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Fantasy New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides

The Shadow Over Stein Street
June 26th, 2022
Suspiciously Located Manor, West District
Mugen, Deirest
The Shadow Over Stein Street
There was stillness.

There was peace.

Deirest knew little of either of these, but as she lay within black, chilly folds of her haunt for the night she felt both. It was not often that her mind did not buzz. These moments of brief reprieve where the buzzing gnats in the back of her head did not nibble at her senses. To whatever capacity she could, she treasured them. There was value in scarcity, and here in the West, she had found it.

And here in the West, it had been taken from her.

Even secluded within the inky pitch of a basement, Deirest could hear it. The pitter-patter of feet marching by. Closer and closer. Voices, careless and brash carried atop them. Deeper and deeper. The brazen march of boys playing at manhood. Through her alley. Through the shadow of her home. She felt one nip, and then the next. The insistent gnawing of compulsion, of indignation, of...

She was already on her feet. Her gait padded in tandem with the patter of footsteps above. Up the withered stairs, across the decrepit floorboards, and yet neither dared squeak nor creak. There was intent in her movements. Beyond the building's gloom, light still held the world. Deirest could see it. The warm, loving orange of the setting sun. It was not reflected within her eyes. Like to pools of predatorial hate, they gleamed for an instant within the black. She'd heard them before. She saw them now.

She heard confidence. She saw arrogance. She heard companionship. She saw fealty. She heard a predator, but she saw prey.

Nothing stirred as she approached. It was unusual for her to be so silent, so still and focused. If those at the parish saw her now they might have been proud, but they did not. Nobody did. She passed from one window to the next. For each step the boys took, she took five. It was an instant before they were beyond her reach that she struck. Glass exploded out from the black. A howl of movement. Her hands seized the first neck they could find and then wrenched it deep into the abandoned home.

Darkness absorbed the both of them and echoes soon obscured her flight.

The evening was still again.

Passeri Park
Sunday Roast
October 21st, 2021 | Pre-Arc 3
Passeri's Penthouse, West District
Passeri, Markus
Sunday Roast
"Mmmm..." For the first time that night, Passeri paused to consider. She'd had a script for all this. Trees within trees, branches cascading off into the infinite, but it didn't feel right to pluck the fruits from any of them. She pursed her lips, and her eyes' glow dimmed behind narrowed lashes. She said the fourth thing that came to her mind.

"Everyone's good at something, you know? You, you're good at a lot of things, but people isn't one of them." Her cultery was laid flat across the table. She'd decided to be blunt. "Do you know how many good and nice things I've heard about Markus Weiss over the years?"

She held out her hands, and wiggled her fingers.

"I could probably count them on one of these, you know? I don't know if you much care, but you aren't the King of a Castle, you're the King of the Hill. You don't have subjects, you have slaves. One of these days, somebody's going to decide that they like the view up there, and they aren't going to have a hard time convincing people to help them out. Break your chains! Take your fate into your hands! There's so many pretty little words any old enemy could spit to turn someone against the great and terrible Markus Weiss."

She knew that better than most. Somewhere in her trimmed branches of dialogue, Passeri had prepared just that sort of speech. A call to arms. An appeal to the indebted masses. It hadn't even been particularly difficult to put together.

Though, she didn't think it was likely that she'd be using it now.

"As for why you'd need me... You don't!" She almost seemed to take delight in saying that. "I really doubt there's anything in the world that you need that you don't already have, except for maybe a massage. But as for why you'd want me...? There's nobody in this city who's better at people than me."

She rested her chin atop a bridge of painted fingers. That had been a mistake earlier. This was the part she was taking delight in.

"And how would it look if the Tiger King settled for second best, right?"

Get(ting) Help
Daytime, Post Arc 3
Kiki's Eatery, South District
Charlie, Hitoshi, Kaede, Ashley, Hector, Gideon
Get(ting) Help
A hit! Charlie cheered in his own mind as his attack connected cleanly with the rowdy dog in black and red. However, unlike the dozens upon dozens of ways the rookie pictured in his mind for his friend to retaliate with, the was met with simple resistance and unenthusiasm. Looking up, He noticed that his friend's expression was one of ample concern, his gaze exteding to his sight. Following the imaginary trail, Charlie's eyes opened wide with horror as Hitoshi appeared to be in an etremely distressed state.

"Aniki!!" Following closely behind Ashley, Charlie spoke at t he long time veteran, his worried plea falling on deaf ears as the dog guided his senior to a mor comfortable location. "He's panicking!" He responded to Hector, lightly growling frustration clear as day in the tone of his voice, after growing displeased the ever self absorbed Queen's nonchalant behavior. Just how could he behave so carelessly towards a senior of his own when he was suffering from such a moment of frailty.

Charlie looked around frantically, unsure of what to choose as his next course of action, simple words probably didn't hold that much value as they currently stood, and as far as actually handling the older man, Ashley was already on the case, dealing with Hitoshi's nosedived mental state with a level of familiarity and expertise that the rookie himself clearly lacked.

Reaching for his hanged jacket, Charlie brought it over to Hitoshi, folding it a couple times until it took the shape of a thick, plump fabric rectangle. With repeated motions to up and down, Charlie used the item of clothing as a makeshift fan to deliver a gentle breeze at the unstable man. He wasn't an expert on the matter, but whatever way he could help, he would take it.

