• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern No Strings Attached

6:15 PM, September 3 - One Week After Classes Started

Ana Volkov - The Classrooms
Ana groaned as she stepped into the empty classroom a whole thirty minutes before anyone was actually supposed to be there. Lucky for her, either the last teacher to use the classroom had forgotten to lock the door, or Miss Carrol had stopped in ahead of time to unlock the doors for her. She shut the door behind her and dropped her bag and helmet onto one of the desks before taping the "No Strings Attached" sign to a blank space on the flyer-covered window. Satisfied that people would now be able to actually find the classroom, Ana pulled off her leather jacket and got to work arranging the chairs. Sure, she'd have to put it all back to normal after everyone else left, but it was weird as hell to stare at everyone from behind the teacher's podium, so she might as well fix that issue now. She lined up enough chairs behind the front row of desks for the officers to be able to face the rest of the classroom. She wiped the dust from the tables off her hands and onto her jeans before turning to the whiteboard and beginning to work.


Gayle Atkinson - The Dorms
Gayle's phone went off, startling her out of her half-asleep state. She cursed under her breath, fumbling for the device from wherever she had dropped it, and managing to half fall out of bed in the process. Finally, she managed to grab her phone off of the bookshelves, jamming her glasses onto her face so she could read the text on the screen.
'No Strings Attached meeting- 7:00 PM'
The brunette groaned, forcing herself to sit back up in bed, shifting the blankets back over her bare legs for the sake of some vague sense of modesty. No time for a nap now, Ana would probably kill her if she missed the first meeting of the semester because she overslept. She pulled her art tablet out of her bag and hooked it into her laptop, determined to at least get some work done if she couldn't get some sleep.
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James Stimson - The Classrooms
James could hear his sister coming by the familiar click of heels on laminate, the regular announcement of her presence, and didn't bother looking up from his phone until he heard a low huff in front of him. "Yes?"

"Are you really waiting outside for me?" Carduus asked, frowning down at her brother, "You know these people James, it's not like you're walking into a full of strangers. Get up."

Standing with a groan, James tucked his phone away and brushed his hair back from his face. He wasn't looking forward to this, he never did but today especially would suck. Ana would be on all their backs to recruit members and annoyed that Dus had dragged another of her meathead boyfriend along to the meeting. In all honesty he couldn't even remember the guys name, but just watching him immediately puff his chest out when James stood and revealed his height showed he was all fragile masculinity and no substance. His sisters type to a T. "After you," he mumbled, waving his sister and her jock into the room.

Taking a deep breath, James tugged his sleeves down over his hands and gave himself a moment to prep. He could deal with this.


Carduus Terra - The Classrooms

"Come on," Carduus snapped, grabbing her brothers wrist and dragging him into the room. She called over her shoulder, "You too Clint, you're attending this."

She ignored the discontent grumbles from the pair of boys, steering them over to sit and giving one of the returning members a nod. "Stay," she instructed her boyfriend, and gave her brother a look informing him to play nice.

Walking up to the front of the room she dropped her bag on one of the officers chairs and sat on the edge of the desk, swinging her feet and playing with a ladder on her tights. "You know they sell shirts in other colours, don't you Ana?"
Nathan Reece - Outside the Classrooms

A cigarette. One of life’s greatest joys.

Nathan smokes while dawdling outside, sitting on a bench, taking in the night. He keeps checking his phone, over and over again glancing at the message he’d received.

‘No Strings Attached meeting- 7:00 PM’

He takes in a lungful of smoke, the tobacco crackling, then flicks the ash away. What am I doing? He wonders. Nathan’s not even sure why he signed up for the bloody club anymore. He’s not sure why he’s so anxious about it either. He’s five minutes away from having to go up there, knock on their door, and introduce himself. What will I say? Hey. Name’s Nathan. Nice to meet you. Was that normal? Is that how people normally introduced themselves?

