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Night Light (Kassy & Zekariia)


New Member

NEWS!!! 20-5-19

A young man and women have been wandering around towns all over the country as if searching for something.

Avoid all contact with the two.

Whilst their identities are still unknown, we urge you to take precautions. Reliable sources believe that the girl has fire-red hair, and the boy has golden-brown eyes.

Avoid all contact with the two. They will not keep any promises to you, and will most likely kill you.

NEWS!!! 16-8-1917

More news on the young man and women. Folk say they have seen the girl controlling fire, and the boy never coming out during the day.

We believe to better avoid all contact with the two, return to your house before sunset.

NEWS!!! 18-11-1917

A name has been revealed. According to a victim who escaped, the women is called Zira. Whilst the man's name is still unknown, we believe we will be close to figuring out the two.

The victim, through trembling hands managed to say, "I... I think... Has... Has anyone seen the man's incisors? They are so sharp... And the girl... Her hair doesn't seem natural... It... It glows."

Although she spoke much more, we could not decipher her nonsense. It is obvious that the sight of the two has made her slightly insane.

Once again we must urge others to retreat into their homes, and have no contact with the two.​
Zira glared at the newspaper, her eyes glancing down it.

"How was I so careless? I really need to be more careful..." Zira sighed and slowly tore the newspaper clipping from the wall. She glanced back at her vampire partner before looking to where the clipping was before.
Carver carefully read the printed words on the newspaper spread in front of both of them just before Zira tore it down. He looked down at his own hands. With a deep breath, he looked up and analyzed the situation. "Well, it's been about a day since the last report came out. I think we'll be fine- although we should definitely start being a bit more careful in who we talk to and who we let see us. Discretion will be our best friend for the next week or so."

His deep golden eyes met the now empty spot on the wall, then turned to Zira's. "We should probably start moving soon. What do you think?"
"Yes. I suppose." Zira replied and she tucked the paper in her pocket. She gave a small smile as she looked around at the buildings, shrouded in the darkness.

She turned around to face Carver, meeting his eyes. "Where should we go? It's midnight... So we may want to think about entering a house."
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Where should we go?

The question was one he had no answer to. In order to get his answer, Carver dropped to one knee on the edge of their hiding spot and removed his knapsack. After uncinching the drawstring, he set the contents out: a map of the area (which was covered in a number of marks, dots, lines, and sketches which all meant something different), a Zippo lighter ("I still have no idea why I have this when you control fire," he had told her more than once), and a very old dagger marked with runic symbols on the blade.

He spread out the map and flicked the lighter, holding it over the map to provide more light. "First, we need to get out of the town's search area. Or else they'll probably find us and.. Well, we can't let that happen. There should be a forest just on the outside of town that we can get to and use to stop and find our next destination."

He repacked the bag and threw it back over his shoulders, then stood up to his full height. "Anything else we need to do here before we leave?"
"Not that I know of. Let's just go before the sunrise comes. We need to be inside." Zira replied and she gave a small smile. Grabbing onto her backpack's strap as she got ready to move on.
Carver stepped forward and pressed his back to the wall for a second, staying as far in the shadow as he could. He glanced around the corner, checking for any sign of life. No movement was a good sign. He waved his arm forward, a silent signal to move. And move he did.

The young man took off at a run to the next alleyway, exerting all of his energy to get there. With a quiet slide, he slid into his new hiding spot and scanned for any new movement.

Something human-shaped started moving in their direction cautiously, as if it had seen them move.
Zira sprinted after him, knowing he must of forgotten that he was faster. Stopping just moments before crashing into him.

"What's wrong?" She quietly hissed forwards, worried that they had already been spotted.
Carver jerked his head in the direction of the man walking their direction and whispered, "Some kind of watch. I don't know if he saw us or not. But if he did.. We have to get rid of him." He stated it as a matter of fact- both of them had done their dirt and dug their graves on their little adventure.

He got low to the ground, putting the side of his head into the dirt. He inched forward slightly, trying to see if the guy was still moving their way. He had stopped about thirty yards out and was holding a light in front of him, scanning their current hiding spot to see if anything moved out there again.

Thankfully, he didn't notice Carver's head on the ground.

Carver ducked back. "We can try to sneak around or we can take him out.. What do you want to do?"
Zira thought about it for a moment before replying, "If we take him out then someone will know what happened, and we would get the blame which would mean we would be in the news again. Frankly I don't want that. Let's try to avoid violence unless needed."

Zira smiled for a moment before adding, "Unless he is annoying. Then I would happily kill him."
After another short glance around the corner, Carver stood up and pointed upwards. "We'll see if we can scale the building. That way, no matter what happens, we have the jump on him. Here, you get up there first. I'll follow behind."

He stood next to the roof and locked his fingers together, ready to boost Zira to the building's roof.
"Right... Okay..." Zira whispered to herself, placing one foot on Carver's hands. Her own hands she placed on his shoulders, ready to help hoist herself up. She took a deep breath and glanced up at the building. "On the count of three."

"One. Two..."

On the final count, he forced his arms upwards, half throwing Zira towards the roof. He quickly glanced over his shoulder. The light was closer- looking as if it was just about to turn the corner. With a deep breath in, he leapt up and grabbed the edge of the roof, slowly pulling himself upwards.

"Get far from the edge.. He's about to come around the corner."
Zira, upon hearing his instructions she dashed into the center of the roof.

"Do you think he saw us?" She asked, slightly frighted. She wanted to glance down to check, but knew it would be a very bad idea to disobey Carver's instructions.
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The light hit Carver's foot as he reached the roof. The man hesitated below, looking up and around. Carver dropped to a prone and looked down at him, taking extra care to keep out of the light. He quickly spun around and began low crawling his way to Zira.

When he was next to her, he got to a knee and whispered, "He saw me but he doesn't know where we went. If we stay quiet and move from rooftop to rooftop, we should be safe. You ready?" He took another look behind them. The light was still in the alley. A good sign- the lookout hadn't found their hiding spot.
The light hit Carver's foot as he reached the roof. The man hesitated below, looking up and around. Carver dropped to a prone and looked down at him, taking extra care to keep out of the light. He quickly spun around and began low crawling his way to Zira.

When he was next to her, he got to a knee and whispered, "He saw me but he doesn't know where we went. If we stay quiet and move from rooftop to rooftop, we should be safe. You ready?" He took another look behind them. The light was still in the alley. A good sign- the lookout hadn't found their hiding spot.
"No but I better be." Zira whispered and she looked over at the roof nearby. She took one step back, shaking violently. Willing herself to calm down she sprinted forwards and jumped forwards. She contained in a scream as she tried to reach out the extra centimeters that she had misjudged.

"Carver! Help..." She whispered, knowing that he probably couldn't hear her anyway, not how quiet she was anyway.
After a moment's hesitation, Carver made the leap. He rolled on contact with the other rooftop, landing quietly and as gracefully as one can when making a life or death jump. He crouched and brushed himself off, then looked around for Zira.

He didn't see her. Instinctively, he began looking. She wasn't still on the other rooftop, and she wasn't on the one he was on. He moved to the edge and looked down. There she was. Hanging dangerously from the roof. He inhaled sharply and whispered, "Don't worry. I've got you." He wrapped his arms under her shoulders and started to pull her up on to the roof as quickly as he could.

"I think we're alright now..."
Zira shivered as she knelt down onto the roof. She looked up at Carver and replied, "When can we get back to the ground?" Before quietly laughing to herself.

She recovered quickly and glanced down to where she had almost died. She gave a short gasp before walking to the center of the roof. Kneeling down she started rocking back and forth.

"We'll we be continuing on soon?"
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