"It's okay Aniki, we can rest now, we're here for you"
@joshuadim @FangS31 @Lucem Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Last edited:
Jackson Reese Alessi
Littleleaf Zone, East District
Janurary 29th, 2021
Jackson, Llyod ( Jexon Whells Jexon Whells )
Rising Butterflies

“Hmm telling it, don’t mean they get it. Like, yeah you got that seriousness to you. That’s a good thing, ‘cept when you wanna kick back.”

He felt like he might as well be talking out his ass at this point. Like how did someone explain that yeah there was a time and a place to things. In a serious situation that level of efficient cool headed was admirable, but in a social situation that shit was dense headness. He may put his foot in his mouth often but no one could accuse him of not being personable.

“Like, I mean I get it right. ‘Cause its not like we know each other too well yet right? But if you got that typa look to anyone you meet then they’re gonna be crossing the street when they pass you. Unless that’s like what you were aiming for?”

He had the feeling this might have been one of those moments where he was putting his foot in his mouth again. He gave the other a big shrug as if the conversation was little more than an observation he had rather than an issue he himself had when he first moved over from the north.

Instead he focuses more on the other saying he’d have to choose a good place. Typically he’d default to the bar at ENP, but he didn’t think that bringing Lloyd to a brothel would be any more likely to let the guy let loose.

“There’s always Bar Logos. It’s got drinks, trivia, arcade games, the works. It’s right off littleleaf just into the pleasure district. The foods pretty decent too.”

Lloyd Sorvocah
2021, January 29th
Rising Butteflies
Littleleaf, East District
Jackson Reese Alessi BriiAngelic BriiAngelic , Lloyd Sorvocah (Me)
Rising Butterflies
Jackson mentioning how his seriousness affects other people, is something not unfamiliar to Lloyd. In fact, it is something he knows and sometimes struggles with. "I must admit, there is some duality with that. I want to be helpful, and to be approachable when someone needs help plays a big part. Yet, there are certain... benefits... when it comes to not appearing approachable that may be an advantage to everyone." Lloyd thinks a moment and sighs. "Maybe it's not the right words to describe it. So let's just keep it at there being a reason for remaining serious in most situations." Lloyd tries to give a wry smile, but it is clearly not a genuine one.

Though Lloyd soon gets distracted at the mention of food. He could definitely use something in his stomach. "Let's go to Bar Logos then. I honestly could use something to drink, and certainly something to eat. I think some of my colleagues mentioned Bar Logos a few times. I have only heard positive things, so I think it will be good." Lloyd pats Jackson's shoulder and says, "And if it comes to your mind, too, then I am certain it will be good. Damn, I hope they have burgers. I am suddenly craving a burger, with a side of potato wedges."
Ayame Kido
A Joker’s Paragon!
April 13th, 2020
Littleleaf Zone, East District
Jackson ( BriiAngelic BriiAngelic ), Ayame
A Joker’s Paragon!

The dark vigilante Raine was on the prowl once more over on the streets of Littleleaf.

Following the bloody spree that was her debut, the aspirant hero was quick to establish a reputation for violence. The fate of Raine’s targets sent a clear message to any would-be villains - more than could be said for the notoriously impotent authorities.

Nevertheless, the hero’s stature made it easy to look down on her. A mysterious stranger had emerged from the shadows. He was here to dissuade her from the pursuit of justice, through slander and defamation.

To compare the great and mighty Raine to a meek child was one thing. But to suggest she abandon her post as Littleleaf’s ward was unacceptable.

“Fufufu. A true hero never falters in the face of danger! I see that you doubt me, but mayhaps a demonstration shall convince you of my might.”

She tugged tight at the bandages that wrapped her hands and wrists. The knuckles were crusted red.

“Behold! For I, the indomitable Raine, the impenetrable darkness, vanquisher of all evil…”

Her hand pulled something out from her coat. Be it a weapon or not, she offered no time to check. With a swift turn that sent her coat fluttering, she flung the object straight at the stranger’s face.

“…Implore you to subscribe to my channel!”

It was a card containing her socials. What better way to showcase her skill to a random civilian than her very own stunt videos?
Jackson Reese Alessi
East District; Dragon HQ
Pre-Outbreak || July 1st, 2022
Llyod ( Jexon Whells Jexon Whells ), Yona ( CasualTea CasualTea ), Jackson
Agonizing Bonechill

There was bold and there was stupidity. He wondered where they fell on the scale. Having a car at the ready meant either someone was helping them on this side or they’d driven in and over the bridge with relative ease. He sincerely hoped they were bold and they wouldn’t need to rip out any weeds in East. At Yona’s pardon he just shrugged.

”Don’t worry about it. We’ll talk later. Let’s just get this mission on a roll.”

He wasn’t going to ask again until they were done. Either she purposely avoided answering or she didn’t hear, the first meant she’d do it again and the second meant that he’d need to be loud which was not preferable down here.

He followed them into the building carefully trailing his hand on the walls and poking at the floor with his foot looking for anything out of place. By taking the walls he could try to stop anyone in their tracks if someone were to pop out.

Keith Sullivan
CS Link
Meet and Grit
The Third Eye, Central District
Morning, July 8th, 2022
Peyton, Keith
Meet and Grit
Keith's breathing became more erratic and bated as Peyton got closer, getting close to a poin he would've been extremely uncomfortable with, even if the person wasn't a serpent or even a stranger.







