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Fantasy New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides

New Oasis Police Department Floor 2 Break Room, Central District
Post Arc 3 || June 25th, 2022
Sebastian, Chikage, Kyoden, Jean, Tatsuo, Yelena, Inigo, Eric
Grief. It was what defined the environment of the police station for the past month. And there was no escape from it. The officers were reminded of their losses with every empty cubicle of a fallen officer. Their reminders lived in the crumbling walls, the broken windows, and the fact that they still hadn't replaced the fucking first floor coffee machine.

One would probably assume that Sebastian would be above such emotions. But no, the serial killer empathized with his fellow officers greatly. He too had lost many friends in the Phoenix invasion, and Sebastian greatly mourned them. He was a bit of an unusual type of serial killer-- the type that distinctively understood and felt emotion.

But at some point, the mourning needed to end. Or at least there needed to be an event that allowed people to begin to move on. And that was what Sebastian's little icebreaker activity was all about. A silly set of team-building exercises that would hopefully add some cheer into the It was also a great opportunity for the members of Yelena's team to integrate themselves into the cops. Sebastian just prayed that he didn't get the timing horribly wrong.... and that nothing went wrong.

The second floor break room was filled with an assortment of local treats. Half a dozen pizzas were on the countertop along with beverage dispensers and two liter bottles of soda. A cheap blue plastic tablecloth was draped over the hardwood circle breakroom table along with a magician hat. The harsh summer sun was filtered by the flimsy drape that covered the window, and the AC roared in a corner as it fought off the impending heat. Sebastian sipped on a plastic solo cup of root beer. Now, all that was left was to wait for everyone to file in.

"Hey, folks," Sebastian said when people began to come in. He was sitting, relaxed, on the table next to the magician's hat. "We're not starting just yet, but while you're getting your snacks if you can write... an embarrassing thing that happened at work and put it into the hat, that'd be swell. We'll be doing something fun with your answers later."

Sebastian swirled his soda in a mock evil way as if he had the perfect concoction to brew with their answers. A smirk that spoke of mischief was on his face, which also served to hide his immense nervousness.

Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean Beann Beann Sei Shonagon Sei Shonagon AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Elenion Aura Elenion Aura simj26 simj26 Roda the Red Roda the Red
Leaf W. Natali
CS Link
Bedlam Blitz!
Post-Arc 3 — July 10th, 2022; Early morning
Whitepeak, South District; Bolt's car
Boltius, Hector, Milo, Yukari, Raquel, Zach, Leaf

He was getting choked up under the pressure.

Just being there at the back of the car was constricting. Breathing felt like it ate away at the space between the people rightmost to him, holding onto his breath made him feel like they’d pick up on it soon. Like a pack of wolves, waiting on the slightest hint, frothing at the mouth from his uneasiness. Moving around was a problem too. Easing into his seat a little too much, shifting a notch or two away from them, even keeping dead still— everything made some nasty tension on the top of his head; he could feel it pounding louder with each passing moment.

These past few months he’d been playing a game of keep-away, considering recent events. Even worms had turned to gawk at whatever mess had gone down in central. But not him. Leaf had been a graceful killer, near silent, like a bunch of bricks breaking at the foot of a waterfall… They weren’t graceful or silent at all, and he sure as hell wasn’t either, but the waterfall just so happened to drown out the noise, wash away the messy splatter.

Lucky him, that metaphorical waterfall’s been running strong for a while now.

He hadn’t been there to witness the earthquake first hand, but he knew some of the phoenixes he was traveling with were there taking the full brunt of it. Right when it mattered, when there were lives on the line — “” — To him, it was only a matter of time before they brought it up. Worst of all, he didn't even have a proper excuse for it. Technicalities given; he was slacking on the job.

He was an able body after all. Two arms, two legs, and the willingness to give a life away.

As irrational as it came off, he wasn’t expecting a slap on the wrist for it. Leaf was tensed up for the worst. Deep inside, he hoped that it was just the lack of sleep getting to him, deepening his mind to the impassiveness of the whole ordeal; get his fight or flight fired up.

Either way, company wouldn’t even catch wind of it. Leaf might’ve been a walking-talking disaster of bunched up nerves and anxiety— maybe, on the inside— but the outside was the exact same as it’s always been. That was another waterfall of his. You bottle things up a couple hundred times and, at some point, everything gets sealed off. He was better off keeping it that way.

The four wheeled beast jumped at a bump in the road, his head bobbed some at it, the body followed. It reeled and swayed him over to the tempered glass, getting him in a corner. Normally he’d sink into it, this time he re-assembled himself back to his seat, lifting the tongue of his cap and running a hand through his hair.

Leaf side-eyed the rearview mirror, muttering, voice groggy and unsteady from the trip — “It’s peace, like in the… Uhh—weddings, I think.” — Immediately regretting the fact that those words had left his mouth, shame beginning to squirm up to the forefront.

Like in the weddings?— He sighed, played it off like he were cutting a yawn mid-sentence — “Somethin’ like that.

He’d been silent the whole trip, and Bolt had been kind enough to let him hitch a ride for free. Leaf didn’t want to seem uninterested or ungrateful, it was better just to go with the flow and let out the most menial small-talk in his repertoire.

Feeling awkward and ajar here was lifetimes better than being out there on the road with Raquel.

Speak of the devil — “We’re pretty close then, huh...” — Leaf sheepishly added after Raquel came through on Bolt’s phone, cranking his neck, amping up and willing himself some extra energy. Somehow unfazed by the implication of a poor soul losing both legs in the near future, or her violent mood swings— one day the sense of shock left from the vile, repulsive things he’d seen on the daily became an afterthought.

It grayed out, fading, up until the day he just stopped reacting. Stopped blinking; looking away.

Leaf reached into the duffel bag resting between his legs, bringing it up to prop his chin on it, the zipper hissed down and he reached a hand into it, pulling out a plain-black hand wrap. Didn’t take long to get it around his right hand with how much he’d gone through the motions. With everything set and done, he set the duffle bag down and busied himself with the view, made a quick count. A handgun, a combat knife, 26’s sword, dry food, water, and his jacket— enough gear to get tackled at a check-in, sure, but also enough to not get caught with his pants down on a mission.

Everything’s there…” — The zipper went back up and he finally eased himself into his seat, arms crossed, leaning into the window.

The world stretched and flashed by in blurs of multi-color, the sun was up, and he was there— as they say— living in the moment.

However unpleasant the moment might've been.

Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Misuteeku Misuteeku WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Astrylan Astrylan
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Beginner's Guide to Housekeeping
Near North-Central Bridge, Upper Central
Shinko, Tri, Naomi, Yukari, Hector
Beginner's Guide to Housekeeping
Something was amiss. These screams didn't sound like the Serpents'... Taka slowly put the mangled roof of the car back on its rightful place. Wrong car.

The Takaonna turned away, her neck growing and coiling away like a snake with its body about to trail. That was, until two voices stopped her in her tracks. Three words resonated: home, fight, threat. She retracted her neck, instead twisting it like an owl towards the speakers. As tense as their tone made her, they hadn't attacked just yet. The Takaonna knew she was in their territory. If they would let her go, though... she wouldn't be the one taken by surprise.

