Never fear I am HERE!


I love Emilia

I am looking for a new site to roleplay on as my previous site I was on (For about 12 years) is on it's last few weeks of being alive before the owner is shutting it down.

I like Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Fan-based roleplays. I am a big fan of Anime with my top 5 being Dragon Ball Z, Re:Zero, One Piece, S-Cry-Ed and Gundam Wing. Currently I'm interested in romance anime's like The Gamers, Tsuzure Children, and The Rehab of an MMO Junkie.

Anyways, if you have any questions or want to talk about anime feel free to PM me!

- Syv (Short for Syvvaris)
Welcome to RPN!! I am the Mechanist! The hero of the commonwealth and of RPN!! There are Tons of RP's to join, and even more people to RP with, myself included ^D^ We've got all kinds ranging from modern to medieval to futuristic. I myself am prone to fantasy, medieval or futuristic rp's, and I am a sucker for romance and a good love story. Trust me when I say we almost have it all!! Feel free to help yourself to the cookies and punch at the table.
Welcome to the site fren! Sorry to hear your usual stomping grounds are closing :3
If you're looking for partners I'd suggest checking out our Searching for Partners (or group) threads ^-^
Feel free to come say hi any time if you have any questions, I'll probably be lurking around the discord chat ^33^
Welcome to RPNation! I'm Evie, feel free to PM me if you need help with anything, or just ask right here! We have many different genres of roleplays to offer, so don't be afraid to dive into something new. Enjoy your roleplaying experience!

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