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Realistic or Modern Nostalgia | atom* and the fool

Nathan's mind was still stuck on the fact that Sebastian wanted to speak to him in private. It couldn't be good if that guy was back in town. It honestly made him wonder why he was going on a date with this girl. The boy was smiling as he watched her eat the pastry. She had to be so damned normal. Granted, he was starting to wonder what sort of background she had. He could almost picture her as one of those fairy tale types, the ones stuck in towers or cut off from the world. And honestly? Who hasn't tried an apple fritter before?

Nathan was intrigued. That was very dangerous for people like him. Jayce always warned him about the intriguing ones. The ones that made you crave to know more about them. It was almost always a trap. 'That's why I always go shallow these days. You can't drown if your dick's planted firmly in a shallow whore.' Charming, as always. He grinned at the little anecdotes his friend always forced in his mind. He had a lot of people in his life that he learned from. It was sort of encouraging to know that even in the Neighborhood, there was a network of folks that cared about each other.

If you knew how to make the good sorts of connections, you were guaranteed a mate to watch your back. For all the darkness in his older brother, he had to admit that Owen really knew how to pick 'em. There wasn't a single member in the Scars that wouldn't take a bullet for another member. Nate smiled at his little date, placing his chin against his hand, "I wouldn't be caught dead leaving this coffee shop without making sure you've tried an apple fritter."

"Oh, you went to boarding school?" Nathan asked, wondering what something like that would be like. He'd always wanted to go to a boarding school or something. It was probably the restless urge that most of his friends felt at one point in their lives. They all wondered how they'd managed to fall so hard onto their faces. He sometimes found it hard to remember that he'd, once upon a time, lived in a big house next to the beach. Oh, he could just barely remember Owen teaching him to surf when he shouldn't have been allowed out in the ocean. Nate had never been a good swimmer.

Smiling fondly at the memory, Nathan recalled learning the piano a short while after their grandfather passed away. "My older brother taught me how to play the piano. My dad taught Owen. I was never as good as him, though." He could only play what people showed him. People like Jayce and Owen could play by sound. They should really have a competition one of these days. "I don't really come from a great area, so I had a lot of time to kill. I'm better at guitar than the piano, though."
Evangeline forced her smile as she tried to figure out how to reply to him. Those days at boarding school seemed like a distant unhappy memory. The kind she hated remembering. Although she was raised to be a socialite, there had always been a rift between her and those her age. So her time in boarding school was very lonely. Recalling her time, the only person who really reached out to her was Vlad. Though they had met long before boarding school, he made her time there not so lonely. That was until her last month of senior year.

Evangeline felt her smile slip as the memories flashed rapidly in her mind. Since that last month, her life seemed to be chaos. Think of happier things, Evie. You're on a date remember? Clean slate. Evangeline hadn't realized her eyes were casted on the apple fritter. She brought her gaze back at him and shrugged, "I can't deny that I didn't sadly. If I had a choice when I was younger I probably wouldn't have gone." Evangeline took a small sip from the hot chocolate before continuing, "You and your brother are lucky you are able to play instruments. It seems like something fun to do. What kind of music do you play on the guitar? Genre-wise." Evangeline personally was still trying to find her own music genre that wasn't her aunt's classical music. It was difficult for her to find something to relate to. Metal and Screamo were too loud for her and honestly reminded her of Vlad too much. Pop could work, but she didn't exactly enjoy the similarity it had with all the songs in that genre. Rock didn't seem to fit her personality and she didn't even consider rap. She just felt awkward listening to it. So, in the end, it always wound up to her listening to classical records in her room. Her life was really boring.

If he was going to ask her the same question in return she had half of mind to lie. The last thing she wanted to do was come off as a complete stick in the mud. Even though she kind of wise, Evangeline wasn't ready to confess to others that little anecdote. Besides, she didn't have to tell the guy everything about her. Wasn't the first date supposed to be about small things anyways? Evangeline pulled another piece of the apple fritter plopping it in her mouth as she waited for him to respond.
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Nathan watched her casually as he though about this and that. It was so weird to be looking at her the way he was. Sure, he'd seen her countless times in the library - but never up close. Nate liked to look at her. He wished they'd met before now, but the boy wasn't the kind of lad that tempted fate. While he was watching, he noticed that she was staring at their food for a long while. Was it something he said? Just after thinking that, she seemed to answer the question in his head.

So she didn't like the boarding school, huh? He wondered if she would have liked his school any better. It wasn't a bad school and most of the people that went were either crazy rich, crazy smart, or crazy rotten. When Owen and him had showed up, it didn't take long for either of them to make their own kinds of company. Nathan had made quite a few friends when he was younger. Owen had made a fanclub. Together, they were like this awesome duo that looked pretty untouchable.

What if those kids saw him now? Saw the Griffith boys and how hard they'd fallen? What if Evie had been there his whole life? Would she had left him alone too? Mate was always making stupid decisions. He tried to do good by people but for some reason, things only got worse around him. Why the fuck was he sitting at this table with this pretty girl? Nathan was tapping the table, thrumming against the surface to the beat of the song that was playing in the shop.

"Indie Rock, mostly the stuff Jayce and Owen have shown me over the span of my life," he mused, feeling himself get a little restless. The coffee was slowly emptying from his cup and he was left wondering. What were they gonna do when they'd finished their drinks? He continued tapping anxiously. Okay. This was fine. God, he didn't need to plan every second of his life out. That was Sebastian's gig. But still. "You know, I could always show you some stuff if you ever... uh, feel like it. Is that a douchey thing to ask? Just - hey girl, you want to hear me play guitar? You just sit there and watch." He laughed lightly - nervously, "Sounds pretty douchey. Douchey. Oh my God, sorry for talking like that." Why did she seem like somebody that didn't curse? She probably cursed all the time and he was being an presumptuous ass.