The Serpent's head perked up and twitched at Naomi's loud instruction. Without a moment's hesitation, the Takaonna ripped the parcel from her mouth, tossing it behind her where it splashed in the water.

The familiar voice was closer now. It took Taka's side.

While the rivaling gangsters used their words, the Takaonna straightened herself like a stuck pole—silent and still.

WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten Damafaud Damafaud Astrylan Astrylan tityanya tityanya
Jesper Albrecht
Rain on the Mountaintop
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | June 28th
Borgo Orecchiette, Fusilli
Passeri, Jackson, Jesper, Pascal, Milo, Gav
Rain on the Mountaintop
"Borgo Ore... Burger Oh-shiet." Jesper laughed at his own dumb sense of humor—though it was more so a desperate attempt to wave off the biting nervousness. Donning his "incognito" glasses, he had been to countless Passeri Park concerts and events in the past. This shouldn't have been anything new for him, but that wasn't the case at all! This was a building with Passeri Park in it! They would be close enough to shake hands! They're sleeping in the same house as—!

Jesper realized he was hyperventilating.

"Oh God, oh God..." He spun in circles, his attempts at stopping his panicked breaths resulting in chewed fingernails. How much longer would they have to wait? Was Jesper even worthy of being this close to the Passeri Park? After the many... less-than-ordinary means of appreciating her?

“Don’t make a fool of us, Jespie. I’m counting on the social skills you claim to have.”

In an instant, his demeanor twitched into a dull scowl. But as much as Jesper didn't want to admit it, Jackson's mocking sarcasm brought some semblance of calming normality to his mind. "Shut up. I can keep my comp—"


The moment she appeared on the staircase, his knees went weak. His hands naturally clasped together in a prayer; Jesper's eyes blurred with utter joy. Completely blind to Jackson and the other contestants (perhaps for the better), the idol herself completely filled Jesper's mind. What would he say? Was he even worthy to say anything right here, right now?! Should he tell her about the many figurines of her he stored up? The collection posters and autographs and signatures? Would that creep her out?

In a meek, weepy voice, one word slipped Jesper's tongue: "Peepee..."

BriiAngelic BriiAngelic The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit
Meirin Azuza
The Yeye Home
The Yeye Home, East District (LittleLeaf zone)
June 5th, 2022 || Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1
Meirin, Dyne, Isaiah, Devin, Sabrina, Ruriko, Jess, Ottilie
The Yeye Home

The moment Devin let out his plants, he was assaulted, like ants to honey, despite Madame Kouka’s attempts to reign in the younger children. Not that she had tried very hard. From the moment Meirin spoke, the older woman’s gaze locked on the former child of the Yeye Home, who, likewise, kept her gaze on the approaching orphanage matron. Meirin wasn’t sure what to expect. Therefore, when wrinkly fingers warmly cupped her own, the 6-year Dragon veteran couldn’t help but blink in startlement. “My, how you’ve grown,”

Meirin’s fingers curled so that she held onto Kouka’s hands as much as the old lady did hers. “Glad to see you’re still doing well, Madame Kouka.”

“As well as I can be given the circumstances,” Madame Kouka looked pointedly over at the fallen tree that damaged a window and section of the Yeye Home’s rooftop, making some of the rooms inaccessible, before glancing behind Meirin. “Are these your friends?”

Meirin said confidently. None of the Dragons that showed up–that came with her to drop the nameless one off–were being paid to do so. They had nothing to gain by coming with her to the Yeye Home, which has nothing to do with the Azure Dragon gang. It was a place important to her and her alone. She wasn’t sure she even wanted them to see this part of her…and yet, here they were, helping out. What else could they be, but true friends? “What happened here?”

“You can see for yourself. It’s been like this for 5 days now. The building isn’t a safe place for children until the repairs are done, but we aren’t a priority for the city.”

The rich and powerful were. Central District took the hardest hit during the “earthquake”, where the focus of all the charities went, and money wasn’t something the matron of the Yeye Home could easily gather. Orphans, the leftovers from war and tragedy, were more often the forgotten ones. Madame Kouka shook her head. “It is the only home these children have…and some are refusing to leave even when given an opportunity.”

“Say no more!”
Meirin’s body started to grow. “You’re short-staffed today, aren’t you?”

When are they not?

“Leave the tree to me! In return, please take care of this girl over here.” The giantess leaned down and opened her palm, revealing the small girl whose hand she’d been holding moments prior.

“What’s this little one’s name?”

“Beats me. She won't talk. I found her in Central and was hoping you could take her in like you did me.”

Only when Madam Kouka managed to coax the girl off her hand did Meirin make her way to the tree. Removing it was a quick and simple process for the Sleeping Giant. She simply picked up the fallen evergreen and set it aside in the yard, careful not to further damage the building’s structure. Sometimes she wondered why she’d gone through great pains to hide her potential when she was younger? Why she’d thought people would hate her for it when it could be super useful in situations like this?

Shrinking, Meirin then jumped through the broken window, her eyes taking in the mess the large tree had left. Shattered glass. Damaged bed. The main problem though was the hole in the roof, which made the building ill shelter for rain and the like. All in all, cleaning would be needed. Cooking, cleaning, caring for the kids...there was so much the Yeye Home would need help with - even if for just a day. So, leaving her fellow Dragons to deal with the children, Meirin grabbed a broom and started to sweep away the glass–which was definitely a child hazard considering some of the things she’d seen kids eat.

“Don’t let the brats bully you too hard, Devie~!” Meirin called out the window, a giggle escaping her lips as she watched a rambunctious child pull at one of the vines that grew from his back.

Aracae’s potential wasn’t one that she fully understood, but Meirin knew Devin wasn’t someone that would harm children. Not purposefully, at least.

Damafaud Damafaud Beann Beann Lucem Lucem Saturn_moon Saturn_moon Misuteeku Misuteeku simj26 simj26
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Passeri Park
Clad in Golden Dreams
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | June 16th, 2022
West District
Passeri, Ezra, Viss, Mark, Jess, Hiachi, Tak, Elias, Jesper
Clad in Golden Dreams
Passeri's attention, momentarily, was drawn past the two men with whom she shared the evening. The gala stilled as the Tiger King and his... entourage took the floor. A gaggle of muscle and grimaces, bound within fine suits marched across the hall, drawing murmurs as they went. A spark of incredulity flicked through Passeri's eyes, but only for a moment. Her smile didn't waver, but a bud of irritation quickly bloomed. This night wasn't about the Tigers, but that didn't mean that she could turn a blind eye to this. She'd been the one who'd had the bright idea to ask him here, after all.

"That's understandable!" Passeri leaned into the table with one hand, and silently withdrew her phone with the other. "And that's exactly why we won't be working through any of the usual channels. This isn't my first time sponsoring reconstruction work like this, so I'm well aware of the sort of pitfalls that can come with it-"

'Are you dumb?' Beneath the table, another conversation started. Passeri's fingers danced neatly across her phone, firing off a quick, ruthless chain of messages to the awkwardly suited King.

