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Fantasy New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides

Back in the Game
Post-Arc 3, July 5 2022
Boustan [A metropolis about a four hour drive from New Oasis]
Charlie, Hitoshi, Milo
Back in the Game
Waiting in the line would've definitely been a lot smoother, had Charlie not been under the mercy of the raging sun, and to top it all off, even with this summer heat, the young man simply HAD to feed into his need to wear a goshdarned jacket everywhere he went, his current favorite, to be specific. He had developed the habit of wearing a jacket little after joining the Phoenixes, it was easy to hide smaller back-up weapons with the plenty amount of space inside the flaps or in the pockets, but eventually it just sort of became the style he felt most comfortable with.

Fortunately, however, the workers were performing a terrific job at tending to the customers, with the line shortening more and more as the minutes went on. All the while the rookie phoenix was still entranced by the beautiful felines nearby. Oh! He also had to think of what drink flavors to order for the others. Elizabeth simply wanted water if he remembered correctly, so that was easy enough, but what about Hitoshi and Milo? Hmmm, Aniki feels like an OJ kinda guy...Milo feels like he might like lemonade...Oh, but with little sugar! He must be all about those sophisticated flavors after all Thought the boy to himself, whether his assumptions were right or wrong would be revealed soon enough, as he already found himself next for ordering.

Now he made his stroll back to the previous location, moving forward awkwardly by carrying four drinks with him, his mango juice nearly droping at some point after stepping on a loose tile...Perhaps he should've thought this a little bit more thorough-


In a fraction a second, Charlie body turned stiff, startled by the nearby explosion, quickly followed by panicked screams from the visitors in the area. As he turned, he espectated the rise of a curtain of flames, not far from his location. Whatever may have happened, this did not feel like an accident in the slightest, and knowing better than to sit around and twiddle his thumbs, the Phoenix broke into a sprint towards his destination, with little-to-no-care about what happened to his previously-carried beverages.

"Aniki! Milo!" He shouted as the two phoenixes manifested themselves into his vision. Stopping just a few feet away from them, he looked from side to side. "Where is Elizabeth?! Please don't tell me something happened while we were away"

Gideon Gray
The Trials of Belial
Gideon and Jozef's Dorm Room, New Oasis Central University
January 11th, 2022 | Post Arc 2
Gideon, Jozef
The Trials of Belial
Gideon scowled. Did the Bechamel demon actually have the gall to demand Jozef's body along with everything? This wasn't what Jozef signed up for. All that it was supposed to be was a summoning session. Jozef never agreed to give up his soul.

"Absolutely not," Gideon vehemently said, his hands tucked behind his back coldly, "Jozef's soul isn't mine to give. That is a discussion between you and him."

There was one issue though, now that Gideon thought about it. How was Bechamel going to partake in the sweets if he didn't have a corporeal body? Gideon's expression softened as he thought about it. If the demon would occupy Jozef's body for that purpose... that would be something that Jozef might agree to, right?

"How's this," Gideon offered, "For the sake of upholding my end of the deal, you may reside dormant within Jozef, only coming out to partake in enjoying the cakes and stuff. If Jozef ever finds these terms disagreeable, he can immediately expel you from his body. Ask Jozef if he's okay with this."

If only Gideon knew that Jozef was messing with him. Gideon was taking the entire scenario hook, line, and sinker despite the occasional flaw in Jozef's acting and some of the nonsensical parts of the summoning ritual. Issues notwithstanding, Gideon offered Bechamel his other hand. Not the one that Bechamel could shake with the hand that he had offered Gideon. Forcing Bechamel to switch hands to shake Gideon's would ensure that there would be no mistaking that it was Bechamel agreeing to Gideon's terms and not the other way around. "So, Bech...enamel, can you agree to those terms?"

WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten
Passeri Park
Sweet Talkin' Woman
December 22nd, 2021 | Pre Arc 3
The Dollhouse, West District
Passeri, Dagger
Sweet Talkin' Woman
The stormwater turned the apartment building into a concrete waterfall. Even here, deep in the throat of the building, the dull weight of the weight pressed down, drowning the building in noise. There were a million ways to interpret it, and as an artist, Passeri was inclined to do just that. It could be metaphorical. A storm come to wash away the past, or to bode ill tidings. In the crumpled heart of the city, this same rain fell, cascading through the ruins of countless lost homes. What did it mean to them?

Nothing good, she was sure.

The drive back had been long. Like detritus dredged up by the storm, an endless procession of cars had clogged the highways, slowing the long drive home to an awkward crawl. On either side of her, were Dagger and Lisette. A missive for each the present and past. She wondered, briefly, if some black-cowled specter would soon join them, a grim envoy of whatever future awaited her. That was what all this had been about, hadn't it? A desperate bid to tie up the threads of her past and make way for what was to come.

Ah. This is why she didn't like the rain anymore. It made her terribly pensive. She didn't have any need for that. They'd done it. Lisette was safe. Dagger had lived up to her word. Things were going well today.

As if reminding her, the elevator doors slid wide with a chipper ding.

"Home sweet home!" It wasn't a small thing that Passeri led the two women into, but neither was it one of the typical laps of luxury in which she entertained her guests. The windows were tight and high, robbing the room of most natural light, permitting the loft only the touch of the warm, sepia light which bled down from the ceiling.

"Or I guess home safe home is more like it." Amongst her many properties, this was one of the ones she'd acquired off the books. Not the Tigers, nor her people, nor even her most trusted confidant knew of this place. In all technicality, it wasn't even hers. None of these safehouses which she'd taken the pains to establish were. She'd consigned them to dead names, felled branches from withered family trees. Names like Brandy Baker, so pitiable that not even a parent would remember them.

"It's not much, but it's yours for as long as you need it." Passeri smiled. Once upon a time, that may have been true. In another time, this had only been a maintenance level, cluttered with pipes and cables and whatever else the building's handyman needed to handle the day-to-day repairs, but it had since been stripped down, and born anew. Plush carpet buried the cold concrete, and while not lavish, the furnishings were comfortable and chic.

"Actually, it's plenty. Thanks, Shortcake." The cupboards, Lisette noted as she nosed about the apartment, were even stocked with non-perishables. The bathroom with toiletries, and the living room with entertainment, too. There was even a laundry. If she wanted, she could've stayed here for months, only at the cost of her figure. That was nice, sure, but strange too.

The apartment was ready for living, sure, but it had not been touched. It was all too neat, even for a freak like Baker. What did she need all of this for? And who, really, was this dour woman that shadowed them? Her lips pursed, and a question strained at the back of her teeth. What have you gotten yourself into?

"I might as well break it in. I'm still sticky from the workday." But she bit it back, matching Passeri's thin smile with a wry grin.

"Oh, sure! There's towels in the bathroom, and some clothes in the-"

"Yeah yeah, I'll figure it out. One of the skills you pick up in my line of work is figuring out where things tend to be. You wouldn't believe how many men keep their underwear in the same drawer." Lisette waved Passeri off, and started to root around the apartment. Before long, a fresh pair of clothes was tucked under her arm, and a towel flung over her shoulder. "You said it's mine, yeah? That means you guys are the guests now, ladies. Act like I ain't here. Make yourselves comfy. I'll be be a few."

Then the bathroom door locked tight, and the wolf was alone with the stars once more.

"Man..." A weary sigh, one that Passeri was worried might be becoming familiar, escaped her. Upon Lisette's command, she reclined into one of the sofas, and motioned for Dagger to join her. "What a day, huh? Thanks again. You helped with more today than you know." The smile she wore now was gentle, and relieved. The hot water which rushed behind the bathroom door felt like it was washing across her, too. Of anything that could've gone right this week, this month, this year, she was glad this was it.

"I'll pay extra if you don't let this leak to anyone. I know we weren't exactly subtle, but I'd like it if this doesn't reach anyone's ears." If she could've done it alone, she would've. "Are you... Alright, by the way? Honestly, I would've thought that you'd have beaten those bouncers to mush." She barely knew the wolf-woman, but it was hard not to be concerned for her, with the state she'd found her in. "It's not much, but I'll throw in extra for that, too. Think of it as insurance pay!"

Her words were lively, but they felt hollow. She felt like there was more she should've been saying to the woman, a better way of thanks than a bonus package and a plea. But how could she? What had their time together been, but business and bickering? They'd barely even met.

"So, um, do you like movies? I stocked a lot in here, in case I ever had to hide out." She hadn't seen any of them, though. Hell, she couldn't even name them. "I think I'm gonna stick around for a bit, make sure everything's alright with her. You don't have to, but... It can't hurt to take a load off, right?"

Test Drive
Copper's Bar, North District
2019, Pre-Arc 1
Darius, Caio BriiAngelic BriiAngelic

Still reeling from the contact, Darius coughed and spluttered between his apologies as he waited to be put out of his misery. The skin in his grasp was soft, too soft, like tearing apart cooked chicken, but thankfully now that the shock was wearing off, he could tell there was no serious damage on his end. He couldn’t be so sure about Caio, and, looking up with teary eyes, he tuned back in to hear what the Queen was saying.

Was he… not going to kill me? Or is he just dragging out this sick game?

P-praised? Boss, look at your hand…”

It was a revolting sight, evident from the gasps and panicked murmurs throughout the crowd. Many had gathered around the pair, as drunks do when people start a fight, but nobody was sure what happened exactly.