//small but it'll move the rp along. Not editing either lol
Evangeline laughed with him intrigued by his offer. "I think I'd like that and it's not douchey at all. I can't say I have listened to music or at least Indie Rock all that much. So why not take your offer?" she answered as she glanced outside the window. The grey clouds were all gathered together still leering over everything. I wonder if it's going to rain. I hope not I don't really want to leave because of weather... "I'm always open to new things. Or I have tried to be. There's a lot I'm still getting used to and there's a lot of things I won't do still. Like jump from buildings, or get a tattoo, " Evangeline laughed nervously as her eyes caught a glimpse of a small X on his temple. Oh god, he has a tattoo! Why did I say that? He's going to think I'm so rude. Dammit, Evie, you got too comfortable.

" Not that getting a tattoo is a bad thing. I just personally don't know what I would get if I did. But at the same time, I don't like pain so that can be a big factor into why I wouldn't get one. But the idea seems a little outside my comfort zone so I know I should get one because I am young and I should be a little reckless. " Evangeline took a deep breath in realizing the words coming out of her mouth were not helping her look crazy rather than apologetic. Just because her aunt never allowed her to alter her appearance it did not mean Evangeline had to judge others who chose to. After she had moved out, it did appeal to her. The idea of getting a nose piercing, wild colored hair, and wearing less conservative clothing did appeal to her. But she knew she didn't have the guts to change in defiance of her aunt's wishes. The only amount of rebellious acts Evangeline made were two: Moving out and cutting her hair short. Evangeline was still trying to figure out who she was, but she didn't want to change at the same time. Not everything her aunt had taught her was bad. A lot of it may be outdated, but "I'm sorry, I had not realized you yourself had a tattoo till well I saw the X. I didn't mean to offend you if I did. It is however interesting. What made you decided to get it?"

Okay, you may have redeemed yourself. Evangeline decided to take another piece of the apple fritter and glanced outside at the parked vehicles. For such a gloomy day, she had to admit there was a lot of people now walking up and down the streets. More people were definitely in the coffee shop taking up space. She even found a few couples staring at both her and Nathan waiting for them to give up their table. I wonder how long we have been sitting here... It hasn't been that long right? I wonder if he has plans for later. I don't want to hold him up if he does.

The second Evangeline started rambling about his tattoo, Nathan couldn't help but laugh at the girl. Well, he wasn't really laughing at her, but he found her stammering kind of cute. Subconsiously, however, Nate moved one of his fingers up to the little X on his temple. He couldn't help but get a little nervous when she brought it up, but he could remember only too clearly the day he'd gotten it. Jayce, Owen, and Sebastian were there in the same room and each of them knew exactly what the future had in store for Nathan. Each of the boys knew just as well that Nate had moved into a world he'd never step away from, so they all held there heads down and kept their mouth's shut as Jessie Valdez shoved that ink stained needle into his temple.

"Why there?" Owen had asked him, sounding more pained than Nathan had heard him before. To this day, Nate couldn't answer without feeling like the world should be burned to the ground. He wasn't supposed to be having those kinds of thoughts. Not him.

"You're fine. Really," he smiled warmly, pushing his fingers through his hair. After Nathan had gotten over the initial pain of the tattoo, Owen had pulled him aside to ask if Nathan knew if he knew what that X meant. After a blank stare, his older brother shoved a stern finger against his chest. 'It means you've killed somebody. As far as the rest of this neighborhood is concerned, that tattoo means that you're guilty. Trash. A monster. To the outside of this world? You make it mean what you want to, but it can't have anything to do with me, the gang, or most of all, who you are to me.'

With that in mind, he was able to answer the same way he did when anybody had asked him throughout high school. It was easy to respond to. Like taking a breath of air. "Well, I thought they looked cool in movies when I was younger. But, this is actually... well, I almost lost my older brother when I was a kid. He's got a scar right here." Nathan tapped his temple rebelliously, knowing that he was doing the exact opposite of what Owen had warned him of. Because there was no way he could lie about this damned tattoo or the meaning behind it. "I don't know, he's the most important person in my life. We don't get along as great as we used to. The least I could do is show I still cared without having to talk to him about it. He's an asshole though." Nathan laughed, the noise coming out a little strained more than anything else as he muttered, "Probably thinks I did it to piss him off."

When Nathan looked back up, he was watching Evie closely. The boy couldn't help but wonder what she'd look like with a tattoo. After a while, he decided to poke a curious question her direction. "Alright though, if you ever did think about getting a tattoo. What d'ya think you'd get? Can't tell me you've never thought about it?" His teeth grinned at her through his lips, breaking off another piece of apple fritter.
Evangeline nodded her head, "That's very sentimental... I appreciate you sharing that with me. And I don't think he should be that mad about it. It was your choice after all. " She gave him a small smile not sure if she was responding rudely or not. She fiddled with her thumbs on the table shrugging as a response. "I have thought about getting a tattoo before. I've never settled on a design or anything like that. I do know that it would have to be easily hidden and small. I still have time to figure it out anyway. If I ever muster up the courage to get one."

Evangeline had always imagined that if she were to get a tattoo it would have been of flowers. She was always a sucker for floral patterns or anything that had to with plants. But she felt that if a tattoo was meant to last forever it might as well be something sentimental. She didn't know her parents long enough to have any significant sentimental memory, except for her father's obsession with astronomy and her mother's diary. Her aunt was never the sentimental type, so she had no real reason to get a tattoo in the memory of her. She had no connections to anyone or anything. So she really had no idea what to get when it came to a tattoo. But that didn't matter anyway because she would probably just chicken out at the last moment anyway.

She smiled a bit more as he smiled at her. Evangeline felt different as she stared at him. It was something she had not experienced with Vlad. Whatever feeling she was experiencing it made her feel happy and warm. She could honestly just stare at him without saying a word, but even she knows that would be a really creepy thing to do at least in silence. "How are you enjoying your book? I am curious too-"

"Oh my god, Nathan is that you?" What the hell is she doing here?

