• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Nine Tragedies Character Sheets


The last survivor of the Freelands
The Blessings positions (Earth-bound Beings only, excluding any angelic or demonic creature)

Blessing 1 -Symbol- Blossoming Wave of the Sea(water) @Nikki RodgersBlessing 2 -Symbol- Fiery Feast (fire) Blessing 3 -Symbol- Graceful Sunlight (light/solar) @IthrealBlessing 4 -Symbol- Restful Darkness (dark/lunar) @Robyn BanksBlessing 5 -Symbol- Trembling Earth (earth) @AndrausBlessing 6 -Symbol- Ambient Thunder(ThunderLighting) @RowdyPotatoBlessing 7 -Symbol- Whirlwind Rondo (wind) @happydeathBlessing 8 -Symbol- Silver Garden (snow/ice) @BrokenbriBlessing 9 -Symbol- Quickening Magma (Lava) @Cheshire Grin

The Aspects of Sin Positions (Demons Only)

Aspect of Pride - 

Aspect of Greed - 

Aspect of Sloth - 

Aspect of Envy - 

Aspect of Gluttony -

Aspect of Lust - 

Aspect of Wrath -

The Aspects of Virtue Positions (Angels only)

Aspect of Chastity - 

Aspect of Temperance - 

Aspect of Charity - 

Aspect of Diligence - 

Aspect of Patience - 

Aspect of Kindness - 

Aspect of Humility - 

Main Thread

OOC Thread






(Minimum age is sixteen) 







weapons: (Only three)


(At least three) 


(One paragraphs at least) 


(Two paragraph at least. Just so I know you read this, I want it written in first person.) 

Anything else:

(Optional.Add whatever you want. Theme song, relationships, etc) 
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Gratia 'Granite' Terrae










polygamous pansexual






Trembling Earth


~ Non-Violent to a fault.

~ Easily trusting.

~ Wind-based magical attacks

~ Fire-based magical attacks


Kind-hearted and open minded to a fault, Gratia is normally an easy going person, gentle and caring towards anyone around him. However, just because he avoids conflict, does not make him a pacifist. If Innocents are threatened, or those he actually manages to make ties with are harmed, he can be a terrifying individual. However, he'd only kill if they would not accept his offer of peace. While killing weighs heavily down on Gratia's soul, he knows that, due to being blessed (or in his mind, cursed) with his powers, it is unavoidable.


I am a man of words, not a man of violence. I deplore violence, for I feel it is our greatest failure as a thinking creature. I grew up in Japan, one of the few countries to maintain their form of government, though it has now degenerated back into a feudalistic system, which shogun and samurai clans ruling the various provinces. I was always more of a thinker, so I studied the natural herbs and remedies of the earth. My parents used to say I was too gentle, too soft. I said that there was so much sadness in the world, I wanted to give back to it.


Then, My sixteenth Birthday came, and that life ended for me.


On that day, my father was out to meet a challenge by an opposing clan. I was home with my mother, who had grown ill. I knew the illness, but my herbs had not grown in time for me to treat it. However, as the fortunes may have dictated, I was blessed with the Trembling Earth. With my newfound abilities, I managed to accelerate the growth process, and provided my mother with the appropriate cure.


When my father came home, he saw the symbol over my heart, and told me I would have to leave home, and use my abilities for the aid of others. I had finally been freed of my family ties, and now had the freedom to provide aid to everyone around me. My father gave me gifts to aid in my journey, as well as my clothing, so that I'd always remember my home. I only visit home once a year, and that is mainly to fulfill my duties as the Blessing of earth. I must keep our home from sinking into the sea.


Almost three years ago, I met the Blessing.of Lava. She was in dire circumstances, as a man had tried to assault her. I picked him up, summoned a metal staff, and sent him flying like in the game my father told me about, before he could do any harm to her. She decided to stick close to me, and we've been together since then. It has not always been ideal, as many do not trust us (Mainly because of my companion, but she is simply a misunderstood soul, she is actually very sweet), but I am now fulfilling my life's goal. It may not be an easy life, but it is a very meaningful existence.  

Anything else:
Gratia has a fondness for board-games. He is also a very good cook.
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~*The Thieving Flower*~



Lotus Lucianna Holmes



The Magma Nymph









Half Human, Half Fire Nymph









D-Don't ask a lady that!



Quickening Magma



- Her body

- Her wit 




Because of her upbringing, Lotus is terrified of closed in spaces. She would through a fit and scream until she is let out. Sadly, because of her fits, her abilities to control magma become more and more violent. This can lead her to hurt not just her enemies, but her friends. This will effect her mental state and see her paying attention to the fighting. Lotus is also known for hurting herself during her fits. This can sometimes leave deep, nasty scars on her legs, arms, torso, and neck. Thankfully, she can be calmed through the proper means and her injuries heal up quickly.



