• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Not your regular neighborhood. CS



Senior Member
Full Name:


Gender pronouns:


Optional sexuality?


Clothing style:

Personality traits:

quirks and flaws:

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background):

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues:


Favorite food?

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families? (for Humans):

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi):


How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?:

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up?



Other things not stated:
Full Name: Aspen Wolsky

Nickname: Aspi

Gender pronouns: She/her

Age: 4

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Other features?: Aspen does have some canine teeth but they’re not fully in and were a bit delayed in coming in.

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Clothing style: She likes wearing frilly clothes, bows, and of course pajamas. If she could she’d just wear pajamas all day cause they’re comfy.

Personality traits: Now Aspi is kind of a weirdo especially for her age. For one she always seems a bit more distant to her fellow triplet siblings, often separating herself from the two when they're not roughhousing. While going and playing by herself Aspi the habit of taking walks by herself to scope out the neighborhood. Often keeping a close eye on the human neighbors. The young pup doesn't exactly trust them, so she's making it her little goal in life to keep them away. Her appetite is rather gluttonous often eating most things that would not be considered edible, from random sticks she finds in the yard, to clothing, bugs Aspen will try to eat. Aspi often also brings up questions that don't exactly seem reasonable, so its often easier to ignore her questions rather than trying to find worthy answers.

Quirks and flaws: Aspen tends to have some rather bad tantrums, which often comes with a lot of stuff being shredded or biting until she passes out.

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Family relations(can be done later): Tbr

Health issues: N/A

Hobbies: Currently playing, and taking things from Karen’s yard to torment her and burying them.

Favorite food?: bacon, and chips.

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): Aspen has only met a few personally but from the run-ins she has with Karen, she’s not too keen on them.

Fears?: Karen

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: She has trouble telling, but when she knows someone is upsetting her siblings or parents, Aspen will go and bite the culprit. Then she will try to help her family members feel better.

Career path: N/A

Likes: Food, snow, pajamas, some kinds of toys, blankets, naps, her family, her bunny plush if someone messes it with she will become very upset.

Dislikes: Storms, getting scolded, spicy foods, and being woken up from a nap.

Other things not stated: She was late, being born a couple of days after the other triplets.
faun 2.jpg
Full Name:
Matthew Lee Blossom
Gender pronouns:
(Picture above)
He has warm toned skin with freckles everywhere. He has fluffy deep red hair that his horns and ears stick out of. His lower half is deer legs with hooves and dark brown fur. He still has his white spots that mark him as a faun.
Clothing style:
He loves wearing comfy and soft tshirts. He doesnt wear pants because he hates the way they feel (he's also covered in fur)
Personality traits:
Opinionated when he wants to be
Quirks and flaws:
He's very small for his age because of the deer half
He sleeps a lot
Family relations:
The Blossom family
Health issues:
He's small
He has asthma
And he sometimes doesnt want to eat
Playing games with his siblings
Favorite food?
Opinions on those humans?:
They're loud and annoying
Deep water
How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?:
He gets very angry and will tell them off.
What do they want to be when they grow up?
A baker
Books (especially the smell of books)
Loud noises
Large open spaces (rooms mostly)
Full Name:
Mika Jones Wolsky
Gender pronouns:
(Picture above)
He has fluffy ears sticking out of his hair and a tail to match
Clothing style:
He likes to think that he has fashion sense. He tends to dress nicer than most kids his age.
Personality traits:
Energectic sometimes
Quirks and flaws:
He tends to louder and more rough and playful when he's with his brother
Family relations:
The Wolsky family
Health issues:
Playing games
Running around outside
Climbing trees
Favorite food?
Chocolate ice cream
Opinions on those humans?:
As long as they dont hurt his family he's okay
Big birds
How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?:
He will beat them up with his brother
What do they want to be when they grow up?
A stylist or tailor
The outdoors
Dressing nice
Playing with his siblings
Video games
Annoying people​
Full Name:
James Aaron Wolsky
Gender pronouns:
(Picture above)
He has fluffy ears sticking out of his hair and a tail to match
Clothing style:
He is often seen wearing shorts and tshirts because he's always playing and roughhousing
Personality traits:
Quirks and flaws:
He tends to pick fights with the humans
Family relations:
The Wolsky family
Health issues:
Playing outside
Playing games
Running around
Climbing trees
Favorite food?
Opinions on those humans?:
They're okay
The dark (especially outside)
How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?:
He will beat them up with his brother
What do they want to be when they grow up?
He doesnt know yet
Playing outdoors
His family
Boring things
Weird foods​
Full Name:
Tobias Blossom


