lot about how much of a piece of human garbage you really are. All you need to know is that you locked kids up because they were from south of the American border, and two of them starved to death because YOU hired a gang of racist thugs and made an executive order so that even the actual border guards who knew not every Spanish-speaking person in the country you betrayed is an illegal immigrant or welfare sponge couldn't protect people from being rounded up and put in cages! Not even a cell like you've been, actual barbaric cages! It takes the death of one child for me to lose my cool and go from hero to anti-villain, and you liked the fact that your orders resulted in the deaths of two and countless more never seeing their parents again!" As he finished his short anti-villainous monologue, the two robot hands slammed into the concrete and steel frame of Card's cell, causing the entire Cellblock to shake ominously. "So I'm only going to ask once, and if you don't tell me, the torture begins. What does the Russian President have over you? ANSWER ME!"

"Has over me?" Card said, and laughed insanely. "You don't even know you're poking at a hornwasp's nest just by asking this, do you?"

"All it takes to kill a hornet's nest is someone who can't be bribed, blackmailed, threatened, killed or made irrelevant to show up with a flamethrower one night and torch the whole swarm." the kid pointed out. "That was never you, though, was it, Reginald?" he said, and then the robot hands started to pull the parallel cell walls on each side of Card and pulling inward. "No, you've been blackmailed plenty of times. Threatened into submission to that vampire-in-a-past-life moron on the other side of the Northern Hemisphere too, apparently, like the coward you really are."

"Ahahahahahaha!" Card broke into all out laughter. "You fool! In a past life?! If you're really going to kill me, do it. The Sanguine Masquerade will have me turned into blood wine just for saying this sentence. In fact, why don't you go deal with the real Captain Capital over in Georgia and his secret ego-boosting empire instead of trying to startify World War III if you hate me so much for doing the anti-opposite?"

"How do you think I'm immortal, you piece of crap?" the mystery boy asked. "Here's a hint. Souls never die, only the bodies they live in."

Card's demeanor broke instantly. "Th-that's impossible! There's no s-such thing as souls!"

"Life Pro Tip. You are a soul, and you're probably a really ugly one too since you've done so many ugly things and you have a fat wrinkly face in the world of the living already." the clever boy pointed out. "Of course, if I'm immortal, and that's somehow because souls never die, and most souls aren't visible to us? The necromancers and oneiromancers are probably right, there's at least one afterlife to be prepared to afterlive in forever. After all, I'm a soul too. Every mortalborn is. That's why I haven't killed you or anyone else here. I even made sure I'd knock out the innocent guards with a sleep ray, but injure the corrupt guards who beat up prisoners - prisoners who didn't even do anything threatening or anything - because lol, prison riot isn't police brutality made them immune to prosecution on top of legal precedents to make them immune to prosecution. So let me put it this way. There's no one left to protect you for at least another 15 minutes. I could send you to the Emerald Earth right now so you'll be judged for your crimes properly by E'l Himself, just by no longer holding back when my spare hands pull these walls together and crush you in a concrete clap!"

"No! Anything but thatness! I don't want to outlive that death long enough for the world to get their revenge on me!" Card begged.

"Well, isn't that an incrimination little confession. You hear that, anyone? King Card doesn't want to live long enough to see the consequences of his own actions!" the kid hero responded, and a bunch of little text response thingies appeared for him to read and dismiss. "Guess what, buttface, we're going on a road trip. I think Capital might be very interested in finding out that you just revealed, to my entire live stream subscriber base plus the law enforcement agencies that temporarily backed me so I could legally do this, that he's got a good reason to get rid of both of us but can't stop the signal!" the boy said, and then quick-drew his Sleep Ray and fired it at King Card. "FBI guys, I've got him, plus evidence enough to put a warrant on Jay Justice. I'm going to need that extraction and cleanup crew now."

LoveIsHot has just purchased one month of Tier 1 Sub! ($0.10)

"Oh! Hi? You're the first person to start watching my stream, but then I shouldn't be surprised that no one has been watching it except the authorities I'm working with, 'cause of how much I suck at being a hero. Seriously, 17 years I've been doing this and I'm still a kid and a cosmic plaything... but yeah, thanks so much for the sub, LoveIsHot! Mind explaining your username though? Mine's simple, I'm a gadgeteer and the number eight was my snowman friend, until his magic hat got stolen in 2008." the 10 year old kid said to the new subscriber, "I'm Gadg8eer!"
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The Dreadful Barabajagal - Issue #2, Hot and Molten (Pg. 1)
LoveIsHot: "Consider this a message, Gadgeteer. Since Card wasn't my main goal, I don't have any problems with whatever you wanna do with him."

The typing was fast, and every single letter, despite the lack of the ability to communicate anger through text, somehow managed to be as venomous as possible. Was she... Typing in a different font? No... It was simply that Toon Physics plus Transmitted hate doesn't work out well. If you have toon force on your side, you have to deal with the fact that someone could be artistically portrayed as menacing even just by the text of their chat posts.

LoveIsHot: "My name is based on an old song that I heard on the radio back before I stopped listening to music."

LoveIsHot: "Love is hot and truth is molten."

LoveIsHot: "Ergo. My real name, for all considerations that the world should know, Is Barabajagal. You can find me on any database, you can even reveal my real name if that genius brain of yours can hack my IP and look at my webcam or whatever. It really doesn't matter to me. Any bad publicity is just more ammo for what I have planned."

LoveIsHot: "I'm 16, unlike you, I have to feel the weatherings of time. Not unlike you, I've never gotten to mature. I skipped that part, and I already have the face of a 30 year old insomniac."

LoveIsHot: "Maybe that'll help me in the long run. If I'm ugly, which I know I am, people won't have trouble hating me and rallying against my face."

LoveIsHot: "Truth is, I can't let you arrest Capital yet. No, I'm not his lackey. And no, I'm not some crazed fan."

LoveIsHot: "Capital is at the pinnacle of a conspiracy that I've been seeking to bring down since I was young. You heroes are all shit, but he's particularly shit."

LoveIsHot: "Oh, did I forget to mention that? My fucking mistake. I'm what you'd call a Hero Hunter."

This was disconcerting, the term hero hunter wasn't a term that had been used since "supervillains" started to focus a lot less on the villain and moreso on the super. Afterall the main difference, in the world of supervillains and villains similarly, is not how big their schemes are, or how many people they kill, in fact, it's all about presentation. The last Gadg8 had heard of a "hero hunter" was the "Psychic Assasin" Tsukoyomi. And he died while fighting the ninja/cyborg duo Hellfire Duelist and Walks With Thorns. In this crazy world with superpowered individuals at every corner, the idea of someone who, much like Gadg8, couldn't be blackmailed, bullied, or otherwise coerced, who wanted to dedicate themselves to hero hunting was more than a big deal.

LoveIsHot: "Hero hunting died with it's greatest practicioner. Tsukuyomi. But it shouldn't have. It's a lost art now."

LoveIsHot: "You've probably never heard of Jazzy Jay. He's an old 70's hero. Blacksploitation-y. Big with the colored demographic because he fought for rights and stuff. Anyway, he got trained by an old man named Son Pok Cho, or maybe you've heard of his legendary hero name, Lusterfang."

LoveIsHot: "Yeah, Lusterfang, the guy who could reflect any attack using the infinite defensive power of his martial art The Fist of the Rushing River."

LoveIsHot: "That old geezer thought I was worth teaching whenever I was younger so after I ran away from home he taught me his martial arts, made me build up my strength. I returned the favor by going apeshit and kicking the fuck out of everyone in his Dojo. They all left. He beat the snot out of me and banished me from the dojo."

LoveIsHot: "Guess what, I didn't forget how to use The Fist of the Rushing River."

LoveIsHot: "Here's how this is gonna go. I'm gonna knock down every last hero in Georgia down a peg, ending with that smug, mack-bravo looking asshole Captain Capital and his little group of buddies, and then I'll move on to those pillars of heroism like Strongman and Libertas. You're not gonna do jack shit, or I'm gonna show you that it doesn't matter whether you're an alien from a planet full of superhumans, a super scientist, an immortal god, or whatever the hell kind of half-baked 90's cartoon protagonist you're supposed to be is, that I'll kick your ass and make sure you have to pee sitting down like a girl for the rest of your life."

Love is Hot: "You know why I'm telling you this? Cause you're 10. You look 10, you sound 10, you act like a child. and maybe I am a child too. But it sure as hell doesn't feel like the world held back for me. So I'll be nice just this once, because it puts a bad taste in my mouth to be bullying children. DON'T. GET. IN. MY. WAY."

Love Is Hot: "Now keep your crummy 10 cents."

Love Is Hot is now offline
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The Thundercroaks - s3e01, The Sharp Knife Rises
The Technodome, Lair of the Arch-villain THE GRATER.
"AGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!! MARK MY WORDS DAN GOJO-SAN!!!! YOU AND YOUR STUDENTS WILL PAY FOR BESTING ME TIME AND TIME AGAIN!!!!!!" The latest vow of the Evil Grater Echoed throughout the entire Mobile fortress, in case it wasn't obvious the villainous Armored Ninja was not in the best mood, Once again the Pupils of Dan Gojo had thwarted his latest Bid for world conquest, this time involving a machine designed to Shake the planet into submission, Oh he swore if Kodos tried to rub his face in this latest defeat he'd leave the alien tyrant stranded in Dimension Y never to escape.

"Oh Geez the boss is really mad this time." An anthropomorphic Rhinoceros man named Bullwinkle said unusually Timidly. Normally being quite confident in his power The mutated thug was now trying not to catch his bosses attention out of fear. Sure even Bullwinkle knew he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer but he wasnt dumb enough to try and encur his bosses anger "Y-Yeah. i think those punks really managed to rattle him this time, lets get outta here." Bullwinkle's Partner in crime, another mutated henchman named Spike said with the same unusual timidness


Akira groaned in exasperation as his Futuristic pager rang. That was probably Kodos calling to mock him now, or That assistant of his calling to inform him of something to potentially use in a later plan. "Konichiwa." The Ninja warlord answered "Grater..." Oh great, it was Kodos! Fuck his life. "You said that your earthquake machine would ring Earth like a bell yet im thinking that those reptiles rung yours instead." The green disembodied alien brain said before smiling.

"Kodos you mindless moron unlike you i can actually put up a fight without needing a mech suit and i still have my body." The Grater responded

"Oh please if you could we would be ruling the world many times over, but are we? NOOOO!!!!" Kodos said sounding like a nagging Mother-in-law.

"You keep forgetting that earth is practically infested with superhumans that would oppose our efforts, i guess losing your body must have affected your memory." The Grater Taunted back

"I Don't have to take this from you Akira Takeshi!" Kodos said back.

"Nor i you Kodos now if you'll excuse me i need to get to plotting the next scheme." The Grater responded before hanging up.
Masterstroke - Issue #3 (Pg. 2), Prison Quake
As the Grater angrily hung up on his otherworldly rival, a tiny purple creature, not too different from a common housefly, watched the scene unfold from its perch on the metallic walls of the Technodome. Masterstroke made it his business to keep tabs on a lot of different individuals, and the wallfly was the perfect spy: Unassuming, impervious to metal detectors, and as nimble as its mundane counterpart. Unfortunately for him, it was a deceptively-complex creation and he only had the one, so when he caught wind that the ever-elusive Gadg8eer was going after a big fish like King Card, with the support of the FBI of all things, he'd had to resort to sending a grimhawk instead - a plan which had suddenly gone south when the otherwise-fearsome bird of prey had missed its window of opportunity and flown right into a security door, leaving it stranded outside. As it circled the prison grounds, watching for its target to re-emerge, Masterstroke had decided to check on a few other leads to kill some time, and with not a moment to spare, it would seem. Somewhere far away from the action, he slammed a hand down on his desk and chortled through his mask as a pair of slender bodyguard creatures observed silently.

