• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Noble High


No Longer An Active Account










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Willow Moon




December 15th


Texas, U.S








  • Ability to shift into any animal of her choosing, as long as her concentration is good.
  • Enhanced senses. It's practically impossible for someone to sneak up on her because she will sense them before they even get close to her.
  • She can run quite fast, she'd be great for a track team.
  • She is excellent at hiding, and she is very stealthy.


She has a calm, quiet personality. She enjoys being outside, and she loves fresh air. She has claustrophobia, and she freaks out whenever she has to be inside for long periods of time. She has difficulty making friends, but once she does, it usually lasts a long time. She is also incredibly good at combat, but she hates having to partake in combat against another person.


+The outdoors




-Being cooped up inside

-Overly sweet or spicy foods


She has a small crescent birthmark on her left cheek.

She has a sword named Eluskmosmars, Elmo for short.





Caroline Withers




March 5th


Queensland, A.U.S




Human with history of Sprites in her family.




  • Caroline is able to Manipulate the forces of nature and the elements connected to it.
  • can communicate with nature.
  • Can become instantly familiar with her surroundings, her connection to nature is so deep that the earth can respond to her emotions and desires (blossoming with flowers and calming weather when happy, making skies stormy when angry, shifting the landscape to gain the advantage in a fight, etc.)
  • can purify, heal and generally influence the health of nature
  • plants and animals act favorably towards her.
  • can also draw strength and acquire their abilities from any living species of animal on Earth .
  • Skilled with a dagger.
  • A fast climber and runner.
  • Not very skilled in stealth but quick enough to get away with it.


At first Caroline can be shy and uneasy around others, but once she has gotten to know others, she's as bubbly as a puppy. She loves the performing arts, including Dancing, Singing and Acting. But most of all she loves spending long afternoons outdoors with nature.




Sweet things.



Stinky Fish

Spicy things.


Caroline's Dagger


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Name: Casey McBride

Age: 16

Birthday: July 25th

Birthplace: Dublin,Ireland

Gender: Male

Species: half angel and half demon



(Since both light and dark powers are awaken his eyes are purple and his wings are now silver)

Powers/Abilities: Demon powers/Master of shadows:Can use shadows to teleport himself and others,turn shadows into constructs, and can hide in shadows almost as if he becomes one with shadows

Angelic Powers: Wings for flight,Can shoot beams of light energy,healing powers on self and others, and can call a sword named oath killer to use in battle( a legendary blade feared by angels and demons and thought to be lost)

Personality: Tries to act like a jerk to keep others away. But if some how someone get inside his circle of trust he will do anything to protect that person.

Likes: Music,dogs,and night time

Dislikes: Being talked down to,cats, really sunny days

Backstory: When Casey was growing up it was just him and his mom. He had what you would consider a normal childhood he lived in a apartment with his mom in Dublin and would go to a baby sitter while she worked at a local pub. Casey always had problems when he was by himself or at the baby sitters either getting into fights with kids trying to pick on him or trying to stick up for other kids that where also getting picked on. Then on his tenth birthday Casey discovered his powers which he thought were amazing. When he told his mother how ever she became very sad and told Casey about his father that he was a very powerful and respected demon. And if Casey ever came into his demon power then to give him the ring that he wears now. So as far as Casey knows he is only half demon and half human. Then the very next day Casey's mom disappeared all he found was a pure white feather on his moms bed. He waited patiently for his mom to come back but she never did and eventually the food ran out. So Casey had to start stealing to eat and then after a month the landlord kicked him out. About a year later a nice women started to help Casey out all he had to do was use his powers to help her commit crimes like robbery and cheating people out of money on games. Which Casey found okay because he finally found someone that he could trust and call a friend.Then one day two years later the police had caught them and the woman blamed him for everything and said he was a monster. Which lead Casey to serve a year in juvie and swear to never trust or befriend anyone ever again. When he got out he went back to living the way he did for the time he was by himself stealing a little bit of food to eat and sleeping in abandoned buildings. Which is what he did until he got the invitation to come to Noble High.

Extra(s):He already knows how to fight pretty well and has a ring he always wears that he was told came from his dad.

(this is what the ring looks like)




OathBreaker is one of the sharpest blades you will ever find and is super effective on angels and demons.
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[QUOTE="Wanda Maxy]


Caroline Withers




March 5th


Queensland, A.U.S




Human with history of Sprites in her family.