"-but thankfully, that also means that I've got a few contacts in the business. Ones that actually want to help, not just make a quick buck off of putting up concrete matchboxes around the city." She'd worked with more than a handful of charities in her time, and had developed a knack for separating the wheat from the chaff. "And then there's KnightCorp, too. Our 'social club' is one thing, but the Knights are something else entirely."

'Who the hell are they??? This isn't the wild west. You don't need a posse.'

"The influence that we command in the underworld, is what they command in the world above. Only an idiot is going to try and cross them, especially if they catch wind of what lies beyond them."

'I know you don't give shit, but tonight is for pretending like you do.'

"And I don't work with idiots."

Except, apparently, for ones that looked like they were allergic to suits.

'There's other Tigers here. Try to get to know at least one of them, okay? A King needs to know his subjects.'

"And I'm sure the both of you have your own share of associates, too. What is it that they said in that old cartoon? 'By our powers combined'...?"

'Takakazu. Hiachi. Elias. They're all around. Please, do us both a favour and make nice with at least one of them before the night is over.'

As she sent her final message, Passeri shot Markus a look cold enough to rival his own glacial ice. It was quick, and frankly, he probably deserved worse, but there was only so much time she could spare him tonight. King or not, she had more important things to do than babysitting a fully grown man.

"I'm sure it was something like that." Her lecture finished, and Passeri stowed her phone away. "The point is, we're stronger together, right? There aren't many people who genuinely want to help this city, Vissarion, as I'm sure you know. Trust me, it'll pay off more than you know if we work together." Liberated of its duties, Passeri withdrew her hand from beneath the table and offered it to the glimmering blonde.

"So what do you say? Are you willing to take a leap of faith?"

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Isaiah Spade
If It Means A Lot To You
Isaiah's Apartment, East District
Post-Arc 3 (31st MAY 2022 @0200)
Isaiah, Ruriko
Before Isaiah could get another word out, Silva retreated from the conversation. Despite the man's injuries, he fled the scene rather quickly, leaving Isaiah alone with the woman in his arms. He still had several questions, but he wasn't about to hunt down the one-eyed Dragon and demand answers. Pixel deserved a chance to rest. Just like most of the other people who experienced the day's tragedy.

Stepping back inside the apartment, Isaiah adjusted his hold on Ruriko and her sword, carefully shifting them so he could lock the door. Once the many latches were flipped, he walked deeper inside, earning a soft meow from Misty as he neared the couch. The black cat followed closely behind his heels until he reached the bedroom.

The moment he crossed the boundary, Fade's face melted away, now replaced by his own. There was no need to keep up the illusion. Ruriko had already seen his true self. Although, in some ways, he supposed he was still wearing a mask.

Isaiah gently lowered Ruriko onto the bed, taking care not to move her around too much. He kept his eyes on her as he set her sword by the nightstand, taking note of her condition. Silva mentioned snakes and venom, but his hazy recollection left room for uncertainty.

All hospitals were busy dealing with the collapse of Central and the numerous people who suffered because of it. Getting actual medical care wasn't going to be easy. There was another option, but it would take some time.

For the moment, Isaiah did what he could. He checked for tight clothing and accessories, removing them as necessary. He also took a compression bandage from the first aid kit in a nearby drawer and wrapped it around the wound. Unfortunately, he needed more information before he could take any serious action, and the only one capable of giving it to him seemed to be unconscious.

"Ruri, can you hear me?" He called out to her, hoping for a response. It would make things a lot easier if no venom was involved, but there were still other things to worry about. The injuries remained.

He kept his gaze on her closed eyes, waiting for her to wake up from forced slumber. It reminded him of Reveler. Once again, someone he cared about had been hurt, and he was nowhere to be seen when it happened.

Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, he brushed away a stray strand of hair on Ruriko's sleeping face. "I'm sorry." Melancholy slipped into the ordinarily calm tone of his quiet voice. How many more times was this going to happen? How many more times was he going to fail?

Laundromat Owner will Die
Laundromat, West District
Wednesday, December 1st, 2021 || Post Arc-2
Tri, Damien
Laundromat Owner will Die

Hm. Right, why didn't Yuudai kill Kinsley? Or was he the only one that felt it, or was that sensation a new one that Yuudai didn't feel? Nevertheless, Tri hummed and did not elaborate. He had no plan to kill Kinsley. He did not like not being in control.

Anyway, back to the more-important duel.

"This shoots six darts," he introduced the weapon to Damien. "Strong enough to slow down an HP. The first one to get hit loses."

And the introduction ended. There was no rules because there was no rules. Tri walked to the closed shutters and grabbed a random bottle along the way. A whole room and two aisles now stood between them. He nodded at Damien.

"At the bottle fall," Tri said lightly. Then he threw the bottle. The bottle rotated midair, its content leaking clear, or what little was remained- then it clanked against a washing machine.

The corner of his mouth curled up in a practiced manner. All according to the keikaku. Tri smacked a sleeping gas canister open and started running. Darn tentacles meant he couldn't be too careful. He had a feeling something other bullets would be flying around. Green gas started to seep across the room.

This was now a race of time.

Tags: Lucem Lucem
Bedlam Blitz!
Post-Arc 3 — July 10th, 2022; Early morning
Whitepeak, South District; Bolt's car
Boltius, Hector, Milo, Yukari, Raquel, Zach, Leaf
When had this become routine?

Milo leaned back against the worn upholstery of the passenger's front seat, casually bracing himself as the SUV ambled across the cracked asphalt. Was this thing even street legal?.. Was he seriously asking that question??

The months since his joining had all started to blur together. If he tried, he could still picture that day. How much planning, how much preparation had gone into that botched attempt at revolution? And where had it left him? In the belly of the beast.

Milo nursed the lip of the plastic lid, taking small sips, each one sending warmth and life rushing through his body. Fragrant fingers of steam swirled up and around his face. He hadn't slept well. None of them had. Milo was used to pulling all-nighters ahead of portfolio reviews, back when he'd still been in school. Now, all-nighters meant trouble. Last night was no different.

He knew Bolt wouldn't admit it, but Milo was fairly certain that last night's raid had rattled him. He peered over the center console as the Ace of the Phoenixes—his friend—ran a hand over his face. Milo studied him, the creases around his eyes deepening. Boltius sat angled in the driver's seat, his eyes fixed on some distant point. His jaw was set, muscles coiled beneath taut skin. He was tense. Milo's gaze lingered on the rigid line of the shoulders, the faint furrow of the brow. How deep did this hurt go?

He took another sip, the warmth seeping into him.

The sudden jolt of the SUV, as it hit an unexpected bump in the road, caught Milo off guard. The lack of the seatbelt didn't help. His behind briefly left the seat as the sip of scalding hot coffee splashed against his lips and dribbled down his chin.

Milo's cheeks flamed, and he hastily wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, instinctually turning as if to gaze casually out the window.