"HA! Oh, man, this guy NEVER ceases to amuse me," he laughed, using a splatter of his ink to strike the words "EARTHQUAKE MACHINE?" off on the dossier in his hands. Everything he knew about the Grater was in that file: Aliases, known associates and enemies, modus operandi, technological limitations, a long, LONG list of failed schemes, and even the (admittedly low) IQs of his lieutenants. Strangely, though, his family history was a complete blank. "Akira Takeshi", if that indeed really was his name, may not have been the cleverest criminal, but he was surprisingly good at not leaving a trail in the modern world of credit cards and satellite imaging. And so the wallfly waited, keeping its compound eyes trained on every ridge of that razor-like suit of armor until the man behind the mask finally showed himself. That, and because watching a six-foot-one ninja warlord throw a tantrum like a five-year-old was funny as shit.
The Boy Gadg8eer - Issue #3 (Pg. 3), The Escapist Fantasy
"What do you mean turn him over?! I don't care if you do run the NSA, Carl, we're not giving you the most damaging person to ever commit treason against the United States of America!" Jack told his colleague. As FBI Director, he knew the only reason the NSA would even be interested in the operation against Captain Capital was if there was something sketchy going on.

"First of all, I'm not asking. We will be taking our target one way or another." Carl responded. While technically Carl wasn't the actual authority of the NSA, he was second in command, which essentially amounted to 'first in command but also providing plausible deniability to both himself and his superior'.

It wasn't that Carl was trying to get in a Jurisdiction-measuring contest or actually had a choice, nor that his superior did. The NSA normally didn't answer to anyone else, even the President, and he'd seen and fully understood the damage Card would have done if the NSA hadn't been constantly spying on the so-called Commander-in-Chief of the 2016-2020 period. In fact, if this had been about claiming control over Card's fate at all, the whole NSA would have been informed of what was going on, and from there the mysterious NSA "Broadway Protocol" would have been enacted.

"Second of all, I'm not demanding Card." Carl explained.

"Then what the hell are you going on about?" Jack responded.

"We need Gadg8eer, one way or another. We will get him." Carl told him. "Believe me, there's a lot more danger at play here than Card or even Capital."

"Like this LoveIsHot character?" Jack prodded.

"Who?" Carl said, surprised.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that goddamn Older Brother was always watching! Maybe the name Barabajagal comes to mind?" Jack pointed out.

"Hold on, someone's knocking on my office door." Carl responded, and put Jack on hold. He dialed up the most relevant employee he could think of to the situation...

"Janice? I know that, unlike the FBI, we're supposed to self-police and stay courteous to each other here, so please understand what I'm trying to say when I tell you this." Carl said, and cleared his throat. "What the *BLEEP*?! You said Barabajagal was dead!" he shouted at her, and calmed down again before clearing his throat a second time. "Find out how she just contacted Gadg8eer and what, exactly, she said to him. Yes, I know that Gadg8eer isn't your case, but Jack at the FBI just informed me that she did contact him and I'm not about to let the FBI know we know she's important." he responded. "Yes, that will be fine, bring in whoever you need, within reason. That will be all."

He returned to the existing call with Director Jack. "Sorry about that, an unrelated matter needed my attention. What were you saying? Baba Yaga? Ah. Ba-ra-ba-ja-gal? Am I pronouncing that right? I'm not familiar at all, but we'll look into it. As for Gadg8eer, you can either hand him over willingly, or the National Guard will apprehend him. Whichever you decide to do, I suggest you stay out of the way."

Janice typed in her security code and then had her terminal dial the number of her 'contact'. The phone began ringing, but after a few rings she was convinced she wasn't going to reach him and reached towards the screen to tap the button to hang up. Before she could, however, the call was finally picked up.

"Frank Wills speaking."

"Wills, it's Agent McGraff. It looks like we'll be taking you up on your offer after all..." she begrudgingly said. "Use your own jet, security reasons. We can't have a record of your flight in Zetasoft's financial records. How soon can you be here?"

"Shouldn't take too long." Frank responded. "You caught me at the right time, I'm about to board my jet back from finishing up my vacation. I'll re-instruct the autopilot-"

"Save the chatter, this isn't a fully secure line but you insisted you only be contacted directly." she told him. "Oh, and don't try to contact me to let me know when you'll be here. Trust me, the moment you're in holding pattern, I'll already know." With that, she ended the call.

On the other end, 'Frank Wills', the supposed CEO of Zetasoft, ended the call with the NSA Agent, and then stepped aboard 'his' private plane.

Once inside the business jet, the CEO walked over to the nearby 'bedroom' - or the tiny space containing a bed that passed for one aboard such a small craft - and opened the door, revealing an elaborate contactless charging station designed for something humanoid but not human to recline in. The android most knew as 'Frank Wills' climbed inside, and allowed the system to lock it in place as it powered down and began to recharge off of the aircraft's hydrogen fuel cell power source.

The plane's auto-pilot captain began scanning the interior and exterior for a particular ink-like substance that the AI's creator had reason to believe was evidence that someone had been keeping tabs on him. The AI detected nothing this time however, just as it had for the last 7 months after all of its creator's property had the scanners added.

It was then that the bathroom door opened, and the real mastermind emerged. A blonde-haired teenager wearing square-rimmed glasses, a purple t-shirt, a pristine-looking lab coat, tight-fitting grey jeans, and a pair of thick black metal-lined boots that looked like they had been designed for wading through extremely-caustic chemicals rather than just everyday use. The boy, who looked about 13, was carrying a device which looked like a laser pointer, just in case anyone had the bright idea to follow his puppet onboard.

"Well, then. I see my genius is unmatched yet again!" he said. "Tina, execute order 66 from the itinerary."

"Confirmed." the AI said in a clearly computer-generated fashion. "Air Traffic Control, this is aircraft Zulu One Niner Niner Yukon Hotel X-Ray. I would like to file my flight plan submitted at 0100 hours." the AI said in a convincing human-like female voice.

"Affirmative, Zulu One Niner Niner Yukon Hotel X-Ray. Please proceed to taxiway 2B..."

A ping let Gadg8eer know he had an email. The subject was simply Card Sharks Incoming!. Since his chosen email provider was an affordable but reliable encrypted service known as SigNet, and he had a few other measures in place to make sure nobody would ever actually message an email directly attached to his metaverse handle and superhero alias, he knew who it must be from.

kim.b@fbi.usa.cop said:
Hey, kid, it's Agent Kim. I don't know exactly what's going on but I've been informed you're in danger. We'll send in the cleanup crew, get out of here.

Gadg8eer didn't bother to respond. He headed for the one place he knew he could properly escape through...

A couple minutes later, he entered the already-destroyed inner door of the vehicle bay, where prisoners would have been offloaded from the disturbingly small boxes that maximum security prisoners were put into for transport between prisons and from jails. He had made sure to lock the outer door and knock out the staff in here first to ensure nobody would drive off to get 'help' too soon. He'd also swiped the keys to one of those large military vehicles that became popular as luxury SUVs 18 years ago, although this one was indeed a police version of the former military model and not the overpriced gas guzzler with golden spinning rims that was the consumer market version before people started calling electric cars the height of upper-middle class automotive luxury instead.

The garage door retracted, and the vehicle Gadg8eer was clumsily driving began heading north before turning right to go northeast on Cold Creek Road...
The Adventures of Captain Crustacean & Cephalopod Commando, s4e1 - Place of Warships

We start out with a cargo ship out on the middle of the sea, a closer look reveals that it is under attack and leading this attack is the diabolical armored pirate Man-Ray at it again!!!! "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This shipment is easy pickings!!!" Man-ray gloats as his henchmen grab crates and take them back to Man-ray's ship "Now let's get outta here in-case those Aquatic do-gooders show up and ruin everything!" Man-ray orders his henchmen.

"Too late for that Man-ray!" A Voice announces, One Man-ray has grown to loathe, it belongs to what appears to be a Crab man in a mask and cape "Captain Crustacean! How did you escape my death trap? It was supposed to be escape-proof!" The pirate asks in shock.

"Not so escape-proof considering we managed to escape getting electrocuted by the skin of our teeth." An Octopus man in a similar mask and cape retorts.

"No matter, HENCHMEN! DESTROY THEM!!!" Man-ray orders knowing full well his henchmen dont stand a chance against the Mutated sea creatures, starting a brief but fierce battle that ends with Man-ray's henchmen unconscious "Its over Man-ray! You may as well surrender now villain!" Cephalopod Commando declares to Man-ray.
"Never!" Man-ray retorts before Firing eye-lasers from his armor at Cephalopod commando who dodges and responds by throwing a water-ball at the villain which hits Man-ray and knocks him back before Man-ray activates his jet pack and rushes at our two heroes, punching them both in the face making them stagger only for captain crustacean to punch his face with his right claw sending the villain flying before he righted himself midair. "Mark my words you imbecilic invertabrates! We will meet again!!!" Man ray says before flying off.

"Damn! He got away!" Captain crustacean says "You'll get him next time. Thanks for saving us!" The cargo ship's captain says. "Your welcome citizen now we'll need to put the crates Man-rays henchman managed to grab back." Captain crustacean says before he and Cephalopod commando head off to Man-ray's latest ship to do so.

Meanwhile with Man-ray
We Cut to Man-ray having made it to an escape submarine after escaping capture by our two heroes, as you can clearly see he is in a foul mood about his latest defeat at the hands of two of the ocean's protectors unaware that he's being watched.

KRAKEN's Underwater base. The Pacific Ocean.
And watching Man-ray and various other aquatic villains from a series of monitors is none other than a Bald man in a 3 piece suit wearing a monocle and with four metallic arms, Its the dreaded Commander Kraken, head of the terrorist organization KRAKEN! and he appears to be up to no good. But why is he watching these villains you may ask?
"Yes...individually we all have failed to defeat Captain Crustacean and his sidekick but if we work together they will not be able to stop us." Commander Kraken muses to himself. on the computer in front of him is an Email set to be forwarded to all of Captain crustacean's most recurring foes. And with the press of a button and the click of a mouse it is sent! Simultaneously Various Supervillains receive Commander Kraken's Email telling them to come to his Underwater base hidden deep in the pacific ocean if they want to defeat The protectors of the ocean once and for all and that he'll teleport them all acceptants of his invitation to his base! Within Minutes some of the most dastardly rogues ever to Float in the seas find themselves in what appears to be a meeting room with seats reserved for each of them. Seats Reserved for such villains such as the Armored Arch-villain Man-ray! The Charmless Prince shark and his second in command the barracuda! The Microscopic Megalomaniac Plankterror! The ominous Otto Von Octopus! The living fossil the Placoderm! The Loud Loon Sonic Boom! The Nefarious mind of Captain Nemo! The Mutated Pufferfish! And last but not least Commander Kraken enters the meeting room!

"Gentlemen! I Trust you know why i gathered you here today." Commander Kraken says.

