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Fandom Not yet anoter MHA CS thread


All For One

Symbol of Evil
Hero Name: (I'd appreciate it if you included an epithet but that's optional)
Age: (15-16) Gender:
Appearance: (either a picture or description work)
Hero Costume: (Make sure to include any support items your character uses)
Relationships: (includes family, friends, lovers, rivals, etc... NPC and player characters alike)
Super Moves: (Max 1)
Items: (anything your character brought with them to the school and anything they usually carry)

Hero Name: (I'd appreciate it if you included an epithet but that's optional)
Age: (At least 20)
Subject: (what subject they teach)
Appearance: (either a picture or description work)
Hero Costume: (Make sure to include any support items your character uses)
Relationships: (includes family, friends, lovers, rivals, etc... NPC and player characters alike)
Super Moves:
Items: (anything your character brought with them to the school and anything they usually carry)

[student profile - leonardo vann]

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  • [Basic Information]

    [Name]: Leonardo "Leo" Vann.

    [Hero Name]: Lucifer.

    [Specialization]: Combat.

    [Age]: 16.

    [Gender]: Male.

    [Sexuality]: Bi.

    [Blood Type]: AB+.

    [Physical Description]: His appearance is that of a tall, young man who stands at a height of 6 feet and 4 inches with sickly pale skin, which often gives people the impression that he's ill. Coupled with his eyes, though as golden and pretty as they may be, they are ruined by the presence of heavy eye bags underneath. His chocolate-y brown hair is often wild and unkempt, so he makes no effort to change it. The tall and skinny frame that he appears to have deceivingly hides an athletic body that has muscle, however it is not to the point where it is impressive. His face is often seen in a tired expression, though in spite of that, he is cute. Though his smiles have occasionally been described as creepy and the smile of someone who eats babies. In spite being typically covers by locks of his hair, Leo has three piercings located on his left ear. Located above his shoulder blades are a pair of red crystalline spikes.

    [Clothing]: The articles of clothing that Leo typically wears consist of mainly bright and pastel colors, namely purple and blue. However, there is always on article that he usually always wears, those being a pair of glasses. He owns a great many varieties of them, each befitting for different outfits. Though the pair that he wears on a daily basis are a set of black glasses. The shirts that he wear are customized to fit his quirk's mutations, all of them having a pair of holes in the back that the spikes fit through perfectly. However his hoodies and sweaters have special compartments(?) that have been specifically for the spikes to fit into and get warm. His pants have much more fewer variety. In home settings, he's usually seen wearing shorts.

    [Hero Costume]: A costume befitting his hero name, possessing a much more villainous aesthetic. As Lucifer, Leo wears a blood red vest over a black long-sleeved dress shirt with a pair of gloves that are as red as his vest. He wears a black ribbon tied into a bow at his collar, a pair of red pants and plain black shoes. The sleeves of his dress shirt are rolled up to the elbow, exposing his forearms. Underneath the dress shirt is a layer of protective armor, strong enough to withstand stabbing but light and comfortable enough that it doesn't feel like a hassle to move. The vest, shirt and armor have holes in the back for his two spikes. Leo also dons a mask as Lucifer, which is a red and white colored domino mask with birdlike features. He wears a pair of clean contacts to compensate for his lack of spectacles in favor for his mask.

    [Equipment/Items]: For the equipment that he carries around when it comes to hero work, he keeps a portable flashlight and a pack of playing cards in the inner pockets of his vest. A dagger as well, however he hides that away on a holster he keeps hidden underneath the right leg of his pants. He also keeps multiple tiny glass bottles strapped to the inner vest, located right under the playing cards. These glass bottles can carry up to 100ml of his own blood, and he carries 4 bottles at all times. The bottles are for emergency, in case he loses too much blood.

    [Personality]: Leo is a person who's friendly though also a bit shy and awkward, capable enough to hold his own in a conversation and happy to talk even if he does find himself stumbling through his own words. Once you find a topic he knows and loves though, he's much more of a talkative person, capable of rambling on for an eternity and more. Frequently called by his friends as a 'huge dork' as he is indeed a dork. He's a fanatic when it comes to books, anime or cartoons and many other things that he almost obsesses over. Though such enthusiasm ends there, such as when it comes to boring paperwork, he does such things very half-assed and rushed. He only really seems to be passionate about things that he truly, truly loves.

    Though in spite of such things, he is a person that you could go to and rely on when it comes to giving advice. Even when he doesn't follow it himself. Which does make him hypocritical, though it's hard not to argue he is wise and smart in some regard. He's a person who you can rely on a lot of things, Leo can be your shoulder to cry on or maybe someone who can stay by your side. Leo's sense of humor is often incredibly dry and self-deprecating in some aspect. He isn't a very confident person, much less when it comes to his work and it shows in his jokes and the way that he carries himself. Suffering from a lack of seriousness and a lack of actual pride, he's harsh on himself. He's also quite easily startled and scared, with a hatred for the dark and uncomfortable silences.

    [Likes]: Playing cards, coffee, flying, music, dancing, puzzles, flowers, cooking, cigarettes, fashion.

    [Dislikes]: Sudden noises, uncomfortable silences, the dark, bigots, sudden touches, wasabi, boredom.

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I will merge the characters into individual tabs to the end 3 accepted after each is done, make editing them easier

    • iZKtNJy.png

    Jean Glastonbury
    "Spin Doctor"

    Specialization: Combat
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female

    • Quirk: Spin

      Put simply, by touching a target Jean is capable of imparting or stopping rotation with a stored energy. The level of effect depends entirely on the time spent in contact or the amount of stored energy expended, though various effects can increase this store. The amount of energy that can be gathered is limited by the users own stamina most commonly through their own movements, though the excessive act of converting such energy can be exhausting. Jean is currently attempting to refine the efficency of such actions over time through subtle movements and techniques as well as increasing her stamina. A Extremely versatile quirk, it was origionally believed to be fairly weak though has been pushed beyond its limits by her through her practice, she has even managed to gain limited control over the Magnus effect further expanding there capabilities to a variety of unique effects and incorperating her full body to produce the spins desired. One additional facet that seems to be related to her quirk is a increased sense of balance and equilibrium, not getting dizy with the heavy fotations.

      She has used this to begin the development her own super move through own practice using a custom machined Gyroscope, capable of putting a insane amount of spin energy into a relatively small size. However the sheer collatoral damage and time this takes to produce has made it currently impractical for use in a actual fight.

      -The full effect is limited by the users own stamina
      -Most advanced effects require full use of her limbs or movment to implimiment.
      -Unable to be used go its full effect if time has not been taken to gather energy beforehand.
      -Requires tools in order to extend her range beyond close combat, with 20 feet being her maximum without such.,

  • Jane Dorethy Delacroix
    Specialisation: Combat
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female

    • Quirk: Ultra Regeneration

      A curious mutation quirk that has given Jane a high intensity healing factor with wounds quickly healing with a muscle like fibre before being restored to normal, even allowing them to come back from what seemed like the impossible. As a side effect of this, she lacks many of the typical physical weakness or requirements of most living creatures such as sleep, rest, air and more which has allowed her to constantly push her body beyond its limits in a self destructive if effective manner when combined with the raw willpower she posseses.

      Unlike a normal person she can keep function with what would otherwise be fatal wounds, and shrug off a great deal of damage, all while performing feats beyond the normal capacity of a human by taking advantage of their healing and breaking through the self imposed limits a body normally places on itself to prevent damage. The lack of rest required to function has also allowed her to devote significantly more time to her studies and conditioning. As a result of this, her physical condition has been rapidly improving such as her muscle density and physical condition is far above what would be expected of her frame. Other side effects appear to be a sharpened and increased jaw strength, though this may be a natural or trained trait.

      Given its nature as a Mutation quirk, it is fortunately unaffected by negation effects as it appears to be a natural ability of her body. It has been theorized that the thread like healing she possesses may hold further applications if correctly trained. In combat her style can often be seen as suicidal, leaving purposeful openings to take advantage of such when exploited, taking full advantage of her durability to soak neccessary hits to allow them to strike back easily. This combined with unnatural twists and her sheer levels of endurance makes any prolonged fight ill advised.

      Outside of the social implications of her abilities and the distress such injuries or feats may cause observers, the primary weakness of Janes quirk is it does not actually prevent feeling pain for actual damage and while possessing remarkable endurance, sufficient pain or damage will slowly degrade her mental faculties and enough outright damage will incapacitate as her body goes dormant to heal her. Should sufficient damage or trauma be delivered to her brain, their tactical ability drops significantly becoming set on the single focus prior to the injury and operating more on instinct than logic, this can pose a extreme danger for those around her as all sense of morality or ethics are lost in favor of the purpose that can often result in them becoming more of a liability in the collateral damage caused.

      If pushed beyond her limit, a large amount of heat will be generated as her biomass restores itself, to the point of steam and then straight up combustion requiring her to put herself out as the damage threatens to outpace her regeneration and will become fully incapacitated once enough damage is done. Lesser issues though minor appear to be a distinct lack of smell and numbness of touch, or the fact her outfits are incapable of withstanding the same punishment she can, raising concerns with the lack of modesty she seems to possess. Finally her Metabolism itself has lead to requiring a protien rich diet in far larger quantitys than would be expected to replace damaged material when simple reattachments is not enough.

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Name: Isao Miyake
Nicknames: N/A
Hero Name: Hephaestus
Age: Fifteen
Gender: Male
Specialization: Engineering


Hero Costume:

Isao is an energetic and optimistic boy who has the constant drive to improve his smithing, mostly due to the support he receives from his family. He's incredibly intelligent, though with his tendency to hyperfocus entirely on his craft, he's also rather absentminded and oblivious when it comes to normal situations. He's also flexible and innovative, able to break away from ordinary procedures to create his machinery, thus allowing him to make his own solutions when he needs to find an edge. As such, with help from the analytical qualities he's developed through years of experimentation, he can create some of the most unorthodox, but also incredibly effective armor and weaponry the world has never seen.

Of course, there are times when his inquisitive nature works against him. In order to satisfy his curiosity, Isao can be courageous and even reckless, often times getting himself into situations that could very well put him in harms way. Above all, however, Isao is a caring person. He chose to become an engineering specialist because he wanted to aid the heroes on the field after all, to protect them with the gizmos and gadgets he's made.

• The Taste of Iron
• His Family
• Smithing
• The Taste of Tin
• Willful Ignorance
• Overly Bitter Food and Drinks
• Atychiphobia (Failure)
• Autophobia (Loneliness)
• Athazagoraphobia (Forgetting)

Isao was born to a loving couple, with his younger twin brothers following soon after. It was during his fourth birthday that his mother, Nana, brought him to a Quirkologist. Four is the year that quirks often begin to express themselves, and as far as Nana could tell, Isao has shown no signs. He certainly hasn’t phased through any objects the way she can, and thankfully, has not set fire to anything with precocious fire breathing either.

The Doctor sat Isao down in a chair, and began a basic check up to start off with. Blood pressure, heartbeat. He put a standard thermometer in his mouth to check his temperature, instructing him to hold it under his tongue and to leave it for several minutes. In retrospect, he probably should’ve been tipped off the moment Isao complained of a funny taste in his mouth. Regardless, when the Doctor went to remove the thermometer from Isao's mouth, only half of it came away in his hand.

After several more scheduled tests, scans and thermometers of increasing heat tolerance, Isao and his mother walked away from the clinic with newfound knowledge on his abilities. Since then, he's taken to eating odd things—metals, in particular. At first, his parents weren't sure if they should stop him or not, but knowing it'll have no adverse effects on him changed that. Belatedly, they ended up telling him that if he's gonna eat metal, he's gonna have to buy it. As a result, visits to the hardware store became something like visits to the candy store, where an excited Isao buys handfuls of nuts, bolts and screws to snack on like they were trail mix whilst a bemused family watches.

Iron had a tangy flavour to it, sort of but not quite similar to a sour candy, that Isao found he enjoyed. Nickel had a creaminess to it, though he found copper bitter and the less said about tin the better.

His younger brothers once asked him why he was chewing on bolts. “Because it’s tasty!” is all Isao says. They try a bolt and immediately spit it out, but they also like really spicy food so Isao's not sure they have taste buds anymore.

Isao was seven the first time he vomited. His family was visiting a carnival, and he was so excited he almost vibrated out of his chair. There’s carnival food, although Isao has already eaten a few ingots worth of metal, and then there are rides. He was fine for a while until he took a ride on something called ‘The Twirler’. Isao stumbles a few feet once it finally stops and Iemitsu wisely guides him towards a bin. When he retches, it suddenly occurs to him that perhaps a person whose quirk involved plasma in their stomach should not be made to vomit the contents of said stomach.

His vomit is not what anyone expects. It is certainly not chunks of half-digested food, swimming in bile, and for that, everyone is a little thankful, Isao included. It is not a burst of superheated air and plasma, and for that, everyone should be thankful (alas, only his parents were aware of the potential danger, and they are the only ones who were properly relieved). It is, instead, a small white hot gooey mess that began to cool almost immediately after leaving Isao's mouth.

Iemitsu knew better than to touch it, but Isao didn't. He reached out with his childish hands and scooped it up. Iemitsu wanted to tell him not to, to let it go because grabbing your vomit is very much not a polite thing to do (and certainly not hygienic), but the rest of him was still unsure what parts of normality still apply to Isao, so he ended up only watching as the still slightly nauseous Izuku begins playing with the substance, rolling it into a ball as it cools. In short order, he’s holding a somewhat spherical blob of silvery metal.

Nana took the metal to a Quirkologist, who after initial testing, suggested she’d be better off seeing a geologist or some kind of engineer. Metal byproduct isn't incredibly rare but it is uncommon, and they don't have the facilities to test the qualities of the metal. Isao's weird puke-metal turned out to be a steel alloy made up of the various metals he enjoyed snacking on. That in itself isn’t so remarkable, but after more tests, it turns out to be a surprisingly useful metal. The Engineer she saw professes it’s usefulness, bandying terms she herself wasn't too familiar with—coefficients, scales. Her degree was in social services, not metallurgy. The general meaning seems to be that whatever weird metal Isao made is quite useful, and the Engineer asked if she could possibly tell them the source of it.

She politely refused, citing personal reasons. She didn't want to open up her son to that kind of scrutiny or pressure. When he’s older, he can decide. They’re disappointed, but understanding. They asked to keep the metal. Nana checked with Isao, and he agreed. He could, after all, make more. Surely?

Isao did make more. He learned to shape them into figurines, little models of animals and people. Blobby, indistinct models but each one he made gets progressively more detailed. Shaping the blobs of metal with his fingers is hard though, so soon he learned to shape tools out of the metal first. His parents were kind enough to let Isao take over the garage, and he turned it into a workspace for all his figurines and tools. Particularly pretty and well made ones, he gifted to his younger brothers, who were more than happy to accept them.

One day, Isao stared down at his collection of handmade figurines and baubles. He couldn't be a Hero like All Might. He’s wanted to be a hero since he was even aware what heros were. But, he thought, it’s okay that he can’t be like All Might. There are others better suited to being like All Might than he is, and he's fine with that. Isao is full of stars, and he can’t get those stars out of him in a way that is immediately helpful to Heroics. But he can get them out—in his metals.

Plenty of Heroes rely on devices or gadgets meant to assist or amplify their abilities. Rather than being like All Might, couldn’t he be someone like Power Loader? Heroes have a dangerous job. Couldn’t his metal make that job just a little safer? Nodding his head at the thoughy, he started to work on his very first project—a shield.

Isao Miyake cannot feel fire. It’s a useful quality to have when your hobby involved pressing white hot metals into shape with your bare hands. Rather than feel a terrible burning sensation, to Isao's hands it simply feels like warm clay. His natural abilities make him well equipped to create metalcrafts and glass baubles and his supportive family helps this talent flourish but there is one teeny little issue though.

As hot as it is, Isao's mouth is still only as big as a human mouth, and no amount of plasma in his stomach will change that. His parents let Isao have a workshop but they rather sensibly draws the line at a literal forge. Fortunately, an acquaintance of his father is willing to assist the young aspiring smith. Daruma Hoji was a blacksmith who is happy to lend his forge to the young man when it’s not in use, for a small affordable rental fee. He even offered some tips and tricks to Isao regarding, until now unconsidered, techniques such as quenching or tempering.

