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Nation Building Nation-States: Empires of Valinor - Additional IC

The Sloanians agreed to that demand, sending a five-man emissary group to discuss with the Master of Aklburgh.


3 Jul. 1800

"Thank you. We'll take the offer to stay here. After all, marching in that hot climate has gotten us pretty famished." General Orbert chuckled when he looked over his shoulder and pointed his eyes at a number of the lesser commanders.

"Before we proceed any further," Orbert batted his brown eyes towards the old rider.

"Do you have a name I can remember you by, sir dragoon?"

Shireling said:

After crossing the pass, Praustein's armies encountered no resistance and even friendliness from the villagers and farmers that lived along the road to the capital. By nightfall after a five day march, they were welcomed into the small city of Toneyton by gleeful townfolk. Kasrulburgh lay just across a narrow cobblestone bridge.
The army sets up a camp just outside of the village and men are sent in to assure the Villagers that they will remain unharmed as well as recruit any who wish to join the "coalition" forces. After this is done, the Armies Lead General, Kaiser Vulkar and a small band will approach the main gates of the capital city with the white flag of truce raised.

The old man coughed and replied. "I am Timothy Festus of the Greensmark. These men and women before you are some of the finest cavalrymen in the World, the Greensmark of Kalm."

The younger rider, Andrew as he was introduced, trotted over to Orbert and his group, as he was to function as their guide and custodian.


The Slonian emissaries are greeted by the Master of Aklburgh in his grandiose, carved wooden town. The Master himself is a portly man of considerable age wearing spectacles and a blue suit that is one size too small alongside a tricorn hat. His legs frittered at a blistering pace as he guided the Slonians down his voluminous hallways and galleries.

"And so you see," He began at last, after a few minutes of drolling on about this and that, "we are willing to support any fair foreign ruler that will respect the current status quo in Kasrul. We believe, however, that Praustein gaining control of the country would mean an end of trade with Slonia and Halsbourg, which would devastate the river economy. Thus, I can give your men rest and provisions and send them on their merry way to overrun the Prausteinians. I will not, however, directly commit my garrison to the slaughter. You will be on your own beyond these walls. Although... For a small fee, we could perhaps charter enough river ships to smuggle at least a contingent of your men into Kasrulburgh."


As the Prausteinians approach, marksmen draw beads on them from the walls.

"Halt! Who goes?" One of the soldiers shouted out imperiously.
The Sloanian emissaries accept that proposal. In addition, to allowing the status quo to remain and accepting the small tool for river passage.


4 Jul. 1800

"I'll keep those names in mind." Orbert smiled.

The second army had replenished themselves for the night. In the morning The men gathered their things, equipment and fell back into line. Orbert located somewhere in the mob of soldiers told the men to march and follow the young rider.

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After navigating down a network of dirt roads, past farmsteads and villages, the Rumankans and their guide came to a moss-covered, stone road.

"This is the Capital Road," said the rider, "it leads straight to the fields outside the Capital. The Prausteinians are most likely upon the gates of the city already, I wouldn't expect a welcoming committee. Godspeed, sons of Rumanka."

And with that, the rider rode off into the brush and disappeared.


Navigating up river, six barges pushed by oarsmen against the current made their way with no lights towards the capital. The dark of night had fallen and most of the Slonian soldiers, six thousand of them, were sleeping in the cramped confines of the cargo holds.

The Master Boatsman stood on deck with the Slonian leader of the contingent. "I will vouch for you. Your men will be smuggled aboard after we clear the river gates."
Shireling said:

As the Prausteinians approach, marksmen draw beads on them from the walls.

"Halt! Who goes?" One of the soldiers shouted out imperiously.
Kaiser Vulkar, a rather tall and impressive man with a chiseled face and freshly trimmed ginger beard steps forward from the small diplomatic contingency.

His hands are outstretched, palms outward showing his peaceful intent. Unlike the rest of the coalition, he has no visible weapons.

