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Fantasy Nefarious world [Casual][IC]


The evil one
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[COLOR= rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.701961)]Do you inhabit the darkness under a child's bed? Do you give humans a reason to fear the night? Are you a villain seeking vengeance and horror upon those who have wronged you? Then you have come to the right place. Our kind is not accepted by the society we reside in, so we need a place that we can call our own, that will allow us to prosper and become a larger presence in this world. Those of you who are dark creatures that crawl in the shadows, or those that cause mayhem during the day, we must come together, and unite as a greater evil. Alone, we are but 'creepy crawlies' that go bump in the night, but together, we are the world's worst nightmare come alive.[/COLOR]

We are "Nefarious"




A place where people are unfamiliar with magic, although it exists simply hidden. People in this world wouldn't believe the supernatural if it hit them in the face. They live their lives stuck to their phones, people do not care for each other. Fantasy is just a genre and villains and heroes is just a play. Yet to experience the need for either nor has either made an impact in their lives. They are familiar with evil, evil in their world is simply currupt ones in power, ignorance, etc. Yet, they seem to know one magic that most worlds do not, love. Hmph, who needs love when you have power? 

What these puny mortals will never realize that the center of evil is gathering is right under their noses.

No one can save them now.

In a subburb somewhere in the east U.S.


-Nefarious: In modern days it is called a 'gothic mansion.' located in the most boring and normal of subburbian areas, sticking out like a sore thumb.  where the neighbors dress the same and unsufferable greetings of each other every morning. The castle itself has many places and many mysteries. Two doors open to mysterious places, and those are never the same. It is a living thing and only one person has managed to tame the castle, that is its owner, by contract the house the house will hear the owners requests but by nature is rebelious. About 4 stories,  the front half of the castle is what appears to  be modern with well furnished kitchen up to date and a modern appearance if one where to simply glance in. However, if one where to go farther inside they will see it is totally different, as if straight out of the gothic era, there are fancy carpets with dragon designs and the wood and furniture a sinister taste of red and black. There is no modern lighting a candle must be used.

The castle appears to be located in the modern world but its doors open up to various dimensions when the castle itself chooses too. 

The neighbors are the roberts a couple of around 27, and the morrisons who are around 55 of age. Further information has not been uncovered in my watchings, but i suspect they have summoned demons before. As, this creature in the morning i wake up to find has left his dark mark on my lawn. They are not what they seem. note.


[Added according to the characters]

[Wicked ~ Emerald City to be Added]

Fantasy Worlds: [A world that is full of wonder to be added]

[Zan ~ The Land Called Rai - Unable to access]

Dream worlds: [Mirror world - undisclosed - Hard access]

[Shadow world/creatures - crosses every dimension - to be revealed]


Every 3 days it will move from morning to afternoon to night. If the rp is going really fast i might unexpectedly change the time up. You can view the time of day and weather here.

October 13th

TIME OF DAY: Evening

WEATHER: Dark, partly cloudy

Season: Fall


Magic constraints: [To be added] in each world characters that gather the elements around them or depend on magic channels will probably find themselves depleted in a world with little magic. Although magic hides in places, if you channel nature your magic might still be strong. If your magic comes from yourself than you are the same. Most of you don't have to worry about this though!

Known Lore: [N/A]


If you recieved a letter than a door opened up for you, either you had the option to go in our you where dragged. Some have been lost and found themselves here in the real world, and only the call of evil brings them together. Others have always lived her, and are from elsewhere. 

Castle/ How they work/ only two open at a time/ Fantasy lands will be unlocked soon/ 

The world is full of us, worlds of grand fantasy and others with naught. Yet, the strange castle nefarious seems to be able to touch all. And an even stranger resident.


Current Events: All who are invited, and all that have heard the castles call are at the castle already or are arriving. Hurry you have until tonight...



  • No god modding
  • No playing others character
  • No text speak.
  • Casual, NOT simple rp. Make a response that is well enough for someone else to respond well. There is no max so write as much as you wish, do know that the barest minimum is 2 and a half lines, as long as the other person can get enough information to post something grand. any less and you will be killed :D  
  • Cussing needs to be put in stars
  • All general rules for rp's, stated by rpnation. 
  • Respect. Except towards the victims, we are villains are we not?
  • Pg 14 everyone
  • Note that the story moves with you with some push from me, flow with each other and we will have smooth sailing ;)
  • All other rules not stated are common sense and will be added as we go! 
  • Have fun!

  • Spoiler

    Those wanting to play Good characters pm me. Or tag me in the ooc to discuss things.

  • -When posting: Be sure to add-




so we always know where you are at, if these don't make sense look at what i do with my posts, eventually the more we use these the more we will get accustomed to it. 

Any questions please refer to the OOC! You may start on the castles large courtyards, already arrived, or on your way, just be sure to get there by midnight.. 

Let the fun begin.
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Evil ones

You find a letter fly towards you, wherever you are or how difficult you are to reach. It is very difficult to decipher how this came into your reach. Once the letter is opened, specialized to you in particular, a warm invitation with the wishes you desire. A door appears out of nowhere and invites you in. Some are not as lucky, forced into this world as theirs was torn apart. 

An invitation attracted to evil, and seeing that in you it calls you over.

Others, not receiving the letter did not need it, for they felt the castles energy calling towards them. The evil that gathered will create disruption in the worlds patterns. 




Status: Wonder

Location: Upper staircase near the window of nefarious castle

With: Alone

Zan waited at the top of the staircase near the window, leaning on to the cool glass. The window pane was surrounded by velvet, something she felt fond of, reaching her hand to touch the glass as she stared out the window into the cool evening. She could see the leaves withering, people walking around with jackets. She felt an odd sort of excitement, an ecstacy inside of her. The sides of her lips curled up in a slight devilish grin. "They should be here shortly," she whispered to herself coarsely. Truly, her eyes where set on what was beyond the grounds. The gates. Zan was not the type to really show her emotions unless it was in short spurts, or intentional shows. She arose from her seat in the window seal and decided she would not keep her guests waiting. She was also a shy person although she would never admit it, going to the window to avoid speaking to the people already there. Not really in the mood, she did what she wanted when she wanted. She was the owner of this strange castle, which at times one could hear breath if they listened carefully. She went down the mideval steps towards the modern day kitchen. Her hands lingered on the walls as she passed reminiscing the past, of how she had gotten here to what was soon to happen. Soon, these stupid mortals will be put in there place, and a place for those of us unwanted, evildoers, will start. Here. Eagerly, she wondered what would happen, what could they accomplish and what magnificent terror? 
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[i can't hide peoples posts because this is not a hosted project.. i'm trying to speak to a mod to help me move this all into one without deleting peoples posts @marorda]

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