"Yeah! you said to come here if we wanted to best those Invertebrate imbeciles once and for all!" Man-ray responds

"But how are we gonna beat them?" Captain nemo speaks up skeptically

"My friends. Individually our resources and manpower havent been enough to defeat Captain crustacean and his tentacled friend." Commander Kraken Begins "That is why i have gathered you all here today, together with our combined resources we should be able to do what we were unable to do alone! DEFEAT CAPTAIN CRUSTACEAN AND HIS ALLIES!!!"

A resounding cheer rises up from the gathered supervillains
"Yes together we shall be known as the League of aquatic villains. The most feared group of supervillains ever to walk the earth! No one will be able to stop us together!" Commander Kraken continues on "NO ONE!" As evil laughter fills the base

OH NO! The most fearsome enemies of Captain Crustacean and Cephalopod Commando have united!!! What are these rogues up to? Find out soon on THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN CRUSTACEAN AND CEPHALOPOD COMMANDO!
The Ashen Witch Project - Issue #4 (Pg. 2), Echo the Villains

We start out with a cargo ship out on the middle of the sea, a closer look reveals that it is under attack and leading this attack is the diabolical armored pirate Man-Ray at it again!!!! "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This shipment is easy pickings!!!" Man-ray gloats as his henchmen grab crates and take them back to Man-ray's ship "Now let's get outta here in-case those Aquatic do-gooders show up and ruin everything!" Man-ray orders his henchmen.

"Too late for that Man-ray!" A Voice announces, One Man-ray has grown to loathe, it belongs to what appears to be a Crab man in a mask and cape "Captain Crustacean! How did you escape my death trap? It was supposed to be escape-proof!" The pirate asks in shock.

"Not so escape-proof considering we managed to escape getting electrocuted by the skin of our teeth." An Octopus man in a similar mask and cape retorts.

"No matter, HENCHMEN! DESTROY THEM!!!" Man-ray orders knowing full well his henchmen dont stand a chance against the Mutated sea creatures, starting a brief but fierce battle that ends with Man-ray's henchmen unconscious "Its over Man-ray! You may as well surrender now villain!" Cephalopod Commando declares to Man-ray.
"Never!" Man-ray retorts before Firing eye-lasers from his armor at Cephalopod commando who dodges and responds by throwing a water-ball at the villain which hits Man-ray and knocks him back before Man-ray activates his jet pack and rushes at our two heroes, punching them both in the face making them stagger only for captain crustacean to punch his face with his right claw sending the villain flying before he righted himself midair. "Mark my words you imbecilic invertabrates! We will meet again!!!" Man ray says before flying off.

"Damn! He got away!" Captain crustacean says "You'll get him next time. Thanks for saving us!" The cargo ship's captain says. "Your welcome citizen now we'll need to put the crates Man-rays henchman managed to grab back." Captain crustacean says before he and Cephalopod commando head off to Man-ray's latest ship to do so.

Meanwhile with Man-ray
We Cut to Man-ray having made it to an escape submarine after escaping capture by our two heroes, as you can clearly see he is in a foul mood about his latest defeat at the hands of two of the ocean's protectors unaware that he's being watched.

KRAKEN's Underwater base. The Pacific Ocean.
And watching Man-ray and various other aquatic villains from a series of monitors is none other than a Bald man in a 3 piece suit wearing a monocle and with four metallic arms, Its the dreaded Commander Kraken, head of the terrorist organization KRAKEN! and he appears to be up to no good. But why is he watching these villains you may ask?
"Yes...individually we all have failed to defeat Captain Crustacean and his sidekick but if we work together they will not be able to stop us." Commander Kraken muses to himself. on the computer in front of him is an Email set to be forwarded to all of Captain crustacean's most recurring foes. And with the press of a button and the click of a mouse it is sent! Simultaneously Various Supervillains receive Commander Kraken's Email telling them to come to his Underwater base hidden deep in the pacific ocean if they want to defeat The protectors of the ocean once and for all and that he'll teleport them all acceptants of his invitation to his base! Within Minutes some of the most dastardly rogues ever to Float in the seas find themselves in what appears to be a meeting room with seats reserved for each of them. Seats Reserved for such villains such as the Armored Arch-villain Man-ray! The Charmless Prince shark and his second in command the barracuda! The Microscopic Megalomaniac Plankterror! The ominous Otto Von Octopus! The living fossil the Placoderm! The Loud Loon Sonic Boom! The Nefarious mind of Captain Nemo! The Mutated Pufferfish! And last but not least Commander Kraken enters the meeting room!

"Gentlemen! I Trust you know why i gathered you here today." Commander Kraken says.

"Yeah! you said to come here if we wanted to best those Invertebrate imbeciles once and for all!" Man-ray responds

"But how are we gonna beat them?" Captain nemo speaks up skeptically

"My friends. Individually our resources and manpower havent been enough to defeat Captain crustacean and his tentacled friend." Commander Kraken Begins "That is why i have gathered you all here today, together with our combined resources we should be able to do what we were unable to do alone! DEFEAT CAPTAIN CRUSTACEAN AND HIS ALLIES!!!"

A resounding cheer rises up from the gathered supervillains
"Yes together we shall be known as the League of aquatic villains. The most feared group of supervillains ever to walk the earth! No one will be able to stop us together!" Commander Kraken continues on "NO ONE!" As evil laughter fills the base

OH NO! The most fearsome enemies of Captain Crustacean and Cephalopod Commando have united!!! What are these rogues up to? Find out soon on THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN CRUSTACEAN AND CEPHALOPOD COMMANDO!
"Oh yes, I'm quite sure." a posh female voice echoed through the KRAKEN underwater base...
The Adventures of Captain Crustacean & Cephalopod Commando - s4e03, Echo the Villains
"WHAT!?" Commander Kraken asks "Who dares break into this base unnanounced?" Commander Kraken asks infuriated shaking his fist

"Yeah! You better say your prayers before you cant say anything!" Captain Nemo says pulling out a sword.

"Who are you anyways?" Prince shark asks
Last edited:
The Adventures of Captain Crustacean & Cephalopod Commando - s4e04, Inter-Swim Manager
"Damn! He got away!" Captain crustacean says "You'll get him next time. Thanks for saving us!" The cargo ship's captain says. "Your welcome citizen now we'll need to put the crates Man-rays henchman managed to grab back." Captain crustacean says before he and Cephalopod commando head off to Man-ray's latest ship to do so.
"Do you want me to go after him?" A voice called over to Captain Crustacean. It was Swim, the peculiar girl who had joined up for an internship a half a year ago and who Crustacean and Cephalopod failed to realize why exactly she hadn't moved on to the LA branch of the metapowers guild yet. She was crouched partially behind a box on the ship, having made sure to get the crewmembers to the other side of the boat. Tracking someone was something that she was often tasked with, which would no doubt lead to her either getting captured and put in need of saving, or being outsped by someone with far superior speed and losing their trail.

Despite the fact that she carried a functioning replica of a divine weapon made through superscience and sorcery, she was mostly left to rescue operations rather than actually fighting any of the villains that the group faced. Only when they were outnumbered more than 3 to 1 did she ever get any hits in. It was probably because she simply wasn't as impressive as the other two and was rarely needed for frontline combat, which probably made her suffer moreso in terms of experience, although she was a much friendlier face for people to be rescued by than her grizzled crustacean mentor or his sidekick.

Some notes on interns from Stendhal/HunterGardener-Sama
Interns - What are interns? Well, most superheroes work in teams. Unless you're a heavy hitter like Strongman, Florida Man, or The Golem, you don't work alone. You always have people to back you up. Those people? Well, first off, some of them are going to be your marketing team, legal team, etc; if you have a hero agency. But the people you'll be working with day to day, are generally your sidekicks. Or maybe, if you're not the headliner, you yourself are the sidekick. But what's in between a sidekick and a non-combatant? That's an Intern. A hero who's young, inexperienced, and in need of guidance to learn real, applicable skills. Interns aren't exactly a red-shirt army, but they often get latched with the lame jobs like getting civillians to safety, or setting something up for the big guys to do a pincer attack. You may be wondering, if you're looking for real skills, wouldn't frontline work be preferable? Well, I've been watching the development of the hero industry since the early ages, and a few reasons against that come to mind. If you want the official statements for the existence of the programs, it's because real heroism isn't just fighting badguys, it's protecting the public. You can be the strongest person in the world, but if your disregard for human lives is incompatible with heroism, you best learn to control yourself or go find a better field to work in. But you wanna know what I, HunterGardener-San think? It's that Interns are basically just like they are in office spaces. They're for menial tasks that the big guys don't wanna do. And that's one of the issues with the modern hero paradigm. Most Interns won't actually ever get anywhere past the intern stage other than, at best, becoming a sidekick stuck in a dead-end heroic carreer. I don't agree with HER and Maybe SHE wasn't talking about this stuff whenever she said "Heroes are shit" but a no-outlet carreer like that certainly doesn't make your record any tastier.
Captain Crustacean & Cephalopod Commando - s4e05, Go With the Flow
"Do you want me to go after him?" A voice called over to Captain Crustacean. It was Swim, the peculiar girl who had joined up for an internship a half a year ago and who Crustacean and Cephalopod failed to realize why exactly she hadn't moved on to the LA branch of the metapowers guild yet. She was crouched partially behind a box on the ship, having made sure to get the crewmembers to the other side of the boat. Tracking someone was something that she was often tasked with, which would no doubt lead to her either getting captured and put in need of saving, or being outsped by someone with far superior speed and losing their trail.

Despite the fact that she carried a functioning replica of a divine weapon made through superscience and sorcery, she was mostly left to rescue operations rather than actually fighting any of the villains that the group faced. Only when they were outnumbered more than 3 to 1 did she ever get any hits in. It was probably because she simply wasn't as impressive as the other two and was rarely needed for frontline combat, which probably made her suffer moreso in terms of experience, although she was a much friendlier face for people to be rescued by than her grizzled crustacean mentor or his sidekick.

Some notes on interns from Stendhal/HunterGardener-Sama
Interns - What are interns? Well, most superheroes work in teams. Unless you're a heavy hitter like Strongman, Florida Man, or The Golem, you don't work alone. You always have people to back you up. Those people? Well, first off, some of them are going to be your marketing team, legal team, etc; if you have a hero agency. But the people you'll be working with day to day, are generally your sidekicks. Or maybe, if you're not the headliner, you yourself are the sidekick. But what's in between a sidekick and a non-combatant? That's an Intern. A hero who's young, inexperienced, and in need of guidance to learn real, applicable skills. Interns aren't exactly a red-shirt army, but they often get latched with the lame jobs like getting civillians to safety, or setting something up for the big guys to do a pincer attack. You may be wondering, if you're looking for real skills, wouldn't frontline work be preferable? Well, I've been watching the development of the hero industry since the early ages, and a few reasons against that come to mind. If you want the official statements for the existence of the programs, it's because real heroism isn't just fighting badguys, it's protecting the public. You can be the strongest person in the world, but if your disregard for human lives is incompatible with heroism, you best learn to control yourself or go find a better field to work in. But you wanna know what I, HunterGardener-San think? It's that Interns are basically just like they are in office spaces. They're for menial tasks that the big guys don't wanna do. And that's one of the issues with the modern hero paradigm. Most Interns won't actually ever get anywhere past the intern stage other than, at best, becoming a sidekick stuck in a dead-end heroic carreer. I don't agree with HER and Maybe SHE wasn't talking about this stuff whenever she said "Heroes are shit" but a no-outlet carreer like that certainly doesn't make your record any tastier.
Meanwhile back with our heroes
"Oh swim! thank goodness." Captain crustacean said to the young heroine relieved to see them. "yes, we need to catch him before he tries to cause anymore trouble." The heroic crab said, unaware of Commander Kraken's latest plot. "Considering that we've fought Man-ray before he most likely has a submarine around here."
Captain Crustacean & Cephalopod Commando - s1e07, Moisture Trap
Meanwhile back with our heroes
"Oh swim! thank goodness." Captain crustacean said to the young heroine relieved to see them. "yes, we need to catch him before he tries to cause anymore trouble." The heroic crab said, unaware of Commander Kraken's latest plot. "Considering that we've fought Man-ray before he most likely has a submarine around here."
"Alright Captain. On it." She says, walking to the side of the ship, she mounts her spear onto it's latch on her back and dives into the water. A small jetlike stream can be seen emerging from the water, as she swam quickly under the surface. She was of course, completely unaware that by following the trail of the devious villain, Man Ray, that she'd probably be leading herself directly into a trap.
"Alright Captain. On it." She says, walking to the side of the ship, she mounts her spear onto it's latch on her back and dives into the water. A small jetlike stream can be seen emerging from the water, as she swam quickly under the surface. She was of course, completely unaware that by following the trail of the devious villain, Man Ray, that she'd probably be leading herself directly into a trap.