"I am General Kaiser Vulkar, son of Krieg Vulkar. I am the leader of these forces, near 18,000 strong. I have come under the banner of peace in order to parlay with your King, hoping to find a peaceful resolution"

Meanwhile at the Village

The other Generals, figuring that a detailed map and even a navigator would be useful to the campaign, they send in men to recruit a navigator form the local village and acquire any and all maps of the area and country.
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The King of Kasrul was young, 16 in fact. His father had died of typhus and he had ascended the throne two years ago. Up until a few months ago, his Queen functioned as a Regent. Now, however, she was nowhere to be seen.

The throne room was a large vaulted chamber made of marble, showing the thousand years of age it bore.

The King himself was seated on the throne, a young man with barely stubble on his face dressed in a black suit with a sash draped about his chest. He tapped his fingers on the chair imperiously as his men showed Kaiser and a few of his men in.

He sat, eyes piercing the Prausteinian general, waiting for him to speak.
Kaiser noticed the Kasrulian's King's young age almost immediately. It was not a shock however, often times King's would die and leave their young son's as rulers. The King's lack of experience could be a blessing- or a curse.

Kaiser bowed lower and stood up a straight.

"An honor to meet you your majesty". "I assume you already know why I am here and so I will get to the point"

"My Father, Emperor Krieg, has no wish for a bloody conflict between our two people. As you know, Kasrulian culture and history can trace it's roots back to Praustein, where some of the first humans appeared on this great continent. It is for that reason my Father feels that our people, and the other neighboring nations around us, share a common bond must stick together. hence why he does not wish for a bloody conflict, rather a peaceful resolution."

"Unfortunately, the meddling of the aggressive outsiders and the Romunkan's have made that outcome very unlikely, but hope is not lost. If you just accept our preposition, even just on the terms that your army allies itself with ours to fight the Slonians and Romunkans and then we discuss negotiations between us, we may still salvage this yet. With our forces combined, its unlikely the Slonains and Romunkans will risk a full out war against us and retreat back to their pits"
The King tapped his fingers.

"Why should I submit to the desires of a foreign king when I have been ordained by God to rule this land? It is mine and mine alone and I owe no fealty to you, nor to Slonia and Rumanka."


The massive portcullis of the Capital's southern river gate laid in front of the barges, anchored in the ebbing stream of the Kasrul River.

The Master Boatsman was on the dock, talking to several guards. After a brief interrogation, the portcullis was raised and the barges allowed to pass. From the deck, the Slonian officers could see the dim candlelit windows and torch lamps burning. Nobody was out this late, save drunkards and prostitutes. The barges navigated to a docking area, where a gangplank was thrown down from each. Once again, the Master Boatsman went forward to talk to the Customs Authority. Money changed hands and the men shook on some silent deal. Then the customs officer stuck a wad of paper money in his pocket and walked away. The Boatsman made a waving signal, and the crew began prodding the Slonians out of the hold. The army silently crept up from the boats to organize on the wharfs. They had successfully infiltrated the city.
Shireling said:
The King tapped his fingers.
"Why should I submit to the desires of a foreign king when I have been ordained by God to rule this land? It is mine and mine alone and I owe no fealty to you, nor to Slonia and Rumanka."


The massive portcullis of the Capital's southern river gate laid in front of the barges, anchored in the ebbing stream of the Kasrul River.

The Master Boatsman was on the dock, talking to several guards. After a brief interrogation, the portcullis was raised and the barges allowed to pass. From the deck, the Slonian officers could see the dim candlelit windows and torch lamps burning. Nobody was out this late, save drunkards and prostitutes. The barges navigated to a docking area, where a gangplank was thrown down from each. Once again, the Master Boatsman went forward to talk to the Customs Authority. Money changed hands and the men shook on some silent deal. Then the customs officer stuck a wad of paper money in his pocket and walked away. The Boatsman made a waving signal, and the crew began prodding the Slonians out of the hold. The army silently crept up from the boats to organize on the wharfs. They had successfully infiltrated the city.
Kaiser nodded his head.