Isao also learned that electricity, much like fire, has no appreciable effect on his body beyond a vague sense of tingling. He thought that this is not too surprising, given that electricity and fire are quite similar in many ways but it is no less heart stopping for Iemitsu Sawada to walk into the garage after hearing several loud crackling noises only to find his son holding a pair of jumper cables attached to a car battery. Despite his best efforts, he can only wrangle a vague promise out of him to seek adult supervision the next time he tries something like this. In his heart, he knew it will be useless.

This discovery proved imminently useful to the fledgeling inventor though, and he began experimenting with electronics to a worrying degree. He didn't have access to the equipment or tools that would really let him go wild with circuits and wires, and this fact is a great relief to both his parents and the faculty of his highschool alike—his twin brothers would only laugh at the plight of their elders—but he still found in himself the designs for particularly simple self-defense devices.

Such as a small wire-frame he took to wearing under his shirt. Connected to a small array of batteries kept in a pack against the small of his back, the circuit is only completed when his left thumb touches his left pinky finger and delivers a payload equal to most commercial grade tasers. Although Isao has to remember not to grab anything conductive with his left hand. Surprisingly, he managed to avoid electrocuting anyone by accident.

There's no doubt that his projects are only going to grow more and more complex as time goes on, and one day, in the future, he's definitely going to become a magnificent hero.

• Nana Miyake - Mother // Alive
• Iemitsu Miyake - Father // Alive
• Tsunayoshi Miyake - Younger Brother // Alive
• Enma Miyake - Younger Brother // Alive

Forge - Isao inherited a mutated version of his father's quirk. His father's stomach made a spark of electricity, igniting the gas already produced and thus allowing him to breath fire. Isao's stomach ionizes it into plasma. As a side effect, he possesses an extremely high body temperature, essentially rendering him invulnerable to heat and cold, has an incredibly efficient digestive system—to the point where he has to eat nearly his own weight in food—and is capable of consuming things a baseline human probably shouldn't—such as metals.

Through their ingestion, he produces a metal byproduct—a white hot amalgamation of what he's devoured. The properties of said byproduct depend entirely on what he's eaten. For example, adding zinc creates a more malleable substance, copper makes for a more conductive, but less durable metal, and sand alone generates glass. Chewing works just as well as regurgitation, but it does take a little longer to get the desired effect, though the sensation is certainly a lot more pleasant.

Super Moves: N/A

• Cellphone
• Toolkit
• Wallet
• Nuts, Bolts and Screws

• Metallurgy
• Blacksmithing
• Inventing​
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Remi Holdt
Role: Rescue.
Age: 16
Gender: Male

  • Quirk: Command Center

    Remi's quirk is both easy to explain and yet quite complicated. Remi can form contracts with anyone he touches, and upon giving him their consent, he connects them to his network. Remi can interact and monitor anyone connected to his network by observing a series of small screens that appear in front of him whenever he activates his quirk. The screens show both what the connected person is seeing and hearing.

    Strengths: Command Center is beyond impressive when it comes to surveillance and giving tactical advantages. Remi can use his quirk to keep track of events happing far apart and relay information out to the people connected to him. The best use of this quirk is from Remi to be allowed to sit back somewhere and keep a watchful eye over everyone.

    Weaknesses: Command Center is quite taxing to use and requires a lot of concentration. The more people Remi have connected to the network, the more screens there are, and that means Remi has more work to do if he is to focus on each one. The connection can also be broken by either having a person connected to the network knocked out, having them opt out (simply saying disconnect followed by their name), or Remi being knocked out. The latter being the worst as it disconnects everyone from the network, much like hitting a reset button.

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Other utilities regarding the usage of this quirk are non-combat related, such as flight
How? It takes more than wings to fly.

tl;dr - Blood manipulation, but complicated.
Yeah, you're gonna have to tone it down quite a bit. In short, your character is way too skilled with his quirk for being 15.

PlusUltra PlusUltra I'm having a really hard time reading your posts on mobile. Can you post a code free version of them?

As a side effect, he possesses an extremely high body temperature, essentially rendering him invulnerable to heat and cold,
So is this always active? And just how high is the temperature?

and is capable of consuming things a baseline human probably shouldn't—such as metals.
How? I just don't see how this is related to the rest of the quirk.

Remi Holdt
Role: Surveilance/Tactician
Age: 17
Gender: Male

  • Quirk: Command Center

    Remi's quirk is both easy to explain and yet quite complicated. Remi can form contracts with anyone he touches, and upon giving him their consent, he connects them to his network. Remi can interact and monitor anyone connected to his network by observing a series of small screens that appear in front of him whenever he activates his quirk. The screens show both what the connected person is seeing and hearing.

    Strengths: Command Center is beyond impressive when it comes to surveillance and giving tactical advantages. Remi can use his quirk to keep track of events happing far apart and relay information out to the people connected to him. The best use of this quirk is from Remi to be allowed to sit back somewhere and keep a watchful eye over everyone.

    Weaknesses: Command Center is quite taxing to use and requires a lot of concentration. The more people Remi have connected to the network, the more screens there are, and that means Remi has more work to do if he is to focus on each one. The connection can also be broken by either having a person connected to the network knocked out, having them opt out (simply saying disconnect followed by their name), or Remi being knocked out. The latter being the worst as it disconnects everyone from the network, much like hitting a reset button.

Looks good, though you seemed to have have forgotten to include a specialization.
Full Text versions of the 3 characters

Jean Glastonbury
"Spin Doctor"
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Quirk: Spin

Put simply, by touching a target Jean is capable of imparting or stopping rotation with a stored energy. The level of effect depends entirely on the time spent in contact or the amount of stored energy expended, though various effects can increase this store. The amount of energy that can be gathered is limited by the users own stamina most commonly through their own movements, though the excessive act of converting such energy can be exhausting. Jean is currently attempting to refine the efficency of such actions over time through subtle movements and techniques as well as increasing her stamina. A Extremely versatile quirk, it was origionally believed to be fairly weak though has been pushed beyond its limits by her through her practice, she has even managed to gain limited control over the Magnus effect further expanding there capabilities to a variety of unique effects and incorperating her full body to produce the spins desired. One additional facet that seems to be related to her quirk is a increased sense of balance and equilibrium, not getting dizy with the heavy fotations.

She has used this to begin the development her own super move through own practice using a custom machined Gyroscope, capable of putting a insane amount of spin energy into a relatively small size. However the sheer collatoral damage and time this takes to produce has made it currently impractical for use in a actual fight.

-The full effect is limited by the users own stamina
-Most advanced effects require full use of her limbs or movment to implimiment.
-Unable to be used go its full effect if time has not been taken to gather energy beforehand.
-Requires tools in order to extend her range beyond close combat, with 20 feet being her maximum without such.

Super Move: Romero Dawn, When her regeneration is being pushed to her limit Jane pushes that much further causing her entire body to combust with the heat that is released during her regeneration and for a short duration gaines a incredidible boost in the speed and strength of her attacks in a addition to burning effects. The downside to this is once exhausted she will collapse in a almost skeletal form as her almost shut off, keeping only the essentials as it steadily builds back up to be able to restore her normal form. This is incredibly painful for Jane and purely theoretical at this point, being a move of last resort.

Seemingly constantly moving, Jean is capable of truly inhuman acts of acrobatics and gymnastics at great speed by incorperating her quirk into them as well as a avid dancer and singer. She has taken a variety of self-defense classess at the behest of her parents, leaning towards the practition of Bajiquan and Aikido, fusing both to make her movements incredibly difficult to predict given the unnatural rotations her quirk provides her.

She can be extremely convicing in arguments and negotiating when required, capable flipping arguments or point of view to quickly come around to her side in addition to being a skilled actress. Her actions and plans however seem extremely spontaneus and reactionairy, capable of extremly quick thinking which has served her well in their previous academics despite overall average grades. Currently she can produce effects curving a shot around corners/weird trajectorys, generating heat from the friction, reflecting light to weird patterns, speeding things up that have wheels and even causing a thrown item to glide down or even rise up into the air. Though given her continued practice it is likely this list will rapidly expand as she continues to explore her quirk.


Super Move: The Super Perpetual Ingeneous Naturally Stunningly Powerful Intense Named Spin (Or Spin Free)

In her day to day life Jean is never without her phone, colorful markers, notepad and normally a handful of spinning objects.

In order to suppliment her abilities, she has taken to carrying a wide range of items within a special storage pack upon her back, this includes various items for use with her qurik that have been machined to increase their suitibility for use. These are but are not limited to variously sized Tungsten ballbearings, Golf Balls, Ropes, Yoyo's, marbles, Fidget Spinners and Frisbys. However the most notable are several custom built gyroscopes within vaccume sealed spheres. She also ensures a first aid kit is stocked for when needed.

In terms of costume gadgets the main one she holds at the moment are custom alterations to her gloves and boots that add a number of ballbearings that she may rotate as needed. They are currently imployed mainly for movements but additional ones may be found over time.


Height: 5’ 11” Weight: 140lbs
Jean stands, physically and aesthetically as what many would consider a beauty, resembling the ideal of many a young mind from her tailored approach. Holding a toned athletic frame yet ludicrous curves heaving outwards through the skin tight hero outfit she has taken to wear, and with how such hugging her features closely it is clear she is very aware of such despite acts to the contrary and has been known to take full advantage of such. The costume itself consisting of a Nomex weaved undersuit giving remarkable protection, with several layers on top to reduce the friction of her moves as well as steel support plating in the main locations she uses for strikes. Along her back rests a fitted backpack contaning a array of items for easier access

Silken strands of blonde hair flows down freely from her head to the neck, framing her clear complexion and youthful features foregoing makeup. Looking outwards with a confident expression, sparkling sapphire eyes pierce outward from below a thinly plucked brow and shaped into a perfect arch that follows their slight curves. A sleek narrow nose, a cheerful smile on full ruby lips and overall a idealized appearance.

High energy and motivated to a fault, she often heads into situations with failure the furthest thing from her mind. A paradox to those who know her well, she puts her all into everything yet comes across as lackadaisical, relentless working but seeming lazy, devoted yet uncaring, Insightful yet thoughtless. Loving to make a show of things and talk (oh the talking), she rarely goes for the subtle approach at least regarding her entrances often making people wonder if she ever has a actual plan, her tactics on the other hand are deceptively subtle to the point and indirect on times. Never the less she has the preference for the spontaneus and adpting to the sitution, though it does come off as care-free and not taking the situations seriously at times regardless of the truth of the matter. Prideful and always seemingly putting on a show herself merely due to the enjoyment of it that others can recieve, though also perhaps the sheer attention plays a part too.

Taking great pride in her accomplishments, this has resulted in a point of contention in dropping off the Doctor from her name, claiming simply "I didnt go through all i did to be something as simple as that" though she is not as bothered by the inverse.

Likes: Comedys, Fashion, Moving, Music, Puns, Sweet Chilli, Theatrics.
Dislikes: Bordem, Fish, Funerals, Smoke, Sports (watching), Silence.
Isolophobia: Isolation
Claustrophobia: Lack of control or Unable to move
Aichmophobia: Needles

The only child of a wealthy family, her sheer motivation has served her well throughout her life, moving past obstacles without slowing down. Jean grew up far from normal all things considered if somewhat pampered, never wanting or needing of anything as long as they kept up the grades and expectations, which unfortunately was no easy task. She rarely received praise as the absolute best was the bare minimum in her mothers eyes, she was nevertheless constantly pushed with high expectations it is likely what caused the development of their outwardly personality to be noticed. Despite the demanding nature she never did loose her smile at least.

When she expressed her desire to be a hero, that is when the expectations hit overdrive. She is not sure if this was her mothers way of to have her consider a diffrent profession as she dragged her from on class to another or simply her way of supporting it. Whatever the reason, she would eventually be enrolled at the Northview academy. She initially was disappointed having wished to attend one of the more prestigious schools, though the assurances of her father removed some of the doubts even if he would not explain.

Aoife Glastonbury, 45, Quirk: Pathfinder
Jeans mother is a firey and determined fashion designer under her own brand. A perfectionist with high expectations of everyone including herself which has played a high role in her relationship with her daughter. While to some it may seem calous, she still cares for them dearly and only does so out of fear of wasting their potential. She also holds a obsession over organisation and cleanliness to a slightly unreasonable degree which while she has attempted to tame, does seem to still flare up quite often. This combined with her perfectionist nature has made her company very demanding to work for, even if the quality is consistantly flawless. Her quirk allows her to move small objects along a predetermined path by tracing it with her finger beforehand, such as with needlework or simply returning a item after its been used if the power is maintianed for that duration. There is however limits on both the distance and time this effect can take place, as well as contributing to minor OCD issues Aoife has.

David Glastonbury, 39 Quirk: Living Alphabet
Jeans Father is a dedicated if somewhat absent minded Journalist and Author working for the local newspaper. While he does care for his daughter dearly he can often get wrapped up in his writing to the point of completely forgetting events and passing out at his writing desk, this is sometimes followed by him recalling once awake and dashing towards what he has missed unless another physically pulls him away beforehand. When not Writing like hes running out of time he can be fairly relaxed, friendly and charming if slightly dorky in how he approaches certain subjects, never the less he is persistant in whatever he puts his mind to. His quirk allows him to take text from any surface and change it around, remove or even add his own while touching it.
Jane Dorethy Delacroix
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Quirk: Ultra Regeneration

A curious mutation quirk that has given Jane a high intensity healing factor with wounds quickly healing with a muscle like fibre before being restored to normal, even allowing them to come back from what seemed like the impossible. As a side effect of this, she lacks many of the typical physical weakness or requirements of most living creatures such as sleep, rest, air and more which has allowed her to constantly push her body beyond its limits in a self destructive if effective manner when combined with the raw willpower she posseses.

Unlike a normal person she can keep function with what would otherwise be fatal wounds, and shrug off a great deal of damage, all while performing feats beyond the normal capacity of a human by taking advantage of their healing and breaking through the self imposed limits a body normally places on itself to prevent damage. The lack of rest required to function has also allowed her to devote significantly more time to her studies and conditioning. As a result of this, her physical condition has been rapidly improving such as her muscle density and physical condition is far above what would be expected of her frame. Other side effects appear to be a sharpened and increased jaw strength, though this may be a natural or trained trait.

It has been theorized that the thread like healing she possesses may hold further applications if correctly trained. In combat her style can often be seen as suicidal, leaving purposeful openings to take advantage of such when exploited, taking full advantage of her durability to soak neccessary hits to allow them to strike back easily. This combined with unnatural twists and her sheer levels of endurance makes any prolonged fight ill advised.

Outside of the social implications of her abilities and the distress such injuries or feats may cause observers, the primary weakness of Janes quirk is it does not actually prevent feeling pain for actual damage and while possessing remarkable endurance, sufficient pain or damage will slowly degrade her mental faculties and enough outright damage will incapacitate as her body goes dormant to heal her. Should sufficient damage or trauma be delivered to her brain, their tactical ability drops significantly becoming set on the single focus prior to the injury and operating more on instinct than logic, this can pose a extreme danger for those around her as all sense of morality or ethics are lost in favor of the purpose that can often result in them becoming more of a liability in the collateral damage caused.

If pushed beyond her limit, a large amount of heat will be generated as her biomass restores itself, to the point of steam and then straight up combustion requiring her to put herself out as the damage threatens to outpace her regeneration and will become fully incapacitated once enough damage is done. Lesser issues though minor appear to be a distinct lack of smell and numbness of touch, or the fact her outfits are incapable of withstanding the same punishment she can, raising concerns with the lack of modesty she seems to possess. Finally her Metabolism itself has lead to requiring a protien rich diet in far larger quantitys than would be expected to replace damaged material when simple reattachments is not enough.