Why am I being so fucking nervous? It’s not like he’s never talked to another human being before. But since coming to this place, he’ll admit there haven’t been a number of people he’s talked to consistently. Lucky enough to not have a roomate in his dorm, his social expectations had declined rapidly. Is that why he joined the club? To find a group of like-minded people like him?

Ah, fuck it. He shakes his head at himself, for being so stupid, realising he needs to instil a bit of confidence in himself. He flicks the stub of cigarette onto the pavement, boot twisting into the embers, before moving from the bench and into the school building.

It’s weird, coming in here at night, the corridors silent, his steps echoing ever so quietly. It’s even worse as he climbs the stairs, as he expects somebody out of nowhere to jump out at him as he passes the corner. He moves quickly, decisively to the room they’d arranged to meet at. Who was in charge of the club again? Ava? Ana? Guess I’ll find out.

When he finds himself outside the door, noticing the sign taped to the window, he pauses. Should I go in? I mean, I can duck out now. Before they’ve gotten a chance to see me. I doubt they’ll be hunting me down just cause I was a no show. He thinks about it for a while, rubbing his lips, itching for another smoke.

And then a flash of his old life comes into mind, of his old school, his old friends, and his hands grip the doorknob instinctively. He twists and opens the door, peeking his head in.

“Uh, hey. Am I in the right place? A 7 o’clock meeting here or something?” He puts on a sheepish grin, and he can’t help but think; And I’ve already fucked it up.
Rosalie Ahn - The Flying Dutchman Bakery
Rosalie had just finished her shift at the bakery once her phone had buzzed in her pocket. She hurriedly finished washing her hands and just wiped them off on her overalls before pulling her phone out. She read the message out loud about the meeting before driving back to campus. "Ahhh looks like we should have some new recruits that don't want anything to do with soulmates", Rose skillfully whipped her car into the parking spot before heading towards the classroom. She walked down the hall with a childish grin on her face as she saw a relatively lanky male peeking into the room as if it were full of hungry predators.

Being her usually friendly self, Rosalie gleefully patted the boy on his back to push him into the room fully, "Welcome to the club newbie and hello to everybody else! Don't worry, we don't bite. Well, I can't say much for our president though since she has always been a feisty one." She maneuvered herself around the boy and gleefully leapt at Ana, attaching herself to the taller girl's form to interrupt whatever she was writing on the board. Rosalie looked at the board and frowned, "Wow...you really work hard to make these meetings so serious and kinda boring Ana. Shouldn't we make it more exciting for the freshmeat coming in?"

Ana Volkov - The Classrooms
Ana didn't glance away from the board when Carduus walked in, her attention still pretty much fully on the board. She barely even registered in time when she commented on her shirt, barely glancing the other girl's way long enough to give her a smirk. "What color do you suggest then, princess? I mean, I have an image to keep up, you know, but if it's a good enough idea-"
The rest of the statement was cut off when the new guy walked in, followed shortly after by Rosalie running in and clinging onto her arm. Whatever she was going to say spluttered into a cough, her face going a bit red as her attention jolted to the shorter girl hanging onto her. "I- Ah- Shit, Rose, I was trying-" Ana let out a quiet groan, running her free hand through her hair in attempt to buy time while she reorganized her thoughts. "I was trying to set up a half-decent agenda for tonight's meeting, seeing as some of us have been gone all summer so we haven't got anything done. I'm sure the new kids get it." She gave a gesture in the direction of the new boy, halfheartedly shaking her arm to shoo off Rosalie.
Carduus Terra ~ The Classrooms

The glare Carduus sent Rosalie's way could have melted ice. _She_ was clearly having a conversation with Ana, and if the other girl was close enough she'd probably have 'accidentally' kicked her by now. "It's a serious club, might as well scare off the newcomers who aren't prepared to handle it before they drag us all down with their sob stories."