Swim had arrived just as Man-Ray had entered the underwater base, and - likely with some sort of "fish radar" ability(?) - noticed another aquatic metapower capable of surviving - unprotected, or in some sort of diving armor - at these depths also entering. A pair of small submersibles belonging to a couple other villains were already docked with the base, recognizable because Swim had seen them before. She assumed this was the old-fashioned but still effective "everyone in the rogues gallery gangs up on the hero and his team" strategy. Captain Crustacean's enemies had never tried it before, but apparently that was about to change.

Despite waiting a while, nobody new seemed to show up, so she assumed that either not everyone could be convinced to take part, or that the base had a Cyberportation pad inside. Judging by the thick fiber-optic cable leading from the base into the distance, that hadn't been there the last time she'd seen the KRAKEN Headquarters with her own eyes, the latter was far more likely; Kraken Commander usually hated fiddling with "newfangled" technology like the Metaverse or even artificial fabrics - he especially hated polyester, not that anyone with taste would disagree, but was insistent on using natural latex in his retrofuturistic diving equipment, and only wool and cotton in his Kraken Commander "evil dictator uniform", despite the invention of everything from nylon socks to the current "no ironing required" fabrics from the 1980s onwards - and would recreate decades-old 1960s or older technology in protest of modern (non-political) supervillain-y relying "too much" on the latest technology. Using fiber-optic cable meant for high-bandwidth Metaverse access could only mean that he was desperate to have a win this time.

She assumed that something was going on and was suddenly worried about falling into a trap, and - hearing the sound of something mechanical moving proving her assumptions - rightly so... until the trap actually failed to spring properly. She turned to look at what was supposed to catch her - a crane carefully disguised as the rock outcropping she had often hidden near before, with a set of radar-shielded ropes leading to a fishing net below her - and then investigated why it had failed, carefully; Kraken Commander and the others were smart enough to create a clever trap like this, but a gambit of a failed trap to hide a real one was beyond them. Either it had been sabotaged, or someone unexpected had joined the party. Her suspicions were confirmed when she realized that something had ripped the electric generator which would have powered the crane, hidden in a surprisingly large nearby aquatic cave that looked like it had been used as storage by Kraken Commander before it was flooded at some unspecified point, into pieces via sheer strength.

There didn't seem to be any traps in the cave, but she was still unnerved for another reason. The generator didn't just look like someone had ripped it in half using some form of super strength. No, it looked more like something very large, or at least something with a very large and powerful mouth, had literally taken a big bite out of the machine. Considering it was a pieso-electric generator, powered by the sheer pressure of being this deep underwater, and thus designed to withstand extreme crushing forces for exactly the purpose it needed to serve, the likelyhood of whatever had taken the bite being relatively small was low. Even more distressingly, whatever took the bite hadn't left behind any traces of the removed portion; whatever did this, it was probably capable of digesting artificial material.

Knowing that this was not a normal situation, she returned to her previous observation point - making a mental note to never use this particular spot again in the future - and observed the situation. That was when she heard the voice of a far more dangerous villain echo through the depths via the water itself...

"Oh yes, I'm quite sure." a posh female voice echoed through the KRAKEN underwater base...

Ashen Witch? She's involved with their scheme?! Swim assumed. However...

"WHAT!?" Commander Kraken asks "Who dares break into this base unnanounced?" Commander Kraken asks infuriated shaking his fist

"Yeah! You better say your prayers before you cant say anything!" Captain Nemo says pulling out a sword.

"Who are you anyways?" Prince shark asks

"Oh? Have you not heard the name of the fearsome Ashen Witch? Let me be clear, boys..." the voice said, and suddenly the entire KRAKEN Underwater Base began to shake...

"Leviatron! What is happening?!" Commander Kraken commanded his supercomputer to explain.

The old 1960s tape-reel drives spun for a moment, and then the base's war room's massive monochrome CRT TV screens showed a view of the outside of the KRAKEN base. In a typical 1960s superhero cartoon in the world depicted in Athletic Hero comics, this would be unexplained because the writers within the shared universe of sports hero comics were amateurish and the cartoon's production poorly funded - described in the digital Metaverse encyclopedia called the Great Big Book of Art Tropes as "Stylistic Suck" caused by "Law of Conservation of Detail" - and the viewers were too young and too used to poor-quality American animation of the 1960s to care. In reality, while the tech might have been outdated by up to 63 years, the only reason that "show within a show" superhero cartoons didn't explain it was a famous reference to the long-held secret that classic and classic-style supervillains (and even some heroes!) kept about the matter; many had observed such a thing happening - from invading heroes to rescued civilians - while in a supervillain base, but few had ever found out why and so it was simply joked about as "unexplained villain dark matter". The real reason was surprisingly simple and elegant... Supervillains, even in the 1960s, were at least smart enough to put well-disguised security cameras outside their secret headquarters and not just inside. Oddly hilarious, isn't it?

But the supervillains inside the base weren't laughing at what the cameras revealed. The ancient (by electronic standards) supercomputer was well-programmed, opting to show them not just a live feed, but rather the last minute of recorded footage to give the supervillains a good idea of what they were actually dealing with. An enormous entity's silhouette had emerged from the darkness of the Marianas Trench - which KRAKEN's Underwater HQ had been built adjacent to for the sake of a convenient and impressively landmark-y geothermal energy source - and grabbed a hold of the base's metal exterior.

In case you're wondering how a metal underwater base could avoid rusting or being covered in aquatic plant life and barnacles in a realistic (if optimistic) superhero story, all such underwater structures were coated in an alloy containing relatively high amounts of silver and titanium (due to the expense of both metals, the rest and majority of the alloy's content was aluminum, and was the outer layer of a composite of the metal exterior and a ceramic middle layer with a foot-thick stainless steel interior), which easily acted as arust-proof antibiological protective layer while possessing enough strength and air-tightness to keep out the enormous pressure of the ocean water above.

So the villains would normally not be too worried about anything trying to break through the exterior of the base. The problem is that the being coming into focus was clearly not intending to break through the base's walls. The groans and creaks they were hearing, and the shaking they felt, were because the giant being was attempting to lift the entire facility... and, bit by bit, succeeding.

"Leviatron, activate the spotlights! What is this enormous beast?!" Commander Kraken demanded, trying to keep his composure...

The reveal truly was surprising. The cameras were assisted by high-lumen spotlights that automatically aimed their beams through the ill-lit ocean depths at the creature, unveiling a 9-story tall patchwork plush toy otter made of thick fabrics ranging from denim for the creature's outer skin, to sheets of rubber that made up what seemed to be a swimming cap, to what appeared to be chain-mail swimming trunks composed of metal chain links the size of bicycles, all stitched together by thick steel cables suitable for a tow truck's winch. Even the being's eyes, while terrifying in sheer size when one of the screens showed it looking at a camera mounted on the metal stilts underneath the KRAKEN base, were surprisingly adorable from a distance due to being a pair of slightly shiny and joy-filled objects with rubber sheet eyelids, that wouldn't have looked out of place on a teddy bear if not for the fact that - due to their sheer size - they seemed to actually be a pair of tinted, 20-inch convex circular mirrors like those found in various buildings where safety is a concern.

"So you can see him clearly now?" Ashen Witch's voice responded. "Very clever machines you have, Kraken Commander. Maybe you should introduce yourself, my new friend?"

"Hi, jerks! I'm Gula. Ashley says you guys are villains, so... I'm gonna eat you!" the being said, childlike in nature. He opened his mouth to reveal a set of terrifyingly sharp - if not unexpectedly so for a creature resembling a small aquatic predator - set of teeth. They did strongly resemble the normal arrangement and shape of teeth that such a species would have, but were clearly made of solid marble.

"Or at least, he will... if you don't take orders from me in eliminating that wretched Captain Crustacean and his despicable sidekick and intern!" Ashen Witch's voice threatened them through the aquatic expanse.

Swim had observed the whole thing and was now far more worried than she would have been if Ashen Witch had simply been part of the plan. Worse, she hadn't simply been the leader of the scheme from the beginning, but instead was trying to threaten the more comical villains into doing things her way. With a member of the Deadly Seven already backing her up, Swim and her two colleagues were not in any position to take on this new threat.

And that was if the series of villains they usually fought bent to Ashen Witch's will; the group inside the base may have been large hams, but all supervillains who lasted as long as Captain Crustacean's foes - or even as long as Ashen Witch did, for that matter, which started at least a decade more recently than Kraken Commander's career - were a determined and proud bunch who wouldn't take lightly to having such a scheme hijacked. Some supervillains might be cowardly enough to "give in" and then either betray or flee from the bigger fish that had upstaged them, rather than defend their position, but technically they had Ashen Witch and her ally outnumbered.

If they were foolish enough to fight back against "just another Kaiju" - most supervillains still hadn't caught on to the fact that the Deadly Seven were seemingly invincible to everyone and everything; the sole known exception of when the mysterious 'Gadg8eer' who had defeated Invidia, hadn't even applied when Gadg8eer fought the other known members of the Deadly Seven, so it was likely that he either got lucky or that the source of his powers was only effective on Invidia specifically - then Swim might actually have a serious problem on her hands...

Has the rejection from the Metapowers Guild of California, due to meddling by Lioness, started to get to Swim? Will the Kraken Commander's temporary alliance resist or join Ashen Witch? And if they do try to resist, is Swim really the kind of person to cross the line of leaving the supervillains to die to warn Captain Crustacean and Cephalopod Commando of the new threat, or will she stay and attempt to help them?


~ Cap-tin! Crus-tay-shun! And Seff-o-low-pod Cah-Man-Doh! Saving the world ...'s oceans from eeeee-vil, un-dar-wah-tah vil-ins...

~ Cephalopod Commando, octopus-man sidekick! Stops the minions with all sorts of neat ink tricks!

~ Captain Crustacean, the hero with crab-man powers! Saves the oceans! ...and the land too! ...sometimes!

~ And now their new intern, Swim the Fish Girl! Her awesome trident-thing stops the bad guys!

"Mwahahahaha! Fools! I, Commander Kraken, will defeat these heroes and rule the ocean!"