  • Caroline is able to Manipulate the forces of nature and the elements connected to it.
  • Skilled with a dagger.
  • A fast climber and runner.
  • Not very skilled in stealth but quick enough to get away with it.


At first Caroline can be shy and uneasy around others, but once she has gotten to know others, she's as bubbly as a puppy. She loves the performing arts, including Dancing, Singing and Acting. But most of all she loves spending long afternoons outdoors with nature.




Sweet things.



Stinky Fish

Spicy things.


Caroline's Dagger


DeathRising said:
Name: Casey McBride
Age: 16

Birthdate: July 25th

Birthplace: Dublin,Ireland

Gender: Male

Species: half human and half demon



Powers/Abilities: Can use shadows to teleport himself and others,turn shadows into constructs, and can hide in shadows almost as if he becomes one with shadows

Personality: Tries to act like a jerk to keep others away. But if some how someone get inside his circle of trust he will do anything to protect that person.

Likes: Music,dogs,and night time

Dislikes: Being talked down to,cats, really sunny days

Extra(s):He already knows how to fight pretty well and has a ring he always wears that he was told came from his dad.

(this is what the ring looks like)

Both accepted! You can start roleplaying whenever you want! :D
Name: Leon Belial

Age: 16

Birthdate: January 7th

Birthplace: Huddersfield, U.K.

Gender: Male

Species: dark angel



-Darkness Manipulation - Controles darkness

-Ascended Physiology - Trancfer your body to another being

-Vice Inducement - Bring out the worst in people and make them sin

Personality: Leon often keeps to himself as he never really got the hang of putting himself 'out there'. Despite this he dose wish to have a friend or just someone close to him. He is very creative often drawing and/or listening to music.

Likes: Rats, dogs, reading, drawing, music and darkness.

Dislikes: Cats, spiders, having to wright, talking infront of a large group of people.

Extra(s): He isn't the strongest angel but that dosen't stop him from trying to become stronger. Due to this he always trys to stay out of trouble and fights. He also has two pet rats, Matte and Toby and he considers them his 'best friends'

-I hope i spelt everything right (>:<)-
Undead said:
Name: Leon Belial
Age: 16

Birthdate: January 7th

Birthplace: Huddersfield, U.K.

Gender: Male

Species: dark angel



-Darkness Manipulation - Controles darkness

-Ascended Physiology - Trancfer your body to another being

-Vice Inducement - Bring out the worst in people and make them sin

Personality: Leon often keeps to himself as he never really got the hang of putting himself 'out there'. Despite this he dose wish to have a friend or just someone close to him. He is very creative often drawing and/or listening to music.

Likes: Rats, dogs, reading, drawing, music and darkness.

Dislikes: Cats, spiders, having to wright, talking infront of a large group of people.

Extra(s): He isn't the strongest angel but that dosen't stop him from trying to become stronger. Due to this he always trys to stay out of trouble and fights. He also has two pet rats, Matte and Toby and he considers them his 'best friends'

-I hope i spelt everything right (>:<)-
Name: Triss Mareo

Age: 16

Birthdate: 16th of Oct

Birthplace: Created within woods

Gender: Female

Species: Faery/ Fairy



- Possess physical attributes that surpass normal humans..

- Enhanced Agility: Gain enhanced ability to perform feats of super speed and reflexes.

- Enhanced Dexterity: Make quick and precise movements in almost any situation.

- Enhanced Durability/Invulnerability: Become impervious to most forms of harm.

Enhanced Strength: Gain enhanced strength.

Malleable Anatomy: alter the body to a limited degree.

- Flight

- Cast powerful illusions that seem nearly real

- Intangibility: Phase through object and avoid attacks with ease.

- Telekinesis: Psionically manipulate structures at an advanced level.

- Teleportation


Although a fairy, Triss is not nearly as delicate as people would believe fairies are. In fact, she defies the entire image. She makes friends as easily as she makes enemies, a classic case of 'verbal diarrhea', she couldn't stop talking for her life. She is usually in a good mood, cheering others up with her babble of words. She also takes joy in annoying others, as she sees it as her way of getting close to them. In most cases, when she's pushed away, it merely attracts her more.


- TV

- Lounging/ relaxing

- Flying


- Shopping

- Swimming

- Cooking

- Talking

- Annoying people


- Snobs

- Bullies

- Rules

Extra(s): Because Triss is a fairy, magic splays from her fingertips, meaning she does not need any physical objects to hold or activate her power.
(Is it too late to join????)

