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Fantasy Nations of Anan (OOC)

i assume there are no Varangian roles left? I have in mind an high priestess/witch type character, musical, blunt, outspoken, flirtatious and near unhinged/crazy but with great love for her people and surprisingly amount of wisdom and good sense.
I would like all of the critical roles to be filled before opening up to miscellaneous roles such as servants, guards, and babayagas.
I would like all of the critical roles to be filled before opening up to miscellaneous roles such as servants, guards, and babayagas.
Babayaga disapproves of being called miscellaneous. Almost worth a curse!

Magic I Curse You GIF by Vinnie Camilleri

Still understandable will see if I can do something else
Posted, bio might need some details i will get to later but most of the detail is there. Hope it is ok i gave her a royal heritage though her line was usurped.
I think Gunhilde and Kelda will get along just fiiiiine! Co-conspirators in shenanigans.

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