“I don’t want this.”

Why me? Why does it have to be me?

“I don’t think I can-”


Darius was cut off as a pair of beefy arms forced between the Serpents in an attempt to push them apart. NP strength did little against the two, but Darius stepped back anyway. Desperately he looked around for the exit, though he had little hope of getting away from the Queen.

“Ok! Ok! We’re leaving!”

He looked to Caio, silently pleading for mercy, and that he wouldn’t get any more crazy ideas.

Takahiro Sugita
Post Arc-3|| Confidential Motivations
North District, Taka's Apartment
July 1st, 2022
Takahiro, Peyton ( Coyote Hart Coyote Hart )
Confidential Motivations
Taka couldn't hide the smirk on his face when Peyton said they were rivals. He never had a rival before, in fact, the concept of rivalry was a foreign one to him. He knew it was all in good fun and if Peyton viewed him that way he was going to play along. "Then I suppose we are rivals then. That certainly won't stop me from taking what I want from you." He playfully grabbed Peyton's chin before planting a kiss on his lips. He sat back into his original position, smothering his cigarette in a nearby ash tray. He was glad Peyton came over today, he certainly would be on top of his mind all week. His arm wrapped around Peyton, bringing him in close so he could feel his presence. Taka's face turned bright red as he was hit with the personal question, one that hit quite close to home.

"I-I have n-no clue what you are talking about." He became a stammering mess, trying to hide his embarrassment. Was it that obvious where his interests in people resided? "It's not that I always like the mean ones, they just know how to have a lot of fun." There was a lot more to it than that, though Taka wouldn't admit it in the moment. He wasn't judgmental went it came to people's temperaments. Most people never changed so he never got himself worked up over the qualities he saw less than desirable. He's been with a wide variety of men and women. Nothing really surprised him anymore but Raph managed to keep his attention somehow. Raph was alluring, almost as addicting as the drugs currently in his system.

"There are a lot of things that turn me on... and degradation is one of them. I can be with nice people, it's just a different dynamic than I'm used to. That's why I stick to the mean ones." If you're treated horribly by others your whole life, staying in that environment gives you a certain sense of at ease. While Taka didn't mind venturing outside of his comfort zone, he didn't do so often. Staying in the comfort zone was something he preferred, though it may be affecting his mental health.

While his embarrassment was slowly receding, he posed a similar question to Peyton. "Why are you attracted to the mean ones? I know Raph is important to you, what makes him so attractive?" Taka already had a few guesses as to why Peyton felt the way he did though he wasn't the greatest judge of character. Peyton and Taka were similar in many ways and that made Taka even fonder of him. Being around someone you could strongly relate to was a breath of fresh air. Talking about things he couldn't previously was certainly a new experience for him.
The Trials of Belial
Dorm room, New Oasis Central University
Gideon, Jozef

“Sticking up for your friend? Haha. Do you think he would do the same if the roles were reversed?”

Jozef’s hand fell, moving into crossed arms as he went deep into thought. He had to ask Jozef if he was alright with Jozef lying dormant in his body. Teeheehee- Don’t laugh, silly! You’ll blow your cover! Well, it was a pretty easy negotiation, but he furrowed his brow in frustration. He was sure a real demon wouldn’t have been happy to have his voice in its head. He tutted and shook his head, ignoring Gideon’s newly outstretched hand. Finally, he groaned, and looked Gideon dead in the eye.

“I have come to an agreement with Jozef Daalman.”

Without another second delay, he shot his hand out, grabbing Gideon’s firmly, nails digging into his skin. He’d be sure to apologize later, but he was the demon right now, and Jozef was sure that demons would be rude like that. He shook his hand firmly, before withdrawing it just as quickly.

“And so it is settled. I’m sure you know the consequences if you are to break our deal. Eternal suffering. Any departing words for me before I let Jozef back in?”

Blurred Borders
Hartswan Terrace, North District
Pre-Arc 1: October 25, 2019 -- Night
Darius, Celestine


Darius hadn't even considered the possibility, and felt his stomach turn again. She could do that for him? He looked around the room. The bodies were already gone, just blood and dirt soiled the floor now. Would he be alright?

Before he had mustered up more of a response, Celeste beckoned him outside. So caring… Selfless… Darius scurried after her on shaky legs, grabbing the doorframe as he took in a lungful of cold air. It wasn't exactly fresh air — rather sticky, smokey, and humid — but it was miles better than inside. Despite the relief, it did little to settle his nerves. She was waiting for his answer, though, so he didn't waste the opportunity.

"You can- I'm okay if you can do that."

It felt like too big of a decision to make in a short time, but he nodded in conformation of his choice. Then, his face darkened once more as a realization set in. How selfish he was. How cruel he could be.

"But, only if you're going to be okay doing it."

Letting her suffer the events alone, and would she have to touch him? He really was a coward, and that's why he was stuck doing this shit. Was he deserving of mercy?

Darius didn't think he was, but he wasn't going to turn it down.

Shishido Takakazu
CS Link
Shifting Around The Side View Mirror Is Good Until You See Your Own Reflection
East District
June 13, 2022 || Post-Arc 3
Kisara ( simj26 simj26 ), Keith( Roda the Red Roda the Red ), Takakazu
Shifting Around The Side View Mirror Is Good Until You See Your Own Reflection

Another vibrant day had come across the East, a peaceful day that had blurred together with the rest. The district's safeguard imbued a serenely refreshing ambiance, permeating the atmosphere. People melded together, their identities temporarily lost amidst the faceless multitude. They strolled along the sidewalks, gracefully gliding past each other in an effortless, harmonious dance. The café nearby, with its pleasant patio seating, bustled with people savoring their morning caffeine fix. The air was filled with the aroma of steaming cups, as the barista gracefully placed one in front of a customer, their words blending seamlessly with the lively hum of conversation all around.

It was serene, such a wonderful morning. The good mood seemed to affect everyone, even on the streets. Despite the heavy traffic during the morning commute, an unusual calmness resonated among drivers. Obligingly, everyone remained in their designated lanes, abstaining from any impulsive honking. The soothing melodies from car radios intertwined with the gentle hum of running engines, creating a harmonious symphony that adorned the atmosphere.

Things were really nice…almost too nice.

“I love you more!”
“No! I love YOU more!”

Among the serene atmosphere, audible voices could finally be picked up from the featureless chatter. Both voices bubbled with lovey-dovey affection towards each other, to an obnoxious amount. It didn’t take long for the view to locate the culprits, the pair riding on a black motorcycle, decals of flames and skulls covering it. The woman sitting in front had her hands gripping the handle, adorned with an array of captivating piercings. Her pale skin was embellished with dark makeup, which only emphasized her unique style. Her attention was momentarily diverted from the road as she nuzzled affectionately into the man behind her. His arms were wrapped around her midsection, providing a comforting embrace and keeping him safely positioned. In contrast to her daring aesthetic, he displayed a more conventional appearance, dressed in a modest combination of a t-shirt and sweatpants. It was one of those “God I wish that were me” situations.

“That can’t be possible because I love YOU more!”
“Well, I loved you first!”

The two continued on like this, flinging their love for each other back and forth without end as they were stopped on the road. If it weren't for the abrupt cloud of black smoke enveloping them, leaving them gasping for breath, coughing and struggling to see through tear-filled eyes, they could continue indefinitely with their back and forth love.

“W-What the hell!?” The woman coughed and frantically waved the smoke away from her face, struggling to see through the thick cloud. Her eyes squinted as she immediately identified the source of the smoke.

The engine's thunderous booms dominated all sounds, while the exterior displayed a worn-out appearance with chipped and scratched paint revealing glimpses of the hidden, dull silver beneath. Wheels dirtied, the tracks long since beginning to wear down on both tires, it looked like it hadn’t been properly maintained in years. A compact motorized scooter that trembled as it ran, emitting thick plumes of smoke that ascend towards the heavens, contaminating the air and wreaking havoc on the ozone layer.

“Hey asshole!” Shouting towards the rider ahead, she noticed the man slouched forward on the scooter. His nondescript black track pants and matching jacket didn't make him stand out, but it was his helmet adorned with a sleek racing stripe that hinted at his concern for road safety - a quality lacking in both individuals riding the motorcycle.

Despite her shout, the man didn’t turn around, either ignoring her or unable to hear over the loudness of his barely-living engine. She grit her teeth in annoyance, a vein of anger appearing above her head as redness came to flood her pale-skinned face, “HEY! I KNOW YOU HEAR ME TALKING TO YOU!”

She raised her voice 20 decibels higher, enough to cause most people’s heads to turn who were nearby. It was only at that moment that the man on the scooter showed a slight sign of interest, as he glanced back at the pair. His eyes were empty, lacking any spark of life, and his face revealed no emotion. He would almost look intimidating, if it wasn’t for how dumb he looked with the egg-shaped helmet on his head.


He blinked at her, oblivious to what she was yelling about, or why she was so angry. But before things could escalate any further the stoplight that had them frozen in place up to now finally swapped to green. Like he had a fifth sense, Tak’s head turned back forward, and he put on the gas, accelerating quickly. Smoke once again puffed out of his exhaust as he drove off, blasting the pair in a cloud of smog, completely blocking them from view and leaving them coughing and choking all over again.

