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Realistic or Modern New Oasis: Monochrome Dreams CS Thread



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"Lots of faces, and lots of names to remember. These ones are unforgettable. Among all the stories I heard, these are the people that can't seem to keep themselves out trouble. Within these files are their bios, all the information I could get."
  • 「 CS 」
    Below you'll find a rough outline of the expected fields the GM team needs to approve your New Oasis OC. You can provide more details and additional fields than the ones listed below, but these are a minimum requirement (though, some can be left blank if they are not applicable to the character).

    Since this is written from the perspective of the (unreliable) narrator, Smith, you're free to put in information that is inaccurate, with the idea that it can be rectified later in RP, if you so choose. This must be told to the GMs.

    NAME: "The first and last names of the person in question. Had to do a lot of diggin' for these."

    ALIAS: "For many, it's a preferred name, for others, it's a brand."

    AGE/BIRTHDAY: "At the time of August 9th, 1942."

    GENDER: "The only easy part of writing these files."

    HEIGHT: "Accurate as I can get it, a little trick I learned to size people up at a glance."

    WEIGHT: "Same with weight, though this one's a bit more difficult."

    GANG: "Northern Star is the only easy one to figure out. Would make my life simpler if everyone got tats."

    GANG RANK: "Different from gang to gang, gets annoying to keep track of sometimes."

    ACTIVE SINCE: "Never would have expected this to be the hardest thing to pinpoint, yet here we are."

    HOMELAND: "Sometimes, a little bit of geography goes a long way."

    REPUTATION: "Whispers in the wind, or shouts into the void. Listen to both, and you can find clues on who someone is."

    RESIDENT WARD: "Where they put their roots at. Most of them stick to where their gang mainly operates within."

    APPEARANCE: "Looks, unbiased as I can be."

    PERSONALITY: "Attitudes, they come in high numbers with these gangs."

    HISTORY: "Some background, what I could put together."

    POTENTIALITY NAME: "A coined name to describe their powers."

    PRIMARY POTENTIALITY TYPE: "The main type of Potential it can be catergorized."

    SECONDARY POTENTIALITY TYPE: "Many Potentials are complex enough they fit into two categories."

    POTENTIALITY DESCRIPTION: "A basic understanding how their Potential works."

    POTENTIALITY STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: "Every upside has a downside, and vice versa."

    WEAPONS/EQUIPMENT: "Some like to carry guns, some knives. Other's seem to always carry around a bag full of explosives."

    As far as coding for the CS is concerned, you're not forced to follow the codes to the letter if you prefer not to so long as all of the required information is there.
「 CS 」

[font=Bebas Neue][comment][font=Newsreader][font=Josefin Sans][font=Jost][font=Bahianita].[/font][/font][/font][/font][/comment][border=0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px auto; /* Character image */ --character: url('post link to image here'); /* Potentiality image */ --potential: url('https://i.imgur.com/NBwv5U0.jpg'); /* Card subtitle font family */ --sub-font: 'DM Serif Display'; /* Card title + section header font family */ --title-font: 'Rokkitt'; /* Label + section body font family */ --label-font: 'Libre Baskerville'; /* Label field font family */ --field-font: 'Newsreader'; /* Card background + divider colour */ --main-c: #000000; /* Card subtitle colour */ --sub-c: #EDE9D0; /* Card title colour */ --title-c: #c3a6a6; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; filter: grayscale(1);][Tabs] [Tab=MAIN PROFILE][border=transparent; filter: hue-rotate(158deg); width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0px; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 15px; margin-top: 16px;][border=1px solid #000000; box-sizing: content-box; position: relative; border-radius: 8px; padding: 18px; flex: 0 1 360px; max-width: 100%; height: 576px; background: var(--main-c);][border=transparent; padding: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; height: 500px; background-image: var(--character); background-size: cover; border-radius: 8px; background-position: center; filter: hue-rotate(15deg);][/border][border=transparent; position: absolute; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px auto; left: 0px; right: 0px; border-radius: 8px; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0px; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 380px);][border=transparent; margin: 0px 0px 6px; padding: 12px 0px 0px 0px; font-size: calc(18px - 0.25vw); font-family: var(--sub-font); color: var(--sub-c); text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.12em;]GANG NAME[/border][border=transparent; padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px; font-size: calc(25px - 0.25vw); font-family: var(--title-font); color: var(--title-c); text-align: center; line-height: 100%; letter-spacing: 0.15em;]ROLE NAME/ALIAS[/border][/border][/border][comment] [/comment][border=transparent; padding: 0px 10px; flex: 1 1 550px;][border=transparent; margin-top: 5px; padding: 0 0 6px 0; font-size: 38px; line-height: 1; letter-spacing: 0.1em; border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]OC NAME[/border][border=transparent; border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c); margin-top: 5px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; gap: 5px;][comment] // Full Name [/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]LEGAL NAME[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]Name[/border][/border][comment] // Age & Birth [/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]AGE & BIRTH[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx (month xx, xxxx)[/border][/border][comment] // Alias [/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ALIAS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]XX[/border][/border][comment] // Gender [/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GENDER[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment] // Height and Weight [/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]HEIGHT | WEIGHT[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)[/border][/border][comment] // Gang and Rank [/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GANG & RANK[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx of the Gang Name[/border][/border][comment] // Active Since [/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ACTIVE SINCE[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xxxx[/border][/border][comment] // Homeland [/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]Homeland[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xxxx[/border][/border][comment] // Reputation [/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]REPUTATION[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment] // Resident Ward [/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]Resident Ward[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx Ward[/border][/border][/border][comment] // General Description [/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background:#c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]GENERAL DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment] // Personality [/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]PERSONALITY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment] // Historical Biography [/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][comment] // Relationships [/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]RELATIONSHIPS[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab] [Tab=POTENTIALITY][comment] ------ ------ ------ POTENTIALITY SECTION. ------ ------ [/comment][border=transparent; filter: hue-rotate(158deg); box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 15px; margin-top: 16px;][border=1px solid #f2f2f2; box-sizing: content-box; position: relative; border-radius: 8px; padding: 18px; flex: 0 1 360px; max-width: 100%; background: var(--main-c); height: 576px;][border=transparent; padding: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; height: 500px; background-image: var(--potential); background-size: cover; border-radius: 8px; background-position: center; filter: hue-rotate(15deg);][/border][border=transparent; box-sizing: border-box; position: absolute; margin: 0px auto; left: 0px; right: 0px; border-radius: 8px; padding: 0; width: clamp(250px, 100%, 380px);][border=transparent; margin: 0px 0px 6px; padding: 12px 0 0 0; font: calc(18px - 0.25vw) var(--sub-font); color: var(--sub-c); text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.12em;]POTENTIALITY PROFILE[/border][border=transparent; padding: 0 0 10px 0; font-size: calc(25px - 0.25vw); font-family: var(--title-font); color: var(--title-c); text-align: center; line-height: 100%; letter-spacing: 0.15em;]NAME[/border][/border][/border][comment] [/comment][border=transparent; padding: 0px 10px; flex: 1 1 550px;][border=0; margin-top: 5px; padding: 0 0 6px 0; font-size: 38px; line-height: 100%; letter-spacing: 0.1em; border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]NAME'S POTENTIAL • NAME[/border][border=transparent; border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c); margin-top: 5px; padding: 0 10px 0 10px; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; gap: 5px;][comment] // Potentiality Category 1 [/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]PRIMARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment] // Potentiality Category 2 [/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]SECONDARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment] // Common Name [/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]OTHER NAMES[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][comment] // General Description [/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]POTENTIALITY DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0px 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment] // Strengths and weaknesses [/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]STRENGTHS + WEAKNESSES[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment] // Weapons Equipment [/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]WEAPONS + EQUIPMENT[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab] [/Tabs][/border][/font]
    "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
    Eiji Nakamura
    31 (Unknown)
    5'11" (180 cm) | 154 lbs (70 kg)
    Veteran of the Chrysanthemum Hydras
    The Man Who Houses Demons
    Resident Ward
    East Ward
    There is nothing remarkable about Nakamura Eiji. He is an average, bespectacled man with soft, neat brown hair. Despite, or because, of his duties as a priest, he is rather fit, and there are sightings of him doing menial labour around the church, alongside doing maintenance work by himself.

    Nakamura Eiji's repute as a man who houses demons speaks less of his capacity for evil, and more of his love for all living things. As effective as he is as a killer, he holds the utmost respect and devotion for his faith. His ardent desire to emulate the very son of God who forgave the sins of His children has him see only the capacity of good for all around him. Even the most bloodthirsty will seek comfort in the arms of the immaculate Mother, after all. If they do not now, they will in the future. He will be there for them, and so will His House. After all, one should not cast stones unless they have not sinned before.

    Visits to the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour and cordial interviews with Padre Nakamura have given the impression that he is a polite, welcoming, and warm person. He, curiously, seems to exude a rather motherly disposition- he is patient and caring, and occasionally fusses over the appearance of his guests, and freely gives gifts, such as an umbrella on a particularly rainy evening. He also seems to constantly be at the beck-and-call of any who would take shelter under his roof, at any time of the day, given his readiness to accept a man at the brink of midnight.

    It is no surprise that, as a Hydra, he is as vicious and capable as his colleagues in a firefight, if not more so. He, however, differs from them in some aspects. He does not draw out a fight, and he is willing to step aside if he feels that he is outnumbered or outskilled. He often goes for vital spots, seeking to end a confrontation as quickly as possible, or may choose to opt for a more diplomatic solution. He offers a prayer for those he has killed, and it seems that he does regret his actions if he has bloodied his hands, flagellating and prostrating himself at the statue of the Lord after such an action.