"Of course of course. You will rule your land until the Gods see fit to have it otherwise. My Father is not proposing that you abdicate your throne and give up your country. Far form it. unlike the Slonains and Romunkans, who conquer nation to whom they have no ties to and do so only for power and gain, me and my Father seek to unite the Praustein people into one glorious Empire, ruled by Kings form only the most proven bloodlines, such as your own."

"Our proposition is simple, you have you army help us fight off the Slonians and Romunkans and afterwards you agree to join under a union of sorts with the Praustein Empire. You would still rule your lands almost independently, you would just be foribidden to make military agreements that go against Praustein and to invade nations without our permission. You would be required to have a standing army and use it when we call for it. In return for your services, the Praustien army will ensure that no nation dare invade your lands and force nations into deals that benefit both our people's and economy. We will use our resources to help improve your nation's infrastructure such as constructing a port. And, because of your armies help my Father will give up the former land of Mikalbourg for you to rule as your own."

"I urge you to accept this deal, the Slonians and Rumunkans will not give you the same, and if they do, it will merely be a lie to entice you to join them. The Slonians are outsiders foreigners to this land and cannot be trusted. The Romunkans, as well as the Slonians have invaded other neutral nation for no reason. We on the other hand have only invaded nations in order to unite the Praustein people and we have kept our word on all agreements we made. By accepting our deal you will have ensured your people's safety, as well as expanding your influence and improving the lives of your people."
The King rose from his chair. "I will convene with my advisors and return to you promptly."

The young ruler turned on his heels and left the room, boots clicking on the stones.

Hours later, while Slonian soldiers were sneaking into the city, the advisors were meeting in the King's chambers.

"Your majesty, I implore you, no, plead with you to accept this deal!" The wisened old General Karbruck shouted. "The Slonians will tear this palace to ruins, rape our country!"

"But General," a softspoken finance minister joined in, "the Slonians have marched across the West without incident. This is an obvious power grab by Praustein."

"Both sides cannot be trusted!" Exclaimed the Captain of the City Guard. "We need to secure the city. With supplies from Aklburgh, we can last a siege."

"Aklburgh has fallen to Slonia. Rebelled! Joined the rabble!"

The King silenced the cacophony of noise. "Silence! We will turn these Prausteinians away. And then hold out against the foreign onslaught here."

"Are you mad?!" Karbruck exclaimed. "We cannot fight forty thousand men! You're leading this nation into oblivion, Your Majesty!"

"Silence, lest you lose your head!"

Someone pulled a gun in the crowded room and discharged it. Swords were drawn, pistols fired. The small room was filled with smoke. After the gunsmoke had cleared, General Karbruck and a few of his lieutenants emerged more or less unscathed. The rest of the leadership of Kasrul was lying bloodied upon the floor. The young king lie on his back, stabbed through the throat, staring up at the ceiling.

A few minutes later, General Karbruck emerged in the throne room. He walked forward and shook the Prausteinian's hand. "I am Henri Karbruck, commander of the armies of Kasrul. His majesty has taken a lie down, the stress you see, but he has given me the authority to accept your offer. Your men will be allowed inside the gates at once."
Once word had reached, that the Prauestein army was camped outside the city gates, and that an emissary had arrived. The entire Sloanian' forces, were ordered to discard any and all markings that marked their uniforms as Sloanian - in addition, they would divide themselves into several small groups and would spread out, throughout the city; in waiting to ambush the Prauestein's.



8 Jul. 1800

The second army have tread long and far on the plain lands of until they approached a river. Orbert scowled when he saw the rippling surface of the vast snaky body of water and frowned. Crossing the river would only slow their advance and the chance of being caught by the enemy while crossing it is also at large.