They were fortunate, even if they hadn’t known it, that the only thing they got was a bit of smoke on their face, and the beginnings of lung cancer. It was much better than the alternative, considering who was on the scooter, the infamous trouble-making terror of the West District…

Takakazu Shishido.

Well, maybe not that infamous, or even famous, no one knew who he was really. But, anyone who did know he was nothing but trouble. A man who always had the knack for bringing out the worst in any situation, spiraling it into chaos wherever he went.

Why was someone like that in the East District? Had he come to disturb its peace? To expand the realm of his madness?

The old scooter turned a corner, slowing down its speed as it turned to park nearby. Once it had come to a step, Tak swiveled his body around, lifting his leg up the other side to slide off his scooter, taking off his helmet and placing it on the seat. He stuck his hands into his pockets as he strolled up to a nearby vending machine, positioned right outside a tiny corner store. Advertisements for drinks, cigarettes, and other products plastered inside its windows. His jacket pocket jingled with change as he dug around in it, finally pulling out a handful of change, one by one sliding into the slot.

He tapped a button displaying the drink he wanted, stepping back as the machine whirred shortly before the telltale sign of his drink being dropped into the slot below echoed through the hollow parts of the machine. He bent down to take the can out, and with a brief crack of aluminum he brought it up to his lips, taking a loud series of gulps.

With a sigh of relief, the can left his lips, condensation already beginning to form on the outside as the liquid on the inside quietly sloshed. Tak stood there silently, looking forward aimlessly across the street.

He could barely make out a pair of kids drawing with chalk on the sidewalk, his perspective blurred, they sure looked to be having fun though.

… Huh.

He brought his drink to his lips, taking another sip as he looked up towards the sky.

“Today sure is nice,” he said, words that held only an easygoing tone. For once, Tak was in a good mood, spending his time not bothering anyone, or bringing anyone else into his problems. He just enjoyed being by himself, the nice weather.

He was in a good mood, he had come to the East to escape his problems, even for a brief moment, he just hoped it could continue for a bit longer…

Shishido Takakazu
CS Link
Everyone's A Critic
Feralia Art Gallery, Central District
June 30th, 2022 || Pre-Arc 3
Camila ( Roda the Red Roda the Red ), Takakazu
Everyone's A Critic

Tak let his sunglasses droop back over his face, the cheap plastic hinges scraping roughly brushing against the backside of his ears, he looked at Camila from behind the darkened hue the shades brought, watching her place her hands on her face.

He had to wonder what she was doing it for? Rubbing some crud out of her eyes or something? Completely unaware of the emotional pain that Camila was going through, he instead focused on bringing a ring pop to his mouth. He sucked on it noisily, savoring the flavor as it danced on his taste buds. It was blue raspberry, pretty good, but not his favorite.

When she finally removed her hands, a smile was on her face, that must have meant he did real good with his disguise, right? Looks like the extra half an hour he spent slicking back his hair with coconut oil was worth it.

“Damn, this espionage shit ain’t bad after all. I ain’t ever seen her smile like that before; it’s almost kinda creepy.” He thought, spinning around the ring pop in his mouth as he continued to slurp on it, only stopping when Camila suddenly grasped onto his arm, tugging him forward so quickly that he stumbled and the ring pop was forced out of his mouth, “O-Oi! Why you tuggin’ so hard?!” He reactively responded, already cracking his character portrayal as his feet shuffled and turned to try and regain their footing. He had no idea where Camila was taking him, but it must have been really important. Wherever it was, he hoped it involved telling her what this whole thing was actually about, seeing as he still didn’t have a clue why he was actually here.

Before they could get far though, Camila seemed to suddenly stop, turning her head around. Much slower to react, Tak’s eyes trailed to follow her trail of vision, blinking as he saw the man who stood behind them, clearly trying to grasp their attention.

He was one of them rich types, Tak hated rich types, that wasn’t a surprise to anyone who knew him. So there was no stopping the reflexive scowl he made underneath his sunglasses upon seeing the man. Brash responses tickled the tip of his tongue, the usual “What the hell do you want?” or “Need somethin’?” were what he naturally was prepared to gravitate towards, but as the man spoke those words traveled away from his lips and back down his throat.

“Art critic? Samara? The hell is this dude talkin’ about. I’m not a fuckin’ critic.” Tak had the exact same thoughts as Camila, his troubled expression mirroring the one Camila had almost exactly as they both silently gazed at the man. If Tak hadn't done the 'thing', the situation could have become quite uncomfortable. What is the name of that 'thing' again? Oh yeah, thinking.

A lightbulb crackled to life in the man’s head as his eyebrows scrunched together, “Wait this guy thinks I’m an art critic? Ain’t this part of espionage playing a character out? Using it as camouflage… Just like those plays where kids play the role of doors or flowers.” The gears twisted in his brain, as he realized what was going on, and as soon as he clicked his fists clenched, a sudden feeling of tension rising through his body,

He shook his wrist free from Camila's grip, walking towards the fancy-looking man. Even with his appearance changed, the undeniable strut of thug-like nature was still on full display as he closed the distance. Tak visibly flexed his fingers as if preparing them, his mouth turned downward to a frown, just what was he planning to do? Was he about to lay into this guy? It almost seemed so.

Tak approached the aristocrat, bringing himself to a halt. Eyes hidden behind his sunglasses, he carefully observed the aristocrat from head to toe, remaining silent. He assessed him thoroughly, until at last...

“OHHHHH! Yes! I believe I remember you now!” Tak abruptly leaned backward, twisting his wrist to point at the man in a dramatic fashion, his palm facing upward. His tone was different from his usual indifference or aggression; this time it was enthusiastic, even cheerful, overflowing with vitality.

“Hold on! Let me think!” He raised his other hand to his face, placing two fingers on his forehead as he closed his eyes in a display of thought, “Don’t tell me! Your name started with an A? Or was it an M?” He spent barely any time trying to recall, before giving up completely, giving a nonchalant and uncaring shrug as he wore a coy smile “… Ah, it’s no use! I can’t remember! You must excuse me, It’s hard to remember names and faces when you meet as many people every day as I do. Art always takes the forefront in my mind.” He sheepishly admitted, before reaching forward to place a hand on the man’s shoulder, “It’s always great to meet a fan though!” he said, before leaning in to raise his hand in a simple pleading manner, “But do me a favor and keep this hush, hush, will you? I don’t want to take away from people appreciating the display by trying to talk to me. Especially the media! They can be such a hassle!” He pleaded, hoping the man would listen to his request.

In that precise instant, the atmosphere surrounding Tak transformed, casting a slight shadow over everything. Simultaneously, his inner thoughts materialized and emerged as a specter. This ethereal manifestation mirrored his usual appearance, complete with disheveled hair. However, unlike Tak's current groomed self, the ghostly image trembled with revulsion, as if on the brink of sickness.

“I’m gonna be sick.”


“I can’t believe people have to act like this every day! You're tellin' me people put up with this shit?! It’s almost enough to make me respect--"

His thoughts drifted away as he contemplated a particular idol. However, he quickly dismissed the idea of issuing a half-hearted recognition of her efforts. His disgusted expression transformed into a stoic demeanor.

“... Nah, no need to go that far.”

With that, the visual representation of his internal monologue faded away as the visuals returned to normal, leaving Tak to only hope the man would go on about his business, and leave him to get back to business with Camila.

… He wasn’t completely against popping him in the jaw, if he had to.

Takakazu Shishido
CS Link
The Memories of Summer Are Remembered More Fondly When You’re Stuck In The Cold
Central District
July 12, 2013
Hiachi ( miki miki )
The Memories of Summer Are Remembered More Fondly When You’re Stuck In The Cold

He had done good, right? Just like an amazing hero, he had appeared and swooped in to save the day, brave and bold he had risked himself to protect the innocent. He felt great about it; he was just like a hero on TV!

But the girl in front of him barely reacted at all! There was barely any reaction from her, no sense of amazement at his spectacle or profound praise of his heroism. Where was the attention he was supposed to be lavished in?

… Oh well! It didn’t matter. He was just happy that she was safe, he didn’t need a league of fans to feel proud of himself for doing good, the act was a reward in itself. Just like when he did chores around the house, his mom would come home, she’d be far too tired to do much else but give him a warm smile of gratitude, sometimes ruffle his hair.

It was just nice to be appreciated. So the simple shaking of her head was all he needed. He crossed his arms proudly, beaming as he brought upon his heroic voice once again, “That’s good! Then my work here is done-- Hey, hey, hey! What are you graspin’ at!?”

As Hiachi made a simple attempt to grab his stick, his heroic façade vanished instantaneously. He extended his hand and pressed his palm against the girl's forehead, ensuring she remained at a safe distance. Meanwhile, his other hand ascended with the stick, elevating it out of reach.

“You can’t touch it! This is my Chromafury Saber! It’s for heroes only, not girls!” With prominent faith in his words, he instantly grasped the essence of the stick he had fortuitously acquired mere moments before, his imagination unwavering.

“If you wanna play, go scoop some goldfish or carve out some candy! There’s a bunch of fun things to do here better than playing with this thing!” He shouted, hoping that directing her attention elsewhere would make her lose interest in his new favorite stick.

