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One x One Naruto RP!

@Diran the Thief

Name: Laila Akiyama

Gender: Female

Age:{Naruto} 13-14, {Naruto Shippuden} 16-17, {Naruto Gaiden} 20-21

{Current} Rank: Chunin

Appearance: {Naruto} Longish green hair tied into a side ponytail ,shorter in the back,creamy skin , {Naruto Shippuden} Similar hair but longer in the back,Still taller than most male characters {Naruto Gaiden} Long hair in a pony tail, Became shorter compared to male characters{still taller than most of the girls though}

Village: Leaf

Family: Mother, Hanoko Akiyama {Living}, Father, Akihiro Akiyama {Living}

Clan: Akiyama

Kekkie Genkai: Her clans skills are using a move called "Pillar destruction." she makes pillars come up from the ground and destroys her enemies or attempts to usually making a mess of things which is where destruction comes in.

Team: Ivy Hoshino {OC} Megumi Light {OC}

Personality: Bubbly, Earnest, Friendly, Gourmand

Stats: {Naruto}Genjutsu: 2 {Naruto Shippuden} Genjutsu: 3 {Naruto Gaiden} Genjutsu: 3

Ninjutsu: 4 Ninjutsu:6 Ninjutsu: 8

Taijutsu: 5 Taijutsu:7 Taijutsu: 9

Backstory: Laila's childhood was normal her family was always there for her. Laila eats a lot of food which annoys her parents, teammates and basically everyone else especially because she leaves a mess but she exercises constantly to keep in shape. Her teammates and her were childhood friends, She met Ivy when she was venturing out into the woods
Diran the Thief] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36020-tarasobiki/ said:
@TaraSobiki[/URL] Approved! Just a small note that this takes place in Shippuden.
Okay. So I can begin?

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