A small number of men are to search for a bridge so that they can continue their advance towards the acclaimed capital that those horsemen have mentioned.

Shireling said:
The King rose from his chair. "I will convene with my advisors and return to you promptly."
The young ruler turned on his heels and left the room, boots clicking on the stones.

Hours later, while Slonian soldiers were sneaking into the city, the advisors were meeting in the King's chambers.

"Your majesty, I implore you, no, plead with you to accept this deal!" The wisened old General Karbruck shouted. "The Slonians will tear this palace to ruins, rape our country!"

"But General," a softspoken finance minister joined in, "the Slonians have marched across the West without incident. This is an obvious power grab by Praustein."

"Both sides cannot be trusted!" Exclaimed the Captain of the City Guard. "We need to secure the city. With supplies from Aklburgh, we can last a siege."

"Aklburgh has fallen to Slonia. Rebelled! Joined the rabble!"

The King silenced the cacophony of noise. "Silence! We will turn these Prausteinians away. And then hold out against the foreign onslaught here."

"Are you mad?!" Karbruck exclaimed. "We cannot fight forty thousand men! You're leading this nation into oblivion, Your Majesty!"

"Silence, lest you lose your head!"

Someone pulled a gun in the crowded room and discharged it. Swords were drawn, pistols fired. The small room was filled with smoke. After the gunsmoke had cleared, General Karbruck and a few of his lieutenants emerged more or less unscathed. The rest of the leadership of Kasrul was lying bloodied upon the floor. The young king lie on his back, stabbed through the throat, staring up at the ceiling.

A few minutes later, General Karbruck emerged in the throne room. He walked forward and shook the Prausteinian's hand. "I am Henri Karbruck, commander of the armies of Kasrul. His majesty has taken a lie down, the stress you see, but he has given me the authority to accept your offer. Your men will be allowed inside the gates at once."
Kaiser smiled and shook the General's hand. Judging by the sounds he had heard, this seemed to be Kasrul's new leader.

"I am sure my Father will be pleased to hear that you have accepted. i assure you he will be hasty to show his gratitude. First however, we must repel the invading forces. Fortunately, we already have a plan to do so and are ready to put it into motion. Before I continue, I will need a detailed map of your country side, reports on where the enemy armies are and as many men as you can muster. We set out in the morning"
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As the sun rose next morning, the town heralds went throughout the city posting this message:


Police forces and civil servants were crucial in spreading the call to arms. By the lunch hour, a force of roughly 7,000 confused, eligible fighters were mustered in Liberty Plaza. Members of the town watch were instructed to take the names of the militiamen and issue them weapons. Regular soldiers from the town's garrison and veterans were appointed officers and issues sabers. By the dinner hour, the militia was ready to fight.


Kasrul's most senior commanders had laid maps out on the tables, instructing General Vulkar and his staff on what to expect.

"Scouts confirm that ten thousand men under the Rumankan banner left Kalm five days ago and made march in good haste. Assuming they found the covered bridge there, they are now less than six miles from the western walls of the city. The Slonians, on the other hand, we have little intelligence on. Spies have reported that they were allowed into Aklburgh with ten thousand, but the force that scouts saw traveling north along the river was much smaller, about five thousand. The other half of their army is unaccounted for."

The Kasrulians looked to their Prausteinian counterparts with resigned confusion. "That's all we know."


After finding a small covered bridge, the Rumankans had camped for the night outside of a thin band of marsh and floodplain between them and the old fortress walls of Kasrulburgh. This section of the wall was older and had been quarried to build nearby structures, but this breach in security could easily be a bottleneck for an attacking force.


9 Jul. 1800

General Orbert had sent one hundred men to cross the bridge early in the morning as the sun was rising and bathing the land in a golden light. The essence of this force was to gain intel and make contact with the capital. The ninety men had split up in trios and scattered around the premises of the western area from the capital. They were to alert the main army of an oncoming attack, bring down scouts and if given the chance, try to infiltrate the capital city. These men communicate to the main force through the use of mirrors, have to sadly whisper to one another when they try to communicate and lie camouflaged with what little material they could muster from the marshlands.