"Know.." Evangeline finished as she watched the perky blonde vixen hug her date. How the hell do they know each other?

//So I figure Heather would have gone to Nate's school for a while before transferring junior or senior year to Evie's boarding school.
Nathan narrowed his eyes playfully as Evangeline complimented the sentimentality of his tattoo. Well, it was definitely sentimental. Nathan couldn't argue against that. He loved his brother and he would never change his opinion on that man's worth. No amount of distance could ever make Nathan turn his back on Owen Griffith. It was insane, when he thought about it. The people in his life were so exceptionally different. Jayce and Owen were the most important people in his life. He couldn't imagine life without either of them. But they hated each other and the world hated them.

As Nathan smiled at his date, he grew a tad saddened by a thought. You'll probably never meet either of them. Jayce was like family and Owen was family. He didn't have many people in his life, and of those people, none were the types you just introduced the girl to. He could already imagine introducing Evie to Wyatt or Huxler. The idea made him roll over in his grave. He'd finished his coffee and the barista came by to pick up the empty mugs. Of course, as soon as he walked away, Nathan was attacked by a generous wave of perfume and blonde hair. Blinking, Nathan hugged back because he didn't know what else to do.

His eyes were caught wide like a deer in headlights when his mind caught up to his current reality. If you couldn't guess, Nathan hated being snuck up on. He knew she wasn't a threat, but there were nerves he couldn't shake. "H-Heather," he choked out, a strained smile ghosting his lips, "It's uh, good to see you." He looked between his classmate and the girl that was sitting across from him. This wasn't good right? Yeah, he knew Heather. Upon all odds, she'd been a decent enough friend when she transferred into his class junior year.

Of course the girl had heard of the Griffiths attending Monarch Institute. It had been a while since the Griffiths stirred up trouble in Holden county. After Nathan's grandpa died, however, the Griffith name sort of sunk back into a quiet infamy. Nobody gave much of a damn about Walter Griffith's boy. Nobody gave a damn about Walter Griffith. But it didn't mean that he didn't share the last name with one of the men that had founded Holden County. It had made Owen and Nathan discount celebrities at that school. He'd never asked for the attention but had been given it anyways. High school had been... interesting.

Nathan didn't realize that he'd stood up, but when he regarded Evie, he was looking down at her. "I'm sorry, uh... this is Heather. But uh, wait- Do you know her?" He could see the distaste in Evangeline's eyes so he definitely didn't finish the introduction by admitting that Heather was, well... his ex. He didn't remember having much of a say in the matter his senior year. It just sort of happened. She was single for the dance and his good friend Jon told him that she was waiting for him to ask. So Nathan did. And they went to the winter formal. After that, he was meeting her parents and going to the movies with her. Sitting with her at lunch. Sitting with her after school. Walking slightly behind her at the mall. Walking slightly behind her at the park. Walking slightly behind her when... pretty much whenever she was with her friends. Like a whipped puppy. Of course... that was before he broke up with her for- for somebody else. That was a long story, though. And not one he wanted to think about while on a date.
Evangeline couldn't find any words to respond to Nathan. She in fact new Heather. Heather was the cause of a large amount of chaos in her life. From bullying, to stealing boyfriends or getting away with almost anythinh. The last thing she ever wanted to have ties to was her. Seeing Heather hug Nathan however for the first time sparked something Evangeline had not been aware she was able to feel. Jealousy. It was clear Nathan had either been A) friends with the girl or B) They were in fact a couple once upon a time. Or there was the chance that C) he was currently dating to her and she caught him cheating. Which thankfully C didn't seem likely.

It was funny no matter how hard she tried to run from those she used to know. They always managed to find her. "Oh, Evangeline I didn't even see you.... You haven't changed one bit, aside from your hair. Really it is a shame you cut it. But on the brighy side you could al....." Evangeline stopped registering what Heather was saying as she tried to figure out what to do. She had no idea how to handle this situation. How do you address your life long enemy who may or may not be your currents date ex girlfriend. No where, not even in the ettiquette books, did it ever say how to handle a situation like this.

The girl finally stood though feeling smaller than ever as both Heather and Nathan looked down at her. "I...." she looks at Heather than back at Nathan. If she was his ex, did she really want to be associated with Nathan? "I... I sh.. Nathan, I'm sorry. But I should go..." She picks up her coat and purse, "I had a lovely time." Evangeline gives him a small smile and pushes past Heather. As she left Evangeline focused on her foot steps rather then her memory and thoughts. When she's outside she stops for a moment not sure which way she wanted to go. She turned left walking down sidewalk at a normal pace hoping that she wasn't making a bad decision.

Was that an immature move? Was she to quick to judge? Maybe they were only friends? Evangeline stoped at a crosswalk talking a moment to slide her coat on. It was colder than what it had been earlier and already she could feel a few droplets. Why did she have to show up. Why did I leave?
Now that he was in his Senior year of high school, Nate had bigger responsibilities and things to worry about than relationships. Nathan looked at his hand as Heather went on a tangent directed towards Evie. What was he doing here? He couldn't help but think that this was probably a sign that he was making a big mistake. He shouldn't be on a date with a girl. There was a reason he'd broken up with Reece (lol this made it sound like Reece is a boy, but no. Reece is a girl. Nates not gay.). Okay, it's not like he'd honestly forgotten about that whole thing. You couldn't forget something like that.

It's just... Nathan didn't want to stop trying. He wanted that picket fence life, you know? Nate wanted to look at somebody and believe that they'd be safe around him. He wanted to believe that there was more to life than his shitty little fucked up half life. He felt a light hand on the back of his neck. Heather was trailing her fingers there and he was still unable to think straight. He wondered if he could have had a picket fence life with Heather?

Absolutely not.

