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Fantasy Nefarious [Character Sheet]


The evil one

Character sheets for nefarious

[Adjust your sheet to how you see fit!]





Location: [Original world (only put location and or type of dimension fantasy/dream/real if you want to be vague]

Personality: (can be simple such as a list arrogant, lovely, or in paragraphs, may condense personality and story if you wish.)

Story: (tell us about this character. You can develop and add to this as we go. Does not need to be long, want a mystery? Pm me.)

Appearance: (Do you have a large nose with a wart? Freckles, how about horns?)


You may add as much as you want to this character sheet, powers, Race, theme song, weapon, where they live (Country, dimensions, limit will be condensing dimensions based on everyones character sheets) ect. 









Other (dark creature that does not care for the glory of villain-hood for example.)

 Speak to me if it is based off of another character that exists, we can discuss it! Create the character you have been dying to create, and have fun! 

Since the IC isn't created i will inform you that you if you don't exist in the real world/modern world already you have made it by three ways. One, your dimension was taken over by a blackhole and you found yourself here. (If your character is based off of one you already made

and is from a place someone else created i might suck your dimension in a black hole.) 


 two, your world has ties to our world and therefore you where able to travel between them. This is possible if you or someone else has a magic tool or your own ability to travel between worlds, or there is some sort of gate that allows you to travel dimensions.


when you recieve the letter either you where sucked into this world or a door opened near you leading into the castle where an evil one presides. 


There will be a letter personified to each of you based on your characters!

Any questions please refer to the OOC.


Basic Character Sheet Rules:

All basic rping rules, including

No godmodding

no incoherrent texts

When cussing please use stars
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Refer to my character as an example character: 

Name: Zan "An evil Queen." 

Age: 200

Role: Villain/Owner of the Nefarious castle 

"Please, call me the evil one, what? Why are you rolling your eyes?!"

Personality: Sneaky-  Lazy - silent observer - Enjoys 'gold fish' or as she calls them 'petrified fish.' - Manipulative - reasonable - 'passionate' - arrogant - conceited/vain -

She enjoys this wordly culture called.. "snacking'

Location: Original location unknown, currently in the modern world of Earth. 

Race: Unknown


"Almost lost in this worlds cultures, in its conformities and constant norms i began to forget myself, my purpose... "

She was in the midst of a great battle when her powers tore the reality before her, she found herself in space itself, a torn reality stars everywhere. until something called her. She in an attempt to grasp reality awoke in the yard of some castle. Around her she saw that the stars surrounded the land like an orb, she was trapped in some dimension and the only place that was touchable and seeable without leading her to her doom was the castle before her. She stepped forward as the worlds dimensions fluxed in the nights skys. The castle moaned and it seemed to be alive as if it had its own soul. The castle had answered her call and had anticipated this moment, it wished to form a contract with her after observing her for long. She felt affection for this castle, it was like her in power and in likeness. Together their powers made the bounds stronger, the castle appeared as a celestial spirit, its body pure white as if eminating from the ground. She was in a pure white room and on the floor their was a circle with more circles. It was confusing, she believed it was meant to be some ritual. 

The house spirit reached its hand out for her and she reached back, desperate to go home, desperate for something more. The contract was formed..

For a few days the castle itself seemed to be crazily going forth passing through several different worlds when the castle settled on the world known as Earth, the modern world. 

At first she was distressed. Attempting to view other dimensions than this one, alas for some reason she could never return to her own. She was stuck in this strange world. Depressed she did not even try to explore. Not even to mention that her powers where affective mostly towards powerful creatures, however these puny humans in their powerlessness where strong against her. She could seal, but what is their to seal in the powerless? 

For the first few years she was utterly distressed, unable to l eave her castle and watched from the window as the humans passed by.

Friendly neighbors, bah. devils really. One day they caught her interest, when she glanced outside she saw monsters, monsters everywhere! The first time she exited her house, she walked among the tiny monsters, it made her feel an evil warmth inside. She gladly gave them magical trinkets from her house, even admiring the handy work they did decorating her house with white ghostly streams.