Much like her claustrophobia, Lotus has a terrible fear of over tall people. While people who are 6'9 doesn't really bother her, it is the ones who are past 7 feet. When she meets someone 7 feet or taller, she will shut down. Her fight or flight instincts kick in, causing her to run away or leave her frozen. At one point, she was too afraid of Gratia because of his sheer size. After two in a half years, she was able to talk to him and be comfortable with him. She is sometimes seen climbing or sitting on the shoulder of her tall friend. However, other tall people, she is still terrified off and hides away until they leave. 



Pretty self-explanatory, but water is most effective to Lotus's magma.



The same with snow, while it takes a bit longer than water, it's still effective.



- Kind

- Shy

- Can come off as rude at times

- Protective of Gratia

- Known prankster or trickster

- Low self-esteem

- Not trusting of people

- A tease

- Flirty when she wants sometimes

- Sarcastic



Oh, well, interesting. I guess I'm gonna have to talk to you about my past. Gratia also said to use proper English so you can understand me better... sigh well here goes...everything.


I was born to a Fire Nymph and a human, Renais and Lucas. From what I remember of them, which is very little, was that they really loved each other. According to my mama, I was their sunshine. Life was hard for us since everything was still a bit in a disarray. My mama told me the story of the Messiah and the Blessings, telling the story how it was told to her. At first, I never understood why it ended the way it did. But as I got older, I had grown to hate the last Messiah, it was to the point, hearing the name made me angry. But I could let it get to me, I had to move on. Sadly, life had gotten much, much worse for us.


One day, when I was about 5, a group of slavers kidnapped my family and forced us to work for these people. They were humans, and they hated us. More specifically, they hated my mama. It was because she wasn't human, but my papa was. However, because my papa was used to working out on fields, that was what he was forced to do. My mama and I were forced to work in the house. The human children of my...master's family were very mean to me. I was very ugly and fat when I was a child, so naturally, I would cry and run to my mama for help. She would comfort me and make me happy, papa would do the same when he wasn't working on the field. Two years went by and I had noticed something about my master's home. Most of the females were working in the home while the males were working in the fields. I never understood why until one night I can remember very well. I was walking pass one of my Master's children's door and I heard a strange sound coming from it. The door was cracked with a light shining through. Confused, I leaned close to the door and saw three men and a woman in there. They were taking advantage of her. Afraid, I started running, trying to be quiet, but I was making too much noise. The floors were all wood, so they creaked. It was only by the skin on my teeth I wasn't caught. Two days later, the girl I had seen being taken advantage of was sold as a sex slave. Fear kicked in for me, I was scared for my mama and papa.


After another year, mama went missing and so did papa. I searched for them all over the property and even at the small patch of trees. When I went there...I saw it. Three men were holding my mama down as my papa was being held back by two others. My mama was screaming, she was crying. I couldn't forget the image of my mama crying in pain and my papa who couldn't do anything. I screamed. I know I did. But remember picking up rocks and started throwing them at the men. The tall groups became angry at me and grabbed me. They pinned me to the ground and continued, as the described it, playing with my mama. My papa and I were forced to watch. After they were finished with my mama, they let us go. Mama and papa were never the same. Papa became eri-...era...um...er-rat-tic. Erratic. Mama became broken. Papa and mama then escaped with me from the master's home and lived on the streets.


We lived like that, too afraid to go back home and fearing the master's wrath if he caught us. Mama used her beauty and body to get some money as papa did odd jobs here and there. I decided to help out to the best of my ability by stealing any money and food I had to. This continued for about three years and we were happy...for a while. But good things had to come to an end. One cold winter night, Mama and papa never came home...well, a few boxes stacked together we called home. Scared, I went out to find them. I look around, confused and worried as I checked the usual spots and didn't see them. When I found them...Or, what was left. My mama and papa were lying there...dying with blood everywhere. My body trembled in shock as I hugged them, my parents dying in my arms. I found out that some people had tried to take advantage of my mama again, but my papa wasn't going to let that happen. He fought them off, but they brutally attacked my parents and left them for did. I stayed with my mama and papa, even after they expi-expered? O-Oh, expired. Whenever I stole food and went back to the bodies, I pretended they were still alive and gave them food to eat. For a while, it worked.