Curling his lip a little, he took a step away from Heather in time to watch Evangeline excuse herself from his company. A large part of him told his mind to follow her out. The more logical and rational part of his brain warned him that this was the perfect opportunity to pull himself away from the girl. He couldn't mix up Evangeline into his mess. That would only be cruel to her, wouldn't it?

In any case, she was definitely racing away from him and he was standing there like a fool. "Why are you here, Heather?" Nate sighed, collapsing back into his seat - frustration obviously staining his features. Heather smiled innocently, as if she had no idea what she'd done to make Evangeline run out. That coy smile joined him at the table, stealing Evie's seat moments later, "Getting coffee, dummy. What were you doing with her anyways? Trust me, Nathan, you can do better. I mean, you did me."

He cocked a brow, "Uh..."

"I didn't mean it like that! Oh my God," Heather giggled, putting her hand over her mouth, "I didn't know you were dating anybody."

"What? No, I'm not dating her. Or... I'm not- I don't know," he groaned and brought his hands up to his face, rubbing the exasperation out of his skin, "I asked her out at the library. Slipped her my number. You know, taking a note out of Jon's book."

"No. You did not! You!? Holy fuck, I have to tell Bri."

"Of course you do- Oh, you mean right now. Why does that not shock me?" Nathan smiled, watching Heather type away on that phone of hers. She annoyed him. But she wasn't as bad as she had been junior year. While she texted her best friend, Nathan found himself looking out the window. That was a mistake because Evangeline was still out there. You know that whole part of his brain that told him this was a good thing?

Okay fuck that.

Because there was a whole lot of something else going on in his mind. She had to be a good thing. Good for him. He had to trust in something, right? And there was some stupid force letting him know that he had to take a chance on life or he'd never find it. He wouldn't end up like Owen or Jayce. He couldn't live like that. There was no dark bone in his body. Guilt ate him alive about the life he'd lived so far, and Nathan wanted to change it. "Hey Heather, I uh, I'll see you around sometime later this break. Just text Jon and he'll set something up."

She didn't look up. Whatever.


"Hey. Evangeline. Don't go. I know you don't really know me still. Like... at all. But I really think we might have something here. And if that's just my imagination then I guess I'm gonna have to make that something a real thing." Out of breath, Nathan had caught up to Evie just as the girl had crossed the street. He'd taken her wrist in an attempt to get her attention while a crooked smile threatened to totally and completely sweep her off her feet. Kidding. But seriously, how could you resist that Griffith charm? "I'm not gonna lie, I'm trouble. Way more than you probably need. But I'm a good guy. I think. At least, I want to be the good guy. Stay for a couple more hours. You won't regret it. I promise."
Evangeline was caught off guard when she felt someone grab onto her wrist. The action made her stop in her tracks and coil her hand back but of course his grip was tight not allowing her to do so. When her eyes met with Nathans she was almost certain she was going to have a heart attack. Evangeline seemed too paralized to move or react rationally as he spoke to her. His expression was a mixture of playful and sincere. It was strange to her since no one had looked at her the way he was at that moment. Is this really happening?

It seemed to cliche to be real. He had actually come after her rather than stay with Heather. He was asking her to stay and see where things may lead. He was already promising her that he was wanting to be a better guy. Which in her opinion seemed untrue since already before Heather came, she thought he was a good guy. She was already jumping to conclusions and they weren't even a couple or remotely even friends. Evangeline had never realized how judgmental she was. It was definitely a dirty habit instilled by her aunt.

He was right though she didn't know him. But she knew deep down she wanted to. She wanted to know more about who he was regardless if he was trouble or not. I'm
Evangeline was caught off guard when she felt someone grab onto her wrist. The action made her stop in her tracks and coil her hand back but of course his grip was tight not allowing her to do so. When her eyes met with Nathans she was almost certain she was going to have a heart attack. Evangeline seemed too paralized to move or react rationally as he spoke to her. His expression was a mixture of playful and sincere. It was strange to her since no one had looked at her the way he was at that moment. Is this really happening?

It seemed to cliche to be real. He had actually come after her rather than stay with Heather. He was asking her to stay and see where things may lead. He was already promising her that he was wanting to be a better guy. Which in her opinion seemed untrue since already before Heather came, she thought he was a good guy. She was already jumping to conclusions and they weren't even a couple or remotely even friends. Evangeline had never realized how judgmental she was. It was definitly a dirty habit instilled by her aunt.

He was right though she didn't know him. But she knew deep down she wanted to. She wanted to know more about who he was regardless if he was trouble or not. I'm young... I am allowed to make a few mistakes right? Not that he was a mistake, but she hoped he wouldn't be. Evangeline found it hard to look away, but the pain in the wrist he was holding was becoming more apparent. "Can you let go of my wrist please?" Her voice was soft as her eyes stayed focused on Nathans hand.
Nathan waited for her to say anything, not quite registering that he was still holding onto her wrist. But when she did bring it to his attention, he let out a breathy chuckle. Mate let the girl's hand drop and took a step away from her. He must look a little crazy after all. If he'd learned anything from Jayce, though, it was that you had be a little crazy to get the girl. He knew this was a mistake, but he was pretty used to mistakes by now.

"You know, you can go. I feel like you really don't want to though," he sighed, taking yet another step back. His hands were pushed into his jeans and he let held his head tilt to the side. The rain was really starting to pick up a little more. The compulsion to open up a palm for it was stronger than usual, but he mainly focused on Evangeline. He couldn't explain why he felt like she and him would be a good thing.

He didn't know her and barely knew a thing about her besides what they'd said already. He could potentially destroy this girl's life because of a feeling. Owen would laugh at his face and turn his back away spitefully if he knew what Nate was doing. Jayce wouldn't ever say it, but he knew the sharpshooter was equally as skeptical. It was Nathan's choice and he would bear the consequences. But Evangeline shouldn't have to.

Be a good guy.

Did being the good guy mean he had to be the lonely guy?