She only ever left her house 4 times to enter the world the castle seemed to enjoy, other times she would enter other worlds once in a while. That is how she found Rose, deciding to take her in. Someone like her who felt their world was not theirs, in her loneliness she took her in and has seen her as a daughter of sorts, no really! However, Nefariouses owner found some some benefits happened suddenly my house looked like it wasn't covered in dirt and webs! My beautiful mountain of laundry vanished! I did not even know this was possible! She would continously yell at me, strange things really. 

Smells nice?

I should stop being a 'bum' whatever that is, do something productive? hmm...

Huh, i should make 'friends'? hmm...

 'Dear evil ones...'

Appearance: Long tight wavy black hair, a velvet mideval dress, elf like ears, and a floral crown. Her eyes are purple and magnificent. Sharp nails. 

Powers: Master sealer, space [to be explained in RP]
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Lethora, A representation of a common character, The Wicked Witch


Age is out of the question


Wicked Villain Darling


I am very Wicked, and can come off as a bitch sometimes, oh well.


When I was born, it was in royalty in a magical kingdom ruled by my mother, she called it "Wonderland". My mother apparently couldn't accept me into her kingdom because of the perfect image of my sister who I won't talk about. So she sent me away, far, far away, to a place I and a lot of people call "The Real World. I was raised by a poor man who was outrageously rude, and mean. I did all his chores and handy work. Until I started to know the true force behind my powers. When I figured out I had powers I practiced and practiced. I felt so powerful, so I decided its time for myself to get a new life style. I went to that poor man, and turned him into a bug, just to squish him right after. When I realized I could do that and more, I felt truely wicked. After I did this I grabbed the only thing that was with me when I arrived, my pendant, and my spell book where I have wrote everything I have learned myself. I noticed my skin started to look green, I looked in the mirror and noticed I was green, my whole body was and this was because I was facing my true form. I kinda liked it though. I then waved my hand and changed my clothes into what you see below, and realized if i'm gonna get what I want I need to take it. So I teleported to a for sale lot somewhere near the country sides of New York. I called to purchase the lot, and once I did that is where I built my estate, in which I call Oz. It's a beautiful house with emerald green walls, and vintage furnishing, with 4 bedrooms, and 3 bathrooms, and even a study. I then made it perfectly clear who the ruler of my life was now. I noticed that it was only when I was feeling truely wicked is when i was green, so I looked like everyone else which is a good thing. I conjured a curse to try and send across all dimensions (Except the real world) to let everyone know who I am, and to fear me! If it has worked it is unknown. I am no force to recon with. At this point I realized I needed to start getting where I need to be and that's going to take some money. Long story short here is where I established my multi billion dollar fashion and lifestyle company, "The Emerald City". I own a skyscraper which has a emerald glare, hence the name if you was asking. My home away from home. I can teleport back and forth whenever I want but only between my Oz and My Office.

Green Wicked Appearance

(Red Hair, Green Skin, Black Fedora like Hat, Dress Seen Below, My Green/Emerald Pendant, Black Fur Shaw (Acts as sorta a collar), and Black Heels.


Real World Appearance

(Green knee length dress, black over coat, black gloves and fedora, and Black Heeled Boots)


Oz (Home) With Interior Sneek Peek


My Building (Office)


My Office (Sorta What It Looks Like)

At the top floor, there is a hallway with a reception desk and to the right and left of the desk is a set of double green wooden doors, you walk in a big open room with one whole wall of Windows, walls are green, there is a small wooden, vintage meeting table, and a little lounge area complete with book cases, in the middle but back of the room is my big wooden desk, with a gold EC emblem on the front with 2 chairs in front.

Need To Know

As for my magic abilities are limited because I do not know the full scale of my powers but what I know of now is I can conjure fire in my hand to throw, I can shape shift, and I detect magical energy, along with turning others into things but this is limited, I'm also can make poisonous potions, healing potions, and more I would just need to learn them from my spell books, and no water has no affect on me if you was wondering. When I teleport, a small, green, human sized, twister appears and then poof its gone and i'm gone. I get what I want when I want, I don't care for friends, and definitely not lovers.