A flood of vehement words were unwillingly squeezed out of his lexicon. Murderous urges took center stage in his mind, wanting nothing more but to snuff the life out of the verming pestering him. A sentiment which got nothing but amplified as his limbs were taken by force, a panicked scream begging to escaped from his pursed, trembling lips as uninvited fingers came into contact with him, cold shivers running down his spine at the vile sensation.

Vivid daydreaming forcefully overlapped with reality, visions of the serpent coated in crimson fluids of his own, adorned with a collage of artistically-performed gaping wounds all over his body. Even the mental image of Peyton's head hanging severed, held up by Keith's soaked fingers clutching at a fistful of hair, the eyes of the serpent lacking the gleam of life.

But as gleeful as falling into the temptation of short-term satisfaction was, Keith was reminded of his own oath. Even if it was for just the next twenty minutes or so, he needed to keep the monster in the closet. He stood up brashly, forcefully yanking his hands out of the vermin's grasp.

"Keep your hands to yourself" He retorted in a dry manner, his breathing still slightly agitated, but a far cry from the frantic panting from seconds ago. The blades embracing his fingers retreated back within, leaving his hands back to their comparatively normal-looking state, regardless, they still took shelter in the pockets of his hoodie.

"Hey, you okay, dude?" Asked a slightly concerned Veronica.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine, I just had a bit of a moment, is all" He made his best to handwave his previous panic, still adamant on avoiding any altercation for the time being.

"Hmm..." The girl, however, did not buy fully into Keith's admitedly unconvincing response. "Hey, I think you're bothering him, so stop it already" She directed her words at Peyton, her voice was now dry yet slightly strict, she leaned forward slightly, her hands resting on her hips.

Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
CS Link
Not Thinking Twice
Post-Arc 3, July 6 2022
Nighttime, Streets of Central District
Camila, Inigo
Not Thinking Twice
Inigo's question was met with a casual shrug from Camila, a relaxed smile on her face. "Guess so, my face still hurts but it's nothing to really fret over" She responded while wiping a tissue against her light bruises, she wished she was looking more pristine right now, but beggars can't be choosers. She was just about to comment on how she's had it far worse before, but quickly remembered it was better to hold her tongue on such implications just yet, there was no need to divulge her own criminal activity, after all. Right now she wasn't Lilim the workaholic tiger, she was just Camila, an innocent girl shooting her shot. "And how about you? I hope you didn't get hurt much"

Soon enough, a young waitress with an auburn ponytail came up to their table, notepad in hand ready to write down their orders. "Good evening, what can I getcha?" The tone of her voice was surprisingly cheerful for a night-shift worker.

"I'll have a medium roast macchiato..." She looked at the small menu on her table, she wasn't all that hungry but it didn't hurt to take a bite while she was at it. "...And a capresse croissant".
The waitress nodded while noting the order down, before turning her attention towards Inigo. Meanwhile, Camila rested her face on her palm, a lightly coy smile on her face as she stared at her company. "Order whatever you want, I insist~"

simj26 simj26
Lloyd Sorvocah
Pre- Outbreak: 2022, July 1st
Agonizing Bonechill
Littleleaf, East District
Jackson BriiAngelic BriiAngelic , Yona CasualTea CasualTea , Lloyd (Me)
Agonizing Bonechill
It didn't take long for the trio to find the trapdoor that leads to the underground. It was made easier for them, since the Serpents appeared to have left it open for some reason. Perhaps stupidity, or perhaps to find the way out more easily. Whatever the reason, it is convenient for the three Dragons. "I'll be going down first," Lloyd says with a calm yet directive tone, "If it is all clear, I'll knock on the ladder. It should reverberate all the way up for you to notice."

With that said, Lloyd quickly climbs down the ladder, his bare feet somehow sounding hard against the metal. After he gets off, it remains silent for a few seconds before he knocks on the ladder, the sound of which reverberating up towards Jackson and Yona and giving them a clear signal they can come down aswell. Meanwhile, he goes a but further into the tunnels to look ahead, though staying in sight for his team to see him once they are down. The lights in these tunnels still seem to work. How convenient. Though the old and fungal smell hangs in the air too, which is less pleasant for anyone down here.
Iniquitas Deorum
North District, Waterfront
Kisara, Bash
Iniquitas Deorum

The engine of his bike, cleverly named ‘Harbinger’ by friends and foes alike, roared throughout the streets of the North District as its new Queen sped to his destination. Slowly but surely, a flurry of rain began pattering the ground, and a grunt of discomfort was barely audible beneath the unique blend of rumbling thunder and his growling bike.

While he was normally one to cast fear aside, charging headstrong into most situations without a shred of caution– Bash found his heart racing as he got closer and closer to the waterfront he had been summoned to. It was only eleven words, but the text his closest confidant had sent him continued to flash in his mind; especially the first sentence.

’We need to talk.’

He forced a deep breath and took a moment to wipe off some of the rainwater that was brutally assaulting his face. What the fuck, Kisara? Talk about WHAT? The possibilities here were nearly endless. Did she want to fight again? No– She would have just found him and threw the first punch if that were the case. Maybe she was hungry and wanted to grab some ramen? Idiot– why would they meet at the waterfront for that? Besides, the way she sent the text had a vibe that was way too serious to be over a growling stomach.

He slipped between two cars, picking up his speed in hopes of getting there faster.

It did seem like a pretty serious fuckin’ text…

Suddenly, his cheeks became flushed.


Maybe… she feels the same way?

