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Fandom Naruto: Rain of War

If I were to add another village(teams are starting to bulge), which would you like?

  • Hidden Mist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hidden Stone

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hidden Cloud

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Some other small village like the rain

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't we have enough villages? Just add more teams.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hidden Sand

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Hanarei said:
Ah good, that's fine, personally I have my ??? rank punch that could destroy the world if I want myself. :P
Saitama is fair and balanced, man.
Pentagon said:
We need to start assembling teams at some point.
Agreed, I'm just finishing my character now (And accidentally made another. Shh) and having a team could be nice.
Pretty sure team assembly wise will be handled by the council of evil the GMs. I might be wrong, but typically the GM would be the one to pick out the teams and sort them to kind of build an element of randomness to it like how teams are handled in the show earlier on. ^^;;
We only have 2 rain and 2 leaf characters right now anyway (Officially accepted, that is)
Oh it as. Being a GM who did just that, it is great to match up people who have traits that go against one enough. *restrains wicked evil GM laugh*
Hanarei said:
Oh it as. Being a GM who did just that, it is great to match up people who have traits that go against one enough. *restrains wicked evil GM laugh*
Ooh, remind me not to get on your evil GM side then -hides under blanket- y u p.
I'm a fair evil GM, I am very adamant about telling everyone who joins that their character is likely screwed. :P It is not a proper Anime based roleplay if not at least half of the cast dies by the end *evil laughter*!
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Ah, sadly true, but I don't mind it when a character gets killed if it helps the plot -shushes evil laughter- hush, hush, be a good GM for now. Hush.
I'm not GMing here anyways so I'm just idle speaking. Not like anyone in my games is in this game to hear my wickedness! *Nods innocent*
I swear I haven't forgotten about you all. Just swamped with church and school. Sunday/Monday are my busiest. I'll finish coding for classes and I'll be on.
Also I made another graphic for this role-play if you want to put it in your sigs or what not


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BLUR said:
Also I made another graphic for this role-play if you want to put it in your sigs or what not

I love this man. No homo. Unless he wants it homo.
@Ganryu Is the Roster up to date? Because if it is not, I suspect the people to be accepted would like to get on the official list rather than waiting in suspense.
Hanarei said:
I'm not GMing here anyways so I'm just idle speaking. Not like anyone in my games is in this game to hear my wickedness! *Nods innocent*
Go on with your bad self then, be free.


BLUR said:
Also I made another graphic for this role-play if you want to put it in your sigs or what not


Ooh, great job with these, they look great!
I've Pm'd everyone I've approved. I'll get to that roster when I can, which is probably tomorrow. My characters will also be up tomorrow. We'll try getting teams organized first, then get the IC up.
@Pentagon @BLUR @Adachi @NickiNor

Congratulations, you guys are the first team in the Rain. I'm still messing with Code. The pictures and stats are cool, but hard to keep up on a roster. Imma have to find a better way of doing this.

We have 4 genin in Leaf and Rain. I'm making one more for each, so that'll make 5 each. We could use some more Jonin if anyone would like to volunteer. Also, remember making a jonin makes you roped in as a mini GM(gets a fair bit of influence on ya genin, and I'll be relying on ya.)
Ganryu said:
@Pentagon @BLUR @Adachi @NickiNor
Congratulations, you guys are the first team in the Rain. I'm still messing with Code. The pictures and stats are cool, but hard to keep up on a roster. Imma have to find a better way of doing this.

We have 4 genin in Leaf and Rain. I'm making one more for each, so that'll make 5 each. We could use some more Jonin if anyone would like to volunteer. Also, remember making a jonin makes you roped in as a mini GM(gets a fair bit of influence on ya genin, and I'll be relying on ya.)
I'd make another Jonin, but that seems a tad presumptuous. Also, I fear I'm beginning to run low on original character ideas, so perhaps no more genin either. Also, get hyped Team [whatever ordering system the Rain village uses]! It's going to be a blast.

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