Ten men went straight for the capital to make contact with the settlement's inhabitants - They probably wont be seen again.


Meanwhile those hundred where off doing their mission, the rest of the army stayed behind the river and fortified it. The general had found only one such bridge and saw this as an advantageous spot for his forces. For his hatred of rivers has also fostered some unconventional elements to some of his tactics. Later that evening one of his trios that he sent came back from their scouting trip and reported that Kasrul's capital is at the hands of the enemy. He made the decision to fortify the area indefinite. Once their positions where set the commander had detached another two hundred men who are in charge of reconnaissance - they'll watched other areas such as the north and south of the rivers

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While most of the Sloanian' managed to stay hidden, a few of them took the risk - with more normal and approaching Kasrul' skin-tone. About a hundred men had infiltrated the hastily constructed militia under the overlordism of the Prausteins. They would be the most bravest and honored men later, in Sloania - as if able, they would be the ones to sabotage the Praustein' armies campaign.
By the morning, the militia had been mustered and and alerted that Rumankan troops were on the other side of the river and that spies had been captured.

The men of Kasrul awaited the orders of the Prausteinians and prepared for the inevitable battle.
Morning has arrived and with it a fresh set of problems. The Romunkan Army has been spotted on the other side of the Northern River. Fortunately their spies have been captured.

The Praustein Army will be leaving these prisoners behind with the Detachment of 1,000 troops that will be fortifying the Bridge on the Eastern River, ensuring that the Pruasteinian Army has a defendable position to fall back to if needed. The Fort will be constructed to take advantage of the small bridge that servers as the only river crossing but will be designed to be defendable from all sides. The Romunkan Prisoners will be interrogated for all the information possessed. The interrogates are ordered to get every last drop of info, no matter what.

The Rest of the Army will split into multiple groups.

A 6k Detachment of the 1rst Army will immediately set off to eliminate the remaining Slonian Troops (They assume the rest left the country).

A 1k Detachment of the 1rst along with the 6k Militia will enter the Capital in order to prepare the defenses. 500 of the 1rst Army will replace the Palaces garrison and the Rest plus 1k of the Militia will set up a defensive position around the Palace. 3k of the Militia will be ordered to guard the walls, with a god sized portion near the breach in the wall. The remaining 1k will guard this breach in the wall.

The Remaining 10, the 2nd will set up an opposing defensive fortification across the Rivera from the Romunkans, effectivly designed to create a stalemate. If thawed Romunkans were to cross the Bridge to attack these fortifications, they would sustain as many losses as the Prausteins would if they went to attack them. 4k of these troops will be garrisoned until further notice in these fortifications, while the other 6k will be on standby, ready to move out at a moments notice. Scouts will be sent up and down the river looking for other crossings in order to properly attack the Romunkan Army.

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The bright morning sun was unobstructed by clouds or vapor, and laid the dewey marshland barren and naked to it's radiant heat.

The sound of rapid and menacing snare resounded as the militia made ready for the defense of the capital. Shops were shuttered, businesses temporarily closed and defended from looters by civilian volunteers, mostly women and old men.

They marched up the cobblestone streets, identified as the Grand Army of Kasrul by their wintergreen uniforms, or by green armbands with the horse and

and sickle insignia of the nation.

Fortifications were made along the river. Both armies could clearly see one another, banners flapping in the breeze, but neither was close enough to merit firing off their weapons. The Prausteinians and militiamen were initially set back by the marshy ground before wooden planks were taken from the town to strengthen the fortifications.

Meanwhile, within the city, the town watch in conjunction with the garrison had taken up positions on the ramparts. The Palace looked like a fortress, with guardsmen posted at all corners and fortified with makeshift barricades.