Name: Gracie Volanti

Age: 17

Birthdate: 11th October

Birthplace: She was born in a small cottage a few miles from the nearest civilization

Gender: Female

Species: Human (Witch)




-Levitation (Of herself and others, although it takes up a lot of energy)


-Casting illusions

-Healing of minor injuries (Eg: small cuts or bruises)

-Can identify and use herbs skilfully and quickly

Personality: She's incredibly cheerful, generous and accepting, often opening up to people quickly and easily. She trusts people easily, perhaps too easily. Despite the way she portrays herself, she isn't dainty, and can take a lot of damage before she breaks, both emotionally and physically. Sometimes, she can be self deprecating and anxious, but often covers it up with jokes and laughter. Overall she is a very nice person to be friends with.



-Messing around with the casting of illusions

-Studying herbs

-Studying witchcraft

-Forests and trees


-People in suffering

-being unable to help people



She constantly wears a silver ring, which emits sparks at her will. The sparks cannot do anything, they're mainly just a party trick.

Silver ring:

Name: Blaze Bobak

Age: 17

Birthdate: July 4

Birthplace: A hidden underground kingdom named Inferaito

Gender: Female

Species: Phoenix


Human Form:


Phoenix Form:



Fire Manipulation


Regenerative Healing Factor

Healing Tears

Light Manipulation

Can change between her human form and phoenix form, because phoenix form causes too much attention.


Blaze is a polite and friendly girl, who hates being a princess.

She loves to explore new places, and is also a very honest person.

Blaze will pretend to look threatening towards others at first, since she doesn't trust them, but if you can manage to get past that, she will be her normal self.

She is also very determine when Blaze wants to accomplished her dreams, and Blaze easily gets angry.





Baking Sweets



Spicy Food



People treating her like a princess



Rude people

Having no freedom, and is stuck in an inescapable room


Blaze is actually a princess of that kingdom, but she doesn't like to brag about it.

She also make the best tea and sweets in her kingdom, and her making spicy food is extremely spicy towards anybody, who doesn't like spicy food.

Her spear only appears during her phoenix form, since yes, it's the same spear in her phoenix form picture.
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Name: Ryu Ignatius Kiryuin

Nickname: "The Scholar"; "Three-nine" (A reference to his magic name)

Magic Name: Invictus 939 - "He who would challenge the sun" (Due to tradition, magicians are never supposed divulge their real names. Traditionally, magic names are used instead and they are only declared to other people as an official declaration of a duel to the death, although now it's really just used as a declaration of a normal fight.)


Birthdate: 21.06

Birthplace: Tokyo

Gender: Male

Species: Magically Augmented Human

Appearance (Picture):


Height: 5'8"

Weight: 65.75Kg

Hair: Blond with pink streak

Eyes: Deep Blue

General Appearance: He has a somewhat slender build that masks his muscle mass. He has blond hair which is about shoulder length, with a pink streak in it. Most of the time, he has a small ponytail off to one side.

He is often seen in either a t-shirt and vest, or a casual button-down shirt (most of the time with jeans, although he wears slacks on more 'formal' occasions). He has deep blue eyes, which are hidden behind his wraparound shades almost all of the time. The outside of his right forearm has a tattoo of gears on it. His vest has his insignia on the back of it (Pictured Below)

He almost always has a lollipop in his mouth, except for when he fights, when he switches it out for a cigarette, and then goes back to a lollipop when he's finished fighting.


  • Pyrokinesis: The abitlity to create and manipulate Fire
  • Electrokinesis: The ability to create and manipulate Electricity
  • Magical Augmentation: Replacement of all limbs, Cranial Augmentation (Grants Immunity to mental manipulation as well as vampirism and
  • lycanthropy).


Most of the time, his mannerism and style of speech is very laid back and relaxed. He often jokes around, and enjoys messing with people. He is very intelligent though, which is evidenced by his complex vernacular. However, when he is in combat, his whole demeanor changes. He becomes focused and precise, with very little tolerance for error in his teammates. If he continues to sink into this version of himself, he can become sadistic, enjoying fighting and the damage he inflicts on his opponent. Usually, he can be easily snapped out of this state, but if he stays in it too long, it requires more and more effort to bring him back to his normal self.