    Despite this transparency, however, there is a feeling that Nakamura Eiji is hiding something. He has been seeking a particular person with surprising fervour. Rumours indicate this very same person was the cause of his original disappearance. It is highly likely that he intends to seek recompense. End report.
    Nakamura Eiji was born in Todo, Wakoku. He spent only 5 years in Wakoku, before moving to Xia after his father found work overseas. He was said to be a fairly average student, and this led him to fall into the wrong crowd. At the age of 15, Nakamura became associated with the Chrysanthemum Hydras. For a long while, he was known as a violent young man, who found only calm in the blood of the Hydras' enemies. However, at the age of 20, he was 'suddenly overcome by the need to serve a higher power' (as quoted by a particularly verbose and loquacious Hydra), and he left the Hydras to pursue this calling. It is unknown what drove him to such a desire, but it has been theorised that his anger towards the world and the system had burned itself out. In that emptiness, it is possible that he may have come across an icon of Christianity, and decided that this was his calling.

    The records are fuzzy here. Nakamura Eiji dropped out of the radar for 6 years. It is, no doubt, that he spent this time pursuing his vocation as a Catholic priest. When he finally returned, he apprenticed as a priest at the Church of Saint Mary of the Angels for 3 years, until the current Father transferred to another church, leaving him in charge. Nakamura Eiji remained a member of the Chrysanthemum Hydras during this period, and continued to operate as one when there were no sermons to be given. He was meticulous about which duties he would perform, however, and was said to only seek those he had deemed beyond the grace of God. It was still said that he still attempted to reason with some of them, seeking peace and calm through diplomacy. Combined with his rituals after their deaths, he was clearly attempting to live a life of both a holy man and a man of the dark underworld.

    A Wakoku criminal fled to his church during his time in Xia, two years before he would travel to New Oasis. He offered her safety and a home under his roof. When bounty hunters came to collect their target in the dark of the night, he beseeched them to lay down their arms and go home to their masters. When they refused, he killed them all. Naturally, this incident saw some upset between the Hydras and their Wakoku associates. However, it would seem that even the most atheistic of the Hydras were hesitant to approach Father Nakamura on God's own grounds. Eventually, this incident was swept under the rug as an unfortunate event.

    It was also how it came to be that Nakamura Eiji became known as the Man Who Houses Demons, for better or worse.

    Despite the resolution of the incident, there still remained some bad blood between Father Nakamura and the families who wanted his guest dead. On the August of 1941, there was another attack on the church by unaffiliated assailants. The event was named the Saint Mary Massacre, and it resulted in the eponymous church burning down, along with five blocks of buildings with it. Out of the reported 23 combatants that participated in this fiasco, 20 men and women died, their bodies strewn about and burned to a char, with the rest missing, including Father Nakamura Eiji. It was posited that he personally killed every single combatant by himself, cementing him as a legend of the Chrysanthemum Hydras, if it were true.

    When Nakamura Eiji finally resurfaced after 5 days of seclusion, he was reported to have been in good health. He would not answer any questions related to the Fire of Saint Mary, diverting the results of the heated battle to his God. To those who knew him well, they said that he felt 'different', somehow, 'as if a great rain were falling in his heart, but a great fire like the sun itself had been born within' (again, a quote from our particularly verbose interviewee).

    It is noted that he was particularly interested in joining the gang's progress to New Oasis. He claims he harbours no interest in their games, and it was so that he could further spread the word of the Lord to the people in New Oasis. It is our belief that both are true, but he has committed a lie of omission. There has to be something else about his desire to join the conquest game. As in his Personality review, we propose that it is possible that he is seeking some idea of vengeance against someone there, someone who may be related to the events of the Saint Mary Massacre.

    Upon landfall, he was transferred to a church operating in the borders of the east and south wards of New Oasis, the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succor. Its previous parish priest had only recently been promoted and was offered a place in Roma itself, and he handily took over from him. While its usual attendees were originally pensive about his claim of the station, given his relative youth and perceived inexperience, they would eventually warm up to him, seeing his devotion and love for his flock. I should really go to church sometime. End report.
    -The Demon: A woman whom they called a demon. She loved him as a woman, but he loved her as a child of God. Her current location is unknown, and no information exists with regards to her due to her innate ability to shapeshift. She may have fled in the chaos of the Saint Mary Massacre, as her body was not found in the aftermath of the incident.
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    "The clock is still ticking."
    Jacques Henri Fontaine
    28 (Sep 12th, 1912)
    'Dead Ringer.'
    5'10" (177 cm) | 152 lb (68.95 kg)
    6-point-☆; Rookie? of the Northern Star Syndicate
    "Nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact."
    Resident Ward
    North Ward
    He was good while he lasted, 'least that's most I've heard from all the syndicate dogs one's had the displeasure to have an exchange with. Pretty bulk of praise, for someone of his ilk, I reckon.

    He was as average as they came, 'tell you the truth. Jackie knew how to pull off a suit, but his blonde head was always thick and all-over at the top, it didn't match, neck-tie was always loose at the neck. At first glance, he was a mess on two legs. A man gone off the bend, threadbare, shabby, looking like he lived one day at a time. Outer appearances are an up-front, however, you learned that quick once you saw him moving proper even in those disheveled looks he had to him. At a second glance, a seasoned worker ant, much like everyone else. The only thing that really stuck out to him was the fair bit of muscle he was carrying; you'd see it even under the suit.

    Look a bit further ways into him, you'd end up seeing six-horns bunched together into a star. Tucked right under his collar.
    He was running out of time, you could tell just from one look at him.

    He used to wake at four or so from old habit, even when it didn't fit the schedule to do so; Jack was a paranoid man. By five he was up on the edge of his bed, at six he came fully awake, reading the newscasts, catching up on new aphorisms to add to his repertoire. Used them to sound witty, like he wasn't a foreigner still twisting his tongue trying to ask for coffee. I liked to think he was an anthropologist in his own right, struggling to learn how people functioned, how they moved, learning how to move with them. In that sense, he was alienated, I suppose. Quietly watching the world wash away on other people's thundercloud. Must've been nice.

    It was a high stakes game out there, rats and vultures all around, looking to pick you clean, but he was the type to come and place as many bets as he could. Hardened. No fear. No remorse. Didn't crack under pressure. His play hand wasn't good in the grand scheme of things. Not like it was a bad one— but, hell, wouldn't 've called it a happy medium neither. He was just...enough. Good asset work. A nice pawn with shoulders broad enough to have an old lady clutching at her pearls. Get a worm to turn at him when he spoke. There were these airs about him, had a strong look in his eye— told one too many words without uttering some, had you knowing he wasn't rough just for the looks.

    On the other end, where I was, all blissful and ignorant, I knew him as a curated man. Not a hard-ass rolling up his sleeves in a bar fight. Thoughtful, tight-lipped, picked his words right when he needed to; he was the type to accommodate to most. Everyone finds trouble distasteful when they're off the clock, he wasn't too dissimilar to that fellow-feeling. He wasn't the one to take two steps forward and three back, Jackie was a smart-ass. Slow and methodical, like the proper investigator. What a hoot, eh?

    He was no righteous man, not a man of cloth, didn't count his blessings, but he was hopeful above all. Didn't keep this old, bitter shadow of resentment that looms over the city, not in his chest. He moved forward.

    To his own detriment, now that I look back at things.

    There's little to no information I could scrounge up on him, the past was scratched. By Jackie himself, that clever dog, I figure.

    It's a foregone conclusion he was born in the capital of Libere, you could hear it in the accent. There's a prevalent disconnection that spreads like a stain between the details, all the eyes-only information that's been passed has an apartness to it, endless gaps where none of it really makes any sense. None of it connects. There's a call back, though, a stretch you could make to connect those misaligned dots, piece together where he came from. Of course, only theorycraft. Loose assumptions.

    There was a young man in the capital of Libere of similar name, his folks called him Jack to mock him for his Amestrian descendance. Blonde head too, blue eyed.He was a street urchin since the age of ten, mother and father went off the grid, couldn't pick at any records to learn much about them. Jack was big for a kid his age, had the muscle to monetize his punches on the numerous underground boxing rings across the city, where it didn't matter if you were HP or not, so long as you could put up a good show. For a while he was content to make a living off of it, he climbed the ropes fast, got used to it.

    At some point, where the lines between the professional rigor of the ring and the reality of the underworld blurred, he found himself embroiled in the grasp of one of the local gangs. Jack was bloody-knuckled and neck deep into the underworld since then, wet behind the ears and making the wrong deals with the wrong people— soon enough they'd put him to death for it. He'd messed up somewhere. Defaulted on a deal, didn't put up a good fight, looked at another chap's lady wrong. No one knows the full story. All that's clear is that poor Jack killed the wrong bastard, put his hands on the heir of one of the most notorious crime families in Libere, and that spelled the end of him. He ran like the devil was tailing him.

    It wasn't clear if he made it or not. Wasn't clear if Jack was later found chopped up in a bag flowing downstream either.

    All we know is that one day, a man that fit the description popped up in 'Oasis, like a ghost that'd struggled to keep its form up until that point.

    Jacques Fontaine earned his citizenship in the heartland of Amestria, New Oasis. Another hard-laboring dog looking to make it big. He settled, bought a car, a house— that sort of life. Married to Vivianne Fontaine, whom passed away giving birth to their son, Jean Fontaine. He made a quick buck as a private investigator, dug out the dirty secrets of people for a pretty penny. Hell, Jackie even worked with the police in certain criminal investigations, whenever he was feeling fancy. At that first glance, he was a hard-working man trying to give his son a good life, best he could. The type you'd clap a hand on a shoulder, invite him out for drinks because you felt pity for him.

    Jackie was, however, a two-faced rat. He lived another life as a fine asset for the Northen Star Syndicate; he was the one they'd send to look for potential P.O.I's, the one's that knew how to hide proper. He wasn't the one you'd want knocking at your door, no, not when he was on the clock. It's a mystery how high-ranking he was within the North Star rats, even to this day. There are records pinning him to be a seasoned veteran, appearing and disappearing throughout the years when they needed him, but from personal records, we know that his star only had six ends to it.

    Veteran or rookie, it didn't matter. He got the job done like it was easy. Went off ground just as easy, too.
    - Jean Fontaine. "His ten year old boy. Not exactly a target of interest, nor a possible lead. Jack spends most of his time off work around his son, hard to see 'em apart from each other."

