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Realistic or Modern Not Your Average Punk-Rock Band


RWBY Fanatic
Mandatory: Read Overview.

Characters are not first come first serve, you have until Friday (3/25/16) to post your character, and I will choose the one I prefer for the spots.

Here is the character sheet, the more thought out things are, the more likely I am to accept your characters (feel free to add things or use BBCode. Using BBCode does not affect your acceptance rate).

*= Optional


Age (19-21):



Role in Band:


Biography* (Optional, but preferred).

Appearance (Realistic please):



Hair Color*

Eye Color*

Good Qualities:

Bad Qualities:





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Basics Name: Bruno Alexander McCoy

Age (19-21): 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Role in Band: Bassist

Further Down

Personality: Bruno is, in many ways, the typical hipster. He loves his beard, avoids watching overly popular movies and shows, hates pop music, and actually did listen to that band before anyone else did. But, he's not a model hipster. He can't stand coffee, avoids cats like the plague, and loves some of the most popular punk bands out there. Green Day? Yep. Fall Out Boy? Definitely.

Bruno was known in school for being a slacker, but one who managed to get almost a 4.0 gpa with minimal work. He's usually fairly quiet, and will completely ignore anyone who attempts to start mindlessly chittering with him. Small talk isn't his thing, but he'll discuss an interesting topic for hours if he's comfortable around who's he's speaking to. He's incredibly protective, and only really gets mad when someone is messing with someone he cares about, which he blames on the fact that he has two younger siblings.

Biography Bruno was born into a family with two other kids, both of which are girls. He's the oldest, and his parents have always worked long, rough hours, leaving him to take care of his sisters. His entire family is musical, his mother loving the violin, his father playing the Spanish guitar, and his sisters loving to sing. They're not good, but they love it. As one can imagine, family nights were filled with song, giving Bruno a chance to fine tune his playing.

On The Outside

Appearance (Realistic please):


Weight* 182 pounds

Hair Color* Dark blonde

Eye Color* Brown eyes

The Good, The Bad, and The Punk

Good Qualities: Good with tune and rhythm, intelligent, protective of others

Bad Qualities: terrified of driving in bad weather, lots of allergies, bad with crowds or groups or strangers, protective, smokes, has mild depression, acts like an idiot around new hot people.

Likes: Birds, the color purple, drawing, his bass, rain, hot chocolate, the smell of pine, and anything written by George Orwell.

Dislikes: High tempurtures, cats (allergic), flowers (also allergic), coffee, mornings, the wilderness, lots of people, people who insist that purple is an excessively feminine color, pop music, math and history, and driving long distances.

Shalalala, Kiss The Girl...Or Boy...Or Other

Crush* None, at the moment

Anything Else?


Has many tattoos, all of which are small black birds in flight.



Fall Out Boy, most likely, but it's a really hard choice. Maybe the Offspring.

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Joel Hart

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/7b87dab91a8db62e243d26639c270991.jpg.9f33fe4bac0a8e7c6c60b70ec55fdc3e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113559" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/7b87dab91a8db62e243d26639c270991.jpg.9f33fe4bac0a8e7c6c60b70ec55fdc3e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Age :






    Role in Band:

    Electric Guitarist

(Panic! At the Disco, GreenDay, Falling in Reveerse, Otep, Disturbed, Breaking Benjamin....etc, I'm a music junkie)​



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Daniel Ayers






Closeted Bisexual

Role in Band:


In Depth


To the general public, Daniel is viewed as an arrogant jock who can't tell his left from his right. Even if he doesn't do anything to be labeled as a fool, people are always going to see him that way. Although he doesn't show how much it bothers him, it does really, and if he could change it, he would. Daniel may be a jock, and he may bit a little bit arrogant, but he definitely isn't dumb. His good looks and skill mask his intelligence, something he had to deal with all his life. Ever since he first started high school and first got into sports, he'd been known as that dumb jock who can bring the school trophies, but can't bring home an A. It was the opposite though, but nobody really cared about all that, they just cared about outward appearances.

