Neutral Characters


Renai Shakunetsu

(Kemurigakure Leader)


Name: Renai Shakunetsu

Nickname: Ren, Lady Renai, Lady Ren

Gender: Female

Age: 39

Date of Birth: 6/23

Height: 5'6

Weight: 129 lbs

Sexuality: Heterosexual


  • Personality:

    Renai is a generally serious and intelligent woman. She is known for her generally calm and calculated demeanor. She has a fierce loyalty to things that she holds dear, willing to do anything to protect or nurture them. She absolutely refuses to quit and looks down heavily on someone quitting. She has a knack for sarcasm at times when she is feeling playful, something that can go over peoples heads at times when she keeps a stoic expression making it hard to tell when she is joking about it. She isn't hesitant to push others to their limits.

    While normally cool headed, Renai has been known to have quite fits of anger, denting and punching through several walls or desks at times, although she generally can keep herself collective and is quite to go back to a much more relaxed demeanor. While she does have a caring side, she can be overly harsh should someone fail, not hesitant to give a scolding to the individual with little caring for excuses. She can be brash at times, acting on her own although she generally eased up on such behavior only doing so if she deems it absolutely necessary.



    ✔ Dedication

    ✔ The Village

    ✔ Spicy Foods

    ✔ Mediation

    × Quitting

    × Failure

    × Gambling

    × Disloyalty


Ninjutsu Taijutsu Genjutsu Stamina Intelligence Perception Stealth Total
4.5 5 3 4 4.5 4 3 28

Specialization: Renai fights in close to mid range combat. She utilizing her Kekkei Genkai in order to strike an opponent in close range, able to enhance her blows with a violent spark of flame meant to quickly burn anything she strikes.

Weakness: She lacks effective tools against more long range attacks, having a far more limited selection of tools to deal with them. Her defenses are lower, using primarily speed and brute force as her only way of solid defense. Due to her blood limit ability maintaining a steady flow of air around her for the use with her flames, she is more susceptible to fire attacks, able to redirect them easier although direct blows are far more effective used against her. Water attacks are effective against her.

Kekkei Genkai: Scorch Release

Details: Scorch release utilizes both the elements of Wind and Fire to use quick bursts of flame able to rapidly burn in intense bursts of heat. The flames generated by this style are very quick in their use, meant for short bursts rather then long sustained attacks. The fire emitted appears blue due to the intense nature of the heat created, often flickering in and out of existence quickly when used.

Those with the Kekkei Genkai are able to utilize it to enhance their attacks, enveloping themselves with wind of which strikes they make are able to emit a quick spark of flame striking out typically a few centimeters from the fist, with more advance techniques projecting the flame several feet out in a quick burst of blue flame.

Weakness: Due to the nature of the flames, they can be very draining to use for extended use, leading to the much more short bursts many of the techniques use. Matching water techniques can be used to counteract the flames, helping to cancel them out. Other fire attacks used against the user when utilizing their scorch enhancement can be effective against a user caught off guard. While most users can counter the flames by working to control them, when caught unaware it can lead to the flames instead being absorbed in their wind 'cloak' causing more damage to the individual.



  • Kunai x12
  • Explosive Tags x8
  • Shuriken x18
  • Smoke Bomb x6
  • Flash Bomb x 2


  • Rank D

    Sensing (Basic)

    Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing

    Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation

    Body Flicker

    Manipulated Shuriken

    Shadow Shuriken

    Rank C

    Wind Release: Great Breakthrough

    Fire Release: Great Fireball

    Genjutsu Dissipation

    Heavenly Foot of Pain (utilized with her Kekkei Genkai)

    Wind Release: Gale Palm

    Fire Release: Dragon Fire

    Spinning Waltz

    Rank B

    Flying Swallow

    Wind Release: Divine Wind

    Fire Release: Running Fire

    Rank A

    Scorch Release: Incinerating Flare Technique

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Ginko Tetsuya



Name: Ginko Tetsuya

Nickname: Gin, "Iron Maiden" [epithet], Gin-sensei

Gender: Female

Age: 45

Date of Birth: December 18th

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 174 lbs

Sexuality: Asexual


  • Personality:

    Good natured and rowdy, Ginko is someone one would be hard-pressed to find in a foul mood—she is constantly mocking or teasing herself or others, never without a quip in reply to anything; however, over the years the cheerfulness has left her humor and replaced it with a light sort of dark sardonicism. Nonetheless, she finds pleasure in teasing other and gets a sort of amusement from seeing other people uncomfortable. Ginko herself has a fairly thick hide, and is rarely openly bothered by any sort or remark against her, often going along with it—however, if what they're saying is rude or cruel, she'll bare her teeth and smile as she returns a biting remark.

