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Not So Happily Ever After

(Will do :D )

Perhaps Sage Chamberlain was being carted off, contained in a carriage to then be contained in a castle, the sheer excitement she felt most certainly could not be contained. She looked outside the carriage with a giddy smile and a picture in her head of exactly how her meeting with the prince would go: She'd walk up to him in her perfect gown that had taken hours to put on, he would welcome her quite literally with open arms and they would embrace, and they would talk for hours upon hours simply about their wedding and betrothal! That was how it went in the fairytales, after all. That's how princes were supposed to be. That's what she assumed, after all, considering no one had ever even seen the prince and they were all going off their own guesses.

Sage continued to smile even as she stepped out of the carriage and into the courtyard, oblivious to the expressions everyone else had. Pity. Their lips were in straight lines, like they were apologizing to her when they had done nothing. Through the courtyard and down the halls, everyone gave her that look, some even whispered among themselves and pointed. Sage dismissed that, too- she was the future queen! Of course they would notice.

She met the King at the entrance of the dining hall, the doors shut and her prince behind them. Dipping into a curtsy, she displayed her best manners, "Your Majesty," she said, standing up straight again, "It is an honor to be wed to your son."

He nodded, looking towards the door, "There is no need, Sage. We simply ask...that you have patience with the prince. He is certainly something...different."

Sage was about to ask what he meant by that, about to ask exactly what she was in for, but they were already opening the doors and nudging her inside.
The room seemed like an old parlor, with a harpsichord in the corner, gilded mirrors and walls, and long, heavy drapes that left the room in a shade of darkness with streams of light coming through the slats of the window. Sitting at a table, not even too curious to look up, was a man who seemed like he was busily writing on a paper. He was dressed, ready for a visitor, with long coattails and a high collar with a nice stickpin in the neck.

It was only after so long that the prince, Edmond, would look up and turn his eyes slowly towards the figure in the doorway. The servants, and even the King, had stepped away from the room. It had a certain...smell to it that didn't seem to pleasant, though it was hidden with a light spray of jasmine and incense.

The chair skidded out, and the prince stood, with buckled shoes and silk stockings. Clearly, he was aware of what was happening but wasn't very accommodating, because his mouth was a thin line, just like the servants. As if he had ordered them the same as himself. But he walked forward, willing to be bothered by her, looking her up and down and letting out a short huff. "Of course, this is what is brought." Said Edmond, no 'hello' or 'how are you'. Not even curious about her name, though eventually he would try and imitate convention.
For a second, Sage was awestruck, and she couldn't tell if it was because of the absolutely gorgeous room she stood in the middle of or the even more gorgeous prince sitting at the end of the table. He was even more beautiful than any silly thing she could've imagined or dreamed! And better yet- he was there, right in front of her, real, and she would be marrying him in due time! She didn't mind him taking his sweet time finally standing up and acknowledging her, because it gave her more time to just admire him. Not size him up or try to figure him out or his personality, but just to admire him.

Seeing his expression, however, kind of put a damper on her's. It was as if he was irritated. Or just bothered. How could that be? She was his betrothed! And it no doubt worried her. That worry, however, quickly turned to offense.

"What is brought?" she repeated, her nose scrunching up to show just how offended she was by that, "What? As in an it- as in not a person? You can't talk to me that way! Royal or not- show some decency, your highness!"
Though there wasn't a immediate reply in words, his hand went up and touched her chin as if to inspect her, because this hadn't been someone he had chosen, just someone that they found suitable. There were plenty of things going on in the kingdom that required the choice of a girl who wasn't nobility. And they were things that Edmond didn't particularly care to think about--it wasn't his trouble to deal with.

Even though he could have done plenty of things to her, and for making her speak out the way that she did, he feigned a tight lipped smile and tried to let it all flutter away, at least externally. The filing cabinet of his mind would record what she did. "I apologize," said Edmond. "I was....lost in my work and speaking aloud to myself." He said, as if to try and make amends. "You must be Ms. Chamberlain, if I'm not mistaken." Though it wasn't happy, or angry, or irritated, it wasn't precisely anything. Formality at it's best; an air of aloofness royalty reserved themselves to. "Your dress is absolutely lovely."
Sage's lips were pursed in a straight line, still clearly offended by his comment. She expected some sort of fight, some sort of comeback...she did snap at royalty, after all. She didn't expect him to apologize so quickly like barely any royal ever did for a mere peasant (Even one that was betrothed to the heir to the throne) and raise his lips up into some sort of smile that she was positive wasn't expressing happiness. No...there was something else behind his smile. It occurred to her that he could, possibly, be compensating for something, but what that was...she didn't really know.

