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Realistic or Modern Not Your Paradise


New Member
Still open for applications!

more humans and psychics appriciated

Alright, characters. Play as many as you like, but be able to keep track of all of them. As you probably realized from the overview and stuff, there's three options of what you can play.

  1. You can be a monster of any kind, who would be living here for years. The monsters should be at least 80% evil. Don't make all of them angsty teenagers who think murder is wrong. That's just boring! Have some genuinely messed up monsters/witches/beings! It's fun.
  2. You can be a psychic drawn to this place because of the vibes it gives off. Psychics can be good or evil, or neither. They can be some of the humans getting a job/house here, or they can be aimless drifters.
  3. You can be an innocent human sucked into this by pure chance. Probably not too badass-- make sure to stay realistic.

Form skeleton-- these are the things I need to know in order to accept your character. Images not necessary. I may ask you to edit things.

  • name
  • species-- feel free to be creative!
  • age
  • gender
  • appearance
  • sexuality
  • occupation (student works. for sake of rp, there is a nearby university.)
  • history
  • personality
  • character flaws
  • whatever else you want


  • Ms. Tara Summers (Istar), played by Lena. --pagan goddess
  • James (Jimmy) Winters, played by Lena. ---human
  • Oliver Vickers, played by Blarg22. --undead
  • Winter R. Clarke, played by Rocket. --water nymph
  • Lee Webb, played by Lady Ravenshade. --human
  • Robyn Young, played by Lady Ravenshade. --hybrid
  • Nirvana K., played by TerrinX. --Kraken
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Istar-- sometimes written as Shara. Relation can be traced to the goddess as Inanna. Quite possibly the same person.

In the town, Istar is known as
Ms. Tara Summers.


Goddess. Origins in Assyria and Mesopotamia.


Female... ish.


In the thousands.


We're talking about an ancient, powerful, and capricious shape-shifting monster. Your guess is about as good as mine.


Istar has been depicted as a beautiful woman with wings and the feet of a bird, or as a nude woman with a lion curled at her feet. That wouldn't do for this neighborhood, though... Ms. Summers appears as a petite blond woman around twenty-seven. Her fangs are generally unseen unless she is feeding. Her skin is known to pulse with light whenever she is doing magic.


Ms. Summers teaches third grade at the elementary school. She quite popular with her students.


It has been said that the goddess's favour is far more deadly than her hatred. In the olden days, they said that each of her lovers suffered a terrible fate... these days, neighbors show up with store bought cards and casseroles. Each year, the teacher's pet in her class will have a bad year, if they live. A young witch, Grechel Grothaus, was killed in a car accident last year, after being awarded all the best grades in Ms. Summer's class. As the teacher is far too ancient and powerful of a being for the town to rally against her, they prefer not to suspect. And so the cycle repeats whenever Istar finds someone else she favours. She is capricious and sadistic. She loves it here.


Istar seems to have been here since the beginning of mankind. Known by thousands of names, she remembers following the Mongols in their conquest, watching the Roman Empire collapse. Whispering into the ear of the crowd during the French Revolution...


-As most gods, Istar can be killed in a certain ritual. She makes sure anyone who knows it is dead, but it can still be found

-Istar cannot resist a challenge or riddle.



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James "Jimmy" Winters


Human โ€“ mildly psychic.






As flamboyantly bisexual as humanly possible.


Jimmy has light brown hair and dark blue eyes. Typically, dark circles can be spotted under his eyes and his hair is a damn mess. He tends to have a bit of stumble (mostly because he's generally in a hurry of some sort and forgets to shave), and wear rumpled clothing. He stands just over six feet tall, but isn't particularly muscular or even sporty. He'll be the first to admit he is rather terrible in a fight, and there's not many places where he belongs less than in the gym.