Gender pronouns:


Optional sexuality?


Clothing style:
Anything ripped or that feels nice

Personality traits:
Tobi is an introverted kid. Always spending his time inside his home and hates to be around other people. Eventhough he is blind, once night hits, he loves to go outside and rummage through garbage, being in his nature to do that.

quirks and flaws:
Being blind, he tends to be injury prone.

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background):
Tobi the Raccoon Boy, really wasn't born blind. He used to be a bright kid, who always followed his parents around. But then he had an accident and he lost his eyesight. His parents left him at an orphanage, eventually getting adopted by the Blossoms.

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues:

Rummaging through garbage cans at night, destroying the Karen's Garden.

Favorite food?

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families? (for Humans): "Meh."

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): "Annoying."

Being spray on, loud noises

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?:

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up?
No idea

- Fruits
- rummaging through garbage
- nights

-loud noises
- smell of Ammonia
- Cayenne pepper

Other things not stated:
- somehow has a friend Raccoon named Coon.
Full Name:
Seban Yan Wolsky

"None thank you very much"

Gender pronouns:
"He/him, why does anyone care"


Optional sexuality?
"None of ya business"


Clothing style:
"I wear what I find on my closet, dont judge me, I'm still a kid."

Personality traits:
"My parents call me sweet but I'm far from that. Think whatever you want but I'm a little devil behind that sweet smile.

quirks and flaws:
"Wanna know my f**king flaw, I cuss too much. Blame those adults and kids that surround me, I just only repeat the words that I like, so piss off."

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background):

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues:
"My only health issue is that I'm not an adult yet."

Following adults and the older kids just to eavesdrop on them, tends to repeat any cuss word that comes of their mouth.

Favorite food?

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families? (for Humans):

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): "I like human Karen."

"I dont know, maybe clowns, they too colorful and thunder."

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: "calling older brother."

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up? "No idea, havent though that far."

- Cussing
- the Karen's (Its where I can learn alot of those interesting words)

- Veggies

Other things not stated:
- Wears an eyepatch cause he finds them cool and cause why the hell not.
Full Name: Leigh Arthur Perra

Nickname: "Call me anything other than Leigh and I'll actually have to kill you."

Gender pronouns: "Uh, he/him is fine I guess."

Age: 14

Optional sexuality?: "Uh, bi? Yeah, I'm bi. Let's go with that."


Clothing style: "I wear a lot of thrift store clothes. Mom hates it, but I kinda like a more eccentric look, y'know?"

Personality traits: "Does anyone have a personality in high school?" He laughs. "I guess I'm kind of a weirdo. I talk a lot, I joke around, sometimes my jokes go a little far... but I think I'm a good person. At least I'm trying to be. I love my siblings, and though I'd never say it out loud, I love my parents. Even mom. I just wish I could connect with my peers a little more. Sometimes I feel like I don't have many friends. Most of all I just try to be honest with people. I think that's the most important thing."

quirks and flaws: "I'm a TOTAL klutz. Being legally blind will do that to you. I'm pretty prone to losing things, bumping into stuff, falling down stairs and over curbs, and stuff like that.
I'm also kind of blunt, personally speaking. Sometimes I say things that are kind of insulting before I have a chance to think it over."