    However, if not provoked in-conversation, Ginko never insults those around her, unless she holds a deep seated disliking of them or they are a common enemy; she is much more likely to go the stubborn, petty route of simply ignoring those she dislikes as much as possible. To her enemies in the field she affords no such attitude, and can often be seen heckling or insulting them even as they fight, using words as much as she does her jutsu.

    Behind the constant cheerfulness, however, Ginko is cynical and bitter from the war and death of her family, and from her long years as a jōnin.

    Deeply stubborn, she is never one to change her decisions or opinions once set in them, even if persuasive counter-arguements are given. As such, injuries and deaths were common in her squads during the war: although Ginko is gifted in terms of ability and certainly has much battle experience, her hard head got her squad into many difficult situations as she refused to recognize a situation as hopeless, and although that won her many fights, it also cost her many times over. Ginko accepts no excuses for anyone doing less than their best, and is harsh to those that don't carry their weight or those who question her authority, even if she is grinning while she issues out the punishment.



    ✔ Family

    ✔ Jokes

    ✔ Dango

    ✔ Sweet or spicy foods

    × Rudeness

    × Bland foods (and people)

    × Fire

    × Elders


Ninjutsu Taijutsu Genjutsu Stamina Intelligence Perception Stealth Total
5 3.5 4 3 3 4 3 26

Specialization: Ginko has a large amount of skill in ninjutsu and combining them into deadly pairings, usually to be used at mid-to-long distance; her favorite tactics involve immobilizing her target (either through a ninjutsu or genjutsu) before piercing them with steel. However, if the situation does not allow that, she can deal with her target in other ways, as long as they remain at range and she can continue acting as a controller of the field.

Weakness: Given her prosthetic, using her kekkei genkai has become more difficult as the Steel Release requires a user to form Earth Nature and Wind Nature in either palm, which increases the time she needs to cast a jutsu. Her speed hasn't fallen enough to make a genin or chūnin a threat, but that extra split second and sliver more of concentration needed to make her chakra flow through her false limb can cost her if she's fighting with an enemy of jōnin level or higher. Also, if she doesn't properly maintenance the limb, the joints grow stiff and sticky and can cause her jutsus to either backfire or die out before they've been completed. Ginko also has little actual taijutsu ability past the bare minimum needed for one to become a jōnin: most of her ranking comes from her pure physical strength and use of the Steel Release: Impervious Armor technique, which she can activate with no hand signs. However, if faced with an opponent who can use actual taijutsu techniques (beyond the normal style taught to nearly all shinobi), and one who has a greater speed, Ginko will be at a disadvantage. Also, due to her kekkei genkai she is weak to fire jutsus, and must avoid lightning jutsus while using Steel Release to avoid electrocution.

Kekkei Genkai: Steel Release


: Combining wind and earth, the Steel Release is a kekkei genkai that allows its users to summon, create, and mold steel from their chakra. It can either be drawn up from the soil, the user condensing mineral particles from the dirt, or created through the user combining their wind and earth natures, one in either palm. The steel usually appears silvery gray, like usual, but can gain different tints depending on the mineral make-up of the region. The Steel Release is primarily used defensively and in close quarters, but can also be adapted to be used at farther ranges and for offensive purposes, depending on the user's intent and creativity.



The steel can be melted by a Lava Release, or a powerful fire jutsu. Regardless of whether hot enough to melt it or not,


fire jutsu can cause the steel to become more brittle and prone to snapping. Additionally, several of the jutsus involve the user themselves making contact with their steel, often resulting in them being more prone to being injured by lightning attacks, given the fact that steel is a conductor. Besides elemental weaknesses, Steel Release usually draws upon pre-existing metals in the soil, so if in an area that's mineral sparse or lacking in any sort of earth, the user is required to form it out of their own chakra, which is quite taxing. It also requires proficient chakra control, as to combine the two chakra natures one must be capable of forming one in one hand and the other in the other.