Jimmy likes to think he's mysterious and romantic, but that's far from the truth. He's rather naรฏve at times, and he tends to trust people very easily. He's a good liar, but tends to be overconfident after that and often ends up ruining it by letting something slip. He's extremely empathic and connects to people more easily than he'd like to. That's one of the things that has gotten him into trouble countless times in the past. He takes things very close to heart, and cries easily. It has been said that he wears his heart on his sleeve. When he gets obsessed with something, he gets very obsessed. He'll forgo food and sleep for a chance to learn. Despite being psychic, Jimmy is a strong denier of anything supernatural. He's an atheist and he dismisses any visions, dreams, or feelings that he might get, and has an explanation for most things. He loves science, especially physics, and he's very good at math. A quick learner, he made it a personal project to learn Russian a few years ago, and speaks somewhat fluently by now.

Jimmy tends to think of things in life like math problems that he just has to find the right way to solve, and that has gotten him hurt in the past. It's easier for him to think like that than it is to accept reality, though, and so continues to have that mindset, even after it's failed him a few times. He knows it's illogical to do that, deep down, but so far, he's been ignoring that. He often volunteers to help when he doesn't know, and he takes the responsibility very seriously.


Jimmy was born in New York. When he was growing up, his family (a single mother and his twin sister, Hannah,) was very close to each other. Both he and Hannah skipped ahead of their grade in high school. Nearly inseparable, the twins won the local Science Fair as a team two years in a row. They both had bright future ahead of them; Jimmy was planning to pursue nuclear physics, while Hannah was interested in medicine. They took a year off between school and college to go on a roadtrip together, and happened to come by here. Hannah went out to the gas station. Her body was found with strange wounds on it. She was dead before she had the chance to go on and do anything with her life, and Jimmy vowed to fulfill her dreams for her. He was accepted into medical school. He never could make himself as interested in the subject as she was. After his mother passed away, and his long-time girlfriend, Lori, walked out on him, Jimmy switched tracks and went on to become a nurse instead of a doctor.

He couldn't fulfill Hannah's dream, so he decided to figure out what took it away from her instead. He found a nursing job in the neighborhood she was murdered in with the hope of solving the case from five years ago.


-Jimmy takes on more than he's able to do.

-He's easy to read, and he reveals his emotions and motives to strangers.

-He's very bad in a fight.

-He often denies things right in front of him.



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name: Oliver Vickers

  • species-- Undead

  • age-1015

  • gender-Male

  • appearance-(In Armor)

  • (Monster form)

  • (Human Disguise)

  • sexuality: Asexual

  • occupation: University History Teacher

  • history: Oliver was born in a small village in medieval England, the name of it he has long forgotten. When he was of age he was conscripted into the King's Men at Arms and fought in many bloody wars between kingdoms. However during one battle he and his army was destroyed by a massive French force, and left to rot in the French Countryside. However the field in which he was killed held a special enchantment which arose him and the rest of his fellow comrades as the undead, cursed to kill anyone who entered the Countryside which would morph into the Ardennes Forest. Centuries past and many wars passed through the forest, as well as legends of a Medieval army attacking troops in the night. These legends would last all the way until the end of WW2 where the modern technology used by the soldiers passing through allowed them to kill the undead army. Oliver remained as the only one left of the Medieval army, and with that he was no longer bonded to the forest. He would roam for a bit until he heard about a strange new land, America, to which he traveled to with a merry band of immigrants. Strangly the boat he came on was found with everyone aboard killed except for Oliver, who claimed it had been attacked by pirates. He soon settled down in a nice town, where he found many monsters like himself, and used his knowledge of the passing 1000 years to get a job as History Teacher at a local university.

  • personality: The years and years of war and the rather grim affect of the curse has made him completely schitzophrenic. At one moment he could be the kindest most humble man you've ever met, the next he could a murderous, mad, and laughing hysterically all the while. While this is easily suppressed during the day, at night it becomes hard to control because of the loss of his disguise and he tries to keep himself in his home but sometimes he dons his armor once more and murders like there is no tomorrow.

  • character flaws: He is killable but only by the incineration or removal of the brain, shooting it or stabbing it will only wound him for a short time.

  • whatever else you want: Holds a various collection of historical mementos in his basement, mainly they are trinkets taken off the soldiers he has killed while bonded to the Ardennes Forest.

