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Realistic or Modern Neighbors- Characters


Name: Rebecca Hong aka

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Appearance: Tall and slim, her hair is dyed hues of red, her favourite colour. Her eyes are brown and she usually doesn't wear much make up. 

Personality: Rebecca is free spirited and pretty impulsive. She's almost always in a good mood and never gets into an argument, preferring instead to ignore you or make passive aggressive comments for fun. She says what she means most of the time. 

Virtues: Cheerful, Intelligent, good memory (she never forgets a detail), honest, accepting

Vices: Impatient, easily distracted, sometimes unknowingly rude, can be hella superstitious at times. 

Likes: Languages, Travelling, Photography, Thunderstorms, Music, 

Dislikes: People who hesitate too much, waiting, repeating herself, being stuck in one place, also claustrophobic 

Job: Interpreter/translator and teacher.

Apt #: 

History: Rebecca has had a pretty eventful life. She grew up everywhere, with her parents constantly moving countries due to work. This only increased when her parents divorced and she and two siblings were juggled between them as was convenient. Staying in one place too long makes her restless, so she got a job which lets her travel a lot. She's the translator of some international company, following important employees on business trips to different countries, but lately she's been going on less trips and shorter ones. Instead, she's trying her hand at teaching at a language centre. 

Roommates Wanted: Yes please
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Looking for a roommate for her now... Unless there's an apartment free? Is there anyone in 5? @Snowflower
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Name: Marcus Howler

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance (description or faceclaim):


Personality (5+ virtues, 3+ vices) :

Fit(working out)

Up beat

Hard worker




Makes excuses

Forgets easily

Likes (3+):

Dislikes (3+):

Job: Personal Trainer at Planet Fitness

Apt #: 1 Roommate of Aspen

History: Nothing really to tell. Marcus got a job at of, and needed a place to live. So he saw that Aspen was looking for roommates, and asked her to room.
Um, I actually took it down and wrote a different one because it seemed like you were busy and I'm... Impatient, I guess? Overeager, maybe? It was rude of me not to wait for you, I'm really sorry. 

well ok just wait next time.
YeH but there off line. I guess I will just wait to post. I just wanted to get the rp going lol.

YeH but there off line. I guess I will just wait to post. I just wanted to get the rp going lol.

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