As a result of being trained from a early age, in combination with her own efforts Jane has become quite proficient in a array of martial arts, most notably Savate, Bajiquan and Sikran. This was initially at the behest of her mothers desire to ensure she would not be at risk or taken advantage of, yet the passion and natural talent has had them support and encourage such further. To further this, has been Janes natural athleticism and desire for adrenaline that lead her to a number of extreme sports, though a preference for self taught parkour stating a fondness for the sensation. She has had some practical experiance in the slightly too frequent fights at her previous school as a result of her heritage, yet due to her quirk coming away with nothing but damaged clothes, though it did appear to escalate as the number of other students who joined in increased. This eventually stopped with the final event that risked her explusion if not for her parents intervention (Event)

Achieving high grades academically much to the annoyance of her teachers as she seemed to place little interest in the topics covered and pay little attention in class. In particular she appears to be a deep interest in biology, most notably medical fields. Holding a good aptitude and understanding of the topics, with sufficient training and study it is very possible she could become a accomplished doctor though in either case it sets to serve her well in future gaols, especially after incorperating it into how she handles tasks.


Within her carried satchel is the normal stationairy items you could be expected of a student in addition to a tablet, medical instruments, protien shakes, bars and strangely cleaning supplys.

Within her submitted costume design it appears to be constructed almost entirely of a cloth made from steel wire alloy woven with carbon nanofibers, making it very durable as well as allowing it limited movement in order to cover wounds or keep them together until healed, the boots and gauntlets are the exception to this. The Gaunlets contain reels of mono-filament wires concealed within the fingers, a area to store her phone within and a set of needles that seem to enter her arm with a emiision port, then another attached to a thin tube that can extend outwards. Her boots are far simpler with flexable grips yet heavy steel soles to them for use within her fighting style.

Room (Prepacked):
Training Equipment, a Heavy duty freestanding heavy bag in dark blue with a variety of Dakimakura covers, Dumbells and Weighted Vests, Arm and Legbands.
Large roof mounted Widescreen TV attached to a personal computer.
Sewing machine and tailoring station.
Closet with wide assortment of almost brand new outfits.
Hanging Skeleton with variety of medical supplys and tools.
Large locked chest containing a wide array of plushes of various ages.
Strangely there is no visable bed or personal pictures displayed within the room.

Height: 5’ 2” Weight: 120lbs
On the surface Jane often appears as a quiet, dark and solemn individual with their feelings locked behind a passive face. Though it is her eyes that appear to captivate, always looking and almost burning with intensity it is often difficult to truly grasp the girl staring out like twin sapphires in the night. Loose locks of golden blonde hair are a stark contrast to the pale marble like skin, seemingly absent of any blemish as it wraps around athletic albeit short frame that barely passes 5 feet. Despite this she still holds a deceptive amount of muscle and although a times can com across as tomboyish or delinquent, it is still clear she places exceptional care into her appearance.

Normally clad in dark colors that contrast with her skin, they are never the less well made with many custom designs often with some form of cross or skull involved, never seeming to wear the same outfit twice and a good number of them appearing as if brand new. Jane carries herself with care and purpose, displaying a great deal of confidence in their stance each step and movement seemingly well placed and with thought, efficient and simple. The same can be said with her speech, a low yet firm tone with little obvious emotive inflection, though there can be found small undercurrents of curiosity, annoyance or interest depending on the topic in question.

There are a number of abnormalities clearly visible if someone would take the time to look, most notably the absence of any particular breathing, the coldness of her skin and should her mouth open a large number of sharper teeth than would be normal.

Coming across as a delinquent to some, Janes words often carry a cold bluntness to them that can be jarring in their straightforward manner and lack of subtlety, some believing them as overly prideful or haughty with the amount of confidence they tend to display. While mostly passive and observant, they nevertheless show a almost inhuman determination for anything they put their mind to locked beanther there usual demeanor. This is most obvious in times of adrenaline, seeming to come alive such as when carrying out heroics, pushing herself or devoting themselves to a task they care deeply about.

Towards others they can be somewhat anti-social, mostly due to misunderstanding several emotional cues, though they do seem to want to help in their own way if somewhat haphazardly. It can also happen to come across as lacking respect as many of her prior teachers would often state, confronting them as a challenge and a refusal to back down when their mind was put to something.

Jane has had a number of philosophies deeply ingrained in her by her childhood and parentage, many that shape the way she behaves and drive her. A example would be from a few simple word she has taken a great deal “Don't be sorry, Be better”, seeing be how a Failure only seeks to drive her onwards and her belief that the only true goal to overcome should be herself. Though this has been taken to a extreme degree such as her habit to purposefully confront her many of her dislikes as perceived weaknesses to overcome.

Despite all this, deep down Jane is deeply conflicted about her purpose, struggling to put thoughts to feelings and often questioning why she carries out some actions or feels the way she does. The emotions are clearly there to her, yet she lacks a clear understanding at times. The two strongest connections she holds is to her parents but for differing reasons, looking up to her father most of all despite many seeing them as the weaker of the two.

Biology, Falling, Flying, Martial Arts, Music, Meat, Obstacles, Parkour, Puzzles

Cowardice, Excuses, Flowers, Salt, Strawberries, Waste

Taphophobia: Buried alive
Thalassophobia: Ocean

Janes childhood was different to say the least, growing up a single if sickly child there would be grave concerns regarding her health by her parents. Born prematurely and anemic, she would often be treated like a porcelain doll, her parents worried she may break if they were not careful, more so her father than mother. This would come to the head with the emergence of her quirk being one of the scariest parts of her parents lives as they feared the worst until clarification was given by the hospital doctor. While changing her deeply, their quirk allowed them a new sense of freedom, but also new expectations as her mother's approach to them changed substantially, not wanting them to ever be as they were before now the option was available. Though the gained freedom was not without a fight, having to conciously relearn the movements of her body as if controlling each limb independently.

While some would assume her mother would drive them towards the path she took, Melissa was surprisingly firm on not given her daughter a direct answer or suggestion instead encouraging them to find their own way, yet the shadow of her parentage would linger with many faculty seeing her as a Villain in the making, the attitude seeping into the children from either them or parents. Though rather than submit to it, Jane would attempt to drown it out and focus on what was ahead of her….yet it was maybe the feeling this caused that sparked her desire to be a hero in the first place as well as shaped who they would become.

Fast forward several years and despite all beliefs, there application would be accepted and gain access to the Scales academy, intent on forging the path forward onwards.

Melissa Delacroix, 48, Quirk: Filament
Janes mother is a fairly cold if successful business executive at the FCN Network. While she shows pride in daughters accomplishments, it always quickly follows with constantly expecting more from Jane next time. This has had a large impact on her views on how to advance in her life. Prior to career in business she was however known by her villian alias "Madam Mono" who flourished for nearly a decade, though this eventually ended with her capture, however rather than face jail time the quick thinking and abilities of her Lawyer managed to have her avoid such much to the dismay of the arresting heroes in a landmark case setting precedence to this day. Melissas quirk appears to allow her to create various prehensile threads from beneath her fingers which she has trained to terrifying effect despite its realtively mundane uses in most hands.

Garfield Delacroix, 44, Quirk: Living Platelet
Janes Father is a fairly cheerful if meek lawyer at a large firm. Mostly supportive of his daughter efforts wanting them to find what they enjoy though still wishes they could slow down to socialize more. Perhaps the most understanding of her parents and this combined with other reasons is perhaps why Jane relationship with them is what it is. He was also the Lawyer who happened to get Diane off on several technicalities. Unknown to most he also holds a power himself, capable of manipulating his own blood when outside his body, yet his low pain tolerance combined with fears of needles and sharp objects has lead to such rarely being used. Despite a somewhat fearful nature at times, he can always be relied upon to do what he needs to do but usually while shaking the entire time.

Melissa Brightworth
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Quirk: Bee
Melissas quirk is fairly simple and obvious to most anyone who sees her, Bee gives her all the abilities of a bee of equivilant size with a few variations. Firstly her stingers seem to be located in her forarms instead of abdomin. This however comes with a variety of downsides common with bees themselves however in addition to seemingly having a strong impact on her personality. There are other minor effects, such as seemingly able to approach other Bee hives without causing agression or them attempting to sting her. Unfortunately she appears to lack the ability to create honey or pheramones like over insects.

Bee Facts:
The 6 Most Mind-Blowing Superpowers of Bees | Cracked.com
Bee - Wikipedia
20 Wonderful Honey Bee Facts (#8 is Surprising)

-Required to wear gloves and boots due to inheriting a bees ability to taste with its limbs.
-While Bees may regulate there body temperature, sufficent temperature change can cause them to become slow and lethargic leading to eventual hybernation
-Due to undersized wings, even with their unique method of flight Melissa can only lift around her body weight while flying, any in excess of this will result more in a controlled fall or gliding motion. In addition her wings are relatively fragile and damage can easily render them unusuable until they heal.
-Damage to her Antenae will result in her being dissorientated for a while until she adjusts to the loss of senses
-While possessing a nose, Melissa also naturally breaths through spiracles over her body making more suscpetable to air born toxins or chemicals. Her heightened sense of smell also makes her prone to strong odors.
-The distinct coloration combined with the loud buzzing when her wings are in use make Melissa very noticible and ill suited to any stealth.

Growing up on a Ranch Melissa's education was far more practical focused than others, though as a result making her fairly handy with basic wooded construction, animals, fishing, knots, survival and even a few rope tricks. This also effects her approache issues being very adept at pracitcal problems and puzzles in general, plus being quite the avid dancer. Her father would also teach her and her sisters how to protect even if the others were not considering hero work, though this being more of a straight up street fighting style mixed with wrestling and boxing focusing on practicality above all else. Such a skill did get plenty of practice, growing up with 3 other sisters was more dangerous than any villian somtimes.

Supermove: Quad Fold Cannon, Melissa can create a punch so powerful that it can break through insumoutable barriers, after building up power in her arms she unleashes a series of straight jabs that seem to hit the target simultaneously creating a number of surreal delayed shockwaves as the target takes the force over every blow at the same time, pushing them ever further back as each shockwave hits.

Outside of the normal high school stationairy and items, Melissa has also taken to carrying other items out of habbit such as a variety of sweets/snacks and a sturdy pocket knife set.

Melissa's costume is fairly straight forward in its design, being constructed of a flexable yet touch fabric inlaid with steel and carbon nanofibers. The costume has also been adapted in order to allow her stingers and wings to fit, with a small pack over her lower back holding a variety of useful items, most notably rope of similar durability to her costume.


Appearance: Height: 6’ 6” Weight: 320lbs
A towering young woman in her teens and a thickly muscled yet curved physique, their skin has been steadily changing color from a young age to become the bright yellow it is today making her extremely noticible at a distance. What at first could assumed to be skin is more a mixture of that and Chitin over a growing amount of dense muscle that has been developing at a rapid rate as a result of her training. As a side effect her base height and weight has also been rapidly to far above what would be expected for her age, as well as problems gaining clothing especxially with the additional arms. Her chosen outfits also have been cut to allow four insectoid wings to protrude from her back. Black fur like hair hangs from her head, cut to her shoulders. While a tendancy to have her eyes closed, on opening you can see hazel insectoid eyes protrudeing slightly from youthful features and a confident smile, though hiding rows of razor teeth behind. Her hands have also been altered with her pinkie having fallen away entirely and other digits now more pointed and harder tipped lacking nails.

Normally dessed in a mixture of loose flanner shirts and overalls, she tends to prefer the more simple styles. Three items that remain constant however are gloves, heavy leather boots and a setson cut to allow her twin antenae to protrude outwards.

High energy and motivated to a fault, she often heads into situations with failure the furthest thing from her mind. A paradox to those who know her well, determined and putting her all into everything yet comes across as lackadaisical and carefree. She loves to make a show of things and talk, she rarely goes for the subtle approach regarding her entrances often making people wonder if she ever has a actual plan, her tactics on the other hand are deceptively subtle to the point and indirect on times. Never the less she has the preference for the spontaneus and adpting to the sitution, though it does come off as care-free and not taking the situations seriously at times regardless of the truth of the matter. Prideful and always seemingly putting on a show herself merely due to the enjoyment of it that others can recieve, though also perhaps the sheer attention plays a part too. Never the less there are few moments when she is not smiling being very social by nature.

Likes: Animals, Carpentry, Dance, Excercise, Flowers, Nature, Sweets
Dislikes: Badgers, Chemicals, Elitests, Pollution, Smoke, Storms
Taxideaophobia (Badgers)
Astraphobia (Thunder Storms)

Born on the Brightworth ranch, Melissa would grow up happily in a rather remote farm town along side her parents and 3 sisters, her father working as a remote wildernass rescue hero and her mother tending to most of the other dealings of running the Ranch itself. The ranch itself was nestled just on the outskirts of Buffalo in Wyoming with a smaller community that lead to nearly everyone becoming close nit and knowing each other, satisfied with the quiet life for the most part. Betweens the chores on the farm, days at the school and time with her friends and sisters life was good, nearly everyone seeming content though there was exceptions. Melissas sister wishing to leave for the big city finding the area stiffling, and Melissa herself wishing to become a hero like her father, one of the people everyone looks to when unsure and can make things all right.

So Melissa would practice and push herself, telling her father of her wish and as a result get pushed harder still as he tried to pass on a few things before her enrollment. While hard work, it was also fun for her, spending time with him always was something she enjoyed be it helping on the ranch, quiet hunting trips or being pushed in the traiing. So when the time came he was more than happy to reccomend her forward to the academy, but unexpectedly despite the ability to gain access to the academy through the recommendation with the aid of her father, Melissa declined, wishing to do it the right way rather than just due to who she is related to.

Popola Brightworth, 19, Sister/News Media Intern, Quirk: Honeyed Tongue
Rose Brightworth, 18, Sister/Student, Quirk: Totem
Daisy Brightworth, 15, Sister/Student, Quirk: Bee
Camellia Brightworth, 42, Mother/Ranch Owner, Quirk: Totem
Basil Brightworth/Tarantula Wasp, 45, Father/Nature Hero, Quirk: Bee
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Super Move: The Super Perpetual Ingeneous Naturally Stunningly Powerful Intense Named Spin (Or Spin Free)
Can you go into a bit more detail? Like, what does it do?

As a side effect of this, she lacks many of the typical physical weakness or requirements of most living creatures such as sleep, rest, air and more
How is that a side effect of regeneration?

Remi Holdt
Role: Rescue.
Age: 16
Gender: Male

  • Quirk: Command Center

    Remi's quirk is both easy to explain and yet quite complicated. Remi can form contracts with anyone he touches, and upon giving him their consent, he connects them to his network. Remi can interact and monitor anyone connected to his network by observing a series of small screens that appear in front of him whenever he activates his quirk. The screens show both what the connected person is seeing and hearing.

    Strengths: Command Center is beyond impressive when it comes to surveillance and giving tactical advantages. Remi can use his quirk to keep track of events happing far apart and relay information out to the people connected to him. The best use of this quirk is from Remi to be allowed to sit back somewhere and keep a watchful eye over everyone.

    Weaknesses: Command Center is quite taxing to use and requires a lot of concentration. The more people Remi have connected to the network, the more screens there are, and that means Remi has more work to do if he is to focus on each one. The connection can also be broken by either having a person connected to the network knocked out, having them opt out (simply saying disconnect followed by their name), or Remi being knocked out. The latter being the worst as it disconnects everyone from the network, much like hitting a reset button.

How? It takes more than wings to fly.

Yeah, you're gonna have to tone it down quite a bit. In short, your character is way too skilled with his quirk for being 15.

I made a changes to the flying part, as well as added a paragraph at the very end of the quirk utilization section that dictates his current skill with the quirk.
So is this always active? And just how high is the temperature?
Yeah, it's pretty much always active. Like any star, temperature varies. Surface temperature (i.e. his skin) is about as hot as a space heater—around 60°C to 80°C. The temperature rises drastically as you reach the core (i.e. his stomach) and the plasma reaches up to about 4,000K or 3727°C, which is a bit hotter than the surface of Aldebaran, an orange giant star.