Milo, with his hand cupped over his mouth and chin, still feeling the heat of his cheeks, turned back and shook his head mutely at the offer of bathroom or coffee stops. Clearly, he'd had enough of the latter. Hopefully, the need of the former wouldn't arise at an... Inopportune moment.

Just then an unfortunately familiar voice winked to life in his ear.

Milo winced, hearing Raquel through the speaker.

The sound of it instantly forced him to reckon with what they were going to do. He lowered his hand from in front of his mouth and gulped down the fresh blossom of nerves that pricked at his throat. They were going to war. It was war with an unseen, unknown threat, an invisible enemy.

Not the first. Not the last.

New Oasis was a breeding ground for scum, and just because the four gangs were the biggest, that didn't mean they were the only monsters that lurked in the shadows. Especially now, since the earthquake. Since L—...

Like blood-sniffing sharks, they'd come. And last night in particular, they had very nearly struck a devastating blow.

Milo would've been lying if he'd claimed to feel any love lost for the comatose former-Queen, or the recent attempt on her life. She was just another symptom of a broken world, one he'd hoped to remedy one day. Still, he had volunteered to come on this mission. No one had forced him.

No matter the motivations, Milo had already decided that it was right and good that the Scarlet Phoenixes were stepping up to take out these upstarts.

Fighting evil with evil. That had been his creed from the beginning.

That didn't help much with his own fraying nerves. Luckily, just as Milo was about to start doubting, Boltius asked a very Boltius question.

Milo was quick to pipe up. Though, apparently, not quick enough.

"Pea—." Milo cut himself short. He perked up, surprised by the sound of an unfamiliar voice. Milo glanced at the rearview, catching a glimpse of Leaf in the backseat. Leaf... Was that his name? An alias? Milo had learned to stop asking.

... Like weddings?

The Scarlet Phoenixes had no shortage of strange and curious characters. Milo had been 'in' for eight months, now, and he still hadn't met them all.

"More like, 'Speak now, or forever hold your pee'," Milo said giggling, after being struck by a freak solar flare that had rendered him temporarily insane.

Maybe he couldn't pull all-nighters like he used to.

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Isobel Pham
July 2019 | Pre-Arc 1 [Coffee's On Me]
Tigers' HQ, West District
Matsuda, Isobel
Coffee's On Me
Minutes passed accompanied by the impatient tapping of Isobel's foot. She kept her eyes fixed on the entrance of the men's restroom like a hawk and frankly, it had freaked some unsuspecting users out. One such user upon making eyes with the scrawny, messy-haired woman staring him down when he exited, had let out a yelp so high-pitched the human ear barely registered it.

As she was starting to lose her nerve and wonder if Matsuda had maybe gotten a foot stuck in the toilet bowl, she spotted the familiar mop of black hair peeking over the shoulder of another. Quickly taking the opportunity, she slipped between the two men, cutting off Matsuda's path. Unfortunately, his head seemed to be in the clouds and it wasn't until his foot stepped firmly down on hers that he even noticed her presence.

Isobel's face scrunched up in pain as she pried her foot out from under his. This was going swimmingly. With a huff, she turned and glared at the new recruit, momentarily forgetting the reason why she was even in this situation. But seeing the confused doe eyes look back at her, she felt her annoyance ebb away and make way for resignation. Without so much as an introduction, she pulled out the can of milk coffee she had been carrying around in her pocket and held it out to Matsuda.

Yukari Niyami
Bedlam Blitz!
Whitepeak South District - Bolts Car
Post Arc-3 -- 10th of July, 2022 - Morning
Boltius, Hector, Yukari, Milo, Raquel, Zach, Leaf
Bedlam Blitz!
"I don't know about the wedding part, but it's the first one, yes. Peace like in peaceful." Yukari was in the back with Leaf, and unfortunately he was just a bit too tall and the seat in front of him just a bit too far back. Uncomfortable as it was, he'd been in smaller cars, so he could deal.
"Raquel sounds like she's having a grand old time looking at the view." Suddenly in the mood for some food, Yukari rummages in his pockets and yanks out a candy bar, and then shoves it back in. "Nope, not that pocket, where did I put them?" Not caring much about the obvious tension, or maybe he just didn't notice it, he continued mumbling to himself as he rummaged around his pockets, eventually announcing with a only slightly quiet "aha!" that he found what he was looking for. Somehow, one of his pockets had managed to fit quite the large bag of chips. "Anyone want some? Too bad, not sharing." Yukari happily munched on chips as they continued on towards their destination, oblivious to the growing tension in the car.

He hadn't been here long enough yet to have the same feelings of frustration as the rest of them towards what happened recently, if only because he wasn't aware of the significance yet. While it did piss him off that some random nobodies seemed to easily fuck with them, he was less aware of the details. He may have less than half a year till he was considered a vet, but for now, he was still a rookie. You could even say this trip was a good test to see what he could handle; probably the only reason he was even here. "What exactly are we planning on doing once there? Beyond the obvious 'beat them up', I mean." Yukari glances out the window as they got closer and closer to the target. "Anything more concrete, or are we planning on just going in guns blazing; both figuratively and literally."
August "TAZZ" August
Unlikely Encounter
Pre-Arc 2 — September 20th, 2021; 1:00 AM
North District
Raphael, August
“Take me wherever you want, darling. After all, I'm at your mercy, aren't I?”

August cleared his throat, tugging his collar. C’mon, mate.

He watched the numbers on the clock roll over, greeted by a new day beneath the moon.

When they had crossed the bridge into the North District, apart from directional awareness, he could tell by the smell. The must, like mildew, wafting in through the open windows. A dampness in the air that made the skin feel sticky.

The steering wheel’s leather clung to his palms as he adjusted his grip and turned into a gas station parking lot, pulling up to the only working pump. The rest were bagged at the nozzles for being faulty.

Putting the car in park—“Be back in a jiffy.”—August left the keys in the ignition and stepped away.

A dim light flickered overhead the station’s door, an orange glow, emitting an incessant, crackling buzz that told him its expiration date was nigh. Stopping at the door, August looked up into the light, hands in his pockets. It was dim enough that he needn’t squint. Dim enough that even the moths and insects of the night were untempted.

Reaching high, he took the bulb and twisted it out; tossed it into the trash bin beside the ice coolers. The buzzing ceased. The amount of light washing over the lot was unchanged. Then he proceeded into the establishment, returning shortly after with two cold waters, a pack of cigarettes, and a warm coffee.

“Hmmm~?” he hummed, a subtle smirk playing on his lips to see the Serpent hadn’t driven off with his car, which he half expected to be the case. Find My Car goes a long way in the risks one’s willing to take. He would have gotten it back.

The waters were left in the bag, placed in the driver’s seat, but the coffee went in the cup holder.

As the nozzle fed gas into the tank, August stood in the open doorway of the mustang, and he rested his arm atop the hood as he peered into the vehicle at Raph.