"Not if WE have anything to say about it!"

"Gah! We meet again, Captain Crustacean! Now we must KUNG-FU FIGHT!"

~ Evil bad guys, from the depths of the oceans, lie in wait to attack man and whale!

"Please save our kind from Prince Shark, Captain Crustacean!"

"We won't let him and his Rogue Shark Men, who were exiled from Atlantis, conquer and eat your people, Princess Cetacea!"

"Thank you, Captain Crustacean!" *majestic whale song*

~ ...but the heroes will win! They'll beat them back! Ev-ry time that the villains att-aaaa-ck!

(Music turns ominously darker...)

"Ee-hee-hee-hee-hee! Do you really think this is your little show anymore? Noble heroes... Cheesy supervillains... You will ALL fall before the Darkest Sorceress, Ashley Chandler the Ashen Witch!"


~ Cap-tin! Crus-tay-shun! And Seff-o-low-pod Cah-Man-Doh!

"And Swim!"

"Gula! Don't spoil the plot hooks!"
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"Cheese and rice... I don't have it in me to deal with this today." Swim says, pulling out her spear. "If only I could access your full power... Then maybe we'd have a shot..." She looks at the spear.

Contrary to what you might assume for a super-heroine who's main powers involved swimming and the use of her trident. Swim was completely outmatched and had no idea how to access the full potential of the Longinus Analogue.

While the deadly seven were powerful, possibly even immune to the longinus analogue, it was a rare case where it was impossible to say, since only one had ever been crafted, and no suitable users had ever come into contact with the weapon. It copied the near exact structure of the original Anti-Enemy Eigenweapon "Longinus" but instead of being powered by the circulation from the blood of a dead god, it was instead powered by a super-active nuclear battery.

Longinus itself possessed chronokinetic abilities ranging from the exact occurrence of heat death and the second big bang soon afterwards, backwards to the exact ocurrence of the big bang. Either way, it more or less ensured that even if someone could survive the trip, they wouldn't be bothering anyone else. Longinus could be used on any target, including nonliving ones, assuming the target could be pierced with the weapon.

The Longinus analogue was designed to replicate the basic abilities of the original longinus, Ie; it's unbreakability and elevated attack power. It also possessed a much weaker variant of the time manipulation abilities. When fully accessed, these abilities were capable of sending someone back in time, but not forwards, and they could only be directed with minimal accuracy, ergo, 99/100 times, a target would simply be flung out of the spacetime continuum altogether. The battery also only had a single charge, and then had to be recharged over the course of an entire day.

Swim lacked the ability to even access the full power of the analogue itself as previously stated though. So she more or less just had a really neat spear. Which only seemed to actually do anything spectacular if she was incapacitated.

The fact of the matter was, Swim simply lacked the measurable ontokinetic willpower to use the weapon. Probably due to years of insecurity and the fact that she had only come to terms with herself recently and was still working things out. This meant, more importantly, that, regardless of if the analogue would've worked, it couldn't be relied on.

"For now though... BLACK MARLIN-JETSTREAM RETREAT!" She shouts, before jetting away as fast as she can, breaking 80 MPH and reaching 85. Getting the hell out of there as fast as she possibly could.

Some Notes on Villain and Hero Hierarchies from Stendhal/HunterGardener-Sama

Among heroes and villains there are hierarchies that are bound to accrue due to time or attrition. Naturally, weak people follow strong people, and that doesn't always mean more powerful in terms of physical ability. Charisma is an important power for any would-be dictator or mad scientist. And some have it in droves, while others aren't so lucky.

Hierarchies that exist in hero agencies are generally pretty easy to understand. You'll generally have a heavy hitter/mastermind hero at the top, acting as the leader of core operations, and working alongside them are sidekicks/partners, and sometimes, hero interns.

Then you've got slightly less easy to understand hierarchies, like Grater and the Open Palm Clan. Who despite their wealth of resources, and more than likely numerous individuals who're more capable than there given credit, have an inherently oligarchic structure, with Grater and his closest lieutenants at the top, and the rest of the manpower being made up of Mooks from the Open Palm Clan.

It gets even more complex when you consider that Kodos is really the one running the show, acting as Grater's benefactor.

Non-Agency hierarchies are another thing to consider. The Students of Dan Gojo are an equalized team that just so happens to have a mentor, in consideration of that, their hierarchies are much more fluid. Everyone plays a fair role in combat. Except for Gojo, who due to his age, takes more of an advisory approach. I find this particularly strange, due to Gojo's own scale of power likely being enough to match Grater, someone who it often takes the teamwork of all four of Gojo's students to defeat.

Villain hierarchies that are born out of a mutual enemy, are probably the most common you'll see for villains teaming up, Ie; a rogues gallery will get together and launch a collective attack on the hero that's on their collective hitlist. Normally, these are somewhat fraught with infighting, and everyone wanting to get the final hit in. It's the lack of teamwork that often leads teams like this to keel over and break up.

Either that, or one of the member's girlfriend's gets too involved in the group's villainous acts, and they break up.

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Swim had arrived just as Man-Ray had entered the underwater base, and - likely with some sort of "fish radar" ability(?) - noticed another aquatic metapower capable of surviving - unprotected, or in some sort of diving armor - at these depths also entering. A pair of small submersibles belonging to a couple other villains were already docked with the base, recognizable because Swim had seen them before. She assumed this was the old-fashioned but still effective "everyone in the rogues gallery gangs up on the hero and his team" strategy. Captain Crustacean's enemies had never tried it before, but apparently that was about to change.

Despite waiting a while, nobody new seemed to show up, so she assumed that either not everyone could be convinced to take part, or that the base had a Cyberportation pad inside. Judging by the thick fiber-optic cable leading from the base into the distance, that hadn't been there the last time she'd seen the KRAKEN Headquarters with her own eyes, the latter was far more likely; Kraken Commander usually hated fiddling with "newfangled" technology like the Metaverse or even artificial fabrics - he especially hated polyester, not that anyone with taste would disagree, but was insistent on using natural latex in his retrofuturistic diving equipment, and only wool and cotton in his Kraken Commander "evil dictator uniform", despite the invention of everything from nylon socks to the current "no ironing required" fabrics from the 1980s onwards - and would recreate decades-old 1960s or older technology in protest of modern (non-political) supervillain-y relying "too much" on the latest technology.

She assumed that something was going on and was suddenly worried about falling into a trap, and - hearing the sound of something mechanical moving proving her assumptions - rightly so... until the trap actually failed to spring properly. She turned to look at what was supposed to catch her - a crane carefully disguised as the rock outcropping she had often hidden near before, with a set of radar-shielded ropes leading to a fishing net below her - and then investigated why it had failed, carefully; Kraken Commander and the others were smart enough to create a clever trap like this, but a gambit of a failed trap to hide a real one was beyond them. Either it had been sabotaged, or someone unexpected had joined the party. Her suspicions were confirmed when she realized that something had ripped the electric generator which would have powered the crane, hidden in a surprisingly large nearby aquatic cave that looked like it had been used as storage by Kraken Commander before it was flooded at some unspecified point, into pieces via sheer strength.

There didn't seem to be any traps in the cave, but she was still unnerved for another reason. The generator didn't just look like someone had ripped it in half using some form of super strength. No, it looked more like something very large, or at least something with a very large and powerful mouth, had literally taken a big bite out of the machine. Considering it was a pieso-electric generator, powered by the sheer pressure of being this deep underwater, and thus designed to withstand extreme crushing forces for exactly the purpose it needed to serve, the likelyhood of whatever had taken the bite being relatively small was low. Even more distressingly, whatever took the bite hadn't left behind any traces of the removed portion; whatever did this, it was probably capable of digesting artificial material.

Knowing that this was not a normal situation, she returned to her previous observation point - making a mental note to never use this particular spot again in the future - and observed the situation. That was when she heard the voice of a far more dangerous villain echo through the depths via the water itself...

Ashen Witch? She's involved with their scheme?! Swim assumed. However...

"Oh? Have you not heard the name of the fearsome Ashen Witch? Let me be clear, boys..." the voice said, and suddenly the entire KRAKEN Underwater Base began to shake...

"Leviatron! What is happening?!" Commander Kraken commanded his supercomputer to explain.

The old 1960s tape-reel drives spun for a moment, and then the base's war room's massive monochrome CRT TV screens showed a view of the outside of the KRAKEN base. In a typical 1960s superhero cartoon in the world depicted in Athletic Hero comics, this would be unexplained because the writers were amateurish and the cartoon's production poorly funded. In reality, while the tech might have been outdated by up to 63 years, the only reason that "show within a show" superhero cartoons didn't explain it was a famous reference to the long-held secret that classic and classic-style supervillains (and even some heroes!) kept about the matter; many had observed such a thing happening - from invading heroes to rescued civilians - while in a supervillain base, but few had ever found out why and so it was simply joked about as "unexplained villain dark matter". The real reason was surprisingly simple and elegant... Supervillains, even in the 1960s, were at least smart enough to put well-disguised security cameras outside their secret headquarters and not just inside. Oddly hilarious, isn't it?

But the supervillains inside the base weren't laughing at what the cameras revealed. The ancient (by electronic standards) supercomputer was well-programmed, opting to show them not just a live feed, but rather the last minute of recorded footage to give the supervillains a good idea of what they were actually dealing with. An enormous entity's silhouette had emerged from the darkness of the Marianas Trench - which KRAKEN's Underwater HQ had been built adjacent to for the sake of a convenient and impressively landmark-y geothermal energy source - and grabbed a hold of the base's metal exterior.

In case you're wondering how a metal underwater base could avoid rusting or being covered in aquatic plant life and barnacles in a realistic (if optimistic) superhero story, all such underwater structures were coated in an alloy containing relatively high amounts of silver and titanium (due to the expense of both metals, the rest of the alloy was aluminum and was the outer layer of a composite of the metal exterior and a ceramic middle layer with a foot-thick stainless steel interior), which easily acted as arust-proof antibiological protective layer while possessing enough strength and air-tightness to keep out the enormous pressure of the ocean water above.

So the villains would normally not be too worried about anything trying to break through the exterior of the base. The problem is that the being coming into focus was clearly not intending to break through the base's walls. The groans and creaks they were hearing, and the shaking they felt, were because the giant being was attempting to lift the entire facility... and, bit by bit, succeeding.

"Leviatron, activate the spotlights! What is this enormous beast?!" Commander Kraken demanded, trying to keep his composure...

The reveal truly was surprising. The cameras were assisted by high-lumen spotlights that automatically aimed their beams through the ill-lit ocean depths at the creature, unveiling a 9-story tall patchwork plush toy otter made of thick fabrics ranging from denim for the creature's outer skin, to sheets of rubber that made up what seemed to be a swimming cap, to what appeared to be chain-mail swimming trunks composed of metal chain links the size of bicycles, all stitched together by thick steel cables suitable for a tow truck's winch. Even the being's eyes, while terrifying in sheer size when one of the screens showed it looking at a camera mounted on the metal stilts underneath the KRAKEN base, were surprisingly adorable from a distance due to being a pair of slightly shiny and joy-filled objects with rubber sheet eyelids, that wouldn't have looked out of place on a teddy bear if not for the fact that - due to their sheer size - they seemed to actually be a pair of tinted, 20-inch convex circular mirrors like those found in various buildings where safety is a concern.

"So you can see him clearly now?" Ashen Witch's voice responded. "Very clever machines you have, Kraken Commander. Maybe you should introduce yourself, my new friend?"