    - Yelizaveta Vasiliev. "We've seen her around Jean from time to time. He leaves for work, she comes 'round to look after the kid. He comes back, pays her in pennies. Sort of a shambly, bizarre symbiotic relationship. Should be looked further into."
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    Yelizaveta Vasiliev
    Yelizaveta Vasiliev
    38 (April 1st, 1900)
    x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)
    Veteran of the Northern Star Syndicate [Eight Points]
    Witch of Ill Tidings
    Resident Ward
    North Ward
    "Never thought a woman lookin' that tired could carry on for so long... God, I thought she'd never stop..."
    -Extract from the debriefing of Officer Smalls after his initial investigation of the old Sanctimony Mill​

    Of the Conquest game's countless participants, Yelizaveta Vasiliev is perhaps the most forthcoming. Deception is absent from her deck of cards, and if you have a question, she will answer it to the best of her ability.

    And many questions were asked.

    Upon Officer Small's investigation of the Sanctimony Mill, he was not met with the fierce territorialism of a paranoid gangster, but instead the warm welcome of a reclusive aunt. Within the now verdant folds of the Mill, Miss Vasiliev reportedly played the role of a generous and cooperative host, carrying herself with a hushed calm even in the face of interrogation. While, ultimately, little of weight was garnered from the investigation, a certain painting of the woman was made: A tired, but welcoming recluse, whose arms are open to all those who would come to her with open ears.

    Different, though, say the rumors. While Officer Small's discussion with Miss Vasiliev painted her as an amiable figure at worst, correspondence with Ruthenian authorities has presented a portrait of a much more concerning shade. While reports of her demeanor remain consistent, her suspected crimes have been anything but welcome news. While a proper investigation was never able to be made into Miss Vasiliev's purported crimes due to the post-war devastation of the Ruthenian government, reports of arson, blackmail, and increased activity of the Northern Star Syndicate are incredibly common following her appearances.

    Indeed, the painting provided through correspondence has been a far different one than a harmless hermit on the hill, and she has been described as nothing less than a Witch by the Nozkow Chief of Police.
    "Don't be deceived by the blase demeanor. Where that woman goes, fire follows."
    -Extract from correspondence with Nozkow Chief of Police regarding P.O.I. 'Yelizaveta Vasiliev'​

    A campfire crackles, and the dull orange glow of the flickering flames dances across the walls of a gnarled grove. Within the cold tundra of the Ruthenian wilderness, it's a sight for sore eyes. The frigid wasteland's answer to those blue oases of fabled, desert yore. The white, frozen wastes stretch for miles before this grove and will stretch on for miles beyond it. Her fingers decorated by a tangle of ink, a weary-looking woman speaks to you over the campfire's constant, hungry hiss. You rub your hands together, as she does. So deep into the dead of winter, it will still be hours before dawn.

    Impossibly high above your head, a distant star gleams brilliantly. Unfortunately the same can not be said for the one before you.

    History is decided by what is shared. What's preserved. What's pressed and dried and folded neatly away into a diary, forgotten at the bottom of a leather trunk until the time comes to pass on that wisdom to the next generation. What's been shared over those frigid Ruthenian nights is what paints the picture of Yelizaveta Vasiliev.

    A gangster. A traveller. A wise woman. A fool. A witch. A mother. A deadbeat.

    First and foremost, a scholar.

    Miss Vasiliev first entered the public eye during her enrollment at the Western Nozkow School of Life Sciences. A double major in Botany and Ecology, she made steady grades within her fields of study for a pair of years, until abandoning her academic pursuits and fleeing into the night. When she reappeared, it would be bearing the crest of the Northern Star Syndicate. It was a wonder among her former peers why she, a young woman of such decent promise would toss her prospects away for such a foolish and frightful thing as a life of crime, but perhaps that was simply how she was.

    Where a life of quiet academic pursuit was all but promised to her, she instead chose the life of a vagrant. For the coming years Yelizaveta went where she willed, and wherever that was, the Syndicate soon followed. If the Syndicate were a weed, digging its roots deeper and deeper into the Ruthenian people, then she was one of its seed bearers. A migratory animal, leaving blossoms and seedlings where she went. It was for nearly a decade that she wandered the Motherland, until she did as those of her age were supposed to, and settled down in a quiet hamlet. She met a man. They shared a bed. They brought two fresh, bubbly souls into the world, and then she left.

    Away, again with the wind.

    But this time it did not carry her aimlessly. Further up, up and beyond, those freezing gales drove her. Through twisting crags and across snow-capped peaks, she wandered, until she found herself once more where she was supposed to be going. A welcome of tired cobblestones led her deep into the Ruthenian mountains, ushering her into a monastery, long forgotten by time. She spent months there. A fraction of the time she'd dedicated to her trysts with academia and motherhood, but they struck her more deeply than either of the two combined, doubled, and multiplied to the power of themselves. Within those snow-dusted peaks, Yelizaveta found what she had always sought. Purpose.

    Or at least the path to it.
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    Vernon Giacomo Farnese
    24 (month xx, xxxx)
    5'9" (176 cm) | xx lb (xx kg)
    Second-In-Command of the Farnese Family of the Trevisani Famiglia
    A jolly playboy with a heart of...gold?
    Resident Ward
    West Ward
    TBA (Will get a commission for him soon)
    If there's something anyone who knows Vernon is aware of, is that he's a man that never stops grinning. A lover of fine dining, good drinking, and beautiful women. Vernon just wants to, above all else, have a swell time. Others in the Trevisani speak of him being food company, a friendly guy, one that won't get angry or annoyed at your for the small things, yet he also doesn't seem to harbor all that much interest in others, just a little self absorbed, is all. This hasn't stopped him from using his wealth for good causes every now and then, as it's known he's donated to hospitals and orphanages back in Fusili, has given him a bit of a better reputation than most with the people when it comes to the Famiglia.

    Surprising for a few, Vernon is also a man of faith. Despite the lavish lifestyle and seemingly immature attitude, the man keeps his religion close to his heart, and is not afraid to mention god's love and compassion to those he deemed in need of, you can even see him attending church on sundays when he ain't too busy.

    Don't be fooled though. At the end of the day, Vernon is still a high-ranked member of a violent organization, and a proud member at that. He's not averse to violence should the family need him to partake in it, if not even enjoy it to a degree. He's just like his own flames, warm and comforting if you're mindful, but you can easily get burned.
    A city boy at heart, Vernon was never strayed far from the bustling sounds of the urban life, even as far back as when he was suckling on his mother's cheap wine-infused teat. However, every concrete jungle is home to both the fattened bourgeoisie, and the rats that run through the alleways, take a guess on which side the boy was on.

    Life was always a struggle for him, as the kid was made to work after school, whatever brought another coin to the family savings was fair game, but despite everything, Vernon was still a relatively happy and well-behaved child, as long as he didn't get on his parents' bad side, that is, and if he did, well, an extra layer of clothing was always good for hiding the belt marks. It also certainly didn't help that his nature as an HP was cause of a lot of social distancing and segregation.

    Apparently, it was his faith that managed to keep him grasping at sanity despite the many struggles, god was always there, willing to hear him talk every night, and that was enough.

    Once he was finally done with school at the age of fourteen, his parents decided that the best way to deal with their crippling finances, was to finally take the plunge and ask to become members of the Trevisani Famiglia, as the man of the house's brother, Enzo Farnese, was the head of the decently-renowned Farnese family, but the couple had gone several years too afraid to get involved with the organized crime. But now, with a more physically developed HP son, they could use their "beloved child" to their advantage within the family.

    The rest of the story is a bit muddy. Kid did well, really well, in fact. He brought security and a modest amount of wealth to his household, the hard nailing from a young age bore fruits, and he was willing to perform a task, even if it was of an unsavory nature.

    One thing of note, at the very least, is that by the time the kid was 17, he ended up with no real household to return to. As both the building and the couple that brought him to this world had been consumed by flames of uncertain origin, leaving naught but ash behind, and with Vernon as the sole survivor. Not willing to let a valuable asset go to waste, Enzo took the young man under his wing, treating him like a child of his own and, even as a criminal with no history as a parent, showed to be nothing like the selfish duo taken by the fire.

    Many years passed, and Vernon now found himself with the title of Second-In-Command within his family, and a far cry from the person he used to be back then.
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  • Chrysanthemum Hydras
    "Silence. Sit and listen."
    Mitsuki Shoji
    26 (Feb 28th, 1916)
    6'0" (183 cm) | 146 lb (66 kg)
    Dealmaker of the Chrysanthemum Hydras
    ???? - 1938 (Guroko Association)
    1938 (Chrysanthemum Hydras)
    harmless; oxymoron; traitor
    Resident Ward
    East Ward
    Hatenai yokubo ni ayatsurare mitasarezu ni ikiru
    Nothing but slaves to their endless appetites / Living without ever being fulfilled

    - verse of a song once sung by Mitsuki

    "My striking feature? I have heard many people describe my eyes as something remarkable. Amber seems to fascinate them. Personally, I am proud of my hands. After all, what would I be without them?"
    - excerpt from a personal interview with Mitsuki printed in a magazine

    "Pa, I saw the boogeyman."
    - daughter to her father after walking past him
    Yoi ko dake mukaeru tengoku ja doumo ikirannai
    A heaven only for the righteous? / That's no way to live
    - verse of a song once sung by Mitsuki

    "He'd be the type o' grandson my ma always dreamed of. Friendly, helps with the groceries nd' can cook. What more ya wan'?"
    one of Mitsuki's neighbours after being questioned about him

    "A true virtuoso of his time! And way more charming than his predecessors. Hey, how does this headline sound?. 'Mitsuki - Foreign Pianist on the Rise: Where Will He Go Next?' Maybe a bit long, but I can work on that!"
    - frenzied rambles of a writer for the local newspaper after one of his concerts

    "Ya heard them? They say the devil lives in his piano. That we are witnessing the birth of a second Tartini. But I swear to you, boy, something stinks massively here. I can feel it in my beard!"
    - homeless old man after listening to a radio podcast

    "There is no devil in his piano. What for? He is one himself."
    - remark of a female passerby, oddly personal
    Anata ga ita ano heya mirai tsunagu gyararia
    The room where you were was supposed to connect our future like a galleria
    verse of a song once sung by Mitsuki

    "I don't know what the Headmaster saw in him. Nothing good can come from associating with a traitor".
    - loud conversation between two members of the Chrysanthemum Hydras

    "Mitsuki? Little Mitsuki? Oh, how I miss that boy. You know, I watched him grow up. When he was all chubby and small, like a stuffed dumpling! I remember when we used to gather in the square and listen to one of his newly-rehearsed songs. Ah, how talented he was. If only my Chiyo was like that..."
    - elderly woman in Sankai about Mitsuki

    "He was a few years older than me, two or three. We didn't interact much, he always seemed too busy for us commoners, and his family was quite scary to be honest. His disappearance was sudden. From one night to the next, he was gone as if he had never existed. The Shoji's got really angry whenever we mentioned his name, so we stopped asking after the first time. It came as a surprise to all of us when we heard that he had made it big in Xia. I wonder what happened."
    - granddaughter of the previous women, probably the closest available 'childhood friend'.