He has a strong belief in justice, and will always attempt to do what is just, regardless of what the rules might be.

Likes: Ryu spends most of his free time either training or researching Magic artifacts, for which he has a keen interest. Any time not spent doing those is probably spent on his official student responsibilities.

Dislikes: Ryu detests those who abuse or take advantage of those weaker then themselves, often intervening much more than he should. Despite what his actions may suggest, he is a deeply emotional and caring person at heart, dedicated to justice above all else.

History: Raised in the Shibuya district of Tokyo, Ryu was pushed to be a fighter since birth. Part of the most recent generation in a family of vampire hunters, he was enrolled in martial arts classes almost right after he learned to walk. Unlike most of his peers in the class, Ryu loved the training, he relished getting stronger. Around the age of 12, when he had learned all he could of vampires, he started studying other types of immortals as well. He was shocked with what he found, and came to believe that the other immortals were just as bad as vampires. It was then that he changed his mission to include the eradication of all immortals, and not just vampires as his family desired. He elected to undergo augmentation surgery when he was a child, and has grown to like his augmentations. His limb augmentations appear as normal arms and legs, except when he is fighting, when they change to become more mechanical looking.

Arm Mechanical Form:


Weapon: Demon Blade Infernal GodsBane



A sentient blade capable of setting itself ablaze. When not in use, it is contained in Ryu's bloodstream and can be retrieved from any decently sized wound. To this end, Ryu keeps a large gash in his left hand so he can use GodsBane at any time. He keeps a bandage over the wound and has set his magical augmentations so that it will not heal normally. One of his most prominent features is the ability to consume other magical items and the souls of magical entities. Doing so makes him stronger, although the power he gains from this ability is reset every time he gains a new wielder. Currently Ryu has only been able to feed him several low powered artifacts, the souls of a few minor demons, and the soul of a pureblood vampire. Certain souls also give new abilities in addition to boosting his power. GodsBane is also able to take on a human appearance when he chooses.

Human Appearance:



Rhodus said:
Name: Ryu Ignatius Kiryuin
Nickname: "The Scholar"; "Three-nine" (A reference to his magic name)

Magic Name: Invictus 939 - "He who would challenge the sun" (Due to tradition, magicians are never supposed divulge their real names. Traditionally, magic names are used instead and they are only declared to other people as an official declaration of a duel to the death, although now it's really just used as a declaration of a normal fight.)


Birthdate: 21.06

Birthplace: Tokyo

Gender: Male

Species: Magically Augmented Human

Appearance (Picture):


Height: 5'8"

Weight: 65.75Kg

Hair: Blond with pink streak

Eyes: Deep Blue

General Appearance: He has a somewhat slender build that masks his muscle mass. He has blond hair which is about shoulder length, with a pink streak in it. Most of the time, he has a small ponytail off to one side.

He is often seen in either a t-shirt and vest, or a casual button-down shirt (most of the time with jeans, although he wears slacks on more 'formal' occasions). He has deep blue eyes, which are hidden behind his wraparound shades almost all of the time. The outside of his right forearm has a tattoo of gears on it. His vest has his insignia on the back of it (Pictured Below)

He almost always has a lollipop in his mouth, except for when he fights, when he switches it out for a cigarette, and then goes back to a lollipop when he's finished fighting.


  • Pyrokinesis: The abitlity to create and manipulate Fire
  • Electrokinesis: The ability to create and manipulate Electricity
  • Magical Augmentation: Replacement of all limbs, Cranial Augmentation (Grants Immunity to mental manipulation as well as vampirism and
  • lycanthropy).


Most of the time, his mannerism and style of speech is very laid back and relaxed. He often jokes around, and enjoys messing with people. He is very intelligent though, which is evidenced by his complex vernacular. However, when he is in combat, his whole demeanor changes. He becomes focused and precise, with very little tolerance for error in his teammates. If he continues to sink into this version of himself, he can become sadistic, enjoying fighting and the damage he inflicts on his opponent. Usually, he can be easily snapped out of this state, but if he stays in it too long, it requires more and more effort to bring him back to his normal self.

He has a strong belief in justice, and will always attempt to do what is just, regardless of what the rules might be.

Likes: Ryu spends most of his free time either training or researching Magic artifacts, for which he has a keen interest. Any time not spent doing those is probably spent on his official student responsibilities.