“Thirsty?” he asked, gesturing to the bag. “‘S wotah… Coffee’s yours, too… If ya want it. Say, wot were ya doin’ at Geronimo’s, mh? By yaself. Alone?” Not that he cared much for the other’s solitude. More so, his curiosity went toward whether or not this Raph was meant to be meeting someone tonight.

As he awaited an answer, August scrolled through his phone, looking up only to cast his gaze down the black highway for headlights, or to check the meter for when it would finish.
— —POST RECAP: August pulls into a gas station to fill up his tank. He buys Raph a water and coffee, starts GPS searching for nearby hotels, and wonders if anyone would be following them. He asks some questions.

— —WEARING: (Click Here) + Covered in red, wine stains

— —CAR: (2020 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 (Click Here)

(Interacting w/ Raphael)
(Mentioned no one)
Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Passeri Park
In The Tigers' Web
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | June 3rd
Nameless Storefront, West District
Passeri, Jennifer, Ezra, Elias, Dagger
In The Tigers' Web
"...Thanks." Passeri hesitated for a moment before she raised the cup to her lips. Caffeine this late into the night would've typically been out of the question, but her eyes were heavy, and the night was young. She didn't want to be dozing off while they were taking care of business.

Her face contorted as she swallowed a mouthful of the midnight-black beverage. Normally, she would've drowned it in sweetener.

"You never know, you might be better at it than you think." Passeri spoke between sips. She'd known the other woman for months now, yet she could count the number of time they'd sat down and chatted like this on her hands. Usually, she would've expected her to just lurk in a corner a wait to be told what to do. It was... Refreshing to see otherwise.

"A cool head means a lot in that business, you know? Service with a smile is nice and all, but the real key is being able work through all of the nonsense customers throw at you, and I know you deal with your fair share of that." She eyed one of Dagger's spectral hounds, which was loitering around the room. People loved animals, and they loved mascots even more. The phantasmal trio could've made for a wonderful way for a store to stand out. "Don't you think it'd be pleasant? Tending to a quiet little-"

Knock knock knock. Three heavy, metal beats resonated through the door behind her, and as if by magic, a full night's worth of vim and vigour returned to Passeri's eyes.

"-Or not!" She set the mug, now drained of all but the last few drops, back on the table. "Our guests are here! Thanks again for the coffee. I'm feeling peppier already." That was a lie, and a bald-faced one at that. She still felt dreadful. Coffee was just a band-aid, what she needed was a proper night's sleep. "Fingers crossed, eh? There's a lot of ways tonight could go. Let's hope we don't need to use your skills anytime soon."

A thick, heavy lock clunked open before Passeri pulled the door wide, and despite the circumstances, a cool grin greeted the two men. One which she fought hard to keep from wavering when she noticed that their most important guest was missing.

"Come in, come in!" Passeri stepped aside, ushering the two men through the door. "We're still waiting for one more, so you guys feel free to make yourselves comfortable first." Once they'd made their way through, she swung the door back shut behind them, and then returned to her seat.

"...Or at least as comfortable as you can, given the circumstances." Her tone was wry. "I'm hoping our special guest will be able to talk some sense into you-know-who. It'd save us all a lot of trouble."

simj26 simj26 @Uasal Lucem Lucem QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Saturn_moon Saturn_moon

𝑵𝒂𝒐𝒎𝒊 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐
As: Elizabeth Norden
I am here: Port, North District
Scene: St. Steinburg's Maiden Voyage
Time: July 1st, 2022 | Post Arc 3, TimeSkip 1

"Make you betray your eyes, when I hide in plain sight"

Naomi stood in the crowd waiting for the cruise ship silently, one hand holding onto her giant hat, the other onto her giant bag. Ten days on a cruise meant a lot of outfit changes, especially when one didn’t plan on staying in a singular form for the entire duration. Naomi’s eyes stared impassively at the name of the ship. St. Steinburg. Naomi was fairly certain that there was no such saint.

Her normal facade of dark hair and dark eyes was gone, instead replaced by a blonde with light blue eyes. Her favored form for going undercover, Elizabeth Norden. She was a stuck-up rich girl with major resting bitch face. Naomi had a lot of inspiration to draw from, having grown up around stuck-up rich girls who treated her like trash. So she scowled as she waited to board the ship, her impatience showing through as she tapped her foot.

The ship was leaving from the North, but it wasn’t run by Northerners. No, instead it was financed by Tiger money. The little kitty-cats certainly liked their extravagance, and this ship was a shining example of that. Inside, she was actually really excited. She had never been on a cruise ship before, and was excited to see all that it had to offer. But she couldn’t goof off too much: she had a mission! Figure out what scheme the Tigers were hiding inside the cruise ship. Drugs? Shady backroom business deals? Whatever it was, a cruise ship with thousands of people on it was the perfect place for a little copy-cat like her to hide. She just had to stay sober enough that she didn’t forget her overall mission.

The sound of a shout brought Naomi out of her thinking. Uh-oh. She recognized the sound of that voice. Naomi looked over to where a familiar figure had pushed his way to the front, marveling about the size of the boat. A bemused smile came to her face, just for a moment, as she watched Tak. He was so funny, so expressive.

She wiped the smile away from her face, back to stone-cold bitch. She had to make sure to stay far away from him. Just being near him made her silly, too. She tried her best to ignore him, but another shout about this being the best ten days of his life drew her attention again. Why…was he bleeding. Naomi’s eyes narrowed as she thought about battling the crowd to hand him a handkerchief. But no, that was something Naomi Sato would do. Elizabeth Norden would sneer and make fun of him. So that’s what she did. A sneer crossed her delicate features as she looked at the nearest bystander. ”What is wrong with him?

((ooc: ))
((Outfit: Same as Picture))
((Catch Me If You Can))

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I Prefer Water
North District, Mysterious Black Site
Post Arc-3 | Chapter 1
Bash, Sang-Cheol, Teddie

Tar spent most of the car ride with his head out of the window, so as not to cook his fellow Serpents with the heat that continued to radiate from him, though the thought crossed his mind as he vividly pictured their last struggling movements if he had chosen, and succeeded in doing such a thing. Setting an elbow on the door, his gloved fist sunk into his face which showed no discomfort from the move. Rather, his discomfort came from elsewhere.

His eyes, one of his few standout features were wide, flitting from the scenery out the window to each of his companions. He wasn’t smiling, but he wasn’t quite frowning either. A snarl might’ve been the best way to describe it, a few teeth — were they teeth? — showing. Manic was a fitting description. He looked manic. He met the glare of his superior briefly but sensed no animosity between them, but rather a kinship. They both had a common goal, the three of them did in fact, to find their lost Queen. Tar took pride in sharing a car with Bash. The other guy, Sang-Cheol, on the other hand… They meant little to Tar at this moment, deeming their only use to be hosting the search. He’d figure out how to deal with the lab boss.


Tar stretched his hands together, crackling the fabric that binded them as the car came to a halt. He opened the car door, a boot kicking it open all the way after that, and he peeled himself out of the seat. He didn’t spare a glance at the black patches he had left behind, where his elbow and head had been resting. Though possibly removable with enough effort, the sticky substance was already hardening away from Tar’s warmth as he followed behind Sang-Cheol and Bash.

