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Naruto: Genin Times

The game proceeded and soon they were half way through the game and Serenity was on the defensive. She didn't let this freak her out though. She was enjoying herself weather she won or lost. She looked up when she heard footsteps approach them. It was one of their team mates. She waved at him with a sweet and warm smile. She giggled a little as he gave his excuse as to why it took him so long but he had not become late yet. "You've still got time. Calm down. Sheesh, and I'm the one that's suppose to be the hyperactive person on the team." She laughed at herself a little and continued to play the game with their sensei. Naruto would never pick up the game but with so many of his friends still hanging around she couldn't help but pick it up from Shikamaru since he hung out a lot because he thought of a lot of stuff was a drag and shoji was worth playing and it was a way to spend time with and guard Serenity. "We're just in the middle of a game of shoji. I'm not very good but I try. I'm Serenty, by the way, Serenity Uzumaki. Nice to meet you."
The graduation ceremony was over.

Fennik stood there, sleeping

He then woke up, almost having a heart attack.

He ran off.

He saw his teamates and approached them, he really hoped he wasn't in danger.

"Oh hello there, sorry for being late I had some cough problems cough"

(But really though, sorry for being late, some personal problems and stuff.)
Kanahabi had just finished making his move, when another one of his genin charges arrived. He was about to lecture him, when he blurted out his excuse. It was a good one, so he smiled at him, "I'll let this pass, since all of you are so fresh. Next time though," He paused and glared at him, "Their won't be a next time."

He smirked at Serenity, "We'll have to finish this next time, little Uzumaki." He made the ram hand sign, and the shogi board disappeared in a poof of smoke. He regarded the girl silently, before smirking again, "But nice strategy, even though it was a bit poor in execution.. it shows me that you can think." It was his version of a compliment, and he didn't care what the girl though of it. He stood up from his position of the ground, and brushed the strings of grass that planted itself on his clothes.

Another genin wandered into their meeting place, and offered another excuse. They were already a few minutes late, so he decided to forgive him.

"Now that we're all here," He sent a glare at Fennik and Kentaro and continued, "Now we can all properly get to know each other. First you will introduce yourself, state your likes and dislikes... anything that makes you happy, or makes you angry. And then you will tell us your motives for wanting to become a shinobi, and your aspirations for the future. I will start, so you guys can get the drift of what I'm talking about."

He cleared his throat, and stood up straight, "My names Kanahabi Uchiha, you may call me, Sensei, or Kanahabi-chan. You may never however call me Uchiha-san. My likes are training, reading, and twirling kunai, my dislikes are few, but make me irritated nonetheless, I will not tell you however, so you guys can witness what happens when I come to contact with those dislikes."

He scowled, "And as for my dreams for the future... I do not know, but I will get back to you as soon as I figure it out." He finished with a smirk, before continuing on, "Now, lets hear from little Uzumaki brat."

@FennikKun, @SerenityAngel, and @SoraHikara
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Serenity smiled at him as he put the board game away, "I look forward to it. Heh, like I said, I'm not very good but I try my best each time." she said as she got up and dusted herself off as well. She smirked at Kanahabi as he tried and came SO close to a compliment that she couldn't help but giggle. "I get it. Thanks." Once the other two got there she noticed she was the only girl on the team and sighed, "Oh great, here we go." she was less than excited. She would have appreciated at least one other girl that way their team was evenly balanced but she had to deal with what she got. She took a deep breath before relaxing a little and walking over to join her team mates and face Kanahabi-sensei as he began their first lesson. Getting to know each other. Since he started she got the idea and nodded her head and found his information of little use but who knows. Maybe later it will come in handy. When he said that it would be her that goes next she glared at him and gave a slightly irritated point at him, "Hey, didn't we just get through this discussion? You're being rude again. I'm not a brat." after that she put her hand down and gave a small smile, "My name is Serenity Uzumaki, but I prefer Serenity, though a lot of people call me Kitsune-chan(Fox) not that I care anymore." she shrugged her shoulders after that and continued, "I enjoy training, ramin noodles, singing and dancing. I don't have really any dislikes, but I hate people being mean just for the fun of it because there's no need for it and it makes no sense. "My dream is to become Hokage after my father and one day surpass him." she smirked as she was the spitting image of her father with a bit of her mother thrown in here and there. She was a perfect mix to be a great ninja in her own right. "If ya wan to know anything else, just ask." that is where she ended her introduction and waited for the others to make themselves known.
Kanahabi nodded at her introduction, "Good," He looked over at Fennik and Kentaro, "Take over for her, hero boy."

He pointed at Kentaro and smirked, "By the way great job for passing the Academy Graduations. I know its hard when your clanless and have no parents."

He walked over to him and patted him on the back, "Just make sure you don't let these gaki's pass you."

