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Fantasy No Mortals (Accepting new characters!)

Thinking about making a Artificial Immortal character, working with the fleet sounds cool.
That'd be great, @Spanner though you might wanna stick with one character for the time being, you still keen to play as your Demon? Or you wanna switch and put him on hold?
Well, playing as a demon could have been fun but somehow I feel that it's probably going to be rather boring without that much of characters residing in Bad Town...
i just realized how melee-centric that scout squad is
Oh true, a few of us seem to have swords, lol. I have a gun though! and someone has a bow. I'm looking forward to a real conflict between Artificials, Immortals, and Demons. Especially when @SleepyBuddha and @Loex Ibetink become demons, you guys were planning to do that right?
@Rurnur I'm gonna take a break from this rp for the rest of the day. Feel free to go on without me: I'll jump in again sometime either later tonight or early tomorrow.

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