Pushing herself off the desk Carduus dropped to the floor, flicking her braid off of her shoulder and turning her attention to Ana again. "As I was saying, colour. Add some red if you're so concerned with your image," she continued, "I'll take you shopping. I can even find a shirt with one of your bands on it if you really want.


James Stimson ~ The Classrooms

James sent the new guy a small smile, waving him over to sit. He looked about as comfortable as James felt, which was saying a lot considering these meetings were near torture for him. Too many people crowded into one room, along with his sisters awkward flirting attempts with Ana in front of her boyfriend of the week, and then angry political discussions to top it off. "They'll be like that for a while, just ignore them. This is the right place."
Nathan Reece - The Classroom (No Strings Attached Club)

Chaos. That’s all Nathan could see and hear. And being pushed into it all (literally) didn’t help his transition, and he found himself standing in the doorway, squeezing his hands together. All he can do is glance around helplessly.

He notices the asian girl who had pushed him in was clinging onto the girl in front of the room like a koala, talking about fresh meat. And then a blonde girl stands, looking pissed off, and starts talking about buying a red shirt, in a strange defensive way. For some reason. Weird.

A boy sitting at the tables (which were arranged in a way that suggested the club was about to go speed dating soon) waves him over, and Nathan breathes relief as his mind can focus on something other than feeling awkward. Quickly, he scurries over. But it only dawns on him (slowly, like a ticking bomb) as he sits down that he’ll now have to talk, which could prove to be difficult in a myriad of ways.

"They'll be like that for a while, just ignore them. This is the right place."

Nathan smiles (or he tries to anyway), and then, trying to come up with something to say, nods at the blonde, then glances at the asian girl. “Do they hate each other or something? Just seems like it, that’s all.” Is that a weird question to ask? He didn't know. But it's all he's got.
Ezekiel Moules-the Park

Crowded, bustling, and allergants everywhere, the park was as lively as ever. Nevertheless, it was still more peaceful than the gym, well at least that was Ezekiel's perception. Perhaps his belief that the unpredictable nature of nature itself would make for better training skewed his opinion. That, and the fact that he would always listen to music during his runs to drown out the noise. Even the students who gathered here seemed to be as the trees, and grass. To Zeke they were just another part of this thing society called The Park. At this point in his collegiate career this exercise of his had become routine fringing on addiction. If he didn't do it, he would feel bad for the rest of the day. He would even purposely park further than he would have to, just so he could take this detour on the way to his car. It was actually pretty efficient. So he continued indulging in his favorite past time until his music was interrupted by a message.

"Aw hell...." Zeke mumbled under his breath as he broke his form to fumble around for his phone. Still running, Zeke tried to read the text message and avoid hitting the harmless park pedestrians. Keeping in line with his priorities he put the phone away after skimming through it.

"7:00....meeting....AM...no PM....who....Aw hell...." Zeke rambled to himself as he broke form once again to get his phone and read the message. Once he actually took his time to read it, he realized the meeting would actually be underway pretty soon. Since it wasn't sports related he totally forgot he had decided to join them. He even forgot who, or what made him decide to join as he could faintly remember the purpose having something to do with soulmates...dating...(why the hell would I sign up for this?) Perhaps if he wasn't already occupied, he would think with more clarity; however, he was occupied with his favorite addiction so everything else was placed on the backburner. He finally switched off the autopilot on his legs when he realized the meeting place was in the opposite direction he was running.

"Damn....damn...damn." Zeke huffed as he began running in the opposite direction. Once again had he been thinking clear from the beginning he would have noticed right away that he would most likely be the only sweaty mass of flesh in the classroom. He would then realize he had a change of clothes, and some towels in his car. He would then realize he could drive said car to a closer parking spot and enter the classroom saving both time and effort. After awhile he finally came to these realizations and then muttered even more profanities as he about faced and nearly sprint in the direction of his car. Ironically, a quite mellow song contrasting the situation as well as his emotions, was playing making the entire event even more comical.