Zentsupa Pei
CS Link
Doused Flames Bring Lost Ashes
Phoenix HQ, South District
2019 || Pre-Arc 1
Eleanore (@mechanicalmania)
Doused Flames Bring Lost Ashes

Eyes painted across his back, he had long since seemed to grow aware of the stares and chose to block them out, or maybe he never even bothered to consider them at all. There was some wonder to it, how a boy could sit there for hours, cackle and shout, without a single care in the world. Surrounded by destruction, outside the very doorstep of a gang that had blood sunk underneath its fingernails he was undisturbed.

Over the day, many Phoenixes had walked past him. Some bothered to speak, threats, questions, jokes, it didn’t matter what they were, he brushed them all off the same. That same fearless viciousness dripped from his words no matter who he came across. Was he cocky? Does his confidence stem from the fact that his assistance grants him some form of immunity?

Who knew? But he had been left unharmed, undisturbed. There was only one person who had ever touched their hands upon him, the dirt on his back, dried remnants of mud still clear on his white shirt. She may have forgotten his existence, but he never did. His presence had one caveat, the undeniable factor of recognition.

There was no visual indication that he had realized Eleanor was approaching him. Without changing his crooked posture, he continued typing on his keyboard with amusement. Tears of laughter welled up in his eyes as he indulged in the digital delights that captured his attention. However, when she approached him, his gaze shifted sideways, glancing at her from the corner of his eye. His fingers quickly ceased their movement, abruptly halting whatever he was engrossed in.

Kiys kept laughing, oblivious to the fact that his master had ceased laughing. However, after a brief moment, he suddenly realized the change and abruptly halted, leaving his mouth hanging open in a rather awkward manner. He shifted on Pei’s shoulder to see what had caused him to suddenly shift tone, and when he saw it his toothy smirk matched Pei’s identically.

Q-Bot pushed himself up to his legs, clanking and chirping “Pi-po-pi♩!” as his antenna waved back and forth, joining the others to look up at Eleanore. Lala was the last one to understand the situation, descending gracefully towards the ground. Her gaze was fixed upon the towering woman, and a faint unease lingered within her. Clinging tightly to her syringe, she discreetly positioned its tube to shield a part of her face.

“You want us to leave!? As if!" shouted Q-Bot with a loud and screechy robotic voice. He hopped up and down, his hollow metal body clattering with each jump. His hands were raised in the air in a fit of rage, while his robotic mouth clenched tightly, causing creases to form on his chin, giving the illusion of skin and flesh. "Professor doesn’t listen to orders from anyone!” He exclaimed, pointing a sharp finger up towards the massive woman, “Pi-pi-pi! Don’t think you can boss everyone around just because you’re big! I’m not scared of you!” Q-Bot demonstrated his fearlessness with such conviction that he proudly pranced around, placing his hands on his hips and twirling like a graceful ballerina. As he chanted and sang, the somber scene of post-hurricane devastation transformed into a vibrant and fitting blue backdrop, adorned with streaks of colors and sparkles.

“I’m not scared!♪~ I’m not scared!♪~ I’m not scared!~ Because I’m a suuuu~per robot he~ro!♫~”

Lala couldn’t help but join in right with him, smoothly flying in to wrap her arm around his blocky shoulder, kicking her legs up in unison with him like some line dancers.

“We’re not scared!♪~ We’re not scared!♪~ We’re not scared!~ Because we’re suuuu~per he~ros!♫~”

They bravely persisted in declaring their fearlessness before Eleanore, until their vibrant background dissolved into a pool of black sludge. It was swiftly replaced by a foreboding, swirling energy that caused both Playmates to freeze in their tracks. Their eyes widened, and their pupils contracted as their mouths remained agape, unable to utter anything more than feeble gasps and gurgles, as words eluded them.

A silhouette rose from behind them, sporting a demonic pair of horns, his teeth sharp as daggers while his claws were shaped in a way that could only be meant to sunder flesh. Its red eyes sparked to life, casting a bright red glow as their wings sprouted from their back, rising far up into the air.

Lala and Q-Bot reached to clutch themselves in a protective hug, sniffling as tears began to pool out of their eyes, “W-We’re sorryyyyyyy!!!” They shrilled, all their confidence utterly and entirely flat lined.

“Tch!” The shadow dissipated in a thick miasma of dark mist, only leaving Pei standing in the remnants, “Annoying shit stains! Stop fuckin’ around!” Conveying his disapproval through a piercing gaze, he relinquished his usual smile, while Kiys assumed his position, stifling a quiet chuckle in response to the discipline imposed on his fellow Playmates.

He crouched down, his lanky body easily compacting, as his spindly hand reached over to grasp Q-Bot by the plug still stabbed into his head, lifting him up and letting him hang limply from it, the machine unable to do anything but look forward, entirely confused.

“Let’s go, we’re leaving.”

Pei’s statement of submission to Eleanore’s demands left Q-Bot dumbstruck, his robotic eyes bulging out of his head, “EHHHH!?” He exclaimed, unable to turn his head to look at Pei, he could only wave his arms up and down as he sputtered out a response, “B-But Professor! Why are you listening to this random lady!? You could just--”

Any of Q-Bot’s protesting was cut short as Pei shifted his grasp on the cord, swinging around Q-Bot like a flail in the air as his expression soured into full on fury, pupils devoid from his eyes as he shouted, “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU QUESTIONING, YOU PIECE OF SCRAP!?”

Q-Bot was nothing but a smeared blur as he was spun around and around by Pei, squealing out an apology, “WAHHHHH! I’MSORRYI’MSORRYI’MSORRYI’MSORRYI’MSORRYYYYYYYYYYY!!”

Lala, the most compassionate member of the group, was horrified as she watched Q-Bot being tormented once again. Meanwhile, Kiys chuckled in response, finding amusement in the situation. This continued on for longer than needed before Pei finally stopped, removing the plug from Q-Bot’s cranium.

Q-Bot regained his footing, but his pupils were spiraling, and he could barely balance on one foot. He wobbled and stumbled as if he were intoxicated, with sparks and stars swirling around his head, while an unpleasant sensation of nausea overwhelmed him. Lala tried to comfort him, silently patting him on the back.

Pei placed his laptop under his underarm and slid his hands into his pockets. Without hesitation, he was ready to depart as Eleanore had requested. However, despite obtaining her desired outcome, the undeniable sense of uncertainty that had plagued the boy since his initial arrival was still prominent. Just as he was about to leave, he abruptly spun around and walked past Q-Bot and Lala, closing the distance between him and Eleanore. He stood before her, just as he had done before, his eyes meeting her expressionless gaze with his own mysterious smirk.

He didn’t say anything for a long moment, just like before. Was he prepared to spout out the same fruitless request? Make a promise? Another demand? Anything was possible.

The corners of his lips turned upward, his mouth widening to show his sharp--toothed smile, as he started to cackle under his breath at the woman, continuing to laugh in a space that seemed void of humor.

“Have a good night, granny! Kekekekekek!”

What came from his mouth was nothing of the sort of what could be anticipated; instead it was a simple pleasant, small talk with the same derelict behavior he always acted with. As he turned away, he had no clever remarks to contribute. Leading the way forward, his companions followed closely behind, with the moon casting its light on the worn concrete road. The silence of the night was only interrupted by the distant sounds of construction, a reminder of the hardworking beavers.

There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that this wouldn’t be the last they saw of this man.

Vissarion Argyris
Pre-Arc 3 | January, 2020
West District
Sebastian( Coyote Hart Coyote Hart ), Vissa
The cold weather was something that Vissarion detested. Being born in Athenos has made him somewhat weak to the cold that winter brought. Snowflakes, ice, and wind chill were his greatest enemies during this time. The only thing he could think about currently was the warm waters of his homeland. He almost forgot that he had an important meeting today and one of his greatest assets was walking right next to him. With his hands buried deep inside his pockets, he turned his head to Sebastian to speak with him. "These business types are all the same. Can't believe we have to walk through this cold weather. I let my guard down for a few days and I'm hit with blackmail. I can't wait for summer already." His words sounded a bit muffled since he had a scarf over his nose and mouth. This was the only way he wouldn't catch a cold outside in this weather.

A few snowflakes started to fall, causing Vissa to groan. "I suppose it is better than a cold rain." Luckily, the pair was nearing the hotel. The establishment was visibly extravagant, any passerby would think that they were too poor for the place. Vissa enjoyed upscale places, the service was always impeccable. "Don't worry about feeling out of place. I know the owner, you could wear flip flops and jeans and they would still let you in. It's not hard to act the part. Most people pretend to be sophisticated, you just have to be good at blending in." He wasn't sure if Sebastian has ever ventured into a place like this. For people who have never gone to an establishment of this class, it could be a shock. As long as he was there, Sebastian would be fine.

Upon entering the establishment, a wave of warm air hit Vissa. The blonde lowered his scarf, taking his hands out of his pockets. He felt rejuvenated after his body was able to warm up from the bitter temperatures. The hotel was bustling with activity, many patrons dotting the lobby of the hotel. Luckily, they had reservations tonight. Vissa looked down at his watch, realizing they were a bit early. "Since we're early, we should go to the bar." Getting a few drinks in you before an important meeting was always a good idea.