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Kentaro gave a small sigh in thanks that his team and his sensei were so forgiving. According to the Hokages' daughter, he apparently had not even been late, which was a definite relief to him. He wasn't even the last one to arrive. It was Fennik that was the last one to show up. But he only showed up a few moments after himself so he wasn't exactly late either. Their new sensei and Serenity stopped playing their game and their proper team introduction began.

Their sensei, the now introduced Kanahabi, introduced himself first. The team didn't end up finding out his dislikes nor did he have a goal but at least he appeared honest about the rest of his introduction. Serenity then had her turn and he ended up finding out a lot more about her than he had originally known. She seemed like the honest and brash type, a lot like their current Hokage when he was a child if the stories about him were true. It was a good characteristic and one that he liked. He couldn't help but smirk at her honest goal that she shared. Kentaro had a feeling that she'd make a good team mate.

He couldn't help but feel a little patronized by the comment that his sensei to be had made. He had a feeling that it was meant to be a nice compliment, but the way he had said it, seemed almost condescending. He gave a little frown but quickly changed it into a polite smile. He knew the mechanics of seniority and he wasn't much of a rebel. Kentaro was in fact quite the pleasant and polite young boy.

"Thank you for your words of encouragement sensei," he said. And then began his introduction after he was invited to.

"My name is Kentaro Takumiya," he said with a small bow of his head. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you," he said flashing them a smile.

"My likes include swords," he started, patting the wooden sword on his back "training, reading, trying and cooking different foods." he told them.

"These are also the things that make me happy I suppose," he said before adding "but i've started reading about seals and learning about that is really fun as well," he said with a bright smile.

"Dislikes and things that make me unhappy are bullies, people that take what they have for granted and those that look down on others."

"As for my dream for the future," Kentaro smirked and shot a glance to the blonde haired girl.

"Is to be Hokage." He declared with a strong conviction.

"As someone with no amazing bloodline or ability, or someone that comes from a noble clan, I want to prove that someone like me can still be the best."

He paused for a moment and then smiled again.

"That is the end of my introduction. Thank you for listening," he said with a polite smile once again.
Kanahabi smirked at Kentaro's introduction. It was quite interesting, to say the least. The genin was interested in kenjutsu and fuinjutsu, and the genin was clanless too! The brown haired genin reminded him if a certain red haired clan.

"Nice.." He smirked, "Interesting choices, Kenjutsu and Fuinjutsu."

He raised an eyebrow, "Most genin prefer more flashy stuff like ninjutsu and the like.."

Kanahabi glanced at the wooden sword he strapped across his chest and frowned. "We'll need to find you a sword as well.. A crudely shaped wooden stick won't do." He muttered.

Snapping out of his musings, he whipped around to meet the last of the genin.

"Nara boy.." He regarded the shadow user with a smirk, "Your turn."

Fennik looked at his sensei for a moment and then to the rest of his team.

"My name is Fennik, I like eating, sleeping, playing videogames and such."

He said with his hands behind his head.

"I dont like having too much work to do, but , well, I guess that'll happen alot if my wishes come true."

He paused as a smile grew on his face.

"My goal is being a hokage, pretty much like all genin like me."
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"Are you freaking kidding me!?" Serenity shouts, when both of the boys declare their goals of being Hokage, "Is everyone's dream to be hokage? Seriously? People can't come up with original dreams, like being a doctor or an anbu black ops or something?" she felt like being Hokage was a hard enough task but to have so much competition was going to make it a near-impossible task. "I guess a united dream is one form of teamwork. At least we all have that in common, though you said you didn't know what your goal is, sensei."
"Hey! I've had this dream since I was very little. Not my fault." she said with a bit of a pout before sighing and following Kanakabi-sensei and made sure to keep up and gestured for the other to genin to fallow quickly so they would not be left behind. She wondered why they were heading downtown and not to a training area. She wanted to ask where they were going but she adhered to Kanahabi's request not to ask questions so she didn't say anything.
Kentaro was a little surprised at the fact that all three of them had wanted to become Genin. That certainly was unusual. Serenity did make a point. There certainly were many other jobs that they could have chosen but instead they all picked the Hokage. Even the lazy look Fennik chose being the Hokage as his goal. It was definitely unexpected. Regardless though he couldn't help but smile at the information. He felt a little connection form between his team mates. Seeing as they all had the same goal, there would be no one to tell them that it's impossible and that they should give up on that idea. And on top of that, it set the stage for an awesome rivalry. He shrugged.

"Perhaps it's because we all idolize the Hokage, sensei" Kentaro offered to the question his sensei brought up. He turned to Serenity and smiled.

"I've had the same goal since I was very little as well." He turned to Fennik.

"What about you Kussen-san? Did you decide you wanted to be the Hokage when you were young as well?"

Fennik turned to him.

"Not really, the Hokage saved me one day. I was in a store which was being robbed, luckily he was near and helped, then I promised to myself I wold become one and help people."