How? I just don't see how this is related to the rest of the quirk.
Like I said previous, his body temperature can get pretty hot. The minute a metal enters his mouth, the high temperature is normally capable of melting it down enough that he can chew it. Even more so once he swallows and it slides down to his stomach, where all the plasma is produced. Of course, he can only melt the metals—it's impossible for him to digest them, hence the regurgitation part.
Name: Sarah Yanase
Nicknames: Ayah, Baby face or kiddo
Hero Name: Shock Girl Sarah
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Specialization: Combat
Standing at a whoping 5 flat. Sarah has soft baby face, big buggy eyes and a small petite body build with no signs of huge muscles present anywhere. She has silky chocolate brown hair and eyes and pale white skin that could almost level the moon's paleness.

Hero Costume: (Make sure to include any support items your character uses)
Has a shoulder holster hidden away in her jacket (Jacket includes a hood)
Support equipment:
Electric lace gloves- These fancy looking finger-less gloves helps Sarah and her quirk. Despite it's simple yet elegant design, these gloves regulates Sarah's electric-base quirk from overflowing too much. Upon closer inspection, some of the lace's glove design are flexible live wires. These wires absorbs the excess electricity flowing through her body, storing it in it's built in electric battery like component. Each glove can store at least 1 million volts maximum. Even without Sarah's main source of electricity. These gloves can still be used to electrocute herself to regain her strength or use those excess volts left in those gloves in a form of lightning projectiles. Rather inaccurate and weak but it's her only way to do a low-medium range attacks when it is needed, her boots also has the same effects. Plus she intends it to be fashionable.

As obvious as she looks, Sarah is very enthusiastic, kind and just downright expressive. She has the heart of an innocent child. Almost has the same trait of an old woman that that is just too plain wholesome or that one grandma who keeps feeding her grandchildren. Sarah is very predictable, reading will be as easy as reading a children's story book. This can be an advantage to others to tell if whether or not she is lying or not. Her body language also goes side by side with her dialogues, as she often gives out hand and facial expressions while she speaks. Sarah is just like any other person. She feels joy, fear, sadness and even anger. It just so happens that she always emphasizes her soft smile.

One of her most noticeable attributes other than her bubbly nature is her ever burning determination and sheer tenacity. One thing is clear that she doesn't easily give up, not with that non stop optimism. Sarah is always patient. Giving things time and waiting for a result. Her warm kindness is always around with open arms. A unique trait of hers is that unlike her parents. She forgives. Sarah always hands out forgiveness, even towards villains. She always believes that anyone can change. She is the type of girl who always stands for what she believes is right which is rather annoying to some. It may seem like she maybe the perfect good girl but she has her downsides. Since she has achieved such level of high kindness. She became mentally weak. She restricts herself from causing necessary violence that she just allows the others to hit her and bully her. At some times, she keeps her mouth shut just to not upset somebody even though what she is about to say is important. She will always be trampled by someone else. Despite this, she remains the same. Also she has a very high pitch voice and strong Japanese accent. She seems to have a small habit of saying "Hoah" while talking (Pronounced as Hoo-Wah)

+Sweet cinnamon rolls
+Cute dresses
+Dressing up other people
+The sound of pianos, bass and acoustic guitars
+RomCom Movies

-Sudden loud voices
-Her own Quirk

*The dark

Born with 2 loving parents. Sarah had a taste of what a normal childhood girl life is. Everything seems to be fine. She went through school like any other child. In this part of her early life. She is found often bullied by other kids of her age. Both inside and out side of school. She lived the bullied life for the rest of those school years. She was mocked for one thing. Her late blooming quirk. She was always teased by the other kids (often girls) for not receiving her quirk yet. They always show off their quirks just to mock the poor girl but in actuality her quirk was already there when she reached the blooming age of quirks. Sarah was unaware of it. Despite the bullying, she remained the same girl that she is now. She was disciplined by her own mother herself, Margrette Yanase. (Thunder lady Margrette was her Hero name) The number 5 hero of japan. Her mother often goes to work while her father, Ryosuke Yanase stayed at home to take care of her. Thus she always had a closer relationship with her father as her mother works internationally. If there is one thing she knows for her mother is that her mother deeply cares for her and made her seal a promise to be good until she comes back. This was the last things she remembered before she saw her mother last.

Her father was a store owner. Doing much as he can to support his family in his own way. There wasn't much going on in her life until her 14th birthday. She one day woke up in her bed, in the normal household like usual. The day was her birthday, yearly. Margrette will come home to greet her only child a happy birthday. Which she did upon arrival at their own home. Sarah was excited to see her mother, for she hardly sees her. Her 14th birthday was going to be swell now. That is until a life turning event happened between the mother and daughter moment intervened. In the dark clouds a huge lightning bolt zapped both Sarah and her mother, Margrette. This for the first time ever, Sarah's quirk was awakened which was a gift for Sarah but with the cost of her mother. Sarah was unconscious due to the intense lightning strike. It was a direct hit against her back. She woke up in a hospital later with her uncle, Akira Yanase. Common question were asked towards her uncle. Akira replied that her mother was missing after she was shocked with lightning, her father claimed that it was no natural lightning but someone who had a lightning quirk. Her father claimed that he will go find the villain who zapped his wife. Thus went off on his own and left her with the uncle. Sarah felt grieved after hearing the news. Akira also said that the doctors were quite surprised upon seeing Sarah survive a high voltage thunder strike. It came with a cost. Her heart was almost completely destroyed as well as the rest of her internal organs. She given the most intense surgery care. She was so ruptured that they had to bring out the best medical quirked doctors to heal most her body. She so close to death that one mistake could kill her instantly. Luckily, she was saved. Most of her body was healed and her heart was given a custom specialized pace maker that will help her live.

A year later. She moved out of Japan to visit the last place where her father was seen last. Along with her uncle. She had a personal promise that she will find both of her parents.

Mother- Margrette Rosewell (Missing)
Father- Ryosuke Yanase (Missing)
Uncle- Akira Yanase (Alive)

Impact Lightning-
As strange as it may sound. Sarah has inherited both Quirks from her parents, forming it into a whole new Quirk. This Quirk is called Impact Lightning. A mix of two quirks, Electric projection from her mother and Impact Absorption from her father. Sarah has formed a all new Quirk that requires a great price for a superior power of strength. This is how her quirk works. The mechanics of her Quirk is simple. Sarah has the ability to achieve above human superhuman strength. She is able to gather super strength, enough to send any body builder flying away from her ten meters away. But to do that, she requires an external source of electric energy. With electricity, she will achieve this super human strength in time. Depending on how much Electricity she receives. Her strength grows stronger and stronger depending on the amount of volts she receives. The larger the voltage, the more strength she gains. She can pretty much punch through cement, wood and light metals at 1400 Volts. 1400 Volts is her standard super human strength to punch a single person and send them flying. It's all about getting electrocuted and turning it into her strength.

This Quirk is not passive. Unless she receives an electric pulse from an outside source, she pretty much just your average frail girl that you can mess around with. Another thing about this Quirk is how it is used. For super strength standards. One may say that she can lift things or at least push it back with air pressure. It cannot, Sarah's Quirk is situational and slightly complex. Sure, after receiving electricity and getting charged up. She now has super strength in her disposal. Truth is. She cannot use it to lift things. If she wants to use her Quirk to it's maximum efficiency. She has to channel all that electrical energy in one go. Once she gets the electric energy. It will now slowly fade away from her body for every passing second. She can channel these energy through her legs and increase her running speed but every step will slowly deplete her energy, thus recharging again.

It may seem like a very powerful Quirk but it's still flawed in it's own ways. The sad part about her Quirk is that. She cannot continuously use, for over time she will collapse from injecting to much electricity from her body. Leaving her unconscious. She maybe super strong but she can still feel physical pain. Her body was more used on receiving electricity than getting punched or burned. Despite having a absorption Quirk. There is a limit to how much electricity she can take. It has been recorded that she once took 1.5 billion volts (The same voltage of the lightning that awakened her Quirk and this is her Maximum limit) and survived. If it goes far beyond that. She will either collapse, get paralyzed or even die. This is classified as an Emitter for Sarah's body shape stays the same after getting physically electrocuted.

Super Move:
Omega Impact!!!-
A devastating blow delivered by yours truly. Unlike most of Sarah's predictable moves. This single punch or kick can surely leave a painful or better yet deadly blow. This move can be achieved If Sarah is close to her Maximum limit. If she manages to gather so much electricity without getting paralyzed or collapsing then the move can surely be achieved. Due to much Electricity. The excess energy overflows all over Sarah. Forming an electric barrier around Sarah till she unleashes all of it. If she chooses to unleash one deadly kick or punch. Any fleshy organic will surely get some pain. Upon impact, not only that they will feel an intense strength pressuring against them but also get electrocuted along the way, from the excess electricity. The Omega Impact affects a 8 meter range effect of strong electrical flow of lightning. Sarah unleashes a effect that upon the big attack. A lightning explosion will follow after the blow. So if she does miss. The lightning will still look for the enemy. This move was yet to be used, there are no actual records of Sarah doing this.

*Pink cased Smartphone
*Heart shaped hair clip
*Her silver colored Taser gun
*An orange hair brush

Advanced Boxing- Unlike most fighters. Sarah specializes in... Boxing... A rather strange combat style but it seems like Sarah chose this instead of a more practical martial art. Although she was trained by her Uncle Akira on Mixed martial arts. Sarah stayed in the old traditional boxing. It's a rather strange choice of combat style. It's so sad that she has a good quirk that works with legs but refuses to use them.

Advanced Cooking-
She is madly talented at cooking. She is able to cook pretty much any eastern cuisine known in Asia. In fact she can copy a few exacts tastes of chefs and their original recipes. Plus her tongue is very active when it comes to food. She can identify what the dish lacks in one or two taste tests. This talent is often overshadowed

Basic sewing- Self explanatory

Fast housecleaning-
Seems like she cleans the house more often than anyone. Thus she can make almost any cleaning job a walk in the park.

Eye for detail-
Despite her hyperactive eye movement. She has quite an observant eye. Whether if she sees something off from a person or a object out of place. This skill is often used in combat if she has to play smart with villains.​
Name: Harry Grover

Nicknames: Lion boy.

Hero Name: Beast King-The Lion Hero

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Specialization: Combat

Appearance: Harry.jpg

Hero Costume: Beast King.gif

Personality: Harry can be a total clutz which is ironic. He's a man of few words. And kind of hates being around huge crowds of people. He's quick to get stage fright. Harry is a nervous wreck, but he tries to act tough on the outside so that people won't think less of him. He's as scared of his quirk as he is excited to use it for hero business. He could be considered an uber nerd and it would be no understatement. He's better equipped for pencil pushing schoolwork personality wise. He hates arguments and if things get a little salty he tends to back out and go to his happy place. If someone needs help with something he has a hard time saying no. He has a hard time making friends because he's scared to make connections with people. And he always considered peaceful resolutions. (Mostly because he's too chicken to use his quirk but let's just say he's diplomatic). This personality might make some see him unfit for this kind of lifestyle but, he's determined to learn how to use his powers to better the world and he's making progress.

Likes: Helping people, chocolate, pop music, acing quizzes, a good laugh, reading, yoga.

Dislikes: villains, rule breakers, heavy metal, people not taking their education seriously,

Fears: Losing himself to his quirk, spiders, and squid.

Backstory: Harry got his quirk from his father. He grew up in a nice little suburban neighborhood. Full of nice neighbors and good pretty little lawns. He had a carefree young childhood. The only difference was him seemingly not developing a power. His father saw this as suspicious. He took him out to the woods and tested him. Working at all the emotion triggers. Fear, anger, surprise. Until it triggered. Nothing terrible happened. His father warned him to keep it from triggering because it would be dangerous until he learned how to control it and he didn't want his son seen as a lawbreaking hooligan. Back at home Harry was growing, and he was excited. He bragged at school that he finally had a power. This was met with skepticism and demands to "prove it". He stuck to what his dad told him. He wasn't a rule breaker.

As he got older Harry's father began training him. Taking him to the woods and teaching him to trigger it on command, and how to fight emotions to keep it from triggering. He taught Harry how to fight in that form, and still keep himself in check. It was also this time that Harry began to take an interest in heroes. He was impressed with their power and seeming fearlessness. He wanted that for himself. He had the power he just needed to learn to use his quirk safely. There's no way a good hero school would take him if he couldn't control it. Unfortunately Harry lost his trainer. His father lost himself to the quirk during one of their training sessions. Harry still had a hard time changing back and getting home after that. He sadly informed his mother on what had happened. Even though he still lived a funeral was staged for Harry's father. Harry was mortified. His father seemed to have the quirk completely under control, and he'd still lost himself. It seemed to be inevitable. One day Harry would go from man to beast. Through the fear Harry got a new determination. If this quirk was going to drive him insane he'd be damned if he wasn't going to use it for something first.


Harry's quirk is a transformation based ability where he turns into a humanoid beast resembling a lion. In this form he possesses super strength, speed, agility and durability. The main ability would be strength. His form is brawn centered. Able to lift large objects with ease. He's quicker than a normal person but not notably faster than a hero with any kind of speedy quirk. His durability is the same. He can take a lot of punishment but not as much as a hero with a quirk that specifically allows them to tank damage. His form is triggered either by Harry's own will or a strong emotion like fear, or anger. It can also be triggered by his body for instinctual self preservation. He has long retractable claws that can cut through certain strong materials. And senses that are heightened far beyond normal humans. This quirk runs in Harry's family on his father's side. Every persons "Wildside" is different in their animal resemblance. Their are a few downsides to his quirk despite the obvious one of his Wildside overtaking his rational side and drive him insane. Which is all too common. Prolonged use of his quirk will exhaust him. It can give him slight amnesia. Making him forget things that happened recently. The longer he uses it the more wild he'll become.

Super Moves:
Harry's super move puts him in a berserk state. He embraces the primal power for one devastating blow. As he begins to embrace the power his eyes begin to glow red, and his strength increases by five times. He can use this as a punch, charge, kick, claw, or really any other way to inflict damage. This is a massive gamble as it is basically inviting the power that may drive him mad. It can only be used as a tool to finish a fight as the only way to retain sanity after the move is to immediately revert back into his human state and give the beast form a long break. It takes a bit to charge up after Harry decides to start embracing it. So Harry will only use it as a last resort to save other people.

A pocket watch.
A notepad and pencil.

A skilled mathematician.
Self defense martial arts.


  • Names: Jacob Adair
    Nicknames: Jake
    Hero Name: Blizzard
    Specialization: Combat
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Homosexual

    Appearance: Standing at a whopping 5'5" and owning quite the skinny build, Jacob isn't much of a fearful foe, to say the least. His somewhat longer hair is a light shade of blond and often kept messy at the lack of care he has for his hairstyle. Jacob has large, light brown eyes and overall owns somewhat defined facial features. The blond boy happens to be rather expressive, making it easy to read his emotions off his face with relative ease. His angry expression, however, tends to be lacking an intimidating factor, instead just looking like a pouting child.

    Jacob's wardrobe mostly consists of hoodies, sweaters and other warm clothing. Only during the heat of Summer does Jacob reluctantly adjust his regular clothing style, cycling through a small number of shirts. Oddly enough, most of his clothes are blue, only differing slightly in shade. He does own a few white, green, yellow and other odd coloured pieces of attire.

    Possibly the most defining feature about his general appearance is the fact that he is rarely seen without some accessory resting on his head. Hats and plenty of beanies make sure his head stays nice and warm while simultaneously covering up the total mess that is his hair.

    Hero Costume: Jacob's outfit might not make for the most apparent hero, but he's definitely suited for using his own quirk or blending into colder climates. The blond boy wears a thin formfitting thermal jacket of which the design is almost entirely white. This jacket of sorts is accompanied by a white beanie and thin snow pants. Sturdy snowboots allow for more grip on the self-produced snow, while the dandy ski goggles prevent him from blinding himself. Possibly the most important accessories are his gloves that each have the palm left open so he can use his ability while not freezing off his very own fingers. To finish the look, Jacob wears a long silky white scarf, reaching down to his lower back to make for a nice little accessory.

    What's possibly most notable about Jacob's outfit is that it lacks a lot of colour. With the exception of lighter greys and very slight hints of blue being used to shape a bit of detail, Jacob's hero costume is mostly white of colour. This allows him to camouflage a bit while using his ability, which, although minor, is still an advantage nevertheless.

