Nick Ton Cutter

  • How often do you visit RP Nation ? : I'm usually posting atleast one time each day for each RP i'm in. You can probably see me online for some hours during weekend, but it will not be the same during Monday-Friday as i will be super busy and online for 2 hours at night, except during vacations.
  • What sort of characters do you like to create and play? : I like to create male characters mostly base on technology, possessing magical powers and belonging to the Lawful neutral alignment.  Most of my characters are on the average in term of power and always have some similiraty with existing characters from others universe. I also like to have characters with a open mind.
  • What are you hoping to get out of this roleplay ? : Firstly, a lot of feelings. My purpose on a RP is to feel entertain, and creating deep links with new comrades is a really good feeling. Secondly, participating in a detailed RP with skilled roleplayers will be a new experience for me as i hope that my roleplaying skills will reach a better state then now. Lastly, having deep memories about it. I have some good memories from past RP i used to belong before, and i hope this one will be one of them.                                

AEGIS roleplay have been on my sight and taking interest from me some weeks ago, and i finally decided to join it. I hope that we will get along ! 

  • Previous posts ( RP : Steamword)  :

Alexander sighed, starting to feel the weight of exhaustion trough him, and the kick didn't help it. " Pride ? King ? Are we living on the past now !" He said before taking a few steps back, raising his arms trough the sky looking and smiling at Loxnik. "And no, i'm neither a warrior or an heretic, but an opportunist proud of himself. But... We have something in common. We both managed to kill people for what we think is right. We commit such horrible act..." As he said that, he start to circle around Loxnik, his left arm almost broken from the preasure. "Shit... I'm almost out of prana, and i may not be conscious for too long if i keep doing harsh move... I can't take this huge beast by myself ! I have to find another way then taking him on a head on... " He looked at his wound, patching it with a paper. His plan was to climb up a tree by running away, until he heard Margaret yelling Ulfdr name. That was when Alexander finally saw him, Ulfdr was on a critical state, Alexander looking depressive as he saw it. Fortunately, Dorian finally made it onto the fight.

"Powering up... to the max." He used this time the element of fire, putting almost all of his left energy into it. This time, he was trying to take down this shield, this huge defense. If he could simply find a way to pass trough it, climbing him and cutting his neck... This whole war could end. He doesn't care anymore if his arm broke from this strike. All he wanted was to pass trough this huge shield as he put all of his might, aiming a strong blow at Luxnir "Why i'm always trying so hard for people i don't know much about ? I don't know... Stupidity, maybe. But i can't let those comrades down for nothing after all. " "Why this memory is coming back now..."
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>.> So it turns out that I totally forgot to post in here, because I marked you as accepted on my spreadsheet and then forgot to, you know, make the official post here. So just for the sake of being official, YES, you are in Aegis! One of us!

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