    "Hello? I think I want to report a body - Yes, north of Morioka Ward. Near the forest - I'm... I'm not really sure what I found. It looks like a severed head with the eyes gouged out - No, I haven't touched it and yes, I'll wait here. Please hurry…"
    - first minute of a recorded police call in Sankai
    "Don't let anybody know you got this from me, but dear Maestro hates the hags from the south. Felt like he'd gut me before I could say 'Guroko' three times. He doesn't usually scare me but, man, that was something else."
    - random encounter with a member of the Chrysanthemum Hydras.
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  • trevisani famiglia
    Alessia Matilde Trevisani
    ?? (october 31st, ????)
    4'11" - 5'9" (xx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)
    Guardian? of the Trevisani Famiglia (unsure of true ranking)
    appears gentle and nonthreatening; can't get a read on this one
    Resident Ward
    West Ward
    • age impossible to determine simply by looking at her- doesn't seem to age.
    • described as 'ethereal' and 'angelic', said to be a 'goddess'. are they exaggerating? can't be sure.
    • long blonde hair, bright blue eyes
    • appears lithe and small in stature, reports say she is far stronger than she looks.
    • said to have

    (Any other information is illegible- Burned, by the looks of it. The culprit must have been interrupted before they could finish burning the rest of the files.)

    [fc: violet evergarden]
    There are many rumours about this woman, folk whispering and spreading misinformation. But is it misinformation? There is no way to know for sure.

    "She's an angel- kind, gentle, and generous" "She's the devil- cold, calculating, and cruel" "She is like something from a dream" "She is your worst nightmare" "She could never harm a soul" "She is a wolf in sheep's clothing".

    Every account of this woman contradicts the last, nothing makes sense- She doesn't make sense.
    There isn't a way to get a clear picture of who she is. All that is known for certain is that Alessia is not one to be underestimated. There is something off about her.
    born into the trevisani famiglia. treated as royalty both inside and outside of the family. no information is known beyond that.
    It is suspected that she is very close with the main family.
    Rumours suggest she might even be closely related to Elmo "Bones" Trevisani.
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    Sanya Vladimirovna Morozova
    23 (December 28th, 1918)
    5'03" (162 cm) | 110 lb (50 kg)
    Veteran of the Northern Star Syndicate; 7 Point Star
    Serious, somehow both cold and warm at the same time.
    Resident Ward
    North Ward
    • Youthful appearance, most assume she is a few years younger than she actually is.
    • Short blonde hair, blue-violet eyes.
    • Does not emote much, often has a poker face.
    • Most often in comfortable clothing that is easy to move around in.

    Main Faceclaim: Vorona from Durarara!!
    References: Masuki Sato 'MASKING' from Bang Dream, Kohaku Okosora from Idolmaster, and Hiuchi Ichiyou from Bungou Stray Dogs
    Rumors most often cite her as being a fairly blunt person, never sugarcoating things. With her unflinching facial expressions, she is a talented liar when work calls for it. However, it can be said that when amongst those she can bring herself to trust, she is very honest and, in some ways kind - willing to give out compliments. She's said to prefer solitude most of them time, but when amongst those she considers friends, the tiniest of smiles can be spotted on her lips.
    There is some speculation about her being linked to a disappearance of someone that was supposedly harrassing someone she cared about, suggesting that she is the protective type, though this was never confirmed.
    Other than the aforementioned potential link to a man's disappearance, most of her history is unknown.
    Her father is named Vladmir Nikolaevich Morozov, and her mother Tamara Aleksandrovna Morozova. Not much is known about them, other than her father having died in 1920.
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  • guroko association
    Maybe about 20? (UKNOWN)
    The Metal Angel
    5'6" (152 cm) | 168 lb (76 kg)
    Captain of the Higa Family
    "The metal angel will decide your fate."
    Resident Ward
    South Ward
    ~ Can't pinpoint her age just by looking
    ~ Scars from cheek to cheek and under her right eye
    ~ Black hair until her waist
    ~ Rumors say her eyes glow red in the dark
    ~ Seemingly doesn't exist off the job
    Reports say she's calm and calculating on the job. Never one to screw up or leave any trace behind. Nothing is known about her off the job. Seems like no one sees this "metal angel" on a normal day.
    Originally came from Sankai, born and raised. Discovered through her ability to speak the language like a native. Seemingly born into the family and sworn in at the age of 18. Became captain at an alarming rate. Sworn in as captain of the Higa Family at the age of 19. Landed in New Oasis on May 28th, 1942.
    Minoru Higa (patriarch of the Higa Family)
    Carmen Romero
    25 (UNKNOWN, 1916/7?)
    5'06" (167 cm) | 128 lb (58 kg)
    Mercenary of the Chrysantheum Hydras
    1938-present(Chrysantheum Hydras)
    A capable mercenary
    Resident Ward
    East Ward
    A mercenary with a forte in tracking. Certainly very reliable for most jobs, and will take just about anything of equal value, whether that be money, information, or favours. Just make sure you fulfil your end of the contract. People call her the Erinyes for a reason.

    Physically, she's been described as anemic-looking, with short brown hair and eyes that some people swear look crimson.
    Carmen has shown herself to be a ruthless and apathetic individual, willing to do nearly anything for the right price. She's decisive in combat, resourceful, aiming to finish anything that she starts no matter how long it may take - she rarely forgets grudges, it seems. She’s less openly hostile than some other members of the gang, more open to calm discussion if you make it clear you’re a paying customer. This prospenity for coldness lends itself to her occupation and penchant for vengeance.

    Her early life had raised her to be a vicious character, moulded by the pressures of survival in the underbelly of society to be decisive, resourceful, and cutthroat, to deny showing cracks and vulnerability if her weaknesses could be witnessed. It has let her know that in any environment, you need to prove your strength and be powerful enough to prevent yourself from being harmed. It's an ideology that has followed her throughout her life, and it's no different as a member of the Chrysanthemum Hydras.
    There's a lack of information surrounding Carmen's past. Her mother was a prostitute, a chronic smoker who lived on the streets. She died around 6-7 years after conceiving, a sexually-contracted disease or a homicide, one of the two. Presumably, Carmen became a street kid after this. There’s not much known about her after this period, especially after she left her hometown. However, it is known she primarily survived by stealing and pickpocketing with the aid of her potential.

    She left accompanying an older girl after a couple of years. Skipping towns often, Carmen dropped off the radar, with only vague reports that may potentially be linked to her. It can be assumed that she was attempting to make a living elsewhere as a mercenary-type character. In this period, Carmen eventually resurfaced after spreading her reputation and becoming a member of the Chrysanthemum Hydras.
    Most of her relationships seem purely transactional. It's suspected that she is close to one of the more prominent figures in the Hydras.
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  • Guroko Association
    Igarashi Hari
    34 (March 09, 1908)
    6'4" (xxx cm) | ??? lb (xx kg)
    Patriarch of the Rukha Rājā Family of the Guroko
    June 1922
    Mixed Blood
    Resident Ward
    South Ward
    Hari is a taller man with clearly mixed features. Darker skin tone and fine soft hair texture, which clearly come from his mother’s side while his facial features such as his thinner longer eyes lean closer to his father.
    Hari is known as an even tempered individual. Unlike others of his generation breaking out from “traditional values” he has little issue with the way things currently run… on paper. The days of honor and respect were already relics of a bygone era. If they ever existed in the first place. Instead Hari upheld what the old values should be. Earn your keep or don’t.

    Yet assuming there was kindness from this was a dangerous call. Hari despite being even tempered is still a yakuza at the end of the day, and no one rose to the role of a Patriarch without being capable of great violence and vices.

    A Raja, a ruler, was nothing without their court. For those who happened to be in it they could enjoy the protections of being valuable. For anyone else, at best they were unremarkable… at worst they were targets to bleed dry or take out.

    Historical Record:
    Hari Igarashi.
    Passport obtained on 1940.
    Visa to Amestria obtained on 1941.
    Reason for stay: Asylum for his group after violent conflict in Sankai.

    Birthplace: Siigan, Samara
    Citizen Status: Citizenship of Samara, Legal Residency of Sankai (previous) Legal Residency of Amestria (Current)
    Housing Status: Renting out a building with several apartments in South Ward

    Affiliated with Sanda Raja, Murad Raja, Inaya Raja, Ruwan Raja.
    -Names do not match
    -Several different features
    -Each lives in the apartment building

    Occupational Record:
    Entrepreneurial. Running a “Family owned” restaurant of fusion cuisine.
    -potentially a front
    -meets other clients often, audits show these are grocers and food supply

    Watch carefully.
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  • Chrysanthemum Hydras
    Hushed Assassin
    Kygo Akainen • Not an Average Listener
    Kygo [Kee-go] Akainen
    25 (September-December, 1917)
    Hushed Assassin, The Shush Man
    6'06" (184 cm) | 166 lb (75 kg)
    Assassin of the Chrysanthemum Hydras
    1932 (first public record, likely 1924)
    Short tempered, always goes for the throat first
    Resident Ward
    East Ward
    "I'm pretty sure he just looks tired all the time..." - Anonymous East Ward Neighbor

    Akainen is most easily identified by the fact that he always wears something over his ears, whether that be earmuffs or a cloth band of some sort. I can't confirm exactly what's going on underneath, but if it's more than a stylistic choice, then I suspect it has some relation to his Potential.
    Regardless, if you find yourself with a pale man, dark rings around his eyes and a vacant expression, then it's a pretty good indication that you've discovered the misfortune of Kygo Akainen's company.