"Hi, jerks! I'm Gula. Ashley says you guys are villains, so... I'm gonna eat you!" the being said, childlike in nature. He opened his mouth to reveal a set of terrifyingly sharp - if not unexpectedly so for a creature resembling a small aquatic predator - set of teeth. They did strongly resemble the normal arrangement and shape of teeth that such a species would have, but were clearly made of solid marble.

"Or at least, he will... if you don't take orders from me in eliminating that wretched Captain Crustacean and his despicable sidekick and intern!" Ashen Witch's voice threatened them through the aquatic expanse.

Swim had observed the whole thing and was now far more worried than she would have been if Ashen Witch had simply been part of the plan. Worse, she hadn't simply been the leader of the scheme from the beginning, but instead was trying to threaten the more comical villains into doing things her way. With a member of the Deadly Seven already backing her up, Swim and her two colleagues were not in any position to take on this new threat.

And that was if the series of villains they usually fought bent to Ashen Witch's will; the group inside the base may have been large hams, but all supervillains who lasted as long as Captain Crustacean's foes - or even as long as Ashen Witch did, for that matter, which started at least a decade more recently than Kraken Commander's career - were a determined and proud bunch who wouldn't take lightly to having such a scheme hijacked. Some supervillains might be cowardly enough to "give in" and then either betray or flee from the bigger fish that had upstaged them, rather than defend their position, but technically they had Ashen Witch and her ally outnumbered.

If they were foolish enough to fight back against "just another Kaiju" - most supervillains still hadn't caught on to the fact that the Deadly Seven were seemingly invincible to everyone and everything; the sole known exception of when the mysterious 'Gadg8eer' who had defeated Invidia, hadn't even applied when Gadg8eer fought the other known members of the Deadly Seven, so it was likely that he either got lucky or that the source of his powers was only effective on Invidia specifically - then Swim might actually have a serious problem on her hands...

Has the rejection from the Metapowers Guild of California, due to meddling by Lioness, started to get to Swim? Will the Kraken Commander's temporary alliance resist or join Ashen Witch? And if they do try to resist, is Swim really the kind of person to cross the line of leaving the supervillains to die to warn Captain Crustacean and Cephalopod Commando of the new threat, or will she stay and attempt to help them?


~ Cap-tin! Crus-tay-shun! And Seff-o-low-pod Cah-Man-Doh! Saving the world ...'s oceans from eeeee-vil, un-dar-wah-tah vil-ins...

~ Cephalopod Commando, octopus-man sidekick! Stops the minions with all sorts of neat ink tricks!

~ Captain Crustacean, the hero with crab-man powers! Saves the oceans! ...and the land too! ...sometimes!

~ And now their new intern, Swim the Fish Girl! Her awesome trident-thing stops the bad guys!

"Mwahahahaha! Fools! I, Commander Kraken, will defeat these heroes and rule the ocean!"

"Not if WE have anything to say about it!"

"Gah! We meet again, Captain Crustacean! Now we must KUNG-FU FIGHT!"

~ Evil bad guys, from the depths of the oceans, lie in wait to attack man and whale!

"Please save our kind from Prince Shark, Captain Crustacean!"

"We won't let him and his Rogue Shark Men, who were exiled from Atlantis, conquer and eat your people, Princess Cetacea!"

"Thank you, Captain Crustacean!" *majestic whale song*

~ ...but the heroes will win! They'll beat them back! Ev-ry time that the villains att-aaaa-ck!

(Music turns ominously darker...)

"Ee-hee-hee-hee-hee! Do you really think this is your little show anymore? Noble heroes... Cheesy supervillains... You will ALL fall before the Darkest Sorceress, Ashley Chandler the Ashen Witch!"


~ Cap-tin! Crus-tay-shun! And Seff-o-low-pod Cah-Man-Doh!

"And Swim!"

"Gula! Don't spoil the plot hooks!"
The Terrible Commander Kraken had gathered Captain Crustacean's greatest foes in an underwater base of the nebulous evil organization KRAKEN for the purpose of finally defeating Captain crustacean, Cephalopod commando, and Swim, But the first meeting of the league of aquatic villains was rudely interrupted by Gadg8eer rogue The ashen witch who sought to use the L.A.V for her own nefarious ends. What is she up to? Will the L.A.V help her nefarious plans? Find out! On todays episode of:

Todays episode:The wicked witch of washington descends to the deep!!!

To say that the league of aquatic villains was split on Whether or not to take orders from the Ashen witch would be blatantly obvious. Some like Sonic boom and pufferfish man were admittedly intimidated by the wicked witch and her monster. others though...

"PLANKTERROR BOWS TO NO-ONE!!!" The microscopic megalomaniac states in all caps.

"Yeah! If you think you can cow i Man-Ray! You're even dumber than those imbecilic invertabrates!!!" Man-ray retorts, ready to fight the ashen witch. he wasnt sure about the other villains but he was not gonna let some wannabe wicked witch of the west destroy captain crustacean where he and various others had failed.
High above the prison complex, the grimhawk's keen eyes spotted a large vehicle storm out onto the road and turn north. Masterstroke immediately turned his attention to its view. Whoever was driving wasn't very good at it. Like they were too short to reach the pedals. Jackpot. The grimhawk broke into a dive like a peregrine falcon, plotting a path to intercept the not-humvee as it made its turn onto Cold Creek Road. With a light thump, it hooked its talons into the handles on the rear doors and held on tight. "Where are you headed, kid?" Masterstroke said under his breath.
He didn't get too much of a chance to think about it. Another lead had picked up on something big not too far from where the League of Aquatic Villains had set up shop. Something... distressingly big. And something moving away from it very, very fast. Was it a weapons test? A torpedo from some new class of experimental mega-submarine? Whatever was happening, it would be prudent to take a look. Masterstroke diverted his attention once more. The orcastrator (name pending) that had picked up the signal was a colossal beast and a formidable threat, but it was too far out at present. The closest creation to the fleeing object's projected trajectory was a small school of deep-sea fangfish, specially bred to withstand the crushing pressures and low-light conditions that were otherwise a problem to anyone not specialized in underwater combat like Captain Crustacean. Normally, Masterstroke didn't interfere in his business - he was kind of a ham, but his track record was immaculate. In this case, though, it was too big to ignore. Literally. So he peered through the many eyes of the school to assess the situation... and nearly fell out of his chair in shock when it finally dawned on him what precisely he was looking at. A massive mammalian shape loomed about half a mile away, and rocketing toward him (er, his fish, actually, but it was easy to get mixed up when you have so many proxies) was Swim, with a column of bubbles the size of a semi truck frothing outward in her wake.
Swim launched straight past Masterstroke's small school of fish-like constructs, She had no reason to stop for them nor did she probably even recognize them, since again, Masterstroke rarely got involved in the dealings of Captain Crustacean or his cohorts, which Swim herself qualified under.

She recognized that she was getting tired swimming this fast. At 0.0236 miles per-second, it was faster than the average car on the highway, so of course it would put a drag on her stamina.

She continued moving regardless and launched herself upwards out of the water, landing on the boat from earlier with a shoulder roll, and then settling herself on her hands and knees, gasping for air from having overtaxed her abilities out of pure fear.

"W-We need to.. E-e-vac... Evacuate the area...!" She raised her finger, looking to Captain crustacean and speaking in an exhausted tone. "No ship in a 10 knot diameter. N-No, a 10 knot radius is safe." She says.

"You, you know how you have a rogues gallery?" She asks, looking to both Crustacean and Cephalopod.

"They're all teaming up, and they've got some sort of immortal Kaiju that I saw on the news once on there side, along with a lady I remember the face of but not the name. Ashen.. S-Something or other."
Swim launched straight past Masterstroke's small school of fish-like constructs, She had no reason to stop for them nor did she probably even recognize them, since again, Masterstroke rarely got involved in the dealings of Captain Crustacean or his cohorts, which Swim herself qualified under.

She recognized that she was getting tired swimming this fast. At 0.0236 miles per-second, it was faster than the average car on the highway, so of course it would put a drag on her stamina.

She continued moving regardless and launched herself upwards out of the water, landing on the boat from earlier with a shoulder roll, and then settling herself on her hands and knees, gasping for air from having overtaxed her abilities out of pure fear.
Meanwhile Back with our heroes!
Captain crustacean and Cephalopod commando run over to Swim as soon as they see her return,

"Swim? You look exhausted, whats Wrong?" Captain Crustacean asks concerned.
"W-We need to.. E-e-vac... Evacuate the area...!" She raised her finger, looking to Captain crustacean and speaking in an exhausted tone. "No ship in a 10 knot diameter. N-No, a 10 knot radius is safe." She says.
"Wait. why?" The crab hero asks out of concern "What is man-ray up to?"
"You, you know how you have a rogues gallery?" She asks, looking to both Crustacean and Cephalopod.
"Well yes we have fought our fair share of recurring villains." Cephalopod commando responds "Why?"
"They're all teaming up, and they've got some sort of immortal Kaiju that I saw on the news once on there side, along with a lady I remember the face of but not the name. Ashen.. S-Something or other."
"Wait, all of our enemies are teaming up?" Cephalopod commando asks concerned. "Not just them im afraid, if what swim's saying is true im afraid that they may have gained the interest of that Wicked villain known as the Ashen witch." Captain crustacean says

"What interest could she have in allying with our greatest enemies?" Cephalopod commando asks

"I do not know old friend, but i have the feeling that this will be our toughest battle yet." Captain Crustacean says
What happens next? Find out in next month's issue #2!
Sorry that MisterEightySix and I have been so busy. I got help from Lord Moldoma, she's practically a third GM at this point, but alas I noticed about 2 weeks ago that basically ALL of my software decided to update two weeks ago. My OS, both Windows and Android. All of my programs and smartphone apps. All of my video games too! Seriously, it's amazing how much can change in drastic but beneficial in less than a month! I had to relearn a lot of stuff, plus the documentation for things like Guilded, Spotify and some other stuff is out of date towards those new features too.

So yeah. Expect another two days of waiting but I'll try to reply to 86's post soon with the start of "Metapowers! #2" within that time.
High above the prison complex, the grimhawk's keen eyes spotted a large vehicle storm out onto the road and turn north. Masterstroke immediately turned his attention to its view. Whoever was driving wasn't very good at it. Like they were too short to reach the pedals. Jackpot. The grimhawk broke into a dive like a peregrine falcon, plotting a path to intercept the not-humvee as it made its turn onto Cold Creek Road. With a light thump, it hooked its talons into the handles on the rear doors and held on tight. "Where are you headed, kid?" Masterstroke said under his breath.
He didn't get too much of a chance to think about it. Another lead had picked up on something big not too far from where the League of Aquatic Villains had set up shop. Something... distressingly big. And something moving away from it very, very fast. Was it a weapons test? A torpedo from some new class of experimental mega-submarine? Whatever was happening, it would be prudent to take a look. Masterstroke diverted his attention once more. The orcastrator (name pending) that had picked up the signal was a colossal beast and a formidable threat, but it was too far out at present. The closest creation to the fleeing object's projected trajectory was a small school of deep-sea fangfish, specially bred to withstand the crushing pressures and low-light conditions that were otherwise a problem to anyone not specialized in underwater combat like Captain Crustacean. Normally, Masterstroke didn't interfere in his business - he was kind of a ham, but his track record was immaculate. In this case, though, it was too big to ignore. Literally. So he peered through the many eyes of the school to assess the situation... and nearly fell out of his chair in shock when it finally dawned on him what precisely he was looking at. A massive mammalian shape loomed about half a mile away, and rocketing toward him (er, his fish, actually, but it was easy to get mixed up when you have so many proxies) was Swim, with a column of bubbles the size of a semi truck frothing outward in her wake.