“Mmmm yes.”

For a moment, Tar’s response to Sang-Cheol’s instruction seemed a bit off, a little too eager to search for traces of the Queen, but he was earnest about finding him. That was what counted right now. He showed more of his teeth.

“Bash, Bash, I look up to you, whatever you want my leader…” Tar quickened his pace up to Bash. “I’ll find our Queen. I’ll find our Queen. All I try will be for us.” He brushed a glove against a bulky pocket, clearly filled with something from the clanking noises of its contents. “And I am prepared.”

Tar pointed over to Sang-Cheol. "And I can deal with him if he becomes a pest, and I will... I will." His voice was choked up, a product of his physiology.

Sang-Cheol Man
I Prefer Water
North District, Mysterious Black Site
Post Arc-3 | Chapter 1
Sang-Cheol, Teddie, Bash
I Prefer Water

What. The. Fuck.

Maybe he should have let literally anyone else join other than these fucking two. How come he gathered the right people to form their own hate trinity? He despised Bash, Bash was suspicious of Tar Man, and Tar Man suddenly wanted to eliminate him if he was a liability. Even though he was the one that was leading the search in the first place? Sang-Cheol was half tempted to request Bash to do something about Teddie but reigned himself in. He was just simply prepared for the man known as Teddie Tucker. "Try to even lay a finger on me, and I'll make sure you know what it's like being an inanimate piece of tar." Sang-Cheol glared at the Serpent.

A sigh escaped from his lips as he led them inside the broken site. The entrance was thankfully intact, which meant that they were easily able to enter. What was not so thankful was the fact that piles of debris stuck out like a sore thumb in the opening. Sang-Cheol guessed that the earthquake must have had quite the impact despite the brunt of it hitting central.

Begrudgingly, Sang-Cheol spoke up. "Let's stay together for now. While the area seems vacated, there might be some stragglers left." With him saying his piece, Sang-Cheol moved out. There were signs of fighting littered all around the area. Blood stains shed during the fight, massive dents on the walls, burn marks traced on the floor, and pieces of rubble laid everywhere around the ground. Sang-Cheol could have guessed the general combatants that fought in the area, but one thing didn't match up. If there were fights, where were the bodies? That savage Taka would have left a corpse or two behind, but not a single corpse could be seen.

Did they clear it out? If so, for what purpose? As much as it disturbed Sang-Cheol, in the end, it wasn't his concern. Snake should be his main priority. Sang-Cheol's eyes narrowed as he spotted something on the ground. Lowering himself to the ground, he wretched the hidden handle that blended in with the ground. Crunchy steel rang out as the trapdoor opened up. "We should be getting close now. Though be on your guard, Queen." God, that sounded wrong in his mouth.

So far, they were making good progress. There didn't seem to be any opposition to their search, but that may change soon once they go down. This is also where their intel would die since Peyton's group only explored until they found that weakling and left.

Boltius "BLITZ" Beckman
Lost on Bourbon
Pre-Arc 1 — 2021, June 5th; 1:00 AM
Somewhere outside of the city; Caged up on a stage...
Boltius, Hector
“Not so fast…” Hector slurred, staggering close to put his hands on Bolt’s shoulders; Bolt who wore a face of dazed insouciance.

After a stretch of mutual silence, the Ace moved his arm against Bolt’s bare chest, their eyes fixed on one another’s.

A bubble rode up his throat and he burped, sour-faced. “Ugck-... What’re you doin’, bro?” He swayed backwards, looking down, chin tucked. Skepticism tugged his eyebrow into an arch, and he asked the other, “Yo. You flirtin’ with me?”

That’s when Hector took him to the ground.

Instinctively, Boltius began to grapple for freedom, squirming and bucking. However, he eased up when he realized that this was the perfect opportunity for a much-needed exchange of words.

Boltius wrapped his arms around Hector’s head and pressed their cheeks together, lips centimeters from Hector’s ear, breath fast and warm, and he squeezed him tight so that he couldn’t wriggle away. “Ay, chill! I’ve gotta plan,” he whispered through gritted teeth.

“Keep wrestlin’.”

They proceeded to contend there on the ground, consciously avoiding the puddle of vomit nearby. Rolling, pushing, locking, flopping, trading places—they wrangled each other for domination… All the while, careful with their words, they schemed, voices low.

Eventually, they’d gotten to their feet.

They swung and blocked, jabbed and ducked, weaved and bobbed, dancing around each other in a magnificent performance that brought a thick layer of tension down on the audience. Their bets had been placed, so all that was left to do was watch and wait. And they did so unmovingly, frozen in suspense, clutching their purses and wallets, crossing their fingers.

A few times, Hector’s knuckles found Bolt through his defenses, digging into his ribs, swiping his jaw, burying into his abs, but he stayed grounded. Even the blocks were painful, forearms bruising, but he was used to it and bounced back every time.


They broke from their tango, throwing distance between them. A breather.

Blood trickled from Bolt’s bottom lip. He licked the sore and spat, glaring ahead at the Ace. His trusted comrade.

How amusing. A smile played on his features.

As if their minds were on the same wavelength, they rushed each other in synchrony, mimicking each other’s movements, both rearing back for a hook. Then they struck: Bolt’s fist to Hector’s jaw, and Hector’s fist to Bolt’s.

Bells rang throughout his brain as he felt the floor slap his back, but he held onto consciousness like a starved mongrel for the meaty bone. The audience erupted with cheer, but it all sounded underwater, muffled by the ring.
— —POST RECAP: Hector and Boltius enact their plan of escape. They wrestle and box and eventually "knock each other out".

— —WEARING: Shirtless w/ Sweatpants + His usual bling

— —TATTOO: (Click Here)

(Interacting w/ Hector)
(Mentioned no one)
WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten
CS Link
Get(ting) Help
Post Arc-3
Kiki's Eatery, South District
Hector, Hitoshi, Ashley, Charlie, Gideon and Kaede

“Just toast, with butter.” Hector reiterated. The look he gave the waiter was a bit too intense for ordering food. They hastily wrote it down, receiving an approving nod from Hector in return. Hitoshi then received a nod as well, one of gratitude, as Hector looked from the waiter to him. He didn’t like the arrangement, all who knew him would know he didn’t like to accept gifts that weren’t alcoholic or narcotic, but he saved his protests. He could always try to swoop in when the bill was in front of them.

He took a drag on his cigarette while Kaede asked her question, not quite feeling the need to answer. It was quite obvious, right? Two longstanding Phoenixes, two party animals, two brothers in arms. It all came together. After a prolonged silence, he did answer.

”We go way back, don’t we?” He smiled at Hitoshi. ”I see him around all the time.” Hector took a moment to think about something. Though he and Hitoshi encountered each other so frequently in the Nightlife District, that coincidental meeting spot wasn’t so reliable now given the new leaf the Veteran had turned. ”And of course, that ain’t stopping anytime soon. I’ll make sure we do stuff… like this… more often.” This was the last thing Hector wanted to organize, but Hector’s need to support Hitoshi trumped all his selfish desires.