Finally making it to his car, Zeke dried himself and changed his clothes fairly easily. If this wasn't good enough for the meeting then...well Zeke didn't really care. He wasn't above leaving the club after the first day, but that would only be after the first day. He at least wanted to make the first meeting before deciding to drop clubs. Moreover, he didn't like breaking prior engagements even if he could barely remember making them. Even though his initial journey was a real hassle, finding a parking spot, the building, and the classroom was relatively a breeze. Ezekiel, taking one of his earphones out, let out an annoyed sigh and then wiped his face one more time with a towel he had hanging over his neck. He opened the door, nodding his head just to acknowledge whoever was already in the classroom while not looking at anyone in particular. He surveyed the room to gain an understanding of what he exactly got himself into. Funding, importance, faculty support, student support, management etc. Basically, it boiled down to is this worth my time or not.

"No strings attached...corny as hell." Zeke said with a smile looking at one of the flyers as he continued to look around the classroom.
Rosalie Ahn - The Classroom
Rosalie listened attentively to Ana a blank look on her face. Did she understand why Ana wanted to present an aura of professionalism? Sure, but that doesn't mean she wanted to give off such a stuffy appearance in front of the ones she knew. When Ana shook her arm, Rosalie easily detached herself and shrugged her shoulders, "I see your point and will follow your lead Prez." She offered the girl a mock salute before turning to take her seat before the room became too packed.

Rosalie had finally focused on the one person that had always rubbed her the wrong way, Carduus. She placed her head in right hand as she looked Carduus over in one slow glance. Rosalie had never understood their rocky relationship but she did get a kick out of annoying Carduus whenever she could.. "Honestly Carduus, I don't even know why you continue to have such a shitty attitude towards me. It's a new year, you would think that you would let it go since being petty and jealous just ruins your pretty face."
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Malik Morocco

On the other side of campus Malik would saunter down the sidewalk, piercing eyes looking this way and that as he did. A cigarette would be poking out from his lips, a trail of smoke following behind him. It was time for the meeting and to be quite honest he was excited. No Strings Attached had been something of a family for him. One he cared deeply about. Plus the people were all kooky and annoying, it made it all the better.

It wouldn’t take him too long and before he knew it he’d be in the building just down the hall. Since there wasn’t anyone around he could hear the faint voices of his club drifting through the hallway and couldn’t help the small smile that played at his lips. HIs pace would pick up and seconds later he’d be opening the door.

“Hellooooooo my fellow losers of society!” He’d greet the room, throwing his arms out in the air and giving dramatic jazz hands. “I know you’ve all missed me. I missed me too.”

Walking towards the table where the officers sat, he’d be sure to look around. “I see plenty of lovely faces and even some new ones. Perfect!”
Nora Boyer - The Classrooms

Nora drank the last of the iced tea she'd picked up from the Café as she neared the club room. The door was closing when she got there, and she could hear Malik inside, along with Rose and Carduus already going at it. "Seriously?" She asked as she went in, tossing the cup in the trash. "Can we keep the arguments to after the meetings, you know, when all the new members aren't around?" She waved at Malik as she went over to her designated seat. "It's not like we're supposed to be projecting a certain image or anything." She was more than a little tempted to drag a desk over so she could prop her feet up on it, but she didn't think Ana would appreciate it as much as she would.

