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Nation Building Nation-States: Empires of Valinor - Additional IC


Meanwhile, Inside the Fortified Palace, The Praustein Generals were going over the layout of the Palace and the City with their Kasrulian counterparts, trying to figure out all ways the Enemies could attack and the best way to counter them and defend the city.

Kaiser Vulkar had one, interesting question for his Kasrulian Counter parts;

"Some cities have extensive sewer networks underneath them, some of them so large a man can fit in them. Do this city have anything similar that an enemy army, or even us, could take advantage of?"


The Marching 6k Praustein Troops, upon seeing the garrisoned Slonian Troops at Aklburg, would turn around and march back to the capital, knowing that an attack with their numbers would be devastating and fruitless.
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A Change of Heart?

No Man's Land, North of the Capital

In the midst of the largest stalemate of a war with no end in sight, a group steps out from the Pruastein Fortifications. The group bears the white banner of truce and from what the Romunkan could tell, numbers no more than 20. The group,, to their surprise began moving into No Man's Land and towards the bridge at its center. From what they can tell, it appears to be some sort of diplomatic party.


10 Jul. 1800

A group of envoys have been sent to confront this odd group that had left towards the center of the bridge. They didn't bear any flags like those of the Praustein contingent, they didn't need to because the other side had declared the ceasefire nor did they have documents with them for any sort of negotiation. They just arrived towards the center of the bridge with ten men and women, weapons pointed to the ground and wanting to know what these men wanted.

"What do you want?" asked a woman. She batted her eyes at the white flag and felt a tremble or twitch on her left eye.
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When everybody in the capital was in place, the signal was given - and six thousand Sloanian troops started to appear from every direction in the city. A large mass was to assaut the more professional Praustein' forces camping around the Palace - while the rest dealt with the militia.

The attack was to happen, at the time, when most of the soldiers were asleep. In addition, several 'Sloanian' militia members, soon went to sabotage any attempts of the Praustein' fighting back.
Definitely Not an Ethnic Cleansing

After numerous failed attempts to discover the Slonian Insurgents hiding amongst Kasrulbougs Slonian population, the leading generals of the Krasulian Campaign feel they have no choice but to round up all of Sonian decent (Anyone who looks like they may be too may I add)and remove them form the city forcing them to stay in camp three miles away form the city. All and any firearms will eb confesicated.This will be orchestrated by 4,000 Kasrulian Militia and 2,500 Praustein soldiers. Any who resist will be assumed to be a Slonian insurgent and will be killed.

The citizens inside this camp will be watched at all times by a guard of 2,500. Slonian soldiers will be urged to surrender to "stop the suffering they have caused upon their brethren. You have forced us to do this by sneaking into kasrul's capital, a free nation who has willingly joined under our banner"


The 1rst Praustein Artillery detachment along with 5,000 of the new Third Army will be moved up to help defend Kasrulbourg. The Third army will leave 2,000 to set up fortifications at the Pass and the rest will join the Village Camp. They will bring fresh supplies such as food, clothing and medicine to the soldiers.(+4,280 soldiers to reinforce winter losses)

The Arty division will set up 15 cannons at the pass, 15 at the Bridge-Crossing Fortifications, put 10 inside the palace and keep 10 at the Village Camp.
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The winter of 1800-1801 was bone-chilling and gripped the northern continent with an icy grasp. By the time Kasrulburgh had dug out of the permanent layer of three feet of snow, nearly 500 militiamen and Prausteinian soldiers had frozen to death, their bodies lying against doorposts and walls as they collapsed of fatigue and allowed the cold to take them in their sleep. The city had already been racked by an epidemic of fever, which claimed the lives of 1,200 Prausteinians and 600 militiamen. The Slonians faired better, being safe from disease and holed up in warm annexes for most of the war, only 140 succumbed to the winter. Now, however, they faced a greater threat as police and soldiers began going door to door, looking for the Slonians in hiding.