He blinked, and he was there. Shit! He fought to regain his composure, the wheels of his bike spinning slower and slower once his golden eyes caught a glimpse of pink. The rain didn’t seem to bother her as she gazed at the rippling water ahead of her.

Thankfully, his face was back to its normal pigment by the time he parked his bike and began making his way towards Kisara, clearing his throat to announce his arrival and leaning his back against the same handrail she was at.

...'Sup?” was all he could muster, as he was trying to match the serious tone of their meeting.

simj26 simj26

I am (not) your Grandpa!
Calrissian HQ, West District
Babaruttoth, Samira
I am (not) your Grandpa!

Babaruttoth sat quietly while Samira digested the information before confirming her decision. Her confirmation riled him up internally, akin to a child’s excitement when receiving a gift they had been begging for. Babar did not show it. He held back on expressing himself for many reasons, not the least of which being her threat to lock him away. From his perspective Samira was the only true threat his plans currently faced and he would recognize where he stood in relation to her and play the part appropriately, at least for now.

In fact, lest he risk disgracing their agreement, Babar decided that the best course of action would be to not speak again until he had left the building.

He stood up and stepped towards the doorway to accompany Danielle, but upon seeing her bow he decided he’d do the same. He turned back one last time to face Samira and put his hands together, bowing deeply. Then he bowed deeper, and deeper still, until he was practically entirely bent over. Then, because it felt right to him, he stood back up then performed the same bow towards Danielle.

An awkward silence hung over the room as Babar had been bowing towards Danielle for a full eight seconds while she held open the door. Following this he stood up and followed Danielle back down through the Calrissian Headquarters building, back down through the lobby, through the front doors, back over the sidewalk, and into the door of the car that had been prepared for him.

The moment the door shut he burst out full of joy and excitement “I DID IT!” no doubt heard by those standing immediately outside of the car. But he didn’t care what they heard. His plans were in motion.

The end! That’s the end of this B side :) Hoep u liked. Personally this last post? Very boring, very reluctant to write it. Too afraid to shoehorn in entertaining additional conflict because that'd risk warranting a response. U know how it is. Shenanigans soon.
Jackson Reese Alessi
East District; Dragon HQ
Pre-Outbreak || July 1st, 2022
Llyod ( Jexon Whells Jexon Whells ), Yona ( CasualTea CasualTea ), Jackson
Agonizing Bonechill

There was bold and there was stupidity. He wondered where they fell on the scale. Having a car at the ready meant either someone was helping them on this side or they’d driven in and over the bridge with relative ease. He sincerely hoped they were bold and they wouldn’t need to rip out any weeds in East. At Yona’s pardon he just shrugged.

”Don’t worry about it. We’ll talk later. Let’s just get this mission on a roll.”

He wasn’t going to ask again until they were done. Either she purposely avoided answering or she didn’t hear, the first meant she’d do it again and the second meant that he’d need to be loud which was not preferable down here.

He followed them into the building carefully trailing his hand on the walls and poking at the floor with his foot looking for anything out of place. By taking the walls he could try to stop anyone in their tracks if someone were to pop out.

Lloyd Sorvocah
Pre- Outbreak: 2022, July 1st
Agonizing Bonechill
Littleleaf, East District
Jackson BriiAngelic BriiAngelic , Yona CasualTea CasualTea , Lloyd (Me)
Agonizing Bonechill
It didn't take long for the trio to find the trapdoor that leads to the underground. It was made easier for them, since the Serpents appeared to have left it open for some reason. Perhaps stupidity, or perhaps to find the way out more easily. Whatever the reason, it is convenient for the three Dragons. "I'll be going down first," Lloyd says with a calm yet directive tone, "If it is all clear, I'll knock on the ladder. It should reverberate all the way up for you to notice."

With that said, Lloyd quickly climbs down the ladder, his bare feet somehow sounding hard against the metal. After he gets off, it remains silent for a few seconds before he knocks on the ladder, the sound of which reverberating up towards Jackson and Yona and giving them a clear signal they can come down aswell. Meanwhile, he goes a but further into the tunnels to look ahead, though staying in sight for his team to see him once they are down. The lights in these tunnels still seem to work. How convenient. Though the old and fungal smell hangs in the air too, which is less pleasant for anyone down here.
Yona Kowloong
Pre-Outbreak: July 1st, 2022
Agonizing Bonechill
Littleleaf, East District
Jackson, Lloyd, Yona
Agonizing Bonechill
When they had found the trap door, Yona was honestly dumbfounded. They left it open? She supposed they weren't expecting visitors, but that's still no reason to leave the door wide open. She was skeptical at first. Perhaps they did expect their coming and opened it up to welcome them into a trap. She didn't like this feeling. Watching Lloyd jump down first, she had some reservations against it but kept it to herself. Her seniors should know what they're doing as they have dealt with these types on many occasions. It wasn't long that she realized that they'd be in tight spaces and close quarter combat may become possible in these areas.

The reverberating ladder queued them up that it was their turn now to enter. Not only to enter but everything seems fine as there weren't any other sounds like struggle or yelling due to a fight. She couldn't be too sure though. Yona took the step to jump down the rabbit hole. As she entered however, Jackson would feel a slight chill creep up his spine a little before it dissipated along with her vanishing into the hole. The reason why was because she manifested few small ice throwing knives. While she can use it for melee, she can still use it as a ranged attack should the need arise. She hid them under her sleeve but if Lloyd was perceptive enough, he'd see that just one of them was peeking out from underneath to rest in the hold of Yona's slender and long fingers.