"...Apology accepted," she said, but it was clear that she was still on edge and very suspicious. She was watching his every move, trying not to be distracted by his attractiveness as she tried to piece together the puzzle that he was. Really, Sage was hardly attracted to him after that comment, and she was second guessing this whole thing. But she was still polite herself, "...thanks. It's a pleasure to meet you, Prince Edmond."
Setting out his hand and allowing her further into the darkened room, he made a motion for the servants to shut the door, it coming to a close with a slow creek. An old palace, but a nice one. He walked over to the curtains and pulled them open, revealing the small and mostly personal room that she had been brought to. Schematic drawings hung around, but didn't seem to make anything important. Scribbled work, mostly.

"Excuse the mess. Please, take a seat," he said, and walked to the same table he's been working at before. "Lunch will be brought here soon. I'd like to get to know you." Edmond wasn't much for asking questions, but he said everything in a calm and serene voice, because he knew that would make her more comfortable. "I can imagine you're very overwhelmed by all this."
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Before Sage had even taken another step forward, she very noticeably tensed up quite a bit. She had her own air of aloofness, but she was hiding her abundance of feelings and worries, not an absence of them. I'd like to get to know you was one of the most terrifying sentences she could ever hear. She was awfully normal, and she tended to put an emphasis on "awful." What was there to say about herself? The only thing that made her stand out was her clumsiness, her scopophobia and her tendency to challenge the patriarchy at completely unwarranted times. None of those things seemed like something her royal betrothed wanted to hear about.

"'Overwhelmed' is a bit of an understatement, actually," she mentioned, forcing out a nervous chuckle as she took the seat nearest towards him, so she wasn't having to shout across the room just so he could hear her, "This was...quite the surprise. It's not everyday you get plucked from your home life and dropped into an arranged marriage with a prince..."
Edmond leaned against the table, his interest in her seeming a little too strong, but at the same time, he tried to keep his eyes both on her and away from her. Attention and interest were sometimes the hardest to feign, because there was only so much he could do with. She was a boring peasant girl, with a boring peasant-girl past, and a boring peasant-girl look on life. There was nothing about her life that he couldn't ask the cobbler on the corner. "I guess you could say I'm a bit eccentric," he said, and gave mirthful laughter as he did. A stretched smile, teeth showing maybe a little too much, hide by thin lips that would close back together only to open back up. He'd been practicing, practicing, practicing. Yet, in action, it felt so pitifully performed. "Some of the princesses....ladies of the court," he shook his head and, without hesitation, reached out to Sage, setting his hand atop hers. "You're the kind of girl that is special. To me. Father finds me mad but, it's something he wouldn't understand."

That, and the other princesses couldn't be bought into the family. It didn't matter how prestigious the crowd, they all seemed to be occupied by someone else. With some other kingdom. They'd heard the rumors that made his father seem tense. That had the maids in hushed whisper. "I will do my best to make you comfortable. We are going to be with each other for a long while."
Sage had to admit, what he said made her heart flutter a little and brought a blush to her cheeks. He had snapped at her- she certainly wasn't going to forget that anytime soon- but he was still a prince and she was still a peasant girl. Hearing him call her special made her look over all the little details, like how his smile wasn't quite right or how his interest was a little too intense, and she felt good inside- good and flustered. The two of them were going to get married and she was going to be a princess. What girl didn't want that?

She jumped when he put his hand over her. She hadn't been expecting that, but...she didn't pull away. She liked it there. Still...she didn't know why, where the uncertainty was coming from, but she felt the need to ask, "Just so I'm clear, um...I can't leave, can I? I have to do this?"
At her questions, the weight of Edmond's hand lessened, and as he considered and answer, it went up to his chin as he pondered. Of course, in his mind, once she entered, there was no getting out of it. She was betrothed, she was his and no one else's. It would be a great shame on her to get out of the marriage.

"Well, there is always the option to back out," he admitted, a little sour. It quickly lifted, though, to a more kind tone. "I can't imagine you would want to though. You will be nothing but happy here. You'll never have to worry about anything ever again."

And as he finished, the doors opened, and two men brought in small covered plates, setting them in front of the pair. "Hope you're hungry."
Sage sighed, pulling her hand away fully and leaning her head on it. Even she acknowledged that this wasn't a time to start spouting her political opinions, but she had her's, and she just had to let it out. Besides, if the two of them were going to be married and he was going to be the head of the politics, he might as well get used to it now.

"I hope you're not saying I'm never going to work again," she mentiond, watching as the food came in and was placed in front of them, "I don't like being carried through life...I want to actually do something. 'Princess' is a job as much as it is a title, is it not? I should have something to run."
Edmond wasted no time to grab one of the little tarts that was on a centred plate. Someone else came in and set down glasses, filling one with an amber liquid. "What would you like, madam?" Asked one of the servants. Edmond glares up at him and sighed.

"No, princess isn't a title. You're right. I wasn't aware you had a job before. What sort of things did you do?" He asked. That wasn't the most interesting thing to talk about, but immediately talking about this made him concerned for her interests in the government.

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