Upon arrival at the bar, one couldn't help but notice the eclectic wall of alcohol. There was a lot to choose from and Vissa was going to order something that he was familiar with. "Can I get a glass of Gavalas Vinsanto? I might order the whole bottle if I'm in a good mood." A wine that he was familiar with in Athenos, having one now would be a good way to calm down his nerves, he was indeed being blackmailed. Luckily, it wasn't the first time he had to deal with it. "Order whatever you want Sebastian, the tab is mine." With how expensive the place was, he didn't expect Sebastian to pay a dime and he didn't mind that. He felt like he had too much money on occasions, but that feeling always went away as he earned more.
Last edited:
All I Want for Christmas is Your Money
Goldshire Streets, West District
Pre-Arc 1 | December 15th 2020
Missy, Eric
All I Want for Christmas is Your Money
West District. Many a thing could be claimed about this place, be it the ever-looming presence of the Albino Tigers, even in the more calm and collected areas, always ready to pounce on you when you least expect them, as long as it made them as little as a dime on profits. You could also talk about how, even in the less clandestine aspects, the District itself felt like the very representation of Greed, be it from the smaller businesses to the mega corporation, no place was as aggressive and competitive as this District.

But Goddamn, you could not deny they had the best Gunpla store in all of New Oasis, maybe even all of Amestria.

One hand in his pocket, and the other carrying the bag that held his two new acquisitions, two of the less popular models from Steel-Blooded Orphans. Not only were they relatively cheaper, but the officer also had a habit of gravitating towards the underdogs. Relatability? Probably not, he just found the concept quite endearing, what's not to love about cheering on the little guy, after all?

A sudden voice stopped Eric on his tracks, he turned his head towards the alley next to him. From what he was able to make out, a table was arranged, multiple sketchy individuals gathered around it. On the other end of the table was a fairly average-looking girl, the source of the voice calling for him, in fact.

People gathering at an alley to play games? A girl cheerfully calling for people to join in? Yup, this is a gambling ring.

It really didn't require his detective instincts to come up with such a conclusion, all the ingredients were present, forming into a blatant dish of illegal business. Despite te detective's desire to just ignore the crowd and get back to his bike, he knew that duty called, as long as he carried his badge with him, he was a member of the Golden Chimeras and he had to do something about it. And it just so happens that his badge has never being left at home a single time in years, and today was no exception.

"Oh? Well you certainly have my interest"
He said, slowly and nonchalantly approaching the small congregation. "But let me warn you, Miss" His hand reached for his face, the webbed space between his index and his thumb lodging itself under his chin.

"I'm a gamer"

BriiAngelic BriiAngelic
Hiachi Ito
St. Steinburg's Maiden Voyage
The Open Seas (Day 0)
Post Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | July 1st, 2022 | Day 0 [The Open Seas]
St. Steinburg's Maiden Voyage
She walked away from the closed door and tucked the dollar in her pocket. Hiachi knew exactly where she was putting that money. She would buy her way into a game of poker. When she won that, she’d buy into a larger game. And then a larger game.

All given she wouldn’t be duped out by hidden tiger royalty, of course.

Her worn shoes weighed the carpet down by less than a millimeter when she stepped on it. The dirt on her rubber soles clashing with the bordeaux fibers made her want to laugh. The dichotomy was funny—it always had been.

The casino was familiar, yet strikingly different. The site of her past mistakes had been grand, larger than life, foreboding. The same pillars and fabric covered the area, but it was shed in a different light. The ceiling opened up to the sky, showing the cloudy night beyond the atmosphere. A poor fake of the White Tiger, if that was what it was trying to be. But it was a lot friendlier—the fangs that remained locked above patrons were well hidden beneath the surface, for now.

She was eyed by the tables, and she knew she looked like an idiot. Or better yet, innocent prey. She was a ‘small fish’, as it were.

She missed that feeling—being underestimated, yet knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was the one about to run the game.

She handed the dealer her fifty and sat down, trying to sit as straight as she could with her shoddy posture. Hiachi was hardly granted a glance as the dealer took her cash and began shuffling again.

Hiachi scanned the horizon around her. Her eyes would be focused on the table for the majority of the night, so it was nice to take it in.

Only, in the sea of high-octane self-indulgence and general stupidity, something caught her eye. A blond man wandering around the casino. Only he was less of a man and more of some pitiable lost creature, like a puppy or a toddler. Someone who actually didn’t belong in the casino. Perhaps she was being as presumptuous as the passengers among her, but he truly looked new to the concept. His eyes lit up like he was in the middle of a carnival.

As quickly as she had looked, she veered her eyes away. It wasn’t any of her business what he was doing. It was probably best if she didn’t interact, anyway. Anyone could spend a few misplaced amestriyen on slots, roulette, or a stupid bet. But cards were different. There was strategy, for most. The itch to win was insatiable when it felt in reach.

She couldn’t bring herself to drag someone like that down into gambling, and she didn’t care enough to leave the table herself.

Plus, the round was starting. People would be looking at their cards. She needed to catch it before she could think.

And most importantly of all, Hiachi didn’t like talking to people. Simple and plain. No amount of curiosity could bring her to distract herself from her game and talk to someone.

Satisfied with the wall of reasons and excuses she had built up in her mind, she re-centered on the game.

Hiachi Ito
Return To Sender
Hotel Gaul, West District
Post Arc 2 | Night
Hiachi Ito, Passeri Park
Return To Sender
While Hiachi had been suppressing the reality of Passeri’s celebrity status, the genuine praise she had gotten from her made her think about it.

Huh. A ‘good job’ from Passeri Park. Just an average evening in the tigers…

She didn’t put much thought into it after that. Hiachi knew that the laptop wasn’t that great of a find, but at least it was something.
She put the laptop on the floor on the balcony, assured that in a place like that, they couldn’t forget it. After re-entering the penthouse, Hiachi followed Passeri to the last untouched corner of the drunken warzone: a hallway with four rooms.

Passeri assigned her two rooms: a bathroom and an office. There wasn’t any time for complaints. At the end of the day, Hiachi agreed with Passeri: getting the hell out of there as soon as possible was the second highest priority. They had no chances of being caught, but the environment was messy and uncomfortable—plus, Hiachi enjoyed being able to breathe air that wasn’t staunch with alcohol and god knows what else.

If Hiachi could guess, the office was the best spot to look. Electronics would be kept there. Or papers. She didn’t know, she just wanted to find something that wasn’t practically useless.

She pushed the door open, only to find a room that was mostly bare. Sure, there were a few strewn bottles, but nothing too ridiculous. She scanned the room, looking for something that belonged to her target.

She looked on the desk, through the desk drawers, and along the storage dressers—but there was quite literally nothing. There was nothing between the couch cushions (other than coins and bobby pins), there was nothing underneath rugs, there was nothing in the closet. It felt suspicious, but maybe she should have predicted this—from the looks of it, whoever threw the party wasn’t too intelligent.

But that meant there was only one place left for her to look: the dreaded bathroom.

The bathroom was the chaotic cesspool that Hiachi was expecting it to be. There were unfinished glasses of liquor on every surface—even gently jammed in the stems of a fake potted plant. On the side of the sink, someone’s Mark-It gift card was left behind from cutting unfinished lines of cocaine.

Hiachi kept her whole body at arm’s length from every surface. She hardly wanted to breathe.

And then there was just the mess. Someone left their phone, someone left their case of makeup, someone left another phone, someone left a wad of cash.

Well tough luck for all of them—Hiachi was taking their stuff. She needed to bring back something. The cash was all hers, though.

To look underneath the sink, she squatted down and tucked her knees into her chest. She opened the cabinets underneath, and found a stuffed mess of towels drenched in more alcohol. The air of liquor that had been stewing in the small cabinet blasted her in the face, making her face scrunch up.

She peered in, hoping that going through this would be worth it. The instant she did, she caught the silver glint of cheapy painted plastic. She reached in, arm averse to touching any fiber or wall, and snatched the item out.

A point-and-shoot camera.

Hiachi felt a wave of relief wash over her as she flipped through the photos. It was mainly drunk girls taking pictures of themselves in random groups, but that didn’t matter. She found something that Passeri actually asked for.

Well. Almost. There were a lot of photos from the party. Blurry ones, ones with excessive flash, ones with people getting in the way of the shot. But if there was something on Passeri in there, it was worth bringing.

“Uh… Hey?” Hiachi called out, avoiding trying to think about what title she should address her boss with. “I found a lot of… stuff.”

Only Human
Rooftop, Upper Central District
Pre-arc 3 - Night, 26 December 2021
Jozef, Takaonna

Jozef couldn't move his legs as he watched the Takaonna rise up. He didn't even dare let out a single breath. Was this it? Oh well, he tried his best, but maybe his help was unwanted. He considered some words to ease the creature, but let her do her thing in silence.


And so his eyes followed the dark figure as she slipped out of sight. Now would've been the perfect time to flee, but he didn't. He brushed some dust — displaced from the concrete roof by Taka's heavy handed movements — around with his foot and hummed a little tune. Of course he was going to wait. Nothing more lame than abandoning someone who needed your help, even if that someone could crush you like an ant. And it paid off… if Jozef were in need of a fresh meal.


The fish flopped helplessly. Jozef squatted down, looking at the fish and back to Taka.

"For me?"

She really was something. Jozef picked the fish up by its tail, squeezing it hard so it didn't wriggle away.

"I'm honoured."

Honestly, though Jozef could think of a few things he could do with a fish, ranging from a nice dinner to a prank against Gideon, he would've much rather got nothing. But she went to all the trouble, and Jozef knew better than to reject her show of appreciation.

