Newbie here


New Member
Hey! Though i'm new to this website i'm not new to roleplay. I love most kinds, and am open to ideas. I prefer to be as detailed as I can in responses, using third person deatils.

- I love Fantasy! I mean, being creative as possible is the way to go!

However, i still really like action, romance and more! Any ideas, feel free to message me and we can come up with ideas together!
Fantasy is one of my staple genres incorporated into many of my worlds. Nothing quite like reading how the arcane wizards invoke a large free-floating sigil mid-battle that ends up erupting in a billowing explosion of hellfire upon a sieging army. Or something to that effect.

Anyway, welcome to RPN. I'm the local transdimensional eldritch atrocity that drifts in the broth of creativity that is the imagination. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Good to see someone who prefers detailed roleplaying. It's nice to meet you!

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