  • He can speak English, French, and German.
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Winter Rose Clarke


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    Water Nymph

    โ€ข Sex โ€ข


    โ€ข Gender Identity โ€ข


    โ€ข Age โ€ข


    โ€ข Sexuality โ€ข


    โ€ข Height โ€ข


    โ€ข Weight โ€ข


    โ€ขDistingusing Featuresโ€ข

    Often covered in bruises and has a tattoo on her shoulder.

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Name: Lee Webb

Species: Human

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: Born with blond hair. Regularly dyes it a copper brown and grew it out to hide his wide ears, that he is highly embarrassed about. His eyes are a shallow blue, indifferent and habitually vacant. A plastered smile on his face would be betrayed by the look in his eyes, if one would look closely enough they would be able to tell if it was genuine or possibly not. His manner of movement is deliberate, and light-footed, but not necessarily nimble; body language is very controlled, but still communicative. Neither particularly thin nor notably bulky. Perhaps carrying a couple of extra pounds. Height is about 6'. Has a scar on his finger from when he accidentally nicked his fingers with scissors when cutting out a length of cardboard for his 'spaceship' when he was 7.


Sexuality: Straight.

Occupation: Part-time and Self-titled Photographer otherwise unemployed.

Personality: Cautious and considerably famous for creating excuses for everything and anything. Introverted, awkward at carrying conversations and they always tend to drift off into nothingness, is superstitious and believes in Aliens. Rather knowledgeable in subjects such as History and Chemistry. A bit of a stick in the mud and gets exhausted in social situations, does not attend as much clubs and parties as usual 20 somethings would. Remarkably self sufficient and intends to be rid of his stringent parents by the time he reaches 30.

History: Lives with his altruistic Mother and Step-father, both with high expectations for him and his studies, he has lived an average life. Got sent to a great (Costly) university where he could pursue his photography career but Lee dropped out as he decided that sitting at lectures just wasn't for him and obviously had to face the fire from his parents that thoroughly overreacted, I mean, things could have been worse..regarding the happenings around town and all.

They've resided in this town for his whole life and Lee is sure there is something awry about it, he just can't figure out what. His parents dismiss all the speculations that the media reports with a scoff and roll of the eyes, despite this, are awfully protective and demand that he informs them all the details of where he's going and when he'll be back, who he'll be with. Not that he does get around heaps anyways.

Character flaws: Pessimistic and easily gives in to peer pressure. Rarely takes risks and conforms with all the rules, is too much of a coward to stand up for something he does not agree with and knows isn't right.

Smoker. Does it when he is incredibly frustrated to the point of screaming and all that, but he prefers to remain silent.

((Your introduction was so captivating ~-~ I'd love to join in, and i'm thinking of creating a female char if that would be alright with ya?))
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  • name: Alexander 'Nightmare' Roskolov

  • species: Shapeshifter

  • age: 400 (Usually looks twenty)

  • gender: Male (Most of the time)

  • appearance: Alexander has not one but many.

  • sexuality: Heterosexual (When male)

  • occupation: University student (When he wants to be younger/older)

  • history: Alexander was born in a town called Arachi in Europe. He was a very hyper child until one day his father, a highly respected warrior, came back from war only for them to find out a Shape shifter had killed him and taken his form. Alexander had rushed at it but the shape shifter shot him with a very rare gold plated bullet drenched in kanima venom which killed him instantly but on rare occasions someone killed by a Shape shifter comes back as one b ut only evil.

  • personality: Nightmare......

  • character flaws: Can be killed by a Gold plated bullet drenched in Kanima venom.

  • whatever else you want: N/A
Name: Robyn Young

Species: Part-Human, Part-Elf.

Age: 89 Elven years and seen as 24 in human mentality/years.