As I continued doing this for the next few years, going to their bodies and talked to them as if they decayed away. I resorted to stealing from people, money, and food. I had learned to dance and sing, sometimes teasing the patrons with my body. I have seen mama do it once, and I have learned to use them as a weapon. However, I didn't know that the dancing or singing would have the people try to touch me on my legs and arms. Thankfully, I had others there to protect me while I danced. Of course, the protection only lasted for a while and I was alone to deal with the others. Good thing hiding became very easy for me, except for the ones who were very tall, the scariest in my opinion. They sometimes loomed over me and had grins on their faces which caused me to shake in fear. But that changed one night when I was walking to where my parents were, a small group of very tall men appeared out of nowhere. I start running away from them, hearing them getting closer and closer. Eventually, they caught me and tried to rip off my clothes. I fought back, it was all I could do, but that failed when I felt my arms being held down. I waited to accept my fate when I was saved. I looked up to see a much taller male fighting them off. I will admit, I was very more scared than before. He outstood the others and they ran off after he fought them off using the earth around him, literally. I ran away from him after he helped me and hid where my parents were. He looked disturbed when he saw them. I begged him to leave them alone and hurt me if needed. But he promised he wasn't going to hurt me. I was still scared to high hell of him as he took my parents and buried them. From then on, he took me with him. He was nice to me, very nice, but I was still scared of him. So I did everything in my power to keep from bonding with him, being mean to him when I could. It worked for a while, keeping away and hiding when he came back to see me. However, when my powers kicked in while in a village, I had to be close to him for a bit and train.


However, it escalated by accident, that was when I was still trying to control my powers.


He and I were working on stuff. Still keeping my distance, but I wasn't paying attention and he had appeared behind me. Out of fear, I screamed and a large torrent of magma shot out of the ground and burned him. At first, I was slightly satisfied I had scared him away, but I went back to fear when I saw what I did. I hurt him...somehow...I knew it...the magma attacked Gratia and scarred him. I panicked. I start apologizing. I apologized for everything. Even after he was harmed by me, even after I was mean to him, he let me stay. I promised Gratia I would be nicer to him and be a bit more helpful. I have been by his side since. His size still gets to me, but I am slowly getting used to it. It's still terrifying to see him loom over me at times to wake me up. I am thankful for Gratia and his kindness, but that doesn't mean I won't tease him ever once in a while, seeing him flustered is cute, to say the least. While people don't trust us since we hold two of the Blessings, as well as me, stealing, it can't be helped. I have grown used to being alone, but I am thankful that Gratia is here.


Now, let the teasing begin~


Anything else:

- Lotus refuses to talk about her past.

- If she doesn't know the person too well, then she will of as Lucianna to strangers. Only those she knows very well can call her by her real name.

- Lotus is aware her body is over voluptuous.

- Lotus uses her body as a weapon towards enemies and friends, she does this to Gratia.

- Lotus despises the last Messiah, blaming them for the condition of Earth.

- One of Lotus's nicknames is Lulu.

- Lotus hates pain.

- Lotus refuses to acknowledge her parents are dead.

- Lotus was named by her mother since the lotus flowers are her favorite flowers.

- Lotus loves sweet, cakes and cookies are her favorites.

- Because Gratia doesn't like it when she steals things, Lotus relies on her natural talents of dancing and singing.

- Because she is part fire Nymph, Lotus is naturally hot so she wears less clothing.

- Lotus's claustrophobia came from being locked in a small closet for days on in as punishment. Sometimes, the Master's children would smack against the door.

- Lotus has been touched before, but thankfully, she managed to find him off.

- Lotus doesn't drink alcohol, but fizzy drinks, getting a sugar drunk.
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Delilah E. (Eleanor) Capello





Mother of evil


Forsaken one














{Blood.Sometimes it sets my teeth on edge, other times it helps control the Chaos.} 


Restful darkness







Atychiphobia- Fear of failure.


Athazagoraphobia- Fear of being forgotton or ignored or forgetting.


Maniaphobia- Fear of insanity.


Soteriophobia - Fear of dependence on others.








{Why should I apologize for the Monster I've become? No one ever apologized for making me this way.}



Earlier in life, Delilah displays a spirited, quick-witted and compassionate nature. She proves to be capable; she is fiery and independent and will not hesitate to stand up for her beliefs.  When necessary, she also displays her courage and ability as a fighter, always intervening to stand up for what she feels is right.  Possessing a fierce but just and independent personality, on the inside  Unable to find anyone to help her and having no one to turn to, she slowly envelopes herself in loneliness and depression that eventually. 

 Delilah now shifted to being vengeful, ruthless, embittered, cold and Manipluative. Having turned against her closest friends and even her own family, Delilah zealously pursues, the downfall of her enemies, even those she once cared about. She is a highly isolated and darkened character who has suffered greatly on an emotional level and is unwilling to let go of past suffering.


Additionally, Delilah seeks to avenge her losses but ultimately fails to achieve satisfaction, which dooms her to be perpetually unhappy. In spite of her apparent callous antipathy, on rare occasions, Morgana shows a sorrowful melancholy that she herself does not expect to feel. 


Despite her vindictive and unforgiving personality, however, Delilah remains a powerful, arrogant, intelligent, overconfident, and ferociously determined individual. Her darker characteristics are largely the product of external influences while her truer nature was portrayed as one of immense compassion. This nature has arguably not disappeared due to the melancholy she sometimes showed and she does at times reveal a vulnerable side of herself. 