Well that will be tough for you to figure out won't it.
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Name: Mr. Boogey.


Age: As old as fear itself.


Role: Villain. Very villain.


Personality: Mr. Boogey's demeanor is a mixture of nonchalance, sadism, and humor usually reserved for the most charming of psychopaths. Unfortunately, most are uncomfortable around him for anything more than a few minutes. He's got the psychopath part down-pat though.


Story: When the first beings knew the universal emotion that would come to be known as "fear", he was born. He was born from the raw, primal certainty of billions of minds thinking the same thought: "Something is out there, and it's coming to get me!" From a power still not fully known, he was brought into existence. At first, he was without form, a being who took on the shape of it's victims' fear, and it was happy. But as they grew, so did it as well. Their fears grew more complex and intelligent, causing it to attain intelligence by necessity. But it was too much, and it's forms failed as their fears left the physical and entered the abstract. But it would be some time before it discovered that it had not become obsolete, but was merely hunting the wrong prey.

Children were it's prey. Their fears were grounded, solid. Children didn't fear unemployment and interest rates, children feared creaks under the bed, having to turn off lights at the end of long hallways, and movement in the darkness. He had lost his knack for forms, but with prey this easy to read, he didn't need them. But the children, they're growing too. Less and less believe in him, and if no one believes in him...does he even exist? He needs to do something, something big. Something that will make them all fear the dark.








Natural Weapons

His teeth and claws are extremely sharp and durable. In fact, he's not sure they can be broken.

Monstrous Senses

His eyes can always see, no matter how poor the lighting, and his nose has become finely tuned for tracking the pheromone cocktail of sweat and adrenaline that is the stench of fear.

Hunter's Physique

He is incredibly strong, tearing through car roofs and oaken doors with ease. He is also very agile, jumping and climbing onto and off of most surfaces without strain. He is remarkably tough and is capable of recovering from almost any wound, given enough time.

Spectral Form

He can enter and exit a state of vaporousness at will, allowing him to pass any obstacle that isn't airtight. However, physical interaction is limited to blowing on things.

Vocal Mimicry

Any voice he has heard through any means can be imitated perfectly.

Links Between Worlds

He is capable of teleporting through a nexus of closets and the undersides of beds.




Starlight, and anything near it, weakens him and prevents him from entering his spectral form. Being struck by starlight while in his spectral form can mortally wound him.

Child's Laughter

The laughter of a child who once feared him can render him unconscious.

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*crackles fingers* alright time for gm mode. 

@The Wicked Witch Alright, first, i will allow you to represent the idea of the wicked witch but she can't be the wicked witch, i don't want people getting ideas that this is a fandom rp. As long as the majority of people in the rp are ok with this and don't pm me complaints (you may not make complaints in here or i will break you), (2/3) alright... 

One: Change the lair, pick something that has nothing to do with wicked known on any t.v. show or anything related to the known wicked, why? We would have to incorporate it and that would insinuate things that have happened with the existing wicked will be in the plot, that will be inferenced, i don't want this. No existing inferences to details that exist, make up your own when you rp and make it unique.

two: Since you have represented a character from a world that exists in already created lore that world may be subjected to black holing later on in the rp as warned below the character sheet, if you are not ok with this than you would need to make a different character or make a similar character in a different world.

Three: The magic powers i did not see before, these are very op, she can't be able to use every type of magic, and if she does she wouldn't be able to master any of them. I know it is difficult to state a magicians powers that aren't one way and explain what she can do, since they learn different types such as transfiguration and mostly from a spell book. You can say that 

and dimensional powers are to be limited to everyone unless they are a powerful fae or are the castle of the nefariouses owner. Since she has been touched by a wonderland-like world and has connections to the real world (her ability to access the realworld has to do with both worlds connections to the dream world which will be explained when i create a certain character and post the IC which will be soon, sorry for the delay everyone) so basicly she can access about 3 dimensions, oz, wonderland-like, and the realworld, however it is unlikely that she would be aware of others. And if she is she doesn't have the magic to access them. 

Once all this is done you will be accepted. 