"Thank you… uh-"

Well, he knew she understood his language. After all, she spoke it, and they seemed to get each other well enough. But would someone creeping through the darkness, hunting in ponds and destroying rooftops have a name? Oh well, he got this far.

"Do you have a name?"

Camila Gaspari
Tigers B-side: The House Always Wins
West District, The White Tiger
Hiachi, Ryutaro, Camila, Alice, Jennifer
The House Always Wins
Aaaaand... Tap.

Camila's phone stopped recording, catching the hallucinating girl's confession right in her lowest moment of weakness, the fly sat on the venus, and before it could realized, its tendrils enclosed around it. The small girl made an admitedly valiant effort, but the reality is that the game was rigged from the start, from the very second she stepped inside the casino that night. Ryutaro spoke to Hiachi, showcasing a display of unnerve that was only fitting for one of the gang leaders. Camila's opinion of Ryutaro had skyrocketed after this, nepotism was not the sole carrier of his title. He was cunning and knew how to stay collected, integral requirements for a proper Albino Tiger role model, the veteran now knew that getting on his good side was an important goal for her.

Camila walked towards Hiachi, gently placing one hand on her cheek, the white haired girl gave her once again a fabricated motherly smile. But then, her other hand reached for the other's collar, giving it a light tug, her other hand, previously on Hiachi's face was no high up in the air, fingers folding and unfolding in quick succession in preparation of what was to come.


Had someone being nearby the door from the other side, even they might have been able to hear the loud striking sound as Camila's palm connected with the target's cheek, now getting increasingly redder and more swollen by the second.

"Okay, shithead, don't play fool now, you heard the man" Camila tugged harder at the now conscious Hiachi's collar, an evil grin plastered across her face.

"We have evidence of your little tricks, and you also owe this good man a generous sum" Camila's tail, now unfolded and slithering in the air, showed up on Hiachi's peripheral vision, the sharp point getting worringly close.

She reached for her phone once more. Placing it right next to her ear.

"Hello, sir?" She spoke, the owner of the casino listening from the other end. "Yeah, about your little pest problem, it's done now, your guys can come pick her up...Yeah, she admited it herself, even! Alright, pleasure doing business with you, sir" The call was shut off, Camila's attention once again on Hiachi.

"Look, this is what we're going to do, some fine gentlemen will come pick you up shortly, and they will inform you just how much you're going to have to pay to compensate to the casino, and expect some hefty interest to boot...BUT" She raised her index finger in front of the girl.

"Don't you worry one bit! I think you proved yourself capable, so in order to pay for everything, you'll be working for us, Albino Tigers, okay? I'm sure you'll be able to fit in just great" She let get, now making some distance between them.

"Oh, and, we'll also be adding the gang entry fee to your debt, we can't just give you special treatment, you know?" You'd think she was feeling bad for Hiachi when she mentioned that last part, if not for the jovial tone in her voice.

miki miki joshuadim joshuadim
The Ties that Bond Us
Daytime, Post Arc 3
Noodle Nirvana, East District
Charlie, Jesper
The Ties that Bond Us
Once again, Charlie quietly listened to what Jesper had to say, it was clear that there was a lot weighing down on his friend's shoulders, he could only wonder just how cathartic this confession must've felt for Jesper, being able to speak about that he most likely forced himself hidden until today. However, not everything was as jovial, as something deeply disturbed the young phoenix. A lot of Jesper words were particularly venomous, it sounded like he had an inherent lack of empathy for those who opposed him, almost as he had delusions of being part the greater, Charlie wondered what made his friend change this way...Or perhaps, this was his friend all along, and it just so happened that time and place was able to shed away at the layers that covered the truth, showing glimpses of the true face beneath the mask. Charlie could relate as well to a degree with Jesper when it came to his bias, he still remembers that day, over two years ago, when his sponsor Helva "saved" all those people at the restaurant. He started to se the Phoenixes as the local heroes, the people who protected the district by their own hand through strength, and even if they were hired for murder on the regular, those hits HAD to be justified...right?

That was the way he used to think, a view with rose-tinted glasses that gradually faded over time, now he was able to understand that Phoenixes, while having their good part, were ultimately a source of violence and pain, whose harm far exceeded its good. All the while, they justified their actions in the name of a "Family", a fabrication used to create a sense of genuine unity and care for each other. But true families were not built on conditional love, it may have taken a whole two years for the rookie to get it, but he was able to understand that now. The Phoenixes were not his family, they were his employers, and would be on their good side as long as he didn't do anything to cross them again.

And thus, Jesper offered him a proposition, one that admitedly had taken Charlie aback. Join the Azure Dragons? On second thought, it made sense, from Jesper's perspective, at least. His friend knew that he was an HP, so being allowed into the gang would not be a big issue, and it was easy to imagine that the Albrecht name had a considerable weight within the Dragons.

But, if only Jesper actually the whole story, that he was talking about the people that Charlie had fought several times in the past, the ones that had both captured and killed his allies, the ones that destroyed the bridge, the ones that had no qualms with dropping the peace treaty at a moment's notice. And then, even knowing the truth about his own gang, of the killing, of the violence and the intimidation they brought upon the district, it wasn't like he could just walk away.

Ever so invisble, he could feel the pull of the chain around his neck, the bond he had with the Phoenix, forged in flame and blood, and horror that was brought along upon even considering the idea of having to face his former allies.

"...I'm sorry, Jespy" He knew that he had to say it. "I don't think I can take up on your offer" It had to be said, there was no way around it.

He wanted to open his mouth once again, to reveal his true identity...But then, there it was.

Fear, that sensation he hadn't felt in so long, one that Charlie believed to have overcome after facing so many dangers in the last two years. But now, the idea of his dear friend coming to hate him echoed within his mind with more horror than facing a platoon of armed gangsters.

"...I don't think we can keep seeing each other, I live in South, after all, the Dragons would not trust me"

AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa
CS Link
The Art of the Deal
West District, Czar Restaurant
Hiachi, Ryutaro
The Art of the Deal
The West District had many elaborate and upscale neighbourhoods that comprised it, housing the wealth of both the old and nouveau rich as well as the financial might of great conglomerates and businesses that stationed some of their assets within the city. Despite the chaos and ruckus on a near daily basis caused by its own population of potentiality users, they still viewed it as a positive asset to maintain on hold. It was this wealth that created an insular community on the outskirts of the western districts, close to the very edge of the city limits itself, where estates, chateaus, and mansions lines the hills while upscale businesses and restaurants were staples for the shopping and dining habits of this aristocratic and business class.

The Queen of the Albino Tigers was no stranger to this area, as he owned a separate getaway in the area for when he desired to be away from his own upscale apartment. It was a sort of retreat as well as a secondary command centre for him, as he remained up to date with his business as well as the internal dealings of the Tigers no matter where he was. A week had passed since the whole outing in the White Tiger casino, where he had snatched himself a new peone under his thumb with a considerable amount of debt. A staple of the Tigers, but he was less interested in the debt bondage and more so in her abilities.

As seemingly innocuous as they were, he recognized potential from both her application of them as well as her own initiative in brazenly thinking she could take on the Tigers in such a foolish manner. There was some respect to be had in delusions, sometimes. And so Ryu was waiting at the Czar Restaurant, a formal and upscale dining experience that was housed within a sleek building to allow both natural light inside as well as an open and welcoming dining space. The guests here were all in the same class as he was, wearing expensive suits and dresses and enjoying meals topped with caviar at pricings that would make any working class individual balk.

Ryu waited at a premier table near the far end of the establishment, sipping on some dry white wine, as he waited Hiachi to arrive. He had already sent her a message through a courier that she was expected here.

A car will pick you up at your place. Wear your nicest clothes.
-You Know Who

miki miki
Clad in Golden Dreams
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | June 16th, 2022
West District
Passeri, Ezra, Viss, Mark, Jess, Hiachi, Tak, Elias, Jesper
To an external observer, Markus was an iceberg floating alone amidst a sea of lavish cruisers, each one haplessly unaware of the danger that lurked nearby, despite his presence looming in the darkness that clung to him, challenging the glitz and the glamor of the evening to just try it.

To Markus, this was boring. He'd done his business, done what he'd needed to do. So why did he stay? What manner of force was powerful enough that it could keep him glued to his seat even when it no longer served his interests? Business was easy. Winning at business was easy. Formulaic, even. Analysis plus capital plus execution equals success. Markus knew business. He knew his business, and he knew it well. This—he looked up from his smartphone long enough to let his eyes flit from one end of the decadent hall to the other—was not how he would prefer to do business.

Maybe, he thought, this strange feeling bubbling up in his gut sprung from a sickening understanding that this event was not actually his. It didn't belong to him—a binary by which all things in Markus' life were measured: things that were his, or things that were about to be. It was this line of thinking that led his gaze to land on Passeri Park.

An ugly, dark thought crossed his mind, spurned by an even uglier, darker thought: who did she think she was? More importantly, who the hell did she think she was dealing with? The fingers of his free hand traced the spiderweb of splinters in the wood of the table. The cost of doing business. His mind was so preoccupied with the game of mental chess it had decided to play against a phantom adversary who may or may not exist, and who may or may not be sitting right over there, shmoozing her way through his court, that he failed to notice both the slight rustle of the table cloth and the approach of Elijah Anamnesis.