She settled with putting her feet up on the chair next to her. Since Carduus was sitting on the floor, she safely assumed she wouldn't be using it for the time being. She hooked an arm over the back, looking over their newest additions until Ana decided enough people were there and they could finally start.
Ana Volkov - The Classrooms
Ana let out a groan when the argument started, glancing over to give both girls a frown, although it probably wasn't as much of one as they deserved, considering she was still half-focused on finishing with the board. "Hey. Play nice. Newbies are here and-"
Yet another interruption in the middle of her sentence, this time in the form of Malik. She rolled her eyes slightly as his over the top arrival, taking advantage of the distraction to finish scrawling the last couple words on the board. She'd barely finished when Nora came in, barely setting a foot through the door before chewing out Dus and Rose for fighting. She waited for the girl to finish saying her piece before returning her attention to the guilty parties. "Thank you, Nora. Like she said, new people, so pretend to like each other until they're more used to this. If you desperately need to fight, wait until after the club and. Hell, I don't know. Have a good, old-fashioned fist fight in the parking lot or something. Just don't get caught by campus security, because that would definitely not help with the club's image." She shrugged, leaning back against a clear part of the whiteboard and surveying the room. "Anyway, everyone who's here, hi! Welcome to No Strings Attached, the meeting will officially start in a lil bit, seeing as it's not actually 7 yet, so if you need to hit the bathroom or smoke or something, go do that now, because once we get started, you're stuck in here until the meeting's over."


Gayle Atkinson - The Dorms
Gayle must have lost track of time, because before she knew it, it was about five minutes until the meeting started, and she still wasn't exactly equipped to go outside. She cursed quietly, shoving off her covers before going to scrounge for a pair of pants. Okay, Ana probably wouldn't kill her for being late, but she'd almost certainly get stuck doing something she'd rather not do, like that time Ana had made her make posters for the club. Or make cupcakes for a bake sale. Or any other of a number of consequences she'd received for times she'd been late. She'd really prefer not to start off this semester with being volun-told to, she didn't know, create an entire album about the horrors of the red string laws.
Gayle hopped into a pair of jeans and deemed herself ready to face the outside world, grabbing her key before leaving the dorm and heading towards the building they had the meetings in. With any luck, she might even make it to the club before the meeting started.
Alana Pierce - The Classroom (No Strings Attached Club)​

Alana had arrived at the door to the classroom she assumed was the right place by the noise going on inside. She had just finished going for a swim in the training pool, hair still extremely damp and towel wrapped around her neck as her gym bag swung from her shoulder carelessly. The girl wasn't sure if joining the club was the right choice persey, the sign reading No Strings Attached was less than appealing, making things sound as if she were ready to waltz into some kind of brothel; but anything that was against the idiocy of being forced to marry her destined person seemed better than actually doing so. "Please don't be filled with hormone raged creeps." She close her eyes and whisper to herself silently before entering the classroom.

There seemed to be a lot going on already, it wasn't quite seven o'clock yet there were many bodies stationed around the room in waiting. It was obvious some people knew one another quite well while others, like Alana, were clearly new to the whole "rebellion club" thing. When the girl, Alana recognized as the leader of the club, made the announcement of their nearing beginning Alana awkwardly looking for a comfortable spot to sit in.
James Stimson ~ The Classrooms

James had barely told the new guy next to him, "Nah they're all friends.", before he was standing and crossing the room in a few quick strides to hold his sister back from assaulting someone. Planting one hand firmly on her shoulder, and the other over Carduus mouth, he shot Rose and Nora a pleading look over the top of her head. Ana seemed to have it covered well enough but his disappointed puppy eyes had helped his sister out on more than one occasion. He could feel the small girl shaking with suppressed and anger, and he wasn't surprised when she bit him in an attempt to get his hand off her mouth.

"Smoke," James instructed his sister, ignoring her muffled protest and steering Carduus toward the door. "You have some time and you need to cool off."


Carduus Terra ~ The Classrooms

Carduus bristled, turning to yell at her brother when he pushed her out the door only to have the door shut in her face. She stamped her foot, let out an indignant little huff, and stormed back into the room. "I can't smoke without my cigarettes James," she hissed, heading back over to the officers seats and shooting Nora a dirty look.