Gender: Female

Appearance: Medium-length wavy brunette hair, with dark hazel eyes and fair skin passed down from her Elven father. Taller than your standard human, and possesses a defined bone structure with angular cheekbones and a pointed chin. Has regular shaped ears, with multiple piercings. She has full coral lips and they close in a thin line. Stands at 5'8 and has broad shoulders, yet holds an agile and graceful manner of movement. Curvy at places, which she proudly displays, you can tell by the way she carries her head high and tilts her chin upward. A hot air balloon inked on her left shoulder and a small turtle on her ankle. Favors reds, golds, black and dark blue colored clothing and simple flats to appear shorter. Chooses to put her hair up in two buns.



Sexuality: Pansexual.

Occupation: Architect and University Student.

Personality: Has a love for craft and plants, especially cacti. Her hobbies consist of directing and shooting short films, going for walks on especially windy days and reading maps, and reading in general. Detached in such a way that people would think her unusual..she likes to think herself as eccentric. A thrill seeker, she loves games, talking in riddles and generally having a wild time with the people she considers her acquaintances. She is sagacious and has the ability to analyze and observe emotions but doesn't know how to handle them, or how to help because for her to aid a person she has to relate to them. Robyn does not voice her thoughts unless she is wholly convinced that they are right, has a knack for small talk but never deep conversations, because they confuse her. Her mentality was never really stable to being with, she could snap at a phrase or situation and her emotions are volatile, susceptible to changing swiftly. Prefers having control over situations and can't handle failing or when things don't go the way she planned, doesn't appreciate surprises. Affectionate when she wants to be and true to those who actually understand her, if she let's them, that is.

History: Robyn and her dysfunctional family that consisted of her father, mother and older sister lived normal lives and were forced to come to terms that they would outlive their mother, who bears no elven genes. Her mother who is of Asian descent, did nothing but work, work at her job as a flight attendant, work to get the house clean, fix their messes and wipe their tears. Robyn came to the conclusion that, that was the secret to how she never seemed to age and although she did not accommodate model-like features nor did she produce elvish blood, it was her personality that brightened the room, her mere presence would make people turn their heads, and she was radiant. Their father always insisted it, she denied it, he was head over heels for their mother, still is to this day. Their father, Noah, was a family man, easy going, he let them stay up till 12 (their mother strongly disagreed), cooked the meals and attended all the concerts and matches his two daughters were in when their mother was away.

He explained to them why they were different from the other children, when they seemed to be changing, whilst Robyn and her sister, Emmy, did not. Robyn studied to become an Architect, before moving to the town she currently resides in now, to further her knowledge and to strive toward earning a degree in Architecture.

Character flaws: Functions off other's compliments and praise, can be prejudiced and has absolutely no sense of humor. Is unpredictable and thoughtless. Thinks more of herself than anyone else. Smokes. Frequently, however abstains from alcohol.
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Nirvana K.








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Teaches Biology at the Elementary and High School


Nirvana grew tired of sinking ships and eating humans and waiting at the bottom of the north sea for hundreds of years. When she resurfaced everything had changed so much she instantly became fascinated with the growing technology, culture and most of all their sins, feeding off their greed, envy and most of all their lust. Nirvana walked the earth for many years. She watched the battles of D-Day, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, death, fear suffering, then the war ended and so did her feasts of blood, until she found Calchester. A place to call home, full of sin to feed off of and lots of sacrifices to the sea.



Nirvana is a kind gentle soul. Her students love how easy going she is and how well she teaches her class while still being fun. She loves the way her students adore her, she is, has been, and always will be their favorite teacher just like the call of the siren the children will do anything for her, even give up their souls.

Nirvana loves to take advantage of others, especially youth. Making them love her, making them obsess over her.

Character Flaws

Nirvana is no where near perfect. If offered something that interest her she can be bribed easily into doing almost anything.

She also has this weird thing about smashing toy boats.

She can be killed by normal means in her human form, as long as she dies before turning back to her true form, although, she has been hexed before and was trapped in her human body, limiting her power and immortality - She used to be younger.

Whatever Else You Want

Her father is Poseidon and her mother was a princess turned into a Cuttle fish while pregnant with Nirvana - Her mother is in one of her many tanks at her home.

