Need help making a map.


now i know how joan of arc felt
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Hello, I'm going to start up an RP where we will be traveling from ground to the sky and I need a map to do so. I would like to have a ground kingdom and a sky kingdom map before the RP starts. If anyone is willing to help then I would be plenty grateful


My best advise is to make it yourself, that way you'll know exactly what goes where.

There's a program out there called, which is basically a more primitive, easier to use photoshop. For a basic map, all you need is a couple of layers, the brush tool to outline where land meets sea, and use different colours to paint over mountains, rivers and the like.

I suggest you use red to mark country borders, yellow for roads, light blue for rivers, dark green for forests and brown for mountains. The darker the brown, the taller it gets.

As for how to use the layer system, I recommend a three-layer layout. The top for land outlines, the middle for roads, country borders and rivers, and the bottom to paint over flat land, forests and mountain regions.
Inkarnate. It's a very easy and free program -- I've mad the map for my RP with it!
I always look up maps in Google Images and edit it if necessary ^.^

I'm pretty good at finding maps matching the role play I have in mind.

Maps I edited & borrowed:




The first map is for my God RP. All I did was edit the title.

The second map was for a haunted mansion RP. I just changed the coloring in PhotoBucket.

The last map I didn't even tweak it. It fit perfectly for a free-for-all battle RP.
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