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Fantasy Nine Tragedies OOC


The last survivor of the Freelands
Character Thread

Main Thread

Figured it would be useful to have an OOC thread, to ensure that if there were any questions, we could get them asked and answered.
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@Cheshire Grin

Hey! can you please take the black background off of your CS. It's hard to read what you put on it, which is a shame since you put so much work into your character. Thank you! : )
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11 minutes ago, Cheshire Grin said:

@Nikki Rodgers

How did you do the box~ QwQ it's bootiful~

and you're welcome~ ^^




Oh! Thank you! I've been using coding!
And I reuploaded the pictures if that helped.
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Opaque had to pull out due to circumstances in their life, so for now, Fiery Feast IS open.

Post here pluz~

The position for the Blessing of the Fiery Feast is open as well as the Aspects of the Sins and Virtues. The link to the character sheet in in the first post~
Oi, yoo'z need a Fiery Feast? 

I can be dah Fiery Feast. In fakt, i'd like'd tah be dah Fiery Feast. 

Mind if I put up a char sheet for 'im?
Character 1:


I have gray fur with a white underbelly. I also have brown eyes.


My name is Shadow. *nods and smiles politely*



I was called Kid, omega, pup, or runt by my old mentor, but I'm called many names. I've chosen to use Shadow.


(Minimum age is sixteen) 

I've been around for about...two and a half years, I think? *puts paw up to my chin to think*


I'm a boy. *I wag my tail*


I'm a wolf!


Orientation? what's that? is there some sort of meeting going on?


I'm nearly a ull-grown wol.


I don't worry about my weight, so I wouldn't really know...sorry...


what's a blessing or aspect? *head tilt* this is my first time being here in this world.

weapons: (Only three)

well...I use my fangs and claws when it calls for it, but I can also use my own...special abilities. what they are, find out!


whatever opposes my own special abilities, I can tend to be a little indecisive, and others call me names like stupid or too trusting or other names. however, is that for a reason? is it truly a weakness or a strength, itself? find out!


I try to get along with everyone I meet, and stay on their good side as much as possible. I want to know more about where I am, and the people here, as well! I have my own moments, but I try my best as someone who you can rely on and try to be a good friend when it calls for it. do I have deeper parts of a personality? find out!


I come from another world; a world that may or may not be very similar to this one. the abilities I collected may be similar to this own world as well. I'm trying to help this world in some way, but I can't really tell you where I come from or who I really am. not now, at least.

when I get to know the people here better, and trust them more, I may begin to open up more about myself and where I come from. for now, only time will tell.

Anything else:

(Optional.Add whatever you want. Theme song, relationships, etc)

the only relationships I have are with my friends. other than that, there's nothing else. theme song? what's that? *head tilt*

Character 2:


Imma beautiful and stunning raven with crimson eyes, o'course; uh huh! *smiles*


I'm Adel. nice to meetcha. loop-de-loo, and howdya do?! *smiles brightly*


ehh, birdbrain, turkey, and other things. they're not nice and they hurt my feelings, so I won't talk about 'em. nopes. *folds my wings like arms and turns my beak up and away*


I guess about two years? I dunno. I lost track. don't think about that stuff, don't even care.


I can lay eggs. whaddya think? you can hear my voice, right? if I wanna, I can stick any stick up my--alright-alright, Imma bunkin' girl. happy? good.


raven. durr.


got me. that a meeting or somethin'?


I'm about almost half Shadow's height.


well, I'm not a STUFFED turkey, if that's what ya mean! 


dunno what those are. only way to find out is if we explored this world and someone starts this bunkin' rp already.

weapons: (Only three)

beak and talons, baby!


(At least three)

I've got...*shivers* a phobia of lightning. sometimes, I can run my mouth and it can get me into trouble...*mumbles* bunk my beak...when I get overly excited, I can get very irate.


(One paragraphs at least) 

alright, time to swallow my battered bird pride. I can be sassy, smart-mouthed, and a bit rude sometimes...I tend to tell it how it is and can be brutally honest for a girl raven. BUT....but, but, BUT...I always try to be loyal and be a valuble friend to those who need it. I can be nurturing when it calls for it. when soemone's down, I don't tell them off. I try to lift them up. I don't kick a dog when it's down. mostly not, anyway.


(Two paragraph at least. Just so I know you read this, I want it written in first person.) 

I travel a lot with my best friend named Shadow! we've had plenty of fun adventures together, and I wouldn't be the same without him. we have an unbreakable bond always. I wanna experience what he does and so I go with him! 

when someone wants to start this rp, we'll be ready freddy and be ready to start! so, bring it on, already!

Anything else:

(Optional.Add whatever you want. Theme song, relationships, etc) 

nada. nothin'. zip. zero. zilch. squat. bunkus. heh. BUNK-us.
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