*ninja rolls onto your screen*


pixel punk
|д・)ノ Uhh... Hi, I'm Vee. To tell you a li'l about myself, I'm an 18 year old from the Eastern Time Zone (hue). I enjoy making art (my favorite form is pixel art, a sample of my work is displayed in my PFP), alternative fashion, and learning about people and their emotions. (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
I've been looking to get back into RP, and writing in general, for a while now. I RP'd a lot through my school years, but time has passed and things have changed and it's a little bit more difficult to keep up the passion I once had for the craft, but I figured that joining a good, active forum site would help me get myself back up on my feet again (thank you!!).
Anyway... .__φ(..") I'm really looking forward to some lengthy post-apocalyptic and sci-fi genre writes with you guys! I can't wait to expanding the worlds our characters will find themselves in and to flesh out the BA characters who will end up roaming and finding themselves in it!!
While I can't promise that I will be on as consistently as I would like to be (mental health is a bummer ☆⌒(>。<)), I can promise I will present you all with detailed and passionate replies. I hope to see some of you out on the field!! ヽ(・∀・)ノ
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Welcome to RPN! I’m excited to have you here friend!
As for tips; I’d say just get on out there and do the ten post count and then message and chat with people, the people that dwell here are really amazing and I’m sure would love to Rp with you! Again- welcome to RPN!

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