  • Senbon (x10)
  • Kunai (x12)
  • Shuriken (x10)
  • Smoke bomb (x6)
  • Random pieces of metal (x4)
  • Prosthetic lubricant (x1)

Special Items


Kōamu (which translates into Metal Arm) is the name of Ginko's prosthetic, which composes of her left arm from the elbow down, including her hand. It was manufactured in Koseki and was at the top of the line at the time, making it extremely expensive. It has taken Ginko many years to adapt to using it with any sort of proficiency, and there are still some occasional missteps where she miscalculates how Kōamu will impact her technique. Ginko has enhanced it with her own Steel Release, strengthening it, and controls it by imbuing it with her own chakra. Kōamu requires vigilant maintenance, lest it become rusted or broken, and risks being rusted after being exposed to water if not dried properly.


Chakra Affinity: Earth, Wind, Steel

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Kazuo Yamamoto


Name: Kazuo Yamamoto

Nickname: "Doctor Yamamoto" "Mr.Yama"

Gender: male

Age: 26 years old

Date of Birth: 07/07/

Height: 6' 5"

Weight: 175 lbs

Sexuality: "W-w-what kind of question is this!?" heterosexual.


  • Personality:

    A kind, charming man with an ever present smile across his handsome face, his voice rarely goes over a calming whisper and his eyes hold soft gaze of compassion. Patience personified the man has the uncanny ability to stay cool headed in just about any situation, save for a few detailed later, this calming demeanor was crafted after years upon years of healing the wounded and treating the sick as one of the very few Medical nin within the city, many were lost in the war so long ago, he feels it is his duty to protect the lives of all he can.

    However, he is not totally perfect of course, he is human after all, he has trouble with things of the romantic nature, which in his eyes is alot of things, so much so that simply seeing two people holding hands in public is enough to make him go red in the face. He also has a hobby of painting and writing novels in his free time, though he guards them rather carefully, fearing what people may think of him one they finally are able to see his works.

    He prefers to drink mint tea with abit of honey in the morning. *HINT HINT*



    ✔ Like1 Calm scenery.

    ✔ Like2 Having time for his hobbies.

    ✔ Like3 helpful people.

    ✔ Like4 Mint tea

    × Dislike1 Spicy foods, he doesn't handle them to well.

    × Dislike2 Saddness in others, but who does like that?

    × Dislike3 People flaunting their relationships.

    × Dislike4 Uncleanliness.


Ninjutsu Taijutsu Genjutsu Stamina Intelligence Perception Stealth Total
4 4.5 3 5 4 4 2.5 26

Specialization: Kazuo is a medical nin, his very existence is one that protects and steals people's lives from the grasp of the reaper. The man specializes in protection of a target, escorting, defending an item from harm or theft, or simply to save the MVP's live.

If you are given escort and see this man, you know you will get to your destination.


His taijutsu is abit lacking in it's offensive qualities, due to his constant focus on defense over offense it causes him to focus on simply drawing out battles for a chance to retreat should things get out of hand.

His adamance on wearing his armor leaves him abit encumbered and slowed compared to other Jounin.

Those who find out his weakness of romantics have a immediate upper hand should they use it against him, other men will not produce the effect, sorry fellahs.

Special ability: Tabemasu

If you see above you will see the man holds a blade on his side, this blade is far from a simple edged weapon as it is housed by a rather strong, and hungry, demon.

While in it's inert form, the sword is nothing but a handle and a guard, no blade can be seen or felt should you search it. As the demon within does not give out free services, even down to the smallest part of the blade must be paid for, the being must be fed.

To being the first stage, one must swear the oath, be it within the wielder's mind, though the demon likes it more said aloud, the oath is simple. To feed the blade blood in return for power. When sworn, the blade springs forth as if it was hiding within the guard all along, covered in a sickly film of a substance best left unknown, the blade looking more akin to a serrated edged tooth then a sword, but none will turn a blind eye at it's results.