Background: Leigh has always been a jokester. His reputation as a class clown started in preschool and has persistent ever since.

Theatre has been his way of working out that spontaneous, explosive energy. His stage presence is phenomenal for someone so young. His first big role, Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream, solidified his love of Shakespeare.

At age 13, he suddenly had an episode of bilateral closed-angle glaucoma that destroyed most of his vision, but even that significant disability wasn't enough to keep Leigh off the stage and up to his usual antics. He quickly found ways to accommodate the things he loved to do and continued doing them

After the move to sequoia, he's been busy mapping out the neighborhood and quickly noticing that something's a little off with the neighbors....

Family relations:
"He's my little brosky. Super smart, even if he's got, y'know, some special needs. He needs a lot of space, and sometimes I worry he doesn't like me. Is that weird, to want your little brother to like you?"
Youngest sibling:

Health issues: "I'm actually legally blind. I can see a little, but I'll never be able to drive or anything like that. It sucks, I know, but you gotta live with the cards you're dealt."

Hobbies: "I'm an actor by trade, but I can juggle, I play the ukelele, I love to hang around the strip mall and listen around, and I love riding bikes if theres someone with me to make sure I don't bump into things."

Favorite food? "I love me some pancakes"

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families?: "What the actual fuck even are they? It's like, the coolest thing but I mean, totally weird."

Fears?: "Falling. Not heights, just falling".

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: "If you come after the kiddos I will DISEMBOWEL you."

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up?: "An actor. I wanna do Shakespeare!"

  • Shakespeare
  • Scented candles
  • Sarcastic jokes
  • Thrift stores
  • Exploring

  • School
  • Books that aren't available as audiobooks
  • Science fiction
  • Babysitting

Other things not stated:


Full Name: Oliver James Perra

Nickname: "I like to be called just Oliver. Sometimes people call me other things, but I get confused at them...."

Gender pronouns: "What's a pronoun? Oh, yeah... I'm a he."

Age: 10

Optional sexuality?: "what?"



Clothing style: "What mom picks out for me. I hate shirts with tags on, and I only like some fabrics."

Personality traits:
"...Mom says I'm shy. I don't like it when things change... this moving house has been really hard. Things are all so different now; I don't know what to do. I think, I guess, that I'm a very smart person. I like to watch the shows about science and electricity and stuff. Robots are my favorite. I like to be alone a lot, but sometimes other people are really cool and I want to get to know things about them, so I keep a journal where I... oh wait, that's a secret. Forget I told you that. But yeah. Personality. I'm a quiet smart person, and a little bit nervous."

quirks and flaws:
"I really struggle to communicate my... how I feel inside. If I'm hurting it's hard for me to say it in words people understand. I don't really know how other people are feeling either... they expect me to just know when they are happy or upset without saying it, and I hate that... my brother sometimes says the opposite of what he means. I don't know. I have a lot of flaws."

Ever since he was a toddler, it was clear something wasn't quite right with Oliver. At age 4 when he was diagnosed, he was still nonverbal, struggling with motor skills and failing to interact socially.
After starting therapy, he gained the ability to speak little by little, eventually becoming fully verbal at age 6. Despite this, he was still having serious issues with communicating his needs and struggling with severe sensitivity to sensory stimuli, so he was placed in special education programs to assist him through school.

Moving to Sequoia was an incredibly hard transition for him. Ever since he's been speaking less, having more meltdowns and panic episodes, and spending most of his time indoors where he feels more safe than the unfamiliar neighborhood.

Family relations:
Leigh: "
My brother confuses me sometimes, but we're friends. I think he's not afraid of anything... I wish I wasn't afraid of anything. One time, I watched him set his homework on fire. He's... cool. I just only want him to stop arguing so much."
Younger Sibling:

Health issues: "...Dad says I have autism."

"My electricity science kit! I can build a whole lightbulb all by myself."

