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New Guy (Reserved for Reiluna)

Loke Fullbuster

The Language Enthusiast
When a new guy shows up, a banished heir to the thrown of the underworld who wasnt seen as fit to be ruler, Leon, an eccentric Prince, offers to show this guy all the stuff he has never experienced before. What adventures will they embark on? Who knows? Who cares but us?
Leon stood on the balcony of the now decimated castle, that was once his home. "Fellow humans and myths, we have waged a long war... But finally... It is won." Leon said, the crowd beginning to cheer. "We have lostany good people on both sides, but I assure you that this loss was necessary for the betterment of our future and in order to make sure their death wasn't in vain, we must unit, and come together. Man and Myth can live together in peace and harmony. My troops have showed you this, now it is time for you to show yourself this, so my people, take the hand of your fellow bretheren and help forge a better future for not only yourselves, but for your children, and your children's children!" Leon raised a fist and the whole crowd cheered. He looked back at his 2 brothers and smiled.

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Akuhei found herself in the middle of a crowd. He heard a speech then cheering, but all he felt was confusion.

He had no idea what was going on, basically.

He wondered what the cheering was for, but his curiosity was cut short when he recieved staring from some of the people.

It was mostly his clothes.

He still dressed in proper royal attire after all the years that have gone by. He was technically still a prince, but nobody considered him one anymore. He was banished, after all.

He smiled at the person to not raise any suspicion, and it worked... more or less.

He returned his attention to the prince on the balcony.

The casle looks completely destroyed. What happened? Another war?

Akuhei had seen plenty, so he just sighed.
As the crowd continued to cheer, Leon noticed someone in the crowd. It was an unfimikiar face, one that raised a lot of suspicion in his mind. Leon reached his hand back towards his brother, Tine without even looking at him. "A piece if paper please." He said. Tine oblidged, and Leon grabbed a pen out of his pocket and began scribbling on the paper. "Meet me, the Prince, in the Royal inn, come alone. " he handed the note to Mavis. "You see that man right there? Give this to him." Mavis nodded and jumped off of the balcony landing directly next to him. "You have orders from the Prince." He said handing the man the note, and then jumping back onto the balcony. "Now..." Leon said continuing. "Lets get out there, and rebuild this city to its former glory!" The crowd cheered and people began leaving to volunteer in the rebuilding of the city.

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Akuhei was surprised when the man jumped and landed directly in front of him. He flinched, but hesitantly took the paper and watched the man jump away.

He read the message while the crowd dispersed and he frowned.

Royal Inn? Where was that? Well, surely someone would be kind enough to give directions. Right?
Leon arrived at the Royal Inn before the stranger. The Inn had been vacant due to his arrival so he was alone besides his commanders and 2 closest friends. He grabbed a pitcher of lemonade and poured himself a glass. He went outside to the balcony facing the street and sat down, flashbacks of the war coming to him.

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Akuhei wandered around the unfamiliar area while searching for the inn. He occasionally turned to someone to ask for directions, but they flinched away and kept their distance. This disheartened Akuhei and he stared at the ground. People just... naturally didn't like him. He tried acting like those who were very social, but it did nothing beneficial. He'd smile and they'd stare at him confused. He'd help someone then that person would run away. Was there even a point in trying to make friends anymore? Or even talk to someone?

He sighed then looked up at what was in front of him.


It was the inn!

He smiled and walked in.
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Leon sat on his balcony on the second floor of the inn and stared sown at Akuhei. His right leg crossed over his left, the glass of lemonade in his hand, testing on the side of his right knee.

Leon eyed Akuhei from his balcony. A blank expression with fierce eyes staring down at Akuhei, but Leon said nothing, instead, he stood up and walked back into the room, closing the balcony door with a slightly greater amount of force than normal.
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Akuhei looked around the inn from where he stood, and after a moment of confusion, he looked up. He saw the prince and waved.

He had no idea what the prince wanted, but... oh well.

He went up to the second floor and looked down at the prince.
Leon stared Akuhei in the face with that same expression. It was almost as if Leon was trying to intimidate the man. He stepped closer, getting closer into his face. Leon was about an inch or two shorter than him but he didn't care. He stood like that for a second and then began to laugh.

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Akuhei leaned back a bit as the Prince moved his face closer to his own, and he was very close to crying before Leon started laughing.

Akuhei took a step back and let out a sigh of relief. He thought he was in trouble for some reason.

"Um..." he didn't know what to say to him. He didn't usually speak to many people, after all.
Leon doubled over, holding his gut from laughing. "Ha. Tine I'm sorry man but I just couldn't do it. "Assert my dominance." Dude you are crazy man, just hilarious." Leon wiped a tear from his eye. "Leon you idiot, all you had to do was hold it for a couple more seconds, let him know who's boss." Tine said as he walked out of Leons room. "Listen... I may be the Prince but I am not some uppity asshole... I'm just your friendly neighborhood Prince. Just because he dresses like that doesn't mean he's here to steal my kingdom, although the other 15 were." Leon turned to Akuhei. "You hear to steal my kingdom?" He asked.
Akuhei looked down at his clothing when it was mentioned, and when Leon spoke to him, he flinched.

"Ah.. um no. I don't really hold any interest in stealing kingdoms. I mean, I was banished from mine for- ... well that isn't important. I just... am not sure how to dress any other way, to be honest." He explained, playing with his hair, since that what he did when he was nervous.
Leon eyed Akuhei with a look of curiosity. He really wanted to know more about this guy and this whole banishment, but he new he couldn't do it with Tine around and he would have to take a gentle approach to the situation. "Well Akuhei, why don't you and I talk in my suite. Tine, keep a watch out." Tine nodded irritably and Leon grabbed Akuhei's arm and led him to his suite. When they got in, Leon closed the door and let go. "So, you tired?"
Akuhei shook his head. Sleep wasn't really a necessary thing for him. It was more of an option for faster healing if he was ever injured.

"I don't sleep much." He said simply. No need to explain everything to him in detail, after all.
"Well then, why don't you take a seat, so you can tell me a bit about yourself." Leon said with a smile as he motioned to a small round table with two chairs.
Akuhei looked at a chair then back at Leon. "Do... do I have to?" He asked, uncomfortable with talking about his past and the banishment. Something about his family disowning him and his friends ignoring him kind of made it a tough subject to talk about, and other than his name, everything else about him was connected to that. Well, even his name connected to it. It meant evil, and that was what he was supposed to be... but he wasn't.
Leon looked at Akuhei, shocked. "Oh... Of course not." He said. "I know pasts can be a very... Touchy subject. " he said looking down with a sad face as he remembered his own past. "Anyways..." He said looking up. "Where are my manners? I'm, Prince Leon, but please call me Leon. And your name is?" He stuck his hand outwards towards the man.

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"I'm Akuhei. Nice to meet you." He smiled nervously and hesitantly reached his hand out as well towards Leon. When he shook it, his smile lost its nervousness.

He was simply relieved to see that he didn't kill him upon touch.

It had happened before. With a flower. It was pretty, but then it was dead.
"Nice to meet you Akuhei." Leon said with a huge smile. "You must not be from around here. Not that I know everyone here but I would never forget a face like yours."

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Akuhei smiled back at Leon and nodded. "I've been... I guess you could say I've been traveling a lot lately. I don't really have a home anymore." He said, a sad tone present. Traveling was the closest word to describe what he was doing, next to searching. Searching for a friend and a home, that is.

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