    Jacob carries around a single support item in the shape of a custom made snowboard that can be easily attached to his snow boots. He utilizes the snowboard in combination with his control over snow to manoeuvre himself around more efficiently.

    >B e a n i e s
    >Chewing Gum

Last edited:
Name: Isao Miyake
Nicknames: N/A
Hero Name: Hephaestus
Age: Fifteen
Gender: Male
Specialization: Engineering


Hero Costume:

Isao is an energetic and optimistic boy who has the constant drive to improve his smithing, mostly due to the support he receives from his family. He's incredibly intelligent, though with his tendency to hyperfocus entirely on his craft, he's also rather absentminded and oblivious when it comes to normal situations. He's also flexible and innovative, able to break away from ordinary procedures to create his machinery, thus allowing him to make his own solutions when he needs to find an edge. As such, with help from the analytical qualities he's developed through years of experimentation, he can create some of the most unorthodox, but also incredibly effective armor and weaponry the world has never seen.

Of course, there are times when his inquisitive nature works against him. In order to satisfy his curiosity, Isao can be courageous and even reckless, often times getting himself into situations that could very well put him in harms way. Above all, however, Isao is a caring person. He chose to become an engineering specialist because he wanted to aid the heroes on the field after all, to protect them with the gizmos and gadgets he's made.

• The Taste of Iron
• His Family
• Smithing
• The Taste of Tin
• Willful Ignorance
• Overly Bitter Food and Drinks
• Atychiphobia (Failure)
• Autophobia (Loneliness)
• Athazagoraphobia (Forgetting)

Isao was born to a loving couple, with his younger twin brothers following soon after. It was during his fourth birthday that his mother, Nana, brought him to a Quirkologist. Four is the year that quirks often begin to express themselves, and as far as Nana could tell, Isao has shown no signs. He certainly hasn’t phased through any objects the way she can, and thankfully, has not set fire to anything with precocious fire breathing either.

The Doctor sat Isao down in a chair, and began a basic check up to start off with. Blood pressure, heartbeat. He put a standard thermometer in his mouth to check his temperature, instructing him to hold it under his tongue and to leave it for several minutes. In retrospect, he probably should’ve been tipped off the moment Isao complained of a funny taste in his mouth. Regardless, when the Doctor went to remove the thermometer from Isao's mouth, only half of it came away in his hand.

After several more scheduled tests, scans and thermometers of increasing heat tolerance, Isao and his mother walked away from the clinic with newfound knowledge on his abilities. Since then, he's taken to eating odd things—metals, in particular. At first, his parents weren't sure if they should stop him or not, but knowing it'll have no adverse effects on him changed that. Belatedly, they ended up telling him that if he's gonna eat metal, he's gonna have to buy it. As a result, visits to the hardware store became something like visits to the candy store, where an excited Isao buys handfuls of nuts, bolts and screws to snack on like they were trail mix whilst a bemused family watches.

Iron had a tangy flavour to it, sort of but not quite similar to a sour candy, that Isao found he enjoyed. Nickel had a creaminess to it, though he found copper bitter and the less said about tin the better.

His younger brothers once asked him why he was chewing on bolts. “Because it’s tasty!” is all Isao says. They try a bolt and immediately spit it out, but they also like really spicy food so Isao's not sure they have taste buds anymore.

Isao was seven the first time he vomited. His family was visiting a carnival, and he was so excited he almost vibrated out of his chair. There’s carnival food, although Isao has already eaten a few ingots worth of metal, and then there are rides. He was fine for a while until he took a ride on something called ‘The Twirler’. Isao stumbles a few feet once it finally stops and Iemitsu wisely guides him towards a bin. When he retches, it suddenly occurs to him that perhaps a person whose quirk involved plasma in their stomach should not be made to vomit the contents of said stomach.

His vomit is not what anyone expects. It is certainly not chunks of half-digested food, swimming in bile, and for that, everyone is a little thankful, Isao included. It is not a burst of superheated air and plasma, and for that, everyone should be thankful (alas, only his parents were aware of the potential danger, and they are the only ones who were properly relieved). It is, instead, a small white hot gooey mess that began to cool almost immediately after leaving Isao's mouth.

Iemitsu knew better than to touch it, but Isao didn't. He reached out with his childish hands and scooped it up. Iemitsu wanted to tell him not to, to let it go because grabbing your vomit is very much not a polite thing to do (and certainly not hygienic), but the rest of him was still unsure what parts of normality still apply to Isao, so he ended up only watching as the still slightly nauseous Izuku begins playing with the substance, rolling it into a ball as it cools. In short order, he’s holding a somewhat spherical blob of silvery metal.

Nana took the metal to a Quirkologist, who after initial testing, suggested she’d be better off seeing a geologist or some kind of engineer. Metal byproduct isn't incredibly rare but it is uncommon, and they don't have the facilities to test the qualities of the metal. Isao's weird puke-metal turned out to be a steel alloy made up of the various metals he enjoyed snacking on. That in itself isn’t so remarkable, but after more tests, it turns out to be a surprisingly useful metal. The Engineer she saw professes it’s usefulness, bandying terms she herself wasn't too familiar with—coefficients, scales. Her degree was in social services, not metallurgy. The general meaning seems to be that whatever weird metal Isao made is quite useful, and the Engineer asked if she could possibly tell them the source of it.

She politely refused, citing personal reasons. She didn't want to open up her son to that kind of scrutiny or pressure. When he’s older, he can decide. They’re disappointed, but understanding. They asked to keep the metal. Nana checked with Isao, and he agreed. He could, after all, make more. Surely?

Isao did make more. He learned to shape them into figurines, little models of animals and people. Blobby, indistinct models but each one he made gets progressively more detailed. Shaping the blobs of metal with his fingers is hard though, so soon he learned to shape tools out of the metal first. His parents were kind enough to let Isao take over the garage, and he turned it into a workspace for all his figurines and tools. Particularly pretty and well made ones, he gifted to his younger brothers, who were more than happy to accept them.

One day, Isao stared down at his collection of handmade figurines and baubles. He couldn't be a Hero like All Might. He’s wanted to be a hero since he was even aware what heros were. But, he thought, it’s okay that he can’t be like All Might. There are others better suited to being like All Might than he is, and he's fine with that. Isao is full of stars, and he can’t get those stars out of him in a way that is immediately helpful to Heroics. But he can get them out—in his metals.

Plenty of Heroes rely on devices or gadgets meant to assist or amplify their abilities. Rather than being like All Might, couldn’t he be someone like Power Loader? Heroes have a dangerous job. Couldn’t his metal make that job just a little safer? Nodding his head at the thoughy, he started to work on his very first project—a shield.

Isao Miyake cannot feel fire. It’s a useful quality to have when your hobby involved pressing white hot metals into shape with your bare hands. Rather than feel a terrible burning sensation, to Isao's hands it simply feels like warm clay. His natural abilities make him well equipped to create metalcrafts and glass baubles and his supportive family helps this talent flourish but there is one teeny little issue though.

As hot as it is, Isao's mouth is still only as big as a human mouth, and no amount of plasma in his stomach will change that. His parents let Isao have a workshop but they rather sensibly draws the line at a literal forge. Fortunately, an acquaintance of his father is willing to assist the young aspiring smith. Daruma Hoji was a blacksmith who is happy to lend his forge to the young man when it’s not in use, for a small affordable rental fee. He even offered some tips and tricks to Isao regarding, until now unconsidered, techniques such as quenching or tempering.

Isao also learned that electricity, much like fire, has no appreciable effect on his body beyond a vague sense of tingling. He thought that this is not too surprising, given that electricity and fire are quite similar in many ways but it is no less heart stopping for Iemitsu Sawada to walk into the garage after hearing several loud crackling noises only to find his son holding a pair of jumper cables attached to a car battery. Despite his best efforts, he can only wrangle a vague promise out of him to seek adult supervision the next time he tries something like this. In his heart, he knew it will be useless.

This discovery proved imminently useful to the fledgeling inventor though, and he began experimenting with electronics to a worrying degree. He didn't have access to the equipment or tools that would really let him go wild with circuits and wires, and this fact is a great relief to both his parents and the faculty of his highschool alike—his twin brothers would only laugh at the plight of their elders—but he still found in himself the designs for particularly simple self-defense devices.

Such as a small wire-frame he took to wearing under his shirt. Connected to a small array of batteries kept in a pack against the small of his back, the circuit is only completed when his left thumb touches his left pinky finger and delivers a payload equal to most commercial grade tasers. Although Isao has to remember not to grab anything conductive with his left hand. Surprisingly, he managed to avoid electrocuting anyone by accident.

There's no doubt that his projects are only going to grow more and more complex as time goes on, and one day, in the future, he's definitely going to become a magnificent hero.

• Nana Miyake - Mother // Diseased
• Iemitsu Miyake - Father // Alive
• Tsunayoshi Miyake - Younger Brother // Alive
• Enma Miyake - Younger Brother // Alive

Forge - Isao inherited a mutated version of his father's quirk. His father's stomach made a spark of electricity, igniting the gas already produced and thus allowing him to breath fire. Isao's stomach ionizes it into plasma. As a side effect, he possesses an extremely high body temperature, essentially rendering him invulnerable to heat and cold, has an incredibly efficient digestive system—to the point where he has to eat nearly his own weight in food—and is capable of consuming things a baseline human probably shouldn't—such as metals.

Through their ingestion, he produces a metal byproduct—a white hot amalgamation of what he's devoured. The properties of said byproduct depend entirely on what he's eaten. For example, adding zinc creates a more malleable substance, copper makes for a more conductive, but less durable metal, and sand alone generates glass. Chewing works just as well as regurgitation, but it does take a little longer to get the desired effect, though the sensation is certainly a lot more pleasant.

Super Moves: N/A

• Cellphone
• Toolkit
• Wallet
• Nuts, Bolts and Screws

• Metallurgy
• Blacksmithing
• Inventing​
Name: Sarah Yanase
Nicknames: Ayah, Baby face or kiddo
Hero Name: Shock Girl Sarah
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Specialization: Combat
View attachment 499078
Standing at a whoping 5 flat. Sarah has soft baby face, big buggy eyes and a small petite body build with no signs of huge muscles present anywhere. She has silky chocolate brown hair and eyes and pale white skin that could almost level the moon's paleness.

Hero Costume: (Make sure to include any support items your character uses)
View attachment 499091
Has a shoulder holster hidden away in her jacket (Jacket includes a hood)
Support equipment:
View attachment 499092
Electric lace gloves- These fancy looking finger-less gloves helps Sarah and her quirk. Despite it's simple yet elegant design, these gloves regulates Sarah's electric-base quirk from overflowing too much. Upon closer inspection, some of the lace's glove design are flexible live wires. These wires absorbs the excess electricity flowing through her body, storing it in it's built in electric battery like component. Each glove can store at least 1 million volts maximum. Even without Sarah's main source of electricity. These gloves can still be used to electrocute herself to regain her strength or use those excess volts left in those gloves in a form of lightning projectiles. Rather inaccurate and weak but it's her only way to do a low-medium range attacks when it is needed, her boots also has the same effects. Plus she intends it to be fashionable.

As obvious as she looks, Sarah is very enthusiastic, kind and just downright expressive. She has the heart of an innocent child. Almost has the same trait of an old woman that that is just too plain wholesome or that one grandma who keeps feeding her grandchildren. Sarah is very predictable, reading will be as easy as reading a children's story book. This can be an advantage to others to tell if whether or not she is lying or not. Her body language also goes side by side with her dialogues, as she often gives out hand and facial expressions while she speaks. Sarah is just like any other person. She feels joy, fear, sadness and even anger. It just so happens that she always emphasizes her soft smile.

One of her most noticeable attributes other than her bubbly nature is her ever burning determination and sheer tenacity. One thing is clear that she doesn't easily give up, not with that non stop optimism. Sarah is always patient. Giving things time and waiting for a result. Her warm kindness is always around with open arms. A unique trait of hers is that unlike her parents. She forgives. Sarah always hands out forgiveness, even towards villains. She always believes that anyone can change. She is the type of girl who always stands for what she believes is right which is rather annoying to some. It may seem like she maybe the perfect good girl but she has her downsides. Since she has achieved such level of high kindness. She became mentally weak. She restricts herself from causing necessary violence that she just allows the others to hit her and bully her. At some times, she keeps her mouth shut just to not upset somebody even though what she is about to say is important. She will always be trampled by someone else. Despite this, she remains the same. Also she has a very high pitch voice and strong Japanese accent. She seems to have a small habit of saying "Hoah" while talking (Pronounced as Hoo-Wah)

+Sweet cinnamon rolls
+Cute dresses
+Dressing up other people
+The sound of pianos, bass and acoustic guitars
+RomCom Movies

-Sudden loud voices
-Her own Quirk

*The dark

Born with 2 loving parents. Sarah had a taste of what a normal childhood girl life is. Everything seems to be fine. She went through school like any other child. In this part of her early life. She is found often bullied by other kids of her age. Both inside and out side of school. She lived the bullied life for the rest of those school years. She was mocked for one thing. Her late blooming quirk. She was always teased by the other kids (often girls) for not receiving her quirk yet. They always show off their quirks just to mock the poor girl but in actuality her quirk was already there when she reached the blooming age of quirks. Sarah was unaware of it. Despite the bullying, she remained the same girl that she is now. She was disciplined by her own mother herself, Margrette Yanase. (Thunder lady Margrette was her Hero name) The number 5 hero of japan. Her mother often goes to work while her father, Ryosuke Yanase stayed at home to take care of her. Thus she always had a closer relationship with her father as her mother works internationally. If there is one thing she knows for her mother is that her mother deeply cares for her and made her seal a promise to be good until she comes back. This was the last things she remembered before she saw her mother last.

Her father was a store owner. Doing much as he can to support his family in his own way. There wasn't much going on in her life until her 14th birthday. She one day woke up in her bed, in the normal household like usual. The day was her birthday, yearly. Margrette will come home to greet her only child a happy birthday. Which she did upon arrival at their own home. Sarah was excited to see her mother, for she hardly sees her. Her 14th birthday was going to be swell now. That is until a life turning event happened between the mother and daughter moment intervened. In the dark clouds a huge lightning bolt zapped both Sarah and her mother, Margrette. This for the first time ever, Sarah's quirk was awakened which was a gift for Sarah but with the cost of her mother. Sarah was unconscious due to the intense lightning strike. It was a direct hit against her back. She woke up in a hospital later with her uncle, Akira Yanase. Common question were asked towards her uncle. Akira replied that her mother was missing after she was shocked with lightning, her father claimed that it was no natural lightning but someone who had a lightning quirk. Her father claimed that he will go find the villain who zapped his wife. Thus went off on his own and left her with the uncle. Sarah felt grieved after hearing the news. Akira also said that the doctors were quite surprised upon seeing Sarah survive a high voltage thunder strike. It came with a cost. Her heart was almost completely destroyed as well as the rest of her internal organs. She given the most intense surgery care. She was so ruptured that they had to bring out the best medical quirked doctors to heal most her body. She so close to death that one mistake could kill her instantly. Luckily, she was saved. Most of her body was healed and her heart was given a custom specialized pace maker that will help her live.

A year later. She moved out of Japan to visit the last place where her father was seen last. Along with her uncle. She had a personal promise that she will find both of her parents.

Mother- Margrette Rosewell (Missing)
Father- Ryosuke Yanase (Missing)
Uncle- Akira Yanase (Alive)

Impact Lightning-
As strange as it may sound. Sarah has inherited both Quirks from her parents, forming it into a whole new Quirk. This Quirk is called Impact Lightning. A mix of two quirks, Electric projection from her mother and Impact Absorption from her father. Sarah has formed a all new Quirk that requires a great price for a superior power of strength. This is how her quirk works. The mechanics of her Quirk is simple. Sarah has the ability to achieve above human superhuman strength. She is able to gather super strength, enough to send any body builder flying away from her ten meters away. But to do that, she requires an external source of electric energy. With electricity, she will achieve this super human strength in time. Depending on how much Electricity she receives. Her strength grows stronger and stronger depending on the amount of volts she receives. The larger the voltage, the more strength she gains. She can pretty much punch through cement, wood and light metals at 1400 Volts. 1400 Volts is her standard super human strength to punch a single person and send them flying. It's all about getting electrocuted and turning it into her strength.

