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Fantasy Nightmare Academy


From the Depths of Hell
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Everyone has bad dreams. It's people like us who are meant to cause them.

This school was created and founded by the daughter of the "Boogeyman", and although that may not sound scary, she has killed people with the terror inflicted in their dreams. She wanted to create a legacy of creatures who could create such horrifying images in the minds of people for when she was gone, so she began this academy. Its location is unknown, and only those who have been chosen by the headmistress, daughter of the boogeyman, Nocturne Khokhan, receive a letter giving them a time and a place to meet.

At this academy, the students will undergo training to teach them how to mess with the minds of humans, and how to balance dream and reality. Are you up for the challenge? Do you like to make people scream in fright? Would you kill?

If so, then this is the school for you.
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9:00 p.m. - Breakfast

10:00 p.m. - Classes begin, first class is Combat Class taught by Ms. Ekaterina

11:00 p.m. - Second class, Toxins, Hallucinations, and Poisons Class taught by Mr. Ysgrath

12:00 a.m. - Lunchtime

1:00 a.m. - Third class, Sorcery Class taught by Ms. Dinah

2:00 a.m. - Fourth class, Cooperation Skills Class taught by Ms. Nocturne

3:00 a.m. - Challenge of the Day..? (WIP)

4:00 a.m. - Fifth class, Psychology Class taught by Mr. Krulenai Crozniek

5:00 a.m. - Sixth class, Nightmare-walking Class taught by Mr. Karthios

6:00 a.m. - Prepare for bed

7:00 a.m. - Curfew starts



Kane Bune - @Aqua

Surfruaa Fhtagn - @Stamper

Evelyn Katie (Kat) Morgan - @JadeWuvsCookies

Latinus Saligia - @deadpool42

Adam Stein - @general ostruppen


1A - Umbra and Agito

1B - Zen and Latinus

1C - Adam and Kane

1D - Blake and Mika

2A - Liliana and Surfruaa

2B - Gadgena and Emily

2C - Evelyn (Kat) and Maya

2D - Zero and Lilith Darkwood

2E - Yukari and no one yet
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I'm glad you likey :3 I'm going to cry so hard tho xD so many teachers to make ;-;
Awesome. Sorry if I'm not always rping, it's just I have school and I have to tutor a lot so.... I'm kinda busy. Just tag me if anyone wants to talk to me.
its was an exaggeration for the extreme weight of the armor i did say" that thing weighs like 1000 kilos"
But when Zen gets out of it he's suddenly light enough to fly across the room with one step. Seems pretty fishy to me <.<
shrugs- :/ had to give him something ya'know just go with the flow or should i have him use his abilities to give him other abilities when outside of his armor?
But, that's the thing- you don't have to give him something. It's okay for a character to have a weakness or a shortcoming. Actually, it's kinda bad if they don't have any.
Nothing much, dearie. Gonna make second student someone today.
@Anaxileah I'm too busy with school work. I'm just gonna drop out, sorry. AP Lang is kinda wayyyyy more important and it was hard it join in the rp..... So yeah I'm out. Peace. Word to your mother. Later loser's. Good bye. See yah'. Smell yah' later. (What ever you like) Adious. Later. Good day kind sir. I'm out. (I can go on but it's later and I'm tired....) Goodnight.
Zen had fallen asleep in class. It seemed to him that the students were, for the most part , without their brains at the moment. Might it be another one of the teachers weird potions or toxins? Zen did not care to know so he simply fell asleep in his normal position sitting straight up and with his eyes partially open to see those who approached him
zenreaper said:
Zen had fallen asleep in class. It seemed to him that the students were, for the most part , without their brains at the moment. Might it be another one of the teachers weird potions or toxins? Zen did not care to know so he simply fell asleep in his normal position sitting straight up and with his eyes partially open to see those who approached him
Dearie you're posting in the overview

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