Favorite food? "Just lettuce"

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families?: "They... they... make weird noises. I don't know. I don't know, I don't know. STOP ASKING ME QUESTIONS!

Fears?: "Loud noises, people grabbing and touching me, getting lost, and o-other things, I guess..."

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: "It makes me... uh... I don't know. I don't like it."

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up?: "A robot maker!"

  • Science
  • Fantasy novels
  • Raw vegetables
  • Quiet spaces
  • Soft fabrics
  • TV
  • Swings and hammocks

  • Slimy or sticky textures
  • Changes in routine
  • Bread, and most other foods
  • Bright lights
  • Being touched unexpectedly
  • Long car rides
  • Arguing
Other things not stated:
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Full Name: Cayden Wolsky

Nickname: "Cay"

Gender pronouns: He/Him/His

Age: 15

Optional sexuality: Heterosexual


His wolf traits are lupine like ears (as in their pricked, but otherwise look human) , a lot of hair for his air, and much more prominent and numerous canine teeth.

Clothing style:
Very, very plain. He isn't one for dressing fashionably, so expect a lot of plain T-Shirts and hoodies.

Personality traits: Quiet, shy, meek, introspective

quirks and flaws:
Hates water, and refuses to swim.
Really, really likes meat.

Extremely moody
Has the social appitude of a potato at times
Had trouble expressing his emotions
Struggles with his more animalistic tendencies

Background: Cayden and his twin were of course raised by their biological father and mother, both being wolves. Cayden was never very close to his real father, and was always more attached with his mother. As such, he had no problem when she filed for divorce and remarried to a husky. Even then, Cayden was a bit hesitant. He already had problems with a father figure, and he was slow to trust his new step-father, though he did quickly bond with his step-siblings, especially the triplets.

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues:

Reading, sleeping, and eating. The holy trifecta of a wallflower

Favorite food: Uhhh... probably burgers. He would kill someone for a good burger.

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families? (for Humans):

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): He's generally shy around them, not really sure what to think of them.

Fears?: Being abandoned, and enclosed spaces

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: very, very angry and defensive.

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up: Wants to become a veterinarian

Likes: Quiet, his family, etc.

Dislikes: Water, tight, enclosed spaces, and loud noises

Other things not stated: N/A
Full Name: Frank Wolsky

Nickname: "The Tank"

Gender pronouns: He/Him/His

Age: 40

Optional sexuality: Heterosexual


Has striking blue eyes, and his features are similar to Cayden's in terms of how subtle they are, though more like a husky than a wolf.

Clothing style:
Very, very dad clothes. So jeans, loafers, and T-Shirts.

Personality traits: The epitome of a cool dad. Lots of bad jokes, always outside, very active. Always camping with the kids. Pretty lax, but knows when to put his foot down. Extremely empathetic towards children.

quirks and flaws:
-Gets very agitated if he's inside for too long

-Can have a bad temper due to his husky side

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background): Frank was stuck in an unhappy marriage his parents forced on him. Even so, he loved his kids. A lot. He was more than happy to remarry, and very quickly took his step children under his care, making them victims to his constant jokes as well.

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues: N/A

Hobbies: Drinking, being in the great outdoors, running (a little bit, he's getting old)

Favorite food: A well cooked steak.

Opinion on the Kemonomimi neighborhood families? (for Humans):

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): Frank prefers to be around his fellow Kemonomimi, and absolutely despises Karen.

Fears?: Thunder, vacuums, and losing one of his pups

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: Very angry dad. Lots of cussing.

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up: Office accountant (Somehow)

Likes: Beer, steak, football, being with his family

Dislikes: Indoors, Karen, Karen's brood

Other things not stated:
Full Name: Amira Wolsky

Nickname: Amira

Gender pronouns: She/Her

Age: 14

Optional sexuality? “I’m Straight..?”