This Quirk is not passive. Unless she receives an electric pulse from an outside source, she pretty much just your average frail girl that you can mess around with. Another thing about this Quirk is how it is used. For super strength standards. One may say that she can lift things or at least push it back with air pressure. It cannot, Sarah's Quirk is situational and slightly complex. Sure, after receiving electricity and getting charged up. She now has super strength in her disposal. Truth is. She cannot use it to lift things. If she wants to use her Quirk to it's maximum efficiency. She has to channel all that electrical energy in one go. Once she gets the electric energy. It will now slowly fade away from her body for every passing second. She can channel these energy through her legs and increase her running speed but every step will slowly deplete her energy, thus recharging again.

It may seem like a very powerful Quirk but it's still flawed in it's own ways. The sad part about her Quirk is that. She cannot continuously use, for over time she will collapse from injecting to much electricity from her body. Leaving her unconscious. She maybe super strong but she can still feel physical pain. Her body was more used on receiving electricity than getting punched or burned. Despite having a absorption Quirk. There is a limit to how much electricity she can take. It has been recorded that she once took 1.5 billion volts (The same voltage of the lightning that awakened her Quirk and this is her Maximum limit) and survived. If it goes far beyond that. She will either collapse, get paralyzed or even die. This is classified as an Emitter for Sarah's body shape stays the same after getting physically electrocuted.

Super Move:
Omega Impact!!!-
A devastating blow delivered by yours truly. Unlike most of Sarah's predictable moves. This single punch or kick can surely leave a painful or better yet deadly blow. This move can be achieved If Sarah is close to her Maximum limit. If she manages to gather so much electricity without getting paralyzed or collapsing then the move can surely be achieved. Due to much Electricity. The excess energy overflows all over Sarah. Forming an electric barrier around Sarah till she unleashes all of it. If she chooses to unleash one deadly kick or punch. Any fleshy organic will surely get some pain. Upon impact, not only that they will feel an intense strength pressuring against them but also get electrocuted along the way, from the excess electricity. The Omega Impact affects a 8 meter range effect of strong electrical flow of lightning. Sarah unleashes a effect that upon the big attack. A lightning explosion will follow after the blow. So if she does miss. The lightning will still look for the enemy. This move was yet to be used, there are no actual records of Sarah doing this.

*Pink cased Smartphone
*Heart shaped hair clip
*Her silver colored Taser gun
*An orange hair brush

Advanced Boxing- Unlike most fighters. Sarah specializes in... Boxing... A rather strange combat style but it seems like Sarah chose this instead of a more practical martial art. Although she was trained by her Uncle Akira on Mixed martial arts. Sarah stayed in the old traditional boxing. It's a rather strange choice of combat style. It's so sad that she has a good quirk that works with legs but refuses to use them.

Advanced Cooking- She is madly talented at cooking. She is able to cook pretty much any eastern cuisine known in Asia. In fact she can copy a few exacts tastes of chefs and their original recipes. Plus her tongue is very active when it comes to food. She can identify what the dish lacks in one or two taste tests. This talent is often overshadowed

Basic sewing- Self explanatory

Fast housecleaning- Seems like she cleans the house more often than anyone. Thus she can make almost any cleaning job a walk in the park.

Eye for detail- Despite her hyperactive eye movement. She has quite an observant eye. Whether if she sees something off from a person or a object out of place. This skill is often used in combat if she has to play smart with villains.​
Both are accepted.

there body is healing from fatigue or any damage lack of air would cause, so is pretty much functioning with only the necessitys.
I get that it's healing from the damage caused by lack of air and such, but how does it let the body function without it?

A Extremely versatile quirk, it was origionally believed to be fairly weak though has been pushed beyond its limits by her through her practice, she has even managed to gain limited control over the Magnus effect further expanding there capabilities to a variety of unique effects and incorperating her full body to produce the spins desired. O
Can you explain what exactly those unique effects are?

Harry's super move puts him in a berserk state. He embraces the primal power for one devastating blow. As he begins to embrace the power his eyes begin to glow red, and his strength increases by five times. He can use this as a punch, charge, kick, claw, or really any other way to inflict damage. This is a massive gamble as it is basically inviting the power that may drive him mad. It can only be used as a tool to finish a fight as the only way to retain sanity after the move is to immediately revert back into his human state and give the beast form a long break. It takes a bit to charge up after Harry decides to start embracing it. So Harry will only use it as a last resort to save other people.
Don't really see how this ties into the rest of the quirk to be honest. Why does this make him five times stronger? Is that effect limited to this supermove or can he, say, double his strength for a limited amount of time as well?
Both are accepted.

I get that it's healing from the damage caused by lack of air and such, but how does it let the body function without it?

Can you explain what exactly those unique effects are?

Don't really see how this ties into the rest of the quirk to be honest. Why does this make him five times stronger? Is that effect limited to this supermove or can he, say, double his strength for a limited amount of time as well?
Well no he can't make himself stronger just anytime, because the more he embraces the Wildside the more physically strong he gets. The super move is him embracing enough to make him at his strongest without completely losing it. Anymore and he goes wild. If you still feel like the supermove is a problem I can lose it and think of another one later.
If you still feel like the supermove is a problem I can lose it and think of another one later.
Nah, it's fine. The explanation makes enough sense I guess. But just to be sure, is it possible for him to control how much he embraces the wildside at all times or is it limited to this supermove?

Pretty much her body works diffrently from a normal human, ie not needing those things due to the regeneration quirk taking care of keeping her healthy without stuff like that.
That's not really how regeneration works though. I mean, she'd still require air and the like.

IC She doesnt know all of them yet mainly due to it being a quirk that is heavily reliant on her skill/technique compared to others. But as a result has a higher potential
Can you include what effects she's currently able to create in the cs?
Given its nature as a Mutation quirk, it is fortunately unaffected by negation effects as it appears to be a natural ability of her body
Must have missed this part. This isn't true, mutation quirks can be negated just like every other quirk.
Nah, it's fine. The explanation makes enough sense I guess. But just to be sure, is it possible for him to control how much he embraces the wildside at all times or is it limited to this supermove?

That's not really how regeneration works though. I mean, she'd still require air and the like.

Can you include what effects she's currently able to create in the cs?
Well I’ll say it’s with the supermove just so that he can’t just make himself stronger maybe with time he could master it and just buff himself but as of now it’s all or nothing.

Name: Ahren Laverne
Nicknames: Ren, Vern
Hero Name: The Telekinesis Herox Psyren
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Specialization: Melee and Short-Range Combat

- - -

The Hero Bits

Hero Costume:


Psy - While not extraordinarily smart, Ahren's quirk increased the limits of his mental capability dramatically, giving him a slew of psychic power.

Through sheer mental force, Ahren can send waves of psychic power to strike his enemies, nearly invisible blasts of physical concentration.

While powerful, they require intense concentration, and will cause headaches if fired off in rapid succession.

Ahren can lift objects and throw them with the power of his thoughts. This doesn't include complex lifeforms like humans or animals. And, unfortunately, he has to be within five feet of whatever he's trying to move.

Anything up to half his weight (90lb) takes small effort to pick up and move, woth throwing taking a bit more energy. When he starts trying to move anything heavier, the effort required increases exponentially. As of right now, Ahren can move up to 190 lbs at his absolute limit.

This is the part of his quirk that Ahren is most proficient in. He uses it daily for everything, whether it be taking notes or folding laundry.

Ahren can move himself. He's not great at it.

Sixth Sense
Limited to feelings, premonition, and the occasional brief glance of a future event, Ahren can sense when something is about to happen.

Its vague, it is no guarantee of anything. He just spaces out and suddenly he knows some building, somewhere, will blow up. Or he gets a gut feeling that someone in this crowd is emanating bloodlust.

Super Moves

- - -

The Personal Bits

With his upbringing, it should be no surprise that Ahren is the class delinquent. As the tatted up, hooky-playing, ball of anger issues,

- Tattoos
- Drawing
- Guitars
Ahren was brought up by a villian, a mysterious, high profile hero killer.

Relationships: (includes family, friends, lovers, rivals, etc... NPC and player characters alike)
Items: (anything your character brought with them to the school and anything they usually carry)
Last edited:
Full Text versions of the 3 characters

Jean Glastonbury
"Spin Doctor"
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Quirk: Spin

Put simply, by touching a target Jean is capable of imparting or stopping rotation with a stored energy. The level of effect depends entirely on the time spent in contact or the amount of stored energy expended, though various effects can increase this store. The amount of energy that can be gathered is limited by the users own stamina most commonly through their own movements, though the excessive act of converting such energy can be exhausting. Jean is currently attempting to refine the efficency of such actions over time through subtle movements and techniques as well as increasing her stamina. A Extremely versatile quirk, it was origionally believed to be fairly weak though has been pushed beyond its limits by her through her practice, she has even managed to gain limited control over the Magnus effect further expanding there capabilities to a variety of unique effects and incorperating her full body to produce the spins desired. One additional facet that seems to be related to her quirk is a increased sense of balance and equilibrium, not getting dizy with the heavy fotations.

She has used this to begin the development her own super move through own practice using a custom machined Gyroscope, capable of putting a insane amount of spin energy into a relatively small size. However the sheer collatoral damage and time this takes to produce has made it currently impractical for use in a actual fight.

-The full effect is limited by the users own stamina
-Most advanced effects require full use of her limbs or movment to implimiment.
-Unable to be used go its full effect if time has not been taken to gather energy beforehand.
-Requires tools in order to extend her range beyond close combat, with 20 feet being her maximum without such.

Super Move: Romero Dawn, When her regeneration is being pushed to her limit Jane pushes that much further causing her entire body to combust with the heat that is released during her regeneration and for a short duration gaines a incredidible boost in the speed and strength of her attacks in a addition to burning effects. The downside to this is once exhausted she will collapse in a almost skeletal form as her almost shut off, keeping only the essentials as it steadily builds back up to be able to restore her normal form. This is incredibly painful for Jane and purely theoretical at this point, being a move of last resort.

Seemingly constantly moving, Jean is capable of truly inhuman acts of acrobatics and gymnastics at great speed by incorperating her quirk into them as well as a avid dancer and singer. She has taken a variety of self-defense classess at the behest of her parents, leaning towards the practition of Bajiquan and Aikido, fusing both to make her movements incredibly difficult to predict given the unnatural rotations her quirk provides her.

She can be extremely convicing in arguments and negotiating when required, capable flipping arguments or point of view to quickly come around to her side in addition to being a skilled actress. Her actions and plans however seem extremely spontaneus and reactionairy, capable of extremly quick thinking which has served her well in their previous academics despite overall average grades. Currently she can produce effects curving a shot around corners/weird trajectorys, generating heat from the friction, reflecting light to weird patterns, speeding things up that have wheels and even causing a thrown item to glide down or even rise up into the air. Though given her continued practice it is likely this list will rapidly expand as she continues to explore her quirk.


Super Move: The Super Perpetual Ingeneous Naturally Stunningly Powerful Intense Named Spin (Or Spin Free)

In her day to day life Jean is never without her phone, colorful markers, notepad and normally a handful of spinning objects.

In order to suppliment her abilities, she has taken to carrying a wide range of items within a special storage pack upon her back, this includes various items for use with her qurik that have been machined to increase their suitibility for use. These are but are not limited to variously sized Tungsten ballbearings, Golf Balls, Ropes, Yoyo's, marbles, Fidget Spinners and Frisbys. However the most notable are several custom built gyroscopes within vaccume sealed spheres. She also ensures a first aid kit is stocked for when needed.

In terms of costume gadgets the main one she holds at the moment are custom alterations to her gloves and boots that add a number of ballbearings that she may rotate as needed. They are currently imployed mainly for movements but additional ones may be found over time.


Height: 5’ 11” Weight: 140lbs
Jean stands, physically and aesthetically as what many would consider a beauty, resembling the ideal of many a young mind from her tailored approach. Holding a toned athletic frame yet ludicrous curves heaving outwards through the skin tight hero outfit she has taken to wear, and with how such hugging her features closely it is clear she is very aware of such despite acts to the contrary and has been known to take full advantage of such. The costume itself consisting of a Nomex weaved undersuit giving remarkable protection, with several layers on top to reduce the friction of her moves as well as steel support plating in the main locations she uses for strikes. Along her back rests a fitted backpack contaning a array of items for easier access

Silken strands of blonde hair flows down freely from her head to the neck, framing her clear complexion and youthful features foregoing makeup. Looking outwards with a confident expression, sparkling sapphire eyes pierce outward from below a thinly plucked brow and shaped into a perfect arch that follows their slight curves. A sleek narrow nose, a cheerful smile on full ruby lips and overall a idealized appearance.

High energy and motivated to a fault, she often heads into situations with failure the furthest thing from her mind. A paradox to those who know her well, she puts her all into everything yet comes across as lackadaisical, relentless working but seeming lazy, devoted yet uncaring, Insightful yet thoughtless. Loving to make a show of things and talk (oh the talking), she rarely goes for the subtle approach at least regarding her entrances often making people wonder if she ever has a actual plan, her tactics on the other hand are deceptively subtle to the point and indirect on times. Never the less she has the preference for the spontaneus and adpting to the sitution, though it does come off as care-free and not taking the situations seriously at times regardless of the truth of the matter. Prideful and always seemingly putting on a show herself merely due to the enjoyment of it that others can recieve, though also perhaps the sheer attention plays a part too.

Taking great pride in her accomplishments, this has resulted in a point of contention in dropping off the Doctor from her name, claiming simply "I didnt go through all i did to be something as simple as that" though she is not as bothered by the inverse.

Likes: Comedys, Fashion, Moving, Music, Puns, Sweet Chilli, Theatrics.
Dislikes: Bordem, Fish, Funerals, Smoke, Sports (watching), Silence.
Isolophobia: Isolation
Claustrophobia: Lack of control or Unable to move
Aichmophobia: Needles

The only child of a wealthy family, her sheer motivation has served her well throughout her life, moving past obstacles without slowing down. Jean grew up far from normal all things considered if somewhat pampered, never wanting or needing of anything as long as they kept up the grades and expectations, which unfortunately was no easy task. She rarely received praise as the absolute best was the bare minimum in her mothers eyes, she was nevertheless constantly pushed with high expectations it is likely what caused the development of their outwardly personality to be noticed. Despite the demanding nature she never did loose her smile at least.

When she expressed her desire to be a hero, that is when the expectations hit overdrive. She is not sure if this was her mothers way of to have her consider a diffrent profession as she dragged her from on class to another or simply her way of supporting it. Whatever the reason, she would eventually be enrolled at the Northview academy. She initially was disappointed having wished to attend one of the more prestigious schools, though the assurances of her father removed some of the doubts even if he would not explain.

Aoife Glastonbury, 45, Quirk: Pathfinder
Jeans mother is a firey and determined fashion designer under her own brand. A perfectionist with high expectations of everyone including herself which has played a high role in her relationship with her daughter. While to some it may seem calous, she still cares for them dearly and only does so out of fear of wasting their potential. She also holds a obsession over organisation and cleanliness to a slightly unreasonable degree which while she has attempted to tame, does seem to still flare up quite often. This combined with her perfectionist nature has made her company very demanding to work for, even if the quality is consistantly flawless. Her quirk allows her to move small objects along a predetermined path by tracing it with her finger beforehand, such as with needlework or simply returning a item after its been used if the power is maintianed for that duration. There is however limits on both the distance and time this effect can take place, as well as contributing to minor OCD issues Aoife has.