Was that just his life, now? Well, Nathan hated it and he'd get out of the pattern. Bringing up a thumb to brush a drop of water off his brow, he rolled his eyes, "At least let me walk you home? You can walk away all you want but your life's never gonna change if all you do is run. Trust me, I kind of have a front seat to that particular life lesson." Nathan shrugged, moving to the side so he could let a man ride by on his bike. Speaking of bikes, he'd have to text Huxler to get his if Evangeline chose to take him up on his offer. For now, he was just here to focus on her. V
Evangeline rubbed her wrist the feeling of his hand still lingering on her skin. As he takes a step back Evangeline turned to face him more properly. She stares at the ground sighing a little trying to get her thoughts straight rather than look at him. So many things already she wanted to apologize for. But so many things in her mind stopped her from doing so. God why am I like this. She lifted her gaze to match Nathans as she began to speak, "I'm sorry.. Heather's and I are not exactly on good terms right now... Well we actually never were."

Thinking back before the incident she could only recall bad memories with Heather. But she didnt needed to relive at that moment. "I'm not intentionally trying to run from you exactly. Just those who have not done much good in my life..." She laughs nervously and pushes her hair back so it doesnt cling to her face. "You are right though, I would like to continue.. just not back there. If that is fine with you?" Her hole body was shaking as she looked back at the coffee shop. Though she wasn't sure if she was shaking because of the cold weather or her nerves. Evangeline took a step forward as she pulled out her umbrella. She popped it open and held it just above Nathan's and her owns head. "As much as I love the rain, I don't think I will feel all that great if you got sick following me out here."
Nathan sighed in relief when Evangeline seemed to change her mind a little. At the very least, she opened up a bit and he had to wonder what knowing Heather was like. Nathan had mixed feelings about the girl, himself. She'd always been obnoxiously overeager around him, and the vixen was about as two faced as Harvey Dent. He wasn't an ignorant fool. Nate knew how that girl treated others she figured she was better than. But when she joined his class, it was clear that she knew who the popular kids were. It was clear to Heather that Nate was the one of the more desirable boys at the school. He hung out in a group of four before Heather came along.

Clarisa Vicente, Jon Aceti, Brianna Keller, and Benny Hopkins.

They made up the popular bunch at Monarch Institute. Nathan never really planned on getting sucked into their group, but when he came to Holden County, things were sort of- shitty. Owen would usually let Nathan tag along during lunches when he was in second grade. Nathan had been far too shy to make friends, and Owen had been far too mean to let people be his friend. So they had each other. In the beginning, anyways. And then Irvine Graves captured Owens's interest and the days of eating lunch with his older brother had all but disappeared.

Nate was in fourth grade by the time Owen had started going down a road he'd never come back from. It wasn't fair. How young his brother had been. It didn't matter. By then, Owen was this mysterious kid with far too many discipline problems, and his little brother may have been shy, but he was a charmer. He first started hanging out with Benny on a class project. And Benny practically forced Nathan to sit down at the cool kid's table. And he'd been one of the deplorably popular kids ever since. He didn't nearly date as many people as Jon, or get in as much mischief as Benny, stir the pot like Bri, or - well, Clarisa was a whole different story. He wasn't like the rest of them, but he knew how to smile and nod. Knew how to hold hands with a girl when she was interested in him. He knew how to be a follower. It was only a matter of time before Heather became a part of their group and he was holding her hand, too.

Bringing his mind back to the present, Nathan looked down at the much smaller girl from under the umbrella. And damn, she was seriously tiny compared to him. "Heather..." he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "She definitely knows how to make herself seen and heard. We're just friends now, I swear. Doesn't mean she won't try to stake a claim whenever there's a pretty girl around me, though." Nate sighed, but ended up smiling sheepishly at his hidden compliment. Chuckling, he continued, "It's actually really annoying. All my friends are super annoying, I'm sorry. So, I could get us a ride if you don't want to walk. He's a pain, but he'll get us to my uh.. my house and we can go from there."
Evangeline felt her heart drop a little at just one little phrase he had mentioned. She hadn't realized a little part of her had hoped he hadn't actually dated the girl. But him swearing that they were 'Just friends now' confirmed her suspicion that the had dated. If anything were to happen later down the road between them, that Heather would definitely be an issue. Because regardless if they were platonic now. Evangeline still wouldn't be able to get over the fact that Heather had sunk her claws into two of her relationships. Stop it. You're jumping to conclusions again. " Believe me, I'm very aware of what Heather is capable of..." Evangeline said her voice becoming small.

Despite having been a few short months ago, Evangeline could still recall everything she had witnessed between Vlad and Heather. It was shortly after she had come back home early from her vacation abroad with her aunt. From what she could recall from their relationship, nothing was ever spontaneous. Both Vlad and herself were very obedient when it came to their parent's wishes. At least that's what she had assumed. Vlad always kept a part of himself hidden from her. She didn't realize he did till she went to his apartment to surprise him on her return home.

Evangeline could see the door to his apartment open. She could recall the fear and panic that went through her as she pushed it open afraid of what she might stumble upon. Her memory seemed to replay everything in a high speed. She could see glimpses of scattered clothing on the floor leading into the living room where she found both Heather and Vlad in the act. Evangeline had been so mortified that she didn't wait very long to throw something at the two of them to announce her presence to the too. She can't remember what she threw exactly but she remembered it almost making contact with Vladimir's head and him shouting at Evangeline for doing so. What happened after was a lot of shouting and arguing and throwing priceless objects he had as decorations. Eventually, Evangeline had left storming out.

But what happened after that is what caused her for such a drastic change in her life. Her aunt hadn't made any move to comfort her but she honest to god tried to convince Evangeline that what Vladimir had done was okay. But Evangeline was not about to settle for a life she knew would not be healthy for her. Despite her aunt's worried about her family's financial future. Even though, the St. James family was still far well off to take care of themselves her aunt's power hunger nature seemed to push aside Evangeline's well being. That's when her aunt reviled the arranged marriage agreement between both families. Evangeline had no choice but to try and leave that world behind.