Simple yes? Well heres the kicker, as is the case with all demonic blades, it is indiscriminate what blood it consumes, your's, the enemy's your ally's, any will do, and it will force you to take it and spill the nearest source should you not be ready to engage in it's mental wrestling match.

As it feeds, it grows stronger, with the blade soon allowing for it to send blades of black hardened blood forward in a razor sharp blade, or even simply turning each of the slices of this deadly weapon into a acidic swather of melting death, as if the blade was attempting to consume it's target well before it's even dead.

The oath can be ended as long as one living thing has it's life ended by it.

Weakness: Should one go without feeding the blade for a time, the blade will attempt to try to take over, it doesn't want to have it's time with kazou to end, for getting a new owner is tiresome and annoying, so it will attempt to force it's will upon him full force, different then it's occasional push while going through the oath normally, it force all wrathful feelings and anger to the forefront of the wielder's mind, clouding every thought in a thick haze of rage.

The blade wants to be fed, it wants to give out it's power, as such, Kazou refuses to use it.

Indeed, the greatest weakness of this blade is the simple fact that he simply refuses to turn it on anybody, in fact he dedicates a great deal of his time to finding a way to destroy the unholy stain upon the world, though... the power is certainly tempting no? For now, he must sate the blade on occasion, lest his mind be taken and another soul be forced to take up such a terrible thing such as it.



  • 5 kunai

  • 10 shuriken

  • First aid kit

  • Antidote kit

  • Soldier pills

  • Blood increasing pills(They're a thing I guess :smile12: )

Special Items

Guardian's mail

A type of machara (a armored vest) and matching pair of arm guards that boast considerable protection against most means of attack, this defensive strength can be enhanced with channeling chakra within the armor to guard from advanced forms of attacks, at full power it even is able to stop a hit from a lightning blade jutsu with relative minimal damage to the armor and the wearer. it however provides no benefit to other sources of damage such as poisons, being engulfed in flames, blood loss, etc.


Chakra Affinity: Water, wind

  • Rank D

    Kage Shuriken no Jutsu (Shadow Shuriken Technique)

    Type: D-rank, Offensive, Mid- to long range (5+m)

    The user of this technique throws multiple large shuriken in such a way that the first shuriken hides the subsequent ones, probably by blocking the line of sight. To the target, it would look like only one shuriken was thrown.

    Kanashibari no Jutsu (Temporary Paralysis Technique)

    Type: D-rank, Supplementary, Short to mid-range (0-10m)

    Used to cause one's opponent to lose the advantage of movement. Freezing them in their tracks, this Jutsu creates an opening for a more dangerous attack. Most ANBU seem to know this technique.

    Kiri Gakure no Jutsu (Hiding Mist Technique)

    Type: D-rank, Supplementary

    This jutsu envelops the surrounding area in a dense mist, causing anyone within to lose the advantage of sight.

    Rank C

    Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)

    Type: C-rank, Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary

    This Jutsu, using a contract, Seal, and the user's blood, binds an animal to the user. The type of animal is determined by the contract and Seal performed. The blood is used as a signature to make the contract, which can be written on a scroll or tattoo, valid. Once bound, the animal can be summoned to perform a task or help the user in battle.

    Other types of Summoning Techniques can summon powerful objects, such as weapons (Tenten) or Kankurou's puppets.

    Bonded Summon: Rabbits.

    Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Doppelganger)

    Type: C-rank, Supplementary

    Creates one or more identical copies of the user out of water. More similar to Kage Bunshin than to a normal Bunshin, these clones are capable of attacking, except each clone's strength is only one-tenth that of the user. Also, the clones can only be controlled within a certain radius of the user.

    Rank B

    Suiton: Suigadan (Water Release: Water Fang Bullet)

    Name: Suiton: Suigadan, literally "Water Release: Water Fang Bullet"

    Type: B-rank, Offensive, Short range (0-5m)

    Suiton: Suijinheki (Water Release: Water Encampment Wall)

    Name: Suiton: Suijinheki, literally "Water Release: Water Encampment Wall"

    Type: B-rank, Defensive, Short range (0-5m)

    This jutsu creates a water barrier to protect the user from fire and water attacks.