Meanwhile, outside the walls, the winter had been especially hard on the encamped armies. 680 Prausteinians in the marshes had succumbed to gangrene and trench foot and were forced to have an amputation. Another 400 had died of malaria before the winter and still 900 had died of exposure.

Casualties were more dramatic in the Rumankan camps, which bore the brunt of the winter on the open, windswept river plain. 1,400 Rumankans froze to death in the winter. Another 450 died of starvation and 350 had succumbed to disease. A mutiny in the ranks was quickly put down, but the ringleaders numbering 20 were forced to be put to the sword. Morale was low on both sides, but especially on the Rumankan side. Rumors of cannibalism were circulating in the camp and supplies were running low. The thawing out, however, allowed a brigade to go to Kalm, where the Kalmites gave the Rumankans enough provisions to keep them from starving and enough firewood to keep back the cold.
As soon as the Reinforcements arrived at Kasrulbourgh, number 4,280 and 3,000 troops form the 3rd, they amass at the northern end of the city. Using the Militia as guide,s they will begin a complete and total sweep of the Capital, rounding up anyone who looks like they may be Slonian or of Slonian decent. They will be moved to the camp set up 2 miles south of the city.

*So a total sweep form top to bottom of the Capital, checking every house, every room, every alley. 10,000 men doing so.
From atop the walls of Alsbourg the Prince Admiral has made preparations to increase the defensibility of the city and, expecting hostility from the Slonians in the north, create defenses that they should not be able to breach. The 'Royal Dukes' of Valais are sliding happily into their role and are a significant help to maintaining good relations in the region, showing the people that Arstotchka are not there to turn Alsbourg into another Arstotchka but merely seek to keep it under their wing. The Royal Dukes have been permitted to reinstate many of the lords that have survived the common purge and have been giving their old land and titles. With any that hold the title Duke answering to the Royal Dukes, much like they did when they were kings. The Totchkians have asked that, during this time of strife, they be given sole command of any military forces to help aid the defense of this land against another commoner uprising. The 1st Royal Infantry have been regimented, with some going to support Vincar Pass and the rest holding in Alsbourg to keep the peace. The Inquisiti have been dispatched and the teachings of Dracos beginning to hold sway. The building that was once used by the commoners to oppress this land was converted to be a regional center for the faith and has a small guard of its own to keep the newly Assigned ArchInquisitos safe as he presides over the affairs of the faith in the region, being a voice of the High-ArchInquisitos back in Arstotchka and the land is being devided into regions for different Inquisiti to preach too as Inquisitosi begin plans for great temples in each town. Prince Valais has decreed that construction of fortifications be made to defend against possible aggression, specifically that from the expansive nation of Slonia to the North east. Meanwhile, back in Arstotchka, King Heinrich II is in the process for creating another unit of soldiers, The 2nd Royal Infantry, with the aims of either supporting Alsbourg or providing releif to the people of Kasrulburg should the hostilities therein not have ceased in the aim of concluding the bloody conflict.
The Fourth Republic of Rumanka

War with Bakallanden

First week... July 2-9


The first infantry marched down from the southern provinces of Donbresch into the plain lands of Bakallanden. For the hours that they've tread they came to realize that these lands seemed rather odd in comparison to Donbresch and Rumanka. For one thing the air was drier, the landscaped looked more brown than green, the grasses seemed to grow no taller than the height of a person's foot and prickly looking shrubs dotted the landscape. No rivers as far as the eye can see. The only source of water seems to be the watering holes that are sprawled around these dry lands. These conditions however pose little to no threat for these men if Field Marshal Jürgen knows what he's doing.

Six days later they arrived at the town of Siauliai. The army came at the town's garrison in waves of a hundred men, pushing through every ten minutes until the garrison gave way and split the force into a thinly spread mosh pit. Through this act they've the other two settlements of Bakallanden and regrouped in Siauliai after the night events.