"Siddown, why don't 'cha," Markus sneered, setting his phone to table with a clatter as he waved off the approach of the bald-headed, tattooed enforcer who had taken offense at Elias' familiar manner with the King. Markus didn't need back-up for this. Then again, that may or may not be true, as the next words that passed through Elias' smiling lips were like a staccato of baseball bats swinging full against his skull. Images of the Albino Tiger flashed across the theater of his mind.

Markus stared at Elias for a long time before he replied. "Didn't know you n' me had so many mutual friends. Chatty ones, too." He made a mental note to look into these so-called 'friends'. He wanted names. Before he could go on and both unequivocally denounce the salacious rumors and chastise Elias for partaking in gossip, Markus suddenly felt his personal space being invaded. From seemingly nowhere at all, servers and waitstaff had started to appear. First they were on merely the periphery of his perception. Soon, though, they were drawing near. Too near.

Markus took it as his cue to leave... Any excuse would do.

He adjusted in his seat, readying himself to leave, to shove off from the table and storm back out the door from whence he'd entered... Only for his foot to brush up against something under the table. It had probably just been one of the table's feet. He could've just ignored it, as it was mundane enough to be written off as just nothing.

Only instead, for some inane reason, Markus shuffled his chair back, lifted the hem of the table cloth and peered underneath.

"... Eh?"

Everyone's a Critic
Post-Arc 3, July 9th 2022
Feralia Art Gallery, Central District
Camila, Takakazu
Everyone's a Critic
"O-Of course! I won't tell a single soul about you to anyone here!" Said the man, giving short little respectful bows to Tak as he came to the realization of how disrupting he was being "I am very much looking forward to read your review of the exhibition! Your eyes truly have a talent to catch on what most of us simply gloss over" He enthusiastically turned around, almost making a skip towards who might be presumed to be his partner. By the cheerful way he spoke to her, he was most likely bragging about having met again with the fabled critic.

Flabberghasted, in desbelief, shocked, baffled. All of those were very much terms to accurately describe Camila's expression on her face the very moment the man retreated. So little time had passed yet there already was enough of a rollercoaster of emotions going on to last her for a week. The moment Tak may have relaxed a little, Camila went for the pull once more, this time gripping on and dragging him by the back of his suit's collar. Eventually the pair reached a corner of the museum, where the density of population was considerably lower. As they stopped, whatever new fake smile Camila may have formed on their way there had now banished into a look of annoying and frustration.

"What the hell are you wearing? Don't tell me that's the suit I sent you, it was of a good quality material for fucks sake!" She let out, the volume of her voice loud enough to show just how irritated she was, but still controlled enough to not bring in the attention of wandering passerbys. "We were supposed to blend in with these rich asshats, but now you stick out like a whore in a courtroom!" Her body slouched slightly as her fingers pinched the bridge of her nose, the long strands of hair hanging down slightly obscuring her expression. "But okay, I GUESS we can still work with this, as long as you don't do anything crazy we might still be able to take a look around and locate Hillclad" Foolish as it may seem, the previous interaction gave her a hint of hope that not everything was lost just yet. She turned her head to face him once more, still feeling extremely alienated by his current look. "Think you can do that much at least?"

thebigfella thebigfella
Helva Linxal
To live in the shadows
Falcons Perch, South District
Helva, Charlie Roda the Red Roda the Red
To live in the shadows

Helva watched as their blue haired compatriot made a run back inside upon mentioning the manager, she didn't follow him instead let out a light shrug and focused on getting the two unconscious guys in her vehicle. Dragging their bodies across the sidewalk she opened up her trunk and threw one of them in before throwing the other in, when she had done that she closed the trunk of her car and went in to her vehicle grabbing a pair of sunglasses and a card black card with nothing but her number on it, the word R and a Phoenix Logo next to it. Then she made her way in towards the restaurant, putting on her sunglasses on as she opened the doors and found what she assumed was the manager and the blue haired boy from earlier who looked pretty dejected to say the least. Looking towards the manager and then towards the Blue haired boy, she rubbed her temples as she figured that little stunt more than likely got him in trouble with his manager, which more than likely was something he neglected to think about before jumping in and deciding his assistance to the situation. She could of handled the situation herself, which she fully expected to, though the Blue haired boy went on to help her, a bit of a surprise to be sure but not something she found entirely unwelcoming, she couldn't help but feel a bit bad about it all things considered. But she wasn't really able to stay long, cause she had no doubt in her mind that the police would probably be showing up something she didn't feel like dealing with right now. Besides she could always have Hiyma do damage control later anyways, so directing her attention to the manager she went over to him clasping her hands together in a apologetic motion. "Very sorry for the mess, but I'm afraid I can't stay long, but I'm more than willing to pay for the damages if need be."

Reaching inside of her suit pockets she pulled out two stacks of cash which should be near enough to compensate for the damages and gave him her card as well. "The card has my number in case you need to contact me, which I highly suggest that you do, at a later date." Turning she looked at the Blue haired boy who was practically crying, taking out her wallet she grabbed enough bills to cover him for a entire month and then leaned down to eye level with him. " I'm sorry for all the trouble that has happened for you today, if you ever need anything just ask." she then handed the bills she retrieved from her wallet and placed it towards him. "Consider it a tip, and a apology for all the trouble."

Passeri Park
Clad in Golden Dreams
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | June 16th, 2022
West District
Passeri, Ezra, Viss, Mark, Jess, Hiachi, Tak, Elias, Missy
Clad in Golden Dreams
Passeri let Vissarion and Ezra speak, calm and quiet. The rest of the ballroom dimmed, and she retrieved the part of her attention she'd divided to monitor the situation. In that moment, her attention was undivided, keenly fixed on the two men's words. She hadn't lived half her life for the past three years being interviewed for no reason. She'd picked up a few tricks.

Veiled behind a smile, rattled a glimmering mesh of gold. She was starting to see it. Each of the men's words was a link, another hoop in the, in fact, very calculable chainlink of motivation. She was surprised. Surprised at just how forthcoming they'd been. Her eyes lingered for a moment, studying the steady fizz of Vissarion's champagne. Was it just the alcohol? She was hardly one to talk, but there was no way that he was that much of a lightweight, right?

There was a gentle clink, and she raised her glass. It was a toast, one in recognition. She respected what she'd heard. From both of them.

"Thank you." Her words were soft. Tender. Marinated. "You can never be too care, I feel like I'm in good company, here." Rags to riches, she knew that story well. "Honestly, it's got me feeling kind of shallow. When it comes down to it, I'm just a celebrity meddler."

She had something in common with the blonde. How much, she couldn't be certain, nor could she tell. The emotional appeal had been nice, but it wasn't enough. Not even a golden tongue could urge her to spill so much after a single dinner.

But, still, this was nice. Underground politics aside, it wasn't often that she got to enjoy a meal with other people.


Not often at all.

For an instant, Passeri's brow furrowed, twitching ever so slightly as whatever hint of genuine calm she'd collected crumbled away. Had it been so much to ask? For people to just behave for once? Couldn't they just enjoy the wine, enjoy the food, and enjoy the company?

No. Of course they couldn't.

"Thank you for letting me know,..." She took a moment to study the server. "...Artemis. Don't worry about them. You can hide here for now." Without a fuss, she removed herself from the table. Any wavering in her expression was gone now.

"Sorry, guys, could you excuse me for a moment? I've got to take care of this. You three seem familiar! Have a chat, okay? The drinks are on me!" It was half a suggestion and half a plea. She didn't need anyone else getting tangled up in whatever this was. Her phone was back in her hands, this time sending a message to a member of the staff. The ballroom, literally this time, dimmed, and an announcer made something up about a romantic slow dance.

As it darkened, the ballroom returned to her. The trembling exec, Yumin's meddling smirk, the abused tabletop, that scruffy head of idiot-hair, the gossip. What was she thinking, letting these people out in public? They were total animals. The mixture of darkness and smarmy heirs and heiress propositioning one other for a dance covered her approach, at least from the prying public. For now.

"Is everything alright over here?" She was barely even trying to hide it. There were more barbs tangled around her words than an entire bush of roses. "Sorry about the neglect, but I had to tie something up before-" Her eyes traced Markus's... under the table. Hiachi. Hiachi, under his table.

"Just..." Could she just give up? How did people even get themselves into these situations? "...Can't you just not see anything? Look. I turned off the lights. You don't have to see anything." Her eyes glowed brightly in the dim hall. This was just begging, now. She'd lost, and so quickly, too. She remembered seeing that scruffy head of idiot-hair on the way over here. Somehow, she knew this was his fault.

Last edited:
CS Link
Backroom Dealings
West District, Sarizara Restaurant
Ryutaro, Samira, Jack, Passeri, Camila, Elias, Welsha, Dagger, Alice
Backroom Dealings
In the weeks following the devastation that had rocked New Oasis from a freak earthquake, many of the city's highrises remained mostly intact outside the epicentre. Save for some window damage that was quickly fixed, the George Tower Building in the West District looked almost completely untouched save for some additional repair work on the lower floors as a precaution. On the outside, the building itself was unassuming and seemed to be like any other corporate office building. A myriad of businesses rented floors as office spaces, creating a hustle and bustle ecosystem in its interior not too dissimilar to the Hashimoto Real Estate Headquarters. Many of the lower floors in that building were also rented out to other businesses as additional rental income to the company.