    Suiton: Suiryudan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique)

    Type: B-rank, Offensive, All ranges

    A powerful attack that creates a huge current of water in the shape of a dragon, which is sent towards the opponent. Except when used by extremely powerful ninja, this jutsu can only be done when in or near a body of water. Hatake Kakashi copies this technique from Momochi Zabuza with Sharingan and uses it to defend against Zabuza's

    Type: Supplementary: short range

    Rank A

    Shosen Jutsu (Mystical Palm Technique)

    Name: Shousen Jutsu, literally "Mystical Palm Technique"

    Type: A-rank, Supplementary, Short range (0-5m)

    By concentrating chakra to the hand, the user is able to heal a target's wounds, it can also have a side effect of inducing a temporary coma should one use to much chakra in the technique.

[tab=Non-canon jutsu]

[tab=Non-canon jutsu][/tab]
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Seji Kondyuaru

Chuunin Teacher


Name: Seji Kondyuaru

Nickname: Seji-Sensei, Seji 'The Beast'

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Date of Birth: December 12th

Height: 6'1

Weight: 173

Sexuality: Asexual


  • Personality:

    Seji is a relatively laid back man, viewing it as a way of looking 'raid' to others. He will often sit and listen to others when it isn't his turn to speak. Should he find the chance, he has a great enjoyment out of trying to upstage himself, coming up with what he deems 'catchy' sayings. He has an odd enjoyment discussing philosophy and giving an artistic spin on the world, despite lacking much in that department himself despite thinking otherwise.

    While he does come off attempting to be 'deep', it often is met with poor reception, often rambling into silly tangents or making poor comparisons. He isn't one to step down when he makes a stand on something, even if it ends up making him look like a fool in the process.

    Emp comes off to be a rather brash and angry creature. He isn't one for holding back his tongue, often spouting blunt remarks about someone. Seji's attempts at showmanship often are met with Emp's whining or scolding. Emp is adamant at his disdain for being attached to Seji, often stating his hope for Seji to perish so he might be free. Despite such statements, Emp does care about Seji, growing an attachment for him despite his refusal to ever 'quit' his bad habits.



    ✔ Shades

    ✔ Discussing 'philosophy'

    ✔ Being 'cool'

    ✔ Dance (...of the more odd variety)

    × Boredom

    × Being told he is 'uncool'

    × Being talked over

    × Being 'upstaged'


Ninjutsu Taijutsu Genjutsu Stamina Intelligence Perception Stealth Total
4 3.5 2.5 3.5 3 3.5 2 22

Specialization: Seji is a close to mid range fighter who utilizes on combining Ninjutsu to attack from mid range, using Emp's chakra arms as a close range counter often using his swords or helping to propel him around quickly and unpredictively.

When manifesting Emp's power fully, Seji adapts to be a close range combatant, utilizing a very hard to predict style with Emp's chakra to move around quickly and attack in unexpected ways.

Weakness: Seji lacks speed, often making up for it through Emp's ability to keep him mobile. While he can fight in a more hard to predict fashion, his motions are a lot less efficient making them drain a bit more energy to perform and leaving plenty of weaknesses for a skilled taijutsu user to counter.

When linked with Emp, Seji is unable to use his traditional Ninjutsu, relying on enhancing Emp's chakra with Fire, leaving him weaker to water. His exagerated movements can be countered by a skilled Shinobi much easier, and his lack of range allow for mid and long range combatants to attack him easier should they keep distance.



  • Kunai x 6
  • Shuriken x12
  • Explosive Tag x4
  • Smoke Bomb x2

Special Items


The black handled blade he carries around with him. The blade itself is master crafted, once belonging to his now since gone Sensei. The metal used is black, being a more durable blade then normal although not possessing any other unique qualities.


The white handled blade and his first full sized Katana. It is a well crafted blade, although it doesn't have quite the potential durability of its brother sword 'slice'. It holds a certain sentimental value while its good make leave it as a useful blade he keeps around.