At his next words, Evangeline's mind pushes a new thought into the picture. Is he inviting me to his house on the first date? Sirens went off in her head as she thought the gesture unusual. He didn't expect her to be like Heather did he? Unlike the blonde halfwit, Evangeline had morals and very high standards. It was one of the more appreciated things her aunt had taught her that she actually didn't mind being instilled in her. She could hear her aunt and Sibella screaming for her to run to safety. But no instead the girl stood to hold an umbrella over the both of them as rain poured down staying as silent as ever.

A selfish part of her wanted to reject those quick to judge assumptions. For the first time since she had moved Evangeline actually wanted to take a chance. Even though getting in a car with two strangers didn't seem like a safe idea at all. But he called me cute.

Her face grew warm and she knew he could tell that her cheeks weren't red from the cold. "As flattered as I am by your compliment. I do have to use your words against you. Since I do barely know you or I'm at least getting to know you. What would we be doing at your home if I said yes?"
Nate was back to fiddling with his phone, checking the weather for the next couple of hours. He should honestly call it quits if he were being kind to himself. But something other than Evie was keeping him around her. She had everything to do with it, but it wasn't just because he liked the girl. For some reason, Nathan almost felt as if he were being judged. Trying not to let it annoy him, Nathan smoothed his thumb over edge of his phone quietly.

Baz's text still looked him in the eye, the weight of it pushing into his shoulders. As opposed to his problems away from Evangeline, Nate figured that these were an easy fix. Or not. She seemed to have her fair share of trust issues, and you couldn't just snap your fingers, expecting them to disappear. But he smiled a little despite the nagging unsettlement under his skin. "What do you figure I'll be having you do at my house?" He hadn't planned on bringing her there, but he wanted to go somewhere and for that, Nathan needed one of Jay's cars. Sure he didn't have a license, but that didn't mean he didn't know how to drive.

He was laughing lightly because he knew how it sounded, bringing a girl back to his place after the first date. If Jayce were here, he'd high five Nate. And getting a high five from Jayce was never a good thing if you were trying to be a good guy. "Don't worry Evie, it's not like I'm making you meet my family. Or my bed." Walking past her, Nathan started down the corner of the street. He'd done his part. Either way, he sent a quick text to that friend of his and waited until he got a text back. When he did, Nathan put his phone away and turned to face her. "We'll only be there for about ten minutes. We're gonna need a car if you're going to have an adventure today."

//packing so no edit and it's short
Evangeline laughed with him but still unsure of what he had in store. But she knew what her decision was going to be. As she had said earlier she wanted this to continue and she was getting to know Nathan a lot more. She was going to have to start trusting him at some point, and she knew it would do her all better down the road if she started doing so now. "I'm sorry, I just had to ask. I mean it's not every day an attractive guy asks me to accompany them back to their home. Besides I'm told I should be more adventurous. So, I'm just going to have to trust you." She wonders over to where he stands and stands a few feet in front of him. She smiles again as she lets the umbrella rest slightly on her shoulder. She looks around at the streets and where the rain began to make large puddles in the street. People were still walking most with umbrellas or their hoods up. It baffled her how people can still be willing to get two and fro on foot in the rain. The city really doesn't stop for anything...

So far Evangeline hadn't been drawn into the chaos. She was still adjusting and being acquainted with the new living style. Closer quarters, less privacy, and more people than necessary. Somedays she craved her old home and isolation. But she didn't desire to move again. She was content with where she was at. She didn't desire to become richer or crazy successful. Her wants were far different than those she was attending college with. She just wanted to be happy and free to live her own life as she pleased. Evangeline, more importantly, didn't want to be alone or lied to anymore. That's what she was determined to find out of this new adventure of hers. When she looked back at Nathan she couldn't help but set off a few butterflies in her stomach as her head began to wonder if Nathan could be someone who could help her in achieving what seemed to be impossible.
Nathan grinned happily when she finally put aside all of her caution and decided to let him take her on some ridiculous adventure. He had an idea in mind, thinking of a place he was almost positive she would never have been to. Unfortunately, he would need a car. He knew that it was possible to get there on foot if you didn't mind a two hour walk... in the rain. Jayce told him he'd walked there once. In sandals. And a bloody toe. True, he would have driven had he had his keys at the time, but he didn't.

Jay's stories had always been interesting to Nate. They weren't anything like the trials Owen and him had gone through, but they held their weight and tragedy. It was amazing that Jayce was even alive. Amazing that any of them were, to be honest. Keeping that thought in mind, Nathan took Evangeline to the side so they could wait under a canopy for his dear 'friend' to arrive. Honestly, he wasn't looking forward to having Evie meet him. He was rude. Selfish. And most certainly not first date material. But, he had access to a car. Any car. Anywhere. As long as he could start it up and change the plates. Please, God. Let this be a legal one.

In less than ten minutes, Nathan striking up some small talk with the girl, a silver sedan pulled up along the curb. "And that'd be our ride," Nathan smiled at the girl as the driver window rolled down. He was wearing a bowler hat today, a shitty pair of aviators being pushed down the bridge of his nose as Huxler Washington peered over them at the two in the rain. "Well, what'cha waitin' for Natty? Get you're arse in the car before you catch a cold," the Irish theif grinned at them cheerfully and innocently as he checked out the lass he had at his side.
Evangeline looked from Nathan to the vehical that pulled up along side them. She had no idea what to expect from the stranger that sat in the driver seat staring directly at her. The way he was staring at her made her feel awkward and exposed even though she was covered in layers. Evangeline gave him a small smile as she followed Nathan into the car. Her hands were shaking but whether that was from the cold or her nerves she did not know. If either were to ask she probably would blame it on the cold.