Fell And Cruel Hounds
Post-Arc 3
Actaeon's Rest
Dead Men
Perched in the inky embrace of the night, the assassin observed the unfolding drama within Actaeon's Rest through the unerring eye of a high-powered, custom Vipera X-12 Precision sniper rifle. Nestled among the shadows of a neighboring super-structure, his vantage point granted him a bird's-eye view of the gathering inside, his keen gaze penetrating the barrier of glass and steel.

The night enveloped him, his sanctuary. His mind, honed by years of experience in the relentless pursuit of his craft, traced invisible patterns, connecting each individual to the inescapable threads of fate that bound them all. As the streets below teemed with shadowy figures, he recognized the kindred spirits who, like him, had answered the call to hunt.

His eye actuated with a whir, akin to the hum of a finely tuned machine. As the intricate array of gears and servos adjusted and focused, the soft electronic murmur melded with a faint metallic clicking, creating an almost imperceptible symphony of precision and engineering. It flickered with an icy blue glow, surveying the room, assessing the board. His eye adjusted, honing in briefly on the linchpin of the gathering. She was the eye of the storm, her presence drawing in a motley collection of mercenaries, criminals, and would-be saviors. The assassin knew that understanding one's prey was the key to a successful hunt, and so he meticulously considered each individual his mark had commandeered for the unfolding drama.


His vigil was interrupted by the sight of shadows trailing through the emptying streets below, the approaching storm: a swarm of assassins, converging on Actaeon's Rest like buzzards to a fresh carcass.

From over his shoulder, a diminutive, mechanical drone fluttered gently, its wide, glowing optical sensors emitting a faint, otherworldly glow. Its eyes were trained on Actaeon's Rest, too, before it rotated, emitting a series of melodic, inquisitive trills.

"Uspokoysya, druzhok. Poka ne vremya."

His mind was a tranquil sea, his heart an inexorable drumbeat. He knew that his opportunity would come, and when it did, he would descend from the shadows, his talons outstretched, his heart a cold, unyielding stone.

Until then, the assassin waited, a silent sentinel standing watch over the doomed souls of Actaeon's Rest.

Bedlam Blitz!
Post-Arc 3 — July 10th, 2021; Early morning
Whiteleaf, South District
Boltius, Hector, Milo, Yukari, Raquel, Leaf, Zach

Hector had led the pack when they began their drive, but he was certain he had fallen behind now. He stood hunched over his bike, swirling the dregs of his coffee cup around. He hadn’t wanted to take a break, he hadn’t taken any after what happened yesterday, but he had to despite his attempts to resist it. His eyelids felt heavy with fatigue, and when it began to take more and more effort to pry them open while his vision glazed over, that’s when Hector pulled over at the tiny petrol station on the side of the road. A few minutes of shuteye and coffee was all the break he needed.

“The fuck are you talking about. Pizza?”

Hector hadn’t been listening too intently to the conversation that played through the cheap phone’s speakers, and he couldn’t really hear the responses of Boltius’s passengers. Agitated he leaned in close to the mic. “Stop fucking around while I ain’t there, okay? Focus. I’ll see you all soon.” Those who could hear Bolt’s phone would also hear the sigh-turned-yawn that followed.

Muting himself momentarily, he drank the last of his coffee, dropping the cup onto the concrete ground. He looked onto the road ahead before ducking behind the gas station’s boundaries, taking the opportunity to take a piss while nobody was looking. Swiftly returning, he got ready to set off, knowing his quick break was already too long a detour. He wished his whole body didn’t ache and weigh him down, he wished he didn’t feel so sick. He drove back onto the road, setting off at great speed. He wasn’t too far behind the pack, and at his pace would only reach their destination a couple moments after the others.

He wished things would go their way for once.

Penguin Socks
Pre-Arc 1— Early Spring 2002, ~4:00am
Car, South District > Tales and Tails
Yong-Yut, Markus
Penguin Socks
As Yong-Yut picked up a blue crayon and began drawing on a fresh corner of the menu, Markus watched her. He watched her intently. He thought he could see himself, reflected in the squiggly lines, already taking shape. But then the lines were gone. Covered by nuggets.

With a wordless shrug, he focused his attention on his own plate... Until he felt YY trying to get his attention. He looked at her, then at the nugget, then back at her, slightly puzzled by her comparison, but smiled at her nonetheless. He knew that she meant it as a compliment, and it was endearing that she saw him as something constant and familiar. He decided to play along.

"Chicken nuggets, huh?" he said, chuckling lightly. "Well, thanks."

As he looked back down at his plate of blueberry pancakes, he couldn't stop himself from smiling.

Taking a bite of his pancakes, he savored the taste and glanced over at Yong-Yut, who seemed to be enjoying her chicken nuggets. Markus was glad to see her happy, even if it was just for a brief moment.

For now, the table was peaceful and quiet.

Gideon Gray
Get(ting) Help
Kiki's Eatery
Post Arc 3
Hector, Hitoshi, Ashley, Charlie, Gideon, and Kaede
Ash was right. There was no way that such a small little bump would do anything to hurt Charlie. In fact, someone as powerful as Charlie would be more likely to hurt Gideon when he crashed into him. And so, in response to Charlie's question, he simply patted Charlie on the back as if to say 'I'm fine.' Suddenly, he felt himself get lifted into the air before being deposited in a comfortable part of the table. In a rather tsundere fashion, Gideon said, "Thanks, Charlie. I envy your muscles. Maybe you could show me your training regimen when I'm back on my feet."

Or not. Gideon wondered if he could survive a training regimen as intense as Charlie's. He turned to Ashley and gave him a nod of acknowledgment. His hand twitched, tempted to ruffle the man's hair. But he abstained. Gideon knew the consequences. And to Hector he gave a more nervous nod. He was often scared of the Queen, and now that he was staring at him, he was all the more terrified.

"How Hitoshi and I met is a... long story," Gideon responded to Kaede as he buried his face into the menu. It wasn't actually that long, but Gideon wasn't sure if Hitoshi wanted to be reminded of how they met at a party, especially with his current endeavors. Besides, their initial meeting was insignificant in the grand scheme of things, such as asking the older Phoenix for advice, chance encounters around the city, and what they were doing now. After looking through the menu items, Gideon glanced up at the waiter, "I'd like the Belgian waffles with blueberries, raspberry, and whipped cream."

Like a true college student, Gideon hadn't eaten breakfast yet.

joshuadim joshuadim Lucem Lucem Roda the Red Roda the Red Sei Shonagon Sei Shonagon WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten
Fell And Cruel Hounds
Actaeon's Rest
Passeri, Dagger, Corvo, Musai, Zach, Yushui
Fell And Cruel Hounds
Corvo was lured here by the call of one familiar Dagger, the woman she met so long ago who found their missing child Vulken way back when. And what a stitch she has found herself in. Such a fancy hotel, soon to become a bloodbath in the night; just what did this lady do for all this blood money on her hands? She could only wonder. "I never turn back on my word, mia cara. I'm not going anywhere tonight." Corvo remarked with a growing smile.