"Feet down," she said, and then turned to look around the room briefly. There was a number of people just awkwardly standing around, and with her mood already soured she just snapped at the lot of them. "For Christ's sake, don't just stand there. Take a seat or do what Ana said."
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Rosalie Ahn - The Classroom

All Rose could do was let out a tired sigh at the pleading look that James had given her. She had no intention of fighting until the girl had initiated it first but the argument wasn't doing them any good. Rose had begun to absentmindedly twirl a strand of hair after giving James a nod that she would drop it, for now anyway. A light chuckle escaped as she surveyed the various expressions on the faces of the newbies. It was funny to see them vary from confusion, concern, and even a little fear.

She offered them all a friendly wave, plus a joking wink in Malik's direction, "You all may as well get comfortable or do whatever you want to before we start. Ana's not playing around when she says that you'll be stuck here until it's over. When I first joined, I realized that I had to go to the bathroom about 10 minutes in to the meeting but I wasn't allowed to go. Kind of thought I had joined some weird club with a sadistic president but everything turned out alright. Ana only does that so the flow of the meeting won't be broken up from distractions that can be taken care of." Rosalie turned back towards Ana with a wide grin and offered her a thumbs up as appreciation.
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Casper Ollila

For the very first time, Casper found themself at the doors of No Strings Attached. They were shaking, and whether it was nerves or a lack of food was something not even they knew. Slowly, they peeked inside, taking count of the number of people there before smiling shyly, though it quickly turned into a wince as they came in, shoulders hiking up. Having already surveyed the room, it took them no time at all to plant themself in an empty seat where they could wait for the meeting to start.

Ever since Casper had given his phone number at the involvement fair, they hadn’t been sure if they were more excited or anxious about attending a club meeting, and someone snapping definitely didn’t help them fight the inkling of dread that had been building all week.

Though Casper was prone to forgetting things, they had been unable to forget this, and not just due to the copious reminders they had kept in their phone and on their wall, one of at least ten sticky notes currently attached to the board stuck to it. The thought of actively pushing for change was scary, as was the idea they might meet some people, and they had almost decided not to come. They kind of wished they hadn’t.

What Rosalie said did not help.
Malik Morocco
The Classroom

Malik knew he shouldn’t have been too surprised at the sight before him but he was a bit surprised it’d happen the first day. He was also a bit disappointed- especially with Rose and Carduus for automatically arguing with one another. It wasn’t a very good representation for the club with the new members. He just hoped it wouldn’t cause them to lose the newbies before they even got started. So he could only give a round of applause for James when he kicked his sister out temporarily.

Only to see her come back in. Yeah, he should have known the door wouldn’t keep her back.

“Rose and Carduus, please- Stop talking. You two are not easing any nerves the newcomers might have.” Malik would say, patting Rose on her shoulder before looking at the newcomers.

“Please don’t let them get to you. I promise we’re not that bad and that not all of us have attitudes. Just give this meeting a chance to see how we work. You’ll be invested and not wanting to leave to miss a minute.” He’d try to recover, sending them a warm smile. “So please, use this time to use the restrooms, grab snacks, make a phone call, whatever you need to do.”

‘I for one need a smoke…’ He’d think to himself, patting the familiar small box in his pants pocket.
Nora Boyer - The Classrooms

Nora smiled, and was more than a little tempted to keep her feet up, just to see what would happen. But she had already spoken up against them fighting earlier, and her starting one would be pretty counterproductive to that. Plus, she didn't think Ana would be happy with her, and she actually cared about keeping her position in the club. "Fine, fine," she said, waving her off as she moved her feet. "Just most of us." She added onto Malik's statement, shooting the newbies a grin.

"So, when are we getting this show on the road, oh club president?" She glanced at Ana, then at the clock in the back of the room. It had to be seven by now, right? She squinted at it.
Skye let out a sigh as they finally finished the online match of the game they were playing. They turned and looked at the clock, seeing that it was almost time for the No Strings Attached meeting. That last game had cut it a little close, but they still would have time to make it there before it started. Skye got out of their comfy chair and took a long stretch. They rubbed their tired eyes and grabbed a hoodie to pull over their worn out League of Legends T-shirt. They grabbed a pair of socks also before pulling on their pair of sneakers and locking their dorm up.

