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Fantasy Not all we appear to be {CS}






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♡design by neon reverie, coded by uxie♡


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Name: Dakota "kota" Joy Danmere
Age: 160, 16 in human years
fc: Abby donnelley
Gender: female
Sexuality: she/her
Role: creature
If creature what creature: fairy
Crush: N/A

Kota barely remembers her family. she was the daughter of a couple of fairies very far north, in a beautiful encampment in the woods. she remembers the hunters coming, she remembers the slaughter. her whole family was gone in one night, just like that. all because of her trickster older brother, who loved playing pranks on humans. he led the hunters to them.

she was forty human years old when it happened, four fairy years.

ever since, she was on her own. she ran from place to place. and she was terrified of humans, all humans, at first. she hid her wings under a cloak, pressed tight against her back. and she begged in the street. people would give her a little food. she'd find a nice person or two, but once they started asking questions about why she wasn't sprouting up like a healthy girl should and trying to take her to a doctor, she moved on. up north, her community had been isolated. she'd never been a part of a system of supernatural creatures before, she didn't have a support network. she just pretended she was human. nobody could know. or she'd get killed just like her family.

when she came to this town, a year ago, she expected to stay here for a little while, maybe longer if there was a nice human or two. what she found was shocking, but not in a bad way. Kota appreciates having other creatures around. maybe they're not all fairies, but they're good to her. or... not horrible. and strong! maybe they could protect her from the hunters. not that kota thinks hunters could ever come here. she works in a local bakery, and she dreads the day people start noticing her slow age. nobody could know, after all.
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♡design by neon reverie, coded by uxie♡


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It’s basically like the werewolf one. However this enemy is a chimera that when it feeds on a creature it gains some of its powers! So it’ll going to be a huge boss everyone has to fight later on!

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