While it was damp and smelly in this place, the dim lights still worked and the temperature around them was quite chilly. Whether it was just the temperature of the cave or it was Yona's doing is unknown. Nevertheless, she was still trying to hide her potential. Why? She just doesn't trust these two yet. There will be a time today when she will reveal herself. But this wasn't the time yet. She moved deeper into the cave tailing behind Lloyd as she tried to peak further past him as she wanted to see what was beyond their path ahead. She kept silent throughout this ordeal, her quiet footsteps still evident. She was almost like a wraith or a ghost. No sound was made for her besides the extremely faint rustling of the fabric she wore which caused friction along her skin and other parts of itself. You could barely even hear her breathe, despite all the physical effort she's putting out.

It's obvious this wasn't your typical rookie.

Jackson Reese Alessi
Littleleaf Zone, East District
April 13th, 2020
Jackson, Ayame (@Tabstick)
A Joker's Paragon!

This chick for sure was a middle schooler.

She had to be right?

Her little declarations reminded him of when he and Kisara would play at being the captain and dragon. Though that was back when they were thirteen, before they really knew what they were claiming.

He watched as the kid tightened the bandages on her hands. He let out a hiss at the blood crusting her knuckles. Just what was this kid getting into? Clearly she hadn’t done enough to protect herself.

He took a step forward, reaching out instinctively to grab her by the wrist and examine her injury only to be stopped by a card hitting him in the face. He looked down to the ground for a moment and then back to the girl before picking up the card.


“Kid, first off you shouldn’t throw things at people. Secondly, you have got to have injured your hands and it doesn’t look particularly like you wrapped or treated them well so you should let me check that out and clean them. Thirdly, what the heck is this?”

He flipped the card back and forth and could only think of how little attention this kid must get at home for them to be flinging out socials at anyone who passed by.

“…why do you have business cards”

Lyric Ashton Crianza
October 9th 2009
YY and Vulken's high school, South District
Lyric, Vulken, YY
Coming In Hot

Yogurt huh? She chuckled at the little nickname Vulken had given to their more quiet friend and preened at the fact that he went and dolled himself up for her. Even if she knew that was likely empty flattery.

“Oh well that’s good to hear. Wouldn’t want me upstaging you of course.”

She took a hold of the offered flask and took a swig before passing it back to Vulken. She moved so that she could throw both arms over Vulkens shoulders and ran her fingers through his hair playing around as she leaned into him.

“What you didn’t have faith in me Kenny. Can’t let you guys have all the fun.”

She gave him a flick to his ear intending to play more until she saw her shy little deer of a friend trying to slip away. She pulled away from Vulken and rushed to swing around the girl. She reached out trying to grab Yong-Yut’s hands as she did.

“You’re in that much of a hurry to go dancing?”

Nobody Special Nobody Special @gxxberkit
Operation Burning Heartthrob
Pre-Arc 1, August 10th 2021
South District
Charlie, Vulken
Operation Burning Heartthrob
Stepping inside the bar, Charlie was caught off-guard by the high amount of activity taking place within. Despite being a shadow of its former self, one could still find places where the legacy of the nightlife district within South District, and this one bar was no exception to the rule. Heading over to the counter by Draken's previous specificacion, Charlie leaned on it, his elbows resting on the barnished oak board, one hand open for his chin to rest on, and the other tapping away at the hard surface with its fingers.

The rookie's estimation that his senior had chosen this destination as a rendezvous point, perhaps this was where they would meet with their umployer, should that part of the task not been resolved by now. Still, even if it served such a function, why a crowded bar at night of all places? More often than not Phoenixes dealt with operations of a less than proper nature in the eyes of the law. Wouldn't a desolate location with no prying eyes serve best? That's how it usually went for Charlie at the very least.

Large fingers sneakily made their way to Charlie's shoulder, pressing down with enthusiastic glee, almost uncharacteristically so from the red-haired veteran. "Oh, hello Vulken!" The boy smiled at the man, the expression quickly fading as he noticed Vulken being a little closer than usual. Not that Charlie particularly minded, he was one for showing physical affection for the most part, but again, uncharacteristic of the fiery veteran.

A glass sliding into his view, Charlie gave the amber drink a puzzled look. "Uh, yeah I'm ready but, I don't think it's a good idea to drink before a job...What is it about, anyways? I don't recall you giving me the deets"

Nobody Special Nobody Special
Jackson Reese Alessi
East District; Dragon HQ
Pre-Outbreak || July 1st, 2022
Llyod ( Jexon Whells Jexon Whells ), Yona ( CasualTea CasualTea ), Jackson
Agonizing Bonechill

The sound of the ladder reverbing gave him the signal he needed.

It was all clear.

If there was something he could trust Lloyd for it was coming out okay at the end of it all. There was a tension that left him when he knew Lloyd would be taking point. Yet the chill that went down with Yona had him question if she was prepared for this, either her control was great and she wanted them to know it, or it was shit. Either way he decended the ladder trying to keep his footsteps as light as possible.

This place was damp, stinky, and absolutely gross. Felt just like being back in North.

His own power and fighting style required little prep so he simply hung close to the walls as Yona and Lloyd did their thing. Instead he pulled his oversized mic off his back and flipped it to the lance that was hidden in it. Anyone who got close enough to try to silence his song could get skewered on his lance instead.

“You guys ready?”