Second week... July 9-16


Smash and grab. That was the strategy that Jürgen was going for. The First Infantry Army moved out of Siauliai, trekked around the lake where these three settlements are based on and assaulted Tapiua on the second day of this week. These people were crafty, while the Rumankian force were invading the city and taking down their garrisons, some unique militia forces were met at the lake. Fishing boats converted into war machines.

One such boat approached a group of Rumankian soldiers. The soldiers were going around the outskirts of the city to catch up with the rest of the infantry force but one of them stopped to notice the small fleet approaching them and stopping at a distance where they could barely shoot the men from their boats. A 'W' shaped pole was in the center of these vessels and the men attached some bags towards the end of the poles. Two men began to turn a wheel on and the pole slowly began to rotate. The bag flew at an incredible speed towards the general direction of the men. The bag exploded into a cloud of white powder. Two burning arrows were shot into the cloud and boom! The sailors clapped and cheered at the successful strike and idled for more witless idiots to approach the harbor area.

Some superiors noticed the threat that these vessels could pose on their infantry and thus some began to improvise. With what information that these platoons have gathered, they found a way to counter the boats. They sent out some infantry men on improvised rafts to strike these new war machines. The sailors had fire arms but they were handcrafted muskets and crossbows - no match for their fire arms. Thus began the series of naval skirmishes on the lake.

On the Fourth day Torma had been besieged. The garrison there were determined men and women... patriots. Armed with anything that a normal could grab their hands on and make, wearing little to no armor and none having any experience on the field. Despite these flaws they were able keep a thousand soldiers with four hundred militiamen. The hours passed and Torma fell under Rumankian occupation.

Third week... July 16-23


The Field Marshal split his army into four equally sized smaller armies. Jürgen and his force marched south towards the town of Prestzki, Another force is to sweep the western area of the nation and lastly two army groups would sweep the eastern provinces. This third week was nothing more than a long march for the infantry.

The first that had headed east moved quickest from all the other groups the reason being is that they've ate something funny during their time in Torma. The men were energized, restless and couldn't sleep for two days, when they reached the border the effect had stopped and left the men exhausted for four days before they could continue going northwards to establish their presence and have the outlying communities realized what has happened. At the end of the week Jurgen's force and one of the two forces heading east would arrive at the last of Bakallanden's settlements.

Fourth week... July 23-30


Small settlements and agricultural communities were being taken care of. No, no executions or pillaging... Just Roaming around establishing the fact that Bakallanden has fallen into Rumankian occupation pretty much. The armies fighting at Prestzki and Nidritska fought for another two days and both cities fell. The nation's leaders, influential figures and some high ranking members of the nation's society have been gathered up by the military and brought to it's capital. A new governor arrived at the meet and a number of documents have been signed by these people... Thus ending the war.


Fourth Republic of Rumanka - 825 deceased/1114 wounded

Sovereignty of Bakallanden - 4200+ deceased/6000+ wounded

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Aftermath of the war betweeen Bakallanden and Rumanka

Geographical map




A new governor had been installed to maintain the lands for the time being. Miss Stein is still conscious about the promise that she made with her majesty, Queen Grace and knows that she will have to give Bakallanden to the Kingdom of Slonia. The Head of state will keep Bakallanden until Slonia has fullfilled their part of the deal.

The nation began to slowly recover from the war. The sailor's that had caused them the men trouble around the lake based settlements still had some resistance forces holding out at the lake on an artificial island made completely from rafts, they were to be dealt with either peacefully or through brute force. Envoys had been sent to quell them, it would take a number of weeks until they would accept their defeat and return.

Foreign aid is truly a pain for the logistics of Rumanka. Men and donkeys travelling there and so forth, taking a few weeks or even a month to travel from Rumanka to Bakallandens. The Republic has grown to an extend that they need better transportation. Intellectuals have begun appearing to work in the newly built institute at Rumanka's capital.