Appearance:View attachment 670196

Clothing style: Darker aesthetic colored clothing, usually worn with some neutral colors and a choker.

Personality traits:
-total weeb
-likes video games
-very, very defensive
-mess with her and you’re gonna regret the day you were born
-Likes fanfiction
-likes to come up with stories but never actually write them bc she’s too busy doing nothing
-cosplay fan

Quirks and flaws:
-swears a lot
-addicted to the Internet (But she still spends time with actual people though, thankfully)
-has a bad temper
-gets injured by playing Pokémon Go frequently, usually by banging into a post or something
-easily offended

Background: She had a small group of friends through elementary school and has since changed her friend group to other weebs like herself.

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues: Injured frequently by playing Pokémon Go (as stated above), and she has anxiety.

-complaining about how a member of the cat family took her Nintendo Switch again

Favorite food? “Uhh... Pocky! No, probably bubble tea. Ooh, what about Shrimp Chips? Ahh, I can’t choose! All Japanese food is so good!”

Opinions on those humans: “I think I should stay away from Karen. And ALL OF THE GIRLS ARE COMPLETELY SPOILED LIKE WHAT THE F***!”

-Nobody liking her

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: “If you lay a finger on any of them you’re gonna know the true meaning of pain”

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up?
-Storyboard writer

-video games
-YT animation
-being lazy

-siblings being annoying
-Human kids (I mean like they’re all f***ing spoiled and really unpleasant to be around)
(Not the most accurate picture, but it's what I could find that was the closest I was looking for!)

Full Name: Brinley Elaine Blossom

Nickname: B, Brin

Gender pronouns: She/ her

Age: 6

Optional sexuality? She hasn't decided, she really doesn't care about stuff like that quite yet!

Appearance: Brinley is a small, blond girl with unruly hair that never lays correctly. Her hair is straight and slowly get curlier and curlier, and stops to the middle of her back. She has big brown eyes, small canine teeth, a yellow tail that's constantly moving and big floppy ears. She is fairly lean, has a rounded face, and is pale. Her nose is constantly red and her eyes are sometimes puffy and watery thanks to allergies.

Clothing style: Brinely enjoys dressing in overalls, and that's what you will usually find her in. She also enjoys big straw hats, but prefers walking around barefoot. She typically keeps her hair in two low pigtails as well (That way her hair doesn't get in the way of her hats).

Personality traits: A very rambunctious girl, Brinley likes to run around and play outside whether it be rain or snow. She is energetic, mostly happy-go-lucky, and very clingy. Like a typical child she will bother someone until they play with her. She is quite brave and very reckless at times as well. However when you get down to it Brinley is loyal and very kind.

quirks and flaws: Can't sit still, needs to jump in any and every puddle possible, will fight an inanimate object if she runs into it and gets hurt

Background: Brinley has been in and out of the foster care system, usually because people cannot keep up with her rowdy behavior. She doesn't remember her biological family and doesn't seem to mind either.

Family relations: Part of the Blossom family- TBD

Health issues: Allergies

Hobbies: Running around, playing hide and seek, playing tag, wrestling with her siblings, picking flowers and putting them in everyone's hair

Favorite food: Almost everything except broccoli and cauliflower. Anything else is really ok with her.

Opinions on those humans?: Brinly isn't quite sure what to think of Karen's family just yet. She hasn't interacted with them a whole lot, but she would love a chance to meet and play with them.

Fears?: Being kicked out of a group

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: Because Brinley is very loyal despite her background, she feels a great need to protect those around her. She would fight tooth and nail just for friends, imagine family!