There is a rumor that there is cult surrounding this teacher. If your lucky Ms.K will invite you after school for a special extra credit assignment, she only picks her favorite students, which is usually most of them, seeing how hard they try to be her favorite. When the students arrive all seems normal and well until they realize its near midnight, they had been at the school for at least eight hours although it only felt like two. As a present for their hard work Ms.K gives each of the children a gift for their troubles, the male students a purple gem, for the girls a pink gem. Nirvana despises men, for all the years they tried to research, hunt and kill her before labeling her as nothing more than a dumb myth, so she makes them better, she makes them female. No one ever seemed to notice that all of her students are girls, even though the class never starts that way but without the truth to the eyes most people are simply blind. As for the girls, Nirvana needs to feed on sin, so she makes them sin. Each gem they receive has a sin to infect the girls, lust, gluttony, pride, envy, but the only way they can embody those sins are by giving up their souls, which they unknowingly and willingly do.

The students in her cult are akin to cattle on a farm. Nirvana provides them with what they need to do her dirty work and they collect sin for her to feed on, weather it be their own or someone else's.


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Elijah Crossfeld






Appears to be in his early to mid 30's- However, even he's lost count of how long he's actually existed.




Elijah works a simple job as a clerk for a small, local record shop. Humans seem to have a thing for music, and it's perfect for drowning out (or, at least, distracting him from) those pesky auditory hallucinations. Besides, having not many customers partnered with a large and lockable back room makes it a perfect location for him. You'd be surprised how careless humans could be-- A simple "yes, we carry that. It's in the back, though, follow me." Is usually enough to score him lunch. And dinner. And breakfast, if he decides the meat is good enough.


The best way to describe Elijah is... Slowly slipping into psychosis. Being a ghoul with abnormal and mutated genes, he's been left with both human and inhuman qualities that do not mix well. He can typically play it fairly cool in front of others (homo-sapiens, gods, and various entities alike) and while he is often a tad on the rambunctious and bothersome side he can be very charismatic when he chooses to be. Usually, this is displayed when hunting down his... Well. Prey. Although he's never been fond of the term. However, there isn't really a more accurate title out there. He does eat them, after all. Whenever he get's the chance. He's quite the artist, too-- You should really see the paintings. Truly magnificent, some might say, and done entirely in red.


Everything in Elijah's memory becomes... Foggy, after enough time has passed. He can't remember where (or if) he was born, nor anyone he knew, nor where he even came from. What he has knowledge of, currently, covers about 60 years of existence. From traveling across America to taking up a home in Calchester, he still has difficulty remembering the details of even recent events passed. However, he doesn't dwell on this much-- What was that ridiculous saying from human culture? ah, right-- "C'est La Vie!"

Character Flaws

Elijah is generally unstable. On a good day. The (notably small) human portion of his brain often slips into auditory hallucinations, which although he's gotten very talented at ignoring, can still be debilitating at their worst. His emotions are intense and long-lasting, leaving him prone to bursts of sudden anger towards others (even those of which he knows could easily kill him in one blow). He is also very impulsively driven, sometimes not stopping to think before acting on his thoughts.



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@xandr Accepted!

@Thane Korino Nice form, but your character seems a little overpowered for a psychic. They should be as much prey here as anyone, and generally psychics shouldn't be able to control fire and stuff. You'll be accepted if you edit down your powers and run them by me again.
[QUOTE="Thane Korino]hm, I might want to change him to a magician then perhaps? Otherwise... I don't really want to get rid of the pyrokinesis... I could probably shrink down or do away with divination.. or is there any suggestions to limit down the pyrokinesis?

Pyrokinesis is not really a psychic power. Psychics, generally, are associated with mind reading, telling the future, visions, ect. Mostly gathering information. You can make him a witch?
[QUOTE="Thane Korino]I could make him a witch. Although, I don't want to be rude but pyrokinesis is a psychic ability, which brings up the question what would you do if someone had a character with telekinesis?

Also not being rude, but a psychic is defined as "a person who professes an ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses through extrasensory perception (ESP), or is said by others to have such abilities."