The first army is replenishing themselves and recovering from the battle. They can't arrive to assist the second army yet and are caught up with repairs, integration, law enforcement and reorganization of Bakallanden.
Kasrul, Friendly bridge fortifications

1. March 1801

General Orbert Werner sat in the command center alone, leaning back on his chair with one foot on the table, arms dropped in the center of his body and looking up at the ceiling. The legs of his proud green general uniform are stained with dark brown mud stains, old dark sweat stains were present, small bits of dust glittered whenever the sunlight shown at him and his green wool hat had seen better days. The man was thin faced, had shriveled dry pink lips, somewhat sunken eyes and a messy short black beard.

"I..." He cracked dryly inside the empty room.

"I don't think we can win this..." He forced a frown.

"Not like this..." He stopped rocking.

The winter took roughly 2,200 men down with it. Working the land did help to a degree but it wasn't enough. The only god saving grace that had happened was that those troops across the bridge haven't attacked them. Luck would have it that the horsemen from that one settlement had helped them survive long enough to make it through that winter. How can he boost these men's morale if they are barely hanging on by a thread? He can't say things look grim now - He's hopeful while many or not. He's been waiting on reinforcements this entire time and holding up in this blasted river fortification. 'Confound it all' Orbert cursed in his head.

He rose up from his chair and threw his fist down at the table. The bottom of his fist stung but he didn't care, his heart was shrouded with frustration and his mind is experiencing a mix of emotions. He grabbed his forehead and headed for the exit of the command center. Pushing away the wooden door he tread into the bright world of spring. Two soldiers guarding the door noticed him and continued their duty - standing still and keeping watch. Orbert walked away still grabbing his forehead and angrily eyed the distant bridge over yonder.

"Gah...!" He threw his arm down and looked away from the infrastructure as though it were a nasty cesspit.

The general walked onward, hands in the pockets of his pants and angrilly walking with his head staring at the ground. He kept walking for several minutes, not eyeing any of the troops that were outside, patrolling or off elsewhere trying to work the land. He stopped walking when he was at the edge of the fortress and glanced at a rock.

"Should we just leave after all we've done?" He raised his voice at the rock. No answer. He kicked the rock with a fury.

His tired dark brown eyes followed the the rock. The rock landed somewhere in the grass but The scenery seemed off for some reason and the general took his eyes away from the inanimate object. A dust small dust cloud could be seen from a far and a man running and tripping on himself was heading towards him. The man was one of their runners. This man had a full grown beard and mustache, tattered pants, worn boots, his shirt was a mixture of the standard Rumankian uniform and a improvised coat made from small mammals and he stank of sweat.

"General..." He wheezed.

"What is it?" Orbert looked down at the soldier as he collapsed on his knees.

"Field Marshal Jürgen Stein..." He inhaled.

"They're coming!" He said with a big smile.

Orbert Werner's mouth dropped. He looked back at the dust cloud and the tired soldier in front of him.

Jürgen and his infantry arrived around the outskirts of the fortress and spotted the ragged looking General of the second army. Jurgen stepped out of the crowd and approached the man. Orbert's eyes swelled up and he embraced the middle aged man and pressed his forehead against the man's shoulder. Jürgen sympathized with the black haired man, He didn't push him away and instead hugged him back as though he were a scared child. He felt the man's every tremble and could feel his choked up sob.

"Sorry it took us so long." Jürgen grabbed the sobbing general's shoulders.

"I-I knew, ugh... you'd come..." Orbert sniffed and his grip tightened.

Jürgen slowly pushed out of the man's embrace and tapped his head. Orbert looked up and saw Jürgen's gentle smile and composed blue eyes. The general couldn't help but smile back at the blonde old man. Orbert let go of Jürgen and wiped his face with the back of his arm. Jürgen continued his oddly charismatic stance and waited for the black haired young general to regain his composure.

"Let me show you around." Orbert gestured toward the fort.

Jürgen nodded.

