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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

You know what i just noticed =u=

Having Aki and Burrito in one place, may just blow up in my face

Heh heh hehhhhh good job fluffy....
CarpeNoctem1213 said:
Just greeting the newbie, nothing sinister here. *flicks tail again*


I'm gonna make a character at some point, any classes we lacking right now by the way? Mages? Is our front line weak?
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]You know what i just noticed =u=
Having Aki and Burrito in one place, may just blow up in my face

Heh heh hehhhhh good job fluffy....

Why ?
Akio said:
I'm gonna make a character at some point, any classes we lacking right now by the way? Mages? Is our front line weak?
Ummm it doesnt really matter :3
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]Not really a strategy rp xD more...adventure

Fluffy, go to the new thread. I tagged you. >.>
also im not going to read all of it cause im not going to go hunting to see which post has info that will be important so if someone would catch me up on the important things that concern the rp please do.
[QUOTE="Mister Veeeee]welp im out this rp, reasons are listed in the reboot's occ. nice knowing ya all. cya

Wait what D:

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