Daniel isn't rude, but it's a little hard for him to be nice. It's mainly because people are always treating him like he's slow, but also because he's been taught to always be wary of who you trust, and who to make your friend. He's never really been hurt by anyone he's trusted in the past, but their has been instances where people only want to be friends with him because of his good looks, or just want to use him. Luckily, Daniel can spot most of his fake friends from his real ones, so he's okay in the friendship department. Daniel has slight anger issues, and pretty much the whole fan base knows of it. He has a few videos online of him getting very angry and breaking things, but girls seem to like the angry side of him too. Even as a kid, his parents would do as little as possible to upset him, because when Daniel's angry, he's really angry.

When with the band or close friends, Daniel can be described as laid back. He's usually down for the other members making all the big decisions, while he throws in his two-cents every once in a while. Not that he doesn't care, it's just, sitting back and listening in a meeting is better than having to engage in a conversation and actually contribute. This is often confused for laziness, which it pretty much is, not that Daniel would ever call himself lazy.

Overall, Daniel Ayers is just a smart jock who's cute but also a little bit lazy, and has some
major minor anger issues.



Good Qualities:

Athletic, Attractive, Smart, Open Minded

Bad Qualities:

Anger Issues, Seen as Rude, Not a Very Good Role Model, Kinda Lazy




+All Sports, Football Mainly



-Talking a Lot

-People Thinking He's Dumb

-Being Underrated

-Being Lied To





Hair Color:


Eye Color:





(Not really a band person, but Fall Out Boy I guess.)​
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Rose Winchester



Name: Rose Winchester

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Role in Band: Singer
Personality Traits

Personality: On the outside, Rose is a shy, awkward, and easily manipulated young woman. Throughout all of her years in school, she has always followed the rules, had the best grades, and was clearly considered the teachers pet. Her presence is known to send up-beat conversations into awkward silences, just because everyone is afraid that she'll ruin their jokes with facts and knowledge. Several times in both middle and high school, she has been talked into doing the popular kids' homework, thinking that if she did it for them, they would all be friends again. That state of mind is what lead her to being the pessimist that she is today. Deep down, behind the smart and intellectual mindset, Rose is actually pretty chill. She's got a surprisingly good sense of humor, and when it comes to certain things, she isn't afraid to bend the rules just a little bit. Rose has a fiery temper, but due to being a pushover, it's only really set off when someone insults her friends.

Good Qualities:

- Caring

- Smart as all get out

- A surprisingly amazing voice. (Think Lzzy Hale [Halestorm]'s gritty vocals combined with both Adele's powerful pipes and her amazing low notes. Boom. Best female rock-singer alive. xD Kidding, kidding..)

Bad Qualities:

- Sometimes insensitive

- Temper

- She's as blind as a bat without her glasses

- Stage fright

- She stresses easily:

- She sucks at lying, as well as letting things roll off her back:


- Breaking Benjamin

- Thirty Seconds to Mars

- Rock music in general.

- Food

- Studying

- Being alone

- Technology

- All classes except math (which is her best subject!)

- All of Adele's depressing music.


- People who use her for her brains

- Bees

- The outdoors (she's allergic to pretty much everything on the face of the Earth. Minus cedar trees and food)

- Stereotypers

- Suspenders

- Andy Grammar

- Some Taylor Swift Songs

- Justin Beiber (the list for artists she despises goes on..)
(What? She lost the glasses!)

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 130 lbs

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Chocolate brown
Rose lived the pretty typical life of your average nerd. She was an only child, who had loving parents who only wanted the best for her. Rose was home-schooled before she was even aloud to attend pre-school. She could have completely skipped all of pre-school and up to third grade, but both her and her parents decided to keep her with the regular students, in hopes that she could get some friends her age. When Rose got into middle school, she remained the top in her class. She was always nice to everyone, especially when she "helped" other's with their assignments and activities. Her only friend had to point out that they were taking advantage of her.