Kaiser Vulkar stood on one of the ramparts of the Palace-Fortress. He watched as nearly 7,000 men entered the Capital. 4,280 to reinforce their winter losses, 3,000 to help guard the capital. The winter had taken a toll on his troops, thousands had died and moral was low. But these fresh troops would be sure to improve the mood. The troops looked like nothing more than toy soldiers from his elevated position. Flashes of light caught his eye- the cannons. Even form here he could see. Long bronze barrels reflecting the sunlight brilliantly. He smiled, his newest toys would install fear into the hearts of his enemies.

Soon the Solonian insurgents would be round up forced to surrender. Even now runners were greeting the arriving army, instructing a large portion of them to meet up with the rest of the men at the northern end of the city.

Then all he would have to deal with would be the Romunkans. But they were no threa.t Their mob of untrained and undisciplined soldiers would fall before the might of his men. Their generals likely saw the pointlessness in the war. Perhaps he could convince them to surrender and avoid a further prolonged conflict.


In the midst of the largest stalemate of a war with no end in sight, a group steps out from the Pruastein Fortifications. The group bears the white banner of truce and from what the Romunkan could tell, numbers no more than 20. The group, to their surprise began moving into No Man's Land and towards the bridge at its center. From what they can tell, it appears to be some sort of diplomatic party.


1 Mar. 1801

A group of envoys have been sent to confront this odd group that had left towards the center of the bridge. They didn't bear any flags like those of the Praustein contingent, they didn't need to because the other side had declared the ceasefire nor did they have documents with them for any sort of negotiation. They just arrived towards the center of the bridge with ten men and women, weapons pointed to the ground and wanting to know what these men wanted.

"What do you want?" asked a woman. She batted her eyes at the white flag and felt a tremble or twitch on her left eye.
Kaiser Vulkar emerged from the envoy, distinguishable from the rest of the party by his green jacket with brass buttons and medals.

"I am Kaiser Vulkar, leader of these forces. I request to parlay with the commander of your forces"

1 Mar. 1801

Half an hour had passed.

Jürgen came.

Jürgen looked at Kaiser.


After a day and a half of rounding up Slonians, the police and militia had gotten a staggering 7,980 Slonians or people of Slonian decent. It is unclear, however, how many of these men and women are the insurgents that attacked them before winter (2,800 are your men, Necro). After feeding and watering the prisoners, the soldiers marched them to the old Kalbar Prison in Toneyton, across the bridge. There, they stayed behind armed guard and bars being fed minimally by the prison guards as supplies were still low.
NeoLeaf said:
1 Mar. 1801

Half an hour had passed.

Jürgen came.

Jürgen looked at Kaiser.

Kaiser looked at Jurgen. He furrowed his forehead and his nostrils flared.

YOU! He shouted pointing at Jurgen LEAVE, NOW! He commanded.

The soldiers behind him began wooping and shouting. Some began to pound their chests and jump around in order to intimidate the Romankans and further cement their point.

... For real now

Kaiser Vulkar smiled at Jurgen. His clothing was surprisingly ornate for such a downtrodden nation with such a pitiful army. It was doubtful however that this man was a good commander (Did Romanka even have schools? Kaiser doubted it) or even an experienced diplomat.

Resting his right hand on the hilt of his sword, Kaiser exuted an air of absolute confidence and control. It was clear he considered his army and position to be far above Jurgen's.

"Winter has hit us both hard, I suspect. Thousands on each side have perished, yet no ground has been gained or lost. You and I can both see that this war is quickly turning into a fruitless stalemate. it is for these reasons that I am willing to negotiate some sort f peace between our people."


1 Mar. 1801

"Mmmm..." Jürgen nodded in agreement.

"Slonia started this war, we responded appropriately as their allies and resulted to this." the middle aged blonde man folded his arms and looked down at his dirty boots. His head was in deep thought.

