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New Beginnings

Iris Snow

New Member
Iris was sitting on a bench located in the palace gradens fanning her self aggressively. Her forehead head was drenched in sweat and her brown curls were all frizzy from the south's hot humdity. Struggling to breathe she inhaled deeply tugging at how tight her mother fastened the itchy corset. Iris didn't understand the point of having to wear such constricting and uncomfortable clothing. She quietly whispered to her cat "When I'm queen these stupid corsets will be the first thing to go I swear it! !! " Laughing at her own joke she looked up at the sun quickly became panicked. It was a surely past noon. The princess groaned in misery. Her mother would surely whip her for being so late to lunch,after all she was meant to meet a prince whom traveled from far away to talk about marraige. She pulled up her lengthy skirt revealing her naked feet and quickly began running across the lawn until she reached the castle doors. Upon reaching the door she tripped over her cat and came crashing into the grand hall way ending up at a young man's feet. Her sapphire blue eyes met with his eyes and her face flustered with redness giving her a sunburnt look on her cheeks. I .. i.... I'm so sorry

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