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Notable Members- Most Followers Bug


Connoisseur of Romance
Hey there!

I just wanted to let someone know that there appears to be a bug on the "Notable Members" section of the site. I was looking at the "Most Followers" list earlier this week out of curiosity and noticed that one of my friends, @Mr\. Grin , was high up on the list. I was teasing him about it today and when I linked the list to him, he was mysteriously absent. I think people are 'disappearing' from the list intermittently because some of the names have shifted around, but I can't recall exactly besides Grin is missing.

Here's a link to the list:

Notable Members | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

If you look at Grin's profile he has 233 followers so he should be on the list but is not. =(
I heard at one point that for the Most Posts list, any user that hadn't logged in for several days were automatically removed from display. They were also automatically re-added once they had logged in.

Check again in 24 hours to see if Grinny-butt is on the list again. If he is, we'll know it was the system filtering out inactive users. If he isn't, then it's totally a bug.
The list has a cut off period of not being on x days. Once he's on and the 24 hour cache clears, it should reset

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