David Glastonbury, 39 Quirk: Living Alphabet
Jeans Father is a dedicated if somewhat absent minded Journalist and Author working for the local newspaper. While he does care for his daughter dearly he can often get wrapped up in his writing to the point of completely forgetting events and passing out at his writing desk, this is sometimes followed by him recalling once awake and dashing towards what he has missed unless another physically pulls him away beforehand. When not Writing like hes running out of time he can be fairly relaxed, friendly and charming if slightly dorky in how he approaches certain subjects, never the less he is persistant in whatever he puts his mind to. His quirk allows him to take text from any surface and change it around, remove or even add his own while touching it.
Jane Dorethy Delacroix
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Quirk: Ultra Regeneration

A curious mutation quirk that has given Jane a high intensity healing factor with wounds quickly healing with a muscle like fibre before being restored to normal, even allowing them to come back from what seemed like the impossible. As a side effect of this, she lacks many of the typical physical weakness or requirements of most living creatures such as sleep, rest, air and more which has allowed her to constantly push her body beyond its limits in a self destructive if effective manner when combined with the raw willpower she posseses.

Unlike a normal person she can keep function with what would otherwise be fatal wounds, and shrug off a great deal of damage, all while performing feats beyond the normal capacity of a human by taking advantage of their healing and breaking through the self imposed limits a body normally places on itself to prevent damage. The lack of rest required to function has also allowed her to devote significantly more time to her studies and conditioning. As a result of this, her physical condition has been rapidly improving such as her muscle density and physical condition is far above what would be expected of her frame. Other side effects appear to be a sharpened and increased jaw strength, though this may be a natural or trained trait.

It has been theorized that the thread like healing she possesses may hold further applications if correctly trained. In combat her style can often be seen as suicidal, leaving purposeful openings to take advantage of such when exploited, taking full advantage of her durability to soak neccessary hits to allow them to strike back easily. This combined with unnatural twists and her sheer levels of endurance makes any prolonged fight ill advised.

Outside of the social implications of her abilities and the distress such injuries or feats may cause observers, the primary weakness of Janes quirk is it does not actually prevent feeling pain for actual damage and while possessing remarkable endurance, sufficient pain or damage will slowly degrade her mental faculties and enough outright damage will incapacitate as her body goes dormant to heal her. Should sufficient damage or trauma be delivered to her brain, their tactical ability drops significantly becoming set on the single focus prior to the injury and operating more on instinct than logic, this can pose a extreme danger for those around her as all sense of morality or ethics are lost in favor of the purpose that can often result in them becoming more of a liability in the collateral damage caused.

If pushed beyond her limit, a large amount of heat will be generated as her biomass restores itself, to the point of steam and then straight up combustion requiring her to put herself out as the damage threatens to outpace her regeneration and will become fully incapacitated once enough damage is done. Lesser issues though minor appear to be a distinct lack of smell and numbness of touch, or the fact her outfits are incapable of withstanding the same punishment she can, raising concerns with the lack of modesty she seems to possess. Finally her Metabolism itself has lead to requiring a protien rich diet in far larger quantitys than would be expected to replace damaged material when simple reattachments is not enough.

As a result of being trained from a early age, in combination with her own efforts Jane has become quite proficient in a array of martial arts, most notably Savate, Bajiquan and Sikran. This was initially at the behest of her mothers desire to ensure she would not be at risk or taken advantage of, yet the passion and natural talent has had them support and encourage such further. To further this, has been Janes natural athleticism and desire for adrenaline that lead her to a number of extreme sports, though a preference for self taught parkour stating a fondness for the sensation. She has had some practical experiance in the slightly too frequent fights at her previous school as a result of her heritage, yet due to her quirk coming away with nothing but damaged clothes, though it did appear to escalate as the number of other students who joined in increased. This eventually stopped with the final event that risked her explusion if not for her parents intervention (Event)

Achieving high grades academically much to the annoyance of her teachers as she seemed to place little interest in the topics covered and pay little attention in class. In particular she appears to be a deep interest in biology, most notably medical fields. Holding a good aptitude and understanding of the topics, with sufficient training and study it is very possible she could become a accomplished doctor though in either case it sets to serve her well in future gaols, especially after incorperating it into how she handles tasks.


Within her carried satchel is the normal stationairy items you could be expected of a student in addition to a tablet, medical instruments, protien shakes, bars and strangely cleaning supplys.

Within her submitted costume design it appears to be constructed almost entirely of a cloth made from steel wire alloy woven with carbon nanofibers, making it very durable as well as allowing it limited movement in order to cover wounds or keep them together until healed, the boots and gauntlets are the exception to this. The Gaunlets contain reels of mono-filament wires concealed within the fingers, a area to store her phone within and a set of needles that seem to enter her arm with a emiision port, then another attached to a thin tube that can extend outwards. Her boots are far simpler with flexable grips yet heavy steel soles to them for use within her fighting style.

Room (Prepacked):
Training Equipment, a Heavy duty freestanding heavy bag in dark blue with a variety of Dakimakura covers, Dumbells and Weighted Vests, Arm and Legbands.
Large roof mounted Widescreen TV attached to a personal computer.
Sewing machine and tailoring station.
Closet with wide assortment of almost brand new outfits.
Hanging Skeleton with variety of medical supplys and tools.
Large locked chest containing a wide array of plushes of various ages.
Strangely there is no visable bed or personal pictures displayed within the room.

Height: 5’ 2” Weight: 120lbs
On the surface Jane often appears as a quiet, dark and solemn individual with their feelings locked behind a passive face. Though it is her eyes that appear to captivate, always looking and almost burning with intensity it is often difficult to truly grasp the girl staring out like twin sapphires in the night. Loose locks of golden blonde hair are a stark contrast to the pale marble like skin, seemingly absent of any blemish as it wraps around athletic albeit short frame that barely passes 5 feet. Despite this she still holds a deceptive amount of muscle and although a times can com across as tomboyish or delinquent, it is still clear she places exceptional care into her appearance.

Normally clad in dark colors that contrast with her skin, they are never the less well made with many custom designs often with some form of cross or skull involved, never seeming to wear the same outfit twice and a good number of them appearing as if brand new. Jane carries herself with care and purpose, displaying a great deal of confidence in their stance each step and movement seemingly well placed and with thought, efficient and simple. The same can be said with her speech, a low yet firm tone with little obvious emotive inflection, though there can be found small undercurrents of curiosity, annoyance or interest depending on the topic in question.

There are a number of abnormalities clearly visible if someone would take the time to look, most notably the absence of any particular breathing, the coldness of her skin and should her mouth open a large number of sharper teeth than would be normal.

Coming across as a delinquent to some, Janes words often carry a cold bluntness to them that can be jarring in their straightforward manner and lack of subtlety, some believing them as overly prideful or haughty with the amount of confidence they tend to display. While mostly passive and observant, they nevertheless show a almost inhuman determination for anything they put their mind to locked beanther there usual demeanor. This is most obvious in times of adrenaline, seeming to come alive such as when carrying out heroics, pushing herself or devoting themselves to a task they care deeply about.

Towards others they can be somewhat anti-social, mostly due to misunderstanding several emotional cues, though they do seem to want to help in their own way if somewhat haphazardly. It can also happen to come across as lacking respect as many of her prior teachers would often state, confronting them as a challenge and a refusal to back down when their mind was put to something.

Jane has had a number of philosophies deeply ingrained in her by her childhood and parentage, many that shape the way she behaves and drive her. A example would be from a few simple word she has taken a great deal “Don't be sorry, Be better”, seeing be how a Failure only seeks to drive her onwards and her belief that the only true goal to overcome should be herself. Though this has been taken to a extreme degree such as her habit to purposefully confront her many of her dislikes as perceived weaknesses to overcome.

Despite all this, deep down Jane is deeply conflicted about her purpose, struggling to put thoughts to feelings and often questioning why she carries out some actions or feels the way she does. The emotions are clearly there to her, yet she lacks a clear understanding at times. The two strongest connections she holds is to her parents but for differing reasons, looking up to her father most of all despite many seeing them as the weaker of the two.

Biology, Falling, Flying, Martial Arts, Music, Meat, Obstacles, Parkour, Puzzles

Cowardice, Excuses, Flowers, Salt, Strawberries, Waste

Taphophobia: Buried alive
Thalassophobia: Ocean

Janes childhood was different to say the least, growing up a single if sickly child there would be grave concerns regarding her health by her parents. Born prematurely and anemic, she would often be treated like a porcelain doll, her parents worried she may break if they were not careful, more so her father than mother. This would come to the head with the emergence of her quirk being one of the scariest parts of her parents lives as they feared the worst until clarification was given by the hospital doctor. While changing her deeply, their quirk allowed them a new sense of freedom, but also new expectations as her mother's approach to them changed substantially, not wanting them to ever be as they were before now the option was available. Though the gained freedom was not without a fight, having to conciously relearn the movements of her body as if controlling each limb independently.

While some would assume her mother would drive them towards the path she took, Melissa was surprisingly firm on not given her daughter a direct answer or suggestion instead encouraging them to find their own way, yet the shadow of her parentage would linger with many faculty seeing her as a Villain in the making, the attitude seeping into the children from either them or parents. Though rather than submit to it, Jane would attempt to drown it out and focus on what was ahead of her….yet it was maybe the feeling this caused that sparked her desire to be a hero in the first place as well as shaped who they would become.

Fast forward several years and despite all beliefs, there application would be accepted and gain access to the Scales academy, intent on forging the path forward onwards.

Melissa Delacroix, 48, Quirk: Filament
Janes mother is a fairly cold if successful business executive at the FCN Network. While she shows pride in daughters accomplishments, it always quickly follows with constantly expecting more from Jane next time. This has had a large impact on her views on how to advance in her life. Prior to career in business she was however known by her villian alias "Madam Mono" who flourished for nearly a decade, though this eventually ended with her capture, however rather than face jail time the quick thinking and abilities of her Lawyer managed to have her avoid such much to the dismay of the arresting heroes in a landmark case setting precedence to this day. Melissas quirk appears to allow her to create various prehensile threads from beneath her fingers which she has trained to terrifying effect despite its realtively mundane uses in most hands.

Garfield Delacroix, 44, Quirk: Living Platelet
Janes Father is a fairly cheerful if meek lawyer at a large firm. Mostly supportive of his daughter efforts wanting them to find what they enjoy though still wishes they could slow down to socialize more. Perhaps the most understanding of her parents and this combined with other reasons is perhaps why Jane relationship with them is what it is. He was also the Lawyer who happened to get Diane off on several technicalities. Unknown to most he also holds a power himself, capable of manipulating his own blood when outside his body, yet his low pain tolerance combined with fears of needles and sharp objects has lead to such rarely being used. Despite a somewhat fearful nature at times, he can always be relied upon to do what he needs to do but usually while shaking the entire time.

Melissa Brightworth
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Quirk: Bee
Melissas quirk is fairly simple and obvious to most anyone who sees her, Bee gives her all the abilities of a bee of equivilant size with a few variations. Firstly her stingers seem to be located in her forarms instead of abdomin. This however comes with a variety of downsides common with bees themselves however in addition to seemingly having a strong impact on her personality. There are other minor effects, such as seemingly able to approach other Bee hives without causing agression or them attempting to sting her. Unfortunately she appears to lack the ability to create honey or pheramones like over insects.

Bee Facts:
The 6 Most Mind-Blowing Superpowers of Bees | Cracked.com
Bee - Wikipedia
20 Wonderful Honey Bee Facts (#8 is Surprising)

-Required to wear gloves and boots due to inheriting a bees ability to taste with its limbs.
-While Bees may regulate there body temperature, sufficent temperature change can cause them to become slow and lethargic leading to eventual hybernation
-Due to undersized wings, even with their unique method of flight Melissa can only lift around her body weight while flying, any in excess of this will result more in a controlled fall or gliding motion. In addition her wings are relatively fragile and damage can easily render them unusuable until they heal.
-Damage to her Antenae will result in her being dissorientated for a while until she adjusts to the loss of senses
-While possessing a nose, Melissa also naturally breaths through spiracles over her body making more suscpetable to air born toxins or chemicals. Her heightened sense of smell also makes her prone to strong odors.
-The distinct coloration combined with the loud buzzing when her wings are in use make Melissa very noticible and ill suited to any stealth.

Growing up on a Ranch Melissa's education was far more practical focused than others, though as a result making her fairly handy with basic wooded construction, animals, fishing, knots, survival and even a few rope tricks. This also effects her approache issues being very adept at pracitcal problems and puzzles in general, plus being quite the avid dancer. Her father would also teach her and her sisters how to protect even if the others were not considering hero work, though this being more of a straight up street fighting style mixed with wrestling and boxing focusing on practicality above all else. Such a skill did get plenty of practice, growing up with 3 other sisters was more dangerous than any villian somtimes.

Supermove: Quad Fold Cannon, Melissa can create a punch so powerful that it can break through insumoutable barriers, after building up power in her arms she unleashes a series of straight jabs that seem to hit the target simultaneously creating a number of surreal delayed shockwaves as the target takes the force over every blow at the same time, pushing them ever further back as each shockwave hits.

Outside of the normal high school stationairy and items, Melissa has also taken to carrying other items out of habbit such as a variety of sweets/snacks and a sturdy pocket knife set.

Melissa's costume is fairly straight forward in its design, being constructed of a flexable yet touch fabric inlaid with steel and carbon nanofibers. The costume has also been adapted in order to allow her stingers and wings to fit, with a small pack over her lower back holding a variety of useful items, most notably rope of similar durability to her costume.


Appearance: Height: 6’ 6” Weight: 320lbs
A towering young woman in her teens and a thickly muscled yet curved physique, their skin has been steadily changing color from a young age to become the bright yellow it is today making her extremely noticible at a distance. What at first could assumed to be skin is more a mixture of that and Chitin over a growing amount of dense muscle that has been developing at a rapid rate as a result of her training. As a side effect her base height and weight has also been rapidly to far above what would be expected for her age, as well as problems gaining clothing especxially with the additional arms. Her chosen outfits also have been cut to allow four insectoid wings to protrude from her back. Black fur like hair hangs from her head, cut to her shoulders. While a tendancy to have her eyes closed, on opening you can see hazel insectoid eyes protrudeing slightly from youthful features and a confident smile, though hiding rows of razor teeth behind. Her hands have also been altered with her pinkie having fallen away entirely and other digits now more pointed and harder tipped lacking nails.

Normally dessed in a mixture of loose flanner shirts and overalls, she tends to prefer the more simple styles. Three items that remain constant however are gloves, heavy leather boots and a setson cut to allow her twin antenae to protrude outwards.

High energy and motivated to a fault, she often heads into situations with failure the furthest thing from her mind. A paradox to those who know her well, determined and putting her all into everything yet comes across as lackadaisical and carefree. She loves to make a show of things and talk, she rarely goes for the subtle approach regarding her entrances often making people wonder if she ever has a actual plan, her tactics on the other hand are deceptively subtle to the point and indirect on times. Never the less she has the preference for the spontaneus and adpting to the sitution, though it does come off as care-free and not taking the situations seriously at times regardless of the truth of the matter. Prideful and always seemingly putting on a show herself merely due to the enjoyment of it that others can recieve, though also perhaps the sheer attention plays a part too. Never the less there are few moments when she is not smiling being very social by nature.

Likes: Animals, Carpentry, Dance, Excercise, Flowers, Nature, Sweets
Dislikes: Badgers, Chemicals, Elitests, Pollution, Smoke, Storms
Taxideaophobia (Badgers)
Astraphobia (Thunder Storms)

Born on the Brightworth ranch, Melissa would grow up happily in a rather remote farm town along side her parents and 3 sisters, her father working as a remote wildernass rescue hero and her mother tending to most of the other dealings of running the Ranch itself. The ranch itself was nestled just on the outskirts of Buffalo in Wyoming with a smaller community that lead to nearly everyone becoming close nit and knowing each other, satisfied with the quiet life for the most part. Betweens the chores on the farm, days at the school and time with her friends and sisters life was good, nearly everyone seeming content though there was exceptions. Melissas sister wishing to leave for the big city finding the area stiffling, and Melissa herself wishing to become a hero like her father, one of the people everyone looks to when unsure and can make things all right.

So Melissa would practice and push herself, telling her father of her wish and as a result get pushed harder still as he tried to pass on a few things before her enrollment. While hard work, it was also fun for her, spending time with him always was something she enjoyed be it helping on the ranch, quiet hunting trips or being pushed in the traiing. So when the time came he was more than happy to reccomend her forward to the academy, but unexpectedly despite the ability to gain access to the academy through the recommendation with the aid of her father, Melissa declined, wishing to do it the right way rather than just due to who she is related to.