    Never been known to smile.

    Note: I have encountered multiple accounts of Kygo's unusual clothing style; namely excessive layering, and possibly even long skirts. I cannot confirm the latter point, and these may be unexceptional observations, but I am inclined to see some connection between those stylistic choices and his potentiality.
    See the attached Potentiality report for further details.​
    "My advice? You're going to want to keep your voice down." - Anonymous East Ward Neighbor

    Bloodthirsty and unbearably eccentric (like any other Hydra member, I suppose), the consistent thread seems to be Kygo Akainen's short temper and tendency to speak softly. In particular, the stories always speak of his volatility and distracted demeanor, the way he's constantly on edge.
    Whether he has any positive traits remains unknown, as those I have gleaned information from display a certain animosity toward him, and I didn't get the impression that his tighter-lipped acquaintances were acting out of any noble sense of loyalty.

    On the subject of loyalty, however, there is some indication that controlling Akainen's murderous impulses is a continuing problem for everyone around him, which naturally doesn't seem to have made his status any less stable in an organization like the Hydras.
    One does wonder how useful he is to the Hydras, however. Aside from his ability to cause mayhem and gather information, it seems unlikely that he's a particularly coherent individual. (Which, I admit, is rather speculative on my part. Perhaps his is the covert type of genius, despite my inclination to the contrary.)

    - I have recently received information that Kygo shows proficiency in sign language and seems to prefer communicating in that way. I will try to determine if that has any further significance to my investigation.

    Interview record, Anonymous interviewee [designated HM] -
    HM: Well, I doubt anyone who knows the truth for sure is still alive, but I've heard the story a few times. They say he intentionally punctured his own eardrums, shoved a blade in both ears, trying to go deaf or something. That's a crazy thing to do, right? But everybody knows he's got a problem with noises, and not just loud ones either: all kinds of sounds can set him off.

    Question omitted.

    HM: Well, what else would I mean? Noises'll make him snap, and he'll kill people over it. I saw it myself, once. This guy was chewing tobacco near him and wouldn't stop. Akainen slit his throat, just like that. It happened fast too. If I hadn't known better, I'd have said he had lightning reflexes instead of super hearing. And there's no judgement on my part, mind you. I just don't see what he gets out of it, except maybe he just wants an excuse to go after anyone, at any time.
    If I'm honest, I think it'd be less unnerving if he just killed for fun.
    Akainen first appears in orphanage records as an infant; naturally, that means that any real information about his parents is nigh impossible to pin down. Rumor has it his HP status drove his mother to the brink within the first few hours of his life, so she abandoned him at an orphanage and no father ever showed up to lay claim. A shame of course, but understandable.

    After that, there's not much on Akainen's childhood, just the occasional news printing of some psycho kid going on a murder spree, ripping people's throats out. (Given what I've uncovered about him in adulthood, I feel rather confident that those articles can be attributed to him.) Then, everything goes quiet for a while: unclear where or why he would vanish for months at a time between those rampages, but eventually he gets on the radar as a member of the Chrysanthemum Hydras. Mostly on assassination jobs, developing a particularly nasty reputation. Still ripping people's vocal cords out.

    Personal connections to Akainen are elusive, even within the Hydras, but evidence suggests he's settled in the East Ward now, possibly with a 'handler' of some kind. Surprised someone like him could settle at all, but if I was a betting man, I'd say most reports of throats being cut in the East Ward can still be traced back to him. Just a hunch.
    As stated earlier, there isn't much information on his connections, personal or otherwise. Whether that's because those connections are highly secretive or just because they don't exist, I'm not going to make any official statements as of yet. (Unofficially? I don't foresee this guy having many friends. Have you read the personality report, yet?)
  • Guroko Association
    Hikari Katayama
    Hikari Katayama.
    24 (Exact birth date unknown, sometime in 1918).
    5'3" (160 cm) | 122 lb (55 kg)
    Unknown rank and family within the Guroko Association.
    Unknown, sometime between 1930 and 1937.
    Very sweet. Always seems to know things about people she's not supposed to.
    Resident Ward
    South Ward.
    -Always wearing dark colors, usually blue or black
    -Long wavy black hair
    -Freckles on her cheeks
    -Has a proclivity for expensive and fashionable clothing
    -Bright blue eyes
    -Not seen very often
    Not a lot of people seem to know her outside of the Guroko Association. Those that I've been able to get a hold of describe her as a sweet and talkative girl. They say they feel like they've known her for a long time and that she just seems to connect very well with most people that know her. A few say that she knows things she's not supposed to but no one knows how. There's rumors going around that she's been here longer than records show because of the information she knows. No one has any idea what exactly she may know or not know because she's so hard to find, and anyone that could know is too infatuated with her give up anything substantial. All signs point to her being more dangerous than is believed and she should be approached with caution.
    Hikari was born in Sankai sometime in 1918. Early reports indicate a fairly traditional family life and good schooling. The name of the school she attended has been struck from the record at their request, but they had nothing but great things to say about her and comment that she was studious and very observant. Her story gets muddy before the age of 16, which is around the time she's believed to have been sworn into an unknown family in the Guroko Association. Exact dates are hard to pin down due to various conflicting reports of suspicious and erratic activity at different points in her life. We managed to make contact with her parents, but they vanished before we could interview them properly, so all information before her arrival to New Oasis cuts off there. All we could get from them was that she had a very close friend throughout her teenage years whose identity remains unknown, and this person is believed to be missing or deceased. Hikari's date of arrival to New Oasis is unclear. Our documents indicate that she arrived on July 10th, but two interviewed subjects reported seeing her on May 30th. Her current objectives are unknown.
    Her only known relationships are her parents, an unknown and possibly deceased friend, and a few people she frequently contacts in the South and East Wards. Some notable names include Arthur Grayson and Joanna Vargas, neither of which is a part of any of the four major Gangs.
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    ”You’re replaceable. You know that, right?”
    Arthur Burnwood
    27 (May 8th, 1915)
    5'10" (178 cm) | 155 lb (70 kg)
    Hired Scout of the Trevisani Famiglia

    1930 - 1940 (Unaffiliated)

    1941 (Trevisani Famiglia)
    Resident Ward
    South Ward
    His appearance is always changing to fit the occasion. He could be dressed like a bum in one instance, and then before you know it, he chooses to dress in the most expensive suits imaginable to throw off any spies. Investigators have confirmed that he has black, messy hair and possesses a rather slim build. Unfortunately, basic information like this could apply to a hundred different people.
    Arthur Burnwood seems to have the temperament of a corrupt politician, with his demeanor constantly changing to suit the situation at hand. According to some who have spoken to him in the past, he was a dandy gentleman with a heart of gold who does no wrong. He gave away money to the homeless, committed personal favors for people, and charmed women with his silver tongue. However, other sources have claimed that he was a provocative, malicious man, ready to start conflict for the sake of his own twisted amusement. He instigated fights between criminal gangs, executed complex heists, and murdered people via contract killings. Supposedly, this was all to feed his insatiable greed for power and money. Because of these conflicting reports, it is difficult to accurately confirm that they are even the same person or two different people.

    Moreover, Burnwood displays a preferable method of hiding in plain sight.

    Recently, an undercover operation conducted by the Britonnia Clandestine Intelligence Service (BCIS) had tracked Burnwood to the country of Fusilli. He lived in poverty in the slums, which conflicted with several reports of him living a luxurious lifestyle. His behavior appeared to have degraded, possessing a drinking problem and becoming a public nuisance in an alcoholic state. This led the BCIS to halt their investigation on the man, believing that he wasn’t the one they weren’t looking for. Several days later, former Fusilli prime minister Mario Bianchi was killed. His calling card was seen by a witness: the victim being murdered by himself, as if he was staring at a mirror.

    Although Burnwood has an unpredictable behavioral pattern, he consistently finishes whatever job he is given and has taken a liking to traveling wherever he pleases around the world. There have been sightings of him in fifteen different countries, and in each country, he uses a different identity and cultural attire to blend in with the natives. Whenever he isn’t executing a job, it seems like his good-natured personality is on display more often. He takes the time to learn the language, coexist with people, and works at low-paying jobs.

    Usually, Burnwood preferred to work alone in most of his infamous exploits. It is unknown why he decided to collaborate with the Trevisani Famiglia. Perhaps it was a nice change of pace on his end. Nevertheless, a man of his repertoire was definitely something that the organization had noticed.

    He was always intrigued by a good deal.
    Arthur Burnwood was born in Yorisdale, Amestria; birth certificate documents would confirm this fact. His youth was spent alone, with old records indicating that he was staying at an orphanage right after his birth. The fate of his parents remained a mystery. According to Mrs. Rose Wellington, a former caretaker of the orphanage, Burnwood often mocked her by mimicking her exact movements, which caused the other orphans to laugh and enjoy his presence. Her annoyance with the boy didn’t end there, as he liked to pretend to be one of the orphans to get a second helping of food during lunch time. As he grew older, he began showing ambitions and plans to get out of the orphanage. On August 5th, 1928, he escaped from the orphanage and disappeared. He was never seen again. Mrs. Wellington speculates that his “desire to explore the world—the vast lands beyond those walls of gray concrete—had consumed his soul.”