But she wasn't the only one who heeded Dagger's call. A motley few others, including a surprise from a black-haired Hawk and a nameless telekinetic joined in as well. A talkative pair, they were.

The one named Lily erupted rather loudly. "You remind me of my sponsor," she remarked quietly, smiling to herself.

Following that, Corvo looked between the two heads chiding her for show-and-tell, but her hands only shifted out into a shrug and letting her briefcase dangle on fingers. "Sorry to disappoint." She didn't sound all that sorry. She walked over to a table. "My Potential is my failsafe. What you've got from me is everything you see."

Opening her briefcase, it revealed a neatly stashed set of equipment: a silenced pistol, a sawn-off shotgun—the lupara, and three disc-shaped devices with different lights marking them, all with respective detonators. "We should prepare a few surprises for our guests while we can. But when they get here, communication and information will be key." Corvo stashed each item somewhere in her coat, not even batting an eye as she spoke.

"If I may pose another question, what is everyone's combat experience?" Corvo loaded the lupara with two anti-HP shells, flicking the barrels up with a solid click.

simj26 simj26 The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
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CS Link
Returning Back Something You Don’t Own Is Basically Childbirth
April 3rd, 2022 || Pre-Arc 3
En Route to Blast-Off DvDs, West District
Shishido Takakazu ( thebigfella thebigfella ), Dante Aguilar
Returning Back Something You Don’t Own Is Basically Childbirth

At first, Dante’s gaze flicked from the broken hinges of his door over to Tak.

The hound caught a glimpse of emotion crossing his face, something he couldn’t quite process, a small arch of the brow. It took him a heartbeat, thoughts-a-thrumming on that empty skull of his, like a million-degree pointer burning at his pale forehead.

Dante was an idiot and a half. A slow, indecisive one at that. She was there watching them, leaning on the windowsill. Watching the golden pools of his eyes widening, deepening to a slit and dancing on the whites. Feeling his chest flatten his thumping heart, strung tight, but evening the squeeze to allow his lungs a breath. Hearing a sigh leaving him through the nose, hoarse like a breathless whisper.

To all of that, her maw parted agape with a crooked sneer, tongue raking the sides of her snout and swiping whiskers stiff. Dante’s tenseness had always been a deliciously vile delicacy, even when they were kids. Every time he neared fear, she always felt a step closer to freedom, a release from the comfort zone.

She knew how antsy he felt about two-wheels ever since their uncle Luca got a little too excited back when he was taking them for a ride on his motorcycle. He's stuck to cars ever since. But, watching there through Dante’s eyes as he flopped to the pavement, she'd always wanted to feel what that was like.

Riding the wind at that time of night, when everything was jet-black.

Graced by the moon, not a light in sight.

Free as a bird.

Eventually, Dante swallowed a knot and spoke out — “Nuh-uh. I’m not getting on that piece of junk; shit looks like it’ll fall apart mid-way.” — He shook his head, stumbling on his thought, a hand going to his pant leg to reach for his phone. Cerberus knew. Dante always had a contact in hand for anything. He was probably about to phone in that cabbie he’d met up when he was first making a life in the west.

The hound’s eyes rolled to the back of her head in unison, growling, claws digging into the window frame. She had an idea of why he’d called her out here, in the middle of the night. He wanted her as a caveat, she could slip into rental and put the DVD back in its shelf easy. And if she had to, she would; and she would have her fun nonetheless.

“You’re outta your mind if you think I’m—"


She felt headlights cutting thin through her skin, pressing a burn that scattered wisps of black fur into the air, breaking her down at times— but she didn’t mind the sting at all, she was in a rush. It was exactly as she’d imagined it. A dog leaning out a window, mouth wide open with the tongue flapping to the biting wind, a wide smile on her factions.

She was rooted on the scooter, her lower half snaking and molding around it as the hound somehow kept herself weightless. Tires skidded and treaded along worn streets, adrenaline spiked every time the scooter weaved and leaned closer to the road, swaying them with it, for the first time her chest went up and heaved like she’d just learned how to breathe. How to live.

Shadows gathered as the scooter roared by, swirling up to greet her and reform her, dancing about her. At some point she felt like she had blood running through her, dizzy at the very core, every fiber of her being spinning in a daze.

She threw her head back and the jaws unhinged, tearing apart, stretching, abnormally wide— Cerberus bellowed out an inhumane screech, an excuse for a howl, searing across the night’s air and through the occupied streets.

She felt ALIVE.

“Oh, we LOVE joyrides! Don’t you even worry ‘bout it, meat bag.” — She barked, coming off as a cheery, happy-go-lucky voice at the back of Tak’s mind— "Ain’t that right, handsome?” — In her claws, she held a pale man, his head rocking back and forth with the motions. She was either holding a cadaver or an unconscious Dante at this point. She’d strapped him on the scooter before he even got a word in, holding him hostage to her little thrill seeking.

At least he could have her as a safety, keeping him in place; the road was a mess after all.

After hitting another bump of the bunch, it didn’t take long for him to give a sign of life.

“Please stop…”— Dante croaked — ”I’m gonna hur—urghh!! — Soon after, he felt bile rising and gathering at his throat. His face scrunched up like he’d suckled on a rock of raw salt, and he felt like he was about to keel over, immediately leaning into Tak’s shoulder with a threat to empty the contents of his stomach right on him.

Luckily for Tak, the wolf managed to tamper the flow of it, wrapping her whole hand around Dante’s face and pressing hard on his mouth.

“Y’swallow that back down, little man; we‘s got places to be.” — She growled; her voice was cheerful and full of life on the mind.

Dante’s eyes widened; jaw went tight when the god-awful taste hit his tongue. Lines appeared upon his brow as it furrowed, he wanted to scream. All in vain. He swallowed.

“You…You drive like a…” — He regained himself on steady breaths, eyes red-rimmed and voice hoarse— “Fucking psycho…!”

“Nah, yer’ a fuckin’ artist, meat bag. Don’t listen to ‘im. This is fun!”


“God, please don’t…!”
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A Murder Under Starlight
West District
Passeri Park, Corvo Cordesco
A Murder Under Starlight
30 minutes of waiting until baby Silvio fell asleep. 15 minutes of fretting if she looked fine and intimidating enough for her job, mixed in with Angelo's constant affirmations. 5 minutes trying to get the GPS working. 10 more actually driving to the place. Why did these districts have to be so far away? They might as well have been their own cities!

Eventually she found her parking spot. The client was a short walk away, now. Corvo focused on her breath, using the car mirror to check one last time if she looked okay. Then she left.

And sure enough, outside the studio, was the silver-haired idol pacing on the spot. She didn't wait too long, was she?

"Excuse me! Passeri Park, right?" Corvo called out, nearing her. "I'm your new bodyguard, Corvo Cordesco!" She offered a pleasant smile, unaware of the inner turmoil Passeri was facing.

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit

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