Fennik said that like it was the most normal thing.

He almost asked where they were going, but he just shut up halfway through.

"Where are w-"

He then slid his hands inside his hoodie's pockets.
Fennik started to say something, but Kanahabi sent him a glare and he immediately stopped. They were now at the village square, fruit vendors set up shop, and Konoha civilians traveled to and fro with bags of goods hanging on the crooks of their arms. Sweets and spices wafted through the air, making even those that had just eaten a whole meal lick their lips in hunger. This was the center of Konohagakure no Sato, otherwise known as the village hidden in the leaf.

All three genin followed blindly as he maneuvered through the bustling streets. "We'll eat at this one place I know, and then I'll fill you in on whats going to happen." He smiled at them warmly, his cold attitude disappearing as quick at it had shown up, "Sound good?"

He led them to a small restaurant, called Harigamou's, and ushered them into a booth. He took a seat and grabbed a menu, "The restaurant is a little small, but the foods one of the best in Konoha, order anything you like."

@FennikKun, @SerenityAngel, @SoraHikari
Serenity had been to the market many times and most of the time it was with her father and mother and they would tell her the stories of when they were genin and discovering themselves and their adventures. It was one of the few times she could spend with them as a normal family. It hardly ever happened but she was happy when it did. She was shocked when he brought the three of them to a restaurant and ushered them into a booth. When he grabbed a seat and a menu. She couldn't help it but something didn't seem right. "You're not gonna stiff us with the check are you?" She asked as Kakashi had done that to her father a couple of times and so had a few others. She didn't want to get fooled and would display some kind of intelligence.
Kanahabi stared coldly at the Uzumaki girl, before bursting out in a loud laugh. "That was funny," He smirked as he brushed away tear, "Very funny."

His expression switched instantly serious, "But truly, pick anything you want. This is just a congrats on becoming genin."

A small waitress approached them, "Welcome to Harigamou's, how may I help you?" She inquired softly.

Kanahabi smiled at her, and a small blush painted itself on her cheeks, "I'd like one Unagi dish and a small platter of Soba, and for a drink water would be fine."

The waitress nodded hurriedly and awkwardly looked up at the kids, "And you?"

Kanahabi smiled and gestured for them to order.

@SerenityAngel @FennikKun @SoraHikari
"Yyeeaahh...not that funny. I was being serious." she said as her sensei laughed so hard he began tearing up. It made her look at him like he was crazy. When the waitress came by she smiled and asked her in a happy tone and her signature grin with those prominent whisker marks on her cheeks , "Can I get the Sashimi and some Kinpira Gobo, please?" She was very polite and sweet but she did have her father's appetite for good food but her mother's manners.
Their sensei was certainly odd. He too didn't really see the funny side of what Serenity had asked him but chose not to say anything. After all, their sensei was being generous enough to treat them to a meal. He leaned in to whisper into Serenity's ear as their sensei was ordering.

"I heard that it's tradition that jounin sensei's treat their new teams to a meal," he said before quickly sitting up straight again so that Serenity could make her order. When the waitress came to him, he gave her a small warm smile and said:

"May I please have a small serving of the curry rice, and some green tea."

Kentaro was not particularly hungry but he would never turn down a free meal.
Fennik let out a small brief chuckle seeing how his teammates interacted.

As the woman approached, Fennik looked at her.

"I would like a "Super Chicken Teriyaki" "

Fennik tried to order something not too much expensive, but he couldn't resist asking for that.

Fennik felt embarrased, as he didn't know what to talk about with his team.

He then remembered something.

"Hey Sensei, why did you bring us here ? is it a mission ?"

He started praying inside his mind that it wasn't a mission of finding a random cat his father always told him about.
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Kanahabi waited patiently as the genin ordered. He looked up at Fennik when he asked him a question, "Mission?" He briefly studied the dark haired Nara. "It's too soon to be doing missions," He smirked and winked at them, "Besides you're not even genin, yet. You haven't even passed my test."

The waiter rushed into the kitchen, and a few clatter of plates later, brought their plates to the table. Kanahabi nodded politely at her, and the waiter blushed and promptly left the table. He started the small platter of Soba, quickly slicing up the large shrimp and sliding it into his mouth.

He motioned towards the genin, "Eat, and then you'll see why this is my favorite restaurant," He sipped on the glass of water.
"Oh boy, yippy, another test. You're gonna be like Kakashi-sensei, aren't you?" She asked but didn't expect an answer and as soon as her food was brought she dug right in but with the reserve and manners of her mother and not those of her father. She enjoyed the flavor that filled her mouth as she took her first bite. It was rather good but she always thought her mother cooked better but this was alright.
Fennik started eating.

"So good." He thought, after the first bite, he started eating faster and faster until he finished.

He let out a small sigh after he finished eating.

He waited for the rest of the team to finish eating, as he was the first to do so.

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