    No activities have been traced between 1928 and 1930; intel vaguely suggests that he was a regular child stowaway and traveled to different countries. On June 5th, 1930, Burnwood was accused of poisoning a Messinian police commissioner at an expensive restaurant in the country of Messina. Case files of the murder would point out that he was a waiter, delivering a soup that contained the poison. Police arrested the young man, and he would be put on trial. Due to lackluster evidence, however, the judge declared him innocent. Fear struck the Messinian courtrooms about its possible incompetency, not wanting to release the outcome to the public and potentially increasing the distrust of the legal system. It isn’t clear why Burnwood committed the crime, but it was widely speculated that it was the result of an intricate plan by revolutionary leader José Fernández, who wanted to go into a civil war with the unjust government.

    There isn’t a clear answer on how Burnwood managed to pull off the murder, but it is assumed that he stole the identity of the head waiter who was supposed to serve the victim directly.

    Nonetheless, this was presumed to be the start of his career as a contract killer.

    Burnwood gained notoriety overtime. He assimilated himself in the higher echelons of rich society under different identities, which is how he possibly improved his speechcraft and turned into an influential man. Many criminal organizations requested his services. He had the innate ability to hide in plain sight and steal identities of other people while assassinating his targets, giving him the nickname “Chameleon”. Although the connection is not substantive, various investigators tie Burnwood to several murders of important political figures and crime bosses throughout the 1930’s. His method always changed and did not remain to one pattern only—murdering them via strangulation, shooting, poisoning, or ledge-pushing. This made it difficult to track him down.

    The pile of money that he was sitting on; it was always rising after each contract. His lifestyle remained unpredictable as ever, however, choosing to live in a variety of places instead of luxurious penthouses. He would sometimes revel in the money that he was earning by gambling in casinos, but he would live in dilapidated apartments in high crime-rate areas.

    In the late 1930’s, Burnwood began interacting with the Trevisani Famiglia for an undetermined reason. The occasional assignment included extracting information from a person or place, and/or conducting deals of illegal merchandise. His charming attitude and persuasive personality started to shine here, which garnered tons of profit for the organization. He wouldn’t become a recognized associate of the organization until somewhere around 1941, after he proved his loyalty by conducting a hit on a traitor. Even so, he was surprisingly not hired as another one of their “clean up” crew. Instead of conducting assassinations, he was placed in a position of extracting intelligence and making deals for the organization. Nevertheless, some are still wary of the man because of his unpredictability and loose sense of loyalty. Could they really trust this man to abide by their rules? Only the future can tell.
    Burnwood possesses a lot of relationships in the criminal underworld; some want his head and others consider him a golden goose. Agencies would pay abundant amounts of money to anybody who could capture him alive or kill him.
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  • IMG_1174.jpeg
    Adol L. Crush

    Let us cast our dice on to the table of life and see where it lands Us OC NAME
    Adol.L Scaletta

    26 (December 3rd, 1916)



    6'0"| 190 lb

    Market Dealer of the Chrysanthemum Hydras

    1933 Unaffiliated
    1935 Chrysanthemum Hydras


    The Stonemason

    Resident Ward
    East Ward

    -Is often singing in the middle between casual and formal clothing.
    -While always sporting a pair of gloves be they work or casual.
    -Some also say is sometimes seen wearing a necklace with a medallion of unknown origins around his neck.

    -There are no accounts of him ever seen going all out

    People say that Adol is generally a relaxed guy who has a couple of issues. But he will try to be friendly to the best of his ability. He doesn’t seem to warm up to people but if he does you have a ally or someone who won’t immediately kill you without having a conversation first for life.

    The things that individuals say Adol likes the most are good jokes and puns. He also seems to try to be considerate of most people's problems even if he doesn’t mean it.

    But most say his main motivator is making money off of his work. If you were to find yourself in the way of his work, the only thing that’s usually left of those people is usually just a messy hole in the ground.


    As far as the amount of information we were able to gather on his background. It seems that he grew up in an occult group hidden away somewhere. It is good to suspect that he was used to commit some of the more bloody acts for the cult.

    The no information that could be obtained about the cult's name, practices, or what they believed in. The location where it was supposed to be best guested to be wasn't much use as well. The place was in ruins it looked like a freak accident happened to it. The ground looked like something was swimming through it. There were also a bunch of stalagmites coming out of the ground that were clearly used to impel people. Evidence that there were a couple of survivors whether or not they are still alive like Mr.Crush is yet to be known.

    Not much is known about what happened afterward. But some think that he became a mercenary until he was picked up by the Chrysanthemum Hydra. After that things became more clear. It is hard to find someone who fits in with them right off the bat. Making his name known on almost all levels of the organization.

    More TBA

    Majority of the reports say that he does not have a lot of close relationships, and that he mainly has work relationships. If there are any people were or are close to him they are either long gone or well, hidden.The only other people who would be able to fit in the category of close relationships would be people of the same rank or the higher ups of the Chrysanthemum Hydras
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    Cesare Parlatore
    22 (April 17, 1920)
    Seen him as short as about 5'4, but sometimes he's near 7 feet tall, so who knows?
    Guardian of the Trevisani Famiglia
    Thinks he's some kinda big shot
    Resident Ward
    West Ward
    He’s acts like an entitled bastard, though same can be said for a lot of the Fusillians that came here. Nobody seemed to have taught him any manners. Never heard a ‘please’ or a ‘thank you’ come outta the guy, and he even runs his mouth around some of the more senior in the famiglia sometimes. How he’s still walking around with most of the teeth in his head is a mystery.

    Lot of the young lads are scared of him, and he seems to be happy about that. I don’t blame them. Sometimes he’s just a little punk, but he can be scary when he gets strong. He always seems to be chasing a reaction from these guys. The ladies are the opposite, seems he’s got quite a few fawning over him, and he seems to crave that attention too.
    April 17, 1920 he was born in Fusilli. Couple siblings older and younger, and Ma and Pa are still in the picture from what I’ve heard. They all serve the Trevisani, but none of them seem to be particularly noteworthy. Cesare is the only one that was sent over here, at least.

    The Trevisani Famiglia is his whole life. He has no qualifications, never held a respectable job. He’s got far more notoriety here than he’s ever had back home, which makes me think he’s been doing nothing but grunt work till now. For a guy that talks so much shit, there isn’t much to his history. I don’t think I can dig much deeper.
    He's constantly shadowed by thugs, or women, depending on what's appropriate. He seems to know a lot of people in New Oasis.
    Helena Putri Letya
    26 (February 12, 1916)
    5'10" (178 cm) | 155 lb (70 kg)
    Rookie of Northern Star Syndicate [6 Point]
    Eccentric; would do anything for personal curiosity
    Resident Ward
    South Ward

    Unnerving vacant stare give clients a chill when they chat. They sketch things out, those lamps. Especially when they lock onto ya, like they could drain the spirit right out. Eyes aside, she's one swell looker. She rocks men's duds more time than not, decked out in suits and a tie like a high-class gent. Well, the trench coat suits her just fine whenever she throws one on.


    Helen's a real stand-up doll. Top-notch skills, a keen noggin, not afraid to mix it up, and doesn't mind getting her hands a bit dirty. She'd be a swell gumshoe if not for that nerve of hers. She's like a bloodhound when she catches wind of something. She'll dig in and unearth it, whether the client wants it or not. Well, she's got a tight yap and ain't got no love for the law, but knowing too much can ruffle feathers. It's practically a miracle she ain't sportin' cement shoes by now. Or maybe she did and just swam her way out of it.

    Those empty peepers might send shivers down your spine, but truth be told, she's a mischievous one who gets a kick out of watching fellas jump outta their skin. You'll come out on the losing end if you let her toy with your noggin like a merry-go-round.

    Helen's a breeze to spot compared to some of these fellas. Pops hails from the Far East, while Mom's folks been in Amestria since way before the 1900s. It was teenage love, you dig? The swell dame digs the cat Mom and Dad ain't too thrilled about. But when the bloom faded and the green got scarce, Mom hightailed it back home. Letya's not a bad egg, just a guy down on his luck. Raised the girl after Delia's old folks gave her the heave-ho. He did the best he could.

    Life's regular for Helen, except for them strange jaunts up north and far west. Letya's a gumshoe and a wordsmith. Nifty at both, but a little gal can sniff out what a guy in a trench coat might miss. She took a shine to it, enough to throw on the lid and coat after Letya vamoosed seven years back. Finding the old man's an extra driving force for sure.

    What else? She had a steady back in high school, if you're into that. Another one two years back, a cat named Michael, but he bit the dust, too. No clue where he ended up. She's still holdin' it down at that small outfit down south. Don't let the size fool ya. She's got a rep up there and some sweet cabbage rollin' in. That's what skills can pull off. No better fixer-upper 'round these parts than the one where you can tune out the walls. Now, using her is playing with fire, risking the snoopy ghost digging up your history, but some gambles are worth bringing in the dame. She's got peepers all over the joint.


    Letya: Detective. Father. Went missing seven years ago chasing a mission up North. No idea what he was up to, and Helen's want to know as well.
    Michael: Boyfriend. Retired GI that hang about north instead of starting a nice family east. Disappeared without a word two years ago, no idea why or how as well. Helen's not concerned, or at least doesn't look like it.
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    ~30 (~1910)
    Jiàn Qiáng (Crescendo)
    N/A (Nonbinary / Any Pronouns)
    5'8" (173 cm) | 153 lbs (69.6 kg)
    Headhunter of the Chrysanthemum Hydras
    "Someone hurt them. And they're gonna tear down Amestria to get back at them. Until their heart aches no more..."
    Resident Ward
    East Ward
    Varies. If I were to try and list them all, I'd run out of paper. But the most common description (typically from witnesses who spot them before they murder someone) is an androgynous figure dressed in midnight blue attire. They wear their hair in a ponytail, bear a white opera mask with a floral design, and their outfit is also taken from Chinese opera. It's pretty clear that Jiàn Qiáng wants people to tell their stories about them; to remember them. Even more of note is their face, with a scar running across and turning them grotesque in appearance. Their eye is gone, replaced with a glowing stone of jade.