She likes to gather all sorts of incriminating information so as to continue to 'misbehave'. Delilah is not above blackmail, although she refers to it as 'insurance'. She has a sarcastic, cynical, albeit childish sense of humor. he was also sadistic and often speaks in a tone that would intimidate or annoy her opponents. She has an incredible capability for changing her tone of voice and behaviour several times in a single sentence for psychological warfare - ranging from serenity, humour, mockery, childish, laid-back, to violent


{Looking for Heaven, found a Devil in me} 







Theme song:


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Shayne Alexander MacAlistar
















Graceful Sunlight




Scotophobia: The fear of darkness. Shayne is terrified of dark places. He believes things are always going to get him in the dark. In simple twilight, he is jumpy and edgy, but in full on darkness where he cannot see his hand in front of his face, he will freak out, or shut down and cower while singing the song his mother sang to him when he was little.

(At least three) 


(One paragraphs at least) 


(Two paragraph at least. Just so I know you read this, I want it written in first person.) 

Anything else:

(Optional.Add whatever you want. Theme song, relationships, etc) 

Work in Progress.



Bellamy Ryan Walker



Name: Bellamy Ryan Walker
Age: Nineteen
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Orientation: Pansexual
Height: 5'11
Weight: 168 lb. 

Blessing/aspect: The Blossoming Wave

Weapons: ( Only  3 )

Weaknesses: ( At least 3 )

At least one paragraph.

Two paragraphs at least, first person.

Extra Information
Theme Song: 
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§ ~Aoyama Morimoto~ §

*~Spirit Of The Shrine Of Muramasa~*





"It isn't obvious?..."



"You're annoying."



"I really don't care...but I would guess I prefer women?"



"Height does not make a person strong."



"I always eat healthy.."

192 lb


"I am the shattering wind."

Whirlwind Rondo


"Stay out of my path.."



"Shh..! Do not tell anyone this!"

>> Earth.

>> Has a horrible obsession to sweets.

>> Constant flashbacks of his past.

>> Tends to go into horrible coughing fits and has trouble breathing at times.

>> He is blind in his right eye.


"This is who I am...get over it."

Aoyama tends to be a rather quiet person although aside from that, he is quite the kind person who enjoys to make friends with others. However, most of his time is usually spent mediating in silence outside at the highest point he can find nearby. He doesn't really openly speak to others to offer assistance with anything however, when he overhears conversations about something he can actually help with; he will join in when he can to help but never really asks for anything in return after his job is completed. Aoyama is a wandering traveler that never really stays in one place too long but no matter what happens he will always return to his Shrine if not pray with his own katana and dagger jabbed into the dirt in front of him the entire time. From time to time, Aoyama will end up getting horrible flashbacks of his past before he had been given the blessing of Wind and decided to spend the rest of his days as a guardian for the Temple Of Muramasa; when going into his flashbacks, depending how bad they are he will go into a completely different ego who knows only to kill his enemies and those who stand in his way whether friend or foe.



"I am not proud of my sins.."

Oh...You wish to know about my past? It is not one of heroes and villains nor of princes or princess'...but here it is. Listen to my story.


I was born into a family of two infamous killers; one of which was a samurai while the other had been a shinobi. Even on the day of my birth, to the two who I had considered family as my mother and father; I was nothing more than just another warrior to them who was brought into the ruthless unforgiving world that everyone lived in. Of course, since I was nothing more than a small baby at the time; the two were practically forced by their own nature that they had to care for me until I had finally grown old enough to handle any sort of weapon in my hand; spending day after day training ruthlessly with these two, just because I had been a child it did not change how rough and violent they had fought back against me. I was taught to fight for my own life, for my own food, for my shelter, if I had failed any sort of training it would deduct different things out of my life such as no food for the day, no bed, or even not being able to sleep in the house. They told me to channel this inner hatred towards them, to use whatever feelings I had inside me to make myself stronger and to fight back against them to prove that I was worth something to them rather than being nothing more than a waste of their time...if I failed to do so, they'd kill me; they told me this without the slightest bit of hesitation or even remorse whatsoever. So I did just that. I held in my anger, I built up my emotions I concentrated, I trained from sunset till even when the moon rose and fell again; I had to prove myself to stay alive.

Finally, as my training continued; soon enough I had been able to push back against both of them. Showing and proving to both of them that I was truly the more powerful warrior out of the two, although they may had accepted me after doing so. What I had put myself through and what they had put me through had nearly numbed out all feeling of that inside of me, due to all of the times I had failed even after they had welcomed me into the house to allow me to live and sleep there; I had refused to even do so only to remain outside in the bamboo forest where I slept, ate and trained. Of course, now that I had finally proved my worthiness to my family; they had began to grow concern for me refusing to live within the home let alone eat anything they cooked, the only time I had ever joined them was whenever there was a mission or bounty that the family was given. That was probably the only time I actually spent any quality time with them....shame.


