• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Nefarious (OOC)


The evil one
The ooc for those villains and aspiring villains out there, soon we will be set for the beginning of our come back but for now here is a place to speak to each other and plot the worlds demise <3 wish you all the best! 

Feel free to ask questions here.

Also, don't feel tied up with having to have a letter and be invited. Some people just exist in the world and aren't at the castle. your character will still have a vital place in the RP. Creative minds are welcome! 

If you are having trouble with anything let me know! 

Other places: 
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Are you fine with a henchman that travels with the group rather than an outright villain? I think it'd be funnier to be a henchman dealing with some of the more mundane things in an evil way.
I'm a master of any role, be prepared for henchmen, supervillains, superheroes, whatever this RP needs I shall at least make one!
My dear, you have no idea how cheeky I can be. ;)

My dear, you have no idea how cheeky I can be. ;)

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@Forehead Haha sorry for the late response, this roleplay is about Villains and evil as the main characters, they are forming an organization that's base is in a world with little magic. There will be many adventures to come, but for now we are coming together and meeting fellow evil doers and walkers of the night such as ourselves. Mayhem will follow.

Casual/fantasy/adventure/some comedy 

That is the simplest and lowkey version i can make, its really a storyline that runs with the characters. Its more intricate than it seems. If you want more information i will link you to the interest check :P  I will post the IC very soon! Just need to find the right pics. 

Everything will be open around october 1st ;)  
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@RatFlail Hey rat! I was wondering which evil queen you where working for? Do you mean my evil queen? Its probably a blonde question because you said you wanted to create a henchman for the castle xD  but still just wanted to make sure.  
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Everyone, i am going to be migrating the rp section to a host project, i will leave the character sheet as is so nobody needs to move anything, and the ooc will be continued to the host project as well once that has been finished. Sorry for the inconvenience everyone, i decided this because i cannot hide posts or edit them and manage like i should be able to unless i have it in a host project. I was not aware of this until i spoke with a moderator a few hours ago. Until then i recommend not posting till the host project is complete, unless you want to move it to the host project later which i will finish tomorrow. That is up to you. xD  
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I already have a character in mind. He's a blind dude with some very dark (Shadow~) magic :)
@RatFlail Hey rat! I was wondering which evil queen you where working for? Do you mean my evil queen? Its probably a blonde question because you said you wanted to create a henchman for the castle xD  but still just wanted to make sure.  

The Queen of the Castle, of course. :D

Or whoever posted the CronyList job ad.

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