West District
January 2020 | Pre-Arc 3
Sebastian, Vissarion
It seemed that Vissarion hardly even reacted to Sebastian's knife-brandishing stunt. Vissarion must've really trusted Sebastian, which, Sebastian thought, was quite naive. Did Vissarion really think he managed to tame a serial killer like Sebastian? But then again, Sebastian didn't want to kill Vissarion. He seemed all too entertaining and fun, so perhaps in a way, Sebastian had been tamed.

Sebastian's heart jumped when he felt the weight and warmth of Vissarion's hand on top of his. A small shiver of delight ran through him, which was greatly amusing. He had all sorts of exhilarating experiences ranging from brutal gore-soaked murders to mindblowing nights in bed. Yet something as small as skin contact was still able to create the electric tingles. Perhaps it was due to the fact that Vissarion was reciprocating Sebastian's advances, even though it was minute.

"I didn't mind helping out at all. It was a delightful experience," Sebastian said to Vissarion. His own verdant green eyes didn't break eye contact as he grinned at Vissarion, "I'll be sure to tell my fellow officers to not mess with you. When you're a hungry tiger, you're absolutely ravenous. And that's a compliment."

With a sudden whirl of Sebastian's hand, Vissarion was no longer resting his hand on Sebastian's, but rather his hand was in the palm of Sebastian's. There was a small smirk on Sebastian's face, letting Vissarion know that what he was doing was on purpose. Satisfied that his little sleight of hand succeeded, Sebastian let his fingers lace with Vissarion's. Immediately, Sebastian noticed just how soft his hand was. There was no way that Sebastian's skincare routine could ever compare to Vissarion's.

"I think another drink is exactly what we need," Sebastian agreed with Vissarion. It was a short walk from the conference room to the bar, so along the way, Sebastian didn't bother releasing Vissarion's hand. Only when they got to the bar did Sebastian relinquish his grip.

Now that the meeting was over, Sebastian didn't feel a need to get a drink with a low alcohol content. With no arguments to make, Sebastian didn't have to be of sound mind. When he got the bartender's attention, he requested, "Could I get a glass of scotch, on the rocks?"

Moments later, Sebastian had a lowball glass full of scotch, a large ice ball floating in it. He took a tentative taste of it and almost recoiled. It was strong. Much better scotch than anything Sebastian had drunk in his life. He just certainly hoped this wasn't going to be too heavy on Vissarion's bank account.

"I wonder, what kind of drunk are you?" Sebastian asked Vissarion as he took another sip, "I've always seen you in control, it's hard to imagine what you're like when alcohol is controlling you."

Slav Slav
Scene Director
Pre- Outbreak: 2022, July 1st
Agonizing Bonechill
Littleleaf, East District
Agonizing Bonechill
As the three Dragons went further into the tunnels, it didn't take too long for them to hear the voices of those they were tasked to hunt down. The trio just needed to follow the sounds that were bouncing off the walls. As they approach, the sound of boxes being moved and people talking becomes much more apparent. Eventually they would be able to hear the people talking.

"Dude, I am fucking shaking, and not because it's so cold and damp down here. Why the fuck did we get sent to Dragon territory?" one of the people says with a relatively young sounding voice. "Perhaps because we don't have a choice, do we?" a gruff voice responds, "We are indentured. We don't have a say in what we do or where we go. It's this or death. Though, probably torture and then death. The sooner you realise that, the better." Immediately after a female voice follows angrily, but with a hushed tone, "Will you two shut up? If they hear us, who know what kind of ideas they get to bully us for their own entertainment."

It would seem that there are three people moving boxes just up ahead, but they aren't the only ones here. Faint shadows of the people cast by the lights in the tunnel indicates that they are just around the corner. The trio may now just have the last opportunity to discuss a plan of attack. What would they do with these people who seem to be indentured workers, or simply slaves? How will they deal with the unknown numbers that may still approach them? "I am curious to see what will happen next."
Jackson Reese Alessi
Littleleaf Zone, East District
Janurary 29th, 2021
Jackson, Llyod ( Jexon Whells Jexon Whells )
Rising Butterflies

He gave a nod at Lloyd’s self reflection. He may be able to provide his perspective but it wasn’t his place to argue against the other’s reasons. When Lloyd got distracted he leaned into it as he lead them to Bar Logos.

“Best burgers I’ve had this side of Pleasure.”

As they arrived to the bar the outside lights began to flicker on. It was a bit early in their day, which meant better food and less drunks. Perfect for them to get acquainted. The banners on the building read ‘Bullet round’, apparently they had some type of prize going on tonight for the one who could answer the most topics in trivia night.

“Ayy nice, any chance you’re used to science, pop culture, or history?”

As they stepped into the joint the sound of the music being turned on could be heard as a woman with long silver hair came up to the two.

“Hey, welcome to Bar Logos! What’ll it be?”


Lloyd Sorvocah
2021, January 29th
Rising Butterflies
Pleasure Zone, East District
Jackson Reese Alessi BriiAngelic BriiAngelic , Lloyd Sorvocah
Rising Butterflies
'Best burgers this side of pleasure? That must be mean it's good eating. My mouth is already watering,' Lloyd thinks to himself. His stomach even growled for a second at the thought of food. His attention turns to Jackson when he asks him a question. Lloyd has to think for a moment if he thinks he has at least average knowledge on any of the subjects. "I can't really say. Sciences, maybe. Pop culture and history? Definitely not history I think. Pop culture, I don't think so."