Novel's Metapowers! Issue #2: Cali-Gula-cation

Indian Springs, Nevada
, United States of America
June 12, 2023

"Pacific Radio!" stated a recording made in the early 60s over the radio on Gadg8eer's stolen Diverse Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (DMMWV, or "Dumvee" as it was nicknamed) as he drove through the city of Indian Springs, Nevada on the Veterans Memorial Highway.

At that moment, a police siren went off as the vehicle the boy was driving had been picked up by the AI assistant in the Sherriff's police cruiser...
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The Terrible Commander Kraken had gathered Captain Crustacean's greatest foes in an underwater base of the nebulous evil organization KRAKEN for the purpose of finally defeating Captain crustacean, Cephalopod commando, and Swim, But the first meeting of the league of aquatic villains was rudely interrupted by Gadg8eer rogue The ashen witch who sought to use the L.A.V for her own nefarious ends. What is she up to? Will the L.A.V help her nefarious plans? Find out! On todays episode of:

Todays episode:The wicked witch of washington descends to the deep!!!

To say that the league of aquatic villains was split on Whether or not to take orders from the Ashen witch would be blatantly obvious. Some like Sonic boom and pufferfish man were admittedly intimidated by the wicked witch and her monster. others though...

"PLANKTERROR BOWS TO NO-ONE!!!" The microscopic megalomaniac states in all caps.

"Yeah! If you think you can cow i Man-Ray! You're even dumber than those imbecilic invertabrates!!!" Man-ray retorts, ready to fight the ashen witch. he wasnt sure about the other villains but he was not gonna let some wannabe wicked witch of the west destroy captain crustacean where he and various others had failed.
Meanwhile Back with our heroes!
Captain crustacean and Cephalopod commando run over to Swim as soon as they see her return,

"Swim? You look exhausted, whats Wrong?" Captain Crustacean asks concerned.

"Wait. why?" The crab hero asks out of concern "What is man-ray up to?"

"Well yes we have fought our fair share of recurring villains." Cephalopod commando responds "Why?"

"Wait, all of our enemies are teaming up?" Cephalopod commando asks concerned. "Not just them im afraid, if what swim's saying is true im afraid that they may have gained the interest of that Wicked villain known as the Ashen witch." Captain crustacean says

"What interest could she have in allying with our greatest enemies?" Cephalopod commando asks

"I do not know old friend, but i have the feeling that this will be our toughest battle yet." Captain Crustacean says
KRAKEN Headquarters, Marianas Trench, Pacific Ocean
June 13, 2023

"Well then, if you won't see things our way..." Ashen Witch threatened, "Gula? Dinnertime!" .

"Yay!" the enormous otter said, clapping underwater and then continuing to pull the HQ off of its support-anchors like a child picking up a power wheels toy.
The Support Anchors rupturing from their positions of once sturdy and steeled resistance sent a distinctly traumatic shockwave through the surrounding walls of the trench, kinetic waves echoing in between the walls. It created a seismec megaphone that caused cracks to appear surrounding the trench, and moved thousands of gallons of water in an echo-like concentric pattern, circles pushing outwards, rings of water crashing against nearby boats. If it had been just 3 knots towards the coast, it would've likely done a bit more than ruin somebody's beach day.

The seriousness of the situation was clear.

The scene cuts to the insides of the disaster monitoring facility, people are rushing around, carrying papers, typing on computers and taking calls. It was only mere moments after the seismic events and elevated energy levels that were detected off of the coast that a threat level assessment had already begun. Considerations for a localized coastal evacuation are being discussed by a board of High Ranking anonymized officials. And preparations for said evacuation if needed are already underway.

Saile [AUDIO ONLY]: "The heat signatures imply that it's a creature no smaller than 10 meters in size, It's likely to be a Class 3 Threat judging from the seismic activity it seems to be inducing.”

Galahad [AUDIO ONLY]: "Class 3? Already? It's only the second quarter. That's a marked increase of incidents from last year."

Saile [AUDIO ONLY]: "Yes, I'm well aware, it could possibly mean that we're currently experiencing an upwards trend of human endangerment."

Galahad [AUDIO ONLY]: "Can we discern anything else about the entity?"

Saile [AUDIO ONLY]: "It's in a no-go zone in the Northern California Coastal Trench. We've attempted to send drones there in the past, and each has been destroyed without fail by electromagnetic weaponry. Retrieval teams have only faired slightly better."

Galahad [AUDIO ONLY]: "I see... Well, it's up to Montag to give the final decision. Unless you have any objections, Saturn."

Saturn [AUDIO ONLY]: "No, no objections."

Montag [AUDIO ONLY]: "After assessing the data, I've decided that it's in the best interest of the association to issue a mass evacuation for the nearest section of the coast to the public. The closest inland shelters have been estimated to survive damage from Category 3.5 disasters and below. The Coast-Guard should be contacted to do a small-scale reconnaissance on the directly affected populated areas. I am currently determining if any heroes in the San Francisco cleared to deal with a class 3 threat or above are available."

Saile [AUDIO ONLY]: "Out of the top ten, I can definitively say that Shuffle, Lady Danger, Diex Neuf, and Blast-Et are currently either unavailable or occupied."

Montag [AUDIO ONLY]: "Yes, I'm aware, that does put a damper on the defense efforts."

Galahad [AUDIO ONLY]: "What if we flew someone in? Do we have any of the Georgian 7 on the line, or Chocolate Harry?"

Montag [AUDIO ONLY]: "Negative on the Georgia 7. We'd need explicit permission from Captain Capitol, and he doesn't care for operating anywhere outside of the Southeast portions of the United States. As for Harry... I'll Check."


Meanwhile in Smyrna, Georgia

We find a confrontation of not-so-epic proportions between Grav-Mind and a smalltime villain with a scarf, who had just raided a convenience store's till.


"Listen mister hero, wes can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is yous let me walk away with my spoyles. The hard way is I makes you lets me walk away." The man clearly had a thick accent, it wasn't quite to speech impediment levels, but it didn't make him sound educated at all.

"No! You listen here! I made a promise when I became a hero that I would defend the righteous laws of the American society. I took a vow that I would protect the values of the people. You can't just go into a convenience store and rob the cashier and think you'll get away with it because you're some sort of low-end supervillain!" Grav-Mind responds.

"Ha, you got spunk, kid... Let me see, how many punches do you think it's gonna take for me to break that?!" The man with the scarf prepares to close the distance and unleash a punch on Grav-Mind, only to stop as somebody walks past Grav.

It was a girl, she looked like she was no older than 16, she had messy, unkempt hair, and a pair of bright red horns.

"H-Hey um, little girl this area isn't safe!" Grav is puzzled on how to deal with the situation, he is an intern after all.

"Pff, little girl, that's gotsa be an old lady. You must be seein' things; just look at her face! She looks like she's in her 40s." The man in the scarf says.

"Are you what passes for a villain these days?" The girl speaks quietly, in a raspy and hateful voice.

"Yeah, so what if I ams? You got a problem with it granny?" The man in the scarf says.

"First... I'm 16... Second... Get ready for the most historic moment of your life, you insolent piece of shit." The Girl begins, still quietly. In an instant she's raised her fist and brought them to the man's groin, the sound of his more private parts and probably pelvis crunching against her fists is audible from some feet away. She then immediately, before the man can react, grabs him by the back of the head and throat and slams him headfirst into her knee, raising it with great precision and rupturing the cartilage in the man's nose, causing it to bleed.

The man collapses to the ground, his entire facade of the big scary bankrobber shattered by a girl of an indeterminate age. He's in extreme pain, twitching on the ground and likely in need of medical assistance.

"I'm taking your scarf..." The girl says, dragging the scarf off of the man's body. "Hey, Grav-Mind. You're a superhero right? I recognize your outfit. Listen, If you don't bother me while I get my shit taken care of right now, and make sure this dumbass gets to a hospital... I won't force you into an early retirement." The girl says, turning around.

Those eyes, the unadulterated, sour rage that persists through them, piercing into Grav-Mind's heroic spirit. Even just the stare from her after watching what she did is enough to give him a shiver. He steels himself however, and tries to act heroic anyway. "I-Actually um... I'm gonna need to ask you to, maybe.. Not take that man's scarf? Also... Thats um... I think uh.."

"Don't wanna take my offer? That's fine. I don't like fighting on an empty stomach. So can I at least get something to eat first?" The girl asks.

Gravmind sweatdrops. On one hand, he doesn't want to know what this girl will do if he ends up fighting her.. But according to her words, he might be able to run away or call for backup if he let her go into the convenience store and eat something. It can't be that bad of a decision...


"Um... That's fine... Yeah, that... Sounds fair." Gravmind says. He might as well just yield for now. He tries to think of what to do here... This girl is obviously a superhuman, he could barely see her move before the man in the scarf was on the ground in too much pain to scream. Oh shit! He had to get that guy attended to medically.

As the girl moved inside, he moved over to the man and moved to try and get him over his shoulder, an ambulance from earlier had already arrived, Grav quickly brought the man to the care of paramedics, before stepping away to take out a communicator.

"G-Gorilla, Minotaur, are you there?" Grav began. "It's Grav."

"Yeah, I recognize your voice. Do you need us to come help you or something? Did that guy with the scarf turn out to be stronger than we initially profiled him as?" Gorilla asks.

"Minotaur is on line." Mini minotaur responds.

"I do need your help. That guy wasn't the issue. The new issue is... Some girl just sorta strolled up to him and left him bleeding on the ground." Grav says.

"Wait, s-she killed him?!" Minotaur asks, breaking from his normal hulk speak which he generally just does cause he thinks it sounds cool.

"No-I mean, I don't think so, he was still breathing and the way the girl hit him looked like she was using some sort of nonlethal fighting style, but she's obviously a superhuman, and she's obviously bad news. I'm at the convenience store at [ADDRESS REDACTED FOR PRIVACY]" Grav explains, looking up as he hears the door open again.

"We-We'll try to get there as soon as possible. Even if this girl is superhuman, holding her off can't be too hard right?" Gorilla asks.

"I'm done eating, get done with your communicator and lets get this over with." The girl looks like she's regenerated remarkably from her more destitute state, her 40 year old face went back to just looking like a somewhat young person with insomnia and weird red bags under her eyes.

Grav turns off his communicator. "Listen, I don't know who you are, or why you feel the need to endanger yourself by fighting me, but I've already called in backup from two of my colleagues so-"

"Good, I think I can do a three against one..." The girl says. "And since you asked. My name, is Barabajagal." The Girl says, cracking her knuckles.

Grav sweated under his mask, he hoped he hadn't pulled his two colleagues; his two friends, into a fight they couldn't win together.
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Saile [AUDIO ONLY]: "The heat signatures imply that it's a creature no smaller than 50 meters. It's likely to be a Class 3 Threat on size alone."
Actually, Gula is only 29.5 feet in size. Unless they thought the base was also part of the "creature"?