    The second-most common description, and one I believe to be valid, is that Jiàn works as a Chinese opera singer. Tracking them is impossible, as they always disappear once the show ends, and it's difficult to make out actors beneath the costumes and makeup. They've apparently become something of a myth among opera enthusiasts. Some flowery aficionados (the closest thing to witnesses I could find) claim they can discern Jiàn through their voice, which "carries the strains of a broken heart," whatever that's supposed to mean. The scar is likely covered with makeup, and the jade eye swapped out with a proper glass eye.

    What pisses me off the most is that I can't even tell what gender they are.


    FC credit: tebouty
    According to rumors, Jiàn Qiáng speaks like a poet, and always sounds as though they're looking down on everyone. And if I had to guess, they really like opera.

    Besides that, we have no idea. They don't typically dwell around others.
    Silas Lambros. The owner of a billion-dollar tobacco company. He moved to a residence in New Oasis, wanting to capitalize off its farmlands at the expense of lower-class citizens. He died after falling off the balcony from his bedroom on the top floor, during an exuberant gala.

    Vincenzo Agosti. A Fusillian mob boss with his own agenda, having fled from his home country to New Oasis. He wanted to make his claim in the criminal underbelly, but was cut short when his consigliere was assassinated, and the cyanide pill in his false tooth was somehow used to spike Vincenzo's dinner.

    Bud Davis. An Amestrian Senator who vouched for the government to clamp down on organized crime, ferociously campaigning despite taking bribes from a dozen syndicates. He died giving a political rally, having gotten into an argument with an unknown attendee, triggering his heart condition, then eating the medicine he always kept on his person. Somehow, at some point, the pill bottle was swapped out for an identical bottle filled with poison. He died there on stage.

    Those are only a few of the high-profile assassinations that have gone cold. And, if the whispers in the seediest places of New Oasis are to be believed, Jiàn Qiáng is responsible for those and more.

    They've established themselves as a mythological kind of being, mostly because nobody knows what Jiàn Qiáng really looks like, and few have ever seen them. As such, there are a dozen stories about their past, most of which are made up by imaginative folk, then passed down a long game of telephone. But there is one story that many agree on, as it was told by an elderly Xia woman with a strong ideology of being sincere. And, vague as it is, it's the only thing I have to go by.

    "The opera singer once loved someone in another gang. They thought that love would transcend all boundaries. But their partner used that love against them, betraying and twisting their heart until it was coal black. They sunk into the depths of despair. And from the ashes rose Jiàn Qiáng. Crescendo. They are the vengeance that will consume New Oasis. Until their heart aches no more..."
    Apparently, the old Xia woman, Bai, knew them. She hasn't answered any other questions about Jiàn Qiáng. Besides her, nobody seems to know know about them. Perhaps if I could find the person who wronged them and sent them down this path...
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    Choji Nakaya
    25 (February 7th, 1917)
    5'8" (173 cm) | 145 lb (65 kg)
    Member of the Goto Family
    Would trust you with a knife behind his back. Probably genuinely means it too, even though he knows it'd hurt you more than it'd hurt him.
    Resident Ward
    South Ward
    Young and idealistic, the type you'd expect to see in those classy uptown schools rather than on the streets despite his scars. Soft white hair, curious grey eyes, and a winning smile. He couldn't avoid attention for the life of him, but it's easy to assume that he's had accidents rather than criminal activity, even with the constant presence of bandages wound around his left hand.
    Amidst a world of grime and crime, Choji conducts himself with a bright naïveté, regarding his duties with a childlike curiosity and admiring the yakuza's code of honor to the point of idealization. He's trusting, obedient, and simple-minded, frequently asking seniors for advice or showing teammates his vulnerabilities. When he speaks, it almost seems like a running narration, his plain observations carrying a certain simplistic charm and his unreserved musings almost endearing in their innocence. The world seems to narrow to black and white in his eyes, the matter of friend or foe lacking all but the most basic calculations.

    This soft demeanor belies a cruel reality, one that has long since left Choji accustomed to harshness. Gruesome scenes fail to faze him, shock deflected by his desensitization; sorrow and sympathy cannot stir him, hesitation silenced by his detachment; and death never threatens him, fear vanquished by his certainty of his Potential's strength. With such an apathetic existence, what can he do after finding a light but to blunder on, searching for love, for passion, for purpose, even if it's foolish?
    Unlike the majority of his peers, Nakaya's history is well documented, even if it is scattered. The following information comes from a variety of sources and has been reorganized into a single comprehensive timeline for ease of understanding. Though it was previously assumed that Choji Nakaya and Karoshi were unrelated, several sightings in New Oasis have confirmed them to be one and the same. May this read prove enlightening.

    Choji's parents passed a few years after his birth, leaving him to wander the streets from a young age. Because his name never appeared in the city's criminal record, it can be gathered that he never turned to a life of crime—or at least, had gone unreported the few times he did. Instead, his means of sustainment can be tracked down to underage labor, with his name appearing in the payment logs of a cloth mill. Though the details of this work are unclear, you would not be incorrect to imagine an adolescent boy hunched over the assembly line, his tired hands piecing bolts and parts together to the loud roars of a demanding overseer. This would likely continue twelve hours a day, six days a week, until 1933.

    It was the end of November. Hungry, tired, and overworked, an unidentified worker made a mistake, leading to a tragic workplace accident. A common story, but unlike the rest, this one couldn't be swept under the rug. Not with the number of people who were caught in the flames. Choji was one of many assumed casualties.

    But there was always more work, if not there, than elsewhere. Life continued on in the manufacturing district. Yet over the course of the next few years, reports began to trickle in about strange occurrences: noises in the rafters, vanishing supplies, sightings of... fleshy strings. With the rumors quickly growing, individuals began to refer to the entity as Karoshi—or death by overwork—saying that it was the spirit of a deceased laborer, waiting for work even in the afterlife. Of course, Karoshi's status as a ghost story meant that it was attributed as the cause of several disappearances.

    Those who lived outside the soot-stained alleys would never imagine that the legends were true. Sometimes, it would appear as a guardian spirit, rescuing children from kidnappers with all the violent fury of a guardian angel. Other times, it would strike like a thief, raiding supply trucks with all the destructiveness of a natural disaster. It acted with all the unpredictability and destructiveness of a force of nature. Perhaps it was a force of nature, a monster of instinct and violence, driven mad by the pain from the wreckage that was its body.

    Yet it vanished as abruptly as it came, with sightings ending during the New Year of 1940.

    During this time, Choji Nakaya reentered society far away from his hometown, quickly finding himself a job as a bartender in a family-owned joint due to a moment of pity. He kept his head down and his mouth shut, yet, he was always drawn out of his shell by news about the New Oasis. Many will say that's a shame that he revealed his Potential to protect the man who showed a moment of kindness, drawing the attention of a man with a gleaming gold pin. It wasn't long before he was sworn in and sent to the city of his dreams. Only, he'd come to a land of crime, far from the opportunity that must have shown so brilliantly to a boy down on his luck.

    Of course, that's what the people would say. I believe that it's quite the contrary, that Nakaya let out a lure and caught exactly what he was fishing for. Still, I'll leave things to your judgment. Just know that long after his time, a tenant who rented the same apartment discovered a folder, and in it were newspaper clippings with preliminary information on the four gangs, napkins scrawled full of rumors about their reputations, and a journal filled with entries detailing the code of the Guroko Association.
    Outside of official assignments, few know of him and he knows of few. It's assumed that he prefers to keep his everyday life entirely separate from the underworld, though some hypothesize that the lack of information instead points towards his identity as a recluse.
    Reevan Luciano
    37 (November 13, 1904)
    Archivist, Reevan Vaz (stage name)
    6'1" (185 cm) | 172 lb (78 kg)
    Don of the Luciano Family of the Trevisani Famiglia
    A man with many secrets
    Resident Ward
    West Ward
    If I had to describe them in a single word, the first to come to mind would be "regal". The man doesn't walk out the door without donning a luxurious robe and an assortment of bedazzled trinkets that blind the less fortunate. Outside of his gaudy attire, various reports tell of a man with a gentle smile and a handsome mug. The kind of gentleman that can get away with anything followed by a kiss and a wink. You know the type.
    An information broker typically possesses many faces, and Reevan fits this stereotype to a T. Whether it's as a guest star in a recent television program or the dulcet tones of a radio host reading an audiobook, this local heartthrob has made a real ruckus in the entertainment industry. This emerging celebrity, however, can be surmised as nothing more than a facade. A mask worn to put others at ease. Whatever his true intentions are, they have been toned out by the applause of his audience for some time now.
    "Reevan Vaz"

    After some digging around, I've come to learn that this was the don's stage name during his time fronting as an actor. Considering all records of his past have either disappeared or been tampered with, I gotta wonder if the similarities between his real name and his public persona were either a major mistake, or if he was simply that confident in not getting caught. Either way, trying to find any information on him before his time in New Oasis has shown to be fruitless. Almost like the guy was completely wiped from the record.

    The Luciano Family is a different story. They act as the eyes and ears of the Trevisani Famiglia, collecting and distributing information faster than a wildfire. Whether it be the latest gossip or a whisper in the wind, they'd have heard of it. Unlike their supposed underboss, they're well known all over the various wards for their intel. It's why, despite being from the Famiglia, they seem to have connections with everyone in the city. Nosey enough to be in everyone's business, yet useful enough to not get themselves killed on sight. Bunch of troublemakers, those blokes.

    Other than that, not much is shared about their boss. It's why it took so long to compile even this shoddy excuse for "evidence". The best I can tell ya is that he's got some powerful backers at his fingertips. Real bigwig types. The kind of people that'll make ya the next murder mystery if you're not careful enough.