Every time there had been a mission, unlike my mother or father who always took things a bit more carefully to kill their enemies to avoid any sort of wounds upon them; I had always been the one to fight straight ahead. I had already shown my superiority over both of them allowing me to easily dodge and attack my enemies without the slightest bit of effort, I slaughtered all of my enemies without the slightest bit of mercy making sure that everyone I killed had suffered before their final dying breath left their bodies. Seeing this, although I may not had known it at the time; my parents had grown...afraid of me, afraid of power, my bloodlust.

Due to this, one day I had been told that I was to be sent away from my family on a 'mission' that was in a far away land even out of the country of Japan. Not realizing at the time that this was just a way for them to get rid of me forever, I had accepted the mission without a word and left to the harbor to take a small boat and head out to sea to the country I was supposedly going to go to for my mission; on the way there in the middle of the boat ride to the land I was attacked by two familiar presences dressed in all black and had their faces completely hidden. Without fully putting any real thought into who my enemies were, I wasted none of my own time to simply kill these two in the darkness of the night in the middle of the boat ride; rather than immediately killing them just as all others I had made them suffer just as I did with all my enemies; before striking the final blow I had removed their masks only to find out that my opponents were none other than the very two people who had sent me on my 'mission'....my parents. As they pleaded for mercy and apologized for their deception to me all I could do at the time was just stare at them; after that....everything feels blurry. All I can recall is laughing...and...blood...lots and lots....of blood. I-....I killed them, while... laughing...? Yes, the very idea that they put me through hell as my entire childhood and now that they were apologizing for mercy I guess...I just snapped..


After that, I had turned the boat right on around and returned back to Japan. The entire time, I dragged the corpses of my parents behind me on the ground while keeping a grin across my lips; I had no care whatsoever and I do really know what I was doing with their bodies to bring them back to the home. When I had returned to my home I had thrown their corpses straight into the home where I had gone into the house for what seemed to had been the second time throughout my entire lifetime. Once stepping inside, I explored the house still without any real understanding of what I was doing until I had found a letter of some sort of the kitchen counter. Reading through the letter though, had been the one thing that had returned me back to who I was...they wrote this. They knew...they knew they were going to be killed and that I'd return them here...they apologized for everything they did...they even told me that I probably would not forgive them let alone barely have any sanity of myself when I returned here...they knew all along. They wanted to make me strong, not only physically in skill but as well as in my emotions...at the bottom of the letter was a small tape that held a video recording that was instructed to go into a strange machine in the living room portion of the house. Of course, out of curiousity I had done just that and injected the tape and allowed the video to play; it was them...right before they had left the home to attempt their assassination on me.

They apologized once more, they told me their lives before they had me and why they treated me the way they did. Explaining into further detail about how this was to make me stronger and that they had never meant to make me into a killing monster, once again; they had even stated in the tape that they knew I would return here to see this after I had killed them...they even said that it was alright and they deserved it. The video had lasted for all of about ten minutes however, the final words of the video had been the one thing that broke me. For once in entire life, they had told me...they loved me...and they were happy I was their son...After hearing those final words, every regret, every painful feeling I had hidden deep within me for all those years had finally broken out all at once; I nearly destroyed the interior of the house with my own destructive force till I had finally lost consciousness within the home.


Resting there the entire night in the destroyed home, that same night an elderly monk had arrived at the home. He had apparently seen the destruction from the exterior of the home on his way back to the temple and wished to see if everything was alright, once stepping into the home and finding me laying in between the corpses of my family; he had picked me up and carried me back straight to the temple to let me rest and recover there until the next day. When I had awoken, I had found all my gear next to me, a cup of tea and a few small snacks right by me while I laid in a rather large bed in completely new clothing; my own old torn and originally bloodied clothing had been sued back together, cleaned and folded right beside my own equipment. Barely so much as touching my own equipment I immediately ran outside to find myself in a completely new land; most of nearly all of my wounds had been completely healed not due to the monk but apparently I was bestowed upon the Blessing of the Wind itself and the monk knew of this. Finding the very same Monk mediating at a large statue outside of the temple, I had approached him and demanded answers; at first, he only gave me riddles and nonsense that I barely understood saying that I had to 'find myself' 'center myself' 'return to my destiny' and all that other ridiculousness, refusing to accept those answers I simply took my gear and rushed back to my home which had been much closer than I believed where everything was as it was before being taken to the temple.