Keep in mind weaknesses and limitations for your character when you rp, you don't have to put them in the character sheet as long as you keep them in mind. 


Buckteeth, i will get to you soon! I need to post example characters first than finish the IC!
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Name: Gan Fengchi 

Age: 57

Role: Henchman (former villain)

Personality: Quiet and calm. He prefers to spend time gardening and training to socializing. However, he gets rambunctious if he's been drinking rice wine. While he is an excellent #2 and has a wealth of experience to provide, he prefers more low-stress roles so that he can enjoy the time that he has left.

Story: Gan spent his youth training in Hua Quan, a martial art that influenced Shaolin Kung Fu. When his teacher died, he ran out of money and joined a bandit tribe on the steppes of Mongolia/Northern China, taking on the name of the founder of Hua Quan to protect his family. His skills prepared him to become the Bandit King of Xinjiang, a regional villain that terrorized the countryside.


At 55, he had a heart attack, so he retired from the mastermind role to focus on his health. He spirited his money out of China so that he could retire somewhere with a better healthcare system.


Initially, he enjoyed his retirement, but the boredom began to wear on him. He took a job as a henchman so that he could exercise his villainous tendencies without the stress of planning his own crimes. His primary role is groundskeeper for the Dark Queen, but he also accompanies her during criminal activities and provides advice when asked.


Appearance: An older Chinese gentleman with a short, flat face and portly figure. His hair is kept short, but he has a long white beard. While he looks overweight and frail, he is actually quite strong and agile. Years of training have given him a grace that comes from careful body control. Dresses conservatively in a suit without a tie, even while gardening. Somehow, he always remains immaculately groomed.

Fighting Style: The Hua Quan that Gan practices is based on alternating the rhythm of movement to unnerve the opponent. Often a practitioner will stay so perfectly still that he appears to be a painting, and then strike an opponent in a split second. Along with this style, Gan has acquired several other skills including: wall and treetop walking, jumping vast distances, resistance to poisons and corruptions of all types, and keen eyesight. His preferred weapons are twin dao.

Name: Rose

Age: 16

Role: former villain/redemption/neutral

A friend of the Zan.

Personality: Petty, impulsive, sassy, jealous, OCD, outgoing

Originally from "the mirror world"

Story: I am a dream walker, or a person from the mirror world. 1 in 100 people see their dream selves, 1 of 100 of those people have spoken to their dream selves, and even less have ever been in their dream world. Long story short i was caged in my dream world, i was the queen yet i was locked in chains. Then, i feel this power and drag that stupid girl into my lair. I locked her up and forced her to fight a match with someone who loved her, unfortunately they escaped. I tried finding them to no avail. I figured out how to go into the girls world, my reality walkers world, so i possessed her body for a few weeks, I ruined her life, i set her school bathroom on fire and made her out to be a bad person. I had gotten my revenge and when i was dragged back into my world, and she returned to hers i felt ... little satisfaction. Because although i ruined her world, and was in her body causing all the mayhem i pleased. Ruining her life and enjoying it for her so she could watch me tear apart those around her. it did not truly feel like my body. I didn't feel satisfaction, i had gotten my revenge yet...

Soon after i was returned to the mirror world i met a woman, she seemed that she was part of my world but yet i had never seen her. We became friends and she offered to allow me into her castle. 

She gave me the ability to exist in the world, she called her castle the nefarious castle. Her caste allowed me to have solid form and my own body only around the castle grounds. Ever since that day 1 year ago i have been studying magic and reading as many books as i can in order to figure out a way to make myself whole. She wont tell me. 

Although i am caged in a way like before i don't mind, because she doesn't leave the castle often.

I enjoy yelling at her to get a life, and i think she is grateful in a way i am their otherwise.. 

"Do i look like your maid? I am my own perso- ok."

"Clean it yourself you lazy bum.. Nothing!"

"How can you live in this dump!" 

