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Fantasy Nexia Academy -Grand Opening-

Ban said:
Jared bowed once more "As I said before, my name is Jared Margot, it's an honor to meet you. People tend to underestimate us do to us being fairies, little do most know about our long wages wars with different species." Jared realized that she probably didn't care about the wars so he dropped it there. "But please, tell me more.about yourself"
"Man, youre formal..." She mumbled, listening closely to what he had to say, before being taken back by his own question. Tell him about herself... Well, what could she say other than: "Im dead... I guess theres that."
Dakota looked between Raziel and Halbrad, noticing the odd looks before shrugging, At least the looks weren't directed towards her she supposed, she'd probably be highest on the list for picking on, species wise, she decided it would be best to keep a low profile because of that walking a bit behind the hellhound, seeing as he seemed to be one of the calmer members of the group.

@Ban @Dnaleri017 @xoloveox @Federoff
Skylar and Zanna were the last ones to leave, following right behind everyone else. Skylar had no reason to wait this long to leave other then wanting to be with Zanna as always, but Zanna had a different reason. Unlike the hellhound causing burn marks wherever he steps, everywhere she stepped the plant life withered away and died; sad. "You can go talk to the others if you want" she stated in a neutral tone to Skylar, Skylar nodding and going away; it was obvious that her friend wanted to be alone to think at the moment.

Skylar hurried up and caught up to the rest of the group, looking around for someone to talk to as she wanted to get to know more people, as well as she didn't like to be alone. The demon wolf girl finally went up to someone she didn't know, Bree, who seemed to be talking with that Jared guy.
"Hi there" she smiled in greeting as she came up to them, hoping that she wasn't intruding anything.

@Ban @xoloveox
Federoff said:
Skylar and Zanna were the last ones to leave, following right behind everyone else. Skylar had no reason to wait this long to leave other then wanting to be with Zanna as always, but Zanna had a different reason. Unlike the hellhound causing burn marks wherever he steps, everywhere she stepped the plant life withered away and died; sad. "You can go talk to the others if you want" she stated in a neutral tone to Skylar, Skylar nodding and going away; it was obvious that her friend wanted to be alone to think at the moment.
Skylar hurried up and caught up to the rest of the group, looking around for someone to talk to as she wanted to get to know more people, as well as she didn't like to be alone. The demon wolf girl finally went up to someone she didn't know, Bree, who seemed to be talking with that Jared guy.
"Hi there" she smiled in greeting as she came up to them, hoping that she wasn't intruding anything.

@Ban @xoloveox
Bree looked over at the other girl, offering her a small smile as she showed off her fangs. "Oh, hi." She said, trying not to be rude. @Ban
Skylar pursed her lips into an O shape when Bree showed off a pair of fangs, she smiled at that and showed off her own fangs in this way. "I like your fangs, what are you?" she asked curiously, wondering if they had anything else in common besides there fangs.

Federoff said:
Skylar pursed her lips into an O shape when Bree showed off a pair of fangs, she smiled at that and showed off her own fangs in this way. "I like your fangs, what are you?" she asked curiously, wondering if they had anything else in common besides there fangs.
'Dead.' She wanted to say vaguely and simply, but she continued to smile at the girl. "Im a vampire. And you?"
Skylar smiled back at the girl, "Vampire? That's really cool. Me myself, I'm a demon wolf" she replied with her normal mannerisms, opposite to what Zanna was like; a juxtaposition per say.
"If you're a demon wolf and I haven't seen you downstairs before you must not have been stuck there. Lucky for you Skylar you got yourself out of the worst place you could imagine." Raziel kept walking nearby Dakota thinking to himself, It doesn't seem that anybody else besides me and Bree know Dakota is a human. I'd like to keep it that way with how hostile Zanna and the fairy boy with the journal could possibly be. They obviously don't care about too much. "Anyway, if we're sharing species I've probably already said I'm a hellhound. My brother Kai is not a hellhound though which is a little strange. My brother is actually a phoenix but I have no clue if he will be showing up, though he probably will some time." Raziel stopped talking to think of what to say but had no more words that wouldn't make him seem suspicious. Rather he shrugged it off and kept walking with the group.

