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Fantasy Nexia Academy -Grand Opening-

Joka said:
Lillian jumped in surprise at the sudden appearance of another person then compose herself later on. She looked up and smiled at the person, "Hi," she said then stood up, "I'm Lillian, Lillian Kerova. It's nice to meet you too." She brush some dust from her dress then looked at the guy, observing him carefully. It was her first time coming to a school like time, so she wasn't sure who to trust. "Are we late?" she asked, holding on to the backpack on her back, "I hope not."

@Dnaleri017 @Piffy Queen
Raziel shrugged, "Not as far as I can tell, the school is directly behind us so if you keep following the scorch marks you should be there within minutes. Anyway, most of the students are pretty friendly though there are a few students who are... stubborn to say the least."
Drax stopped and sat underneath a tree. Nearby he saw Dakota. "Hey, what you reading there?" he asked
[QUOTE="D'Gamr]Drax stopped and sat underneath a tree. Nearby he saw Dakota. "Hey, what you reading there?" he asked

Dakota lifted her head and blinked a few times before turning her head towards the voice. "Hm? Oh right, Hello" she gave a small wave "Nothing that interesting, just a potion book"

((Sorry I wasn't getting notifications for here ;- ;) )
Nonalaka said:
Dakota lifted her head and blinked a few times before turning her head towards the voice. "Hm? Oh right, Hello" she gave a small wave "Nothing that interesting, just a potion book"
((Sorry I wasn't getting notifications for here ;- ;) )
((It cool))

"Oh I forgot to say hi." Drax said looking down embarrassed. "So..um, are you new here? " he asked. "Because I'm not sure where the dorms are."
[QUOTE="D'Gamr]((It cool))
"Oh I forgot to say hi." Drax said looking down embarrassed. "So..um, are you new here? " he asked. "Because I'm not sure where the dorms are."

Dakota chuckled quietly at his reaction as she nonchalantly flicked through the pages of her book "Ah, yeah...I literally just arrived, I won't be much help to you.." her eyes briefly glanced toward the bags beside her "as you can see...I still haven't unpacked even."
Yui sighed a little as she sat there in a grass feild above the school minirith layed out over her lap as she rubbed the barrel with a cloth waiting for some one to notice her up there and run up to try to snatch up minirith from her making her giggle at the thought

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Nonalaka said:
Dakota chuckled quietly at his reaction as she nonchalantly flicked through the pages of her book "Ah, yeah...I literally just arrived, I won't be much help to you.." her eyes briefly glanced toward the bags beside her "as you can see...I still haven't unpacked even."
Drax nodded. "So where you from? The human world?"he asked curiously.
[QUOTE="D'Gamr]Drax nodded. "So where you from? The human world?"he asked curiously.

She nodded "Ah, yeah...what about you?" She asked quietly.
[QUOTE="D'Gamr]Drax's eyes lit up with excitement. "No, I haven't. What's it's like out there?"

"I-Its well, Its probably not as interesting as here if im honest, b-but then again it open to interpretation I guess you won't know till you go yourself" she panicked a bit, it was bad enough Raziel found out she was human but now this guy probably has too. She wanted a way out of the topic of humans, and fast.
Drax tilted his head a bit. "Are you alright?" he questioned getting up and walking over to her and sitting next to her. "You're sweating like you've seen a ghost and there's some around here." he said with a chuckle. He looked at her with a toothy smile. "I know you're a human, why are you getting so afraid? I'm not going to harm you, if that's what you're thinking."
Dakota tensed up a bit as he sat beside her at first but after he spoke her nerves calmed she let out a small sigh of relief "W-Well, by the sounds of it...my kind isn't treated kindly around here s-so I'm sorry if I jumped to conclusions.."
She laughed and jokingly covered her ears before smiling at him "That's very kind of you, but you don't have to do that....I'll be okay"
"Are you sure?" he questioned getting kind of worried about her. "You just have to be careful. They're ones that will be total shitheads and then there's the cool ones that don't mind humans." he continued. "Sorry if I weirded you out."
She shook her head "not at all" she fiddled with the ends of her hair "I'll keep myself safe... I'd hate to be a bother" she said as she laughed quietly.
"You really aren't a bother at all." Drax told her. He stood up to his feet. "I'll be on my way. If you're in danger, here. " He wrote down his number and handed it to her.

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