Dislikes: Ryu detests those who abuse or take advantage of those weaker then themselves, often intervening much more than he should. Despite what his actions may suggest, he is a deeply emotional and caring person at heart, dedicated to justice above all else.

History: Raised in the Shibuya district of Tokyo, Ryu was pushed to be a fighter since birth. Part of the most recent generation in a family of vampire hunters, he was enrolled in martial arts classes almost right after he learned to walk. Unlike most of his peers in the class, Ryu loved the training, he relished getting stronger. Around the age of 12, when he had learned all he could of vampires, he started studying other types of immortals as well. He was shocked with what he found, and came to believe that the other immortals were just as bad as vampires. It was then that he changed his mission to include the eradication of all immortals, and not just vampires as his family desired. He elected to undergo augmentation surgery when he was a child, and has grown to like his augmentations. His limb augmentations appear as normal arms and legs, except when he is fighting, when they change to become more mechanical looking.

Arm Mechanical Form:


Weapon: Demon Blade Infernal GodsBane



A sentient blade capable of setting itself ablaze. When not in use, it is contained in Ryu's bloodstream and can be retrieved from any decently sized wound. To this end, Ryu keeps a large gash in his left hand so he can use GodsBane at any time. He keeps a bandage over the wound and has set his magical augmentations so that it will not heal normally. One of his most prominent features is the ability to consume other magical items and the souls of magical entities. Doing so makes him stronger, although the power he gains from this ability is reset every time he gains a new wielder. Currently Ryu has only been able to feed him several low powered artifacts, the souls of a few minor demons, and the soul of a pureblood vampire. Certain souls also give new abilities in addition to boosting his power. GodsBane is also able to take on a human appearance when he chooses.

Human Appearance:



Blackrose7 said:
Name: Blaze Bobak
Age: 17

Birthdate: July 4

Birthplace: A hidden underground kingdom named Inferaito

Gender: Female

Species: Phoenix


Human Form:


Phoenix Form:



Fire Manipulation


Regenerative Healing Factor

Healing Tears

Light Manipulation

Can change between her human form and phoenix form, because phoenix form causes too much attention.


Blaze is a polite and friendly girl, who hates being a princess.

She loves to explore new places, and is also a very honest person.

Blaze will pretend to look threatening towards others at first, since she doesn't trust them, but if you can manage to get past that, she will be her normal self.





Baking Sweets



Spicy Food



People treating her like a princess



Rude people

Having no freedom, and is stuck in an inescapable room


Blaze is actually a princess of that kingdom, but she doesn't like to brag about it.

She also make the best tea and sweets in her kingdom, and her making spicy food is extremely spicy towards anybody, who doesn't like spicy food.

Her spear only appears during her phoenix form, since yes, it's the same spear in her phoenix form picture.
MeenySans said:
(Is it too late to join????)
Name: Gracie Volanti

Age: 17

Birthdate: 11th October

Birthplace: She was born in a small cottage a few miles from the nearest civilization

Gender: Female

Species: Human (Witch)




-Levitation (Of herself and others, although it takes up a lot of energy)


-Casting illusions

-Healing of minor injuries (Eg: small cuts or bruises)

-Can identify and use herbs skilfully and quickly

Personality: She's incredibly cheerful, generous and accepting, often opening up to people quickly and easily. She trusts people easily, perhaps too easily. Despite the way she portrays herself, she isn't dainty, and can take a lot of damage before she breaks, both emotionally and physically. Sometimes, she can be self deprecating and anxious, but often covers it up with jokes and laughter. Overall she is a very nice person to be friends with.



-Messing around with the casting of illusions

-Studying herbs

-Studying witchcraft

-Forests and trees


-People in suffering

-being unable to help people



She constantly wears a silver ring, which emits sparks at her will. The sparks cannot do anything, they're mainly just a party trick.

Silver ring:

[QUOTE="K e n n e d y]
Name: Triss Mareo
Age: 16

Birthdate: 16th of Oct

Birthplace: Created within woods

Gender: Female

Species: Faery/ Fairy



- Possess physical attributes that surpass normal humans..

- Enhanced Agility: Gain enhanced ability to perform feats of super speed and reflexes.

- Enhanced Dexterity: Make quick and precise movements in almost any situation.

- Enhanced Durability/Invulnerability: Become impervious to most forms of harm.

Enhanced Strength: Gain enhanced strength.

Malleable Anatomy: alter the body to a limited degree.