Even though Evangeline was already in the car her brain was over thinking every little thing. Should she be sitting next to Nathan or allow there to be a buffer between them? He was far too tall to sit in the middle and she wasn't fairly comfortable with the notion that they would be touching. So the buffer seemed like a good idea specially if she needed a quick get away. The next thought that came to mind was whether or not she needed to introduce herself or if Nathan would. From the ettiqute books her aunt forced her to read she knew the proper thing was to wait for Nathan to introduce her.

Dammit Evie, you are very capable of introducing yourself.

Taking a deep breath Evangeline breaks the silence first. "Thank you for giving us a ride. I'm Evangeline it's nice to meet you."
As soon as he climbed into the car, he shot Hux a look that told him to behave. Despite the fact that Huxler was two years older than him, according to Jayce, Nathan had authority over the other. He had been involved in the Neighborhood's business for a long time despite the fact that he still felt like he didn't belong to this life. In any case, Hux frowned at the two of them for a second, his fingers tapping impatiently against the steering wheel. Nate watched Evie climb in after him and smiled at her, offering a reassuring gaze. But he did know that his friends could be somewhat intimidating. Most of them had graduated high school. And most of them were criminals. No big deal.

It was kind of ironic that Evangeline probably wouldn't be comfortable around his friends from school. Jon was a definite handful, and Benny was always trying explain his conspiracy theories. Bri was the one who'd insist you tell her every detail of a date so she could blog about school drama. And then, Nathan was sure he didn't have to explain why Heather would be awkward. When Evie was situated and Huxler pulled back onto the street, he glanced over at the dark haired girl. She looked anxious and he didn't blame her. Figuring that she might feel better if he struck up conversation, Nathan opened his mouth.

Huxler interrupted him of course. "So, Evangeline, eh?" He looked into the rear view mirror to look at the girl again, "I didn't know Natty was dating again. After all the mess with his-" Nathan cut Huxler off, glowering at the Irish man with full intent to maim, "Keep your eyes on the road. Also, you were two minutes late, today. I'm keeping track." Hux scoffed, rolling his eyes and frowning at the two of them. After about two seconds, he was complaining to Evangeline, "You oughtta be careful with this one, Evangeline. I hear his dad's a hot head. Apple don't fall far from the tree, they say."

Nate rolled his eyes and grinned at Evangeline, "It skipped a generation. He's just upset that I called him out on his tardiness. Guy's a bit anal when it comes to precision." Huxler ended up laughing, his smile charming enough for a theif. He turned the corner, starting up the residential streets that would take them through the Village to Monarch Heights. It would be about a thirty minute drive from the city to the estate at the top of the hill. But they said you could see the Porter Estate from anywhere in Holden County. But Nathan knew a place where even the vast skyline of the city disappeared.
Evangeline's attention was focused on Nathan as the two conversed. With his words unfinished Evangeline could only assume he was talking about Heather. But if things had gone bad between the two, she wouldn't have still approached him as a friend right? Was there another girl? It wasn't a bad thing if there was but Evangeline still felt a pang in her heart at the mention of another. But the thoughts are cut short when she hears the one in the front starting to laugh.

Evangeline felt herself settle into the car a bit more easily thought there seemed to be a hint of tension in the air. Her eyes scanned the scenery as they drove. It had been months since she left the city and already it seemed like an entirly different world lived on the outskirts. As they drove though, things began to become familiar to her. Large gates, long driveways, and clean streets. Oh no. Freshly cut lawns, perfect flower beds, no signs of kids in their perfect manicured yards. Please god no. Women walking there small or overly groomed pets, expensive cars driving past them, no signs of any low income stores. Fuck.

Evangeline felt herself shrink in her seat and made sure her body was facing Nathan completely. There was no way in hell she was going to let anyone see her pass through. Just driving down her old street would have her aunt crawling into her life again. This neighborhood talked, and she was already sure her aunts reputation was tainted by Evangelines choices. Still though the girl kept a smile on her face, "So um... where do you live exactly?"
Nathan watched Huxler arch a brow over his aviators in the rear view mirror. He was looking at Evangeline as the girl ducked down a little bit. Even Nathan had to wonder why she stuck into a different choice of personality. In the end, he wondered if she knew somebody who lived here. But he wasn't sure that would achieve this sort of reaction. He caught her question and kept in mind while another portion of him began working with puzzle pieces. All of a sudden, it clicked. He almost felt embarrassed for taking so long to come to some conclusion. Jayce or Owen would have snapped their fingers and have figured it out.

The way she dressed. The way she talked and acted. This girl was obviously no stranger to Monarch Heights. He didn't bring it up or ask about it, but he couldn't help but wonder what she'd think if she knew... well... anything about him. He smiled kindly, however, glancing up to the one of the white ass mansions on the hills. The estates were far and few between, those properties being held exclusively for the most prosperous. It was only by circumstance that Jayce had inherited his stepfather's old job and property. At least, that's what the public had been led to believe.

"Have you heard of Porter Pharmaceuticals?" Nathan asked first, feeling as if he should familiarize the girl with the home first. In fact, he also began to wonder if this girl had once met Gabriel Porter. He was typically a gracious host to many of the high end banquets and dinner parties in the Heights. Porter was also known to be typically disliked by many people for the way he distributed his medicine scarcely. Many low income families had to pay steep prices for medicine that could only be filled and sold from Porter Pharmaceuticals. Needless to say, things had changed drastically when the business went through a change in management.
"I've heard of them... Why?" Evangeline asked as she readjusted herself to be more comfortable. The Porters were friends with the St. James family but were not close in any sense. Her aunt invited them out of obligation to most fundraisers and galas she hosted at her home. But inviting people out of obligation rather than sincirety was common among Monarch Heights. It baffled her to think that she had to attend events where everyone tollerated being around each other. Some days she wondered if she herself were like them still in some ways. These's days she wasn't sure if her smile was authentic or just a polite cover up.