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up?: Hasn't thought about it yet

Likes: Playing games, pranks, her family and friends, birds, overalls, big hats, the color green

Dislikes: Cauliflower, broccoli, baths, squirrels (They never want to play with her), sitting still, reading

Other things not stated: None

Name: Harley Jae Blossom

Nickname: None

Gender Pronouns: She/ her

Age: 16

Optional sexuality?: Unsure, but leaning towards asexual

Appearance: Thin, dyed dark black hair and bright blue eyes. She is tan and typically wears dark clothes. She enjoys the goth aesthetic and loves anything with spikes on it- you can bet she has a spiked collar. She has one lobe piercing and 2 helix on both ears as well as an eyebrow piercing, a lip piercing, a nose ring and a belly button ring. She has a small x tattoo in between her thumb and index finger, something she and a friend did together as a dare once while in a foster home. Harley stands at 5'2 and has a pear shaped body. Has canine teeth, a tail and ears, and feet that are more dog shaped with hooked claws at the end.

Clothing Style: Goth/ punk. Anything dark and flashy with a lot of chains and spikes. Anything that looks remotely intimidating.

Personality traits: Harley is a down to earth, rational person. She enjoys intimidating the younger children but is also somewhat of a mother figure. She cares a lot for the kids and does her best to help out with them when she can. Harley has a bit of a mouth on her though and is known to be a bit harsh with her words, even if she doesn't mean it.

Quirks and flaws: Has a hard time opening up to others, finds it easier to talk to kids than those older than her, will rub her fingers together when anxious/ irritated.

Background: Harley was born in Carmel, Indiana with one brother and 2 sisters. She never had time to meet her parents because the had given her away at such an early age. She has been through the foster system more times than she has counted and is used to being by herself. She learned her street smarts there as well as the multiple times she had run away on her own. Harley learned long ago that the only person she can rely on is herself, and although she knows how cliche it is, it's the only way she knows how to preserve herself.

Family relations: Blossom family- TBD

Health Issues: None

Hobbies: Caring for kids, cooking, makeup, reading, swimming

Favorite Food: Garlic Bread

Opinions on those humans?: She hates them, simple as that!

Fears?: Bugs, losing someone she's close to

How do they feel when someone messes with a family member?: She would, naturally, feel hostile towards that person. She would tell them off, fight them if necessary, and continually harass them every time she sees them from then on.

What do they want to be when they grow up?: CPS

Likes: Children, cooking, scary stories, having alone time, dark aesthetics, tattoos

Dislikes: Extremely colorful things, people who can't act their age, exercise, bugs

Other things not stated: None
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Full Name: Nova Wolsky

Nickname: Supernova (jokingly)

Gender pronouns: She/her

Age: 15

Optional sexuality: Bisexual


Clothing style: Nova tends to present androgynous, favoring loose yet fashionable clothes, sweater vests, dress shirts, and a heavy parka. She tends to accessorize with gloves.

Personality traits: Nova is very outgoing and personable, to contrast her twin. She's relaxed and optimistic, and not afraid to talk to people she finds interesting, or get in fights.

quirks and flaws:
- Quick to anger
- Easy to befriend
- Likes to play devil's advocate
- Somewhat confrontational

Background: Nova is what you'd call a a daddy's girl. As such, she was more attached to her biological father, and when the divorce happened, it really shook her up when her mother got full custody. She's still really bitter towards her mother for not even letting her biological father have visitation rights, and refuses to make nice with her new step-dad.

Family relations(can be done later): WIP

Health issues: None

Hobbies: Nova's taken up track and field at school to help distract her.

Favorite food: Steak

Opinions on those humans: They're alright, she supposes. Kinda weird but alright.

Fears: Death, being abandoned, being a disappointment.

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: Nova gets super protective of her family members, namely her twin, and the triplets.

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up: Nova hasn't yet considered what she wants to do for a career.

+ swimming
+ running
+ cold weather

- being wrong
- being late
- cleaning
Full Name: Oshuwatt Maxi Wolsky

Nickname: Oshu

Gender pronouns: Non-binary, pronouns they/them

Age: 9

Optional sexuality: Gay

Appearance: Oshu has tanned skin, green eyes, grey ears and a reddish tail. Their left arm is missing, a result of a car accident. Oshu has since received a prothetic arm.

