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Fandom Next Generation

What!?!?!?! Are you okay? That is crazy, cause someone where I live just got hit by a car while walking O.o
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ik but I was walking across the street and I had the right away, suddenly the light turned green and I was only half way across the street so I tried running it but this one lady didnt wanna wait and hit me and I went up in the air abit and hit the ground hard getting unconcuious from a concussion, she got out of her car, cussed me out and drove off while I was unconcious witnesses wrote down her drivers plate then she was arrested when she got home.

I had slight amisha when I woke up but civilians took care of me while the paremedics got there which didnt take long, and Later on luckily nothing is broken or sprained im just bruised up alot
You are doing better than the guy that got hit here. He had some broken bones, though it is weird, because that was a hit and run as well. They hadn't caught who hit him though.
ikr -_- the swelling from my head went to my eye and due to that I gues a vein mussle broke and theres red on the left side of my left eye

heyy cx

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