Finding the corpses of the family I was raised into and remembering everything I had read and watched, I had once more nearly lost myself as I had carried them both over towards the nearby cliff edge that I had once trained at during the time before I was allowed back into the home. Burying them both there with a proper sending away, I vowed to myself that I would never use my own strength for crime the way I did ever again and that i'd make them proud of me; apologizing to them that I had allowed myself to be taken away by power and losing my sanity I remained there at the cliff praying for them nearly throughout the entire night until the monk had began to approach me from behind telling me it was time to go home, he had meant the temple. Rather than disagreeing with the man, I accepted him and agreed; he was all I had left and the temple truly was my new home. After that day, I dedicated myself to protecting the Temple and Shrine within it with my life.

Of course, many had attempted to attack the Temple from raiders to bandits as well as monsters one after another, I protected the very place with my life; however all the while making sure to keep my own calm unlike my original bloodlust. However, due to this I had also lost some bits of my own original skill and at the cost of this had nearly been killed twice through my years of battle, once nearly slicing my head in two only to scar my right eye that is now blind while the other had placed a curse upon me that has now affected me to some sort of disease that causes my breathing to tend to spaz at times randomly. Throughout the times when battle was not my main goal of my life to protect the Temple and Shrine, I would always mediate with the monk if not train to hone my skills further once again; if I had not been doing either, I was being given the knowledge more and more about the apparent Wind Blessing within me but as well as the entire history of the Messiah and what my new life was to be about in the end.

Anything Else

"This is pointless.."

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Blessing of Ambient Thunder



Name:  Eden Hope Walters 

Age: 19

Gender: Female 

Sexual Ore: Demisexual

Romantic Ore: Demiromantic

She has no gender preference 

Fancies: PM

Relationship: PM

Race: Human

Weapons: Eden is extremely dependent on her powers. She has trained herself to use them as a means of defense. However, it's pretty difficult to send down a mighty thunderbolt to smite her enemies inside so she usually carries around a pistol.


Height: 5'5

Weight: 120lbs of pure muscle baby

Eye Color: Eden's eyes a blessing and a curse. They make it blatantly obvious of who she is as they are very unique. Eden's eyes literally have a continuous storm inside of them. Depending on her mood the storm will just be dark, constantly moving clouds with the occasional flash of lightning, but when she's really riled up her eyes practically glow from all the lightning that strikes inside her eyes.

Hair Color: Light brown

Unusual Features:  Besides her crazy eyes,  Eden has a lightning bolt seared into the palms of her hands.


Personality: Eden is no paradise. This girl has an attitude from hell that lasts morning and night. She's selfish, no matter how much she deceived you into believing that she actually cared about you, she only does things for her own personal gain. She's a fighter, doing everything she can to take back her life. She's also reckless, occasionally getting into an "I don't give only flying crap" mood and creating a giant storm around her, basically a beacon to everything searching for her, although her evasive maneuvers and strategy have kept her out of the hands of any and all pursuers. She's your typical hard-as-nails, spicier than a ghost pepper, smart ass young adult attempting to figure out who she is and why she can do what she can do.


 Her evasive manuevers are bound to fail eventually, and one day she might find herself unable to fight her way out. Her moodiness is bound to be her end. 

Isolating herself from people that want to help.

Thinking she can take on anyone and everyone. She's too aggressive.



"You want to know about me? Pft, like you actually care. You're probably just going to skim over it if I say too much, so I'll keep this short and sweet. I was born to a normal middle class family, had three sisters and two brothers. I transferred schools a few times after getting expelled for fighting, but I pretty much calmed down when I reached high school. I got a Rugby scholarship to go to my favorite University, but my time was suddenly cut short when I shot a bolt of lightning at my best friend. We were in a fight, but fights pass. I didn't mean to- I didn't want to hurt her! She's paralyzed now. I didn't even go visit her. I can't even look at her, I just feel so guilty. I ran away after that, I ran as far as I could. After my first run in with a demon I started piecing together what was going on. I posses some ability they want or something, I'm not sure. Now I just spend my time training, making big thunder clap loud enough to collapse an unsteady building or temporarily deafen someone, or frying anything I can with lightning. If you want to find me just follow the darkest clouds in the sky."


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Aspect of Gluttony


White Creature.jpg

True Form


Demon Form


Human Form

Name: Sanora

Alias: San, Nora, Thousand Maws, Yellow Hunger

Age: 310 years old

Gender: Female

Race: Demon

Orientation: None

(Doesn't really care)

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 213 lbs

Aspect: Gluttony

Weapons: Dual Meat Cleavers, Giant Hammer, Biomass Manipulation

Weaknesses: Never-Ending Hunger, Large Biomass, Holy


The constant hunger she feels tends to cause her to search endlessly for living organisms to consume, which makes her prone to asking anyone for food. Uncaring about the mortals, more focused on the quality of their food and how long it could sustain her San tends to be rude to any who don't offer her food. As far as risk-taking goes, the demon will do anything to satiate her ever-growing hunger pains; anything else is debatable. Her ambitions are high as she wishes to bring glory to the forces of Hell and triumph over Heaven.