This is a pretty vague concept, though, and I realize I wasn't very clear in my description post. The reason I don't want a psychic character with attack abilities like pyrokinesis or powerful telekinesis is because I'm trying to create a dichotomy here-- humans and monsters. Humans, even psychics, would be out of place/considered prey here, and by the plot of the RP, they should not really be able to make formidable foes for the monsters, if that makes sense. So, if someone had a monster character with telekinesis, I would be a-okay with that. A human/psychic, not so much.
[QUOTE="Thane Korino]I could make him a witch. Although, I don't want to be rude but pyrokinesis is a psychic ability, which brings up the question what would you do if someone had a character with telekinesis?

What she means by psychics arnt people with kinetic mind powers, but people who can see and sense things like ghosts, monsters, magic, and gods
name: Maya Ahmadi

  • species: Sorcerer (Specializes in potion brewing)

  • age: 19

  • gender: Female

  • appearance:

  • sexuality: Homosexual

  • occupation: She is a student at the local university and majors in Chemical Engineering, she also works part time at a local restaurant.

  • history: Maya was born in Alexandria, Egypt and was actually of not born to a mother or father. She was the creation of a powerful Sorcerer named Aida Bafa, who sought to raise a successor through the creation of a potion that could create life. Being under the care of Aida, Maya grew up learning the ways of a Sorcerer and mainly in the ways of potion brewing. This gave her an edge against the world she lived in, however she never was able to explore it as Aida kept her secluded so she could train her. However, while Aida was out, a young boy broke into their home and prepared to steal some of their belongings until he ran into Maya. They talked for a bit and actually began to enjoy eachother's company, however when she revealed that she was created by Aida, the boy saw her as an abomination. He quickly left and told the town, who returned armed and ready to kill the witch and her abomination of God. However before they raided the home, Aida used what she had left to teleport Maya far away, and where she landed was America. She used her knowledge to survive and settled down in a nice town to not only make a future but to avenge Aida's name.

  • personality: She's very quiet and calculating, usually keeping to herself. However when she does engage in conversation she enjoys being academic about it, having had years of private study makes her giddy to share knowledge.

  • character flaws: Besides her minor magical abilities and potion skills, she is very mortal and capable of being killed, wounded, and poisoned.

  • whatever else you want: She is a Muslim, and can sometimes take flak from that though she keeps to faith.
Name: Kaspar Helheim

Species: Ghost of a Dead Human

Age: Died at 21.

Gender: Male



Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: He was a carpenter in life, and a carpenter in the unlife. He is incredibly skilled, and all his pieces are incredibly detailed, and made by his own hand, as he works alone. However, all his furniture is either a copy of the furniture in his old home he shared with Alese, or has some sort of pattern or design that reminds him of her, most usually, a song bird, as his Alese had loved birds. He does this, to keep her in mind, as when all his other memories are leaving him, he wants to keep her, and not be alone with his memories of the War, the only ones that won't leave him.

History: Born in a small village whose name has long been lost to him, near the city of Cologne on the banks of the Rhine. His parents were carpenters, and he became one aswell, keeping up the family business, specializing in rather intricate pieces of furniture. In his late teens, he fell deeply in love with a miller's daughter named Alese Muller, who loved him just the same. They were married when he was 20, and she moved into his house. He loved her dearly, and the war seemed so far away, so unlikely to effect them. He was wrong. In June 1917, when he was 21, he was drafted into the German army, along with several other young men from the village. He left his love with tears on both their faces, and a child in her stomach. She promised to forevermore wait until his return, and he promised to come back to her. He was brought into the 39th division, with a friend of his named Edgard. His unit was sent to Passchendaele, a battle lasting from July to November, and the battle he and Edgard died in. At Passchendaele, the rolling fields had been butchered by the War, turned into a seemingly endless field of mud and shell craters, broken trees, mud, and corpses. So many corpses. Half his division was dying of disease, and they slept in muddy trenches, sleeping through the sounds of cannon fire and explosions, awakened every once in a while by an Allied charge. He kept contact with Alese through letters, learning that she gave birth to a son, who she named Erik. She said his eyes were just like his father's and wished Kaspar was there to see. It filled him with hope, despite the horrors around him. However, one rainy morning, he and several others, including Edgard, were ordered to charge upon the enemy line, and they did so, coats and uniforms and boots drenched in mud, bodies shivering in the cold and the fear. A machine gun opened fire, vomitting lead like some demon. Kaspar took three bullets to the stomach, and fell into the mud, sinking into it slightly. He managed to roll over onto his back, bleeding heavily, eyes wide as he looked for Edgard. He found him... dead.. lying upon coils of barbed wire, stuck upon the spikes. He cursed the war with his dying breaths, cursed it for taking his love from him, and his friends, his son, his home, and everything else he held dear.

