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Realistic or Modern No Strings Attached

Hearing someone tell the two people, one of whom had snapped, to stop definitely eased Casper’s nerves, if only a bit. And then this man was speaking to the newcomers, smiling at them, and Casper melted. He was pretty… Casper wanted to draw that smile.

For a moment, they were simply lost in thought, ignoring everyone as they thought through strokes of a pencil, holding the image of that smile in their mind, thinking about how they might mix colors.

They only snapped back into the meeting as Ana asked if there were questions, and, failing to notice the newcomers, Casper found themself with one: how exactly were they going to change anything? Even the idea of going through a project of this size left their mind buzzing, and it was hard to believe they were really going to do this. They yearned for guidance.

However, past experience led them to conclude that asking this question would be very, very stupid, and possibly lead to quite a few problems. So, they didn’t ask it, instead waiting to see if anyone else would ask a question instead… which they did not.

The third time someone entered the room late was different from the first two, and Casper’s eyes were drawn to the newcomer as he spoke. It’d be a lie to say their eyes didn’t linger.

As Rose spoke, Casper finally dragged their eyes back to the front. They quickly decided that they’d been right to avoid asking their question- after all, Ana was answering it anyway, and they hadn’t had to embarrass themself to get the answer. Their only question answered, their mind began to drift yet again.

A protest. Casper had never been a part of one of those before, and frankly, the mixture of exhilaration and terror that flooded them at the idea didn’t feel too awful. It was enough they were almost vibrating.
Carduus Terra ~ The Classrooms

Carduus started to blank out the question time, pulling out a notebook to start taking minutes, when a familiar voice spoke up.

"So, uh, like, what are we protesting?" her boyfriend asked, and she didn't need to look up to know Ana was glaring at him.

With a long sigh the girl looked up from her search for a pen and shot Clint a disappointed frown "We spoke about this, honey. We're trying to remove the red string laws. You said you wanted to help."

"Oh. I thought-" he shook his head, clearly having confused himself trying to think. "Don't we have laws for a reason?"


James Stimson ~ The Classrooms

James winced as soon the words were out of Clint's mouth, shuffling slightly away from the idiot and avoiding his sisters eye. He knew where this was going and he refused to publicly dump another one of Dus' boyfriends for her.
Malik Morocco

As Malik sat at his desk, his fingers tapped lightly on the surface. He’d listen to Ana talk, letting his eyes roam across the room. They would stray on the newer faces and Malik would take some mental notes to be sure to get their names and numbers. He’d wait patiently to see if anyone would ask any questions but he doubted they would. He remembered his first time at the club, he’d certainly been quiet. He’d give a nod in agreement with Rosalie’s words.

“Can’t force a question out of them either. They’ll ask when we get further into it.” He’d add, looking over at Ana as she began to really get into her leader mode. He’d listen intently to her words, nodding at her idea of a protest. What a wonderful way to get the year started! One of the newcomers would finally speak up about a question and Malik for a moment… Just for a moment hoped it would be an intelligent one. Or at least something to keep it going.

But no. Of course not.

“Malik would pat on the desk, creating a sort of drumroll effect, already knowing that if it wasn’t Carduus that was about to light this boy up, it would be Ana. Either way it was about to get good and Malik was happy to have a front row seat.

“And the award for world’s dumbest question goes toooooo….” He’d announce, snickering.

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