"If we were to leave Kasrul and return our military back to our lands, would you continue the war or would it just end in Kasrul?"

NeoLeaf said:
1 Mar. 1801

"Mmmm..." Jürgen nodded in agreement.

"Slonia started this war, we responded appropriately as their allies and resulted to this." the middle aged blonde man folded his arms and looked down at his dirty boots. His head was in deep thought.

"If we were to leave Kasrul and return our military back to our lands, would you continue the war or would it just end in Kasrul?"

Kaiser nodded, a knowing and cocky smile spreading across his face.

"Indeed. We cannot hold it against you for assisting your allies. It is unfortunate we were on opposing sides of this conflict".

Kaiser pasued for a moment, stroking his short beard with his left hand as he mused over Jurgen's question.

"No" He answered finally. "Our men and resources are already weaning thin, an elongated conflict into the Slonian homeland would be devastating for us despite victory. Besides, we have no aims to hold Slonian lands. They are not our people, we have no ties to them. If you and your nation withdraw from the conflict, we will end our march at the borders of Slonian. We will not march a single foot into their land"

1 Mar. 1801

"Mmm," Jürgen looked up from his feet once more and looked at the ridiculous man.

"And our borders as well?"

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NeoLeaf said:
1 Mar. 1801

"Mmm," Jürgen looked up from his feet once more and looked at the ridiculous man.

"And our borders as well?"

Kaiser nodded. "Of course, that was implied"
Dominion of Ospiel

The Fang, capital fortress of the Dominion of Ospiel, is silent. Soaring spires rise high above the mountain peak, and even the sentinels on the walls, their cloaks billowing in the wind against the ever present cold air, are more somber then usual. The Kell, the regent of the Dominion of Ospiel, had died. At the age of 95, he passed on into the eternal night, and the next morning, his son, Artillus Kell, ascended to the throne. At the age of 18, he is the youngest Kell to ever ascend to the throne, the youngest son of the previous Kell. All his older brothers had been killed during a hunting mission into the western reaches, leaving Artillus the only male descendant. Rising to the task, Artillus takes the mantle of Kell with pride, and so begins his task of leading the Dominion into a new age.

This the kind of thing that is posted in this section?
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The Fourth Republic of Rumanka

Declaration of War


8 Mar. 1802

Drentana, Rumanka

"Madam?" An deep voiced spoke.

"We are taking over Lasalse!" Yenna bellowed.

"Why?" Mr. Themse asked.

Yenna and other officials that she deems as worthy had assembled in the Peoples Assembly of Versai for this announcement. They weren't in a public seating but rather a small number of party members have met in one of her offices. A dozen of old men responded to her summons and all met in a smallish office. The political officials had to stand up while Yenna sat comfortably in her leather chair, tapping her finger against the edge of the desk and glaring at them impatiently.

"Why?" Yenna repeated Mr. Themse's word. She stopped tapping her finger and rose up out of her chair. Her actions drove a number of men to take a step back just in case the woman plan's to execute the man on the spot - can't have blood on your suit now can you? Themse didn't budge an inch instead the man rubbed his left thumb over his right palm and had a curious gaze in his old eyes.

"The Kingdom of Kingdom of Arstotchka is taking land that has nothing to do with them. Making them practice another religion and stuff. I can't have that happening around here!"

"What about our logistic-"

"Shuttup! I already sent Dad out." Yenna cut of a relatively faceless official.

"If we can't have the east then we will take over everything that is west..."

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The Fourth Republic of Rumanka

War with Lasalse


First week... March 21


First Infantry Army led by Field Marshal Jürgen Stein trespassed the borders with his army along with Colonel Reinhart Ritter, commander of the newly formed cavalry force. Ritter's were to head to Saalbach whilst The Infantry force headed for Hallein. The smallish cavalry regiment had arrived to Saalbach at the end of the second day of the week and camped a few kilometers outside the settlement.