There's not much of a story to tell, whatever brood I crawled out of doesn't matter. I survived by feasting on my brethren and growing stronger until there were none left to challenge me; it was obvious to the Princes that I was no normal demon. While most demons have an aspect that dominates their actions, I apparently had such a voracious appetite that the Princes' interests were piqued and wanted to help me grow. They challenged me by sending more demons to fight me – they were just fodder to feed my growing mass. I eventually learned to control my swelling biomass properly, using it to form additional maws with which I could feed my never-ending appetite.

I was sent to hunt down the mortal beings that possessed the Blessings for the next coming of the Messiah, the plan was to hunt the Blessed wherever they may spawn and take advantage of the Earth's chaotic state to gain more power for Hell to fight against the winged bastards in Heaven. Many years have passed since the Messiah's grand fuck up and it seems that the demons who once helped hunt the Blessed are becoming lazy.


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I'd like to participate in this rp! my character won't be a human, but I did look at the story thing, and it seems like a setting my own character would be in. I'm actually going to make two of them. hopefully, this will grant inspiation for a book I am writing! :)

Without Armor






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(He has it sworn off, but naturally he is Heterosexual.)






Fiery Feast


In his possession, Arthric wields 





Music: Music, specifically love songs, make Arthric cry. Whether it makes him cry tears of joy or sadness most certainly depends on the song, but it reminds him of his past, a past he wishes to forget.

Somniphobia: Or better known, the fear of sleep.

Water/Ice Based Magic Attacks

Philophobia: Fear of love, as Arthric had vowed to leave himself to his work, and prefers to study the art of the blade in solitude.


Representing the purest of conduct, Arthric sees himself and wishes to be pure of mind and body. Though he wishes, doesn't mean he is completely pure of mind and body. He is in actuality, a man of high moral compass, and acts upon it so, but he does not follow a strict set of rules. He follows what he believes to be right, and what it would do to affect others. This isn't always the easiest, since the "paladins" he reads about have a set of laws they could rely on, and this doesn't help when the problem of the day is to save a child of a bandit lord so the bandit's child can later terrorize a nearby town. Though he tries to uphold his ideal of "Do what is right for the people", which usually does him well. In the situation described earlier, Arthric would put his blade to the bandit lord and give the child to a family who cannot produce one. Yes, it is a lengthy task that involves more worth than it would be worth, it isn't without his judgment and careful decision making does he execute these tasks. But more or less, he does explode into bouts of rage, and his meticulously put together facade falls apart.


One to write in the books you say? Hah, i'll be damned if I'm forgotten!

It started a few years ago. I was first conceived to a pair of loving parents in the wilderness. Judith, and Roland. They were survivalists by trade, they lived in the woods alone, in their large 'house'. It was a mix of a mansion and a cabin, and it was deep in the forest, hidden beyond plain sight. It stood with dignity, and it kept it throughout the house. A library was kept inside, along with a large open space accommodating the usual mix of what a house would require to be called a 'house' and not a building. Kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, the picture paints itself, but I never understood how the plumbing worked in that mystical place. And I know I never will. Hmph. It was here, my boyhood was spent. My mother was a huntress, my father, a swordsman. He protected us as we rose from bed, and my mother hunted the animals for us as the night dragged on. It was peaceful. I spent plenty of my time reading, and training with my father in the art of the blade. He was a blacksmith after all, so he taught me to forge my own blade and armor, and to wield it. The first few years were rough, but after that, my father and I were matched for each other. He and I would spar for hours! And afterwards, I would clean my armor and blade. Not a day went by that I didn't. And I am glad for it. 

I was at the ripe age of 16 at the time, it was in the dead of night. A group of ... I am unsure how to describe them. But I know this for a fact, they were a malevolent force is what I am sure of, and they took my father while we slept. All of his work, his life, taken, and not a chance to defend himself. These murderous psychopaths then tussled with my mother, who slept in a separate room. Strange now I look back upon it. My mother always kept a dagger and her bow with her in her room, in case something were to happen like this. But it seemed the monsters had overwhelmed her. I was still asleep in the attic. Luckily, they didn't scour the attic, and when I woke to hear voices whispering evil things, like how they were to desecrate the corpses of my family, I let loose. All my life, I was trained to keep my cool. Now I understood why. My emotions took hold as I let loose blast after blast of fire. The wooden cabin did not last long against my flames, and neither did my nemeses either. I wasn't fireproof, and I fled after I set my life aflame. Only a few days later however, did I discover a hatch. It seemed to be kept secret. I had known the house for my entire life up to that point, so this hatch came to be a huge surprise. And inside, was a store of weapons. It seemed to be intended for me. It came with a note however, which sat on a table. 

My Dearest Arthric.