When Rose stood up to the kids, whom only wanted her to be their friends for her help, she was quickly turned upon. From sixth grade forward, Rose was bullied for all of her knowledge, which caused her to enjoy solitude way more than she used to. Even her only friend turned against her one day when he got invited to hang out with the populars. Middle school was one of her darkest times, and even though she wasn't suicidal, there was a small chance that it would have been if she didn't find Punk-Rock and plain old Rock Music. Originally, she thought Rock was just music that old people (like her Dad) liked, but upon hearing the band Breaking Benjamin, Rose found that it was so much more.

Rock music helped Rose through her dark times, and soon she learned to "face" the bullies in high school, by simply doing their work for them like she used to. It kept both her from getting hurt, and them from getting angry. By that time, the nerd label had been stamped right across Rose's forehead, and from then on, she was pretty much a loner. However, in her Junior year, Rose discovered her amazing talent. The chorus teacher at their school literally forced Rose onto stage at a karaoke night that their school was having. She chose to sing Ashes of Eden, by Breaking Benjamin (not the most rockiest song), and from then on, the school knew her as a little bit more than just the nerd. She was the singing nerd. And the rest.. is History.

Her/My favorite band: Breaking Benjamin (as if it wasn't obvious).

- She really wants a tattoo.

Crush: A guy that doesn't see her as a plain old nerd. Even so, her motto is: "Why would a guy possibly have a crush on me? Have they laid eyes upon any other girl on the planet?"
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RedLikeRoses said:

Rose Winchester



Name: Rose Winchester

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Role in Band: Singer
Personality Traits

Personality: On the outside, Rose is a shy, awkward, and easily manipulated young woman. Throughout all of her years in school, she has always followed the rules, had the best grades, and was clearly considered the teachers pet. Her presence is known to send up-beat conversations into awkward silences, just because everyone is afraid that she'll ruin their jokes with facts and knowledge. Several times in both middle and high school, she has been talked into doing the popular kids' homework, thinking that if she did it for them, they would all be friends again. That state of mind is what lead her to being the pessimist that she is today. Deep down, behind the smart and intellectual mindset, Rose is actually pretty chill. She's got a surprisingly good sense of humor, and when it comes to certain things, she isn't afraid to bend the rules just a little bit. Rose has a fiery temper, but due to being a pushover, it's only really set off when someone insults her friends.

Good Qualities:

- Caring

- Smart as all get out

- A surprisingly amazing voice. (Think Lzzy Hale [Halestorm]'s gritty vocals combined with both Adele's powerful pipes and her amazing low notes. Boom. Best female rock-singer alive. xD Kidding, kidding..)

Bad Qualities:

- Sometimes insensitive

- Temper

- She's as blind as a bat without her glasses

- Stage fright

- She stresses easily:

- She sucks at lying, as well as letting things roll off her back:


- Breaking Benjamin

- Thirty Seconds to Mars

- Rock music in general.

- Food

- Studying

- Being alone

- Technology

- All classes except math (which is her best subject!)

- All of Adele's depressing music.


- People who use her for her brains

- Bees

- The outdoors (she's allergic to pretty much everything on the face of the Earth. Minus cedar trees and food)

- Stereotypers

- Suspenders

- Andy Grammar

- Some Taylor Swift Songs

- Justin Beiber (the list for artists she despises goes on..)

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 130 lbs

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Chocolate brown
Rose lived the pretty typical life of your average nerd. She was an only child, who had loving parents who only wanted the best for her. Rose was home-schooled before she was even aloud to attend pre-school. She could have completely skipped all of pre-school and up to third grade, but both her and her parents decided to keep her with the regular students, in hopes that she could get some friends her age. When Rose got into middle school, she remained the top in her class. She was always nice to everyone, especially when she "helped" other's with their assignments and activities. Her only friend had to point out that they were taking advantage of her.

When Rose stood up to the kids, whom only wanted her to be their friends for her help, she was quickly turned upon. From sixth grade forward, Rose was bullied for all of her knowledge, which caused her to enjoy solitude way more than she used to. Even her only friend turned against her one day when he got invited to hang out with the populars. Middle school was one of her darkest times, and even though she wasn't suicidal, there was a small chance that it would have been if she didn't find Punk-Rock and plain old Rock Music. Originally, she thought Rock was just music that old people (like her Dad) liked, but upon hearing the band Breaking Benjamin, Rose found that it was so much more.