Ritter chose to attack the city in broad daylight to display his glorious units towards the straggly loose militia groups that assembled as the town's garrison. The cavalry group had charged the town and defeated the garrison seemingly in a blink of an eye. Small in number they managed to use the horses to their advantage and exploited the militias' inexperience against cavalrymen. For the first victory the men celebrated all night and spent the next couple of days recovering from the battle before heading south.

The First Infantry Army arrived to Hallein on the fifth day and assaulted it's garrison. The settlement wasn't walled and the flat land gave the garrison the sniping advantage for a short while until their numbers simply couldn't handle the wave of experienced troops. Four hours of battle ensued and the town's resistance purged. Hallein is now under Rumankian occupation.

Second week... March 28


Colonel Reinhart and his cavalry regiment had camped 3 km northwest from the area of Feldkirch awaiting the Infantry Army. Due to Colonel's impatience he attacked the town of Feldkirch on the second day of the week and unfortunately for him it didn't go as smoothly as the conflict he had in Saalbach.

For one the militia there were informed about the cavalrymen's presence and had set up measures with dealing with these soldiers. Obstacles of mounted spears, barricades and blockades littered the settlement's streets and alleyways thus making the strike difficult. Not only that, crossbowmen were stationed on the roofs to exploit their high ground advantage. The battles were longer than last time and the casualties were getting ridiculous... The colonel was a very angry man. He won the invasion but at the cost of over seventy men.

Jürgen and his army arrived just as the cavalrymen had left Feldkirch. The First Army took rest in Feldkirch awhile the Reinhart and his regiment rose of to Klosterneuburg.

Both armies have arrived to their destinations and attacked the garrisons. Reinhart, having learned his lesson in Feldkirch approached Klosterneuburg with caution and attacked as soon as he would receive a signal from his scouts. This town fell easy to the cavalrymen like Saalbach. Kapfenberg was a bit of a challenge for the First Army - Veteran soldiers mixed with mercenary groups. It fell in the evening and the town's ruling official had been captured.

Third Week... April 4


Colonel Ritter took his forces and patrolled the plain lands of Lasalse, conquering farmsteads, family villages and purging bandit hideouts. The cavalrymen were exhausted from striking three settlements, Reinhart chose to accept that fact and act accordingly.

The First Army struck Kufstein and conquered it after two days of combat.

Fourth week... April 11


The First Army arrived to Wolfsberg and sent a messenger to the garrison. The message requested them to surrender or die. They surrender under the condition that they wouldn't be harmed or treated unfairly by the occupiers. Small settlements and agricultural communities were being taken care of. No, no executions or pillaging... Just Roaming around establishing the fact that Lasalse has fallen into Rumankian occupation pretty much. The nation's leaders, influential figures and some high ranking members of the nation's society have been gathered up by the military and brought to it's capital. A new governor arrived at the meet and a number of documents have been signed by these people... Thus ending the war.


Fourth Republic of Rumanka - 634 deceased/417 wounded

Sovereignty of Lasalse- 2500+ deceased/4300+ wounded

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Praustein Summer 1802 News

Kasrulian Treason!

Former Kasrulian Generals that swore an oath of loyalty to Emperor Vulkar himself have been found guilty of conspiracy against the very nation that fought to protect them. The execution date has been set fr this Monday. Story continues on page four.


New Research


With innovation occurring at rapid speeds across the globe, Emperor Vulkar has announced that a third research Institute will be built in Praustein to aid in the nation's quest for innovation. Lead scientists applaud this decision and most military generals have had positive comments regarding this. Although many economists feel the nation is neglecting the economy and should instead focus on expanding the countries infrastructure. More on page 3.

Rumankan Aggression Continues

The war mongering nation of Rumanka continues its unjust quest of conquest to the east. Recently the backwards nation has launched an invasion against the neutral nation Lasale, sparking outrage amongst many government officials. What will the outcome be? Will the Rumankans ever stop? What can and will be done about this? More on page 5.


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