But the war was not done taking yet. His spirit rose, witnessing the horrors from above. Corpses, lying piled in trenches and craters like rags, carelessly littered about, Crows crouched on corpses, bloated with food, beaks coated in blood and mud. And slowly, as he wandered, searching for his home and his love, the War began to take his memories too, all of them. He didn't care, until the War began to take her too. His memories of Alese. Her face, the scars on her hands from childhood accidents, and even the color of her eyes, the War took it all. And that terrified him. Everything was disappearing, slowly leaving him with none but the memories of the War. Desperate, he fled from the fields of Paschendaele, which unlike him, had begun to heal. He was heading across the Sea to America, where a.. supernatural energy beckoned to him, and kept him from losing the rest of his mind, and he settled down, taking up his place as a carpenter once again, but ever determined to keep finding her, believing that it was here, that he would find Alese again.

Strangely, he is quite powerful for a ghost. He is able to use his nightmares as weapons, summoning the horrors of the Battle against those who threaten him, although it drains him greatly, and often harms him more than the enemy. ((Summoning ghost tanks and soldiers, although temporarily)

Personality: In life, he was joyful and full of kindness and passion. His kindness knew no limits, and he took great interest in is craft of carpentry. He always loved to go out and watch the birds with his love, as she loved the birds too. Now, he watches the birds alone, hoping they lead him to her. He now is an empty being full of sadness and apathy, living only for his fleeting memories of his love long gone.

Character flaws: Unable to forget the horrors of the War, and desperately trying to find a love who he can no longer fully remember. Were he to give up on finding her, he would give up on everything else as well, and simply cease to exist, if he didn't lose his remaining sanity and go on a killing spree first. Were he to find anyone he believed was her, he would be fully at their mercy.

Whatever else you want: (If anyone has interest in playing a character who Kaspar believes is Alese, or Alese reincarnated, message me! It'd likely involve creepy stalking and sadness. If not, I might just have Kaspar be gloomy all RP, or have an NPC Alese-like girl.)

((Retyped this because I lost the whole thing. Sorry for shit quality.))
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Name: Harriette Hall

Species: Psychic

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: Teaches English at the university but also runs a fortune telling business on the side

History: Ever since she can remember, Harriette has been plagued by visions. She successfully kept them a secret until she had a vision of this place, she said goodbye to her friends and family and left the next day to go there. She managed to snag a job and a house with her university degree as a teacher. Since she got here, she has cut all communication with her family and friends. She opened her side business because she didn't want to waste her abilities and having some extra money wasn't a bad thing.

Personality: She loves people, although she isn't the best talker. She connects with her students a lot more than other teachers and tries to make her classes more interactive. She's a hard worker and a perfectionist too, she'll stay up all night getting her work to the highest standard possible. She's generally in a good mood and is approachable. On days when she isn't in such a good mood, she'll lash out at anyone at any time for no reason at all. She also cries very easily.

Character flaws: She's a bit too much of a perfectionist and often thinks she's never done a good enough job. Another bad side to her perfectionism is that she doesn't take criticism well. She's also prone to insomnia.

Whatever else you want: Harriette sees visions of people and places and sometimes events. She also has telepathy, if that doesn't make her too OP​

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