We understand that as the bearer of the blessing, you might one day embrace it. But as your parents, we feel that if you are ever to lose us, we want to ensure you are not alone. You are never alone. We fight every day, hoping that one of them, we would bear to be together, happy. At least just once. That is the goal of every living man on earth. To celebrate with others. We have known that some event would leave you guideless, and in despair, but know that you are not alone, you are never alone, and that we will always be watching over you.

Take us, your protectors, and conquer.

There, was a suit of armor, and a beautiful shield. In the helm of the armor, inscribed into it, was the name of my father. Roland. And atop the crown of my shield, was etched the name of my mother. Judith. There, I took my sword which lay besides my all my life, and christened it Baneslayer. It was then, I vowed to never stop learning the way of the sword, and to disregard all other distractions that would befall me, whether they be love, magic, or companionship. I would always live to learn the blade. And there would be nothing more, or my name is not Arthric Lorgar, Knight of Oath, Bearer of Fire!

Anything else:


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Character 1:


I have gray fur with a white underbelly. I also have brown eyes.


My name is Shadow. *nods and smiles politely*



I was called Kid, omega, pup, or runt by my old mentor, but I'm called many names. I've chosen to use Shadow.


(Minimum age is sixteen) 

I've been around for about...two and a half years, I think? *puts paw up to my chin to think*


I'm a boy. *I wag my tail*


I'm a wolf!


Orientation? what's that? is there some sort of meeting going on?


I'm nearly a ull-grown wol.


I don't worry about my weight, so I wouldn't really know...sorry...


what's a blessing or aspect? *head tilt* this is my first time being here in this world.

weapons: (Only three)

well...I use my fangs and claws when it calls for it, but I can also use my own...special abilities. what they are, find out!


whatever opposes my own special abilities, I can tend to be a little indecisive, and others call me names like stupid or too trusting or other names. however, is that for a reason? is it truly a weakness or a strength, itself? find out!


I try to get along with everyone I meet, and stay on their good side as much as possible. I want to know more about where I am, and the people here, as well! I have my own moments, but I try my best as someone who you can rely on and try to be a good friend when it calls for it. do I have deeper parts of a personality? find out!


I come from another world; a world that may or may not be very similar to this one. the abilities I collected may be similar to this own world as well. I'm trying to help this world in some way, but I can't really tell you where I come from or who I really am. not now, at least.

when I get to know the people here better, and trust them more, I may begin to open up more about myself and where I come from. for now, only time will tell.

Anything else:

(Optional.Add whatever you want. Theme song, relationships, etc)

the only relationships I have are with my friends. other than that, there's nothing else. theme song? what's that? *head tilt*

Character 2:


Imma beautiful and stunning raven with crimson eyes, o'course; uh huh! *smiles*


I'm Adel. nice to meetcha. loop-de-loo, and howdya do?! *smiles brightly*


ehh, birdbrain, turkey, and other things. they're not nice and they hurt my feelings, so I won't talk about 'em. nopes. *folds my wings like arms and turns my beak up and away*


I guess about two years? I dunno. I lost track. don't think about that stuff, don't even care.


I can lay eggs. whaddya think? you can hear my voice, right? if I wanna, I can stick any stick up my--alright-alright, Imma bunkin' girl. happy? good.


raven. durr.


got me. that a meeting or somethin'?


I'm about almost half Shadow's height. eh, I don't count anyway, so bunk math. hate it so much I could just do this. *she begins to hold up one of her talons in a fist, and is about to point up with the middle talon when shadow stops her, blocking of our view of the gesture like a censor* "hey. think of the kids looking!" Adel nods. "yeah, you're right, Shadow." she puts down her talons.


well, I'm not a STUFFED turkey, if that's what ya mean! 


dunno what those are. only way to find out is if we explored this world and someone starts this bunkin' rp already.

weapons: (Only three)

beak and talons, baby!


(At least three)

I've got...*shivers* a phobia of lightning. sometimes, I can run my mouth and it can get me into trouble...*mumbles* bunk my beak...when I get overly excited, I can get very irate.


(One paragraphs at least) 

alright, time to swallow my battered bird pride. I can be sassy, smart-mouthed, and a bit rude sometimes...I tend to tell it how it is and can be brutally honest for a girl raven. BUT....but, but, BUT...I always try to be loyal and be a valuble friend to those who need it. I can be nurturing when it calls for it. when soemone's down, I don't tell them off. I try to lift them up. I don't kick a dog when it's down. mostly not, anyway.


(Two paragraph at least. Just so I know you read this, I want it written in first person.) 

I travel a lot with my best friend named Shadow! we've had plenty of fun adventures together, and I wouldn't be the same without him. we have an unbreakable bond always. I wanna experience what he does and so I go with him! 

when someone wants to start this rp, we'll be ready freddy and be ready to start! so, bring it on, already!

Anything else:

(Optional.Add whatever you want. Theme song, relationships, etc) 

nada. nothin'. zip. zero. zilch. squat. bunkus. heh. BUNK-us.
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