High above, the sun blazed and welcomed the oncoming bloodshed.

And to the south, a Prausteinian detachment had stumbled upon a shallow, calm place to cross the river in flat bottom boats. The only issue would be building the boats.
Within the city, in the palace in conjunction with the northern fortifications, the Garrisoned troops had built a large bonfire with green leaves on top of the tallest tower. The Troops in the fences to the north had done the same. If the garrisoned troops saw the Slonian army marching towards the capital, they would light the bonfire and let the smoke burn. If the city itself cam under attack, they would fan the smoke to create puffs. The Northern Bonfire would do the same if they came under attack. The two "communicators" would also use mirrors and the light of the sun to communicate via Morris Code if needed although this method would be unreliable due to their distance. (Forgot to add this, the Westenr camp is part of this system as well)

The Praustein scouts were pleased by this discover. Most would stay behind and begin what construction they could on the boats while a few runners were sent to the town with orders to bring up the needed supplies and bring Civilian workers to work on the boats.

The scouts to the north would continue to look for a Bridge or a river crossing.
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(Alright, my post for this then)

The Sloanian's in the city, soon got planning on overthrowing the garrison and remaining Praustein' forces here. The main focus, would on eliminating the Praustein' forces first - since they were the most trained and discipline - as such, they would be the first to be overrun and killed, followed by the palace. And then the rest of the forces would be then spread to handle the militia.

As soon as that idea was in place, Sloanian militiamen would be started and sent between each and every group. Each group would get a single militiamen, who'd inform them of the signal, to start the battle. The group would then send their own runner - so to limit the amount of information spreading. It was adamant, that the runners remain hidden, and if need be, kill themselves to evade capture.

For the the few Sloanian' militiamen - they agreed, to sabotaging Praustein' efforts, once the fighting began in the Capital.


Over in Aklburgh - with the likely heard fall of Capital to Praustein' forces. The Sloanian army, that of the four-thousand men, would garrison Aklburgh and prepare to fight-off the invading Praustein' forces.
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9 Jul. 1800

Evening rolled onto the fortified area of the Rumankian side of the river. The air was clean, fresh and smelled of dry grass. The landscape was being covered in a dark blue shade as the red sky sank into the horizon as it was pressed by the cool night sky.

A platoon consisting two dozen Rumankian soldiers and four stubborn jackasses approached a thinly spread woodland. One man stopped the platoon and hung a lantern over one of the trees. The men took out their axes and hatchets and started chopping for the night. These men were tasked to bring more wood to help improve the structures for their fortifications. Firewood isn't necessary since they already had charcoal back at the command center for various purposes.

A number of acres away a small house came to life when an orange light blared from it's windows and some silhouettes could be made out from the distance. It would seem some people haven't fled the land. When the four soldiers met with the inhabitant of the farmhouse the stories all sounded the same. All these people had was their land, their farm and they couldn't leave because then they couldn't make money and would either end as casualties of war or as starving refugees. The Rumankian soldier conversing with the man asked for permission to work the available farmland. The man couldn't say no because it benefited his family with more food and out of a subconscious fear. The four soldiers bowed their heads politely at the man and left the farmhouse to continue surveying the land.

A dome shaped structure, made from various materials such as dirt, metal, wood, clay and a special type of mud protruded from the flat earth around it, surrounded by walls and a premature labyrinth of passage ways. inside this dome was General Orbert Werner with a three other officers surrounded by ten guards. The general had both of his hands on a round table, which was filled various maps, navigation tools and wooden figurines that represented them and the enemy forces. The man was racking his head at the predicament he was in and biting his thumb nail.

"Bloody hell..." He stopped chewing on his thumbnail and glared at the red colored figurines going south from the river.

Scouts that have been sent south kept watch of the moving army awhile the northern scouts are continuing to follow the river.

Edit: Ten Rumankian soldiers are being interrogated by persons of Praustein.

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