New to Dice


Ancient Chinese Warlord Batman
Anyone know a simple system I can learn, to improve my skills, but not bust my brain?
Honestly FATE: Accelerated isn't a bad place to learn. Risus takes a bit more investment but is equally valid, if not better suited to some things.

It's less a matter of improving skills by learning the system, though, since the book is always there for reference. The skills you want to develop are largely narrative skills; how best to use the system moreso than simply knowing the system itself.
The FATE system (links here and here) is a nice starter as it's very character driven and is a good basis for teaching how you can use the various stats to best express who you want to play. There are download links here for free, because Evil Hat are awesome like that.
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If only they were PDF instead of Zip, because pepper zip fked me over, about a year ago.
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7zip is pretty reliable. Or winzip. You could probably find the .PDFs on their own, with a bit of googling.
Honestly, all the dice systems work in general different ways. There are some elements that carry through, but none are really that close to one another minus the rolling of dice.

For me I started off with Pathfinder (a more complex system) though it was in a more of a 'learning' setting, with a higher emphasis on roleplay over the system, only using it as needed. Rather then looking for a simple system, your best bet probably will be to find a game that is meant more for new people, likely a forum based one (which I assume you are doing anyways) with a higher roleplay focus on it.

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