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Fandom New Witches in Paris 1x1 with thanamori


Keyblade Master
T thanamorii

The foggy overcast was very strong that morning due to the fresh rain that had fallen much earlier. Students were rushing into school as always, eager to get the day over with before it had even begun.

A young girl by the name of Alya smiled as she entered the classroom she knew and loved. She sat down at the very seat she sat at every day, bidding hello to the classmates who had already arrived. Already she had her phone out, checking in updates for her Ladyblog.
Adrien was already walking into class by the time Nino had arrived. Adrien was always on time; each day he woke up early enough to relax, make breakfast and on out for the day. Sure Natalie had to drop and pick him up, but he was still content with being allowed to go to school in the first place.
He was even more happy with all the wonderful friends he had. Adrien considered the entire class his friends. With a cheerful smile and a quick hello to everyone, Adrien sat right next to Nino as always.
“Morning Nino!” Adrien said, chuckling as he watched the boy toss the note onto Alya’s desk. “You’re wide awake today.”

Alya meanwhile called out to Marinette once she saw her enter the room. She was going to start talking, before she noticed the note that is. She quickly unfolded it and began to read it before giving a lopsided smile. With a snicker, the young girl crumbled it up and tossed it right at Nino.
“You’re going to have to do that, loverboy!” Alya teased, all in good heart. She loved Nino, but it was still fun to mess with him from time to time. Once Marinette finally sat down, Alya placed her hand right on Adrien’s shoulder.
“Sure thing! I love your parent’s croissants!”

Ms. Bustier entered the room a moment later, sighing softly as she placed down her purse on the classroom table.

“Quiet down class! We have a lot to do today and a new student will be joining us! Please take your seats so I can assign her a desk.”

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