Skye made their way to the class room, humming some anime theme while they walked. They made it there and casually pushed the door open, only to be met with the sight of new and old faces. Some of which where angry, others filled with anxiety. They let out an awkward laugh before giving a wave. "Sup? Was I interrupting something?"

Skye made their way over to a desk and sat on it, shoving her hands into her pocket. The club had some more members, this is good.
Ana Volkov - The Classrooms
"We're missing someone, Nora, so we're gonna give it a moment." Ana had barely finished talking when Skye entered the room. Ana smirked at the question, giving a shake of her head. "Nothing that unusual, anyway. I almost thought you weren't gonna make it, though."
Ana didn't wait for their response before clapping her hands together to get everyone's attention. "I hope you don't have anything else you need to do, because the meeting starts now. If you just realized you're in the wrong place, you're also stuck here 'til the meeting's over, so be a bit more observant next time." She gave everyone a moment to find their seats as she shot them her brightest smile. "Awesome, okay! It is 7 o'clock exaaactly, so let's get started. So hi, welcome back to those of you who've been here before, and if you're new, welcome to No Strings Attached! I'm Ana, and- Gayle, you're late."
The last statement, and the accompanying scowl, was directed at the person ducking through the door just a few moments after she'd started talking.


Gayle Atkinson - The Dorms
"Huh. I disagree with that assessment. The clock still reads 7."
"Oh, for- I'll let it go this time, just find your damn seat."
Gayle shrugged, dropping into the nearest unoccupied seat. She barely sneaked a glance around the class; if there were new people she needed to talk to she could find out later.
"As I was saying, I'm the president of this club, for those of you who don't know me. On my left are Skye, Nora, and Carduus, on my right are Rosalie and Malik. That's all I'm doing for introductions today, considering some of you won't be here next time we meet," and Gayle could have sworn that Ana gave an almost dirty look at the jock sitting next to James with that statement, although she seemed to remember herself moments later, continuing with, "but feel free to introduce yourselves to each other, and to me, after the meeting is concluded."
Gayle's interruption was seemingly forgotten, now that Ana was finding her stride. "Now, I assume you guys know this already, but this club is dedicated to taking action against the Red Strings Laws. I'm stating this just so everyone's clear, that this? Isn't a support group. We're a group of activists working together to abolish a set of laws which discriminate against people who disagree with the system currently in place, because that system is fucking stupid. Any questions before we really get started?"
Gayle hated to admit it, but Ana did have some skill in this.
Benji Richards - Apartment

It took Benji a while before he had come to the realization that he had passed out on the couch and had seemingly ended up on the floor, somehow he had slept through the process that had happened to of caused him to hit impact to the ground. Despite waking up, he had come upon a terrible realization of having a full schedule sense he had waken up earlier than expected in his napping period. Not that there was anything he had to do when he woke up, it was just not the ideal time to be up, it was barely past seven in the evening, even Squish was in the beautiful purgatory between awake and asleep.

Benji vaguely caught the taste of wanting to try seeing where things could lead him, meaning walking around campus and seeing if there was anything interesting going on and if not he at least wanted to check out the billboards and get a good walk session in. Getting up, he wandered into the kitchen, stealing a bright blue Jones Soda from the fridge that he was ninety percent sure was his roommates. Grabbing his keys, jacket and slipping on his shoes he wandered out to the easy trek to the university, seeing as his roommate was usually out and using the one beat up car they had.

