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Fandom Naruto: Shinsekaichitsujo - Settings/Locations


Elder Member


The Five Great Nations

  • The Land of Fire (???, Hi no Kuni) is one of the largest and most powerful countries in the series, and the home of the main characters of the series. Its government leader is the Fire Daimy?. The Land of Fire was the first country to adopt a ninja village, Konohagakure, a custom other countries would soon adopt. The Land of Fire is appropriately oriented towards the element of fire, typically having very bright and warm weather. While not the physically largest country, it has the largest hidden village.

    The Land of Fire has been involved in wars with the Land of Lightning, the Land of Earth, and the Land of Wind. In the quiet years that followed, the Land of Fire slowly recovered, and became accustomed to peace.

Major Villages

  • ~Village Hidden In The Leaves~

    Over the years, The Village Hidden in the Leaves has become the center of almost everything - trading, military and diplomacy are almost always taking place within Konohagakure and the Hokage themselves also seem to have much 'leeway' within the happenings of it's area - the people of Konoha village are known to be well rounded ninja who are always eager to offer a friendly hand to just about anyone who really needs it.

    The Village itself definitely reflects on its outlook as a Village of peace and multiculturalism. Being known as accepting, they work for their people and seem to always be expanding upon their Village. The village itself seems to have adapted to the wild, skyscrapers and beautiful walkways which scale all throughout the landscape. The village is truly one of the most beautiful sites to behold in the continent and is often an iconic place for tourism or Shinobi with high dreams and hopes.


    The lore of the village itself is also rich, with many building and businessmen dedicating their time and homes into creating a museum like building where they entertain and educate people of all kinds and ages on the great history which the Village holds - Ever since Third Shinobi world war Konohagakure has been known for holding some of the most brightest and most successful Shinobi and if you ever visit, the people there will be sure to make sure you have been educated on their Village's greatness in the past.

Minor Villages

  • ~Amegakure (Village Hidden In The Rain)~

    Located in an unknown part of the world not far off the Land of Water, the village which seems to be always raining thrives on it's industrial-like landscape and steampunk technology mostly deriving from the craftmanship of those in Iwagakure. Amegakure is mostly knownhowever for it's dark alleyways and gloomy living. While it's not always bright here, depending on where you go can also depend on how fun of a time you can have here. This is because Amegakure has been split into two sections, one section known as the 'Commons' is a place where Village's reside and mingle with little to worry about such as crimes and other unfortunate events.


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