Chakra Affinity: Fire

  • Rank D

    Body Flicker

    Release (Genjutsu)

    Rank C

    Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu

    Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire

    Rank B

    Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson

    Fire Release: Flame Whirlwind

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Tsuneo Ogasawara


Name: Tsuneo Ogasawara

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Date of Birth: January 5th

Height: 179cm (5’9)

Weight: 82kg (181lbs)

Sexuality: Heterosexual


  • Personality:

    Tsuneo is like a cynical old man long before his time. To hear him speak words of genuine optimism and kindness is like seeing a unicorn prance about upon your front doorstep. While he is never purposely petulant, he is always frank and abrupt in his speech and can easily rub someone the wrong way. He is prone to outbursts of sarcastic mockery when confronted with something he finds either stupid, amusing, or both.

    A pragmatist at heart, Tsuneo finds comfort only in achieving results, be that in run-of-the-mill tasks at home or on the field of battle. He can’t stand to allow people to be inefficient and will insist on critiquing something he finds to be wrong. Mercy is a foolish trait in his eyes, for he would expect the enemy to simply attack when his back is turned. For all his jaded tendencies, Tsuneo is actually prepared to put his life on the line for people in his care, though he’ll claim he only did it so as not to waste a life.

    Tsuneo carries himself as a typical high-born lord, which often gives people the impression he is a snobbish sort. He is no snob by his own account, but his upbringing has given him habits that portray him in a different fashion than he might fancy.


    & Dislikes

    ✔A good day’s work

    ✔Winding people up


    ✔Eating exotic foodstuffs

    × Wasting time

    × Overly positive people

    × Inefficiency

    × Untidy spaces


Ninjutsu Taijutsu Genjutsu Stamina Intelligence Perception Stealth Total
4 4 2 3.5 4 3.5 2 23


Tsuneo specialises in the use of a sword with a healthy dose of ninjutsu to supplement it. He likes to be adaptable in a fight, though he feels more comfortable engaging an enemy directly than using sneakier tactics. He also enjoys taunting and harassing his opponent with his sharp tongue while slicing at them with his sharp sword.


-Though he is loath to admit it, he is a little too proud to run when he should, which he feels would be akin to his cowardly father.

-He is much less effective with stealth than a Shinobi should be, partly due to his upbringing by a rather pompous man full of false bravado who shall not be named.

-In spite of employing the use of taunts and verbal jabs himself, there are a few key topics that can easily set him off, impairing his judgement (one of which should be abundantly apparent after reading this CS).



-Kunai x8

-Shuriken x8

-Explosive Tags x4

-Smoke Bombs x5

Special Items


A curved blade of foreign make, which was a gift from Tsuneo’s mother. It’s one of his prized possessions, and he would hate to lose it.


Chakra Affinity: Wind, Lightning

  • Rank D

    Mist Servant Technique

    Rank C

    Vacuum Sword

    Great Breakthrough

    Rank B

    Vacuum Blade

    False Darkness

    Pressure Damage

    Rank A

    No, actually


Tida Oda



Name: Tida Oda

Nickname: Falling Sky Tida

Gender: Male

Age: 70

Date of Birth: Febuary 12th.

Height: 6'0

Weight: 185 lbs

Sexuality: Some stories a gentleman never tells.

Personality:A very classy man, Tida can't help but remember his days as a teacher where ever he goes. The one thing he taught his students is they should never be afraid to dream. The world shouldn't be seen as how it is, but how it should be. Should hell and highwater come between you and your dreams, swim over it. Along with Tida's feeling of doing what feels right, he has been in trouble dozens of times, as he has gone against orders many times. 

There is nothing more important to the man than duty, and to Tida, no duty is more important than to his fellow man. The village is just buildings and rules, those can be rebuilt. People, people can never be replaced, and ninja are nothing more than people. Nothing more, nothing less. Not gods above others, not tools to be take out when needed, each and everyone a man. To help man is a heavy duty, one above being a ninja.



✔ Gardening                              

× Getting dirt/blood/grime on his hands.

✔ Volunteering

× Mindless/heartless ninja

✔ Piano

× Idiots.

✔ Teaching

× 'Die for our village'


  • Tida is a wonderful grandfather to many. His wife has passed on, but he has many children.


  • Every student he has ever taught.
  • Yuuki Mifune- His neighbor, who he quiet likes. They share a hobby of gardening, though neither really knows the other's ninja status.


  • The Hidden Smoke Village
  • Lady Renai
  • Literally any who wants a cool old guy to kick their ass.