@Nonalaka @xoloveox
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Mika sat there on a bench humming childishly as she swung her legs back and forth as she enjoyed the day. For some reason she really wanted to shoot some thing with minirith (mi-nir-ith) but she couldn't find any thing that would seem fun to. Plus she just wanted to show it off to every one els "hmm I wonder where every one is" she mumbled before going back to humming in a cute inocent way as a Pistol appeared in one of her hands and she twirled it around like it was a toy


@Piffy Queen (if your free)
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Jared had let out a small chuckle "Dead huh? That certainly is interesting." he had then heard skylar approach them, the girl had seemed interested, and he saw Halbrad taking notes on her. He began to shake his head, Same old Halbrad. He paid close attention to the girls conversation, taking a rather high interest himself. When he heard the girl admitting to being a vampire, he knew she probably didn't know the history of their clans if she was being nice to him like that. His concentration was broken when he ended up hearing his sister yell at everyone.

"Hey Guys! We're here!" she pointed to the rather large school, judging it from what we could see it would appear that we are on the side of it. Halbrad merely closed his journal and smirked, "Meh, this isn't that bad. I could have imagined worse than this." Halbrad looked back towards the girl and boy he had tested when had first got here, and a smile had spread over his face. At least here it will be easier to examine them.

@Nonalaka @xoloveox
Skylar looked upon the school when the girl fairy stated that they were here, her head going from left to right as she took it all in with a small smile. "Awesome, it looks great" she declared with her trademark smile to no one in particular. Zanna remained quiet as the came here, death following her foot steps as always; something one has to deal with in her situation. Her red eyes scanned the place as well, it looked quite small; a few good killing was all she suspected she would get out of here.
Raziel looked at the school with little interest. "Well this isn't as impressive as I had imagined. Then again I was amazed just to end up in this forest so I guess I shouldn't be surprised."
Mika sighed as she got up the pistol dissapering from her hands again as she looked around "why is there no one to play with" she wined loudly as she looked around the grounds for some one any one she could play with or shoot stuff with them around "hellooo" she called out childishly before lookin around before another pistol appeared in her left hand and she started to twirl it on one finger by the trigger guard waiting for some one to try and take it away for her being a 9 year old with a loaded pistol

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Dakota looked at the school which was more well hidden than any school she had been to before, she supposed she'd try her best to settle here, she looked around at the group, rubbing the side of her arm.
Drax wandered around the school area. "So many people here." he thought holding on tight to his belongings. He then bumped into someone in front of him. "S-sorry." he muttered picking up his things.

Mika fell down with a childish yell as she fell to the ground and dropped her pistol as it slid over in front of the boy while she Shook her head "owwy" she said childishly as she moved to rub her but before looking at the older boy curiously "that hurt" she said in a wimper to him

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Drax picked up her pistol. "I'm sorry." he said walking over to her to hand it back. "I wasn't aware of my surroundings." he continued. He tilted his head and saw that she was very young. "Why are you carrying around a weapon?" he questioned.
Dove stands in front of where the portal was, the portal she closed. She lets out a sigh before holding her hand up. A strange light radiates off her hand before launching into the gateway. The light hovers there before exploding, opening the portal to the human world. She sighs slightly before turning and walking away from the portal location.

"Attention Students of Nexia. The portal to the human world is reopened."

Mika looked at the then giggled and grabed it "because" she said inocently to him as she twirled the gun around her finger again as she looked up at him "hey!! Wanna see another gun!!" She asked him wxcitedly as the pistol dissapered

Drax turned towards the portal then looked back at the girl. A slight smile came across Drax's face. "Sure. What's your name?" he asked her.
Aria stands outside the portal before looking back at her Brother and sister, Noah and Nebula. She runs to them and hugs them tightly "We'll see you seen soon Aria" Noah says as he hugs her. Nebula hugs her sister as well. Aria smiles slightly before turning around and running into it. (If anyone is in the Fantasy Highschool RP, you know the actual name of Aria's Big sister xD ) Aria trips on the other side of the portal, landing on her back
"I'm mika" she said inocently as she held her hands behind her back and giggled a little as she stared up at him

"I'm Drax." he replied with a slight smile. "Do you um have any family around here?" he asked curiously. "Because I can help you find your family."
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Mika shook her head "no mama and papa sent me here because of my powers" she said inpcently as a kuni appeared in her hand and she twirled it slowly through her fingers


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