He had his earbuds in when he stepped onto campus, playing the playlist on his phone titled, "Benji's Fun Jam Time," a very colorful selection of songs he'll automatically bob his head to and mouth the lyrics to without a care or thought in the world. While on his musical stroll through campus he headed through the quad before finding the bulletin board he had ended up at. There were a lot of concerts, materials for sale a lot of things that were not catchy his eye just right, before he was about to leave the wind picked up and he saw a flyer under a concert poster that caught his eye. He looked over at it, No Strings Attached. An anti-red string law club, without thinking he took the flyer and looked over the contents, there's supposed to be a meeting happening right now, he'd be late, but the more the merrier right?

He strode to the building the meeting was being held at, taking his time.When he found the right room he opened the door slowly, poking his head in. Scanning the room he solidified that yeah, this is the right place.

"Don't mind me...." Benji said, tugging an ear bud out and coming inside, pulling a chair out and plopping down.
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Skye nodded to Ana as she answered their question, letting out a light laugh at the comment of her not making it. Since Skye had joined, they had never missed a meeting, and they hoped to keep it that way.

Skye made themself comfortable at the mention of the meeting starting soon. They new about the rules of no leaving to keep the flow going, so they knew that they wouldn't be leaving any time soon. Skye's gaze turned to the two members almost late, one being a old member the other one new.

Skye noticed the boy either didn't know that he was basically late, or just wanted to make it seem like he was always there. Skye decided to ignore him entering late to prevent as much embarrassment that he might face if everyone was looking at him. They let their gaze stay on Ana as she talked, listening to the speech they had already heard, however it never got old to them.
Rosalie Ahn - The Classroom
Hearing the usual welcoming speech may have been fun for the new members, and some of the old ones, but it was pretty boring for Rosalie. She made sure that she appeared to be paying attention while her mind had wandered off. Glazed over eyes had scanned the room as she randomly studied the faces around her. The boy beside James seemed pretty cute in a scared puppy way but he seemed to be way too timid for her taste. Rosalie let out a silent sigh as she turned her attention to Carduus' new boy toy of the week.

She couldn't place her finger on it, but she had already come to the conclusion that he must be just as annoying as Carduus is since he was still with her. Rose also toyed with the idea that the boy was just too stupid to realize that he was being played. All she could do was chuckle under her breath and shake her head, whoever decided to waste their time on Carduus was none of her business. After stretching her arms out in front of her, Rosalie leaned back in her seat, "Well, it appears that no one has any pressing questions Ana so we should be able to move on with the meeting."
Ana Volkov - The Classrooms
Ana let out a low breath in annoyance when yet another person walked in late, although she couldn't exactly call it an interruption since no one had been talking. Still, it said on every flyer and in the text itself what time the meeting was, and even if the kid was new, people wandering in was always a distraction. She forced herself to push the feeling away, though, when Rosalie pointed out that no one was asking anything, which in itself wasn't very unusual; a lot of people wouldn't ask questions until they knew what to expect, or unless someone else got the ball rolling, and new faces meant no one was comfortable enough for either. She shot a smile in Rose's direction before sinking down into her chair. "Certainly seems that way, so let's get this started for real. Sorry in advance if I make anyone bored, I promise not every meeting is just me talking, but since it's our first one in a while and there's a lot of new people I need to do some housekeeping today."
"So, as you can see on the board," Ana paused to let anyone who hadn't glanced it over yet have a moment to before continuing, "Our first major goal for the semester is to organize a protest. After all, change only starts when the problem is visible, and most people refuse to see that the laws are a problem. I'm also hoping this'll help our newer faces understand just what they're getting into, and help our older faces get back into the swing of things after their summer off. Now of course, this means we need to get to work on organizing that entire thing, figuring out if we're going to have to apply for a permit, get the word out, etcetera etcetera. While this is definitely still a bit in the abstract, keep in mind that that'll be coming up, so we'll probably be talking about it a lot in the upcoming meetings."
Ana took a breath, re-centering herself before asking, "I know that was a bit of information to dump at once, and we're all probably a bit tired, so does anyone have any questions now?"

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