Clothing style: Oshu likes to wear oversized hoodies and sweat pants. They always seems to be cold.

Personality traits: Oshu is timid, sweet, helpful, and kind.

quirks and flaws: Oshu is sort of a loner, and prefers to stay tucked in their blankets at home. They are submissive and is not that good in a fight.

Family relations(can be done later): (I'll do this later!)

Health issues: Missing left arm.

Hobbies: Staying up all night, cuddling in their many thick blankets, and watching Youtube all day.

Favorite food: Sushi

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): "The humans are ok, as long as they don't mess with me too much."

Fears?: Being forced to talk to strangers, loss of wifi and blankets, and being attacked.

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: Oshu is defensive sometimes, and will try and stand up for their family members even when they are scared.

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up?: Oshu wants to become an artist.

Likes: Sushi, rainy days, hoodies, blankets, wifi, family, Youtube, and warmth.

Dislikes: Eggs, extroverts, cold, sickness, bullying.

Other things not stated: N/A
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Full Name: Kamiiya Bonbei

Nickname: Doll, Kam

Gender pronouns: She/Her

Age: 33

Optional sexuality?: Bisexual

Personality traits: Passive-Aggressive, Romantic, Erratic, Spontaneous, Hot-Headed, Sensitive

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background): Most would say Kamiiya had a pretty normal childhood. Top student, Gorgeous features, plenty of friends. Nobody knows what changed, what was the trigger for her sudden lunatic antics, and wild behaviour. Just like that, her life began to crumble, and nobody'd guess it was the fault of a boy. Ever since then, Kamiiya had extreme trust issues, but that was until she met her wife.

Family relations(can be done later):

Health issues: None specific, just a bit demented.

Hobbies: Singing, Drawing, Dancing, Gardening, Gaming, Cooking

Favorite food: Cream puffs, pie

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): She really actually likes them, and wants to get to know them, but is fearful they'll hate her for her attitudes and personality

Fears?: Walking on ice, Drowning, being left alone, Cults, Demonic things, Insects, Pentacles.

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?: A bit livid, she'll try to work it out with you, but if things go south, she might get violent.

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up: Mid-Wife, Baby nurse.

Likes: Children, Red, Music, Romance, Neat places, beautiful homes, babies, Art, Wine and fried chicken

Dislikes: Cults, Being Disrespected, Racism, Loneliness, Feeling uneasy

Full Name: Saburo Kusanagi (草薙三朗)

Nickname: Magatsu-Izanagi (禍津伊弉諾). It means "Calamity Izanagi." This refers to Izanagi's state before he washed away the filth from Yomotsu Hirasaka in a failed mission to retrieve his late consort, Izanami. Saburo calls himself this as he considers both Kemonomini and Human Society to be "filth", neither willing to learn from each other's mistakes nor willing to accept each other's existence and considers them "pathetic".

Gender pronouns: He/Him.

Age: 16

Optional sexuality: Gay.

Appearance: 348-3486422_default-did-you-just-persona-5-joker-portrait.png
(Beneath the suit, his upper back may look arched but it is in fact, his corvid-like wings tucked up beneath his shirt and kept bound down with a leather harness that goes across his chest. He keeps his nails very short but if he grows them out, they become talon like. He has to remove loose feathers twice a week and he has execeptional dexterity and balance.)

Clothing style: Mainly suits to hide his wings under but when working he'll wear baggy jogging bottoms and long-sleeved tops which he doesn't mind getting filthy.

Personality Traits: Saburo is generally rather cold, methodical, bitter, and curt, but not necessarily callous or cruel. Blunt to a fault, his cool attitude can be off-putting and sometimes interpreted as rude, such as telling people to “spare him the bullshit”. He can be demanding when he needs something, such as information and he uses profanity when agitated. He is overly sarcastic at times as well. He is also impatient and does not like it when people are not careful and will often scold them for doing a course of action he considers unwise or dangerous, even if his opinion isn't particularly wanted. Unlike other Kemonomini, Saburo goes to lengths to hide his non-humanoid features, often binding his wings down and filing his nails so he looks completely human.