"Get some friends will you? Old hag,"

Appearance: Very light blonde hair, her skin looks like a porcelain dolls, but now that she is in the reality world her skin looks more realistic and a bit more human. Her eyes are now hazel they used to appear as the galaxy. She still wears a white dress that feels like a toga. [picture to be added] 

Powers: None known yet, she can shape shift into a few different things. As long as she is in the castle she can't be killed through physical assault, only if the evil one who she lives with is killed will and the castle destroyed will she be stuck in the mirror world forever. Which is why she desperately tries to learn how to become human.. 

Theme song: 
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Name: Theo Redhill

Age: Looks 18, though no one really knows

Role: 'Hero'

Personality: Cold and somewhat vacant. Is often tempted to do bad things but because of the urge he feels to always do the right thing, he doesn't take action. 

Story: Theo grew up with a mother who had many mental illnesses. He often had to skip school to take care of her. However, they were poor so they couldn't afford medication for her. His father worked late and because of his stress and frustrations about his poorly paid job, he was physically and verbally abusive towards him. From the start, Theo knew he was different from the other boys. He was the only one who could make the shadows do what he wanted. The other kids were terrified of him so he was often alone. On one occasion he had gone to school, but when he came back he found his mother dead on the floor with his father standing over her body- a kitchen knife in one hand. In a blind panic, Theo sent shadows hurtling towards his father but missed because his father dodged the attack. Turning to run, he didn't think twice about the mysterious door that had appeared from nowhere. As he stepped inside, it closed behind him and he was left- lost.


Powers: Shadow manipulation/ still exploring his powers
Ah! That is my bad, if you are a hero you shouldn't of been dragged by the door and given a letter, maybe it was meant for your dad and you accidently recieved it? If you are a villain than.. sorry hero, maybe you can use this opportunity to explore and spy on the villains? Although, some may notice that you are not evil, yet you are, so that part of him will make it difficult to discover? Hmm, the hidden darkness, his powers, the shadow creatures would love him. His powers reside in darkness but there is a light in him. That is why the door called him, the castle is playing tricks with the evil ones ;) When you post be sure to decide who discovered you, The owner or the castle. 

hmm, I feel like i'm missing something.. So he is not a hero yet? He is from the real world? But he will be a hero in the future? 

Although the sad background could be mary sueish in some instances where it not for the circumstances, yet it is not for it does explain how he recieved his current powers. Did he have friends? What did they think of his life? Reserved and in darkness, was he unwilling to share this? No wonder, with that kind of background, he became cold :o  ( You don't have to add more to your character sheet, i just want you to reflect about these things before you rp ;)  ) 

Sorry most of that is commentary hehehe, i like to talk about peoples character with them so i can mesh it into the world. That and i am naturally fascinated with everyone's characters :D  

Yes, the door was meant for his father but Theo accidentally received it- his father was chosen by the castle. There is though, a certain amount of evil in Theo too because what I forgot to mention was that at certain phases of the moon, he cannot control the evil that bursts out of him. Though he doesn't know himself why it happens, it is to do with his father's shadow that hit him in the chest and entered his heart- cursing him with his evilness. While he is on his evil spree, his father is able to manipulate his actions because some of his shadows lives in his son. He is a hero when he isn't his father.

He got his powers by simply inheriting them from his father whose entire side of family had been able to manipulate shadows. The family tree of his father traces back to a long way so it is unclear of how they got them in the first place. It is rumored that one of the family sisters ate a strange, unique and powerful fruit while she was out looking for mushrooms. Or that one of the older brothers won a bet against a gypsy who granted them the special ability as a reward. No one really knows.

He hardly had any friends because he thought he didn't deserve any. Besides, he wasn't in school half of the time so it was exceptionally difficult to get close to anyone to form any sort of friendship. The people who were around him when he did actually go to school thought he was very distant and always lost in his thoughts. Though they wanted to be brave enough to talk to him, one kid saw Theo with lots of shadows around him and got scared. No one believed what the kid saw but it didn't make Theo any less unapproachable. 

Originally, the father's side of the family lived in another dimension. However, because of certain things that happened in that dimension, they had to move. So they ended up in the real world (though this was ages ago, long before Theo and his father was born.)

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Name: Solen, The Blind Assassin/Master of Shadows

Age: Looks young, is much older. But how old? Those who might have known are... well... you know.