- Flight

- Cast powerful illusions that seem nearly real

- Intangibility: Phase through object and avoid attacks with ease.

- Telekinesis: Psionically manipulate structures at an advanced level.

- Teleportation


Although a fairy, Triss is not nearly as delicate as people would believe fairies are. In fact, she defies the entire image. She makes friends as easily as she makes enemies, a classic case of 'verbal diarrhea', she couldn't stop talking for her life. She is usually in a good mood, cheering others up with her babble of words. She also takes joy in annoying others, as she sees it as her way of getting close to them. In most cases, when she's pushed away, it merely attracts her more.


- TV

- Lounging/ relaxing

- Flying


- Shopping

- Swimming

- Cooking

- Talking

- Annoying people


- Snobs

- Bullies

- Rules

Extra(s): Because Triss is a fairy, magic splays from her fingertips, meaning she does not need any physical objects to hold or activate her power.

Name: Sawada Tsukiyo

Nickname: Reborn

Age: 26

job: Teacher in Noble High

Birthday: Febuary 29

Birthplace: Italy

Gender: Male

Species: Human


Hyper Intuition- its been passed down from his family's generation the power to see through all he can even see through the strongest illusion's, people's feelings,danger, and even lie's this power is the a power to protect and teach and care for others.

Dying Will Flames- Tsukiyo learned thanks to his father's tutor how to control his and others Aura's each person has one or rare sercumstance's two but Tsukiyo can control Four out of seven those four are Sky Rain Sun and Cloud. everyone can use Dying will Flames they just need training

Dying Will Forms- Tsukiyo has trained to use his family's Dying will form's its Dying will, Hyper Dying will, Ultimate Dying will Form.

Personality: Tsukiyo is a mature and caring teacher he love's all of the staff and students equal he is kind but also blunt at time's. Tsukiyo would never betray anyone even if they back stab him or tried to kill him but if you mess with his family and friend's he will not hesitate to send that person to the morge.

Likes: Children, sweets, and cake's

Dislikes: Dark place's and weapon's

History: Tsukiyo was a normal boy but their was a secrect that he knew his father and mother were hidding from him. He let it slide sense he knew it was for his own good his mother always told him that no matter what his father would never do anything to hurt them and he knew she was telling the truth. But that was what bothered him he knew lies and truths he could tell them apart. one day a man came up to him and said Chaous and told Tsukiyo that it was time for him to learn the family Dark secrets after Days months and years Tsukiyo learn about the Vongola his Father and Dying will flames. he didn't want to take over but he wanted to learn more about the mystories of the world. so His uncel gave him the Job they offered him to tsukiyo and told him your name will now be Reborn so go and learn about the world.

Extra: His hair is a bit lighter brown like hazel colored


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Sawada.Tsunayoshi.600.1919131.jpg.86b4a1436d0e84713e434b2ae816300c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83964" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Sawada.Tsunayoshi.600.1919131.jpg.86b4a1436d0e84713e434b2ae816300c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ash Steele


Birthdate: March 23

Birthplace: Miami Florida

Gender: male

Species: human



Powers/Abilities: Fire and smoke manipulation and creation ( as for the abilities I guess you will have to find out.

Personality: Exciting, fiery temper( no pun intended), always itching for a fight, loves everyone that he deems has a good heart





+playing acoustic guitar




-loud music

-arrogant people
Name: Felix

Age: 17

Birthplace: Hell

Gender: Male

Species: Demon

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/2015-11-04-14-01-25.png.5e86347a23cbef10683b36dd470fd42d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83987" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/2015-11-04-14-01-25.png.5e86347a23cbef10683b36dd470fd42d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers/Abilities: Telekinesis-Visual and Auditory Hallucinations-Can Summon and Throw Small Amounts of Fire-Complete Control over a Hell Raven

Personality: Quiet and Mischievous, yet kind for a Demon

Likes: Fooling People-Scaring People

Dislikes: Loud People-Actual Physical Contact

Extra(s): Hell Raven Below<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/2015-11-04-14-03-02.png.a64508451ffd95ab57ba920e6969d16a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83989" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/2015-11-04-14-03-02.png.a64508451ffd95ab57ba920e6969d16a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Evo

Age: 17

Birthplace: Unknown


Species: Rage Incarnate

Base Form

Winged Form (Evolved)

Multi-eyed six arm form (Evolved)

Powers/Abilities: Bloodlust, Super strength, super durability, evolution; meaning he can evolve when needed not when he wants his evolution is accelerated but not super fast but his rage can accelerate his adaptation (He cannot evolve any time he wants) Evolves only when needed or in rage, but after he evolves a new form he can turn into it at any time (as long as he adapted into that form) he wants just by recalling it, he then de-evolves because he sees no point staying in a situational adapted form, and has the power to be empowered and enhanced by his own rage (Without evolving).