Quirks and Flaws: His disparaging behaviour towards other kemonomimi results from a deep-seated self hatred he externalizes as contempt for his own kind, his eyes will contract quite violently and turn yellow like that of a bird of prey when using some of his superhuman vision abilities to look at something. He bites his nails when stressed and can usually be found doing gardening since he enjoys doing it for other people and the money helps.

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background): Born to a shopkeeper human womanand a salaryman crow kemonomimi, Saburo was their third child and an attempt to repair their dying marriage which failed. Bullied at school for his wings and rejected by other, more conservative kemonomimi for being a "filthy half-breed". Saburo left school at age 15 after years of rebellion against his teachers who weren't understanding of the fact that his family was falling apart and he came to class exhausted, trying to hold hem together to no avail. Soon joining the gated community as a gardener, the mysterious youth rarely speaks the truth about his past. It's evidently lies but picking them apart do not give a lead to the truth either.

Family relations(can be done later): Mother: Asaka Tenjoin (Human, Estranged) Father: Yuichirou Kusanagi (Kemonomimi, Estranged) Eldest Brother: Shoichi Kusanagi (Human, Estranged) Jin Kusanagi (Raven Kemonomimi, Estranged)

Health issues: One of his wings is slightly crooked due to a badly-healed fracture some years ago.

Hobbies: Painting, Gardening, Flying (At Night)

Favorite food: Spaghetti Carbonara

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): Distrust, but that also extends to other Kemonomimi.

Fears: Being discovered as a half-human, half kemonomimi (Minor) Being found by his biological parents (Major, he cut ties with them because he couldn't stand to watch them use him as a tool to try and get one over each other).

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members: Indifferent towards his biological family, they are self-destructing anyway.

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up: Police officer.

Likes: Smoking (Cigarettes, he doesn't do it infront of kids but it's a bad stress habit), Playing Cards (He cheats but is good at hiding it), Flying (Despite the self-hatred, it allows him to literally and metaphorically be above those he dislikes.)

Dislikes: People triyng to inquire into his past.

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Full Name: Kylie Marie Bonbei

Nickname: Ky, Lili, Riri.

Gender pronouns: She/Her

Age: 10 turning 11

Appearance: (Photo above)

Clothing style:
-"I love pastel colors~ ☺💞"
-Warm and comfortable clothes with pastel colors only
-All of her clothes are from her mothers

Personality traits:
Straight forward, Loud, like really loud if she wants to, she's nice to people who she likes. Helpful.

quirks and flaws: Compulsive talking, her "straight forward" trait rewarded her the "rude" title from Mrs. Karen.

Background( Any character over the age of 11 is required to have a background): Her traits were due to how her parents raised her, but not in a bad way. She's strong and she knows how to handle her emotions because that's what her parents always remind her of. Fun story: she was once suspended in kindergarten for talking and being "rude" to her teacher and classmates (she was too straightforward when she was younger)

Family relations(can be done later): (Done later)

Health issues: Compulsive Talking, ADHD.

Hobbies: Drawing~

Favorite food?: Mango

Opinions on those humans? (For Kemonomimi): "Their fun, I like them. Their entertaining and awesome to talk to, Though this lady doesn't like me that much, her face goes red whenever I talk to her, actually they seem to do weird faces when i make a conversion, but I don't care I still wanna talk to them"

Fears?: Storms

How do they feel when someone messes with their family members?:
She talks back, insulting the person, but if she's really really mad she scratches them.

Career/ what do they want to be when they grow up? An artist

Likes: Materials for drawing, her family, her sibling (a lot)

Dislikes: Storms and thunder, cucumber (who likes that "thing" anyway)
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