The subject falls to the back of his mind when Lloyd enters the establishment, immediately looking around the place to see all that is inside. 'Good lord, this isn't looking like a simple little bar. They really went at it,' he thinks before being approached by a silver-haired woman. Lloyd responds with his usual calm tone, "A table for two, please. I must say, this place is looking really nice. It makes me wonder why I haven't been here before."
Jackson Reese Alessi
East District; Dragon HQ
Pre-Outbreak || July 1st, 2022
Llyod ( Jexon Whells Jexon Whells ), Yona ( CasualTea CasualTea ), Jackson
Agonizing Bonechill

The sound of the ladder reverbing gave him the signal he needed.

It was all clear.

If there was something he could trust Lloyd for it was coming out okay at the end of it all. There was a tension that left him when he knew Lloyd would be taking point. Yet the chill that went down with Yona had him question if she was prepared for this, either her control was great and she wanted them to know it, or it was shit. Either way he decended the ladder trying to keep his footsteps as light as possible.

This place was damp, stinky, and absolutely gross. Felt just like being back in North.

His own power and fighting style required little prep so he simply hung close to the walls as Yona and Lloyd did their thing. Instead he pulled his oversized mic off his back and flipped it to the lance that was hidden in it. Anyone who got close enough to try to silence his song could get skewered on his lance instead.

“You guys ready?”

Scene Director
Pre- Outbreak: 2022, July 1st
Agonizing Bonechill
Littleleaf, East District
Agonizing Bonechill
As the three Dragons went further into the tunnels, it didn't take too long for them to hear the voices of those they were tasked to hunt down. The trio just needed to follow the sounds that were bouncing off the walls. As they approach, the sound of boxes being moved and people talking becomes much more apparent. Eventually they would be able to hear the people talking.

"Dude, I am fucking shaking, and not because it's so cold and damp down here. Why the fuck did we get sent to Dragon territory?" one of the people says with a relatively young sounding voice. "Perhaps because we don't have a choice, do we?" a gruff voice responds, "We are indentured. We don't have a say in what we do or where we go. It's this or death. Though, probably torture and then death. The sooner you realise that, the better." Immediately after a female voice follows angrily, but with a hushed tone, "Will you two shut up? If they hear us, who know what kind of ideas they get to bully us for their own entertainment."

It would seem that there are three people moving boxes just up ahead, but they aren't the only ones here. Faint shadows of the people cast by the lights in the tunnel indicates that they are just around the corner. The trio may now just have the last opportunity to discuss a plan of attack. What would they do with these people who seem to be indentured workers, or simply slaves? How will they deal with the unknown numbers that may still approach them? "I am curious to see what will happen next."
Yona Kowloong
Pre-Outbreak: July 1st, 2022
Agonizing Bonechill
Littleleaf, East District
Jackson, Lloyd, Yona
Agonizing Bonechill
As they progressed through the tunnel, they eventually began to pick up on human activity. From the sounds of it, these are just grunts doing labor. Whether it was volunteered or volun-told, to her they pose no threat and wonder if they could be milked for information in return for the promise of protection and asylum. Even if they could just be fed a lie. Either way, she didn't feel like killing them. It wasn't worth it. However observing Lloyd's and Jackson's behavior in the car before, she felt that they would just waste them at the drop of a hat.

Of course, she's only a recruit in this situation and her seniors have the final say. She'll just have to play her role and let them decide their fate. All she can do here and now is just offer up alternative solutions. Whether they decide to listen and act upon it is their decision. "They seem like grunts, just doing the manual labor. They don't seem to want to be here." She stated. "Perhaps we can incapacitate them and question them later. Feed them the possibility of asylum and let's see how easily they bend for us, offering information about who keeps sending them here." She suggested.

As meek as it seems, the way she ran things back home was to offer just a tiny bit of mercy to those who deserved it. Whether these few did wasn't determined. If she was given the green light to incapacitate them, she can use her potential to drop the temperature around the few and have them freeze until they blacked out. While it would take some time for them to fall over, it would at least make them brittle enough for her to jab their lights out with one strike then hide the bodies.

But let's see what her seniors will do, how the Dragons deal with the Serpents.

Lady Madonna
June 24th, 2022 | Post Arc 3
Our ✰ Dream Soup Kitchen, South District
Eric, Passeri
Lady Madonna
"Mhm, noted" Elation was certainly not the name of the game, a mechanical, almost automatic response from Eric to the young person's comments. Perhaps it was an irregular slip of pride showing, but it didn't need any more salt. The soup was JUST fine.

Their following aggressive remarks entered from one ear and left from the other. Normally, the detective would find rowdy people like them oddly alluring, like a part of him wanted to tease them further in order to draw further damatic reactions from them, one could even say that such dynamic was one of his main drives to get him to work every week. But something about this person was simply...Grating. As pleasant to the ears as nails on a chalkboard. The silver lining to it all was that, at the very least, Eric would most likely not get the displeasure of crossing paths with this unsavory individual again. Yup, different districts, different lives, definitely a departure with no comeback, they would eat their second serving of food before leaving forever.

Reaching for a new ladleful in his pot, preparing to serve the incoming person next in line, the Detective face's steered to look at the Passeri, befuddled by her sudden suggestion.