Her mind wonders back to her only memory of the former CEO. Her aunt had hosted her annual christmas party some time ago around the time where Evangeline was forced to converse with every single guest. It wasn't unbearable at least since Vlad accompained her as she walked around the the guests. Of course when it came to speaking with Mr. Porter, Vlad initiated most of the conversation while Evangeline stayed idle next to him. So many times at those parties had she wished to escape. Part of her could never stand to be around so many fake people.

Her eyes follow the trees outside the window, as the whip past quickly in blurr. They were to close to her old home. Evangeline turned. her head a little to stare out the window next to her and sees the familiar St. James brick wall covered with ivy. With out any hesitation she flings herself face down into the middle seat her head just inches away from Nathans leg. Was this an odd thing to do? Yes. Was she going to have a hard time explaining why? Yes. Was she regretting this exact moment? A million times yes.
Nathan never really got an answer out of Evangeline before dropped down in the seat unexpectedly. "Oh," he backed up a little, completely confused as to what the girl was doing or why she was it. Even Huxler looked into the back to see if she was alright. Of course, he only saw the girl duck her head down near Nathan's legs. Nate shot a wide eyed look of protest the second he saw Huxler open his mouth to make a lewd comment. The Irish man chuckled, but kept driving regardless. Meanwhile, Nate glanced to either side before clearing his throat.

"So, I wasn't going to ask, but judging from your reaction. You're pretty familiar with the Heights, aren't you?" He tried to keep the disappointment out of his voice. Listen, he may live with the stuck up folk, but by no means did Nathan think he was one of them. There were plenty of problems in Monarch Heights. And what would Evangeline say if she knew that he was currently working with an entire group of deadly criminals to turn the whole system upside down? He'd most likely leave out that tiny bit of information for the first date. Instead, Nate let his body sort of slide down the seat so he was primarily sitting on his back. He was closer to her eye level wise, and Nathan couldn't help but grin a little.

"Oh wait, nevermind," he looked over at her with a mischevious little smile, "I get why you did this now. Complete new perspective. That's deep Evangeline." The boy chuckled, staying down at the girl's level until she was ready to come back up. Huxler had passed through to the richer homes and had finally turned up the street that would lead to the Porter Estate. Over course, neither of them could really see out the window too well. He didn't mind, though. Evangeline was definitely an odd one, so whether she came from this place or not, he could tell there was more to her than what showed on the surface.
Evangeline tilted her head to get a better view at Nathan. From what she could tell already, Nathan was far better at concealing what was going on through his head than she ever could. Yet as she looked into his eyes as he asked her the one question she knew she couldn't get away from, Evangeline swore she could detect a little bit of sadness. Would that be a deal breaker for him? If he dated a former socialite from the heights? Did he like average girls with average families. Ones who don't force their nieces into arranged marriages and to read volumes of etiquette manuals. Ones who would rather build on their wealth rather than build a healthy relationship... Evangeline knew she was never average or normal but she craved it more than anything.

As those thoughts filled her head she felt compelled to lie. But pulling off the lie is another entire thing. Any person who didn't have a past with the Heights would not have ducked down without a proper explanation. But when he suddenly slides down a smile forms on her face and a laugh slips. "I am just a little.." She had no idea how she looked to him at that moment and that terrified her. But somehow she was fine with that. Everyone in the heights saw her as only carbon copy and already with Nathan she felt like she was beginning to be a different person. "But I swear I can give you a proper explanation once we are out of here."
Huxler’s eyes kept peeking at the two in the back through the mirror. He didn’t say anything, but Nathan could tell that the man figured this was a really bad idea. And he couldn’t really argue with the five star thief. Huxler’s was in need of a shave and Nate could make out dark circles under his eyes. His fingers were tapping sporadically against the steering wheel, as if there were a billiton things on his mind. By now, Huxler was kind of like Jay’s second. He was supposedly loyal to only the sharpshooter despite being employed by Townsend Industries. It would be a shame if Huxler ever chose money over Nathan’s adopted brother. He cared about Jayce. And a lot of people had skipped out of the man’s life. Nathan would go on a vengent rampage and end this foreign bastard if the man betrayed Atkins. That was probably a joke. Nathan wasn’t really the type to proactively make somebody else’s life a pain. He should have really spent a lot more time learning how to be a bad guy by now.

It just wasn’t in his blood to be the bad guy. He didn’t know how to pull the trigger without hesitating. But... Nathan had pulled the trigger before. He stayed awake at night thinking about how many triggers he’d pulled in the first place. Nate stayed slumped in the back seat with Evie, eyeing her calmly. She looked ridiculous laid back the way she was. So, by extension, Nathan was pretty sure that he looked pretty ridiculous too. At the promise of having her explain this reaction later, the boy nodded. “You know you don’t have to tell me something if you don’t want to, right?” Huxler looked over again. You could tell he was already making assumptions about the girl.

It didn’t matter because they were pulling to a stop in front of the large gate that marked the entrance to the Porter Estate. Huxler plucked the code into the key pad, and the gate slid open. They drove in and Nathan grunted as he pulled himself back into a sitting position. The Estate was larger than any place Nathan had ever visited legally. He had grown to legitimately love the place and the wide open acres of land that spread from the main house to the servants quarters and then to the old barn on the edges of the property. There was a pond that had lost most of its water since Jayce had been an eighteen year old living here under Gabriel Porter. Nathan was nervous. He knew that he didn’t belong here. It would be obvious as soon as she saw the way she acted in the presence of other people. He kept his gaze trained out the window specifically because he didn’t want to see Evangeline’s reaction or expression — especially if she was from the Heights. The boy cleared his throat, still look away when Huxler pulled to a halt in front of the marble steps that led to the large front doors. “Well, here we are. I’m not entirely sure who’s home at the moment. They all come and go...”

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