Personality: Evo is very straightforward being and he cares not for his identity as a individual, at times he may be seen ignorant.

Likes/Dislikes: Evo loves fighting and evolving more forms as he feels its a sense of power since he can turn into that form he already adapted into any time, and he dislikes anything he finds annoying.

Height: 7'1

Weight: 295 pounds
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Name: Malkavian Veilborn

Age: 18(actually 343 yrs old physically, as his demon soul is actually a few thousand years old. His actual demon name is Zetherian though only few high lvl demons now of him.)

Birth date: June, 5TH, 1672

Birthplace: Liverpool, England

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire/Demon


Demon form:



User can create, shape and manipulate Nether, the "Chthonian Element" that flows through the realms of the living, and the Dead. Nether is most known as the substance that makes up the Underworld, a subterranean dimension where all souls go when they pass on. Nether is very similar to Aether “the Celestial Element” in that is from a Plane that exists between the planes of both matter, and energy. However, although it can partake in the nature of either substances, Nether is neither of these things.

Despite being often considered "Death-Force" Nether is more than the source of what drains life away from living things, it is the destructive aspect of reality, the source and very concept of entropy and destruction, disasters and all degeneration in matter, energy and concepts. It is the power that makes possible and ensures severing the soul's connection to their mortal body, so they can pass onto the after life. It is also the power that summons and controls the souls of the deceased. Users of this power acknowledge that Nether exists in Elemental, Cosmic, and Spiritual forces. Nether exists in the cosmos as sort of a gateway between the land of the Living and the Dead, stretching out to anywhere where death has potential to occur.

Like Aether, Nether is a Spiritual Element, which means it cannot be perceived by any physical sense. The only way Nether can be seen is if it were mixed with an Element of the Physical Realm (Most often Darkness, Fire, or Earth).


User can create, shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons) which give the user control over electric fields, electric charges, electric currents, electronics, and electromagnetism.


User is connected directly and can communicate, influence, manipulate and control
nature: all living beings and plants and natural phenomena, such as the weather and geology of the Earth, and the matter and energy of which all these things are composed. They can survive in any natural environment on earth.

User can control, tap into, blend and/or become elements of nature, including air, weather, lightning, earth, stone, metal, water, ice, clouds/mist, magma, fire etc.. They can control animals and plants and mimic their abilities and forms.

Because user can
communicate with nature, they become instantly familiar with their surroundings, the connection is so deep that the earth can respond to one's emotions and desires (blossoming with flowers and calming weather when happy, making skies stormy when angry, shifting the landscape to gain the advantage in a fight, etc.)

The user can purify, heal and generally influence the health of nature, and considering the fact that they're helping the environment, plants and animals act favorably towards user. They have access to every living species of animal on Earth and can also draw strength from them and acquire their abilities. Nature obeys users every command and operate on a "hive mind", meaning users can control an entire army of animals.

Transcendent Physiology:

User with this ability either is or can transform into a Transcendent Being, entering a state of being free from the constraints of the material world, as in the case of a deity or other beings that can overcome the limitations of physical existence and also become independent of it.

User is physically and mentally beyond essentially all forms of harm or other ways to influence them (outside of other beings of similar status, superior beings or some specific concepts), and gain powers that are supernatural and magical to outside viewer. While they can enter into the material universe, becoming immanent, their true being is outside the existence and thus both independent and outside everything that happens to their manifested/avatar form.

As they are able to perceive the existence in completely different and transcendent way, they can achieve things that are beyond the understanding of lesser beings

This is only some abilities tied to nether manipulations a full list will be here Nether Manipulation

Personality: Zetherian is generally quiet, and non-communicative towards others. Although quiet he is quite smart. Zetherian while his nature is both dark, and light tends to be in between in cold/warm behavior. Tends to stick to himself, but will help those if he wants too. Does not take kindly to rude or aggressive behavior.

Likes/Dislikes: Will be revealed in rp.

