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Fantasy New gods | OOC

Well Karcen really stepped up. Anyone could have just sat back and let you tell me what to tweak. Let me look like a fool. #Promotion
DizjayDeathPride DizjayDeathPride I gotta ask though do the Pyexis only speak a language only the universe can hear? If so that seems cool but a bit concerning since if taken literally it makes one wonder how they even communicate with others let alone themselves.
Quinlan63 Quinlan63 no really just a language only they hear and understand. Thought itd be interesting if potential invaders couldnt hear them. I like speech should be as inaudible as possible if their hearing is as heightened as possible.
I know. I posted before reading the whole chat and realized, I need to get into depth depth. So I'm working on their Afterlife, the exact traits of each sub species that makes them a little different and how that all balances in their society. A government structure. I'm going in
Quinlan63 Quinlan63 no really just a language only they hear and understand. Thought itd be interesting if potential invaders couldnt hear them. I like speech should be as inaudible as possible if their hearing is as heightened as possible.
Oh wait and a couple other things

It doesn't state that they can die (which everything has to die)

Also now that I think about it how is it the universe can hear them talk when Quin made the universe and it has no form of sentients
I know. I posted before reading the whole chat and realized, I need to get into depth depth. So I'm working on their Afterlife, the exact traits of each sub species that makes them a little different and how that all balances in their society. A government structure. I'm going in
Oh ok didn't see this before I posted oh and everyone goes to the same afterlife for the record
Oh wait and a couple other things

It doesn't state that they can die (which everything has to die)

Also now that I think about it how is it the universe can hear them talk when Quin made the universe and it has no form of sentients
That's what I meant by rumor.

I imagined after the gods made their dominions, there would be somehow someway people trying to rule the world. But would know of the varying species across the world, right? So in reality they're only heard by each other but any like text about them outside of the Valley would say they speak to the universe itself.

Okay didnt mean to make em seem immortal but I'm sure I wrote "cant die" somehow I gotchu

Aaand that saves me a little okay okay cool. I think I misread and interpreted the afterlife crystal scene as everyone getting their own. I was like oh boyyo okay

I did not read thoroughly it was 1am and I was trying to get a general idea of what I needed to fix. But I'm woke now I'll examine
That's what I meant by rumor.

I imagined after the gods made their dominions, there would be somehow someway people trying to rule the world. But would know of the varying species across the world, right? So in reality they're only heard by each other but any like text about them outside of the Valley would say they speak to the universe itself.

Okay didnt mean to make em seem immortal but I'm sure I wrote "cant die" somehow I gotchu

Aaand that saves me a little okay okay cool. I think I misread and interpreted the afterlife crystal scene as everyone getting their own. I was like oh boyyo okay

I did not read thoroughly it was 1am and I was trying to get a general idea of what I needed to fix. But I'm woke now I'll examine
Ok the rumor stuff makes sense

Yeah that scene was meant only for AF since they are the god/goddess of love and death
Ok the rumor stuff makes sense

Yeah that scene was meant only for AF since they are the god/goddess of love and death
Maaaaakes soooo much more sense. Man separate after lives too? I was like whoa you're really tryna build a nation here I was feeling massively overwhelmed and horribly excited
Maaaaakes soooo much more sense. Man separate after lives too? I was like whoa you're really tryna build a nation here I was feeling massively overwhelmed and horribly excited
Oh no everyone has something they are responsible for when it comes to all the races so it as to lessen the burden on everyone

Granted not everyone will have something so obvious

I'm quite the same, but we do it out of a fascination with advancement itself. Also I hope we two gods get along. My people were gonna get quite into magic.

I doubt it given she views the order your looking to achieve as complete stillness and therefore the opposite of he desire to have a life.

Also if you want s language only they understand you could make them a hive mind
The hive mind plays into thier desire for perfection and order everyone is tailor made for thier role no one fights or vomits crimes and no one has any ideas that might cause imbalances
The hive mind plays into thier desire for perfection and order everyone is tailor made for thier role no one fights or vomits crimes and no one has any ideas that might cause imbalances
I wasn’t going for a language only they understood tho. And I was going to have them mentally linked, but not full on givemind.

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