Rock music helped Rose through her dark times, and soon she learned to "face" the bullies in high school, by simply doing their work for them like she used to. It kept both her from getting hurt, and them from getting angry. By that time, the nerd label had been stamped right across Rose's forehead, and from then on, she was pretty much a loner. However, in her Junior year, Rose discovered her amazing talent. The chorus teacher at their school literally forced Rose onto stage at a karaoke night that their school was having. She chose to sing Ashes of Eden, by Breaking Benjamin (not the most rockiest song), and from then on, the school knew her as a little bit more than just the nerd. She was the singing nerd. And the rest.. is History.
She has a pet Bunnie named Fluffy:

Her/My favorite band: Breaking Benjamin (as if it wasn't obvious).

- She really wants a tattoo.

Crush: A guy that doesn't see her as a plain old nerd.
Forgive me for my horrible picture-finding abilities.

Eileen King

"It's Eileen, and it will only ever be Eileen."


Toora Loo Rye Ay


Eileen King


"Doesn't really stop me from drinking, though."



Cisgender Female


Heteroromantic Demisexual

Role in Band

The Keyboardist

And We Can Sing


Eileen may not always have been an outstanding, individual character, but she
has always been stubborn and adventurous. She absolutely hates boredom and is always trying something new in order to avoid it. Most recently, she has made monumental efforts to be more honest to others as well as herself. Other than that, Eileen isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but she has street smarts and can handle herself just fine. Eileen also loves to flirt and is very confident about who she is.

Good Qualities






Bad Qualities


(Sometimes) Lazy


Very Flirty



Food. Of All Sorts.

Keyboarding/Playing Piano


Hanging Out w/ Friends

Pop Punk and Alternative Rock (Mayday Parade, Jimmy Eat World, Panic!, Walk the Moon, Imagine Dragons, etc.)


Judgemental People




Working Out

Just Like Our Fathers


Eileen King was born into a very wealthy family. Her father is the Managing Partner of a big-shot law firm and her mother is a comfortable housewife. Needless to say, Eileen was expected to either pursue a career in law, or - gasp - marry rich. Unfortunately for Eileen, she was not blessed much in terms of intelligence, and her parents soon started to pressure her into relationships that would - in their words - "keep her happy for the rest of her life." Eileen did not agree. Still, she spent most of her elementary, junior high, and secondary schooling trying to accumulate popularity - and accumulate she did. She had countless "friends," even more boyfriends, and tons of admirers. Throughout high school, Eileen revelled in the attention that she got from people. It made life easy for her because people liked her without her really trying that hard.

Despite all of that, Eileen still felt the need to rebel, and in her mind, what better way to piss of her parents than to be in a band? And thus, her part in the band was born. At first, Eileen only really thought of the band as a way to work out all of her problems, but soon it became more than that. She fell in love with the band and grew attached to playing the keyboard, even though she was classically trained. Her parents were infuriated that their daughter had gotten so infatuated with such a silly hobby, but Eileen didn't care anymore. She'd never found anything that made her feel so alive and so happy, and she was gonna stick with it no matter what anyone else said.

After graduating, the kind of attention that Eileen got in high school started to irritate her because most people only thought that she was a pretty face. She got tired of dating people for the sake of status and realized that she only really liked people who had something more to them than vanity. It got more difficult for her to date because she rarely ever got attracted to someone, but Eileen was perfectly fine with it. Her parents, however, were not, and they still continue to try and set her up with high-society meat-heads who expect nothing more of her than to be a trophy wife.

Come On Eileen


"Well, I was popular for a reason, wasn't I?"




Approx 150 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color



"It depends. Is a crush someone I like to flirt with, or someone I want to fool with?"

None Yet. PM Me?


Eileen is allergic to watermelon.

Her/My all-time favorite band is OneRepublic.



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