Extra(s): Has a few scars on his back back mostly long cut marks a few burn marks. Has a long scar going across his chest extending down across his abdomen. Does not speak about them.

Theme Song: [media]
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(Is it too late to join? You're not that far in so I'll give it a shot.)

Name: Aki (No last name)

Age: 16

Birthdate: December 24th

Birthplace: Unknown

Gender: Female

Species: Unknown



Powers/Abilities: The ability to copy the ability of those she makes physical contact with.

Personality: Aki can be shy at times. But, other than that she always seems to be smiling for the sake of others. She tends not to trust people due to experiences from the past, so she always keeps her distance from the ones around her. She tries her best not to use her powers or even speak of them, feeling that she will hurt anyone or anything. She forgets many.....many....things and often gets lost causing her to get into trouble or be late to school. She will try to pretend that she's weak when she feels she has to and will never show her true power even when told to. Although she usually does not have friend, she always seems to be there to pick you up when you're down.

Likes: Kittens, Star-gazing, helping others, etc.

Dislikes: Being alone, seeing others get hurt (especially by her), etc.

Extra(s): Although Aki's abilities seem overpowering, she is not very good at controlling them sometimes. She is not a quick runner, but can hide her presence very well (when she remembers to). She surprisingly has good combat skill, but only when someone is in danger.
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January 1










Demonic Rage- an ability that his father past down to him which make Sol increase his power, speed, and defense every time he get's hit by an attack but only activate's in serious situation's

Superhuman strength and enhanced endurance

Demonic Slash- Sol can summon an demonic blade and if someone get's cut by the sword they get inject with either poison, sickness, or blindness which can only be cured by either from healing powers or by the person who wield's the sword

Healing Powers

Dark Flames- Sol can use dark flames which he used for defense and attacks


Sol is nice , helpful, and somewhat stubborn he dislike his demon side very much so he resists to fight occasionally cause he has a short temper. Sol is also can become insane sometime's and can become one of his demon side as whole which can cause an disaster when fighting him.


Sol loves music, food, animals, and sleep but he dislike's fighting, bullies, and annoying people


He can retract his wings in and out, but he has an hole in on of his wing's which can never be healed from his childhood​


Birthdate: February 14

Birthplace: a small village he lived in


Species: Shadow knight


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/1413124-bigthumbnail.jpg.e058555a33a8898ed4dbbf2df7bac54c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84672" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/1413124-bigthumbnail.jpg.e058555a33a8898ed4dbbf2df7bac54c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


*Manipulation of all kinds of fire (different colors, temperatures, sizes, types,)

*Manipulation of all kind's of Ice (same as fire)

*when in his shadow night form, he becomes 100x as strong as he was before, it is often brought out by anger or a large amount of sadness.

*He can create armor that cant be penetrated

*(to be found....)

Personality:Quiet, protective (over people he know's), can be easily angered, sometimes he only talk's when spoken to.

Likes/Dislikes: he doesn't like nor dislike anything, only dislike is ignorant people.


shadow knight form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c596c6add_Coolandhandsomeanimeguysdressedinmilitaryuniform_106_.jpg.b1a1c8eadc438f57c055175dbd0a9982.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84682" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c596c6add_Coolandhandsomeanimeguysdressedinmilitaryuniform_106_.jpg.b1a1c8eadc438f57c055175dbd0a9982.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Zane


Birthdate: October 31

Birthplace: a small village he lived in

Gender: Male

Species: Shadow Knight


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Takashi_Kagome.jpg.fde3ca87e18e3950ea37210607f39925.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84681" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Takashi_Kagome.jpg.fde3ca87e18e3950ea37210607f39925.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


*manipulation of all kinds of water

*manipulation of the earth element

*when in his shadow night form, he becomes 100x as strong as he was before, it is often brought out by anger or a large amount of sadness.

*can create very strong weapons

Personality:Quiet, calm, patient(only when it comes to waiting), easily angered.

*(to be found...)

Likes/Dislikes: Doesn't like nor dislike anything


Shadow night form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c596d15a0_images(15).jpg.cf7cdd14de56f78d021be79664b13862.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84685" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c596d15a0_images(15).jpg.cf7cdd14de56f78d021be79664b13862.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I'm not sure when Broken is going to accept you guys, but for now.

Let's just say that you are accepted, since this has happen in a different rp before.

@Anybody, who isn't accepted yet.

Please forgive me, Broken, but someone needed to do this.

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