Role: Villain

Location: Where Nightmares are born

Personality: Cold, Distant, Quiet, Relentless, Merciless

Story: Blind since birth, but not unseeing. Solen sees the outlines of his surroundings through auras. At a young age, he discovered his affinity with shadow-magic. He learned more and more, teaching himself how to control the darkness and make it do his bidding. When people discovered this, they shunned him. Solen didn't know what he was doing wrong, just that the world was treating him as a villain due to his differences. And what would a person do then? They decide to live up to others' expectations. If the world wishes to see him as a villain, then so be it. Once he came to peace with this idea, he did not hold back on the darkness in his soul and unleashed it upon others in all its fury. Starting with the ones to have wronged him, Solen turned into a merciless, cold blooded killer. With the Shadows under his control, he tormented people, preferring to kill slowly and make people suffer.

Appearance: Clouded eyes, black hair but with white bangs. Solen is a fairly pale man

 your father recieved the letter but do know the castle doesn't make mistakes despite accidents ;) . <---north

@marorda He is accepted! I think i'm going to have norths and yours ancestral origin dimension and his powers dimension be the same. Both of you i will inform you that the shadows are a long time entity that are alone in their uniquness of touching every world. They have a place of origin though. A planet that has been swallowed in shadows... Some dragons the only living beings that exist there not related to the shadows and a hidden village of few people who don't know the shadows exist. Monsters surround the darkness, like a nightmare with one light that hides in this strange dimension. 

Shadows spread their darkness.
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Name:thereus Grant

Age: 17

Race: Half-Human

Gender: Male

Role: Villain/Evil

Location: Gaia/Hell

Personality: He acts like an average teenager, like being around other villains is just a normal thing. He seems detached at times but that's because he bottles his emotions. He's nice at heart but he feels Like there's no hope for himself in being good. (He is also extremely loyal)

Story: He was born in Gaia; a matriarch world where woman rule over men and woman even have powers to maintain their dominance, Lucius showed signs of telekinesis and was arrested and tortured as they wanted to know how he obtained this ability. After a couple of days his 16th birthday came and he woke up and found himself in a New room with a strange man with large horns. The man turned out to be the devil (and his father!) he had taken him to hell to be raised as a Prince. When Satan held out a hand to awaken Lucius' powers, Lucius gladly took his hand and took in the darkness. When he got his invitation to the mansion a year later he accepted at his father's insistence that it would be a great test.

Appearance: He has short dark brown hair and bright blue eyes, he's slightly taller than average standing at 5"9'. When he uses his demonic powers he tends to start looking more demonic. His eyes turn blood red. he'll grow horns, etc.

Powers: Being the son of the devil grants him many abilities

Telekinesis: He can move things with his mind. Moving people is harder because if their will is stronger then he can't move them

Pure Darkness: The energy he uses is made from the evil energy from within his soul

Demonic Body: He has enhanced strength and reflexes, it's also hard for him to be controlled through possession, mind control and other means. Although hard to do it's still possible

Summoning: He can call forth demons from hell.....although he still needs to learn how to do this.

Hell portal: He can create a portal to any world he's been to before, and he can only travel to specific places in that world. Example: Hell-his room in his father's castle

The "real world"-the mansion

Gaia-his old labor camp.

Extra: His father is aware of other world's since hell is connected to almost every world in one way or another. However Lucius only has suspicions because his father keeps it from him

(He is a good person at heart but he allows himself to be drowned in darkness. If the right person came along they might be able to convince him to switch sides, although Lucius would never follow that path on his own)

alright, sounds good. Just when we speak of hell we are going to have to create it as its own entity, because in other worlds there is a race to see who can be the Evil God. So we can consider this hell part of a dimension of sorts, but not the dominate underlying evil for all dimensions. It is its own place, a condemned place where people are limited to set rules. But not necessarily the same as the hell we know, does that make sense? There might be a hell hell, but if we are going to have a solid grounding of it it needs to be similar but different place, not protected by 'divinity' in fullness. Poor guy, he is about to encounter several other powerful females xD  

Rose will have fun with him. >:) 

Accepted @Shnuydude
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