Popola Brightworth, 19, Sister/News Media Intern, Quirk: Honeyed Tongue
Rose Brightworth, 18, Sister/Student, Quirk: Totem
Daisy Brightworth, 15, Sister/Student, Quirk: Bee
Camellia Brightworth, 42, Mother/Ranch Owner, Quirk: Totem
Basil Brightworth/Tarantula Wasp, 45, Father/Nature Hero, Quirk: Bee
Name: Harry Grover

Nicknames: Lion boy.

Hero Name: Beast King-The Lion Hero

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Specialization: Combat

Appearance: View attachment 499347

Hero Costume: View attachment 499348

Personality: Harry can be a total clutz which is ironic. He's a man of few words. And kind of hates being around huge crowds of people. He's quick to get stage fright. Harry is a nervous wreck, but he tries to act tough on the outside so that people won't think less of him. He's as scared of his quirk as he is excited to use it for hero business. He could be considered an uber nerd and it would be no understatement. He's better equipped for pencil pushing schoolwork personality wise. He hates arguments and if things get a little salty he tends to back out and go to his happy place. If someone needs help with something he has a hard time saying no. He has a hard time making friends because he's scared to make connections with people. And he always considered peaceful resolutions. (Mostly because he's too chicken to use his quirk but let's just say he's diplomatic). This personality might make some see him unfit for this kind of lifestyle but, he's determined to learn how to use his powers to better the world and he's making progress.

Likes: Helping people, chocolate, pop music, acing quizzes, a good laugh, reading, yoga.

Dislikes: villains, rule breakers, heavy metal, people not taking their education seriously,

Fears: Losing himself to his quirk, spiders, and squid.

Backstory: Harry got his quirk from his father. He grew up in a nice little suburban neighborhood. Full of nice neighbors and good pretty little lawns. He had a carefree young childhood. The only difference was him seemingly not developing a power. His father saw this as suspicious. He took him out to the woods and tested him. Working at all the emotion triggers. Fear, anger, surprise. Until it triggered. Nothing terrible happened. His father warned him to keep it from triggering because it would be dangerous until he learned how to control it and he didn't want his son seen as a lawbreaking hooligan. Back at home Harry was growing, and he was excited. He bragged at school that he finally had a power. This was met with skepticism and demands to "prove it". He stuck to what his dad told him. He wasn't a rule breaker.

As he got older Harry's father began training him. Taking him to the woods and teaching him to trigger it on command, and how to fight emotions to keep it from triggering. He taught Harry how to fight in that form, and still keep himself in check. It was also this time that Harry began to take an interest in heroes. He was impressed with their power and seeming fearlessness. He wanted that for himself. He had the power he just needed to learn to use his quirk safely. There's no way a good hero school would take him if he couldn't control it. Unfortunately Harry lost his trainer. His father lost himself to the quirk during one of their training sessions. Harry still had a hard time changing back and getting home after that. He sadly informed his mother on what had happened. Even though he still lived a funeral was staged for Harry's father. Harry was mortified. His father seemed to have the quirk completely under control, and he'd still lost himself. It seemed to be inevitable. One day Harry would go from man to beast. Through the fear Harry got a new determination. If this quirk was going to drive him insane he'd be damned if he wasn't going to use it for something first.


Harry's quirk is a transformation based ability where he turns into a humanoid beast resembling a lion. In this form he possesses super strength, speed, agility and durability. The main ability would be strength. His form is brawn centered. Able to lift large objects with ease. He's quicker than a normal person but not notably faster than a hero with any kind of speedy quirk. His durability is the same. He can take a lot of punishment but not as much as a hero with a quirk that specifically allows them to tank damage. His form is triggered either by Harry's own will or a strong emotion like fear, or anger. It can also be triggered by his body for instinctual self preservation. He has long retractable claws that can cut through certain strong materials. And senses that are heightened far beyond normal humans. This quirk runs in Harry's family on his father's side. Every persons "Wildside" is different in their animal resemblance. Their are a few downsides to his quirk despite the obvious one of his Wildside overtaking his rational side and drive him insane. Which is all too common. Prolonged use of his quirk will exhaust him. It can give him slight amnesia. Making him forget things that happened recently. The longer he uses it the more wild he'll become.

Super Moves:
Harry's super move puts him in a berserk state. He embraces the primal power for one devastating blow. As he begins to embrace the power his eyes begin to glow red, and his strength increases by five times. He can use this as a punch, charge, kick, claw, or really any other way to inflict damage. This is a massive gamble as it is basically inviting the power that may drive him mad. It can only be used as a tool to finish a fight as the only way to retain sanity after the move is to immediately revert back into his human state and give the beast form a long break. It takes a bit to charge up after Harry decides to start embracing it. So Harry will only use it as a last resort to save other people.

A pocket watch.
A notepad and pencil.

A skilled mathematician.
Self defense martial arts.
All characters are accepted.
Name: Zaden Nakimoto

Nicknames: Zade, Z, Naki, Za Za

Hero Name: Angels Light

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Specialization: Combat

His hero outfit is also set with two metal handles that have magnetic properties that he uses the light to control a certain shape of a weapon he sees fit for a situation.

Personality: Zaden is a very caring person and tries to make a lot of friends, though when it comes to females he can be a nervous wreck and can express his emotions too quickly with them. Zaden is very courageous and intelligent, he is usually always a step ahead of others when it comes to coming up with a plan and just quick thinking in general. Zaden also tries not to be too hostile around guys that get in the way of a girl he likes but it happens.

Likes: EDM, Females, His Family, His sister, Cold Weather, Sleep, Heroes, Fighting, and Drawing.

Dislikes: Hot Weather, People who get in the way, Bullies, Being Weak, and Blue Cheese.

Fears: Failing to protect, Being alone, Being enclosed in rooms, and the deep parts of the ocean.

Backstory: Zaden grew up like most normal kids…well, at least what was considered normal for kids his age and that was growing up with a quirk. Zaden was a slightly late bloomer and didn’t gain his quirk until the end of middle school, he was bullied for most of his middle school year but had his older sister to protect him. From this point on he was basically in love with her. Anyway, Zaden grew up wanting to be a hero like his sister even if her career didn’t last very long due to her overdoing herself in battles and permanently injuring her legs, this didn’t matter to him though. He still loved her and probably loved her more than a sister but of course, he wouldn’t know this yet. He decided to follow her exact footsteps and go to the top hero school around, this is where he managed to do some tests and finally get accepted, he just hoped he could make his family proud and continue to protect lives like and for his sister. Maybe she would reward him for doing so good, she did promise him a reward if he graduated.

Relationships: Tetsu Nakimoto(Father//Alive), Minikoko Nakimoto(Mother//Alive), Zaraya Nakimoto(Older Sister//Alive)

Quirk: Holy Light- With Holy light Zaden is capable of controlling light, he can emit lasers from his hands and fire them at people, they do a lot of damage though and can only be used if he has enough light from around him to support the charge. Examples - Street lamps, classroom lights, neon lights, etc. along with this quirk Zaden can use the knockback from the pulse of his lasers to maneuver around and somewhat in a way fly, though the charge takes a lot of energy if he plans on trying to transport his body so he must use his energy wisely. Lastly, Zaden uses the school's technology apart of his suit to create weapons from his controlled light and the magnets around his suit.

Super Moves: None at the moment

Items: Phone, Backpack, Sketch/Drawing Book, Headphones, Wallet, and How to talk to girls book (lol)

Skills/talents: Drawing, knows Jeet Kune Do, and Fast Learner
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Quirk: Light Weapon Printer(LWP)- Zaden is capable of creating weapons using light but mostly along the lines of swords, spears, daggers, axes, and anything similar to those.
Transport- Zaden is able to teleport to his weapons only if thrown or taken away from him so that he can close the distance on his opponents, he is unable to teleport on his own and has increased speed for a short period of time after the teleport.
One quirk per person.
Cooper Willingham Jet Hero: Brave Burst

Put yourself in danger to get others out, this should be instinct for a hero!

Nicknames: Ham-slam, Coop, Dr. Ham-slam, Swiss cheese, Mr. Teacher
Hero Name: Jet Hero: Brave Burst
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Subject: Rescue
Appearance: Standing at a respectable 5'11, Cooper maintains a fit and well-muscled body. Well groomed facial-hair outlines his friendly face and blue eyes. His main defining feature is brought by his quirk, via several holes scattered throughout his body. The full list of the parts of his body his quirk has manifested: Back of his head, Both shoulder blades, Both shoulders, Just below both his elbows, Palms of his hands, Lower back, Bellybutton, Calves, Heels, Soles of feet.

Hero Costume: His costume is predominantly orange and black and mostly made of Kevlar. There are several small holes throughout the armor, to accommodate for his quirk. It comes with a helmet with a built in visor to keep his vision clear and the wind out of his eyes especially for when he is moving at high speeds. The helmet also comes with a air regulator to keep his breathing regular even at extreme heights. He also wears gloves designed to reduce the strain on his hands allowing him to put more force into bursts from his hand and weaponize the force itself.

Personality: While he was a kid, Cooper always wanted to be the cool guy that didn't talk. Growing up he realized he liked talking too much to ever secure that status. He is a rather out-going guy who tries to see the best in people. He has always been the guy to try and strike up a conversation with someone sitting alone. He is very personable and at one point was considering pursuing a councilor or therapist career path before he made his decision to take a shot at the life of a hero. He is a very sincere person who honestly cares about people and their physical and mental well-being. He isn't the most organized person but he loves to see growth in people. He almost always cheers for the underdog and has always liked the idea of an unlikely hero with everything stacked against them, beating all the odds. He wants to always be a shoulder anyone can lean on, but he doesn't want to put his problems onto others. Though he has never yearned for the spotlight, he has always worked to be an inspiring person and hopes he comes off that way to some people. It's very easy for him to get invested in people and he is always looking for ways they can grow or improve.

Likes: Giving advice, Dramatic flair, Sourdough bread, Underdogs, Honor, Honesty, Tea, Snuggies, Hard-workers, Comedy, Scarves
Dislikes: Over-confidence, Bragging, Disrespect, Smoking, Math, Long lines, Squash, Uncooperative people, Horror movies
Fears: Heights, Needles, Losing his job

Backstory: Cooper had a rather unexciting but very loving upbringing. His quirk was evident even as a baby, small holes all throughout his body that occasionally pushed him rolled him over or pushed him slightly with a sneeze or a yawn. This came as quite the shock to his parents as both of them were actually quirk-less. Though the quirk had been passed through the family, his father was simply baffled as to why it skipped him. Craig's mother had the very same quirk and it skipped a generation just to bless Cooper. His parents were actually delighted to find out their child had a quirk. Something they both would have liked to have but were glad their child would get the opportunity. Cooper grew up in Ohio with his parents who gave him oodles of love and taught him valuable life lessons. He was honored when his little sister came into the world. He was excited to play the role of big brother. They got along really well, they had their occasional petty sibling squabbles but they loved each other. Lily's quirk never manifested but that didn't stop her from being happy for her brother. Though he always felt a little guilty that he got so lucky that he was the only on with a quirk in the family.

Years went by in the Willingham household and the family was still as happy as ever. Cooper found himself solving petty disputes between his friends and listening to them and helping them through various crushes and feelings. He communicated what he had been doing with his parents and they told him they thought he would make a great therapist. He really liked the idea of helping people through their emotional problems and whatnot but as he continued listening to his friends and what not he started to realize he felt a little helpless. He was listening to them and giving advice here and there but these problems kept happening and he felt like they would just keep happening. As some problems he heard from his friends became increasingly more serious he felt like he wasn't doing enough. Though it wasn't till one day at a summer camp when he realized what he wanted to do. Early in the morning on the far edge of camp, he was on his way to a station to help set up. When he finally got there, the adult that was supposed to be supervising him was face down in the dirt. Cooper immediately tried talking to him and lightly moving his shoulder. No reply. He was starting to panic, he didn't even know if he was alive or not. He didn't even check. He knew the only place with cell phone service was the other side of camp. His body moved before he could think and he did his best to carry the adult back to camp. It was incredibly physically taxing on the young boy but thanks to his quirk he actually made it. He was able to find other adults upon returning to camp and the called the appropriate people and took it from there. Cooper was later formally thanked by the man he carried, sharing the information that the paramedics shared with him. He told Cooper and his parents that he would have died if not for him. That was when Cooper knew what he wanted to do. That was a problem he didn't have to hear about. He was actually able to do something about it! Not to mention the incredible feeling of saving someones life. That was when he knew he wanted to be a hero.

His parents were concerned of course, but they still supported his decision. Lily supported him completely and couldn't wait to see her big brother become a hero. So he tried out and got accepted to Northview Academy. Cooper went in with little to no expertise in controlling his quirk. The school really put their students through the ringer. For good reason though. The people that made it through showed incredible improvements. Cooper was glad he stuck it out and he was glad he had also made many friends in the class as well. He remembers his provincial license exam as one of the more stressful things he had to do. Though much to his surprise he actually passed on his first try. Cooper had a quirk well made for combat which he never took for granted, but he made it clear his main goal is to rescue. Though thankfully the academy forged him into a very well-rounded pro-hero. Cooper was just a pro-hero for a few years before coming back to teach at the same school he graduated from. Brave Burst had never had any absolutely incredible moments that everyone would have heard about, but he was a pretty decently well-known hero. He had definitely started to make a name for himself. He is still very much a pro-hero but he is very excited to help the next generation of heroes grow and hopes he can be a proper role model for the incoming class.

Relationships: Craig Willingham (Father, 50) Eileen Willingham (Mother, 50) Lilly Willingham(Sister,18)

Quirk: (Mutation) Jet Body: This allows Cooper to create bursts of force from the holes scattered throughout his body to propel himself through the air at incredibly high speeds. Thanks to rigorous training he can use multiple at once and build up pressure to release stronger bursts, even continuous bursts of force like the afterburner of a jet. Overuse leads to those areas getting very sore and more susceptible to damage. One of the focal points of his training was mastering a sense of balance with his quirk. His quirk sends him and high speeds and lots of incredibly quick turns and dives, he has worked up a stronger resistance to keep his lunch from coming up as well as minimizing dizziness. He can use the bursts to not only zoom around at incredible high speeds but also to add extra oomph to his attacks.
Super Moves:
Burst Tower: Cooper accelerates forward into the target and then straight upwards as fast as he can and as high as he can. Then at the pinnacle extremely high in the sky, he delivers a brutal ax kick sending them hurdling toward the earth. Sometimes followed with a full speed punch, diving straight down. The latter only in the most intense high stakes situations. Excellent as this move may be it is hard on his body. Going so high so quickly really burns up his exhaust, so it's a risky move with a high payoff.
Charge Dash: By building up power instead of a normal burst it allows the resulting release to showcase that much more force. Allowing him to move at absolute insane speeds. However these bursts of incomparable speed can't be performed back to back, they can also be rather reckless and end in pretty dangerous crash landings.
Reverse Burst: By focusing a charged blast in his gloved hands he can create a more dangerous and weaponized burst of force. Whereas all his bursts have moved him and him alone this move is a blast made to knock the wind out of someone and send them flying. The gloves are designed to respond to burst buildup in his hands and give his burst a greater range and greater power. The drawback is Cooper still hasn't completely mastered not getting blasted back as well, that being the nature of his quirk. So it's best used to create some distance.

Items: Iphone in pokeball case
Motivational stickers
Erasable pens
Piano Adept: Cooper took his fair share of music lessons as a child and though he never really took off as a fantastic tickler of the ivories, he can diddle a tune with his practice fingers with relative ease.
Amateur Gardening: He would not call himself an expert by any stretch of the imagination. Though he does have a couple of venus flytraps in his office that he adores and have even given names. Sullivan and Vinchenzo are very healthy good boys.
Paperwork Speed-runner: Cooper has gotten very good at filling out paper work. It helps that he is a naturally fast reader, but papers he had already filled out before and he has to do again? Easy, he can have it done in no time. He is known by may of the other teachers for his remarkable paperwork speed.

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