    Whatever the case may be, no actor — no matter how talented — could possess so much wealth and influence without hiding a secret or two. Then again, who is the public more likely to believe? Their beloved rising star, or some unreliable shmuck claiming him to be a monster?
    He has many friends and many enemies. To list them all is gonna take me longer than it's worth.
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    River Johnson
    35 (January 9th, 1907)
    The Florist
    5'7" (170 cm) | 148 lb (67 kg)
    Member of the Guroko
    Doctor? Gardener? Both.
    Resident Ward
    South Ward
    . . .Describing her in a single word? Tired. The broad's always tired, and doesn't seem to care about what most folks think about her. Definitely a bit on the cold side, as she won't talk to anyone unless they're 'interesting'. What that means, I ain't certain yet, but it definitely doesn't go for most people. Always wearing those odd leather gloves, though.
    Tired and cold, as I've noted before in her file. She doesn't seem to care about most things other than her plants medicine, though. Not much for talking to people, especially random strangers- the prettier, the more concerned they get about their motives. Definitely paranoid to some degree- maybe got something serious to hide? Need to learn more.
    She's a Doctor, degree and all. Grew up local, but fell on hard times when the local hospital didn't let her back in after some incident? Not certain what that was, to say the least- hospital records don't say what it was, other than she left after a fuss. Seems to have fallen in with the Gurokos after a while, but that was almost a year and a half after she left the hospital- how she supported herself up to that point, I'm uncertain, but definitely has to be some form of gang, based on her actions in the South Ward.
    Think she has some form of contact with some celebrities? Often walking into higher end hotels and casinos of the South Ward- she definitely shouldn't have the money or connections for such a thing.
    "Let them taste victory once, and they're doomed to chase that heady feeling forever."
    Rosamia Vérany
    32 (March 25th, 1910)
    Hand of the House
    5'3" (140 cm) | 130 lb (61 kg)
    Unknown rank and family within the Guroko Association.
    A restless gambler and a fair dealer, all in one. Win or lose, it’s all part of the game.
    Resident Ward
    South Ward
    Hair as red as it can be, with blue eyes. Pale as snow, too. She’s always wearing a suit, which definitely rankles a few people’s sensibilities. Gloves, too. Nevertheless, she holds herself to strict standards, always dressed sharply and smokes like a chimney.

    Strictly business-like. You enter her house, and you play by her rules, then she won’t give you so much as a second look. But you start fucking with the house, then you’ll be thrown out by the yakuza security detail. Seems to actually buy into the whole honor thing the Association espouses, even if she puts her own little spin on it. Though she seems just as content with losing and gaining money - probably a holdout from past days.

    Born and raised here in New Oasis. Her father and mother were Almeran and Liberene respectively, and took flight when it looked like things were getting dicey between their two countries. Made it over here with hopes of making it, but alas, not everyone chasing the dream makes it big. Mother died in childbirth, and her father flitted between jobs before dropping off the map entirely a few years after she reached her majority.

    After that, she frequented gambling halls and casinos. A few of those threw her into the street after she cleaned them out, while others wiped her savings near-clean. Took a few years, but her crippling addiction eventually raked in enough money for her to start her own casino in the South Ward. It was as clean of a business as it could be, given its subject. But once the Guroko Association rolled in, she bent the knee rather than try stay independent and risk being forced into it.

    There’s not much else to note past this point, barring the casino getting a few more ‘honorable organizations’ keeping watch over those who’ve given themselves over to their vices in its walls.
    She's been spotted talking to two people who seem completely unrelated to any sort of gang activities whatsoever; Louis Reynard and Yuuka Nakatsukasa. I have a suspicion (and no doubt Vérany has caught on) that they're all related in matters of blood. It might lead me to find out where her father disappeared to, and if he's sown any more wild oats that Vérany isn't aware of.
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    Big Shot Radio Host-
    "Good afternoon, cosmopolitans!"
    Julie Trevisani
    29 (February 3rd, xxxx)
    Julie Wayne
    5'4" (163 cm) | It's impolite to ask a lady her weight. That's why no one knows. Looks around 200lbs.
    Guardian(?) of the Trevisani Famiglia
    1939; her wedding.
    Xia, but her loyalties lie in Fusili.
    "She was on the news!" "She IS the news!"
    Resident Ward
    West Ward
    A heavier gal, but that's never stopped her from anything. She was immediately New Oasis' sweetheart. As far as anyone knows, she's just a Trevisani apologist, no direct tie to the family itself. Being a Xian and an outwardly friendly person sure did help with the facade. Looking back now, it was real obvious from the beginning. Funny, that.

    Don't know if her popularity'll make this harder or easier.
    Luckily, transcripts of each of her news segments are nearly all readily available. Scripted or otherwise, you gotta take what you can get. From what I can tell, she's a bubbly and kind lady. Got the whole area on her side, even despite the propaganda.

    Both on-air and off, she sings Trevisani's praises.
    Miss Julie Wayne. That's her name as heard across NO. Where she was born and bred, her name was Jiā Lì Wang. She changed it when she moved to Fusili. Not many are aware of this part, but she changed it again when she got married: Julie Trevisani. Her spouse's since died, but she still keeps the ring on her finger. On documents, she's a force to be reckoned with, and in person, she is still.

    As soon as she set foot in NO, she got busy. Real busy. Good PR wasn't just a side hustle, it was her game plan. And damned if I say it wasn't working. Being the most reliable source of information since newsies had its perks; namely, being able to control the outlets. Getting all her stories transcribed sure did help, too.

    It got her into good graces with her in-laws, and even better graces with the public. Fame found her faster than you could say 'fortune.' Within only three months, she found herself on magazines. Of course, she had her advantages, having been in the radio biz long before she stepped into Amestria's borders, as well as having the Trevisani's pull. Still, impressive regardless.
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    Calcis 'Barker'
    36 (September 29, 1905)
    The Shepherd
    6'4" (196cm) | 205lb (93kg)
    Personal Guard for the Luciano Family — Trevisani Famiglia
    His growl is as ugly as his mug; I've heard his bite is a lot worse.
    Resident Ward
    West Ward
    This is one sunnuvabitch I wouldn't want to run into at night — or Hell, at any time of the day. He's got a real frightening aura, and that's not just 'cause of his looming size. It seems no matter what angle you catch a glimpse of him from, he's waiting to see how you're gonna react.

    I can't help but see the irony in having a wolf act as a protector. Being in an entourage of the elite in the entertainment industry, he's usually more covered up than most, sporting gloves and suits, or even a coat to hide his features; a curious getup for a bodyguard. Still, it's not hard to guess why.
    I asked around only to achieve conflicting interviews. Some lowlifes from his past claimed he flipped a table on'em and beat them bloody red after they 'jus' pulled a funny' on him. Others say he's good company to have, especially when getting a few swigs on his rare days apart from his employer. It's safe to say it may be due to a short temper.
    Not much is known about this poor bastard, except that maybe his old man thought his wife had an affair with a real wild one. (Note: that's a joke.) Rumor has it he came out of his mother with more than a head full of hair, being born with his potential in full display. Lot's of folks out there don't take kindly to that, and Calcis may as well have had a neon sign to let everyone know that Fate wanted to pick on someone that day. He may have been an easy target growing up, but rest assured, that for sure doesn't seem like the story now.

    Might also explain how he learned to stay hidden, considering his file is mostly blank, up until he made a name for himself in the streets. Even his name isn't in any files; police records, patient charts, hell, even supermarket receipts. Now he's always trailing behind 'Reevan Luciano,' famed actor and don of the Luciano Family. The history behind their intertwined fate is still unknown on my end, but I'll be sure to add such an important detail when I get a new lead.
    The Luciano family, specifically Reevan Luciano, and as such this extends to the Trevisani Famiglia. They are the main buoys keeping this file afloat from the dark depths of the unknown.
    "Please, my friend, step away from my charge."
    PERCEIVED Mid to Late 20s (August 1st)
    Carlos Alfonso
    6'1" (186 cm) | 175 lb
    Guardian of the Trevisani Famiglia | Hired Hand
    Eye Catcher with a dash of Danger
    Resident Ward
    West Ward

    "Carlos always had a way of grabbing your attention. He could be walking down the street with the worst bed head, and something about him just, I don't know, chap could just draw an eye.

    Tween you n' me, he drew the eyes of quite a lotta women. Some even say a few men to."~ Mrs.Winsley, owner and manager of Sweet Treat tea and bakery shop. Local gossiper.

    "Carl once stepped into a fight where I could have been killed. Man was a good guy at his core. Didn't expect it. Jumped in between me and the hooligans aiming to rob me of my keys and my wallet. Knocked the first guy out easy, even took a few beatings for me while he told me to run. Never will forget the look in his eyes when he yelled at me while I stood there momentarily stunned....but look at me, mouthing away. Ain't that how it is with the 'nice people's?"~ Jacob Walker, banker.

    "Whenever he told us he was somewhere near thirty, we always asked him to give us the real number. Guy like that, looking that young, in that kinda shape couldn't have been anywhere near his mid twenties. Especially when he said he used to do a lotta physical labor growing up. You'd think he might not be in such decent shape hahaha!"~ Robert, bartender.

    "He always complained about work. Said it was exhausting, sometimes even mind numbing. Considering the sort of security work he did, I can imagine. It must be a pain dealing with all those big shot celebs." ~ Justine, Carlos fav barista.

    Lotta folks say he was a good chap. Young, charming, single, always out and about. Carlos attracted plenty of eyes and sometimes even when having a low profile, attention can be the perfect cover up and distraction.

    Most common quirk I seem ta find, is you'll get one person now and then say something about his temper. If he was that short tempered though, it's a surprise he doesn't have more dirt on him compared to some of the cases I've seen.


    The toughest nugget to get facts on.

    Carlos has history of being a businessman in Fusili but having originated from Avirche.

    From what we were able to dig up, he comes from wealth but whatever that wealth was couldn't get his family out of some sort of bind that affected him. Ended up moving to Fusili, young, spent a majority of his life growing up there. His reputation exceeds him as being charming just as much as the potential he has suits him.

    It's that charm that apparently got eyes on him later on as he built up his security business.

    Word on the streets of Fusili was, he had an unfortunate run in with a certain family, that sealed his fate.


    "Carlos takes his jobs seriously. Even if his charge and he kick things off with a strained relationship. The business motto is: We Guarantee Your Safety, So Long As You Respect Our Service.

    And he sticks to that motto. Even when there's not a shred of genuine warmth between em. When it comes to his work, boss, takes it seriously. Count on that.
    ."~ anonymous testimony.

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