no man's sky!

Finishing the Atlas path literally right now cx
I got my new gaming rig literally today. The day No Man's Sky released on PC. This is just upsetting. I so desperately want to give them money but if it's as horrendously bad as reports are suggesting then I'm going to have to hold onto that purchase. There's always PS4, but by all accounts I should be able to blow that performance out of the water and I'm honestly not a fan of playing anything other than exclusives on it due to PS+.

Hopefully they do manage to get it running properly in the future. The people behind the game seem rather nice and quite passionate about the whole project.
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I got my new gaming rig literally today. The day No Man's Sky released on PC. This is just upsetting. I so desperately want to give them money but if it's as horrendously bad as accounts are suggesting then I'm going to have to hold onto that purchase. There's always PS4, but by all accounts I should be able to blow that performance out of the water and I'm honestly not a fan of playing anything other than exclusives on it due to PS+.

Hopefully they do manage to get it running properly in the future. The people behind the game seem rather nice and quite passionate about the whole project.

For more information on the crashing, read here:
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Well, I drifted over to Sean Murray's twitter from there. I'm not sure if he expected this or his stance on fixing it or what, but immediately going "you all just have out of date drivers and don't meet the reqs" comes across as dismissive to me. That shook up my faith in it getting fixed.

Granted, dumping all hope after a few hours is ridiculous. Have a feeling this particular waiting game is gonna take a little while though.
Well, I drifted over to Sean Murray's twitter from there. I'm not sure if he expected this or his stance on fixing it or what, but immediately going "you all just have out of date drivers and don't meet the reqs" comes across as dismissive to me. That shook up my faith in it getting fixed.

Granted, dumping all hope after a few hours is ridiculous. Have a feeling this particular waiting game is gonna take a little while though.

Mhm, I'm not sure they were even aware it was their fault until recently and don't want to admit it cause that would make them look rather awful.

I was hopping to play though sometime today, though I guess its going to have to wait until after school starts unfortunately. -sighs-
Mhm, I'm not sure they were even aware it was their fault until recently and don't want to admit it cause that would make them look rather awful.

I was hopping to play though sometime today, though I guess its going to have to wait until after school starts unfortunately. -sighs-

I feel your pain. I've been waiting 5 months to play this, downloaded it today, fired it up, got just past the title screen and then it crashed. I'm waiting for a patch soon(tm) to fix this, in the meantime I'll do my best to update drivers and stuff, despite having 0 issues with any other games. Worst case scenario - I need a gaming PC, which I've been saving for anyway, but it would still delay me by quite a while.

If anybody reading this knows how to fix the crashing I experience please let me know.
I feel your pain. I've been waiting 5 months to play this, downloaded it today, fired it up, got just past the title screen and then it crashed. I'm waiting for a patch soon(tm) to fix this, in the meantime I'll do my best to update drivers and stuff, despite having 0 issues with any other games. Worst case scenario - I need a gaming PC, which I've been saving for anyway, but it would still delay me by quite a while.

If anybody reading this knows how to fix the crashing I experience please let me know.

Its the Devs fault, not ours so we gotta wait for a patch that is currently seeming nonexistent at the moment.
Its the Devs fault, not ours so we gotta wait for a patch that is currently seeming nonexistent at the moment.

Sounds like. The system specs I'm seeing thrown out - there's no reason the kinds of issues being reported should be this widespread. Have an i7 6700k, GTX 970, and 16 GB RAM myself. Kind of tempted to purchase it, give it a test run in Steam, then refund it after seeing just how poorly it performs but that's a fair bit of trouble to go through for the sake of curiosity.
Sounds like. The system specs I'm seeing thrown out - there's no reason the kinds of issues being reported should be this widespread. Have an i7 6700k, GTX 970, and 16 GB RAM myself. Kind of tempted to purchase it, give it a test run in Steam, then refund it after seeing just how poorly it performs but that's a fair bit of trouble to go through for the sake of curiosity.

Unlike you...I'm running on a Windows laptop. Connect the dots from there.

If I can run Skyrim with 50+ mods with a playable frame rate, then why not be able to launch this?
Now, PS4 hasn't crashed for me. The reviews say after ten or fifteen hours that the concept can grow scale.

If the idea that this is the largest map in video games EVER isn't entertaining.

I've put over a day's worth of hours into the game and still stand awestruck by all I find. Naming everything I discover, even if no one may see it is hugely satisfying. I feel as though the combat mechanics and other little gameplay tidbits aren't the main focus as much as simply EXPERIENCING this giant universe. It seems to span without end in all compass directions. Murray (the dev) said that free content will be added over time. Hell, they had three updates for PS4 in the span of the release day. Some of the reviews seem to come from people looking for either high-action combat or more Minecraft-esque crafting and gathering. But that isn't No Man's Sky, at least yet. There isn't no definitive main path. Atlas is one, yeah, but it gives you the option to just dick around. Which I love.

Went on a bit about it.
@Milus i agree with you totally, here! i've been seeing a lot of negative reviews around and honestly it's kind of heartbreaking :// it's one thing being upset about a non-functional game like some PC users are unfortunately experiencing -- that's totally reasonable, and i hope the issues are resolved asap -- but it's so unfair to be giving this game negative press based on expectations that... well, i think people formed themselves, rather than being given by the team.

NMS was always intended to be a "very very chill" exploration game. just from the concept alone anyone would be able to guess it could get repetitive, if exploration isn't really your thing. personally, i played a solid 8 hours on release day & have been playing in 2-3 hour chunks since & i really haven't found myself bored because i'm a sucker for the game's beautiful visuals and for discovery. man, i find it so hard to drag myself off a planet when more & more of those little "?"s keep showing up. i finally fully documented a planet's species yesterday & it was so satisfying lol.

so yeah, i think it's a shame how harshly the game is being treated by people who were expecting something they weren't promised. but hopefully it'll find its niche, the PC version will be fixed promptly etc., and all will be well.. because i really do love this game ovo

(went on about it a bit too, haah)
I'm really disappointed ,_,

At least I got Deus Ex Man Kind Divided at the end of this month!
y'know what. i get so attached to my ships, i hate selling them ;---; it's like, they've come so far, carried me across the universe, and then i just gotta... leave em. waaaah.
y'know what. i get so attached to my ships, i hate selling them ;---; it's like, they've come so far, carried me across the universe, and then i just gotta... leave em. waaaah.

I thought I was the same, until I see those big 'ol 30 slot trader barges. Splurged 3.5M on one.
@Milus hah yeah i just forced myself to drop a bit over 1M on a 21-slot ship. worth it, lmao. 
NMS might be the first game where I cared about the stocks. 80℅ of my profit is from spending 500K on a trade commodity and reselling when it goes into demand. Even got a little math equation from the game to help sort out the perfect timing.
I know this is gonna sound weird, but i started up an interest check for a crossover with Pokemon if anyone would be interested. 
I have expanded my financial capital to 15.6M or so. I don't even know what to use it on now. Might begin the Atlas Path.
I have expanded my financial capital to 15.6M or so. I don't even know what to use it on now. Might begin the Atlas Path.

holy shit ??? nice. i'm jealous, i just dropped down to about 200k again after ship buying :'D and here i was on launch day thinking "wow, my 10k preorder bonus units will really help me out!" hahhhhh
(also @Noivian i saw you applied for my rp! i'd love to have you but right now i'm just waiting on a couple of people to see whether i have enough free slots ;0; but i'll let you know asap!)

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