History: A veteran of the Hidden Smoke village, Tida has long been noted for his tendency to march to his own orders. Ever since he was a plucky genin, Tida often got in trouble for doing what he thought was right, and it has never changed. One particular mission, when he was told not to engage the enemy, he saw a woman captured by them. Without thinking, he went to rescue her, and got nearly beat to death for his trouble. He also however got a wife, and he was happy with that.

Tida attempted to retire for the next few years, but was called back as a sensei. He attempted to retire again afterwards... only to get called back as a sensei. This continued for years. During this time, his squad was always noted to perform excellently.... except for often failing a mission he, or they felt was wrong.

One squad Tida was lucky enough to teach included his daughter, and he considered it the best memories of his life, she became a fabulous kunoichi. Tida actually managed retirement after this, and it lasted longer than any other attempt, 2 years. Being older, Tida expected this to be the end. He had no moniker, known more for not following orders than anything, but he was considered a good ninja.  Then, after 2 years, the Great Ninja War started. Tida encouraged not entering it, but wasn't listened to. He said the village had no business going to war, it would destroy the village. Tida, however, when the time came, was a fierce combatant. 

When orders came to withdraw, his daughter had been taken by the enemy. With the squad rushing the other direction, Tida ran straight at the enemy, disappearing skyward. Afterwards, he recieved his moniker, Tida of the Falling Sky. Tida not only survived, he rescued his daugher, and had dealt enough damage that the enemy would not follow him as he left.

Tida was all the more disheartened by his village. They had recklessly gone to war, they hadn't the guts to finish what they had started, and the village was in ruins. Worst of all, they would go to war against other villages, but they would not stand up to Koseki, or any of the wrongs right around them. This would affect Tida for years to come, and he became distant to his own family.

Motivation: To change the ninja path of the village. Koseki should pay for the suffering the cause, and Kemuri has done nothing to stop them.

Ninja Stats



















Tida offputs his enemies with his chakra strings before nailing them with a chakra enhanced kick. Tida's footwork is such he can keep up with most swordsman with his feet.


Bladed weapons still give Tida trouble, as they cut straight through his defenses. In addition, his use and knowledge of genjutsu is pretty poor.

Tida is also unable to harm people he sees as students, which generally includes the genin and many chunnin. Instead Tida often will lecture them instead of really fight them. Having him as and instructor, and as an enemy isn't so different for most people.

Standard Equipment

  • N/A. Throwing weapons dirties Tida's hands. 

Special Items

Chakra Enhanced Greaves

Steel greaves that are hardened and treated with chakra to allow them to stop chakra enhanced blades, and take the enormous strain Tida puts on them.

Chakra Affinity: Boot to the Head (N/A)

Cannon Jutsu

Custom Jutsu

Technique Name: Dragoon Jump

Jutsu Type: Supplementary taijutsu

Rank: B

Chakra Nature

Description: Using Chakra enhanced strength, the user simply amplifies their jumps, launching themselves hundreds of feet into the air.

Weakness: They don't come down any faster.

Technique Name: Envy of Tanabata-hime 

Jutsu Type: Supplementary

Rank: S

Chakra Nature

Description: An advanced application of the chakra thread technique, the user connects chakra threads tightly within their own body, between each chakra point, creating a system of threads that absorb and redirect impact.  In short, blunt blows are dispersed throughout Tida's body, lessening their effect.

Weakness: Blades. The entire reason Tida dislikes fighting swordsman, as he fears getting cut.

Technique Name: Weaving Worlds: Crashing Ame-no-nuboko 

Jutsu Type: Supplementary taijutsu

Rank: A

Chakra Nature

Description: Once Tida's Chakra threads have connected to an object or opponent, Tida combines his hand strength with chakra enhanced strength to bring them crashing down into the earth with all his strength at once.

Weakness: The aftercrater makes map makers hate their job. Oh, and don't let him connect his strings.

Technique Name: Tidying Chaos

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: C

Chakra Nature

Description: Quickly creating chakra threads, connecting them to a storm of incoming projectiles, Tida crashes them together before they can touch him, causing each projectile to hit another.

Weakness: Tida must see the technique coming.
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