The Support Anchors rupturing from their positions of once sturdy and steeled resistance sent a distinctly traumatic shockwave through the surrounding walls of the trench, kinetic waves echoing in between the walls. It created a seismec megaphone that caused cracks to appear surrounding the trench, and moved thousands of gallons of water in an echo-like concentric pattern, circles pushing outwards, rings of water crashing against nearby boats. If it had been just 3 knots towards the coast, it would've likely done a bit more than ruin somebody's beach day.

The seriousness of the situation was clear.

The scene cuts to the insides of the disaster monitoring facility, people are rushing around, carrying papers, typing on computers and taking calls. It was only mere moments after the seismic events and elevated energy levels that were detected off of the coast that a threat level assessment had already begun. Considerations for a localized coastal evacuation are being discussed by a board of High Ranking anonymized officials. And preparations for said evacuation if needed are already underway.

Saile [AUDIO ONLY]: "The heat signatures imply that it's a creature no smaller than 50 meters. It's likely to be a Class 3 Threat on size alone."

Galahad [AUDIO ONLY]: "Class 3? Already? It's only the second quarter. That's a marked increase of incidents from last year."

Saile [AUDIO ONLY]: "Yes, I'm well aware, it could possibly mean that we're currently experiencing an upwards trend of human endangerment."

Galahad [AUDIO ONLY]: "Can we discern anything else about the entity?"

Saile [AUDIO ONLY]: "It's in a no-go zone in the Northern California Coastal Trench. We've attempted to send drones there in the past, and each has been destroyed without fail by electromagnetic weaponry. Retrieval teams have only faired slightly better."

Galahad [AUDIO ONLY]: "I see... Well, it's up to Montag to give the final decision. Unless you have any objections, Saturn."

Saturn [AUDIO ONLY]: "No, no objections."

Montag [AUDIO ONLY]: "After assessing the data, I've decided that it's in the best interest of the association to issue a mass evacuation for the nearest section of the coast to the public. The closest inland shelters have been estimated to survive damage from Category 3.5 disasters and below. The Coast-Guard should be contacted to do a small-scale reconnaissance on the directly affected populated areas. I am currently determining if any heroes in the San Francisco cleared to deal with a class 3 threat or above are available."

Saile [AUDIO ONLY]: "Out of the top ten, I can definitively say that Shuffle, Lady Danger, Diex Neuf, and Blast-Et are currently either unavailable or occupied."

Montag [AUDIO ONLY]: "Yes, I'm aware, that does put a damper on the defense efforts."

Galahad [AUDIO ONLY]: "What if we flew someone in? Do we have any of the Georgian 7 on the line, or Chocolate Harry?"

Montag [AUDIO ONLY]: "Negative on the Georgia 7. We'd need explicit permission from Captain Capitol, and he doesn't care for operating anywhere outside of the Southeast portions of the United States. As for Harry... I'll Check."

Saile [AUDIO ONLY]: "Wait a minute... These readings..."

Galahad [AUDIO ONLY]: "Did you spot something unusual?"

Gula finally finished ripping the aquatic base off of its supports. The lights inside it quickly went out as the air-filled structure tore its fiber-optic metaverse link in two while rocketing up towards the surface. "Ooh! Neat!" the beast playfully said, swimming upwards towards the soon-to-be floating structure.

Saile [AUDIO ONLY]: "Yes. The creature is only about 30 meters, but it just released some sort of object."

Galahad [AUDIO ONLY]: "What kind of object?"

Saile [AUDIO ONLY]: "It's unclear, but it seems to be a somewhat squashed spheroid around 50 meters in diameter. Mostly composed of... Aluminum, Stainless Steel and an unknown non-metalic substance."
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(OOC: I’ll edit it, but still, the seismec impact would probably be a red flag.)
(OOC: I’ll edit it, but still, the seismec impact would probably be a red flag.)

(OOC: Alright, I've edited my post accordingly.)

Novel's Metapowers! Issue #2: Cali-Gula-cation

Indian Springs, Nevada
, United States of America
June 12, 2023

"Pacific Radio!" stated a recording made in the early 60s over the radio on Gadg8eer's stolen Diverse Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (DMMWV, or "Dumvee" as it was nicknamed) as he drove through the city of Indian Springs, Nevada on the Veterans Memorial Highway.

At that moment, a police siren went off as the vehicle the boy was driving had been picked up by the AI assistant in the Sheriff's police cruiser...

"Aw, crap..." Gadg8eer sighed. He had been driving the vehicle using his Neo GamePlayer, an old portable game console from the Y2K era that he had converted to be a hacking interface for vehicles of all sorts, seeing as he couldn't legally drive in his hero form and had no license as "Oliver Kind" either. The reason that it seemed like he was driving poorly was due to him driving like he was in a game of Highway Robbery Online, rather than actually driving a stolen police Dumvee. As the vehicle headed down the road, he was hidden in the cargo compartment of the Dumvee, requiring him to steer entirely using the camera built into the vehicle's dashboard. He then pulled over to the side of the road and turned off the engine.

High above the prison complex, the grimhawk's keen eyes spotted a large vehicle storm out onto the road and turn north. Masterstroke immediately turned his attention to its view. Whoever was driving wasn't very good at it. Like they were too short to reach the pedals. Jackpot. The grimhawk broke into a dive like a peregrine falcon, plotting a path to intercept the not-humvee as it made its turn onto Cold Creek Road. With a light thump, it hooked its talons into the handles on the rear doors and held on tight. "Where are you headed, kid?" Masterstroke said under his breath.

The sheriff pulled up behind the vehicle, got out with his weapon prepared, and approached the driver's door of the vehicle... only to shiver as he spotted the enormous corvid clinging to the roof of the vehicle, watching him...
The Technodome, Lair of the Arch-villain THE GRATER.
"AGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!! MARK MY WORDS DAN GOJO-SAN!!!! YOU AND YOUR STUDENTS WILL PAY FOR BESTING ME TIME AND TIME AGAIN!!!!!!" The latest vow of the Evil Grater Echoed throughout the entire Mobile fortress, in case it wasn't obvious the villainous Armored Ninja was not in the best mood, Once again the Pupils of Dan Gojo had thwarted his latest Bid for world conquest, this time involving a machine designed to Shake the planet into submission, Oh he swore if Kodos tried to rub his face in this latest defeat he'd leave the alien tyrant stranded in Dimension Y never to escape.

"Oh Geez the boss is really mad this time." An anthropomorphic Rhinoceros man named Bullwinkle said unusually Timidly. Normally being quite confident in his power The mutated thug was now trying not to catch his bosses attention out of fear. Sure even Bullwinkle knew he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer but he wasnt dumb enough to try and encur his bosses anger "Y-Yeah. i think those punks really managed to rattle him this time, lets get outta here." Bullwinkle's Partner in crime, another mutated henchman named Spike said with the same unusual timidness


Akira groaned in exasperation as his Futuristic pager rang. That was probably Kodos calling to mock him now, or That assistant of his calling to inform him of something to potentially use in a later plan. "Konichiwa." The Ninja warlord answered "Grater..." Oh great, it was Kodos! Fuck his life. "You said that your earthquake machine would ring Earth like a bell yet im thinking that those reptiles rung yours instead." The green disembodied alien brain said before smiling.

"Kodos you mindless moron unlike you i can actually put up a fight without needing a mech suit and i still have my body." The Grater responded

"Oh please if you could we would be ruling the world many times over, but are we? NOOOO!!!!" Kodos said sounding like a nagging Mother-in-law.

"You keep forgetting that earth is practically infested with superhumans that would oppose our efforts, i guess losing your body must have affected your memory." The Grater Taunted back

"I Don't have to take this from you Akira Takeshi!" Kodos said back.

"Nor i you Kodos now if you'll excuse me i need to get to plotting the next scheme." The Grater responded before hanging up.
As the Grater angrily hung up on his otherworldly rival, a tiny purple creature, not too different from a common housefly, watched the scene unfold from its perch on the metallic walls of the Technodome. Masterstroke made it his business to keep tabs on a lot of different individuals, and the wallfly was the perfect spy: Unassuming, impervious to metal detectors, and as nimble as its mundane counterpart. Unfortunately for him, it was a deceptively-complex creation and he only had the one, so when he caught wind that the ever-elusive Gadg8eer was going after a big fish like King Card, with the support of the FBI of all things, he'd had to resort to sending a grimhawk instead - a plan which had suddenly gone south when the otherwise-fearsome bird of prey had missed its window of opportunity and flown right into a security door, leaving it stranded outside. As it circled the prison grounds, watching for its target to re-emerge, Masterstroke had decided to check on a few other leads to kill some time, and with not a moment to spare, it would seem. Somewhere far away from the action, he slammed a hand down on his desk and chortled through his mask as a pair of slender bodyguard creatures observed silently.

"HA! Oh, man, this guy NEVER ceases to amuse me," he laughed, using a splatter of his ink to strike the words "EARTHQUAKE MACHINE?" off on the dossier in his hands. Everything he knew about the Grater was in that file: Aliases, known associates and enemies, modus operandi, technological limitations, a long, LONG list of failed schemes, and even the (admittedly low) IQs of his lieutenants. Strangely, though, his family history was a complete blank. "Akira Takeshi", if that indeed really was his name, may not have been the cleverest criminal, but he was surprisingly good at not leaving a trail in the modern world of credit cards and satellite imaging. And so the wallfly waited, keeping its compound eyes trained on every ridge of that razor-like suit of armor until the man behind the mask finally showed himself. That, and because watching a six-foot-one ninja warlord throw a tantrum like a five-year-old was funny as shit.
As spike and bullwinkle tried their best to stay out of the Grater's way while the arch-villain was throwing a temper tantrum like a five year old and the thundercroaks presumably celebrated another victory over the Grater, Elsewhere what appeared to be a 13 year old Girl was standing outside the technodome with a Katana, a grappling hook and a problem. "How am i supposed to get inside?" The girl asked herself...Before noticing the Pretty obvious entrance and facepalming in annoyance. And then Using the Grappling hook to get up to it.
KRAKEN Headquarters, Marianas Trench, Pacific Ocean
June 13, 2023

"Well then, if you won't see things our way..." Ashen Witch threatened, "Gula? Dinnertime!" .

"Yay!" the enormous otter said, clapping underwater and then continuing to pull the HQ off of its support-anchors like a child picking up a power wheels toy.
"ATTACK!!!" Man-ray shouted before Leaping to attack Ashen witch to hopefully kick her ass and release her control over the monster.
Actually, Gula is only 29.5 feet in size. Unless they thought the base was also part of the "creature"?

Saile [AUDIO ONLY]: "Wait a minute... These readings..."

Galahad [AUDIO ONLY]: "Did you spot something unusual?"

Gula finally finished ripping the aquatic base off of its supports. The lights inside it quickly went out as the air-filled structure tore its fiber-optic metaverse link in two while rocketing up towards the surface. "Ooh! Neat!" the beast playfully said, swimming upwards towards the soon-to-be floating structure.

Saile [AUDIO ONLY]: "Yes. The creature is only about 30 meters, but it just released some sort of object."

Galahad [AUDIO ONLY]: "What kind of object?"

Saile [AUDIO ONLY]: "It's unclear, but it seems to be a somewhat squashed spheroid around 50 meters in diameter. Mostly composed of... Aluminum, Stainless Steel and an unknown non-metalic substance."
And it was at that moment that the lights went out, leaving everybody in the dark and confused as to what was going on. Well except for some of them "That monster the ashen wench sent out must have torn apart the power lines!" Plankterror explained "Well we know that!" commander Kraken Pointed out

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