Perhaps their conversation from earlier had left some aftershock in her psyque, only possible explanation as to why would she make a following joke like that. "Yeah, sure, I'd love to, can even wear my orange and green striped suit...Though I'm sure our friend here must be pretty busy doing....Things, to do something like that with boring old me"

He filled up another bowl, a small peace coming to him by seeing the rest of the people in line behaved ordinarily by comparison. He was also certain that whoever this chaotic person was, they had most likely developed a certain contempt towards him, it would be quite tragic if they were suddenly okay with the lunatic prospect.

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit @gxxberkit
Evening, Pre-Arc 1, August 2nd 2021
Maelstrom Tower, South District
Charlie, Musai, Sable
At the count of three, the trio released their hands up in the air with excited enthusiasm (well, at least Charlie and Mugen certainly did). The rookie was elated by how agreeable and seemingly friendly the pair of more seasoned Phoenixes were. Perhaps things might go well after all, together they would become an unstoppable force, the disciples won't know what hit them.

Nodding towards either of them, Charlie opted for stepping forward, both of his hands placed against the enormous oak doors. Pushing forward, the massive gate opened with a deep and long creak, the lights from the inside seeping through the rapidly widening gap between both sides. The door was heavy, way heavier than what a regular door of the same proportions would be, easily weighing at least a couple tons. The message was loud and clear, this door was meant to be opened by HPs only, a territory that only beings worth of standing against champtions could be allowed to step in, let alone reach the top floor.

The steps of the Phoenixes as they entered inside echoed through the expansive floor into a cacophany of unorganized clacks against the marbeled floor. In front of them, a massive area of the entire floor showed itself, padded with ivory, semi firm cushions, not unlike what one would find in most martial arts dojos.

"I have been waiting, challengers"

A manly yet youthful voice could be hair from the stairs ahead, veiled by the shadows, a figure slowly made his way down into the light, the figure was barefoot, with only part of his legs being visible. Knees bent slightly, giving away glimpses of his torso, as well as the green highlights from his white dougi.

The man launched himself forward, landing down into the padded floor with a cartwheel, which transistion to a front flip. Landing on his feet, the man did not stop there, choosing to show his martial prowess with a flurry of widem, acrobatic kicks into the air. Stopping with his foot high up in the air, the man smiled, his entire frame now visible clear as day.


"I've been made aware that you seek the head of my master" He firmly landed his foot on the ground, delivering a pair of straight jabs in an overdramatic manner. "Unfortunately, with me as your enemy, your journey ends prematurely, right here!"

He winded up, performing one double backflip before locking his eyes down on the phoenixes once more. By now, Charlie had gone from slightly impressed by his performance, to thinking that he was perhaps overdoing it a little bit, an awkward laugh coming out of the rookie as a result.

"Now, who shall come first? I promise I shall make it quick and painless"

Looking to his sides, more specifically the two men there, Charlie shrugged. "If you guys wanna go first, go ahead, I don't mind"

"It's understandable to be scared, young girl, maybe you'll be able to land a blow on me if these two good man manage to make me break a sweat"

@Kameron Esters- @Shugo
Last edited:
Those in the River
Sphyx Tavern, North District
June 5th, 2022 | Post-Arc 3
Peyton, Dyne

Dyne's presence at the bar table was incredibly refined for what Peyton was used to. His patrons tended to be people with no sense of style and no sense of manners. He never received any compliments that didn't feel like they had darker ulterior motives like the one that Dyne gave.

"Aww, thanks!" Peyton said to Dyne's compliment. He felt a blush began to creep up onto his cheeks. Any wise person would tell Peyton that allowing himself to be swept up by the Countess's charms, but Peyton wasn't a smart man. If someone was being nice to him, shouldn't he accept it?

Peyton moved to the side of the bar where a crowbar rested. He liked Dyne's idea of breaking out the best bottle that he had. The finest spirit for the finest patron. The Serpent doubted that the cheap liquors that Peyton had in stock would sate Dyne's palate. Peyton shoved the crowbar into a loose wooden floorboard, prying it up with a loud creak to reveal stashed within a bottle of high-quality imported brandy. It was put out of sight of any mischievous no-do-gooder thinking of smashing it.

"This is my secret stash! It's the only casket aged thing we have here!" Peyton said proudly, "I've heard it's good in an Old Fashioned!"

In a matter of seconds, the drink was mixed and poured into two glasses, one for each of them. Peyton took a small sip of his drink before putting it to the side. He didn't often drink alcohol, owing to his small stature breeding a low alcohol tolerance, but when he did, he typically went for sweeter and refreshing drinks. The brandy-based Old Fashioned wasn't too bad though.

"It's a long story why I left," Peyton responded to Dyne's question. The Serpent placed his hands on the countertop and shifted his weight forward. He wasn't surprised that Dyne was asking about it-- any reasonable person would've been. "But basically this guy that I like got captured, and I wanted to help out with rescuing him! Since I used to be a Serpent, they weren't just gonna let me leave. So it was either my life or returning. And that's okay! I didn't mind!"

Peyton hid his face with his sleeve as he added, rather abashedly, "There was also another guy who gave the best cuddles. Being in the Serpents means I don't need to risk my neck every time I wanna have a hug sesh!"

"I hope you don't think too badly of me though! I know I'm probably not a popular guy in the Dragons right now," Peyton said with a carefree look on his face. Who was he kidding. He wouldn't have minded if Dyne hated him and decided to unleash a flurry of insults on him right now. In fact, Peyton would've found it delightful.

Damafaud Damafaud

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