However, what differentiated the two locations was that at the top of this particular place was not another business throne. But, instead, was home to a lavish and upscale restaurant that featured foods and dishes from Sankai. As a meeting point for the Tiger Queen's latest plot, the choice was obvious as to why this would be perfect. It was relatively secluded from the rest of the district's other highrises, it was safely nestled around other properties that Ryu's company owned, and it had a large enough business dining room that allowed for additional secrecy from other wealthy individuals that would be dining in the main room.

Usually the room itself, partitioned from the rest of the restaurant with thick soundproof glass, required at least 6 months of advance reservation. However, Ryu was well connected with the owner and thus was able to snag the venue for him and those that would join him on this occasion; that being a matter of importance to Ryu's own ambitions. He had no love for the King, and was actively searching for allies that would be of use to him in the inevitable leadership conflict. But, of course, these intentions were masked by what seemingly was the Queen seeking to improve Markus' position. Finding the faults of his command and, in turn, reporting on it.

But Ryu would make sure that such faults were only exacerbated.

Joining him was his own CTO of Hashimoto Real Estate, Cal, as he was the Queen's most trusted outsider confidant. While not himself involved with the gang, he was well aware of his boss' dealings much like Jackson was as well. It was his job to know, but also his duty to ensure that Ryu would come out of this even stronger. He believed in the vision that had been presented when the two had first met.

The sleek, black marble table had already been set up by the time both men arrived side by side; Ryu wore his usual lilac suit, fastened with gold pins at his wrists and complemented by his well picked undershirt and tie. Cal on the other hand wore the same black suit and tie that he always wore alongside a stoic, but tired, expression. Chairs were in place for all confirmed attendees as Ryu took his seat at the head of the table, while Cal looked around for a moment to observe. "Quite a fancy place to pick." he commented to the Queen. "I suppose it's the privacy, and not the cuisine that drew you here?"

"Why not both?" Ryu asked, "The food of my homeland is hard to come by in this country... well made, I mean. Most of it is commercialized shit." The Queen then tapped his fingers on the cool marble of the table and nodded: "But here, it's all authentic. They import all their product from the archipelago itself. Express delivery flights. They don't even need to freeze the fish and sealife."

"Mhm." Cal nodded, but remained rather stiff and uncomfortable in the moment.

"Is something troubling you?"

The bespectacled man was quiet for a moment before readjusting his lenses. "Sir, it's just... you're dealing with people that don't hold the same... ideals. They don't have the same prospects or ambitions. They only care about money."

Ryu crossed one of his legs over the other and leaned back in his seating, listening to his corporate lieutenant's concerns. "Me and Jackson, we're with you to the very end. Because you showed us a vision for a better order of things. But... how can you be certain that they will?"

"I'm not. I won't pretend that not all of them will care for what I want out of the world, but I can sure convince them that my path will be a tide that rises all boats. And that starts here."

Cal was quiet for a moment, before giving a nod towards Ryu. He trusted him thus far, and so would continue to trust in his path. The Queen then turned his attention, waiting for the arrival of the other Tigers that had been invited for this affair.

Beann Beann Chaos Gallant Chaos Gallant The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit Roda the Red Roda the Red AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Peckinou Peckinou simj26 simj26 QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Shishido Takakazu
CS Link
Clad in Golden Dreams
West District
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | June 16th, 2022
Passeri, Ezra, Viss, Mark, Jess, Hiachi, Tak, Elias, Jesper
Clad in Golden Dreams

“Would you like to meet with him? The current Tiger King, that is.”

It was a simple question with a simple answer. Yes. No wasn't an option, it had been struck out, torn away, shredded into the wind. Who wouldn’t give to be the one to kneel at the throne of the man who sat upon the highest seat in the court? It was only at the feet you could be fortunate enough to nip at their heels or grip at their legs. "Yes" was the clear choice to make. "Yes" lead to success, "Yes" lead to fortune, "Yes" lead to purpose.

“Huh? Yeah, I guess…” He trailed off, looking at Elias with a half-interested gaze, his posture slouched slightly. He thought it was a weird question, not understanding the implications. He just wondered who could say “No” in a situation like that? It was a chance to make an impact.

Tak silently pondered the type of idiot who would say “No” to a chance that could dictate their future. He barely had a moment to ponder it, as Elias's gaze quickly shifted away, diverting his attention elsewhere in the room. His eyes naturally went to follow their trajectory, unaware of what was waiting on the other end of the thread.

Time slowed. The bitter chill in the air blew across his flesh, goosebumps grew across his arms, as the hair stood up the back of his neck. He felt the cold permeate through his nervous system, coagulating at the base of his spine. The room felt like it had gone to the negatives all the way down to the tips of his toes, his body frozen in place.

His pupils widened, but his vision only grew worse as a result. His focus blurred until his peripheral vision was entirely distorted, leaving only his tunneled attention to encompass the man who sat at the nearby table.

Elias continued to talk, he had even motioned Tak to follow him for this chance meeting. But it was only now that he understood those connotations. The origins behind the overwhelming presence that sent his natural instincts haywire, a man whose existence shifted the world around them by simply breathing their air that they graciously allowed everyone else to share.

The world darkened, everything else being consumed by the vast void beside him, and the man who only sat a few steps away from him, illuminated in spotlights that kept the shadows of his mind from consuming them both.

“That’s him…” Tak’s words fell out his mouth in a whisper, as if they had used up all their strength just getting past his lips. It was the only sound he could get out before his lips froze together, leaving only the slight twitching of his pupils to display that he hadn’t gone entirely comatose.

"The Tiger King..."

While Elias walked away, Tak only stood there listless. He couldn’t have followed if he wanted to, his body felt alien to him, as if one wrong move and it would reject itself. He could only watch as Elias walked up to the King’s table, he talked casually, filled with charisma.

How could he do it? How was he able to move and act so boldly while he was stuck here? Was it his bravery? Was it his confidence? Was it his value? What was he lacking that gave this pretty boy the ability to walk over so fearlessly?

Tak’s fingers warmed as his blood pumped through them, they weakly twitched to life as the hold of the frostbite weakened, they slowly balled into a fist. His pupiless eyes shimmered with life, the beginnings of pupils beginning to form in the center of his irises. “I’ve been fighting all this time! Putting up with all this gang shit just so I could eventually be able to step in that world!”

His balled fists shook as the tension in his body only increased, his fingers quivering as his nails dug into his skin--


His fingers unclenched, weakly drooping as all the strength left them. The life left his eyes, the luster they briefly held entirely devoid in his empty gaze.

The darkness engulfing him stretched wider and wider, intensifying the gap separating him from the table where the King resided. It became an ever-deepening valley, a relentless river dividing their realms, an insurmountable mountain standing in his way.

He had seen it as soon as he felt the man walk in, and he saw it even now. The gap he had worked to close for the past years of his life hadn’t closed at all, it had only grown larger. The higher he reached, the further the ladder grew, he had come no closer to success, to being able to stand with those who were “someone”.

It made total sense, after all. What would an emperor have to do with a starving stray? A flea-infested and aggressive stray dog that fulfilled no purpose except for biting and growling at anyone who stood in the path of its next meal, driven solely by its instinct for survival yet achieving absolutely nothing.

“I hate it.”

He had forgotten how much he despised the feeling. The undeniable fact of inferiority in the face of those who were superior.

“I hate it.”

He could hear his heartbeat against his eardrums. It beat and thrummed, pistons slamming into each other, valves beginning to open.

“I 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 it.”

A sensation of bubbling arose in his stomach, accompanied by a tightening feeling, as if the gaskets of an engine were contracting to prevent a potentially explosive release. Everything came to life, each sequence seamlessly working together to generate a surge of energy that pulsed through his entire being.

“I 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 it.”

Without fully grasping the situation, he found himself effortlessly propelled forward as if on autopilot. Though unsure of his destination, his mind instinctively recognized the task at hand. Every movement resonated within him, as his unruly hair concealed his eyes in a profound darkness while his head hung low. The tightly clenched teeth forced the veins in his neck to bulge.

The thin veil of a helpful server had completely vanished, leaving him entirely exposed. He no longer cared about the money, or appearances. He didn’t need to please anyone; was about to do something for just himself, and himself only. The feeling in his stomach told him that his whole future depended on it.

So he continued to walk, unstopping, unhalting, uncaring, until his desires were finally within arms reach. He didn’t think about it, he didn’t hesitate. His hand raised, and shot through the air like a serpent, the sharpened trajectory more similar to that of a javelin. His fingers widened, prepared to grasp and clutch onto its target, and it wouldn’t let go until it got what it wanted.

It moved like a whip, distorting its surroundings in a blur of motion, before it finally stopped abruptly, plopping onto a shoulder. With a clear complexion and the slight sheen that showcased their good habits of moisturization.

Tak stood in front of Passeri, hand placed upon her shoulder, immediately once he was sure that he had her in his grasp, his head raised, revealing his bloodshot eyes and nervous smile, the corner of his lip twitching as he looked crazed.



With a loud deafening shout, everything around him fell silent, as heads turned to look at him in a mix of confusion in horror.

miki miki QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Elenion Aura Elenion Aura The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit

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