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Realistic or Modern Not Your Paradise


New Member
Out of character chat. Let's get to know each other and agree on plot stuff here.
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TerrinX said:
I am totally in, just to what should I be...
You can be anything you want to be. :) I'd suggest only going for monsters if you want to have an evil character, though.

Chase said:
This is super interesting I may join
Of course you may!

Blarg222 said:
So how are we going to start this off?
I'll start us off soon. I was planning to have everyone start by going off on their daily business, and then start realizing things are wrong. Any subplots are welcome, too (for instance, I have a character trying to solve the murder of his sister).
I think we'll start tomorrow, yes. I want to give people who want to be there from the start some more time.
Post is up-- and I happened to realized that I gave one of my characters the last name "Summers" and the other "Winters." Well, now I just feel stupid.
TerrinX said:
I want to jump in but im not sure how...
Well, currently, it's a Saturday morning. Have your character do whatever she does on Saturday mornings, or jump in and have her interact with someone else.
Lena said:
Well, currently, it's a Saturday morning. Have your character do whatever she does on Saturday mornings, or jump in and have her interact with someone else.
I want to interact with Jimmy but Im not sure how
I was going to make a Ghost of a soldier who died in passchendaele but I saw that someone has a zombie from the Hundred Years War. ;-; Felt they were too similar.

Also, I was considering making a monster that hunted other monsters, and essentially basing, if not directly using the Nordic beast Fenrir?
SirDerpingtonIV said:
I was going to make a Ghost of a soldier who died in passchendaele but I saw that someone has a zombie from the Hundred Years War. ;-; Felt they were too similar.
Also, I was considering making a monster that hunted other monsters, and essentially basing, if not directly using the Nordic beast Fenrir?
Ooh, definitely. That would be really cool.
Which one?

Passchendaele ghost would be rather dark and sad, and I think I would have them "Protect"/stalk a human character that looks just like the character's long-lost love, murdering and doing crazy shit in the process.

Fenrir would be hunting down other monsters and killing them to become stronger. In Nordic religion, when Ragnarok came around, Fenrir easily killed Odin himself, then ate the moon, and destroyed the world. But that was after uncounted centuries of growing. This Fenrir would be far smaller and far weaker, but a monster none the less. And since, in Nordic religion, Fenrir is chained, I'll have some way to incorporate that.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Which one?
Passchendaele ghost would be rather dark and sad, and I think I would have them "Protect"/stalk a human character that looks just like the character's long-lost love, murdering and doing crazy shit in the process.

Fenrir would be hunting down other monsters and killing them to become stronger. In Nordic religion, when Ragnarok came around, Fenrir easily killed Odin himself, then ate the moon, and destroyed the world. But that was after uncounted centuries of growing. This Fenrir would be far smaller and far weaker, but a monster none the less. And since, in Nordic religion, Fenrir is chained, I'll have some way to incorporate that.
Well, now that you added more, either of them would be really cool. I don't think the ghost would be that similar to our resident undead professor, so either idea would be welcome.
Whoop whoop! I might actually do both. Would anyone volunteer for being the double of the "Lost love" of mr. Ghost soldier?

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